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Creativity and Innovation BM006-3-2-CRI Individual Assignment

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Creativity and Innovation 2013





Creativity and Innovation 2013

Executive Summary
This project is a coursework for the module Creativity and Innovation (CRI). The objective
of this assignment as the Product Development Manager of Philips is to introduce a new
product to sustain the competitive position of our company in the market place.

In the documentation of this report, a reader will find the techniques of fact finding and
defining problems for the purpose of establishing the framework for idea generation. This
report also includes the use of the creative tools and techniques in idea generation.
Nevertheless, the author of this report will also focus on the evaluation of ideas and making
comparison against available alternatives.

Creativity and Innovation 2013

Executive Summary ................................................................................................................................ 2

Part I: Problem Statement, Competitor Analysis and Objective Statement ............................................ 5

Problem Statement .............................................................................................................................. 5

Competitor Analysis ........................................................................................................................... 5

Objective ............................................................................................................................................. 6

Part II: Idea Generation ........................................................................................................................... 6

Mind Mapping .................................................................................................................................... 6

Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 6

Illustration ....................................................................................................................................... 7

Outcomes ........................................................................................................................................ 7

Evaluation ....................................................................................................................................... 7

Concept fan ......................................................................................................................................... 9

Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 9

Illustration ....................................................................................................................................... 9

Outcomes ........................................................................................................................................ 9

Evaluation ..................................................................................................................................... 10

Scamper ............................................................................................................................................ 10

Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 10

Illustration ..................................................................................................................................... 10

Outcomes ...................................................................................................................................... 11

Evaluation ..................................................................................................................................... 11

Part III: Product description .................................................................................................................. 12

Opening ............................................................................................................................................. 12

Availability for purchase................................................................................................................... 12

Features ............................................................................................................................................. 13

Function ............................................................................................................................................ 14

Creativity and Innovation 2013
Frequency of usage ........................................................................................................................... 15

Price .................................................................................................................................................. 16

Technologies ..................................................................................................................................... 16

Part IV: Market Identification. .............................................................................................................. 17

Gender ............................................................................................................................................... 17

Age Group......................................................................................................................................... 17

Purchasing power .............................................................................................................................. 17

Occupation ........................................................................................................................................ 17

Part V: Idea Evaluation. ........................................................................................................................ 18

Force Field Analysis ......................................................................................................................... 18

Maximising supporting factors ..................................................................................................... 20

Minimising restricting factors ....................................................................................................... 20

Conclusion .................................................................................................................................... 20

Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................ 23

References ............................................................................................................................................. 24

Creativity and Innovation 2013

Part I: Problem Statement, Competitor Analysis and Objective Statement

Problem Statement
Human beings tend to forget things. It is a widely common phenomenon that people misplace
their keys most of the time and waste a lot of time trying to find and locate them. They even
wish that they could at least call their keys so that they can make sound and find the place
where it may be hidden.

Competitor Analysis
Bringing this product to the market, the company faces competition from Hone and Hipkey.
Both of these are smart key-chains which prevent someone from loosing and misplacing their
keys by sounding an alarm on a special circumstance.

Hipkey Hone
General Overview Hipkey is a device which is Hone is a Bluetooth enabled
connected to keys as a keychain smart keychain made in the U.S.A
and an iphone via Bluetooth. Both that helps find keys attached to it
hipkey and the iphone sound an by using iphone 4s. The hone is
alarm whenever they are synchronised to a special app in
separated at a particular distance. the iphone.
The hipkey is synchronised to a
special app in the iphone.
Uniqueness -Works both ways, can be used to -The phone app supports multiple
find the iphone or iphone can hones, so it can be connected to
used to find the keys. multiple objects with different
-Works automatically whenever hones.
the separation distance hits.
-Has 4 different modes; find

Creativity and Innovation 2013
mode, alarm mode, child mode
and motion mode (anti theft
Limitation -It is only supported by iphone. -Can only be used to find keys
-Hipkey is very expensive. Costs using your phone, so if you lost
around RM270 (USD 90). both the phone and the key, it
means you cannot find either.
-It is only supported by iphone 4s.
-Hone is only available in the
-It is very expensive, costs around
RM150 (USD 50).
Technology -Bluetooth 4.0 -Bluetooth 4.0
-Battery -Battery

The objective of this project/innovation is to come up with a product that will solve the
problem of misplacing and losing keys by locating it using a special device that acts as a
keychain/key holder. The user of this product should be able to use it by more than just a
phone, that means a user can only use their hands to clap or lips to whistle to find the keys.
Nevertheless, the ability of using mobile phone apps to locate the keys shall be maintained
and by widening the variety of platforms supporting the product (forexample; Android,
windows mobile etc.) and most of all, a cheap affordable smart keychain.

