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 2017 MTR Corporation Limited

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12 September 2017
Issue : 1
Rev : 26 12/9/2017 General Specification for Maintenance Services




1 GENERAL ............................................................................................................ 1-1

1.1 Introduction ................................................................................................. 1-1
1.2 Definitions ................................................................................................... 1-1
1.3 Abbreviations .............................................................................................. 1-2

End of Chapter 1 .......................................................................................................................... 1-2

2 ENVIRONMENT.................................................................................................2-1
2.1 Climatic Conditions ..................................................................................... 2-1
2.2 Environmental Control System ................................................................... 2-1
2.3 Tunnel Conditions ....................................................................................... 2-2
2.4 Station Conditions ....................................................................................... 2-2
2.5 Ambient Conditions for Equipment Rating................................................. 2-2

End of Chapter 2 .......................................................................................................................... 2-3

3 ELECTRICITY SUPPLY ...................................................................................3-1

End of Chapter 3 .......................................................................................................................... 3-1

4 SYSTEM ASSURANCE...................................................................................... 4-1

4.1 Risk Management ........................................................................................ 4-1
4.2 Safety Critical Item (SCI)............................................................................ 4-1
4.3 Other System Assurance Requirements ...................................................... 4-2

End of Chapter 4 .......................................................................................................................... 4-2

5 RAILWAY STANDARDS .................................................................................. 5-1

5.1 Tunnel Dimensions, Gauges & Clearances ................................................. 5-1
5.2 Electrical Clearances ................................................................................... 5-1
5.3 Contact Wire Location ................................................................................ 5-1
5.4 Materials and Workmanship ....................................................................... 5-1
5.5 Fire Resistance Periods ............................................................................... 5-2

End of Chapter 5 .......................................................................................................................... 5-2

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6 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS ...................................................................... 6-1

6.1 General ........................................................................................................ 6-1
6.2 Alternative Standards .................................................................................. 6-1
6.3 Issue of Standards ........................................................................................ 6-1
6.4 Units ............................................................................................................ 6-1

End of Chapter 6 .......................................................................................................................... 6-1

7 QUALITY MANAGEMENT..............................................................................7-1
7.1 General ........................................................................................................ 7-1
7.2 Quality Plan ................................................................................................. 7-1
7.3 Quality Audit ............................................................................................... 7-3

End of Chapter 7 .......................................................................................................................... 7-3

8 PROCEDURES .................................................................................................... 8-1

8.1 Management of the Contract ....................................................................... 8-1
8.2 Personnel Services ....................................................................................... 8-2
8.3 Corporation’s Representative’s Multi-Year Calendar .................................8-2
8.4 Programmes ................................................................................................. 8-2
8.4.1 Contractor’s Master Programme .................................................. 8-2
8.4.2 Contractor's 4 Week Rolling Programme ..................................... 8-3
8.4.3 Programme Format ....................................................................... 8-4
8.5 Monthly Contract Status Reports ................................................................8-4
8.6 Progress Meetings ....................................................................................... 8-4
8.7 Copies of Correspondence and Orders ........................................................ 8-5
8.8 Submission for Approval of Designs, Plans and Procedures ...................... 8-5
8.8.1 Submissions .................................................................................. 8-5
8.8.2 As Constructed Drawings ............................................................. 8-8
8.9 Submission for Approval or Consent Process ............................................. 8-8
8.9.1 Submissions .................................................................................. 8-8
8.10 Inspection and Testing at Place of Manufacture ......................................... 8-9
8.10.1 General ......................................................................................... 8-9
8.10.2 Test Reports ................................................................................ 8-10
8.10.3 Instrumentation ........................................................................... 8-10
8.10.4 Schedule of Tests........................................................................ 8-10
8.10.5 Release for Shipment.................................................................. 8-10
8.11 Tests Ordered by the Corporation’s Representative.................................. 8-11

End of Chapter 8 ........................................................................................................................ 8-11

9 PACKAGING AND STORAGE ........................................................................ 9-1

9.1 Protection & Storage ................................................................................... 9-1
9.2 Packaging .................................................................................................... 9-1
9.3 Packaging of Spare Parts ............................................................................. 9-2

End of Chapter 9 .......................................................................................................................... 9-2

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10 POSSESSION & ACCESS TO SITE ...............................................................10-1

10.1 Possession of Site ...................................................................................... 10-1
10.2 Security Precautions .................................................................................. 10-1
10.3 Transportation to Site ................................................................................ 10-2
10.4 Engineer’s Trains ...................................................................................... 10-3
10.5 Restrictions on Work within the Site ........................................................ 10-4
10.6 Work on or Adjacent to the Operating Railway ........................................10-5

End of Chapter 10 ...................................................................................................................... 10-5

11 SERVICES..........................................................................................................11-1
11.1 Water ......................................................................................................... 11-1
11.2 Electricity Supply ...................................................................................... 11-1
11.3 Temporary Electrical Installations ............................................................ 11-1

End of Chapter 11 ...................................................................................................................... 11-2

12 SAFETY MANAGEMENT...............................................................................12-1
12.1 General ...................................................................................................... 12-1
12.2 Safety Management Plan ........................................................................... 12-1
12.2.2 Safety Policy Statement.............................................................. 12-2
12.2.3 Safety Organization and Responsibilities...................................12-2
12.2.4 Safety Training and Qualification .............................................. 12-3
12.2.5 In-house Safety Rules and Regulations ...................................... 12-7
12.2.6 Safety Committee ....................................................................... 12-7
12.2.7 Programme for Inspection of Hazardous Condition................... 12-7
12.2.8 Job Hazard Analysis ................................................................... 12-8
12.2.9 Personal Protection Programme ................................................. 12-9
12.2.10 Accident / Incident Reporting and Investigation ........................12-9
12.2.11 Emergency Preparedness .......................................................... 12-10
12.2.12 Safety Promotion ......................................................................12-10
12.2.13 Process Control......................................................................... 12-10
12.2.14 Health Assurance Programme ..................................................12-11
12.2.15 Evaluation, Selection and Control of Sub-contractors ............. 12-11
12.2.16 Internal Safety Audit / Review .................................................12-11
12.3 Employer’s Safety Inspection and Audit.................................................12-12
12.4 Breach of Safety Obligations ..................................................................12-12

End of Chapter 12 .................................................................................................................... 12-13

13 EMPLOYER'S PLANT..................................................................................... 13-1

End of Chapter 13 ...................................................................................................................... 13-1

14 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ..........................................................14-1

14.1 Environmental Management Plan ............................................................. 14-1
14.1.2 Policy Statement ......................................................................... 14-1

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Environmental Aspects and Impacts Identification.................... 14-1
Control ........................................................................................ 14-1
Emergency Preparedness ............................................................ 14-2
Resourcing .................................................................................. 14-2
Organization Plan ....................................................................... 14-2
Qualification of the Supervisor responsible for the environmental
issues .......................................................................................... 14-2
14.1.9 Management Responsibility ....................................................... 14-2
14.1.10 Environmental Performance Monitoring.................................... 14-3
14.1.11 Environmental Inspection and Audit .......................................... 14-3
14.2 Review ....................................................................................................... 14-3
14.3 Communication of Environmental Issues ................................................. 14-3

End of Chapter 14 ...................................................................................................................... 14-3

15 AVOIDANCE OF NUISANCE AND POLLUTION ......................................15-1

15.1 Avoidance of Nuisance ............................................................................. 15-1
15.2 Avoidance of Pollution .............................................................................. 15-1
15.3 Waste Disposal .......................................................................................... 15-1

End of Chapter 15 ...................................................................................................................... 15-1

16 SUPPLY OF SPARE PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS ................................16-1

16.1 Details of Supply ....................................................................................... 16-1
16.2 Manufacture and Delivery ......................................................................... 16-1

End of Chapter 16 ...................................................................................................................... 16-1

17 SPECIAL TOOLS .............................................................................................17-1

End of Chapter 17 ...................................................................................................................... 17-1

18 OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS .......................................18-1

18.1 General ...................................................................................................... 18-1
18.2 Maintenance Drawings .............................................................................. 18-2
18.3 Submissions ............................................................................................... 18-2
18.4 O&M Manuals Copyright ......................................................................... 18-3

End of Chapter 18 ...................................................................................................................... 18-3

19 TRAINING .........................................................................................................19-1
19.1 Training Requirement................................................................................ 19-1
19.2 Training Method ........................................................................................ 19-1
19.3 Training Equipment ................................................................................... 19-1
19.4 Testing of Training .................................................................................... 19-2
19.5 Training of Trainers................................................................................... 19-2

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End of Chapter 19 ...................................................................................................................... 19-2

Appendix A - List of Abbreviations ........................................................................................ A-1

Appendix B - Corporation’s Representative’s Multi-Year Calendar ................................. B-1

Appendix C - Structure Gauge................................................................................................ C-1

Appendix D - Safety Management of Hot Work (Separate Volume) .................................. D-1

Appendix E - Risk Control Procedure (Separate Volume) .................................................. E-1

Appendix F - Design Control of Safety Critical Systems and Maintenance Control of

Safety Critical Items (Separate Volume) ....................................................... F-1

Appendix G - Railway Safety Rules and Safety Requirements and Information for
Contractors (Separate Volumes) ....................................................................G-1

Appendix H - Sub-contractor Safety Management ...............................................................H-1

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1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 This General Specification covers the general aspects of the Maintenance
Services. It should be read in conjunction with the Conditions of Contract, the
appropriate Particular Specification, the Schedule of Prices, the Drawings as
listed in the appropriate Particular Specification and any other drawings or
documents forming part of the Contract.

1.2 Definitions

1.2.1 The definitions of terms used in the Contract shall be as Clause 1.1 of the
Conditions of Contract.

1.2.2 Railway – Premises and land in use for railway and ancillary purpose which are
owned by, or are the responsibility of, the Employer.

1.2.3 Reception Track – Track connecting a running line and a depot but within the
limits of the depot.

1.2.4 Running Line – Tracks outside depot limits or sidings on which trains operate
for passenger service.

1.2.5 "Safety Supervisor" shall be as defined in the Factories and Industrial

Undertakings (Safety Officers and Safety Supervisors) Regulations.

1.2.6 Track Related shall refer to work which requires access onto, or adjacent to a
Running Line or Reception Track serving the Operating Railway, Non-Track
Related shall refer to other areas. Unless advised to the contrary in the
Particular Specification or by the Corporation’s Representative Non-Traffic
working hours shall be:- Track Related Non-Traffic Hours working hour for a particular

location is the duration for that location as stated in the Particular

For access to work for pedestrians the duration stated is from

leaving the agreed point of access to the track to when all workers
shall have reached the agreed point of track egress.

For access to the work using Engineer’s trains the duration stated is
from the departure of the Engineer’s train from the agreed point of
embarkation until the latest time of departure of the Engineer’s train
from the work site.

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When simultaneous access to both tracks is required the duration

stated for both tracks shall be used. Non-Track Related Non-Traffic Hours working hour is a duration of

up to 4.0 hours during the period 01:00 to 05:30. The actual time of
commencement to be agreed with the Corporation’s Representative
when agreeing access for the Maintenance Services. The working
period of 4.0 hours shall commence at the agreed location for
reporting prior to proceeding to the works area within the Site and
complete when the Site has been cleared and all of the Contractor’s
staff have vacated the Site.

1.3 Abbreviations

1.3.1 Abbreviations, where used, are defined in Appendix A to this Specification.

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2.1 Climatic Conditions

2.1.1 The following information on climatic conditions in Hong Kong shall be taken
into account when designing equipment and in provision of the Maintenance

Average daily range 5C (most months)
Average maximum shade temperature 32.8C (July, August, September)
Maximum shade temperature 36.1C (August)
Minimum shade temperature 0C (January)

Maximum annual 3000mm
Minimum annual 900mm
Average annual 2200mm
Maximum recorded intensity 320mm/h

For Structural For Operational
Purposes Purposes
Maximum hourly wind speed 133km/h 115km/h
Maximum design gust speed 230km/h 160km/h

Average daily duration of bright sunshine
Minimum 3 hours (March)
Maximum 7 hours (July-October)

Relative Humidity:
Maximum average 87% at 0630 hours (summer months)
Minimum average 60% at 1230 hours (November)

2.2 Environmental Control System

2.2.1 During normal traffic hours the enclosed public areas of all underground
stations are air-conditioned or ventilated to achieve the required temperature
and humidity depending on the ambient conditions. Public areas of above
ground stations are only mechanically ventilated. Tunnel ventilation is
achieved primarily by train movement, which draws outside air via the
ventilation shafts, station boxes and tunnel portals into the tunnels behind trains
and propel tunnel air to the atmosphere via vent shafts, tunnel portals and
station boxes ahead. For some long tunnel sections, ventilation is provided by
mid-tunnel ventilation plant. Air handling units are used in air-conditioned

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stations to cool the mixture of station return air and make-up fresh air before
passing to the passenger areas.

2.2.2 Impulse fans are provided in station boxes, tunnels and ventilation buildings to
maintain air flow when trains are stopped in tunnels. The ventilation system
will be capable of exhausting smoke-laden air from stations and tunnels in the
event of fire.

2.3 Tunnel Conditions

2.3.1 The tunnel ventilation system outlined in Clause 2.2 was designed to maintain
the tunnel temperature within the following limits under the operating
conditions listed.

Normal Operation  35C

Congested Operation  40C (average)

2.3.2 The design condition is 50% RH to 75% RH at 33C in summer. When the
outside ambient temperature is less than maximum the tunnel ambient
temperature will fall accordingly. The rolling stock is air-conditioned.

2.3.3 Due to water seepage, tunnel walls may be wet and free water may normally be
present in the invert. Equipment supplied shall therefore be capable of
operating in such wet conditions.

2.4 Station Conditions

2.4.1 The average design indoor temperature for the station concourse and platform
of air-conditioned stations during normal traffic hours ranges from 26C to
30C for the general public areas when the outside ambient is 33C. When the
outside ambient temperature is less than this, the station ambient will fall
accordingly. Air-conditioning systems for station public areas are not operated
during the non traffic hours. Some equipment rooms in stations and depots are
also air-conditioned.

2.5 Ambient Conditions for Equipment Rating

2.5.1 The ambient conditions under which equipment will be required to function at
the rated level and on which type tests will be based, unless otherwise stated,

Temperature 40C
Relative humidity 95% (Non-condensing)

2.5.2 Certain equipment will need to be rated at more onerous conditions as required
by the Particular Specification and all equipment may be required to operate at
a higher temperature and humidity under short term abnormal conditions.

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2.5.3 There will be considerable moisture content in the air throughout the system
and the atmosphere will be salt-laden and corrosive. All equipment shall be
tropicalised and vermin proofed.

