LP Tumor Sinonasal
LP Tumor Sinonasal
LP Tumor Sinonasal
ISSN Online: 2162-5824
ISSN Cetak: 2162-5816
Mastectomy, Breast Cancer, Halsted Mastectomy, Patey Mastectomy, Total
Mastectomy, Skin Sparing Mastectomy, Breast Conserving Surgery,
Prophylactic Mastectomy
1. Introduction
Breast cancer has been a hot topic over the last few decades, and the public are
much more aware of it now than they have been before. Celebrities have publi-
cally spoken out about having breast cancer genes (BRCA 1 or 2) and subse-
quently electing to have mastectomies. In particular, Angelina Jolie and her
prophylactic bilateral mastectomy, were highly discussed in the press-similarly;
Sharon Osbourne, Christina Applegate and Shannen Doherty also became the
centre of attention after admitting to having breast cancer and proceeding with
Breast cancer screening has really become ingrained in our culture, and pa-
tients, in general, tend to know more about their diagnosis and treatment plan-
ning-potentially because resources nowadays are way more readily available. Pa-
tients are more inclined to ask and enquire about their options, indications and
possible complications after they are diagnosed with breast cancer, with internet
being a huge source of information for them.
Mastectomy is not always the treatment of choice and will usually be used in
tumours that are large, compared to the breast size, or tumours that have recurred.
Various types of mastectomy exist and these different types and techniques tie
in nicely with the history of breast cancer and breast cancer surgery. From very
radical to conserving-that could be the general description of trends in breast
cancer surgery over the last hundred years or so. Nowadays, many patients who
undergo mastectomy will expect breast reconstruction and a satisfactory cos-metic
Our article touches on all the above topics-from the history of breast cancer,
through types and techniques, indications, complications, patient expectations and
current trends, and also discusses breast reconstruction.
G. Lazaraviciute, S. Chaturvedi
tive surgery with radiotherapy versus radical mastectomy and survivals were
shown to differ depending on the stage of disease-however, this is covered in more
detailed later on in the article.
G. Lazaraviciute, S. Chaturvedi
and nipple ischaemia and malposition are the two main ones to be aware of. Pa-
tients need to be counselled and consented regarding this before the procedure.
Moreover, all the pros and cons of the prophylactic mastectomies need to be taken
into consideration. Patients should be referred to a psychologist to assess the
impact of the procedure and to ensure that the patient is fully aware of the
complications and also the small chances of having carcinoma of the breast de-
spite the mastectomy (Table 1).
4. Complications
Complications do occur in mastectomies and are worth a mention. Haematoma is a
serious complication and patients need to be closely monitored postopera-tively
for this. Patients may have to go back to the operating theatre for evacua-tion of
the haematoma, with prompt identification and control of the source of bleeding.
In addition, infection, seroma, necrosis of skin flaps and recurrence of cancer on
the mastectomy skin flaps are also a potential problem. Recurrence is more likely
in younger patients, multifocal or poorly differentiated tumours, lymphovascular
invasion and extensive Ductal Carcinoma in Situ (DCIS) at the margins [2].
Halsted’s Total or
Patey’s Skin-sparing
radical simple
mastectomy mastectomy
mastectomy mastectomy
Breast tissue
Breast tissue, Breast tissue, Breast tissue removed, but
Pectoralis major Pectoralis and involved skin envelope
Extent and minor, all minorand skin removed; preserved
axillary tissue axillary nodes with or without (nipple may
removed removed axillary surgery also be
Extremely rare
cases nowadays, Most common
More invasive Small
Usage e.g. tumour type of
tumours tumours only
spread to mastectomy
chest wall
Extensive scars,
Essential risks lymphoedema, Lymphoedema, Seromas, hae-
and reduced seromas, matomas, flap
ischaemia or
complications shoulder haematomas necrosis
Negative effect
Significant risk on esteem,
Life changing, pleasing and
Important of lymphoedema sexual
with significant satisfactory
patient which may mar- attraction,
decrease in cosmetic
outcomes kedly reduce increased rates
quality of life outcome
quality of life of depression
for the patient
and anxiety
G. Lazaraviciute, S. Chaturvedi
G. Lazaraviciute, S. Chaturvedi
struction had anxiety, compared to 63% in the delayed group; and 0% versus 4%
for depression [9].