Part II: Idea Generation

The idea of this product was brought up by using the following tools of Idea generation:

Mind Mapping

A mind map is graphical way to represent ideas and concepts. It is a tool that is used through visual
thinking and it helps structuring information into a better a way of analysis, comprehension and helps
to synthesise, recall and generate ideas.

Creativity and Innovation 2013

Fig 1. Mind Map diagram.

Outcome 1: Plastic, 20 meters, Analog sound sensor, Solar-power.

Outcome 2: Aluminium, Bluetooth, 100 meters, Battery.

Outcome 3: Steel, Infrared, 50 meters, Battery.

From the above combinations described in three different outcomes, outcome number 1 is the
best combination of the three. The keychain should be of plastic material which will include
an analog sound sensor (receiver), working within 20 meters and powered by Solar energy.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Mind Mapping technique

Advantages Disadvantages

Creativity and Innovation 2013
 Mind maps let a reader immediately  Mind maps inhibit idea production
know what the map is about as the since it is not suitable for chaotic
subject almost pops out of the centre form of creative idea production. It
of the page. For example; Smart provides a structured way of
Keychain was in the middle of the recording information and can refrain
map, it gives a clear picture of what someone from combining ideas. For
the idea is all about. example, from the above idea
generation, it would be better if
Bluetooth technology and analog
sound sensor technology were all
taken into one combination.
 Mind maps show hierarchical  Sometimes, mind maps provide self
importance in a glimpse. Its structure explanatory presentation of
of the branches shows a reader and information. Only participants who
the creator of the map the various took part of the creation of the mind
relations between several pieces of map can see and understand the map,
information. but it’s rare.

 A mind map gives the creator or the

idea generator a whole view of their
idea which enables them to rethink
about several connection possibilities.

 It is easy to use as all the information

is on one piece of paper. One cannot
get out of context so easily.

Creativity and Innovation 2013
Concept fan

Concept fan is an elaborative tool (technique) which works by seeking alternatives by means
of concepts. It constitutes a series of fix points whereby each of them are basis for a
subsequent seeking.


Fig 2. Concept fan diagram.

Outcome 1: Smart Keychain, Functionality, Analog sound, able to specify sounds.

Outcome 2: Smart Keychain, Functionality, Apps, broad variety of platforms.

Outcome 3: Smart Keychain. Energy Source, Solar Power, Use solar energy as the source of

Creativity and Innovation 2013
From the above combinations described in three different outcomes, outcome number 1 is the
best combination of the three although the other outcomes can be used in combination with
the chosen outcome.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Concept fan technique

Advantages Disadvantages
 Concept fan lets the emergence of a  Sometimes this technique let the
lot of new fix points and ideas since it emergence of ideas which may be
is a very systematic method which useful but not innovative.
proceeds step-by-step.
 Sometimes it inhibits innovation and
idea generation because it gives a
limited combination of ideas. For
example, from the above concept fan,
some ideas would be useful if they
were combined in different concepts.


Scamper is an idea generation tool which helps to generate ideas for new products and
services by encouraging individual to think on how they could improve an existing one. It
uses a set of directed questions which someone has to answer about their product
improvement so that they can come up with some new ideas.

Substitute  Substitute an energy source from the existing smart key-
chains. Use solar power instead of battery.
 Substitute material from plastic to other material like steel,
aluminium or rubber.
Combine  Combine technologies. Combine the existing Bluetooth
technology together with analog sound sensor. Use these
technologies individually but make them both available in

Creativity and Innovation 2013
the product.
 Combine materials, plastic material along with rubber coat
on the sides or on top.
Modify  Modify to enable more mobile platforms to support the
functionality of the product. More mobile platforms like
android, windows mobile etc. for apps functionality.
 Modify by adding crystal components on the outer
material of the product to make more attractive.
 Modify/Change design into simple and attractive model.
Put to another use
Eliminate  Eliminate and reduce complex functions like child mode
and motion mode to reduce price and make it cheaper.
 Elimination of unnecessary function will also make it
durable in terms of energy. Hence, energy saving
Rearrange and Reverse

Outcome 1: substitute material, combine technologies, add crystals, eliminate complex functions.

Outcome 2: substitute energy source, combine material, modify design, eliminate complex functions.

Outcome 3: substitute energy source, combine technologies, enable more platforms, eliminate,
complex functions.

