Project D4 - CPET181
Project D4 - CPET181
Project D4 - CPET181
Semester : Summer Year : 2022
Course Title : Computer Operating Systems Basics
Course Code : CPET181
Instructor(s) : Omar Tbeileh, Shahbaz Baloch, Ruslan Tazhkenov
(Includes names of all instructors
teaching this course)
Grading Scheme
Question Earned Points Max. Points Question Earned Points Max. Points
1 10 6
2 20 7
3 20 8
4 30 9
5 20 10
Important Notes:
- Any attempt at plagiarism will be reported. All ACM handbook academic misconduct rules will be applied.
- It is the responsibility of the student to submit this online Word file to the instructed online platform
(Moodle, Turnitin)
In this deliverable, you need to write a report on what you have done in deliverable 1, 2 and 3 which
was how to create a network between 2 devices having ubuntu operating systems .
The report should include:
1. Introduction : about what you are intending to do in this project
2. Steps: write down the steps of creating a network between ubuntu operating systems.
3. You need to include all screenshots regarding the connection and network configuration
between two devices, checking their network connectivity and how to share files using GUI
and terminal. (what you have done in PD2 and 3).
4. How to secure these operating systems (suggest software)?
5. Explain how to monitor their performances?
6. How to enhance the battery life if they are installed on laptops?
You report should be organized as:
1- Introduction
In this presentation we will explain how does network works in ubuntu operating system and
who to share files. Also how to create a network between 2 devises .
2- Part 2 and 3.
First create a Ubuntu in virtualbox . Next create a network and that by going to the sitting
then network and create a NAT network. After that connect the devices with the NAT
network. Finally check the connectivity.
You share files Click “Sharing Options”. Next check “Share this folder”. After that check
“Allow others to create and delete files in this folder”. Finally click “Create Share”.