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1- a 29 yrs. Old female has a breast lump in the upper outer quadrant of the left
breast , firm , 2 cm. in size but no L.N involvement what is the most likely
diagnosis ?
a- fibroadenoma

2- What is the management for the above patient?

a- mammogram (true if patient > 35 years)
b- excisional biopsy
c- FNA Fine-needle aspiration (FNA) cytology
d- breast US
e- follow up in 6 months

3- 45 years old lady presents with bloody nipple discharge. Most likely Dx:
- Breast ca.
- Fibroadenoma
- Ductal Papilloma.
- Ductectasia.

-A 45 year old female came with nipple discharge containing blood. The most
likely cause is:
a. Duct papilloma
b. Duct ectasia
C. Breast abcess
d. Fibroadinoma
a. Fat necrosis of breast

- A 35 years old female with bloody discharge from the nipple, on examination
there is cystic swelling near areola, the most likely diagnosis is:
a) Duct ectasia.
b) Intra-ductal papilloma.
c) Fibroadenoma.

- A 45 y.o. lady presented with nipple discharge that contains blood. What is the
most likely diagnosis?
a- duct papilloma.
b- duct ectasia.
c- breast abscesss.
d- fibroadenoma.
e- fat necrosis of breast

4-Which of the following indicates that a breast lump is safe to leave after
a) a cyst that doesnt refill
b) solid rather that cyst
c) cytology showed fibrocystic disease
e) minimum blood in aspiration fluid
Fibrocystic Condition
Essentials of Diagnosis
Painful, often multiple, usually bilateral masses in the breast.
Rapid fluctuation in the size of the masses is common.
Frequently, pain occurs or worsens and size increases during premenstrual phase of cycle.
Most common age is 3050. Rare in postmenopausal women not receiving hormonal

5- A 23-year-old female consulted her physician because of breast mass; the mass
is mobile, firm, and approximately 1 cm in diameter. It is located in the upper
outer quadrant of the right breast. No axillary lymph nodes are present. What is
the treatment of choice for this condition?
A. Modified radical mastectomy.
B. Lumpectomy.
C. Biopsy.
D. Radical mastectomy.
E. Watchful waiting

6- A 30-year-old female presented with painless breast lump. Ultrasound showed

a cystic lesion. Aspiration of the whole lump content was done and was a clear
fluid. Your next step is:
A. Do nothing and no follow-up.
B. Send the aspirated content for cytology and if abnormal do mastectomy.
C. Reassure the patient that this lump is a cyst and reassess her in 4 weeks.
D. Book the patient for mastectomy as this cyst may change to cancer.
E. Put the patient on contraceptive pills and send her home.

7- in breast CA, all true except:

a) 2 cm mass with free axilla is stage I
b) Chemotherapy is must for pre-menopausal with +ve axilla
c) Radical mastectomy is the choice of surgery
d) Yearly mammogram for contra-lateral breast

8- which one will give bilateral breast CA:

a) lobular breast ca (ILC)
b) intraductal breast ca (IDC)
c) mucinous breast ca
d) paget disease
e) medullary breast ca
f) tubular breast ca

9-. The following are appropriate methods for the treatment of inflammatory
processes in the breast except:
a. Sporadic lactational mastitis treated with antibiotics and continued nursing.
b. Recurrent periareolar abscess with fistula treated by distal mammary duct excision.
c. Breast abscess treated by incision and drainage.
d. Breast abscess treated with antibiotics.
e. Thrombophlebitis of the superficial veins (Mondors disease) treated by
reassurance of the patient & follow up examination only.

10- Factors associated with an increased relative risk of breast cancer include all of
the following except:
a. Nulliparity.
b. Menopause before age 40.
c. A biopsy showing fibrocystic disease with a proliferative epithelial component.
d. First term pregnancy after age 35.
e. Early menarche.

11- The following statements about adjuvant multi-agent cytotoxic chemotherapy for
invasive breast cancer are correct except:
a. Increases the survival of node-positive pre-menopausal women.
b. Increases the survival of node-negative pre-menopausal women.
c. Increases the survival of node-positive post-menopausal women.
d. Is usually given in cycles every 3 to 4 weeks for a total period of 6 months or less.
e. Has a greater impact in reducing breast cancer deaths in the first 5 years after
treatment than in the second 5 years after treatment.