2.5.4 All equipment shall be designed to perform in a satisfactory manner in the

environment in which it is installed and to withstand the effects of high winds,
temperature, humidity, dust, vibration, noise and both water and air pollution.

2.5.5 The system shall be designed such that the continual noise generated by the
installed system shall not exceed a NR value stated measured at 1 metre from
any item of the installed system. The maximum NR values shall be:-

In rooms normally occupied by MTRCL staff NR 45

In all areas designated as public areas NR 55
In all other areas NR 65

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3.1 Power supplies are obtained independently from the two local power companies at 33 kV
with normal commercial tolerances. The various distribution systems within the railway
are as follows:

Sub transmission system 33 kV 3 phase 50 Hz+10% -2.5%

Distribution system 11 kV 3 phase 50 Hz+10% -2.5%
L.V. supply 415 V 3 phase 50 Hz±6%
240 V 1 phase 50 Hz±6%
Overhead Current Supply Nominal 1500V DC
for traction Normal Maximum 1800V DC
Rectifier no-load 1580V DC
Average 1450V DC
Normal Minimum 1200V DC
Occasional Minimum 1000V DC

3.2 It should be noted that the L.V. supply voltages on the railway differ from the present
domestic standards in Hong Kong which are:

346 or 380 V 3 phase 50 Hz

200 or 220 V 1 phase 50 Hz

A phased conversion to the higher voltage is in progress.

3.3 It should also be noted that L.V. supply voltages on the rolling stock are generated at
440V 3 phase 60 Hz.

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4.1 Risk Management

4.1.1 The Contractor shall undertake the following tasks:

a) Identification of Hazards

 Establish effective organization and systematic processes for the

identification and control of hazards and risks.

 Understand and discharge the responsibility for hazard and risk


 Satisfy the relevant requirements of the Employer’s Risk Control

Procedure (P/OD/SMS/003) in Appendix E.

 Support the Employer in conducting hazard analysis work.

b) Control & Reporting of Hazards

 Report to the Corporation’s Representative any identified hazards.

 Develop hazard mitigation measures, in conjunction with the

Corporation’s Representative and/or the Employer’s hazard
controller, for new hazards encountered or registered in the
Employer’s Hazard Registration System.

 Implement hazard mitigation measures.

c) Review of Hazards and Risk Management Audit

 Establish a regular communication channel with the Corporation’s

Representative on matters relating to hazard and risk management.

 Support the Employer in reviewing hazards and auditing the risk

identification and control processes.

4.2 Safety Critical Item (SCI)

4.2.1 The Contractor shall establish systematic control processes to control the
maintenance of any SCIs, as listed in the Employer’s “Design Control of
Safety Critical Systems and Maintenance Control of Safety Critical Items
(P/OD/SMS/004)” in Appendix F. The Contractor shall:

a) Ensure that the staff who carry out works on SCIs fulfil the relevant
Employer’s training requirements and are certified by the Employer.

b) Carry out Safety Independent Check as required

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c) Maintain the records of preventive and corrective maintenance works on

SCIs and make them available to the Corporation’s Representative upon

4.3 Other System Assurance Requirements

4.3.1 The Contractor shall undertake specific system assurance requirements

including Reliability, Availability and Maintainability (RAM) and
Maintenance Requirement Analysis (MRS), as specified in the Particular

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5.1 Tunnel Dimensions, Gauges & Clearances

5.1.1 The Contractor shall comply with the dimensions of the load gauge shown in
Appendix C, Figure 1 for the purposes of loading Engineer’s trains and of
temporary equipment in tunnels during execution of the Maintenance Services.
The Maintenance Services shall not infringe within the structure gauge as
shown in Appendix C, Figure 2.

5.2 Electrical Clearances

5.2.1 The minimum electrical clearance between any non-insulated 1500V d.c.
conductor and earth or any metal which may be connected to earth, irrespective
of whether either point is moving or static, shall normally be 115mm. Under
certain circumstances the Corporation’s Representative may approve a lesser
clearance and the Particular Specification contains details of other clearances
which apply under particular conditions.

5.3 Contact Wire Location

5.3.1 The height of the contact wire above rail level will be as follows:

Running lines tunnel 3900 mm

open sections 4100 mm

Depot general nominal 5000 mm

road crossings 5000 mm minimum

5.3.2 The contact wire lateral displacement, measured from the normal through the
track centre line, will be:

Running lines ±200 mm maximum

Depot ±200 mm maximum

5.4 Materials and Workmanship

5.4.1 Wherever practicable, materials shall be used which do not support combustion
and which do not give off noxious or toxic fumes when heated. Where it is not
possible to meet these requirements, materials subject to the Approval by the
Corporation’s Representative shall be selected which provide the minimum
practicable hazard, and care shall be taken to minimise the spread of fire if it

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5.4.2 Materials employed throughout the Maintenance Services shall be of the

highest grade, free from defects or imperfections, unused and of recent
manufacture and of a classification to fully conform with the Specification.
Where standard specifications do not exist, materials shall be to the highest
grade currently adopted within the industry and be subject to the Approval of
the Corporation’s Representative.

5.5 Fire Resistance Periods

5.5.1 Structures have been designed so that the various different areas will have
minimum fire resistance periods (FRP) as set out below:-
Underground and other Above ground and other
Element structures incorporating structures without
developments above them development above them
Stations 4 hours 2 hours
Substations including 4 hours 2 hours
traction infeeds and
Cable Tunnels 4 hours 2 hours
Ventilation Buildings 4 hours 2 hours
Staircases 4 hours Shall have a FRP not less
than the longest period
required for any of the
compartments serviced by
the staircase.

5.5.2 Contractors shall ensure that in no way does Goods supplied or installed by
them reduce the FRP of any area.

5.5.3 This would include, for example, ensuring that ducts, whether for air or for
cables, interconnecting one area with another shall themselves have an FRP
equivalent to the highest FRP required, and that all holes for cables and pipes,
and other services in floors, walls and ceilings shall be plugged to ensure full
isolation for fire purposes.

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6.1 General

6.1.1 Goods and, where appropriate, materials and workmanship shall be in

accordance with the requirements of the standard specifications nominated in
the Particular Specification or where no standard is nominated the Contractor
shall make a proposal which shall be subject to the Approval of the
Corporation’s Representative.

6.2 Alternative Standards

6.2.1 The Corporation’s Representative may accept alternative standards, in which

case references in the Particular Specification to British Standards or to IEC
recommendations shall be taken as being to the accepted alternative standards.
The Contractor shall when required by the Corporation’s Representative submit
copies of such alternate standards in the English language, to demonstrate that
the equipment is of equivalent or better standard to that specified. When the
Corporation’s Representative rejects such alternative standards, the
requirements of the Particular Specification shall prevail.

6.3 Issue of Standards

6.3.1 When a standard or recommendation is referred to, it shall be assumed that the
revision applicable on the date of issue of Letter of Clarification prevails,
unless otherwise stated.

6.4 Units

6.4.1 SI units shall be used in the execution of the Maintenance Services. All
drawings and calculations submitted or in accordance with the requirements of
the Contract, shall use SI units.

6.4.2 Where a Contractor offers Goods or other materials for which drawings using
units other than SI exist, drawings marked up with SI equivalent dimensions,
converted in accordance with internationally recognised conversion factors,
will be acceptable subject to the Approval of the Corporation’s Representative.

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7.1 General

7.1.1 The Contractor shall implement a quality management system in accordance

with the requirements of ISO 9001:2000.

7.1.2 The Contractor shall also ensure that equivalent Quality Management Systems
are implemented by all sub-contractors.

7.2 Quality Plan

7.2.1 Within 4 weeks of the date of the Letter of Acceptance the Contractor shall
submit for Approval a Quality Plan comprising the following:

a) a section detailing the approach and structure of the Contractor's Quality

Management System to fulfil the requirements of the Contract and ISO

b) a quality policy statement signed by chief executive officer of the

Contractor (or other senior executive officer agreed by the Corporation’s
Representative) declaring that the Contractor shall ensure that Quality
Management is given the highest practicable priority in all aspects of the
Contract and in discharging his contractual obligations. In the event that
the Contractor is a consortium, partnership or joint venture, such
statements shall be submitted by each of the companies comprising the
consortium, partnership or joint venture;

c) contract details including contract title, contract number and location of

the Contractor's main works and head office;

d) a summary of the requirements of the Contract;

e) a detailed organisation chart identifying the responsibilities, authority and

interrelation of all personnel who manage, perform and verify work
affecting quality. The organisation chart shall be specific to the Contract;

f) all documented quality assurance procedures to be used by the Contractor

for the execution of the Contract and in the fulfilment of the requirements
of ISO 9001:2000;

g) a summary of all sub-contract packages including details of how the

Contractor proposes to manage these sub-contractors; and to ensure that
the relevant quality system requirements of ISO 9001:2000 are observed
and implemented by the sub-contractors in the execution of the works
sub-contracted. This requirement shall also apply to the Contractor's
control of suppliers; and

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h) a complete set of performance indicators to be adopted to measure and

monitor at planned intervals the suitability and effectiveness of the
Quality Management System established and implemented for the
Contract throughout various stages of the Contract, relating to:

i. customer satisfaction;

ii. conformity to requirements of the Contract;

iii. conformity to Quality Management System requirements;

iv. characteristics and trends of the quality of the deliverables provided

for the Contract and works outputs; and

v. performance of the sub-contractors and suppliers employed by the


i) the frequency and the responsibilities for collecting, analysing, evaluating

and monitoring the information as specified in Clause 7.2.1 h) above;

j) the procedures to be adopted by the Contractor in:

i. periodically reviewing the performance indicators collected in

accordance with Clause 7.2.1 h) above;

ii. detecting trends of performance;

iii. identifying and initiating opportunities for preventive action and

continuous improvement; and

iv. monitoring the follow-up actions to be implemented;

k) the Contractor's detailed audit programme for internal, sub-contractor and

supplier quality assurance audits.

7.2.2 The Quality Plan shall be updated from time to time to incorporate any
necessary changes, and shall be re-submitted for Approval.

7.2.3 Inspection and Testing Plans shall be submitted for Approval at least 4 weeks
prior to commencement of the related works. The Contractor shall maintain a
list of all proposed Inspection and Testing Plans for every activity requiring
inspection. Inspection and Testing Plans shall include and identify at least the

a) the sequence of inspection / testing activities;

b) the inspection / testing requirements of either activities or materials;

c) the acceptance criteria or relevant specification;

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d) the level of inspection required including the provision for witnessing by

the Corporation’s Representative or his representative;

e) any certification requirements or records to be kept; and

f) records of any nonconformance identified during inspection or testing.

7.2.4 Notwithstanding the requirements of the Contractor's Quality Management

System he shall retain all Inspection Certificates, Test Certificates and
Certificates of Conformity which shall be made available for inspection by the
Corporation’s Representative.

7.2.5 The Contractor shall implement the Quality Plan and continuously maintain an
effective Quality Management System in accordance with the Quality Plan.

7.3 Quality Audit

7.3.1 The Contractor shall submit at the request of the Corporation’s Representative
any document which relates to his Quality Management System, including
internal quality audit reports and sub-contractor and supplier quality audit

7.3.2 The Corporation’s Representative shall conduct compliance audits of the

Contractor's Quality Management System during the Contract. Not less than 7
Days notice will be given by the Corporation’s Representative. During the
audit by the Corporation’s Representative, the Contractor shall provide all
necessary access, assistance and facilities to enable the Corporation’s
Representative to verify that the Quality Plan is being properly and fully
implemented. The Contractor shall assign suitably qualified staff to
accompany the Corporation’s Representative in the audits. This requirement
shall apply irrespective of the Contractor's Quality Management System
certification by any third party certification body.

7.3.3 The Contractor shall agree with the Corporation’s Representative following an
audit any corrective and preventive actions required and the dates by which
these actions shall be completed. The Contractor shall provide evidence either
in verification audits carried out by the Corporation’s Representative, or by
submission of further documents to demonstrate that all agreed corrective and
preventive actions have been satisfactorily completed by the agreed dates.

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8.1 Management of the Contract

8.1.1 The Contractor shall submit to the Corporation’s Representative, within the
period stated in the Particular Specification, for his Approval the names,
qualifications and experience of all key personnel prior to their commencing
work on the Contract. The function, responsibility and authority of each
person represented shall be defined. Any changes or additions to the key
personnel shall be submitted to the Corporation’s Representative for his
Approval. The Contractor shall give prior notice to the Corporation’s
Representative on any changes of key personnel and shall ensure that such
changes will not affect the maintenance services.

8.1.2 Contractors who do not have a Hong Kong Office or Approved Hong Kong
Agent shall include a local representative as part of the key personnel required
under Clause 8.1.1. The local representative shall be appointed not later than
within the period stated in the Particular Specification. The local
representative thus appointed shall be able to take up the liaison role between
the Contractor and the Corporation’s Representative and be vested with the
authority to bind the Contractor in all matters relating to the timely and
satisfactory execution and completion of the works.

8.1.3 Within the period stated in the Particular Specification and before the
commencement of actual services at Site, the Contractor shall have obtained all
necessary consents and approvals and have complied with the prevailing Laws
of Hong Kong applicable to the services at Site to be undertaken under the

8.1.4 Every letter, facsimile, progress report, variation order, transmittal and all other
documents exchanged between the Contractor and MTRCL shall be assigned a
unique document identifier by the Corporation’s Representative. The
Contractor shall maintain an indexing system and shall increment the document
identifier consecutively for all Contractor documents. The format of the
identifier will be provided by the Corporation’s Representative. All
correspondence indexes shall be maintained electronically using commercially
available database management programs. The correspondence indexes plus a
licensed copy of the database management program shall be available to the
Corporation’s Representative in an Approved electronic format.

8.1.5 When required in the Particular Specification, within 30 (thirty) days of

Contract Award, the Contractor shall establish an electronic mail (E-mail)
facility so that documents may be transferred between the Contractor's base
and the Corporation’s Representative. The facility shall be capable of
transferring word processor document files, drawing files, and general data
files of the type applicable to the Maintenance Services without the need for
special encoding or decoding. The facility shall be compatible with the

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Employer's E-mail system. The use of the facility shall not preclude the
Contractor from the obligation to transmit all documents, communications etc.
by the usual hard copy means. Such E-mail facility shall remain in place until
the expiry of the Contract.

8.2 Personnel Services

8.2.1 The Contractor shall employ suitably qualified and experienced personnel to
deal with all matters relating to the terms and conditions of employment of his
employees and those of his sub-contractors.

