A Look Forward

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A Look Forward

"An investment in knowledge
pays the best interest.
Benjamin Franklin

Introduction Continued
In order to achieve my
goals and aspirations as a
teacher, and professional
I have dedicated myself
to lifelong learning. The
following PowerPoint
presentation maps my
current and future efforts
to professionally develop
as a physical educator
and leader within the

As a first year teaching in the Fremont Unified School District I
have continued to reflect and evaluate my own teaching
performance in my quest to completing year one of my BTSA
program. Year one of the BTSA program has shown me many
valued strategies to becoming a more highly qualified physical
education instructor including:
The importance of collectively collaborating with support providers, school
counselors, student study teams, administration, and BTSA support
providers to improve and enhance my teacher practices and performance.
Identifying specific areas where professional growth is necessary to
improve teacher effectiveness
How to create a positive learning environment that is conducive to learning.
How to use professional feedback to analyze student behaviors ; implement
necessary accommodations and modifications, differentiate assessment and
instruction to better support individual student learning needs.
Looking forward I see the potential for a lot of development on
both a personal and professional level.

Year 2
In year two of my
professional development I
intend to continue to work
toward the completion of
BTSA and quest to clear my
teaching credential. BTSA
has been a great resource
and learning experience for
me. I hope to continue to
learn about my learning
community, resources, and
other developmental
programs available to new

Year 3
I would like to become a member of (NASPE) the National
Association of Sport and Physical Education and
(AAHPERD) the American Alliance for Health, Physical
Education, Recreation and Dance as soon as possible.
These two associations are major resources for teacher of
physical education to: enhance knowledge, improve
professional practice, and increase support for high quality
physical education and sport, through research,
development of standards, and dissemination of
information. - American Kinesiology Association (AKA)
My goal is to have actively participated in workshops,
seminars, etc. by the end of year three, in hopes to broaden
my experience and learning outside the classroom.
NASPE offers teaching
tools and guidance
documents to help you
engage with your
students, implement
best practices, educate
parents, and motivate
children to engage in a
lifetime of physical
AAHPERDs mission is to
promote and support
leadership, research,
education, and best
practices in the professions
that support creative,
healthy, and active
Develops and disseminates national standards and
physical education guidelines for children at all grade
Publishes the Strategies: A Journal for Physical and Sport
Educators, a peer-reviewed publication for everyone who
teaches physical education
Offers professional development workshops including
Physical Best, Program Improvement in Physical
Education (PIPEline) and Adapted Physical
Education/Activity Workshops
Offers accreditation for physical education through
Presents exciting new resources for physical educators
such as the newly released National Standards & Grade-
Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical

Information retrieved from http://www.shapeamerica.org/
Year 4
Year four I hope to explore workshops and seminars to better
support the needs of diverse learners. I would like to
participate in programs and training for English Language
Acquisition and Educational Language Instruction. This is
due to the fact I want to create more success for my EL
students by implementing necessary strategies,
accommodations and modifications. In order to effectively
due that I need to develop a deeper understanding of ELD
classifications, resources, and support factors. Time
permitting; I would also like to receive training from The
National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) and the
Council for Exceptional Children (CEC). In hopes to develop
alternative ways to challenge the naturally gifted athletes
often times found in the physical education setting.

Programs Workshops/seminars
GLAD training
Language Acquisition Model
CLAD Certification
Instruction for English
Language Development
Specially Designed Academic
Instruction Delivered in
English (SDAIE)
Project GLAD Tier 1 training
Part One is a 2-day research and theory
workshop, where participants are introduced
to the underlying research that
supports Project GLAD and the sequence of
strategies that makes up a Project GLAD unit.
Part Two is a 4-5 day classroom
demonstration where teachers have the
opportunity to:
Observe a Project GLAD unit being taught in an
actual classroom (mornings)
Debrief the demonstration and plan for their own
implementation of the Project GLAD model and
instructional units in the afternoon.

English Language Acquisition and Educational
Language Instruction
Information above provided from http://www.projectglad.com/ and http://www.ctc.ca.gov/credentials/creds/english-learners-faq.html
Year 4 continued
Time permitting; I would also like to receive training
from The National Association for Gifted Children
(NAGC) and the Council for Exceptional Children
(CEC). In hopes to develop alternative ways to
challenge the naturally gifted athletes often times
found in the physical education setting.

Mission statement We
support and develop
policies and practices
that encourage and
respond to the diverse
expressions of gifts and
talents in children and
youth from all cultures,
racial and ethnic
backgrounds, and
socioeconomic groups.
NAGC supports and
engages in research and
development, staff
development, advocacy,
communication, and
collaboration with other
organizations and
agencies who strive to
improve the quality of
education for all
Information above provided from http://www.nagc.org/Mission.aspx
Council For Exceptional Children
I hope to receive training
and attend local workshops
and webinars of the CEC to
improve the educational
outcomes for students with
I intend to complete
training and programs for
CEC to:
Gain knowledge on current
Develop skills necessary to
advocate for students with

Information above found at http://www.cec.sped.org/
Year 5
Some of the people I respect and admire the most in
education have taken on administrator leadership
roles in the school community. By the end of my fifth
year I intend to begin a new quest towards a
leadership role in education. I intend to begin
working on my administrative credential so I can
take on more responsibility and have a greater
positive impact within my school site, district , and
community. I hope to learn the ins and outs of
education politics in hope to enhance my specific
school site, student learning, and community

Administrative Services Credential. (n.d.). Administrative Services Credential. Retrieved May 18, 2014, from
California Commission on Teacher Credentialing. (n.d.). California Commission on Teacher Credentialing. Retrieved
May 18, 2014, from http://www.ctc.ca.gov/credentials/creds/english-learners-faq.html
National Association of Sport and Physical Education (NASPE). (n.d.). AKA. Retrieved May 18, 2014, from
National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE). (n.d.). Rss. Retrieved May 18, 2014, from
Partner Programs. (n.d.). Shape America Home Page. Retrieved May 18, 2014, from http://www.shapeamerica.org/
NAGC Mission Statement. (n.d.). NAGC. Retrieved May 18, 2014, from http://www.nagc.org/Mission.aspx
Project GLAD. (n.d.). Project GLAD. Retrieved May 18, 2014, from http://www.projectglad.com/

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