Note that the elevation head, Z, is the vertical distance of a given point above or below a
datum plane. The pressure head is the water pressure, u, at that point divided by the unit
weight of water, gw.
If Bernoulli’s equation is applied to the flow of water through a porous soil medium,
the term containing the velocity head can be neglected because the seepage velocity is
small, and the total head at any point can be adequately represented by
i = hydraulic gradient
L = distance between points A and B—that is, the length of flow over which the loss of head occurred
In general, the variation of the velocity v with the hydraulic gradient i is as shown
in Figure 7.2. This figure is divided into three zones:
1. Laminar flow zone (Zone I)
2. Transition zone (Zone II)
3. Turbulent flow zone (Zone III)
In most soils, the flow of water through the void spaces can be considered laminar;
v = discharge velocity, which is the quantity of water flowing in unit time through a unit gross cross-
sectional area of soil at right angles to the direction of flow.
This equation was based primarily on Darcy’s observations about the flow of water
through clean sands. both are valid for laminar
flow conditions and applicable for a wide range of soils. v is the discharge velocity ofwater based on
the gross cross-sectional area of the soil. However, the actual velocity of water (that is, the seepage
velocity) through the void spaces is greater than v. A relationship between the discharge velocity and
the seepage velocity can be derived by referring to Figure 7.3, which shows a soil of length L with
a gross cross-sectional area A. If the quantity of water flowing through the soil in unit time
is q, then
n = porosity
Darcy’s law as defined by Eq. (7.6) implies that the discharge velocity v bears a
linear relationship to the hydraulic gradient i and passes through the origin as shown in
Figure 7.4. Hansbo (1960), however, reported the test results for four undisturbed
natural clays. On the basis of his results, a hydraulic gradient i’ (see Figure 7.4) appears
to exist, at which
η = viscosity of water
K = absolute permeability
Falling-Head Test
A typical arrangement of the falling-head permeability test is shown in Figure 7.6. Water
from a standpipe flows through the soil. The initial head difference h1 at time t = 0 is
recorded, and water is allowed to flow through the soil specimen such that the final head
difference at time t = t2 is h2.
with limits of time from 0 to t and the right side with limits of head difference from h1 to h2 gives
Over the last several years, experimental observations have shown that the magnitude
of c for various types of granular soils may vary by three orders of magnitude (Carrier,
2003) and, hence, is not very reliable.
Another form of equation that gives fairly good results in estimating the hydraulic
conductivity of sandy soils is based on the Kozeny-Carman equation (Kozeny, 1927;
Carman, 1938, 1956). The derivation of this equation is not presented here. Interested
readers are referred to any advanced soil mechanics book. According to the Kozeny-
Carman equation
The magnitude of SF may vary between 6 to 8, depending on the angularity of the soil
particles. Carrier (2003) further suggested a slight modification to Eq. (7.29), which can be
written as
assume that laminar flow condition does exist. More recently, Chapuis (2004) proposed an empirical
relationship for k in conjunction
The preceding equation is valid for natural, uniform sand and gravel to predict k that is in the range of
10-1 to 10-3 cm/s. This can be extended to natural, silty sands without plasticity. It is not valid for
crushed materials or silty soils with some plasticity. Based on laboratory experimental results, Amer
and Awad (1974) proposed the following relationship for k in granular soil:
k is in cm/sec
Cu = uniformity coefficient
Mention was made at the end of Section 7.1 that turbulent flow conditions may exist
in very coarse sands and gravels and that Darcy’s law may not be valid for these materials.
However, under a low hydraulic gradient, laminar flow conditions usually exist. Kenney, Lau,
and Ofoegbu (1984) conducted laboratory tests on granular soils in which the particle sizes
in various specimens ranged from 0.074 to 25.4 mm. The uniformity coefficients, Cu, of
these specimens ranged from 1.04 to 12. All permeability tests were conducted at a relative
density of 80% or more. These tests showed that for laminar flow conditions,
For a wide range of void ratio, Mesri and Olson (1971) suggested the use of a linear relationship
between log k and log e in the form
Samarasinghe, et al. (1982) conducted laboratory tests on New Liskeard clay and proposed that, for
normally consolidated clays,
specimens were initially compacted at a certain moisture content, and the hydraulic conductivity was
determined at 100% saturation. Note that, for any given molding moisture content and confining
pressure, kH is larger than kV.
There are several published results for fine-grained soils that show the ratio of kH/kV
may vary over a wide range. Table 7.3 provided a summary of some of those studies.
The average hydraulic conductivity for a confined aquifer can also be determined by
conducting a pumping test from a well with a perforated casing that penetrates the full
depth of the aquifer and by observing the piezometric level in a number of observation wells
at various radial distances (Figure 7.22). Pumping is continued at a uniform rate q until a
steady state is reached.
This gives the hydraulic conductivity in the direction of flow as
7.10 In Situ Hydraulic Conductivity
of Compacted Clay Soils
Daniel (1989) provided an excellent review of nine methods to estimate the in situ hydraulic
conductivity of compacted clay layers. Three of these methods are described.
Boutwell Permeameter
A schematic diagram of the Boutwell permeameter is shown in Figure 7.23. A hole is first
drilled and a casing is placed in it (Figure 7.23a). The casing is filled with water and a
falling-head permeability test is conducted. Based on the test results, the hydraulic conductivity
k1 is calculated as
h1 = head at time t1
h2 = head at time t2
Constant-Head Borehole Permeameter
In this arrangement a constant head h is maintained by supplying water, and the rate of flow q is
measured. The hydraulic conductivity can be calculated as
Porous Probes
Porous probes (Figure 7.26) are pushed or driven into the soil. Constant- or falling-head permeability
tests are performed. The hydraulic conductivity is calculated as follows :
The constant head is given by