Unit 5

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Energy Audit

Definition of Energy Audit

• As per Indian Energy Conservation Act 2001,
Energy Audit is defined as:

“the verification, monitoring and analysis of use of energy

including submission of technical report containing
recommendations for improving energy efficiency with
cost benefit analysis and an action plan to reduce energy
consumption “
Why the Need for Energy Audit
• The three top operating expenses are energy (both
electrical and thermal), labour and materials.
• Energy would emerge as a top ranker for cost
• primary objective of Energy Audit is to determine ways
to reduce energy consumption per unit of product
output or to lower operating costs
• Energy Audit provides a “ bench-mark” (Reference
point) for managing energy in the organization
Types of Energy Audits

1. Preliminary Energy Audit

2. Targeted Energy Audit
3. Detailed Energy Audit
Preliminary Energy Audit

• Preliminary energy audit uses existing or easily obtained

• Find out the energy consumption area in the organization
• Estimates the scope for saving
• Identifies the most likely areas for attention
• Identifies immediate(no cost or low cost) improvements
• Sets a ‘reference point’
• Identifies areas for more detailed study/measurement
Targeted Energy Audits

• Targeted energy audits are mostly based upon the

outcome of the preliminary audit results.
• They provide data and detailed analysis on specified
target projects.
• As an example, an organization may target its
lighting system or boiler system or compressed air
system with a view to bring about energy savings.
• Targeted audits therefore involve detailed surveys of
the target subjects/areas with analysis of the energy
flows and costs associated with those targets.
Detailed Energy Audit

Detailed Energy Audit evaluates all systems and

equipment which consume energy and the audit
comprises a detailed study on energy savings and

Detailed Energy Audit is carried out in 3 phases

– The Pre-audit Phase
– The Audit Phase
– The Post-Audit Phase
The Ten Steps for Detailed Audit

No Phase I –Pre Audit Phase Resource planning, Establish/organize
a Energy audit team
Step 1  Plan and organise
 Walk through Audit  Organize Instruments & time frame
 Informal Interview  Macro Data collection (suitable to
with type of industry.)
 Familiarization of process/plant
Energy Manager,
Production activities
/ Plant Manager  First hand observation &
Assessment of current level
Conduct of brief operation and practices
Step 2 meeting / awareness
programme with all Building up cooperation
divisional heads and  Issue questionnaire for each
persons concerned (2-3 department
hrs.)  Orientation, awareness creation
Phase II –Audit Phase
Step 3  Primary data gathering,  Historic data analysis, Baseline data
Process Flow Diagram, & collection
Energy Utility Diagram  Prepare process flow charts
 All service utilities system diagram
(Example: Single line power distribution
diagram, water, compressed air & steam
 Design, operating data and schedule of
 Annual Energy Bill and energy consumption
pattern (Refer manual, log sheet, name plate,
Step 4  Conduct survey and
 Measurements :
monitoring Motor survey, Insulation, and Lighting
survey with portable instruments for
collection of more and accurate data.
Confirm and compare operating data with
design data.
Step 5  Conduct of detailed trials  Trials/Experiments:
/experiments for selected energy - 24 hours power monitoring (MD, PF, kWh etc.).
guzzlers - Load variations trends in pumps, fan
compressors etc.
- Boiler/Efficiency trials for (4 – 8 hours)
- Furnace Efficiency trials
Equipments Performance
experiments etc

 Energy and Material balance & energy loss/waste

Step6  Analysis of energy use
 Identification & Consolidation ENCON
Step 7  Identification and development Conceive, develop, and refine ideas
of Energy Conservation Review the previous ideas suggested by unit personal
(ENCON) opportunities Review the previous ideas suggested by energy audit if
Use brainstorming and value analysis techniques
Contact vendors for new/efficient technology

 Assess technical feasibility, economic viability and

prioritization of ENCON options for implementation
 Select the most promising projects
 Prioritise by low, medium, long term measures
Step 8  Cost benefit analysis
Documentation, Report Presentation to the top

 Reporting & Presentation to the Top

Step9 Management
Step10 Phase III –Post Audit phase

 Implementation and Follow- Assist and Implement ENCON recommendation

up measures and Monitor the performance
Action plan, Schedule for
Follow-up and periodic review
Questions which an Energy Auditor should
• What function does this system serve?
• How does this system serve its function?
• What is the energy consumption of this system?
• What are the indications that this system is working
properly ?
• If this system is not working, how can it be restored
to good working conditions/
• How can the energy cost of this system be reduced?
Energy Audit Team
Executive Summary –Scope & Purpose