Wide local excision, however, may not always be an option and then more
conservative mastectomy techniques need to be employed. Nipple preservation is
popular among patients, but can have adverse effects, with the two main ones
being nipple ischaemia and nipple-areolar complex malposition [10]. These po-
tential complications need to be clearly laid out to the patient in order to ensure
their expectations are realistic and major disappointments are avoided. Careful
planning and precise techniques are also essential and are highlighted by the au-
thors [10]. Wide local excision has higher patient satisfaction and patients have
better psychosocial outcomes compared to mastectomies [11].
Magazines are full of stories of patients who have, or had breast cancer and the
treatments they unfortunately had to endure. This brings on to an important issue
of false perceptions-some lay people still consider a more extensive surgery, in
this case mastectomy, to be more effective than a smaller procedure. A paper by
Dr McCormick picks up very nicely on this. She describes an article she read in
one magazine, where a woman self discovered a small breast lump. “I have no
history in my family and no reason to believe it was breast cancer, but I just knew.
Almost as quickly, I made the decision to have a double mastectomy. If I was
going to fight, I wanted to face things head on—to be aggressive and get this
done” [12]. She highlights the important issue wherein the invasive and exten-sive
surgical procedure, that is less effective than conservation surgery with radi-
otherapy, is still perceived as more effective by patients.
Extensive studies have compared mastectomy with other methods of breast
cancer management. For example, a well known 20-year follow-up study by
Fisher et al. showed no significant difference in survival in patients who under-
went mastectomy versus those who had a “lumpectomy” with or without radio-
therapy in early stage breast cancer [13]. There are many other studies that have
shown similar results [14] [15] [16]. These findings would correspond to a see-
mingly decreasing rate of mastectomies, with a study from the United States
showing a decrease of at least 2% from 2000 to 2006 [17]. However, despite this,
some patients still choose mastectomy over WLE when given the choice-mainly
due to fear of recurrence and a perceived benefit in survival-yet again, an “un-true
and harmful belief”, as highlighted by Dr McCormick [12].
Research into making patient experience of mastectomy better is active, and
various methods have been utilised. For example, acupuncture has been sug-
gested as a potential concurrent treatment method to reduce anxiety, pain levels
and increase ability to cope with mastectomy [18]. It seemed to work in the quoted
study, and may be worth a try in patients who are anxious and who are open to
less conventional or traditional medical methods.
Interesting research has also been done into what influences the choice be-
tween mastectomy and wide local excision. A United States based study by
Hershman et al. showed some surprising findings. Patients who had breast con-
serving surgery were more likely to have female, US-trained surgeons, who
G. Lazaraviciute, S. Chaturvedi
completed training after 1975 and had a larger patient panel [19]. This poses some
interesting questions: is a female surgeon more likely to convey a message of
breast conserving surgery better? Are newer surgeons more likely to be up-to-
speed with current research? In addition, it seems that social media influence plays
a key role here, too. Patients tend to seek advice not only from their family
members, but also from their social media contacts. A study by Venetis et al.
showed that women are more likely to choose contralateral prophylactic mas-
tectomy when influenced by their social networks [20].
Finally, with a dramatic increase in breast conserving surgery rates, most fu-ture
research is likely to focus on skin and nipple sparing mastectomies rather than
simple mastectomies. Research into what type of patients breast conserving
surgery is safe enough in; also into postoperative complications and how they can
best be prevented-potentially by devising risk assessment tools to identify high
risk patients early on and to ensure the patient is consented for such risks when
going for an operation. More research into flap and nipple necrosis is also needed,
especially to identify high risk patients [21]. In addition, with heavy at-tention
towards prophylactic mastectomies from the media, more research will be needed
into rates, consequences and risk assessment tools for bilateral (and contralateral)
prophylactic mastectomies [22]. Novel imaging techniques, such as MRI, might
also be investigated for various potential uses, e.g. detecting nip-ple invasion
preoperatively for patients who will be undergoing nipple sparing mastectomy
[23]. More tailored and individualised systemic therapies after mas-tectomies for
high risk patients with extensive tumours will probably be another intense research
7. Conclusion
Mastectomy is a topical issue nowadays, especially with heavy media coverage
and with wide accessibility to online and written resources. Patients want to know
more about what they are getting, and practitioners will be asked ques-tions about
novel or more conservational techniques. Skin- and nipple-sparing mastectomies
are fairly common nowadays, and there is also a chance of robotic surgery
becoming more widely used in breast cancer surgery. Although the latter is not a
certainty, one thing is for sure-mastectomies are nothing what they used to be in
Halsted’s days.
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