8.2.2 The Contractor shall establish, in conjunction with the Immigration

Department, a procedure for co-ordinating and processing all applications for
visas, work permits and the like for all expatriate personnel employed by him
and by his sub-contractors in Hong Kong.

8.3 Corporation’s Representative’s Multi-Year Calendar

8.3.1 The Corporation’s Representative has adopted a multi-year calendar for the
Maintenance Services which is included at Appendix B. The Contractor shall
adopt an identical calendar for the purposes of programming the execution of
the Maintenance Services and it shall be used in all cases where week numbers
are converted to calendar dates or vice versa.

8.3.2 A week begins 00:00 hours on a Monday and ends at 24:00 hours on a Sunday.
The completion of an activity or the achievement of an event when given as a
week number shall be taken to mean midnight on the Sunday at the end of the
numbered week. An access date or activity start date when given as a week
number shall be taken to mean the instant in time following midnight at the end
of the numbered week.

When referring to week numbers:

a) The figures to the right of the stroke refer to the year.

b) The figures to the left of the stroke refer to the week number of the year
as defined in the Corporation’s Representative’s multi-year calendar.

8.4 Programmes

8.4.1 Contractor’s Master Programme The Contractor’s obligations to complete the Maintenance Services

and constraints to the availability of information, the Site, materials
or any other matter are set out within the Contract including, the
Appendix to the Form of Tender and Specification. To demonstrate
the compliance with these obligations, the Contractor shall submit

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to the Corporation’s Representative, within the period stated in the

Particular Specification, for Approval a Master Programme. The Master Programme shall:

a) be in the form required by the Specification;

b) show the order of procedure and periods during which the

Contractor proposes to carry out the Maintenance Services, the
relationship between the Maintenance Services and the
information to be provided, and any other information as
required to be shown by the Specification;

c) show the time allowed for activities in order that the Contractor
can fulfil his obligations under the Contract On receipt of the Contractor’s Master Programme the Corporation’s

Representative shall within the period stated in the Particular
Specification or 45 days whichever is the shorter inform the
Contractor that :-


the Programme demonstrates compliance with the Contractor’s

obligations and is Approved


that the programme demonstrates compliance with the Contractor’s

obligations but requires additional information, alteration or
clarification. Such changes will be identified by the Corporation’s
Representative. The programme shall be Approved in Principle and
shall be resubmitted with the requested changes incorporated.


the Programme does not demonstrate compliance with the

Contractor’s obligations or does not include sufficient details or
omits critical interfaces and is not Approved and should be revised
and resubmitted.

Once Approved the Master Programme shall be used as the basis of

monitoring progress.

8.4.2 Contractor's 4 Week Rolling Programme

Four-week Rolling Programmes shall show in detail all activities that are in
progress or due to start within four weeks of the date of issue of the Rolling
Programme. The 4-week Rolling Programme shall be amplifications of and be
based on the Contractor’s Master Programme.

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Four week Rolling Programs shall be submitted on a bi-weekly basis.

8.4.3 Programme Format

All programmes submitted by the Contractor shall be in the form of Gantt


8.5 Monthly Contract Status Reports

The Contractor shall prepare Monthly Contract Status Reports, which shall be submitted
to the Corporation’s Representative by the day in the month stated in the Particular
Specification. The Contract Status Report shall contain but not be limited to the following

Front Page :



Following Pages:

A narrative on the job progress specifically including :-

1 Summary - Matters of Concern

2 Safety & Quality Issues
3 Programme / Overall Project Progress
3.1 Performance Summary % Completion
3.2 Achievement of Key Dates
3.3 Updated Programme to reflect progress (Attachment to report)
4 First Line Maintenance
5 Second Line Maintenance
6 Regular & Preventative Maintenance
7 Spares / Tools / Special Equipment
8 Training
9 Contractual / Commercial
9.1 Payments / Interim Payment Application / Interim Payment Certificate issued
9.2 Variation Orders Received
9.3 Claims / Potential Claims
10 Contractor’s Resource (Details of all staff and contractors for the services)

8.6 Progress Meetings

During the execution of the Contract, the Corporation’s Representative shall call such
meetings as he deems necessary to discuss the progress of the Maintenance Services. If

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required by the Corporation’s Representative, a responsible representative from the

Contractor shall attend such meetings. In general meetings will be held monthly, but can
take place more frequently if required. Meetings shall be conducted in Hong Kong at the
Corporation’s Representative’s premises and minutes of these meetings shall be issued by
the Corporation’s Representative.

8.7 Copies of Correspondence and Orders

8.7.1 Two copies of all internal and external orders placed by the Contractor for
Goods or materials required for the Maintenance Services shall be forwarded to
the Corporation’s Representative at the time of issue. All orders shall state the
Corporation’s Representative requirements for inspection and testing and shall
bear the Contract reference and the Contractor’s name and address and shall
indicate where applicable the part of the Maintenance Services for which the
material is required.

8.7.2 Distribution of copies of the orders shall be in accordance with the

Corporation’s Representative instructions. The documentation so distributed
shall include the full specification of the material ordered with all drawings and
supporting matter.

8.8 Submission for Approval of Designs, Plans and Procedures

This clause shall only apply for work instructed by a Variation Order.

8.8.1 Submissions The Contractor shall submit designs, general arrangement, layout

and detail drawings, calculations, schedules, certificates/letters of
Approval, Plans and Procedures as required by the Specification,
samples, patterns and models for Approval in accordance with the
Conditions of Contract. For any item of work which may affect the environment of areas
which MTRCL staff or the public normally occupy the Contractor
shall submit a Method Statement detailing the work to be carried
out and actions to minimise the disturbance. The work detailed in
the Method Statement shall not be commenced until the Method
Statement has received the Corporation’s Representative’s consent. Within the period stated in the Particular Specification the

Contractor shall submit to the Corporation’s Representative a
schedule of date and content of submissions. The Contractor shall within the period stated in the Particular
Specification, submit details of the names of manufacturers of
materials and equipment which he proposes to incorporate into the

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Maintenance Services. The information to be submitted to the

Corporation’s Representative shall include performance, capacities,
sizes, internal circuit diagrams, certified test reports. The
Corporation’s Representative shall advise if further information is
required and shall reject any parts, which in his opinion are
unsatisfactory, or not in compliance with the specification. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for procuring and co-
ordinating relevant information from different sources prior to
submitting such information to the Corporation’s Representative for
Approval. When any system to be supplied by the Contractor is controlled by

computer, micro processor or other programmable equipment, the
Contractor shall submit all software listings, flow charts,
programmes, instructions and other supporting documents so that
the Employer has a complete set of information relevant to the
system in question. The Contractor shall ensure that the Employer
is granted all necessary rights to use the software embodied in the
equipment and that there are no restrictions attaching to the use of
any information supplied by the Contractor which might later
prevent or hinder the Employer from modifying, adapting or
extending the system. The Contractor shall within the period stated in the Particular
Specification confirm to the Corporation’s Representative all details
that could affect the shape or strength of main structures, including
access requirements, and shall be bound by such details when
preparing further design criteria or design details for submission to
the Corporation’s Representative for Approval. If at any time after
confirmation of the details referred to above the Contractor finds
that revision to the same cannot be avoided, he shall immediately
submit full information concerning such revision to the
Corporation’s Representative for Approval. The Contractor shall submit to the Corporation’s Representative for

Approval drawings showing details of plinths, foundations, lifting
hooks, inserts, cutouts and penetrations. All information affecting
building work shall be submitted to the Corporation’s
Representative for Approval within the period stated in the
Particular Specification. A set of stage work drawings shall be submitted for the consent of
the Corporation’s Representative for each phase of the Contract
showing details of any temporary stage work to be used. Submissions submitted by the Contractor for Approval shall be

produced in accordance with the following:-

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a) Unless otherwise specified submissions shall be in triplicate.

b) The drawings shall be submitted on 'A' series sheets as

specified in BS 3429. All drawings shall be titled, numbered,
dated and where applicable shall incorporate a graphical scale.
First angle projection shall be used and the drawing labelled

c) When general arrangement and layout drawings are submitted,

details of the Goods and other materials to be installed in the
area shall be supplied. Such detail shall include all space
requirements for installation, maintenance and replacement,
service connections required, environmental requirements,
weight, foundation and fixing details, and all other

d) When schematics or diagrams are submitted, they shall be

accompanied by all the necessary supplementary information to
describe the function and operation of the equipment.

e) When drawings are revised and/or re-submitted for Approval,

all the revisions shall be clearly defined and located on all
copies and the drawing number shall contain a revision letter or

f) The Submissions shall be accompanied by a Submission

Approval Request form giving the following information:-

i. The Submission identification number including the

current revision letter or number.

ii. The Submission title.

iii. The date of submission.

iv. Sufficient supplementary information to enable the

Corporation’s Representative to reach a decision including
a brief description of the latest revision. Incomplete Submissions which are provided for information or

comment only, or to illustrate alternative solutions, shall be
submitted outside the Approval system. Two copies of such
Submissions shall be submitted. Detailed manufacturing drawings
will not normally be required for Approval but shall be made
available for examination or shall be submitted for comment if the
Corporation’s Representative requires. Calculations and schedules shall be submitted in line with the above
insofar as applicable. Unless otherwise required by the Particular
Specification, one only of any sample, pattern or model shall be

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submitted for Approval. The sample, pattern or model will be

retained by the Corporation’s Representative. Nothing in the foregoing shall preclude the Corporation’s

Representative from requiring any other design, drawing,
calculation, schedule, sample, pattern or model if he considers it
necessary to explain any point of design, installation, operation or

8.8.2 As Constructed Drawings

Within the period stated in the Particular Specification the Contractor shall
submit a schedule of all drawings submitted in accordance with G8.9 detailing
drawings which have been modified since Approval or consent. The
Corporation’s Representative shall advise within four weeks which drawings
showing the Maintenance Services as constructed shall be submitted by the
Contractor for the Approval of the Corporation’s Representative. The
Drawings shall be prepared in AutoCAD DXF format Version 12 or later, run
on MS-DOS Version 5 (refer to the Corporations CADD Standards and
Drawing Standards Manual) and the submission shall include:- two full size
prints, one full size reproducible, two 35 mm aperture cards and one AutoCAD
file per drawing. Subsequent modifications shall be incorporated. The
requirements of Clauses b), c), d), e) and f) shall apply to such

8.9 Submission for Approval or Consent Process

8.9.1 Submissions All submissions and any changes or modifications requested by the

Corporation’s Representative or proposed by the Contractor during
the course of the Submission approval or consent process shall be
made in accordance with the Specification and at the expense of the
Contractor. For Submissions submitted in accordance with the
schedule detailed in Clause the Corporation’s Representative
shall issue a decision sheet to the Contractor within a four week
period after receiving such submissions. For submissions not
submitted in accordance with the schedule detailed in Clause
the Corporation’s Representative shall inform the Contractor within
a reasonable period.


that his submission is Approved or has the Corporation’s

Representative's consent

which means that the Contractor’s proposals have the full Approval
or consent of the Corporation’s Representative subject to the
condition that no increase to the Contract Price arises as a result

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thereof and that any associated placing of orders, manufacture or

erection may proceed. Such Approval or consent may be
conditional on the correction or alteration of some minor aspects of
the Contractor’s submission.


that his submission is Approved in Principle or has consent in


which means that the Contractor’s proposals are generally

satisfactory subject to the condition that no increase to the Contract
Price arises as a result thereof but that some significant aspects
require correction, alteration or clarification. Such unsatisfactory
aspects will be identified by the Corporation’s Representative and
those areas in which the placing of orders, manufacture or erection
may or may not proceed (subject if appropriate to qualifying
conditions) will be listed.


that his submission is Not Approved or has no consent

which means that in the opinion of the Corporation’s Representative

the Contractor’s proposals fail to meet the requirements of the
Contract or would be detrimental to the operation of the Plant. The
unsatisfactory aspects will be listed by the Corporation’s
Representative. Within 2 weeks of being informed that the submission is Approved

or has consent the Contractor shall submit 2 further hard copies of
the submission. Any drawings, calculations or other information submitted for

Approval or consent which are, not fully Approved by or do not
have full consent of, the Corporation’s Representative shall be
revised and resubmitted by the Contractor in accordance with the
Conditions of Contract. The submission shall be within four weeks
of receipt of the decision sheet or other period as Approved by the
Corporation’s Representative.

8.10 Inspection and Testing at Place of Manufacture

8.10.1 General The particular requirements for inspection and testing of the Goods
and other materials at the place of manufacture are contained in the
Particular Specification.

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Representative shall be grouped together so far as can be arranged
so that as many tests as possible can be witnessed on each visit.

8.10.2 Test Reports

The Contractor shall prepare two copies of a Test Report as soon as practicable
after the completion of each test whether witnessed by the Corporation’s
Representative or not. If the Corporation’s Representative has witnessed the
test, he will countersign the Test Report to indicate his agreement. If the
Corporation’s Representative has not witnessed the test, but the results and
readings are satisfactory, he will return one copy of the Test Report to the
Contractor with a notification in writing indicating his agreement with the tests
and with the results and readings. Where the results of the test do not meet the
requirements of the design the Corporation’s Representative may call for a
retest which shall be at the expense of the Contractor.

For standard equipment which is bulk manufactured, manufacturers type test

certificates (or equivalent) may, subject to the Approval of the Corporation’s
Representative, be accepted.

8.10.3 Instrumentation

Instruments used during tests shall have been subjected to approved calibration
tests and signed test certificates shall be supplied in duplicate at the
Contractor’s cost. Such calibration checks shall be undertaken prior to testing
and, if required by the Corporation’s Representative, shall be repeated

8.10.4 Schedule of Tests The Contractor shall submit to the Corporation’s Representative for

Approval a schedule of tests as required by the Particular
Specification giving full details of and the procedure for all tests to
be carried out under the Contract and the standards or limits to be
achieved. The schedule shall be submitted within the period stated
in the Particular Specification. No test shall be carried out until the said schedule has been
Approved. The schedule may be submitted in stages provided that a
list of the stages has been previously Approved.

8.10.5 Release for Shipment

Equipment shall not be released for shipment until all tests have been
completed. The Corporation’s Representative may give his consent for the
early release of the shipment of equipment.