Energy Audit Options & Recommendations

1.0 Introduction about the plant
1.1 General Plant details and descriptions
1.2 Component of production cost (Raw materials, energy, chemicals,
manpower, overhead, others)
1.3 Major Energy use and Areas
2.0 Production Process Description
2.1 Brief description of manufacturing process
2.2 Process flow diagram and Major Unit operations
2.3 Major Raw material Inputs, Quantity and Costs
3.0 Energy and Utility System Description
3.1 List of Utilities
3.2 Brief Description of each utility
3.2.1 Electricity
3.2.2 Steam
3.2.3 Water
3.2.4 Compressed air
3.2.5 Chilled water
3.2.6 Cooling water
4.0 Detailed Process flow diagram and Energy& Material balance
4.1 Flow chart showing flow rate, temperature, pressures of all
Output streams
4Water balance for entire industry
5.0 Energy efficiency in utility and process systems
5.1 Specific Energy consumption
5.2 Boiler efficiency assessment
5.3 Thermic Fluid Heater performance assessments
5.4 Furnace efficiency Analysis
5.5 Cooling water system performance assessment
5.6 DG set performance assessment
5.7 Refrigeration system performance
5.8 Compressed air system performance
5.9 Electric motor load analysis
5.10 Lighting system
6.0 Energy Conservation Options & Recommendations
6.1 List of options in terms of no cost, low cost, medium cost and high
cost, annual energy savings and payback
6.2 Implementation plan for energy saving measures/Projects

Al. List of instruments
A2. List of Vendors and Other Technical details
Energy Audit Instruments
Electrical Measuring
These are instruments for measuring major
electrical parameters such as kVA, kW, PF,
Hertz, kvar, Amps and Volts. In addition some
of these instruments also measure

These instruments are applied on-line i.e on

running motors without any need to stop the
motor. Instant measurements can be taken
with hand-held meters, while more advanced
ones facilitates cumulative readings with
print outs at specified intervals.
Combustion analyzer:
This instrument has in-built chemical cells
which measure various gases such as CO2,
CO, NOX, SOX etc

Fuel Efficiency Monitor:

This measures Oxygen and temperature of
the flue gas. Calorific values of common
fuels are fed into the microprocessor which
calculates the combustion efficiency.


A hand bellow pump draws the flue gas

sample into the solution inside the fyrite. A
chemical reaction changes the liquid
volume revealing the amount of gas.
Percentage Oxygen or CO2 can be read
from the scale.
Contact thermometer:

These are thermocouples which measures for

example flue gas, hot air, hot water temperatures by
insertion of probe into the stream.

For surface temperature a leaf type probe is used with the

same instrument.

Infrared Pyrometer:

This is a non-contact type measurement which when

directed at a heat source directly gives the
temperature read out. Can be useful for measuring hot jobs
in furnaces, surface temperatures etc.
Pitot Tube and manometer:

Air velocity in ducts can be

measured using a pitot tube and
inclined manometer for further
calculation of flows.

Ultrasonic flow meter:

This a non contact flow measuring

device using Doppler effect
principle. There is a transmitter and
receiver which are positioned on
opposite sides of the pipe. The
meter directly gives the flow. Water
and other fluid flows can be easily
measured with this meter.

In any audit exercise speed

Stroboscope measurements are critical as thay may
change with frequency, belt slip and

A simple tachometer is a contact type

instrument which can be used where
direct access is possible.
More sophisticated and safer ones are
non contact instruments such as

Illumination levels are measured with a

lux meter. It consists of a photo cell
which senses the light output, converts
to electrical impulses which are
calibrated as lux.
Identification of Energy Conservation
Factors & Areas

Steps for conserving energy can be taken if we know the

correct factors and areas to be studied and also details
of fuels used.
These can be:
• Energy generation
• Energy distribution
• Energy usage by processes
• Fuel substitution
Technical and Economic feasibility-
Technology availability, space, skilled manpower, reliability,
service,Impact of measure on safety, quality, production or
process.Maintenance requirements and spares availability
Sample Worksheet for Economic Feasibility
Name of Energy Efficiency Measure
i. Investment 2. Annual operating costs 3. Annual savings
a. Equipments  Cost of capital  Thermal Energy
b. Civil works  Maintenance  Electrical Energy
C Instrumentati  Manpower  Raw material
on  Energy  Waste
d. Auxiliaries  Depreciation disposal

Net Savings /Year (Rs./year) Payback in months

= (Annual savings-annual costs = (Investment/net savings/year) x
operating ) 12
Energy Costs in Indian Scenario ?