12- Concerning the treatment of breast cancer, which of the following statement is
a) patients who are estrogen-receptor-negative are unlikely to respond to anti-estrogen
b) The treatment of choice for stage I disease is modified mastectomy without
c) Patients receiving radiotherapy have a much lower incidence of distant metastases .
d) Antiestrogen substances result in remission in 60% of patients who are estrogen-
e) A transverse mastectomy incision simplifies reconstruction.

13- What is the most important predisposing factor to the development of an acute
breast infection?
a) trauma
b) breast feeding
c) pregnancy
d) poor hygiene
e) diabetes mellitus

14- A 46-year-old female wrestler H presents with a painful mass I x2 cm in the

upper outer quadrant of the left breast. There are areas of ecchymosis laterally on both
breasts. There is skin retraction overlying the left breast mass. What is the most likely
a) fat necrosis
b) thrombophlebitis
c) hematoma
d) intraductal carcinoma
e) sclerosing adenosis

15- Clear aspirated fluid from breast cyst will be:

a) sent to cytology
b) thrown away
c) sent to biochemical analysis
d) combined with biopsy

16- Cause of giant breast includes these statements :

a) diffuse hypertrophy
b) cystosarcoma phylloids
c) giant fibroadenoma
d) all of the above
e) none of the above

17- breast cancer in female under 35 yr. all of the following are true EXCEPT:
a) Diagnosis and treatment are delayed due to the enlarged number of benign disease
b) The sensitivity of the mammogram alone is not enough for Dx
c) Family history of benign or malignant disease is predictive of Dx
d) All discrete breast lumps need fine needle aspiration dominant mass only

Acute Appendicitis
1- a 27 yrs. old female C/O abdominal pain initially periumbilical then moved to
Rt. Lower quadrant she was C/O anorexia,nausea and vomiting as well ..O/E :
temp.38c , cough , tenderness in Rt lower quadrant but no rebound
tenderness.Investigations : slight elevation of WBC's otherwise insignificant
..The best way of management is:
a- go to home and come after 24 hours
b- admission and observation
c- further lab investigations
d- start wide spectrum antibiotic
e- paracetamol

2- what is the most likely diagnosis for the above patient ?

a- mesenteric lymph adenitits
b- acute appendicitis
c- peptic ulcer

3-All are signs & symptoms suggestive of acute appendicitis except:

a. Vomiting
b. Anorexia
c. Paraumbalical pain shifting to right lower quadrent
d. Temp 38.IC
e. Sitting & leaning forward
-All suggest acute appendicitis except:
a. Fever 38.1
b. Anorexia
c. Vomiting
d. Umbilical pain shifting to the Rt lower Quadrant
e. Pain improving with sitting and leaning forward

4- Appendicitis most diagnostic:

a) fever
b) diarrhea
c) urinary symptoms
d) leukocytosis
e) tender Rt lower quadrant with rebound

5- acute appendicitis in children all false except:

a) leukocytosis is diagnostic
b) rarely perforated if it is not well treated
c) can cause intestinal obstruction
d) need ABC before surgery for every child

6-the following is true in suspected acute appendicitis in a 70 yr old person:

a) Perforation is less likely than usual
b) Rigidity is more marked than usual
c) Abdominal X-ray is not useful useful for exclusion of obstruction
d) Out look is relatively good
e) Intestinal obstructin may be mimicked

-Appendicitis in elderly:
a) less risk of perforation.
b) more rigidity.
c) can mimic intestinal obstruction.

-about appendicitis in elderly:

a-perforation is not common
b-gives more rigitiy than usual
c-can mimic obstruction

- The following is true about suspected acute appendicitis in a 70 year old man:
A-Perforation is less likely than usual.
B-Rigidity is more marked than usual.
C-Abdominal x-ray is not useful.
D-Outlook is relatively good.
E-lntestinal obstruction maybe mimicked.