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8.11 Tests Ordered by the Corporation’s Representative

If any test ordered by the Corporation’s Representative is not so intended by or provided

for in the Specification or if so intended by or provided for in the Specification but is
ordered by the Corporation’s Representative to be carried out by an independent person at
any other place than the Site or the place of manufacture or fabrication of the materials
tested then the cost of such test shall be borne by the Contractor if (a) the test shows the
workmanship or materials not to be in accordance with the Specification or the
Corporation’s Representative’s instructions; or (b) the test was in the opinion of the
Corporation’s Representative reasonably necessary as a consequence of any defective
work negligence act omission breach of Contract or default of the Contractor or sub-

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9.1 Protection & Storage

9.1.1 The Contractor shall prepare, protect and store in an Approved manner all
Goods and other materials so as to safeguard them against loss or damage from
repeated handling, from climatic influences and from all other hazards arising
during shipment or storage on or off the Site.

9.1.2 Secure and covered storage shall be provided for all Goods and other materials
other than those Approved by the Corporation’s Representative as suitable for
open storage.

9.2 Packaging

9.2.1 All Goods and other materials shall be packed in accordance with BS1133
prior to shipment.

9.2.2 Each case, crate or package shall be legibly and indelibly marked in large
letters with the site address, Contract number, "right way up", opening points
and other markings as necessary to permit materials to be readily identified and
handled during transit and when received at Site.

9.2.3 Each case, crate or package shall contain a comprehensive packing list showing
the number, mark, size, weight and contents together with any relevant
drawings. A second copy of the packing list shall be enclosed in a watertight
enclosure on the outside of each case or package. Distribution of additional
copies of each packing list shall be in accordance with the Corporation’s
Representative’s instructions.

9.2.4 All items heavier than 100kg shall be marked on the outside of the case to
show the gross and net weights, the points for slinging, and where the weight is

9.2.5 All packaging materials and procedures shall be subject to Approval by the
Corporation’s Representative.

9.2.6 All empty cases, crates, or packages whether or not returnable shall
immediately be removed from the Site unless otherwise agreed by the
Corporation’s Representative.

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9.3 Packaging of Spare Parts

9.3.1 Spare parts shall be tropicalised in their packing for prolonged storage in
accordance with BS 1133 or equivalent and shall be suitably labelled to

a) Shelf life.

b) Type of storage.

c) Description of item and relevant part number.

d) Serial number, if applicable.

e) Inspection Certificate number and batch number, that is, the number
allocated by the Employer's Inspector at the time of manufacture or

f) Contract, Variation Order number and item number.

9.3.2 Spare ball and roller bearings and similarly protected items should not be
removed from the manufacturer's wrappings or packing.

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10.1 Possession of Site

10.1.1 The Contractor will not be granted possession of the Site. Subject to such
constraints as may be set out in the Contract, the Employer shall permit the
Contractor access to Site sufficient to fulfil the obligations under the Contract.

10.1.2 Prior to commencing works on Site, the Contractor shall give to the
Corporation’s Representative, within the period stated in the Particular
Specification, notice to make arrangements with the Employer for access to the
Site and agree the time and route of access to various locations inside the
Railway premises.

10.1.3 At all times, the Contractor shall allow access to the Maintenance Services
areas, for the various utilities companies and authorities and their delegates, for
the purpose of inspecting and maintaining the utilities.

10.2 Security Precautions

10.2.1 The Site is within premises of the Mass Transit Railway requiring strict
security precautions, and the workmen shall carry Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region identity cards and display identifying passes provided
by the Employer. They shall be produced for inspection upon demand at any
time within Site area.

10.2.2 The Contractor shall within the period stated in the Particular Specification,
provide the Corporation’s Representative with a list of names, Identity Card
Numbers and the respective occupations of the workmen employed on the Site
together with the names of all other permanent staff likely to be visiting the
Site. The list shall be revised from time to time when necessary.

10.2.3 The identifying passes issued to the Contractor's workmen shall be surrendered
to the Corporation’s Representative on the completion of the Maintenance
Services or the ceasing of employment of the Contractor's workmen whichever
occurs earlier. The Contractor shall be responsible for the loss and/or damage
of such passes. In such event, the Employer may either refuse to reissue such
passes and/or require the Contractor to pay an amount to be determined by the
Employer representing the cost of reissuing the pass.

10.2.4 The Contractor shall accompany all visitors and shall not allow unauthorised
visitors on the Site. He shall keep a visitors book for persons authorised to
visit the Site and provide with the necessary personal protective equipment for
such visitors.

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10.2.5 Prior to the commencement of each shift of work on Site the Contractor shall
report at the agreed time at the agreed location to the person designated by the
Corporation’s Representative.

10.3 Transportation to Site

10.3.1 The Contractor shall use such routes and rights of entry into the Site as may be
decided by the Corporation’s Representative from time to time. Routes for
very large or very heavy loads shall be discussed with the Corporation’s
Representative in advance of the need arising and shall not be used without the
agreement of the Corporation’s Representative.

10.3.2 The Contractor shall comply with the requirements of the Commissioner for
Transport and/or the Commissioner of Police and/or any other relevant
authority regarding any special traffic arrangements which may be necessary.
The Contractor’s attention is drawn to the Road Traffic (Registration and
Licensing of Vehicles) Regulations and to the Road Traffic (Construction and
Maintenance of Vehicles) Regulations Cap. 374.

10.3.3 Extraordinary traffic may be moved from docks and between areas of the Site
over public highways only by Police escort and on a route and at a time
determined by the appropriate authority. The Contractor shall be responsible
for obtaining permission from the appropriate authorities to move extraordinary
loads and traffic and for arranging Police escorts as necessary.

10.3.4 The Contractor shall make all arrangements and assume full responsibility for
transportation to the Site of all plant, equipment, materials and supplies needed
for the proper execution of the Maintenance Services.

10.3.5 Delivery and removal of materials, plant and equipment to and from the Site
area which is a Railway operational area with public access shall be in the
following manner: With the approval of the Corporation’s Representative, small items

that one man can carry without causing inconvenience or danger to
passengers may be delivered/removed to/from the Site during the
operational non-peak hour period of the Railway which is normally
between 1000 to 1600 hours and 2000 to 0530 hours. With the Approval of the Corporation’s Representative, large and

bulky items other than those referred to in Clause may be
delivered/removed via the firemen's staircase, where available and
such delivery/removal shall not be made via other public areas. Use of the station lift by the Contractor for any purpose shall only
be permitted with prior written Approval of the Corporation’s

MS-GS-I1R26 10-2
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Rev : 26 12/9/2017 General Specification for Maintenance Services The Contractor shall ensure that no workmen including any staff or
labour employed by his sub-contractors for this Contract will use
the escalators inside the stations for the purpose of delivering
materials, plant and equipments etc. Should the Contractor require to deliver/remove large and bulky

items via the public areas other than the aforementioned firemen's
staircase, such delivery/removal shall only be carried out in Non-
Track Related Non-Traffic Hours working hours.

10.3.6 While travelling to and from the Site area, the Contractor shall observe all
posted speed limits, traffic regulations, stop signs etc., and adhere to the access
route indicated on the Drawings or as instructed by the Corporation’s
Representative. No employee of the Contractor shall trespass into any part of
MTRCL premises other than the Site area or the designated routes of access.

10.3.7 The Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that the roads and pavements
etc leading to and around the Site are kept free from obstruction and shall not
cause inconvenience or hindrance to traffic or persons either by his own
vehicles or by his workmen, scaffolding, plant, materials etc.

10.3.8 The Contractor shall be responsible for repairing damage to existing roads,
footpaths, steps, cable, sewers, live drains etc. and shall reinstate any damage
caused by him at his own cost.

10.4 Engineer’s Trains

10.4.1 To the extent specified or as otherwise instructed by the Corporation’s

Representative, an Engineer’s train will be available for use in Track Related
Non-Traffic Hours working hours.

10.4.2 To the extent specified or as otherwise instructed by the Corporation’s

Representative, train service in the form of a single platform wagon will be
provided free of charge by the Employer for transportation of materials, plant,
equipment and debris/spoil. The Contractor shall be responsible for any
damage and loss to materials and plant whilst in transit or stored on the
Engineer’s train.

10.4.3 If the Contractor requires slight modifications to the Engineer’s train for firm
fixing of his plant and equipment, he shall submit details of the modification
works with the tender submission and all works shall be carried out by the
Contractor at his expense and to the Approval of the Corporation’s
Representative before the platform may be used.

10.4.4 The Contractor shall ensure that all plant, equipment and goods etc. are safely
and properly fastened to the Engineer’s train as required by Corporation’s
Representative during transportation. The Contractor shall submit details of

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mounting and securing methods on the Engineer’s train for the Corporation’s
Representative’s prior Approval.

10.4.5 The Contractor shall take necessary precaution to protect the Engineer’s train
from damage when in use.

10.4.6 The Contractor shall ensure compliance with Clause 5 hereto.

10.4.7 Bookings for Engineer’s trains with track possession require a minimum of 3½
weeks advance notice.

10.4.8 Modifications to the Engineer’s train require 8 weeks for Approval by the
Corporation’s Representative unless otherwise agreed.

10.5 Restrictions on Work within the Site

10.5.1 Unless otherwise stated working hours shall be from 08:30 to 17:30 hours on
every day except Sundays or Public Holidays or as decided by the
Corporation’s Representative and in accordance with the requirements of Hong
Kong Police Force, Labour Department and Environmental Protection
Department and any other regulations or orders which may be issued by the
Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region on any day of the

10.5.2 The Contractor shall be permitted to work in Hong Kong on the Maintenance
Services during the night and on General Holidays provided that:

a) the Contractor’s arrangements for such work are approved by the

Corporation’s Representative;

b) such work is carried out in accordance with the Specification; and

c) the work is carried out in accordance with such enactments as may be


10.5.3 Where in the Particular Specification the Maintenance Services or any portion
thereof are required to be completed during Non-Traffic Working Hour this
will be stated as either Track Related or Non-Track Related.

10.5.4 On vacating the Site and handing it over to the Corporation’s Representative at
the end of each working period, the Contractor is required to take all necessary
measures to protect the works which have been completed or which are yet to
be completed in the following working period. The Site shall be cleaned and
made tidy to the satisfaction of the Corporation’s Representative.

10.5.5 The Contractor shall not allow work to commence on any MTRCL equipment
unless prior Approval has been obtained from the Corporation’s Representative.

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All existing electric cables shall be considered as 'Live' and work shall only
commence after the method of working has been Approved by the
Corporation’s Representative.

10.6 Work on or Adjacent to the Operating Railway

10.6.1 The Contractor shall ensure that high visibility vest is worn by his employees
and sub-contractors’ employees when working on or near to the track. The
Employer will arrange the free issue of the high visibility vest to the Contractor.
The Contractor shall advise the Corporation’s Representative the quantities of
vest required at least 14 days prior to the commencement of works on Site.
The Contractor shall take care of these vests and keep it in a good working
condition. The Contractor shall ensure that his employees and sub-contractors
do not modify, alter or damage the vests or wear them when performing other
tasks which are not related to this Contract. When the vest is not in a
serviceable condition due to normal wear and tear, a second vest will be
provided free of charge provided the original vest is returned. Additional
quantities of vest will be charged at HK$250 per set.

10.6.2 All persons, tools and materials shall be cleared from the track on completion
of each workshift.

10.6.3 For works to be carried out in close proximity of the operating railway tracks
and when instructed by the Corporation’s Representative the provision of
Look-Out men and Competent Persons will be arranged by the Corporation’s
Representative with the Employer.

10.6.4 The Contractor shall not carry out any work which may require any part of a
person or any tool or material to be used on or adjacent to the overhead line
equipment, unless the overhead line equipment has been isolated and earthed in
accordance with the MTRCL Railway Safety Rules and Safety Requirements
and Information for Contractors in Appendix G. Approval to commence work
must be obtained from the MTRCL Competent Person prior to the start of each

10.6.5 No mechanically operated lifting plant shall be used by the Contractor within 6
metres distance measured from any point of the operating tracks unless prior
Approval has been obtained from the Corporation’s Representative.

End of Chapter 10

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11.1 Water

11.1.1 Water which is to be used solely for the purposes of the Contract may be
obtained free of charge from an existing main installed by the Employer in the
vicinity of the Site. The Contractor shall provide all temporary connecting
lines, pipes etc. and shall remove same off Site and make good all disturbances.
The temporary installations shall be subject to the Approval of the
Corporation’s Representative.

11.1.2 The Contractor shall submit details of this requirements such as the estimated
maximum consumption and obtain the Corporation’s Representative’s
Approval before commencement of work.

11.1.3 The Employer shall in no way be responsible for any consequential effect
arising from the breakdown of the water main, intermittent or sporadic supply
or non-supply however caused.

11.2 Electricity Supply

11.2.1 Electricity which is to be used solely for the purposes of the Contract may be
obtained free of charge from the Employer. The Contractor shall provide all
temporary connecting lines etc. as per the latest wiring regulations and shall
remove same off Site on the completion of the Maintenance Services and make
good all disturbances. The routing of the temporary connection lines shall be
agreed with the Corporation’s Representative.

11.2.2 The Contractor shall appoint a responsible person whose name shall be advised
in writing to the Corporation’s Representative to be solely responsible for
ensuring the safety of all temporary electrical installations on the Site.

11.2.3 The Contractor shall advise the Corporation’s Representative with reasonable
notice information about the power consumption and rating of plant and
equipment in kVA that he intends to employ on the Maintenance Services.

11.2.4 The Employer shall in no way be responsible for any consequential effect
arising from the breakdown of the electricity main, intermittent or sporadic
supply or non-supply however caused.

11.3 Temporary Electrical Installations

All temporary electrical installations shall be protected from leakage to earth by earthed
equipotential bonding and automatic disconnection of supply. The automatic
disconnection to be used shall be of residual current circuit breakers with a residual

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operating current of 30 mA or as Approved by the Corporation’s Representative. Plugs

and sockets shall be provided for the connection of portable equipment.

End of Chapter 11

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12.1 General

12.1.1 The Contractor shall take all measures necessary to ensure that all work under
his control is carried out in a safe and healthy manner and that the work will
not affect the safe operation of the Railway or the health, safety and welfare of
all persons within the Site and adjacent areas. The Contractor shall ensure that
his agent or representative and the management person responsible for the
Contract are directly accountable in all matters concerning health and safety
and shall instruct them accordingly.

12.1.2 The Contractor and all personnel including sub-contractors who have direct
control over the work engaged or employed by him shall comply with the
requirements of the Employer’s Railway Safety Rules and Safety Requirements
and Information for Contractors in Appendix G, and all relevant statutory
requirements and codes of practice. In the event that hot works are required for
the Maintenance Services, the Contractor shall comply with the requirements
of the Safety Management of Hot Work in Appendix D.