Common Fuels
Power Costs
• Fuel oil,• Low Sulphur In India Electricity costs
Heavy Stock (LSHS),• Light
Diesel Oil (LDO),• Liquefied vary substantially not only
Petroleum Gas (LPG) from State to State, but
• Coal,• Lignite,• Wood also from city to city and
also within consumer
Fuels Cost Inputs & Factors to consumer – though
power does the same
• Price at source, transport
charge, type of transport, work everywhere.
• Quality of fuel
• Contaminations, Moisture, •Tariff Structure
Energy content (GCV)
Energy conservation measures
Understanding energy costs
An industrial energy bill summary


Type of energy Original units Unit Cost Monthly Bill
Electricity 5,00,000 kWh Rs.4.00/kWh (Rs) 20,00,000
Fuel oil 200,kL Rs.11,000 22,00,000
Coal 1000 tons Rs.2,200/ton 22,00,000
Total 64,00,000

Conversion to common unit of energy

Electricity (1 kWh) = 860 kcal/kWh (0.0036 GJ)

Heavy fuel oil (calorific value, GCV) =10.000 kcal/litre ( 0.0411 GJ/litre)
Coal (calorific value, GCV) =4000 kcal/kg ( 28 GJ/ton)
• Benchmarking can be a useful tool for understanding
energy consumption patterns in the industrial sector
and also to take requisite measures for improving
energy efficiency.

– Scale of operation
– use of technology
– Raw material specifications and quality
– Product specifications and quality
Benchmarking for Energy
• Internal Benchmarking
 Historical and trend analysis
• External Benchmarking
 Across similar industries
Scale of operation, use of technology, raw
material specification and quality and
product specification and quality
Bench Marking Energy Performance

• Quantification of fixed and variable energy

consumption trends vis-à-vis production levels
• Comparison of the industry energy performance w.r.t.
various production levels (capacity utilization)
• Identification of best practices (based on the external
benchmarking data)
• Scope and margin available for energy consumption
and cost reduction
• Basis for monitoring and target setting exercises
Benchmarking parameters
Production or Equipment Related

•Gross production related

e.g. kWh/MT clinker or cement produced (Cement plant)

e.g. kWh/MT, kCal/kg, paper produced (Paper plant)

•Equipment / utility related

e.g. kWh/ton of refrigeration (on Air conditioning plant)

e.g. kWh /litre in a diesel power generation plant.
Measuring Energy Performance
Production Factor = Current year’s production
Reference year’s production

• Reference Year Equivalent Energy Use

• The reference year’s equivalent energy use (or reference year equivalent) is the energy
that would have been used to produce the current year’s production output.
• The reference year equivalent is obtained by multiplying the reference year energy use by the
production factor (obtained above)
• Reference year equivalent = Reference year energy use x Production factor
• Plant Energy Performance is the improvement or deterioration from the reference year.
It is a measure of plant’s energy progress.

• Plant energy performance = Reference year equivalent – Current year ’s energy x

100 Reference year equivalent
Maximizing System
- Some Measures
• Replace pumps, fans, air compressors, refrigeration
compressors, boilers, furnaces, heaters and other
energy conservation equipment, wherever significant
energy efficiency margins exist
• Eliminate steam leakages by trap improvements
• Maximize condensate recovery
• Adopt combustion controls for maximizing
combustion efficiency
Matching Energy Usage to Requirement

• The mismatch between equipment capacity and user

requirement often leads to inefficiencies due to part
load operations, wastages etc. It is thus essential that
proper energy matching studies are carried out & actions
Examples :
Eliminate throttling
Eliminate damper operations
Fan resizing for better efficiency.
Moderation of chilled water temperature for process chilling
Optimising Energy Input
 In order to ensure that the energy given to the system is
being put to optimal use, site specific measures and
checks should be carried out regularly.


 Shuffling of compressors to match needs.

