Artifact 2 A Look Forward
Artifact 2 A Look Forward
Artifact 2 A Look Forward
Cody Azevedo
National University
This is a short paper about a plan looking forward for the next 5 years of my professional
committed myself to several professional development activities over the next 5 years. These
etc. that will lead to evidence of achievement recognized in my projected place of employment.
Running head: A LOOK FORWARD
As a first year student teacher teaching in the Santa Ana Unified School District, I have
a student teacher I have developed many valuable strategies to becoming a more qualified P.E.
Recognizing certain areas where professional growth and development is needed in order
As I look forward, I see a great opportunity for more growth and development from both a
towards the completion of my induction program and to have my teaching credential cleared. I
believe the induction program will be very resourceful and a significant learning experience for
well as other professional developmental programs that new teachers have access to.
Running head: A LOOK FORWARD
professional organizations for physical education teachers, such as The National Association of
Sport and Physical Education (NASPE) and The American Alliance for Health, Physical
Education, Recreation and Dance as soon as possible (AAHPERD). These two organizations are
great resources for physical educations teachers and will improve my knowledge and enhance
my professional practice which will allow me to provide better instruction for my students. My
primary goal in year three is to continue to grow and develop as a teacher by attending
workshops, conferences, and taking additional courses so I can expand my experience as well as
workshops and conferences, and seminars in an effort to learn more about supporting students
with diverse needs. I plan to attend programs and training for English Language Learners for the
necessary teaching strategies and making other necessary modifications and accommodations. In
order for me to accomplish this, I need to develop a broader understanding of the different
English Language Development (ELD) standards and classifications as well as other resources
I have the utmost respect and admiration for some people in education that have moved
into administrator/leadership roles in the education community. At the end of my fifth, my plan
Running head: A LOOK FORWARD
education department chair and implement instructional programs that adhere to the districts
Teaching Portfolio: A guide for success. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
National Association of Sport and Physical Education (NASPE). (n.d.). Retrieved from,