7- The most sensitive test for defining the presence of an inflammatory focus in
appendicitis is:
a. The white blood count.
b. The patients temperature.
c. The white blood cell differentiaL
d. The sedimentation rate.
e. The eosinophil count.

8- The peak incidence of acute appendicitis is between:

a. One and two years.
b. Two and five years.
c. Sixand 11 years.
d. 12 and 18 years
e. 19 and 25years.

9- Acute appendicitis:
a. Occurs equally among men and women.
b. With perforation will show fecoliths in 10% of cases.
c. Without perforation will show fecoliths in fewer than 2% of cases.
d. Has decreased in frequency during the past 20 years.
e. Presents with vomiting in 25% of cases.
10- The mortality rate from acute appendicitis in the general population is:
a. 4 per 100.
b. 4 per 1000. 1 : 1000
c. 4per 10000.
d. 4 per 100000.
e. 4per l000000.
11- A 17 year old boy presents with pain over the umbilicus 10 hours prior to
admission. During transport to the hospital the pain was mainly in the
hypogastrium and right iliac fossa. He has tenderness on deep palpation in the
right iliac fossa. The most likely diagnosis is:
a. Mesenteric adenitis.
b. Acute appendicitis.
c. Torsion of the testis.
d. Cystitis.
e. Ureteric colic.

Colorectal Surgery
3- 30 years old man with long history of Crohns disease.Indication of surgery is:
a-internal fistula
b-external fistula
c-intestinal obsturction
d-megacolon syndrome.

8- Fissure-in-ano MOST commonly occurs:

A) Posteriorly
B) Anteriorly
C) Laterally
D) In men
E) In cases of diarrhea
9- Anal fissure , more than 10 days , which of the following is true:
a. Loose bowel motion
b. Conservative management
c. Site is at 12:00
10- On the 6th post-operative day closure of colostomy, a 52-year old man had a
swinging fever and complained of diarrhea. The MOST likely diagnosis is:
A. Gastroenteritis.
B. Colitis.
C. Irritable bowel syndrome.
D. Pelvic abscess.
E. Cholecystitis.

17- A 28-yaer-old male comes to your office with rectal bleeding and local
burning and searing pain in the rectal area. The patient describes a small
amount of bright red blood on the toilet paper. The pain is maximal at defecation
and following defecation. The burning and searing pain that occurs at defecation
is replaced by a spasmodic pain after defecation that lasts approximately 30
minutes. What is the MOST likely diagnosis in this patient?
A. Adenocarcinoma of the rectum.
B. Squamous cell carcinoma of the rectum.
C. Internal hemorrhoids.
D. Anal fissure.
E. An external thrombosed hemorrhoid.

20- Which of the following is true concerning hemorrhoids? They are:

a. Usually due to cirrhosis.
b. Attributed to branches of superior hemorrhoidal artery.
c. Due to high bulk diet.
d. A source of pain and pruritis.
e. Usually associated with anemia.


1- ischemic leg:
a) golden periods 4-16 hrs
b) nerves are first structure to be damage
c) angiogram is done in all pt
d) parasthesia pts are more critical than those with pain

2- Below the inguinal ligament, where is the femoral artery

a) medial
b) lateral
c) anterior
d) posterior

3- Varicose veins will affect all the following except :

a)short saphenous vein.
b)long saphenous veins.
c)popliteal vein deep vein

-Varicose vein can be in all veins, EXCEPT:

a) Long saphenous vein
b) Shod saphenous vein
c) Poploteal vein
d) Perforators

4-Multiple ulcers on the medial aspect of the leg with redness and tenderness
around it are most likely:
a) Venous ulcers.
b) Ischemic ulcers. Pale ulcers
c) Carcinoma.

5- All can complicate excision of abdominal aortic aneurysm, except:

a) Paraplegia
b) Renal failure
c) Hepatic failure
d) Leg ischemia

6- Varicose veins:
a. Are merely a cosmetic problem.
b. Require ultrasonography for diagnosis.
c. May be effectively treated with elastic stockings.
d. Lead to ulceration of the skin.
e. Are cured for the life of the patient by surgical excision.