 Periodic review of insulation thickness

 Identify potential for heat exchanger networking and process

Identification of energy
conservation opportunities
Fuel substitution
• Replacement of coal by coconut shells, rice husk etc
• Replacement of LDO by LSHS
Energy substitution
• Replacement of electric heaters by steam heaters
• Replacement of steam based hot water by solar systems
Energy Generation
• Captive power plant
• Steam generation
Energy usage by processes
• Analyze which process gets high energy consumption
Energy monitoring & targeting
An effective monitoring & implementing system with adequate
technical ability for analyzing energy saving options is key to
Energy monitoring and targeting is primarily a
management technique that uses energy
information as a basis to eliminate waste,
reduce and control current level of energy use
and improve the existing operating

procedures .
These techniques covers all plant and building
utilities such as fuel, steam, refrigeration,
compressed air, water, effluent, and electricity
are managed as controllable resources in the
same way that raw materials, finished product
inventory, building occupancy, personnel and
capital are managed.----It Becomes the
“Energy Cost Centers.”
Elements of Monitoring & Targeting System

• Recording - Measuring and recording energy consumption

• • Analyzing - Correlating energy consumption to a measured output, such as production quantity

• • Comparing -Comparing energy consumption to an appropriate standard benchmark

• • Setting Targets -Setting targets to reduce or control energy consumption

• • Monitoring - Comparing energy consumption to the set target on a regular basis

• • Reporting -Reporting the results including any variances from the targets which have been set

• • Controlling - Implementing management measures to correct any variances, which may have been occurred.

• Particularly M&T system will involve the following:

• Checking the accuracy of energy invoices

• Allocating energy costs to specific departments (Energy Accounting Centres)

• Determining energy performance/efficiency

• Recording energy use, so that projects intended to improve energy efficiency can bechecked

* Highlighting performance problems in equipment or systems

Data and Information Analysis
• Plant level information can be derived from financial accounting systems-utilities cost centre
• Plant department level information can be found in comparative energy consumption data for a
group of similar facilities, service entrance meter readings etc.
• System level (for example, boiler plant) performance data can be determined from sub
metering data
• Equipment level information can be obtained from nameplate data, run-time and schedule
information, sub-metered data on specific energy consuming equipment
Relating Energy Consumption and Production
• After collection of energy consumption, energy cost and production data, the next stage
of the monitoring process is to study and analyze the data and represent it for day to day
controls—so represent it graphically
Specific Energy
is energy
consumption per
unit of production
CUSUM -Cumulative Sum

• Cumulative Sum (CUSUM) represents the difference between the base line and
the actual consumption points over the base line period of time.
• This useful technique not only provides a trend line, it also calculates
savings/losses to date and shows when the performance changes.
CUSUM Technique
CUSUM analysis
1 Plot the Energy - Production graph for the first 9 months 4-Analysis-TABLE
2. Draw the best fit straight line
3. Derive the equation of the line, y=mx+c
4. Calculate the expected energy consumption based on the
5. Calculate the difference between actual and calculated
energy use
6. Compute CUSUM
7. Plot the CUSUM graph
8. Estimate the savings accumulated from use of the heat recovery

2-plot graph
3-fit equation
Case Study
The CUSUM Technique

Energy consumption and

production data were collected
for a plant over a period of 18
During month 9, a heat
recovery system was installed.
Using the plant monthly data,
the savings made with the heat
recovery system. The plant
data is given in Table 8.3:

* toe = tonnes of oil equivalent.

Based on the graph 8.10
(see Table 8.4), savings of
44 toe
(50-6) have been
accumulated in the last 7
months. This represents
savings of almost 2% of
energy consumption.
5-CUSUM -Analysis
The Sankey Diagram and its Use The Sankey diagram is very useful
tool to represent an entire input and output energy flow in any energy
equipment or system such as boiler, fired heaters, furnaces after
carrying out energy balance calculation. This diagram represents
visually various outputs and losses so that energy managers can focus
on finding improvements in a prioritized manner.

Example: The Figure 4.2

shows a Sankey diagram
for a reheating furnace.
From the Figure 4.2, it is
clear that exhaust flue gas
losses are a key area for
priority attention.
Least Square Method
• We know, equation of slope,
“y” is dependent variable(i.e energy
“x” is independent variable(i.e
production )
“c” is the value at which the straight
line curve intersect the “y” axis.
“m” is the gradient of straight line

Energy consumed for the period=C+m*production for the same
• Consider the sample points,
Equation of straight lines are,
1. cn+m∑x=∑y
2. c∑x+m∑X2 = ∑xy….(on the basis of production
i.e independent variable)
n= no. of data points
These equations are known as normal equations
of the problems and they can be used to
establish the value of “c” and “m”.


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