Convert DD - MM.SS To Decimal Degrees Minutes/Seconds Coledata's GPS Distance Calculator (Between 2 Waypoints) Result
Convert DD - MM.SS To Decimal Degrees Minutes/Seconds Coledata's GPS Distance Calculator (Between 2 Waypoints) Result
Convert DD - MM.SS To Decimal Degrees Minutes/Seconds Coledata's GPS Distance Calculator (Between 2 Waypoints) Result
SS to Decimal
Degrees Minutes/Seconds Coledata's GPS Distance calculator (be
24 16.488
Result: 24.2748
Waypoint A Waypoint B
Start Destination Latitude 1 (N) Longitude 1 (W) Latitude 2 (N)
A 46.780001 23.630001 46.780003
B 46.780001 23.630001 46.780003
C 46.780001 23.630001 46.780003
D 46.780001 23.630001 46.780003
E 46.780001 23.630001 46.780003
F 46.780001 23.630001 46.780003
G 46.780001 23.630001 46.780003
H 46.780001 23.630001 46.780003
1. The distance between two waypoints is calculated using the
2. Distance = acos(sin(lat1)*sin(lat2)+cos(lat1)*cos(lat2)*cos(lo
where all lat and longs are expressed in radians
3. 1 Nautical mile = 1.852 km (for sea and air navigation)
4. Angle (in degrees) from Waypoint 1 to Waypoint 2 measured
5. Angle between two waypoints = mod(atan2(sin(lon1-lon2)*co
sin(lat1)*cos(lat2)*cos(lon1-lon2)), 2*pi)
where all lat and longs are expressed in radians
PS Distance calculator (between 2 waypoints)
Waypoint B Distance between wp1 and wp2 Bearing *1 Cum NM Cum kms
Longitude 2 (W) nautical miles kilometer miles (ST)
23.69374 2.62 4.85 3.00 0 2.62 4.85
23.713699 3.44 6.37 3.00 0 6.06 11.22
23.693001 2.59 4.79 2.00 0 8.65 16.01
23.690001 2.47 4.57 2.00 0 11.11 20.58
23.702121 2.96 5.49 3.00 0 14.07 26.07
23.701214 2.93 5.42 3.00 0 17.00 31.49
23.691999 2.54737 4.72 4717.7 180
23.6937423 2.619 4.85 4850.3 180
3.00 D 4.57
6.00 G 4.72
8.00 C 4.79
10.00 A 4.85
13.00 H 4.85
16.00 F 5.42
E 5.49
B 6.37