7- The key pathology in the pathophysiology of venous ulceration is:

a. The presence of varicose veins.
b. Incomplete valves causing high venous pressure.
c. Transudation of serum proteins.
d. Hemosiderin deposition.
e. Subcutaneous fibrosis.

8- Lymphedema is diagnosed most effectively by:

a. A complete history and physical exam.
b. Duplex ultrasonography.
c. Lymphoscintigraphy.
d. Lymphangiography.
e. Magnetic resonance imaging.

9- Splenectomy does not have a role in the management of patients with

hemolytic anaemia due to:
a. Spherocytosis.
b. Elliptocytosis.
c. Pyruvate kinase deficiency.
d. Glucose- 6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency.
e. Sickle cell anaemia.

10-Risk of DVT can be decreased by these measures except:

a) discontinue oral contraceptives 7-10 days before surgery
b) daily intake of 1mg warfarin for 10 days
c) early ambulation after major surgery
d) intermittent pneumatic device intraoperative
e) administration of Dextran 70

Liver, Pancreatic, and Biliary Diseases

3- Acute suppurative cholangitis. All except:
-Dangerous disease result from concurrent biliary infection & obstruction.
-Increase Serum amylase.
-Increase SGOT & serum ALP
-Hypotension & mental confusion in severe cases.

- acute cholangitis, all true except:

a) E-coli is most common organism
b) Septic shock is most likely complication
c) Jaundice is uncommon
d) ERCP and papillotomy is best Rx

4- All of the followings are complications of laparoscopic cholycystectomy

-Incisional hernia above the umbilicus.
-Persistent pneumo peritonitis.
-Bile leakage.

5- patient presented after post-laporoscopic cholystectomy with progressive

jaundice. the most appropriate investigation is:
b) IVcholangiogram

- Pt underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy, and now came with jaundice, the

most important Inx is:
a) ERCP.

6- Obese 60 yo lady (( 5th day post cholycystectomy)) , complaining of

SOB(Shortness of breath) , decreased BP: systolic = 60 ... 0/B: swelling of the Rt
leg .The Dx is
a. Hypovolemic shock
b. Pumlonary Embolism
c. MI
d. Hmrgic shock
11- A 50 yr old man presented with central abdominal pain radiated to back.
Abdominal and back x ray is normal. Dx is:
a) cholecystitis
b) appendicitis
c) pancreatitis
d) diverticulitis

12- Pt known to have gall stones presented with central abd. Pain and bruising in
the flanks, Dx
a) acute cholecystitis
b) acute pancreatitis

13- Among the causes of Portal HTN, which of these will cause the lease
hepatocellular damage
a) Schistosomiasis
b) Alcoholic cirrhosis
c) Post necrotic scaring
d) Cirrhosis duo to chronic active hepatitis

14-old pt with jaundice , gaIl bladder is palpable ,the most likely cause:
a) Ca of head pancreas

15- Which of the following liver tumors is often associated with oral
contraceptive agents:
a. Hepatocellular carcinomas.
b. Liver cell adenomas.
c. Focal nodular hyperplasia.
d. Angiosarcoms.
e. Klatskins tumor.
16- A 48 year old male patient is admitted to the hospital with acute pancreatitis.
Serum amylase concentration is 5400 U/L. He is complaining of severe
generalized abdominal pain and shortness of breath. He is haemodynamically
stable after appropriate intravenous fluid infusions over the first 6 hours. Which
one of the following is the least significant indicator of disease severity in acute
pancreatitis during the first 48 hours:
a. Raised WBC count (18000/mm2).
b. Low arterial blood oxygen tension (60 mm Hg).
c. Elevated serum amylase (5400 lUlL).
d. Thrombocytopenia (10000/mm3).
e. Elevated blood urea nitrogen (30 mg/dl).
17- Patients presenting with acute cholecystitis are best treated by
cholecystectomy at which time interval after admission?
a) 4 hours
b) 48 hours
c) 8 days
d) 10 days
e) 14 days
Surgery End of Posting
Group B
1. A 35 years old male was diagnosed as a case of Appendicitis , he was taken
to the OR for excision of his appendix . During the Operation the Surgeon
found large sluggish Ulcers covering parts of the colon by . Mm or cm and
decided to cut that part.
What do you think is diagnosis?
a. TB of the colon
b. Amoebic infection
c. Typhoid infection
d. Chrons Disease