12.2 Safety Management Plan

12.2.1 The Contractor shall within the period specified in the Particular Specification
submit a Safety Management Plan to the Corporation’s Representative for his
consent. Upon receiving the consent of Corporation’s Representative, the
Contractor shall implement the procedures and arrangements stipulated in the
Safety Management Plan. All services / maintenance work shall be given a
safety classification of either 1, 2 or 3. This classification shall be stated in the
Particular Specification, otherwise it shall be assumed to be Classification 1.
The elements of the Safety Management Plan shall be as follows:

Applicable for Safety

Item Safety Management Elements Classification
1 2 3
1. Safety Policy Statement Yes Yes Yes
2. Safety Organization and Responsibilities Yes Yes Yes
3. Safety Training Yes Yes Yes
4. In-house Safety Rules and Regulations Yes Yes Yes
5. Safety Committee Yes Yes *
6. Programme for Inspection of Hazardous Condition Yes Yes *
7. Job Hazard Analysis Yes Yes Yes
8. Personal Protection Programme Yes Yes Yes
9. Accident / Incident Reporting and Investigation Yes Yes Yes
10. Emergency Preparedness Yes Yes Yes
11. Safety Promotion Yes Yes *
12. Process Control Yes Yes *
13. Health Assurance Programme Yes Yes *
14. Evaluation, Selection and Control of Sub-contractors Yes Yes *
15. Internal Safety Audit / Review
a) Safety Audit Yes * *
b) Safety Review * Yes Yes
* Please refer to the Particular Specification for detailed requirements where appropriate.

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12.2.2 Safety Policy Statement The Contractor shall provide a safety policy statement which shall
spell out the company's intent and commitment regarding safety.
This shall include the setting of safety objectives and targets,
seeking continuous improvement in safety performance; specifying
management and staff's primary responsibilities for safety,
complying with relevant safety and health legislation, and setting
out a strategy to ensure that the implementation of work is carried
out in a safe manner and is achieving high standards of safety and
health. The safety policy statement shall be signed by the chief executive
officer of the Contractor (or the most senior person responsible for
safety). In the event that the Contractor is a consortium, partnership
or joint venture, statements signed by the chief executive officer of
the Contractor (or the most senior person responsible for safety) of
each company comprising the consortium, partnership or joint
venture shall be submitted. The safety policy shall be drawn to the
attention of staff and shall be reviewed and revised as necessary
throughout the duration of the Contract.

12.2.3 Safety Organization and Responsibilities The Contractor shall provide an organisation chart which shall

identify all personnel to be engaged in connection with safety
matters including all site supervisory staff with a responsibility for
safety, the safety officer, safety supervisor, the Contractor's site
representative or person-in-charge, and the chief executive officer
responsible for the Contract. The chart shall show the chain of
command and reporting lines from the safety personnel to
Contractor’s most senior management staff. A safety responsibility
statement for each position shown on the chart shall be included. The Contractor shall appoint dedicated safety personnel including

safety supervisor according to requirements of the Particular
Specification. The site safety supervisor shall be a Competent
Person (Track or Non-track as appropriate) and have not less than
three years supervisory experience on site safety and shall have
received formal safety supervisor training offered by OSHC,
CICTA or equivalent. He/she shall produce for inspection by the
Corporation’s Representative when required certificates or similar
documents as evidence of their attendance. The power vested in the safety personnel shall enable them to take
immediate and appropriate action to make the Site safe and prevent
occurrence of unsafe working practices or other infringements of
the requirements of the Contract or statutory regulations.

MS-GS-I1R26 12-2
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Rev : 26 12/9/2017 General Specification for Maintenance Services The Contractor shall provide details of communication channels and

procedures to ensure proper written and verbal communication on
safety matters between the person-in-charge on Site and the
Contractor's employees and the safety personnel. The Safety
Management Plan shall detail the means of communication of all
relevant safety information to all of the Contractor's employees or
sub-contractors employed for the services / maintenance work.

12.2.4 Safety Training and Qualification The Contractor shall specify the arrangements for identification and
provision of safety training which shall include a list of safety
training relevant to the Maintenance Services. The training
requirements, level of competency, certification requirements if
applicable and the needs for refresher training of the Contractor's
and the sub-contractor’s staff at any level associated with the
Maintenance Services shall be identified. The safety training
programme shall include the frequency, coverage and principles of
accident prevention and safety management courses. Safety supervisors who are required to work in the operating

railway premises shall have completed the Employer’s Competent
Person (Track or Non-Track) training course. They shall be
qualified before commencing duties on Site. The requirement for
the Track Related or Non-Track Related qualification will be stated
in the Particular Specification. The training courses and examinations will be provided by the

Employer as follows:

a) The Competent Person (Track) training course shall last for 2.5
days and the examination normally lasts for less than two hours
on a different day to the training course. (Important
prerequisites: Candidates for enrolling the Competent Person
(Track) training courses shall have not less than one year’s
supervisory experience, inclusive of six months’ previous
experience working at the track areas for the operating railway
of the Employer.)

b) The Competent Person (Non-Track) training course shall last

for 1.5 days and the examination normally lasts for less than
two hours on a different day to the training course.

c) The examinations include the testing of the Safety Supervisor's

ability to discriminate the colour of lights and flags as specified

d) The Contractor shall pay fees to the Employer for the courses
as follows:

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Competent Person (Non-Track) training course – HK$800

Competent Person (Track) training course – HK$1,300

e) Any training fees due to the Employer shall be deducted and

set-off from any payments due to the Contractor and certified
by the Corporation’s Representative in connection with the
execution of the Maintenance Services.

f) Safety Induction Training will be provided by the Employer for

the Contractor’s staff who do not have Competent Person
qualification in order to give them a high degree of safety
awareness to protect themselves from the hazards associated
with working in the Operations Areas. The Contractor shall
arrange his staff and sub-contractors to attend this training.

g) The Competent Person qualification is valid for 1 year upon

passing a written (and if necessary oral) examination. The
Contractor shall arrange for his staff and sub-contractors to
attend Employer’s Competent Person (Track or Non-Track)
training course and pay the fees upon expiry of the Competent
Person qualification. All qualified Competent Persons will be issued with a copy of the
Employer’s Railway Safety Rules and Safety Requirements and
Information for Contractors in Appendix G. The Contractor shall
ensure that all revisions issued by the Employer are passed to the
qualified Competent Persons and that the Manuals are updated. When the Maintenance Services involves hot work on the Operating
Railway, the Contractor shall appoint a Fire Marshal who shall be
properly trained and qualified through a written examination
arranged by the Employer and shall be able to coordinate with the
Corporation’s Representative, or the Employer’s Station Controller,
Shift Maintenance Engineer, or other person designated by the
Corporation’s Representative as the Employer’s emergency contact
person. The Fire Marshal shall be capable of preparing and
administering a permit-to-work (hot work) system. The duties of the
Fire Marshal may be undertaken by a Competent Person. The Contractor shall provide sufficient staff who are physically fit
for the Maintenance Services. Where the execution of certain works
in the Operating Railway requires the Contractor’s staff to assume a
specific job post or possess a specific railway qualification, the
Contractor shall arrange the medical examination to his staff and
submit to the Corporation’s Representative a testimonial in
declaring that his staff have undergone and passed the required
medical examination and that they are competent to assume the job
post or possess the railway qualification.

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For the purpose of this clause, the following meanings shall apply:
“job post” means any of the job posts listed in Table A below.
“railway qualification” means any of the railway qualifications
listed in Table A below.
“medical examination” means the scope of medical examination
generally listed in Table B below.

Table A – Job Post and Railway Qualification currently possessed

by Contractor’s staff and the required Medical Examination

Medical Examination

Who to attend Routine check Safety related

& eyesight medical
test examination

Job Post

 Depot Regulator,
Depot Train
 biennially  at the age
before the of 45, and
age of 45, biennially
and until 53

 at the age year), and
 Depot Shunting
of 46, and
biennially  annually
until 54 at the age
 Engineer’s
(even year) of 55-59

 Lookout Man

 Competent Person
Competent Person  biennially
(Track) before the
 at the age
age of 45,
of 50, and
 Authorised and
Persons (APs) 
 annually
 annually at
at the age
 Competent Person the age of
of 55-59
(except Possession 45-49 &
& Track)* 51-54

 Handsignalman*

* Audiometric test is not required.

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Table B – General scope of Medical Examination

Routine Safety
check & related
What to Screening employment
eyesight medical
check method examination
test examination

Hypertension Blood pressure   


Questionnaire   

Diabetes Blood glucose   

Mellitus (finger prick)

Hearing Audiometric   initially in 2007

impairment test (for staff
performing  periodic tests at the
critical age of 40, 45, 50, 54 &
auditory work 58
 before a staff member
obtains the
qualification to
perform critical
auditory work

Visual Eyesight   
impairment testing

Colour vision   

Heart disease ECG   

Questionnaire   

Epilepsy Questionnaire   

Mental Questionnaire   

Other Physical   
medical examination
Urinalysis   

Questionnaire   

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12.2.5 In-house Safety Rules and Regulations The Contractor shall provide detailed procedures covering all health
and safety aspects applicable to the services / maintenance work
such as housekeeping, fire control measures, method statements,
permit-to-work system, statutory requirements and the Employer’s
operational safety requirements (i.e. Railway Safety Rules and
Safety Requirements and Information for Contractors in Appendix

12.2.6 Safety Committee The Contractor shall establish a safety committee in accordance

with statutory requirements and the requirements stated in the
Particular Specification. The committee shall comprise senior
management staff representing the Contractor and sub-contractors.
The objectives, functions, constitution of membership, and terms of
reference of the safety committee shall be defined in sufficient
detail to enable the Maintenance Services to be carried out safely in
an orderly and coordinated manner in accordance with the Safety
Management Plan. Minutes of the safety committee meetings shall
be retained and made available for inspection by the Corporation’s

12.2.7 Programme for Inspection of Hazardous Condition Procedures shall be established by the Contractor to ensure that

safety inspections are carried out in accordance with the hazards
presented and the statutory requirements. All safety provisions shall be inspected by the Contractor at regular

intervals. The Contractor shall submit monthly site safety reports to
the Corporation’s Representative. Prior to submission, the site
safety report shall be endorsed by the safety personnel responsible
for the Contract and the site person in charge. Site safety reports
shall comprehensively address all relevant aspects of site safety, in
particular, report on all site safety audits undertaken and all
dangerous occurrences and accidents as per Clause The Contractor shall maintain a comprehensive site safety checklist

which when completed will serve to record whether the Contractor
complies with his statutory and contractual obligations at the time
of the inspection. This inspection checklist shall be used during
inspections by the Contractor’s site staff.

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12.2.8 Job Hazard Analysis Details of potential hazards associated with the Maintenance

Services likely to affect the Contractor's staff, sub-contractors at any
level, the Employer’s staff, passengers and the public shall be
identified and their risks assessed. The Hazard Analysis results
shall be recorded in the Employer’s Hazard Registration System as
described elsewhere in the Specification. Safeguards for eliminating
/ mitigating these hazards shall be fully implemented according to
agreed method statements and schedule. The Contractor shall provide detailed written method statements for
tasks that demand the development of safe systems of work
including permit to work system with appropriate control measures.
For such tasks where circumstances preclude production of the
method statement at the date of preparation of the Safety
Management Plan a programme shall be provided which shall show
the dates of submission of the method statement including proposed
dates for carrying out the associated task. Examples include but are
not limited to:

a) work in confined spaces;

b) working at height;

c) mechanical lifting operations;

d) work over water or adjacent to water;

e) work on or near rail tracks;

f) work on or near electrical and overhead line equipment;

g) demolition;

h) work involving asbestos;

i) handling of hazardous and radioactive substances;

j) welding and cutting operations;

k) structural steel erection;

l) temporary structure and scaffolding erection;

m) diving operations.

Work on such tasks shall not commence until the relevant method
statement has received the consent of the Corporation’s
Representative and the Contractor shall ensure that method
statements are issued with sufficient time for the Corporation’s

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Representative to give his consent prior to the work commencing.

Pre-work safety briefing shall be carried out. The method statement shall be a logical guide specifying materials

used, plant and equipment employed, trade and type of workers
employed and personal protective equipment and any pertinent
safety measures to be adopted. Before submission to the
Corporation’s Representative, the method statement shall be signed
by the Contractor’s safety personnel i.e. safety officer or safety
supervisor and site person-in-charge of the work. A copy of the
method statement shall be held on Site by the Contractor’s site
representative or person-in-charge and shall be used for performing
the Maintenance Services. Procedures shall be established to monitor and review the method

statement to ensure its suitability and effectiveness for the safe
execution of the Maintenance Services.

12.2.9 Personal Protection Programme The Safety Management Plan shall contain details of arrangements

for the identification and adequate supply of safety equipment and
facilities and shall include a system of regular inspection, testing
and maintenance, and replacement of the safety equipment/facilities.
In addition, the plan shall also include the provision, use and
maintenance of personal protective equipment (including high
visibility clothing for person working on or at the trackside).

12.2.10 Accident / Incident Reporting and Investigation The Contractor shall specify the procedures for reporting and
investigation of all accidents/incidents and dangerous occurrences
and should be in line with the relevant Regulations and the Contract.
The procedures for remedial/corrective action and the monitoring
process shall also be specified. The Contractor shall inform the Corporation’s Representative and

when working on the railway the Employer’s person in charge in
depots or the Station Controller on the railway immediately of any
accident and/or dangerous occurrence which have occurred on Site.
The Contractor shall submit a written report using the Employer’s
Form C35 to the Corporation’s Representative within 24 hours of
the occurrence of an accident and/or dangerous occurrence. The Contractor's attention is drawn to the requirements in the

Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance and the Factories and
Industrial Undertakings Regulations concerning the reporting of
such events. The Contractor shall deliver to the Corporation’s

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Representative a copy of any Form 2 or other statutory reports at the

same time he submits to Government Departments under these
Ordinance and Regulations. The Contractor shall include in the monthly site safety report the
following statistics for the period of reporting and for the Contract
to date:

a) Total number of accidents occurred.

b) Total number of mandays lost due to accidents.

c) Total number of mandays expended on Contract.

The Contractor shall when required by the Corporation’s

Representative provide verification of the accuracy of the
information provided.

12.2.11 Emergency Preparedness The Contractor shall specify emergency procedures and necessary

equipment to deal with emergency situations such as accident,
dangerous occurrence, tropical cyclones, thunderstorm warnings,
heavy rainstorm warnings and fire. It shall also state the
arrangements for regular drills on different emergency situations.
Specific emergency procedures including fire escape route map
shall be displayed in prominent locations on Site. The procedures
and arrangements shall be reviewed and updated as the situation
changes and when changes are required as found after the drill or
emergency occurrence to ensure their effectiveness. Emergency
procedures shall be disseminated to all levels of staff and sub-

12.2.12 Safety Promotion The Contractor shall specify the methods of promoting safety

awareness amongst all persons on Site, including proposals for on-
site publicity, safety communication, briefings and other safety
promotional activities.