From the above outcomes, outcome number 3 is the best combination to be used in the
development of the new product. Substitution of the energy source from battery to solar
power, combination of technologies; Bluetooth technology along with analog sound sensor,
enabling different more mobile platforms to support the functionality of the device and
eliminating unnecessary complex functions will do just fine to the new product.

Creativity and Innovation 2013
Advantages and disadvantages of Scamper technique
Advantages Disadvantages
 Easy generation of new ideas; this  Scamper requires a correct
tool helps individual or a team to environment for it to be proven
generate new ideas by just evaluating effective. It needs an environment
an existing one. that truly influences creativity and not
otherwise, or it won’t be as much as
 This tool also encourages creativity. It
is difficult to come up with ideas if
one is not provided much of creative
influence, hence, by evaluating
existing ideas it inspires to come up
with more ideas.

Part III: Product description

You’re trying to locate your keys which you don’t really know where you’ve kept them. They
are beneath the sofa at the sitting room but you don’t know that. You keep saying, at least if it
was my phone that I’m trying to locate here, I would just call my number using someone
else’s phone.

Smart Keychain is a device which acts as a key holder used to avoid misplacement and losing
of keys. This device sounds an alarm when the owner of the keys claps their hands or whistle
by lips when they are trying to find (locate) their misplaced keys. This device also works with
a mobile phone application by using Bluetooth technology.

Availability for purchase

Philips Smart Keychain will be available globally. This product is going to be made available
for purchase world-wide. The sell of this product won’t focus on a specific region but in a
global market.

Unlike our competitors, our product will be available around the world and not just in the
Creativity and Innovation 2013
The Philips Smart Keychain is a plastic key holder covered by rubber on top of it. At the
middle of the keychain lies a silicon plate which is connected to the internal components. The
silicon plate is used to trap solar energy for power supply. On top of the key is where
speakers can be found for alarm sounding. On the top side as well, it’s found a very small
built in microphone for trapping sound into the device. Below, lights are located which light
as a decoration and an additional feature whereby they light up when alarm is sounding. The
light can also be used as a flash light.

The Keychain comes in various colours to cater different customers’ attraction.


Fig3. Top view of Philips Smart Keychain.

Creativity and Innovation 2013

Fig4. Bottom view of the Smart Keychain.

Smart Keychain functions as follows:

 It sounds an alarm whenever a person claps or whistles using their lips. It can be able
to sense the sound of the clap within 5 meters radius. The device uses analog sound
sensor to sense the clap or the whistle.
The device is able to distinguish between a clap, a whistle and any other sound or
noise. It will only make sound when a certain frequency of sound is detected (ie. A
clap or a whistle).
 It sounds an alarm when the owner clicks find on the mobile phone app available for
different platforms, for example; Iphone ios, android, windows mobile etc. The device
is connected to the mobile phone app via Bluetooth technology. It will be able to
function by Bluetooth within 10 meter radius.

Creativity and Innovation 2013
Most of the time, Bluetooth will be used when the keys are misplaced at a longer than
5 meter radius and cannot be able to trap the sound of a clap or a whistle. Hence,
Bluetooth may be used as backup tool to call for the device’s alarm.
 The device charges itself by trapping solar energy from the sun through silicon plates.

Fig5. Smart Keychain functionality.

Frequency of usage
This device is of daily usage. Anytime a person misplaces or loses their keys may use their
phone app to call for the device’s alarm, if he/she has left it within 10 meter radius they can
definitely find it by following the alarm.

Creativity and Innovation 2013
This device will be sold at around RM50. Due to expenses of the material and the technology
used, it has to cost even more, but then, due to the competitive advantage it will do just fine
sold at RM50.

 Analog sound sensor.
 Bluetooth 4.0
 Solar power (silicon plates).

Our product will be better in terms of technologies used as it has an additional technology of
sound detection rather than just Bluetooth technology. Nevertheless, our product will be
environmental friendly due to energy saving mode by implementing solar power charging
just like small calculators.

Creativity and Innovation 2013

Part IV: Market Identification.

Our product has been targeted to multiple market segments as follows:

This product has been targeted to both male

and female gender. It does not have any
functions or features/properties which are
specified to only one kind of gender.
This product as well, has not been targeted to
Age Group
a specific group of age. Any person of any
age can use this product as long as it caters
their functionality. However, this product is
not going to be functional/useful to kids
under the age 15 who may not have keys or
mobile phones. Hence, this product is mostly
targeted to those people who may have keys
for their house/apartment or car keys etc, and
not what age group they belong to.
This product is meant to be cheaper than
Purchasing power
those of our competitors. We’ve managed to
make cheap by minimising some of
unnecessary functions so that we can reduce
the production cost. Philips smart keychain
will cost around RM50(RM 49.90).
This product can mostly be used by business
people who most of the time have a lot of
issues going on through their minds and tend
to forget other stuff but students and other
occupations personnel can also use this
product as long as they need to.