2. The most significant finding of a post-operative Paralytic illus is:

a. No bowel sounds

3. A 29 years old female came to clinic complaining of massive bleeding from

her mouth
The most likely diagnosis for this patient would be:
a. Gastric Erosions

4. Which of the following is a specific finding after a thyroidectomy surgery:

a. Hyperparathyroidism
b. Cut of Recurrent laryngeal nerve
c. Bleeding
d. Infection

5. A 35 years old female was admitted for an ERCP for cholecystitis, 18 hours
after the procedure the patient complained of severe epigastric pain ,
nausea and vomiting.
Which of the following is most likely the diagnosis of this patient?
a. Ascending Cholangitis
b. Acute Pancreatitis
c. Bleeding
6. Which of the following is correct regarding Hemorrhoids:
a. Diagnosed by proctoscope (I think)
b. Portosystemic Hypertension is the most common cause

7. A 23 years old student came to clinic complaining of severe pain in his

sacral region when he is sitting.
The most likely diagnosis is:
a. Anal Fistula
b. Pilonidal sinus
c. Anal Fissure

8. In a patient who has a perforated duodenal ulcer the most likely finding will
a. Increase of serum Amylase
b. Right shoulder pain
c. Maximum tenderness

9. What is the finding of a Barium Meal X-ray for a patient with Acalasia:
a. Dilation of the Esophagus
b. Corckscerw shape
c. Many strictures on the esophagus

10. Which of the following is the most common Thyroid cancer:

a. Follicular
b. Papillary
11. Bleeding per rectum is not recognized feature of:
a. Cancer colon.
b. Hirschsprings disease.
c. Ulcerative colitis.
d. Diverticular disease.
e. Internal piles

12. A 24 year old patient who had a blunt chest trauma presented to ER with
cyanosis and shortness of breath. On examination no breath sounds on
right chest, percussion note is resonance. The most likely diagnosis is:
a. Spontaneous pneumothorax.
b. Tension pneumothorax.
c. Cardiac temponade.
d. Cardiac contusion.
e. Pericardiac effusion.
13. Which of the following is a risk factor of squamous cell carcinoma of the
a. Smoking.
b. Radiation.
c. Cyclophosphamide exposure.
d. Analgesic abuse.
e. Chronic catheterization.

14. You were called to the emergency department to review a thirty year old
male patient who was in a major car accident. His vital signs revealed heart
rate of 140 beet/min and blood pressure of 60/40. Physical examination
and radiograph revealed open-book pelvic fracture. There was no other
major injury identified. The diagnosis of this patient is:
a. Hypovolemic shock.
b. Septic shock.
c. Neurogenic shock.
d. Cardiogenic shock.
e. Spinal shock.

15. Which of the following complications is unique for displaced femoral neck
a. Infections.
b. Avascular necrosis.
c. Sciatic nerve injury.
d. Hypovolemic shock

16. The initial diagnostic examination in 50 year old patient who is febrile and
tender in the left lower quadrant of the abdomen should be:
a. Flexible sigmoidoscopy.
b. Water soluble contrast enema.
c. Ultrasound.
d. Computed tomography scan

17. Rest pain seen occlusive peripheral vascular disease in the lower extremity,
most commonly occur in:
a. The buttocks.
b. The quadriceps.
c. The calf muscle.
d. The metatarsophalangeal joint.
(This statement related to question 20 and 21)
A 24 year old male patient presented with a history suggestive of acute
urinary retention. 4 month ago he suffered spinal trauma causing fractured

18. The most likely cause of his retention is:

a. BPH.
b. Neurogenic bladder.
c. Ca prostate.
d. Stone bladder.
e. Urethral stricture.

19. The next step is to order:

a. Ascending urethrogram.
b. US of the pelvis.
c. CT scan of the pelvis.
d. IVP.
e. MRI of the pelvis.