12.2.13 Process Control The Contractor shall set out the arrangements and control measures
of key processes in the services / maintenance works. Adequate
procedures, training programmes, mechanical integrity programmes
and emergency plans shall be developed, implemented and properly
maintained throughout the duration of the Contract.

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12.2.14 Health Assurance Programme The Contractor shall set out procedures for identifying and
evaluating the health & safety hazards such as chemical, dust,
fumes & noise arising from both directly & indirectly from the
services / maintenance work. Information on any hazardous
substance to be used in the work shall be obtained and disseminated
to the workers and other persons that will be likely to be affected.
The Plan shall also prescribe procedures for controlling of hazards
to health such as monitoring, training and provision of protective

12.2.15 Evaluation, Selection and Control of Sub-contractors The Contractor shall specify the procedures for the evaluation,
selection and control of sub-contractors who have direct control
over the work at all levels to ensure compliance with the Safety
Management Plan and statutory requirements.

Such procedure shall include the examination of a sub-contractor’s

safety policy, safety management system and emergency procedures.
The Contractor shall comply with the requirements for sub-
contractor safety management as specified in Appendix H.

12.2.16 Internal Safety Audit / Review The Safety Management Plan shall contain the safety audit / review
scheme to be implemented by the Contractor on both the safety
management system and physical Site conditions. Procedures shall
be established by the Contractor to ensure that their safety audits /
reviews are carried out to comply with the statutory and contractual
requirements. The Contractor shall conduct an internal safety audit every 6

months, or safety review every 12 months, or at intervals of the
Corporation’s Representative’s discretion. For work of Safety
Classification 1, internal safety audits shall be conducted and for
work of Safety Classification 2 and 3, safety reviews shall be
conducted. The first round of the internal safety audit / review shall
be conducted no later than the third month after award of the
Contract. The Contractor shall appoint and submit for Approval a
competent safety auditor / reviewer within one month from the date
of the Letter of Acceptance. The safety auditor / reviewer shall
have received formal safety auditing / review training delivered by
authorities such as OSHC, CICTA, VTC or equivalent, and shall
have 3-year minimum site safety experience.

MS-GS-I1R26 12-11
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Rev : 26 12/9/2017 General Specification for Maintenance Services The Contractor shall submit the following documents to the

Corporation’s Representative:

a) a safety audit / review schedule prior to the commencement of

the internal safety audits / reviews;

b) a copy of the internal safety audit / review reports no later than

28 days after completing the safety audits / reviews;

c) an improvement action plan within two weeks upon issuance of

the audit / review reports; and

d) quarterly status reports on follow up actions until completion of

the Contract. The Contractor shall set out procedures for reviewing and revising
the Safety Management Plan, method statements and emergency
procedures to take account of changes to work process, method or

12.3 Employer’s Safety Inspection and Audit

12.3.1 The Contractor shall be subject to the Employer’s safety performance

measurement / monitoring scheme which is based upon a series of inspections
and audits carried out to a scope and frequency determined by the
Corporation’s Representative to measure the Contractor's compliance with the
Safety Management Plan. The audits shall be conducted by the Employer’s
safety personnel.

12.3.2 Safety inspections / audits may be carried out by the Employer either
independently or jointly with the Contractor's representative. The Contractor
shall make available personnel for accompanying the safety inspections / audits
as requested. The Corporation’s Representative will give prior notice of such
inspections / audits except following an accident requiring reporting as per
Clause 12.2.10 when such inspections may be carried out without notice.

12.3.3 The Contractor shall take immediate actions to review and revise the Safety
Management Plan and relevant documents such as method statements and
emergency procedures upon receipt of reports following a safety audit carried
out by the Employer. The revised or updated Safety Management Plan shall be
copied to the Corporation’s Representative.

12.4 Breach of Safety Obligations

12.4.1 Serious or repeated breaches of the specified safety rules and statutory
requirements by any person will result in an instruction from the Corporation’s
Representative to remove any such person from the Site.

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12.4.2 Any person so removed from the Site shall not be re-employed on the Contract
or allowed on Site. Due notice of this sanction shall be prominently displayed
on Site.

End of Chapter 12

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13.1 Employer's plant and materials not including Equipment may be used by the Contractor
only with the Approval of the Corporation’s Representative and if so used the Contractor
shall be responsible for restoring it to an 'as is' condition before it is returned to the

13.2 The Contractor shall be responsible for the protection, watching, lighting and safe custody
of all Employer's plant and materials, being used by the Contractor or his sub-contractors
for the Maintenance Services or left on the Site.

13.3 If and when Employer's plant and materials is loaned free of charge to the Contractor the
Employer reserves the right to provide operators, attendance, fuel and lubricants together
with routine maintenance required for the operation of the plant or equipment. If the plant
and materials is not a self-propelled vehicle, the Contractor shall be responsible for the
collection and transportation of the plant and materials from the place of issue to the Site
and vice versa.

13.4 The Employer will not accept liability for any loss or damage caused or alleged to be
caused to the Contractor in the event of breakdown or non-availability of any Employer's
plant and materials howsoever arising.

13.5 Employer’s Lifting Equipment. The Contractor may by reasonable notice in writing to the
Corporation’s Representative request the use of any lifting equipment belonging to the
Employer which is available on the Site for the purpose of the Maintenance Services. The
Contractor shall give particulars in such notice of the nature and weight of the loads to be
lifted. If in the opinion of the Corporation’s Representative the lifting equipment is
suitable to lift the loads so described, he shall grant such permission. The Employer shall
retain control of the operation of the lifting equipment and be responsible for the safe
working thereof provided that the Employer shall be under no liability to the Contractor
for any damage done to anything lifted and provided that the Contractor shall indemnify
the Employer against any damage or loss sustained by the Employer as a consequence of
any wrong information given by the Contractor to the Corporation’s Representative in
regard to the loads to be lifted or as a consequence of any negligence of the Contractor.

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14.1 Environmental Management Plan

14.1.1 The Contractor shall submit within one month from the date of the Letter of
Acceptance, to the Corporation’s Representative for Approval an
Environmental Management Plan comprising the following elements.

14.1.2 Policy Statement An environmental policy statement shall be provided, which shall

be signed by the chief executive officer of the Contractor or the
most senior person responsible for environmental issues. In the
case of a consortium, partnership or joint venture each participant
shall provide such a policy statement. The policy statement shall set out the strategy to be adopted to
ensure that the Maintenance Services are carried out in an
acceptable environmental protection manner.

14.1.3 Environmental Aspects and Impacts Identification All environmental aspects and impacts associated with the

Maintenance Services shall be identified. A report shall be
produced for such purpose.

14.1.4 Control Proposed actions for complying with the statutory requirements and
for reducing environmental impacts shall be specified. Detailed written method statements for each task which demands
the development of environmental management of work shall be
produced. Examples include:

a) Carry out any construction or maintenance works using

Powered Mechanical Equipment;

b) Operate any equipment at the Employer’s premises from where

the noise can affect the nearby residents;

c) Generate significant amount of wastewater and discharge to

any Employer’s or public drainage system;

d) Handle chemical waste;

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e) Generate significant amount of air pollutant such that the

residents near the Employer’s premises are affected. The method statement shall be a logical plan specifying the

mitigation measures to be adopted to reduce the impacts of the tasks.

14.1.5 Emergency Preparedness A mechanism for response when the risk actually occurs shall be
established. That shall include the procedures in handling spillage
of chemical waste, substandard wastewater getting into the drainage,
receiving any complaint on the environmental aspect.

14.1.6 Resourcing Resource plans shall be developed defining the key resources

essential for the environmental management of the Maintenance
Services, and highlighting those likely to be critical that may create
delay to the overall programme or in short supply. For example,
application for any permits from the Environmental Protection
Department or implementation of mitigation measures to reduce the
environmental impacts.

14.1.7 Organization Plan The project organization chart shall identify personnel responsible

for environmental management and supervision. It shall indicate
direct lines of communication and reporting channel between chief
executive officer or manager responsible for the Contract and the
designated ‘Supervisor’ looking after the relevant environmental
issues of the project.

14.1.8 Qualification of the Supervisor responsible for the environmental issues The Supervisor shall:

a) Have sufficient knowledge on environmental statutory


b) Have experience on handling environmental aspects of the

Maintenance Services.

14.1.9 Management Responsibility The responsibilities of the Supervisor responsible for managing and

monitoring the statutory and contractual requirements on
environmental aspects shall be clearly stated. The designated

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Supervisor shall carry out the duties stipulated in the relevant

environmental ordinances or regulations, such as Water Pollution
Control Ordinance, Noise Control Ordinance, Air Pollution Control
Ordinance, Waste Disposal Ordinance, Environmental Impact
Assessment Ordinance, etc.

14.1.10 Environmental Performance Monitoring The Environmental Management Plan shall contain arrangements

for measuring and monitoring environmental performance of the
Contractor and sub-contractors. For example: noise level
monitoring, wastewater quality monitoring, air pollution monitoring,

14.1.11 Environmental Inspection and Audit The Contractor shall produce a comprehensive site environmental

checklist, which serves to record whether the Contractor complies
with his statutory and contractual obligations at the time of Site
inspections. The Contractor shall implement an Environmental
Audit Program. The Corporation’s Representative shall be invited
to take part in the audit.

14.2 Review

14.2.1 The Contractor shall review the Environmental Management Plan from time to
time to ensure due compliance with the latest statutory requirements.

14.3 Communication of Environmental Issues

14.3.1 The Contractor shall ensure that the environmental requirements given in the
Environmental Management Plan are effectively communicated to all staff and

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15.1 Avoidance of Nuisance

The Contractor shall take all reasonable precautions to avoid any nuisance arising from his
operations. This will be accomplished where at all possible by suppression of the nuisance
at source rather than abatement of the nuisance once generated.

15.2 Avoidance of Pollution

The Contractor shall be responsible for the disposal of any chemical waste resulting from
the servicing, maintenance and repair of the Equipment in accordance with the statutory
rules and regulations.

15.3 Waste Disposal

15.3.1 The Contractor shall comply with the latest Waste Disposal (Charges for
Disposal of Construction Waste) Regulation, establish a billing account and
bear all the costs for the establishment of such an account and the disposal of
construction waste generated in provision of the Maintenance Services under
the Contract.

15.3.2 No burning of debris, construction wastes or vegetation shall be allowed on


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16.1 Details of Supply

16.1.1 The Contractor may use spares provided to the Employer for the repair or
replacement of defective equipment during the Contract. The use of the
Employer’s equipment shall not alter the Contractor’s obligations under the

16.2 Manufacture and Delivery

16.2.1 All spares shall be manufactured, works tested and inspected by the Employer's
Inspectors, suitably packed and labelled in accordance with Clauses 9.2 and 9.3
and delivered to the Employer by the Contractor.

16.2.2 Spare parts shall be interchangeable with their corresponding part. All spare
parts shall be re-configured to the latest revision during the term of the
Contract period. For spare parts, such as electronic components, lamps, fuses,
and other consumable and high-use items the Contractor shall have available at
least two sources of supply.

16.2.3 The Contractor shall recondition or replace any spares provided to the
Employer and used by the Contractor during the Contract. Such spares shall be
handed to the Corporation’s Representative within one month after the last day
of the term of the Contract.

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17.1 The Contractor may, subject to Approval, use the special tools, jigs, fixtures, gauges and
test equipment for the Maintenance Services. On completion he shall refurbish and
recalibrate each item to the satisfaction of the Corporation’s Representative prior to hand
over to the Employer within one week after the last day of the term of the Contract.

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18.1 General

18.1.1 The requirements to amend the existing O&M Manuals shall only apply when
a change to the Equipment is instructed.

18.1.2 The text of the O&M Manuals shall be produced using an Approved
wordprocessing package and drawings where appropriate produced using
AutoCAD. Manuals produced using other software may be accepted provided
the submissions include all necessary software and software licences to enable
subsequent modification of the manuals.

18.1.3 The Contractor shall be responsible for fully co-ordinating and cross
referencing all interfaces and areas associated with interconnecting equipment
and systems within the Contract. The O&M Manuals shall fully describe the
overall operation of all systems incorporating all equipment.

18.1.4 The O&M Manuals shall contain no irrelevant or ambiguous information and
shall relate specifically to this Contract.

18.1.5 The Contractor may use manufacturers data and handbooks for individual
items of the Equipment that are a sub-component of the overall system,
including printed circuit boards, providing they meet the intent of the
Specification, and are integrated by the Contractor into the description of his
equipment, and are indexed accordingly in his own general index. All such
documentation shall be contained in similar binders.

18.1.6 Where a sub-assembly item is of such a nature that local repairs cannot be
made and it is necessary to be returned to the manufacturer as a unit for
overhaul, the specific information concerning its repair and breakdown into
component parts shall be provided.

18.1.7 The document shall be collated and numbered in proper order and correspond
to the contents and index tables. Nomenclature or references to any items of
equipment, diagrams, figure numbers or units shall be consistent throughout
the text. In order to comprehend the text fully diagrams, drawings, sketches
and actual photographs shall be added where necessary. All manufacturer's
literature identification codes, or stamp markings shall be omitted. Precautions
and warnings regarding the safety of life and equipment shall be included
where applicable.

18.1.8 The paper used shall be of good quality and of adequate thickness for frequent
handling and to the Approval of the Corporation’s Representative. The text
and diagrams shall be clearly reproduced, each volume having a stiff cover and
spine and suitable protected by plastic or other material to withstand frequent

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handling in a dirty environment. Volumes shall have a locked binding of the

peg or ring type to avoid loss of pages with rough handling. Spring back,
threaded and spiral binding will not be accepted. The binding arrangement
shall be such as to permit the book to be laid flat when opened at each page. A
pocket shall be provided in the back of the book for loose drawings and notes.

18.1.9 The page size shall be A4 international for text and the Contractor shall ensure
that the printing will not fade with age.

18.1.10 Drawings that are reduced to A3, shall be contained in a separate volume with
plastic protective covers, thus enabling drawings to be easily substituted if
modifications or additions are found necessary.

18.2 Maintenance Drawings

18.2.1 The Contractor shall submit such drawings for the operation and maintenance
and repair of the Equipment as may be required by the Employer.

18.2.2 Information contained on the drawings shall include but not be limited to:

a) Sizes, material and finish of all fixtures and threads.

b) manufacturer's code, drawing and reference numbers.

c) wiring diagrams to BS 108, BS 3939 and BS 376 including internal

wiring of sealed unit items.

d) setting dimensions and tolerances.