Creativity and Innovation 2013

Part V: Idea Evaluation.

Force Field Analysis

Force Field Analysis is a management tool which is used in decision making. This technique
helps in making decision by analysing the driving forces and the restricting forces towards a
change. By using this tool, one can decide whether to go ahead the change and increase their
chances of success by strengthening the forces supporting change or by weakening those
restricting it. (mindtools.com)

Creativity and Innovation 2013

Driving Factors Restricting Factors

Need for the product in the market Cost -4


Customers’ desire for new Product recognition -3

technology gadgets +5

Smart Key
Device interference with other devices
Availability of raw material +3 and magnetic fields -2

Competitive desire for place in the Environmental interference -4

market +2

Energy source is environmental

Customer satisfaction on advancement
friendly +2
of the technology -3

+15 -16


Score of driving factors (+3)+(+5)+(+3)+(+2)+(+2) = +15

Score of restricting factors (-4)+(-3)+(-2)+(-4)+(-3) = -16
Total +15 + (-16) = -1

Before recommendation for improvement

Creativity and Innovation 2013
From the Force Field Analysis conducted above, we have identified several factors which
support the development of our new product as well as several factors driving back the
development of our product. In this short recommendation section, two of the driving factors
and two of the restricting factors will be discussed recommendations will be provided in
order to maximise the supporting factors and minimise the restricting factors to improve the
score of the proposed idea.

Maximising supporting factors

Two factors that need to be maximised in the supporting of the proposed product are “Need
for the product in the market” and “Availability of raw material”.

This product is needed in the market by the customers as it caters the functionality of helping
individual locate their keys after misplacing them. To maximise this factor, we’ll need to do a
lot of marketing to gain recognition of the product and to inform the need of this product to
the customers.

Nevertheless, the raw materials needed for this product are easily available. We need to
improve a good relationship with our suppliers as well seal good business contracts with them
so that we get these materials a lot easier and cheaper.

Minimising restricting factors

Two of the factors that need to be minimised which are identified as being bottlenecks in the
development of this product are “Cost” and “Environmental interference”.

By obtaining the raw materials for cheap prices due to good relationship with our suppliers,
the production cost will go down and hence will have better opportunity of selling the
product due to being available in affordable price.

Environmental interference (ie. Sound interference) can be a major difficulty in the technical
part of the product development. However, this problem can be solved by the IT technicians
by developing a perfect sound recognition algorithm which will be able to recognise only a
certain frequency of sound in order the device to be triggered.

Force Field Analysis has been a useful product in identifying several factors that support the
development of the new idea as well as those which may be a threat to the development of the

Creativity and Innovation 2013
product. The identified supporting factors and the restricting factors have been maximised
and minimised respectively in order to increase the score of the proposed idea.

Creativity and Innovation 2013

Need for the product in the market Cost -2


Customers’ desire for new Product recognition -3

technology gadgets +5

Smart Key
Device interference with other devices
Availability of raw material +4 and magnetic fields -2

Competitive desire for place in the Environmental interference -2

market +2

Energy source is environmental

Customer satisfaction on advancement
friendly +2
of the technology -3

17 -12


Score of driving factors (+4)+(+5)+(+4)+(+2)+(+2) = +17

Score of restring factors (-2)+(-3)+(-2)+(-2)+(-3) = -12
Total +17 + (-12) = +5

After recommendation for improvement

Creativity and Innovation 2013

The generation of the new idea has been challenging throughout the project. Different tools
have been used in order to come up with something new and better for marketing purposes.
As companies obtain a huge competition from the market place, creativity and innovation of
new products and services is crucial. This project has been successful in achieving innovation
of a new product to hit the market in the next few years.

Creativity and Innovation 2013

Dbrobot.com, Analog Sound Sensor [Online], Available from:
[Accessed 27 May 2013].

Litemind, What is Mind Mapping? [Online], Available from: <http://litemind.com/what-is-

mind-mapping/> [Accessed 29 May 2013].

MindTools, Scamper [Online], Available from:

<http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newCT_02.htm> [Accessed 1 June 2013].

Ehow.com, What are the strengths and weaknesses of Scamper? [Online], Available from:
<http://www.ehow.com/list_7416939_strengths-weaknesses-scamper_.html> [Accessed 3
June 2013].


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