20. An elderly patient with a history of congestive heart failure developed a

perforated peptic ulcer. He was taking to the operating room after the
administration of 500 ml of 5% glucose over 6 hours. Upon induction of
anesthesia, the BP drooped to 80mmHg. The most probably cause is:
a. Hypovolemic shock.
b. Cardiogenic shock.
c. anaphylactic shock.
d. Neurogenic shock.
e. Internal hemorrhage.

21. The triangle of Calot is defined by:

a. Cystic duct, Common bile duct, and liver.
b. Cystic duct, Common hepatic duct, and liver. mcqs
c. Common hepatic duct, Common bile duct, and liver.
d. Cystic artery, Common hepatic duct, and common bile duct.
e. Cystic artery, Cystic duct, and common hepatic duct.
1- When a patient with chronic atrial fibrillation develops severe pain in the leg with
a cold foot and hard muscle in the calf, the appropriate therapy is
a) Arterial by pass graft.
b) Embolectomy.
c) Heparin followed by Warfarin.
d) Immediate amputation.
e) Thrombolytic therapy.
Answer is (D)

2- 14 year old boy underwent appendectomy for suspected appendicitis. The

appendix found to be unruptured. The peritoneal fluid culture is likely to grow:
a) Bacteroids fragilis.
b) Campylobacter jejuni.
c) Escherichia coli
d) Yersinia enterocolitica
e) No organism would be cultured.
Answer is (E)

3- A 33 year old asymptomatic woman is referred to surgery clinic with abnormal

mammography. No masses are palpable in either breast. The mammogram shows a
tight cluster of micro calcifications at the left breast of varying shape and density
with no associated mass .
Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
a) Lobular carcinoma in situ.
b) Fibroadenoma.
c) Infiltrating ductal carcinoma.
d) Ductal carcinoma in situ.
e) Fibrocystic disease.
Answer is (D)

4- 43 Year woman was on intravenous antibiotics for long period, develops Watery
non bloody diarrhea, abdominal pain and Fever. She was diagnosed to have
pseudomembranes enterocolitis.
Which of the following antibiotics may be efficacious her treatment:
a) Clindamycin.
b) Penicillin G
c) Chloramphenicol.
d) Metronidazol.
e) Tetracycline
Answer is (D)
5- A young otherwise healthy man underwent elective repair of paraumbilical hernia.
The correct statement about his wound healing is:
a) The lag phase after making the wound lasts 48 72 hours.
b) Catecholamine release leads to vasodilatation of injured vessel.
c) Sequential irrigation of leukocytes into the wound begins with influx of
d) The development of wound strength is facilitated by collagen deposition.
e) When acute and chronic inflammatory cells have diminished and
angiogenesis ceases, the resulting fibrous tissue repair is essentially
Answer is (D)

6- 75 year old gentleman known diabetic and hypertensive admitted to the

coronary care unit with acute myocardial infarction and heart failure, develops
sudden severe pain in his left leg and in ability to move it. On examination he has no
pulses in the left leg with sensory deficit but the right femoral pulse is palpable and
no palpable pulses distal.
Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
a) Rest pain
b) Arterial embolism.
c) Acute thrombophlebitis.
d) Arterial thrombosis.
e) Cerebrovascular accident.
Answer is (D)

8- After getting cut wound , the first step of healing starts by platelets aggregation to
form a stable clot and release clotting factors to produce:
a) Fibrin.
b) Fibrinogen.
c) Fibroblasts.
d) Thrombin.
e) Thromboplastin.
Answer is (A)
9- In a patient who is at high risk of developing pulmonary embolism after surgery.
The most common symptom will be
a) Cough
b) Dyspnea.
c) Fear of death.
d) Hemoptysis.
e) Pleural pain.