18.2.3 Where instructed by the Corporation’s Representative, drawings shall be

supplied with Chinese language notation in addition to English. Such Chinese
notation will be supplied to the Contractor by the Corporation’s Representative.

18.3 Submissions

18.3.1 The Contractor shall forward to the Corporation’s Representative for his
Approval four (or as otherwise specified) draft copies of the proposed
amendments to Operating and Maintenance Manuals (hereafter called "the
O&M Manuals") not later than four weeks after completion of the Change.

18.3.2 The Contractor shall deliver to the Corporation’s Representative before the
expiry of the term of the Contract, six (or as otherwise specified) complete sets
of the amendments to O&M Manuals, one of which shall be the original, one
set of Wordprocessor files including a copy of the software and licence to
operate the software to modify the manuals together with one set of AutoCAD
drawing files. The manuals shall incorporate comments made by the
Corporation’s Representative on the draft manual.

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18.3.3 Maintenance Drawings shall be submitted to the Corporation’s Representative

before the expiry of the term of the Contract, the submission shall include two
full size prints, one full size reproducible and two 35 mm aperture cards.

18.4 O&M Manuals Copyright

The content of all documentation shall become the property of the Employer who shall
have the right to reproduce any part or the whole as he wishes.

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19.1 Training Requirement

19.1.1 Training where instructed shall be based on the following:-

19.2 Training Method

19.2.1 The Employer has an established operating and maintenance team of staff who
have been successfully operating and maintaining the MTR since opening. The
Employer has a well equipped training school available for the Contractors
including facilities such as overhead projectors & screens; VCRs and TVs; flip
charts & pens; slide projectors and similar items will be made available to the
Contractor for the purpose of conducting the training courses. It is preferred
that maximum use shall be made of this facility to reduce costs. This
experience and training facility relates to equipment and systems installed on
the existing MTR system. Where possible the training of Employer's staff shall
be carried out in Hong Kong and shall be related to equipment that is being
installed. Where appropriate, the training courses shall be designed to make
effective use of the training simulator.

19.2.2 To meet this need the Contractor shall supply competent engineers/instructors
to carry out both formal classroom and/or on-the-job training to a high degree
of proficiency in areas where the Contractor has the specialised knowledge.
Only in circumstances where equipment knowledge is required prior to
installation or appropriate facilities cannot be made available in Hong Kong,
will the Employer allow employees to travel outside Hong Kong in the
furtherance of training at the Contractor’s premises.

19.2.3 In order to ensure that satisfactory standards are met the relevant
operating/maintenance section in liaison with the training department will
monitor all training.

19.2.4 Where applicable the Employer will pay all costs of salaries, travelling,
subsistence and other related allowances for his staff, but all other costs shall
be borne by the Contractor.

19.3 Training Equipment

19.3.1 The Contractor may use, as may be agreed, the Equipment for the training of
the Employer's staff. In general the Contractor shall not use spare parts for this

19.3.2 The Contractor shall provide such written or printed matter, functional
equipment, samples, models, cut-away equipment, slides, films and other
instructional material for the Corporation’s Representative’s Approval. Such

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equipment and material shall remain the property of the Employer and shall be
sufficient both for the persons trained by the Contractor and for those to be
subsequently trained by the Employer's instructors. In addition all written or
printed matter shall also be supplied in a Wordprocessor DCA format to enable
modification and enhancement to the material provided. One set of training
notes shall be provided to each course trainee.

19.4 Testing of Training

19.4.1 At the conclusion of each training course, course questionnaires aimed at

determining the level of satisfaction of the attendees with the course content,
duration and presentation shall be distributed to trainees for completion and
collected by the Contractor. The Contractor shall review the questionnaires
and forward a summary to the Corporation’s Representative. If the
Corporation’s Representative considers the satisfaction level is inadequate due
to the course content or presentation he will advise the Contractor who shall
propose and implement amendments to the course.

19.4.2 Records shall be kept of the results of any pre- and post-testing for each
attendee and these shall be handed over to the Employer upon completion of
each course.

19.5 Training of Trainers

19.5.1 The Contractor shall provide a trainers guide for each training course. The
guides shall include course agenda; course objectives; lists of resources and
facilities required; detailed lesson plans, including outlined presentations and
discussion guides; training aids and job aids; pre-and post tests; criteria and
methodology for measuring performance in the classroom and in the
workshop/field; instructions for using any audio-visual support and mock-ups.

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Appendix A - List of Abbreviations

1 List of Abbreviations for MTR Railway Lines, Premises and Locations

1.1 Railway Names

Abbreviation Railway
AEL Airport Express Line
DRL Disneyland Resort Line
EAL East Rail Line
ISL Island Line
KTL Kwun Tong Line
LRL Light Rail
MOL Ma On Shan Line
SIL South Island Line
TCL Tung Chung Line
TKL Tseung Kwan O Line
TWL Tsuen Wan Line
WRL West Rail Line

1.2 Depot Names

Abbreviation Depot
CWD Chai Wan Depot
HBD Hung Shui Kiu Bus Depot
HTD Ho Tung Lau Depot
KBD Kowloon Bay Depot
MBD Tuen Mun Bus Depot
PHD Pat Heung Depot
SHD Siu Ho Wan Depot
TAD Tai Wai Depot
TKD Tseung Kwan O Depot
TMD Tuen Mun Depot
TPB Tai Po Bus Maintenance Centre
TWD Tsuen Wan Depot
WCD Wong Chuk Hang Depot

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1.3 Station Names

Abbreviation Station
ADM Admiralty Station
AIR Airport Station
AUS Austin Station
AWE Asia World-Expo Station
CAB Causeway Bay Station
CEN Central Station
CHH Choi Hung Station
CHW Chai Wan Station
CIO City One Station
CKT Che Kung Temple Station
CSW Cheung Sha Wan Station
DIH Diamond Hill Station
DIS Disneyland Resort Station
ETS East Tsim Sha Tsui Station
FAN Fanling Station
FOT Fo Tan Station
FOH Fortress Hill Station
HAH Hang Hau Station
HEO Heng On Station
HFC Heng Fa Chuen Station
HKU HKU Station
HOM Ho Man Tin Station
HOK Hong Kong Station
HUH Hung Hom Station
JOR Jordan Station
KET Kennedy Town Station
KOB Kowloon Bay Station
KOT Kowloon Tong Station
KOW Kowloon Station
KSR Kam Sheung Road Station

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Abbreviation Station
KWF Kwai Fong Station
KWH Kwai Hing Station
KWT Kwun Tong Station
LAT Lam Tin Station
LAK Lai King Station
LCK Lai Chi Kok Station
LET Lei Tung Station
LHP LOHAS Park Station
LMC Lok Ma Chau Station
LOF Lok Fu Station
LOP Long Ping Station
LOW Lo Wu Station
MEF Mei Foo Station
MKK Mong Kok East Station
MOK Mong Kok Station
MOS Ma On Shan Station
NAC Nam Cheong Station
NOP North Point Station
NTK Ngau Tau Kok Station
OCP Ocean Park Station
OLY Olympic Station
POA Po Lam Station
PRE Prince Edward Station
QUB Quarry Bay Station
RAC Racecourse Station
SHT Sha Tin Station
SHM Shek Mun Station
SHS Sheung Shui Station
SHW Sheung Wan Station
SIH Siu Hong Station
SKM Shek Kip Mei Station
SKW Shau Kei Wan Station
SOH South Horizons Station

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Abbreviation Station
SSP Sham Shui Po Station
STW Sha Tin Wai Station
SUN Sunny Bay Station
SWH Sai Wan Ho Station
SYP Sai Ying Pun Station
TAK Tai Koo Station
TAP Tai Po Market Station
TAW Tai Wai Station
TIH Tin Hau Station
TIK Tiu Keng Leng Station
TIS Tin Shui Wai Station
TKO Tseung Kwan O Station
TSH Tai Shui Hang Station
TST Tsim Sha Tsui Station
TSY Tsing Yi Station
TSW Tsuen Wan Station
TUM Tuen Mun Station
TUC Tung Chung Station
TWH Tai Wo Hau Station
TWO Tai Wo Station
TWW Tsuen Wan West Station
UNI University Station
WAC Wan Chai Station
WCH Wong Chuk Hang Station
WHA Whampoa Station
WKS Wu Kai Sha Station
WTS Wong Tai Sin Station
YAT Yau Tong Station
YMT Yau Ma Tei Station
YUL Yuen Long Station

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1.4 Names of Light Rail Stops

Abbreviation Light Rail Stop

AFF Affluence
BUT Butterfly
CHC Ching Chung
CHE Chestwood
CHF Chung Fu
CUT Chung Uk Tsuen
CYB Choy Yee Bridge
FEP Tuen Mun Ferry Pier
FNR Fung Nin Road
FUT Fung Tei
GIN Ginza
GOG Goodview Garden
HFT Hoh Fuk Tong
HLR Hong Lok Road
HMT Hang Mei Tsuen
HOT Ho Tin
HSK Hung Shui Kiu
KEL Kei Lun
KIO Kin On
KIS Kin Sang
LEK Leung King
LOC Locwood
LRD Light Rail Depot
LTE Lam Tei
LUM Lung Mun
MEG Melody Garden
MIK Ming Kum
NAW Nai Wai
NGW Ngan Wai
ONT On Ting
PIS Ping Shan
PRV Prime View
PUT Pui To
SAH San Hui
SAS Sam Shing

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Abbreviation Light Rail Stop

SAW San Wai
SHE Siu Hei
SHP Shek Pai
SHL Siu Hong
SLU Siu Lun
SKN Shan King (North)
SKS Shan King (South)
SPW Shui Pin Wai
TFU Tin Fu
THE Tin Heng
THN Tai Hing (North)
THS Tai Hing (South)
TIT Tin Tsz
TIY Tin Yiu
TMH Tuen Mun Hospital
TML Tuen Mun
TNK Tin King
TOC Town Centre
TOF Tong Fong Tsuen
TSA Tin Sau
TSP Tuen Mun Swimming Pool
TTR Tai Tong Road
TSL Tin Shui Wai
TSS Tsing Shan Tsuen
TSU Tin Shui
TWI Tin Wing
TWN Tsing Wun
TWU Tin Wu
TYA Tin Yat
TYU Tin Yuet
WEP Wetland Park
YAO Yau Oi
YLL Yuen Long

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1.5 Names of Ancillary Buildings / Structures

Abbreviation Ancillary Building/ Structure

ADD Admiralty Distribution Substation
CHT Chek Lap Kok Traction Substation
CKP Cha Kwo Ling Portal
CKV Chai Wan Kok Ventilation Building
CRP Cheung Sha Wan Central Refrigeration Plant
CSP Choi Shek Portal
CST Cheung Sha Wan Traction Substation
CTV Chau Tau Ventilation Building
CVB Cha Kwo Ling Portal Ventilation Building
CWV Chai Wan Portal Ventilation Building
ELP East Lantau Tunnel Portal
ELT East Lantau Tunnel (East) Ventilation Building
EPB Quarry Bay East Plant Building
EPV East Portal Ventilation Building
FAF Fanling Feeder Station
FOB Freight Operations Building
FPD Fo Tan P’Way Subdepot
FTF Fo Tan Freight Terminal
GAR Gascoigne Road Traction Substation
HCB HKU Chiller Plant Building
HHF Hung Hom Freight Terminal
HHR Hammer Hill Road Ventilation Building
HIC Hong Kong Intake Cell
HKB Hong Kong Park Ventilation Building
HMD Ho Man Tin Power Distribution Depot
HMF Ho Man Tin Feeder Station
HPB Hong Kong Power Supply Building
HPV Ho Pui Ventilation Building
HTR Hung Tin Road Emergency Platform
HUV Hung Hom Ventilation Building
HVB Hong Kong Ventilation Building

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Abbreviation Ancillary Building/ Structure

KDC Kwai Fong Distribution Centre
KEV Kennedy Town Overrun Tunnel Vent Shaft
KFF Kwai Fong Feeder Station
KFV Kwai Fong Ventilation Building
KIC Kowloon Intake Cell
KOV Kowloon Tong Ventilation Building
KST Kwai Tsing Tunnel
KTP Kai Tin Portal
KTR Kwun Tong Road Ventilation Building
KTT Kai Tin Traction Substation
KVB Kowloon Ventilation Building
LCT Lai Chi Kok Traction Substation
LKT Lai King Traction Substation
LKV Lai King Viaduct
LMT Chau Tau Tunnel (Lok Ma Chau)
LVB Lai King Ventilation Building
LWB Lee Wing Street Ventilation Building
LWC Lai Wan Chiller Plant Building
LWL Lo Wu Locomotive Shed
LWM Lo Wu Marshalling Yard
MKF Mong Kok Freight Terminal
MTV Mid-tunnel Ventilation Building
MWV Ma Wan Viaduct
NCB New Cha Kwo Ling Ventilation Building
NFP Nam Fung Portal
NFT Nam Fung Tunnel
NIC North Intake Cell
NPB North Point Plant Building
NVB North Ventilation Building
OCC Operations Control Centre
PAF or PFD Pak Fuk Distribution Substation
PEV Prince Edward Ventilation Building
PSK Ping Shek Ventilation Building

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Abbreviation Ancillary Building/ Structure

PVB Pak Shing Kok Ventilation Building
QIS Quarry Bay Infeed Substation
QVB Quarry Bay Ventilation Building
SDT Siu Ho Wan Traction Substation
SIC South Intake Cell
SSG Sheung Shui Slaughter Siding
SST Sham Shui Kok Traction Substation
SSV Sheung Shui Ventilation Building
STF Sha Tin Freight Terminal
STS Sai Wan Ho Traction Substation
SVB South Ventilation Building
SWT Sheung Wan Traction Substation
T02 Beacon Hill Tunnel
T05 Tunnel 5
T1A Tunnel 1 A
T5A Tunnel 5 A
THT Tin Hau Substation
TIC Tai Kok Tsui Intake Cell
TKV Tai Kok Tsui Ventilation Building
TLT Tai Lam Tunnel
TPK Tai Po Kau Staff Quarter
TPL Tai Po Market Museum UTV / Vehicle Landing Point
TSF Tin Shui Wai Feeder Station
TSV Tsim Sha Tsui Ventilation Building
TTI Tseung Kwan O Infeed Substation
TTS Tai Kok Tsui Traction Substation
TUT Tung Chung Traction Substation
TVB Tsing Yi Ventilation Building
TWF Tai Wai Feeder Station
TWV Tai Wai Ventilation Building
TYP Tsing Yi Portal
TYT Tsing Yi Traction Substation
WAB Wylie Road Ancillary Building

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Abbreviation Ancillary Building/ Structure

WCV Woh Chai Street Ventilation Building
WKF Wu Kai Sha Feeder Station
WPV West Portal Ventilation Building
YMV Yau Ma Tei Ventilation Building
YOT Yam O Traction Substation
YVB Yau Tong Ventilation Building

2 Other Abbreviations

Abbreviation Meaning
ACM’s Asbestos Containing Materials
AFC Automatic Fare Collection
ATM Automatic Teller Machine
BKO Booking Office
CIF Carriage Insurance and Freight
CO Combined Office
CP Competent Person
CSMS Contractor Safety Management System
E&M Electrical and Mechanical
ECS Environmental Control System
EPIC Engineer’s Person In-Charge
FAI First Article Inspection
FAT Factory Acceptance Test
FRP Fire Resistance Period
GS General Specification
IMT Immersed Tube Tunnel
L/P Lower Platform
MTRCL MTR Corporation Limited
NPH Non Peak Hour
NR Noise Rating
NTH Non Traffic Hours
NWH Normal Working Hour
PC Personal Computer

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Abbreviation Meaning
PS Particular Specification
PSB Platform Supervisor’s Booth
QA Quality Assurance
QM Quality Management
RIA Railway Industry Association
SCR Station Control Room
SLG Site Liaison Group
TO Ticket Office
TSAP(s) Track Side Advertising Panel
TTM Temporary Traffic Management Scheme
TV Television
U/P Upper Platform
VCR Video Cassette Recorder
VDU Video Display Unit

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Appendix B - Corporation’s Representative’s Multi-Year Calendar

MS-GS-I1R26 B-1
Appendix B
Week No. 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 9 10 11 12 13 14
Monday 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 2 9 16 23 30
Tuesday 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 3 10 17 24 31
Wednesday 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 4 11 18 25
Thursday 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 5 12 19 26
Friday 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 6 13 20 27
Saturday 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 7 14 21 28
Sunday 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 1 8 15 22 29


Week No. 14 15 16 17 18 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Monday 6 13 20 27 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29
Tuesday 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30
Wednesday 1 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24
Thursday 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25
Friday 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26
Saturday 4 11 18 25 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27
Sunday 5 12 19 26 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28


Week No. 27 28 29 30 31 31 32 33 34 35 36 36 37 38 39 40
Monday 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28
Tuesday 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29
Wednesday 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30
Thursday 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24
Friday 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25
Saturday 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26
Sunday 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27


Week No. 40 41 42 43 44 44 45 46 47 48 49 49 50 51 52 53
Monday 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28
Tuesday 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29
Wednesday 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 2 9 16 23 30
Thursday 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 3 10 17 24 31
Friday 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 4 11 18 25
Saturday 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26
Sunday 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27

Appendix B
Week No. 53/15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 10 11 12 13
Monday 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 7 14 21 28
Tuesday 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 1 8 15 22 29
Wednesday 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 2 9 16 23 30
Thursday 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 3 10 17 24 31
Friday 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 4 11 18 25
Saturday 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 5 12 19 26
Sunday 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 6 13 20 27


Week No. 13 14 15 16 17 17 18 19 20 21 22 22 23 24 25 26
Monday 4 11 18 25 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27
Tuesday 5 12 19 26 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28
Wednesday 6 13 20 27 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29
Thursday 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30
Friday 1 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24
Saturday 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25
Sunday 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26


Week No. 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 35 36 37 38 39
Monday 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26
Tuesday 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27
Wednesday 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28
Thursday 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29
Friday 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30
Saturday 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24
Sunday 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25


Week No. 39 40 41 42 43 44 44 45 46 47 48 48 49 50 51 52
Monday 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26
Tuesday 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27
Wednesday 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28
Thursday 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29
Friday 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 2 9 16 23 30
Saturday 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 3 10 17 24 31
Sunday 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 4 11 18 25

Appendix B
Week No. 52/16 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 9 10 11 12 13
Monday 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 6 13 20 27
Tuesday 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 7 14 21 28
Wednesday 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 1 8 15 22 29
Thursday 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 2 9 16 23 30
Friday 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 3 10 17 24 31
Saturday 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 4 11 18 25
Sunday 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 5 12 19 26


Week No. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 22 23 24 25 26
Monday 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26
Tuesday 4 11 18 25 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27
Wednesday 5 12 19 26 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28
Thursday 6 13 20 27 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29
Friday 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30
Saturday 1 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24
Sunday 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25


Week No. 26 27 28 29 30 31 31 32 33 34 35 35 36 37 38 39
Monday 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25
Tuesday 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26
Wednesday 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27
Thursday 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28
Friday 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29
Saturday 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30
Sunday 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24


Week No. 39 40 41 42 43 44 44 45 46 47 48 48 49 50 51 52
Monday 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 4 11 18 25
Tuesday 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26
Wednesday 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27
Thursday 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28
Friday 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29
Saturday 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 2 9 16 23 30
Sunday 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 3 10 17 24 31

Appendix B
Week No. 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 9 10 11 12 13
Monday 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 5 12 19 26
Tuesday 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 6 13 20 27
Wednesday 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 7 14 21 28
Thursday 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 1 8 15 22 29
Friday 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 2 9 16 23 30
Saturday 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 3 10 17 24 31
Sunday 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 4 11 18 25


Week No. 13 14 15 16 17 18 18 19 20 21 22 22 23 24 25 26
Monday 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25
Tuesday 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26
Wednesday 4 11 18 25 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27
Thursday 5 12 19 26 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28
Friday 6 13 20 27 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29
Saturday 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30
Sunday 1 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24


Week No. 26 27 28 29 30 31 31 32 33 34 35 35 36 37 38 39
Monday 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24
Tuesday 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25
Wednesday 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26
Thursday 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27
Friday 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28
Saturday 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29
Sunday 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30


Week No. 40 41 42 43 44 44 45 46 47 48 48 49 50 51 52 01/19
Monday 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 3 10 17 24 31
Tuesday 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 4 11 18 25
Wednesday 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26
Thursday 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27
Friday 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28
Saturday 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29
Sunday 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 2 9 16 23 30

Appendix B
Week No. 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 9 10 11 12 13
Monday 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 4 11 18 25
Tuesday 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 5 12 19 26
Wednesday 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 6 13 20 27
Thursday 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 7 14 21 28
Friday 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 1 8 15 22 29
Saturday 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 2 9 16 23 30
Sunday 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 3 10 17 24 31


Week No. 14 15 16 17 18 18 19 20 21 22 22 23 24 25 26
Monday 1 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24
Tuesday 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25
Wednesday 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26
Thursday 4 11 18 25 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27
Friday 5 12 19 26 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28
Saturday 6 13 20 27 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29
Sunday 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30


Week No. 27 28 29 30 31 31 32 33 34 35 35 36 37 38 39 40
Monday 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30
Tuesday 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24
Wednesday 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25
Thursday 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26
Friday 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27
Saturday 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28
Sunday 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29


Week No. 40 41 42 43 44 44 45 46 47 48 48 49 50 51 52 01/20
Monday 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 2 9 16 23 30
Tuesday 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 3 10 17 24 31
Wednesday 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 4 11 18 25
Thursday 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26
Friday 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27
Saturday 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28
Sunday 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29

Appendix B
Week No. 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 9 10 11 12 13 14
Monday 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 2 9 16 23 30
Tuesday 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 3 10 17 24 31
Wednesday 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 4 11 18 25
Thursday 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 5 12 19 26
Friday 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 6 13 20 27
Saturday 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 7 14 21 28
Sunday 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 1 8 15 22 29


Week No. 14 15 16 17 18 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Monday 6 13 20 27 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29
Tuesday 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30
Wednesday 1 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24
Thursday 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25
Friday 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26
Saturday 4 11 18 25 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27
Sunday 5 12 19 26 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28


Week No. 27 28 29 30 31 31 32 33 34 35 36 36 37 38 39 40
Monday 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28
Tuesday 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29
Wednesday 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30
Thursday 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24
Friday 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25
Saturday 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26
Sunday 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27


Week No. 40 41 42 43 44 44 45 46 47 48 49 49 50 51 52 53
Monday 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28
Tuesday 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29
Wednesday 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 2 9 16 23 30
Thursday 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 3 10 17 24 31
Friday 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 4 11 18 25
Saturday 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26
Sunday 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27

Appendix B
Week No. 53/20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Monday 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 1 8 15 22 29
Tuesday 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 2 9 16 23 30
Wednesday 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 3 10 17 24 31
Thursday 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 4 11 18 25
Friday 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 5 12 19 26
Saturday 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 6 13 20 27
Sunday 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 7 14 21 28


Week No. 13 14 15 16 17 17 18 19 20 21 22 22 23 24 25 26
Monday 5 12 19 26 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28
Tuesday 6 13 20 27 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29
Wednesday 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30
Thursday 1 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24
Friday 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25
Saturday 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26
Sunday 4 11 18 25 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27


Week No. 26 27 28 29 30 30 31 32 33 34 35 35 36 37 38 39
Monday 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27
Tuesday 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28
Wednesday 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29
Thursday 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30
Friday 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24
Saturday 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25
Sunday 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26


Week No. 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 48 49 50 51 52
Monday 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27
Tuesday 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28
Wednesday 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29
Thursday 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 2 9 16 23 30
Friday 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 3 10 17 24 31
Saturday 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 4 11 18 25
Sunday 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26

Issue : 1
Rev : 26 12/9/2017 General Specification for Maintenance Services

Appendix C - Structure Gauge

Figure 1 Load Gauge and Construction Gauge

Figure 2 Kinematic Envelope and Structure Gauge

MS-GS-I1R26 C-1


Issue : 1
Rev : 26 12/9/2017 General Specification for Maintenance Services

Appendix D - Safety Management of Hot Work (Separate Volume)

The Contractor shall employ necessary personnel to carry out the roles of PRSC, CP, Responsible
Person and FM as described in the document “Safety Management of Hot Work”
(Ref. P/OD/SMS/010) attached to this Appendix. In addition, the Contractor shall carry out the
steps of actions ref. <1> to <23> as shown in the flow charts “Safety Management of Hot Work –
Management Process”, “Safety Management of Hot Work – Implementation Process” and the
table of “Details of Steps of Actions” in the same document except that:

1) The qualification of a contractor’s FM shall be verified by CQAS as shown in the steps of

action ref. <13>;
2) The approval / consent to provide the PTW(HW) shall be processed by YM/SC in accordance
with steps of action ref. <15>.

Safety Management
of Hot Work.pdf

Double click to open Safety Management of Hot Work


MS-GS-I1R26 D-1
Issue : 1
Rev : 26 12/9/2017 General Specification for Maintenance Services

Appendix E - Risk Control Procedure (Separate Volume)

Risk Control

Double click to open Risk Control Procedure


MS-GS-I1R26 E-1
Issue : 1
Rev : 26 12/9/2017 General Specification for Maintenance Services

Appendix F - Design Control of Safety Critical Systems and Maintenance Control of

Safety Critical Items (Separate Volume)

Design Control of Safety Critical Systems.pdf

Double click to open Design Control of Safety Critical Systems and Maintenance Control of
Safety Critical Items

MS-GS-I1R26 F-1
Issue : 1
Rev : 26 12/9/2017 General Specification for Maintenance Services

Appendix G - Railway Safety Rules and Safety Requirements and Information for
Contractors (Separate Volumes)

RSR.pdf SRIC.pdf

Double click to open Double click to open

Railway Safety Rules Safety Requirements and Information for Contractors

MS-GS-I1R26 G-1
Issue : 1
Rev : 26 12/9/2017 General Specification for Maintenance Services

Appendix H - Sub-contractor Safety Management

1. Scope of Sub-contract

1.1 The Contractor shall define the scope of works to be sub-contracted and the form of
sub-contract arrangement such as labour only, labour and plant, labour and material,
plant only or any other kind of mix of sub-contract arrangement.

1.2 The Contractor shall specify the safety requirements applicable to the sub-
contracted works in the sub-contract documents to ensure that the sub-contractor
can fully understand all the safety requirements prescribed in the Contractor’s
Safety Management Plan and method statements.

2. Criteria for the Selection of Sub-contractors

2.1 The Contractor shall specify details of the arrangements and criteria for the
evaluation and selection of a sub-contractor which amongst others shall include the
sub-contractor’s safety policy, safety organization, safety management system and
past safety performance including accident records, offence of health and safety

2.2 The Contractor shall require the sub-contractor to demonstrate his competency and
availability of resource for implementing the safety requirements of the sub-
contracted works.

3. Before Work Commencement

3.1 The Contractor shall solicit the sub-contractor to produce a site safety plan for the
sub-contracted works. The site safety plan shall give details of the safety
organization and arrangements of the sub-contractor for acknowledgement.

3.2 The Contractor shall instruct the sub-contractor to undertake risk assessment such
as job hazard analysis to the sub-contracted works and submit method statements
incorporating the hazards involved and control measures required. No works shall
be commenced without the prior consent of the Contractor.

3.3 The Contractor shall require the sub-contractor to employ competent workers and to
ensure workers having attended appropriate safety training courses as required by
the sub-contracted works for safe execution of the works without risk.

3.4 The Contractor shall identify the interface areas/activities between the sub-
contracted works and the works undertaking by other parties on site and specify the
arrangements and coordination of all these interfacing activities.

4. On-site Control and Monitor

4.1 The Contractor shall appoint competent staff in direct supervision and management
of his sub-contractors.

MS-GS-I1R26 H-1
Issue : 1
Rev : 26 12/9/2017 General Specification for Maintenance Services

4.2 The Contractor shall specify the work arrangements, site safety rules and
procedures, safety facilities and equipment provided to the sub-contractor for
adherence and execution of the works.

4.3 The Contractor shall specify the arrangements of communicating specific site
hazards involved in the sub-contracted works and the working environment to the
sub-contractor including pre-work safety briefings.

4.4 The Contractor shall implement a programme of joint site safety inspection with the
sub-contractor and exercise close supervision to ensure that the sub-contracted
works are performed safely.

4.5 The Contractor shall require the sub-contractor to report any accidents/incidents and
dangerous occurrence which occur during the execution of the sub-contracted works.
The Contractor shall instruct the sub-contractor to take necessary
remedial/corrective actions and monitor to ensure satisfactory completion of the

5. Review of Safety Performance

5.1 The Contractor shall specify the arrangements of evaluating the safety performance
of the sub-contractors including safety audit / review to the sub-contractor. The
Contractor shall implement measures for imposing sanctions against sub-contractors
with poor safety performance which shall include but not limit to suspension from
works, removal from site etc.

MS-GS-I1R26 H-2

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