Answer is (B)
10- A 21 year old woman presents with digital color changes in response to cold
stimulation. Physical examination and laboratory data including autoimmune disease
screen are normal. She should be advised that:
a) Her condition is characteristic of vasospastic raynauds syndrome and while
she may be at a slightly higher risk of developing a connective tissue disease
in the future.
b) Her problem with her fingers will get progressively worse.
c) She has scleroderma which will manifest at a later date.
d) Her problem is all in her head
e) She should have abnormal digital pressure even at rest.
Answer is (A)

11- A sickle cell anemic patient develops chest pain and a shaking chills shortly after
starting blood transfusion.
The most common cause of this condition is;
a) Air embolism.
b) Contaminated blood.
c) Human error.
d) Outdated blood.
e) Unusual circulating antibodies.
Answer is

12- A 67 year old diabetic patient presents with left heel ulcer. Features in favor of
neuropathic origin include:
a) Being Painful.
b) Variable sensory findings.
c) Intermittent claudication.
d) Warm foot.
e) Forefoot ulceration.
Answer is (D)

13- 8 year old child known hemophilic brought to emergency department with knee
pain and swelling after a fall.
The Correct statement about his condition is:
a) Hemarthrosis is the most frequent orthopedic problem.
b) Spontenous bleeding is frequent when the blood level of factor VIII falls
below 3 percent of normal.
c) Stable patient have a level of factor VIII over 40 percent of normal.
d) The disease can be transmitted from father to son.
e) The half life of factor VIII is 36 hours.
Answer is (A)

14- 55 year old man develops right calf pain and swelling few days after he had total
knee replacement. Deep vein thrombosis is suspected.
The first choice diagnostic study is:
a) Contrast venography.
b) Isotope injection with gamma scintillation scanning.
c) Radioactive labeled fibrinogen uptake.
d) Real time Doppler imaging.
e) Impedance plethysmography.
Answer is (D)

15- A 55 year old woman presents 6 days after suffering an acute arterial occlusion in
her left leg. After she undergoes an arterial reconstruction. Pulses return to her
foot. But 6 hours postoperatively, her urine becomes reddish brown and is found by
dipstick to be positive for hemoglobin. Which of the following treatments would be
absolutely contraindicated for this patient?
a) Administration of mannitol
b) Administration of glucose and insulin.
c) Administration of sodium bicarbonate
d) Administration of ammonium chloride.
e) Immediate amputation.
Answer is (D)
16- A 42 year old woman with no family history of breast cancer presents with ill
defined lump in the upper outer quadrant of her left breast. She underwent
excisional biopsy after mammography. The histopathology diagnosis is fibrocystic
disease, with comments describing increased fibrosis, duct ectasia, periductal
inflammation and microcyst formation. What is the increase in likelihood that she
will subsequently develop breast cancer?
a) Essentially none.
b) Three times
c) Five times.
d) Ten times.
e) Fifteen times.
Answer is (A)
Surgery EOP
Group D

1. Post-operative day 5, following sigmoid colectomy for cancer sigmoid, a

patient developed tachycardia, warm peripheries, WBS 17000, Hg
8gm/dl. The underlaying cause is:
a. Anaphylactic shock.
b. Hypovolemic shock.
c. Cardiogenic shock.
d. Septic shock.
2. True exophthalmos in Grave's disease:
a. Maybe improved by -adrenergic eye drop.
b. Is due to retrobulbar deposition of fluid and round cells.
c. Of malignant type can causes secondary deposition in the liver.
d. Is associated with low level of IgG.
3. Which of the following best describes the etiology oh hydrpos of the
a. Secretion of abnormal bile by the liver.
b. Stone obstruction of the cystic duct.
c. Stone obstruction of the common bile duct.
d. Cancer of the common hepatic duct
4. Which of the following is most commonly confused with appendicitis in
a. Meckel's diverticulum.
b. Mesenteric adenitis.
c. Pelvic inflammatory disease.
d. Active gastroenteritis.
This statement related to question 35 and 36)
A 25 year old female presented with bilateral breast pain increasing during

5. The most likely diagnosis is:

a. Fibrocystic changes.
b. Fibroadenoma.
c. Ductal carcinoma in situ.
d. Lobular carcinoma.
e. Fat necrosis.

6. The best investigation will be:

a. Chest X-ray.
b. Ultrasound.
c. Nuclear medicine scan.
d. MRI.

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