Anderson 1991

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Bulletin ofthe SeismologicalSocietyof America,Vo]. 81, No. 6, pp.

2186 2193,December1991




The spectral decay parameter, K, defined by Anderson and Hough (1984) is
described as a function of distance, R, and site, S, as K(R, S) = Ko(S ) + E(R).
The terms E(R) and K0(S) are found by a method that is unbiased by prior
assumptions about the nature of the distance dependence. Variance using this
model is substantially smaller than in simpler models that do not incorporate
both site effects and a distance effect. For data gathered near Anza, California,
and for distances less than 100 km, ~T(R) is very similar for both P- and S-wave
windows, but K0(S) is smaller for P than for S on average by a factor of about 2.

The spectral decay parameter, K, is an observational parameter of the spec-
trum of earthquake ground motion. The basic observation (Anderson and
Hough, 1984) is that, at high frequencies, the spectrum of ground acceleration
falls off exponentially with frequency, f, i.e.,

A ( f ) c¢ A o e x p ( - w K f ) . (1)
In its action on the seismic spectrum, K may be compared with t*, but is only
equal to t* under specialized assumptions (e.g., Hough et al., 1988).
The basic characteristics of the spectral decay parameter in California, as
described by Anderson and Hough (1984), Anderson (1986), and Hough et al.
(1988) are that (1) for a single site, K has a slight, but meaningful, increase as
the epicentral distance increases and (2) the curve K(R) moves upward or
downward as a whole from site to site. A clear illustration of these observations
is presented in Anderson (1986) and Hough et al. (1988), where K(R, S) follows
approximately parallel trends for stations in Imperial Valley, on deep sedi-
ments, and at Pifion Flat Observatory, on granite with a thin weathered layer.
The numerical values of K at Pifion Flat are about 0.06 sec smaller than in
Imperial Valley at all distances.
A mathematical formulation of this is to regard K(R, S) as a function of
epicentral distance, R, and a categorical variable to identify the site, called S
here, as follows:

K(R,S):Ko(S)+E(R), (2)

where Ko(S) takes a unique value for each site. The distance dependence is
entirely described by ~(R), which is constrained to equal zero at zero distance.
There are several practical motivations for obtaining a description of ~(R).
First, such a description will facilitate comparisons among regions, where ~(R)
might differ. Second, it may be interesting to know Ko(S) for a new site (for
earthquake engineering or geophysical investigations) and a reliable ~(R)

curve will allow co(S ) to be estimated from a few earthquakes at arbitrary

distances. Third, if c is an attenuation parameter and ~(R) is controlled by the
Q profile, as a function of depth, then a better model of ~(R) would allow a
better estimation of Q. Furthermore, to the extent that the exponential decay
describes the shapes of spectra at high frequencies, a good model for ~(R) will
allow applications in generation of synthetic seismograms by stochastic (e.g.,
Boore, 1983) and other procedures. Finally, a standard model of c allows
recognition of anomalous values, which might serve to indicate anomalous
sources or anomalous attenuation, such as from crossing fault zones.


As a first approximation, Anderson and Hough (1984) and Hough et al. (1988)
fit ~(R) by a linear regression. However, there is no basis for assuming any
particular distance dependence. Thus the only constraint that this paper im-
poses is that ~(R) is a smooth function of R. The intent is similar to that of the
nonparametric regression for peak acceleration developed by Brillinger and
Preisler (1984). The numerical method is similar to the one used by Castro et
al. (1990), with three differences. Castro et al. (1990) described spectral ampli-
tudes with a nonparametric distance dependence and a categorical variable
giving the zero-distance amplitude of each earthquake. In the present case, the
categorical variable is c o($). Second, in this case, data at distances between the
discertized points where ~(R) is "~ actually evaluated are treated differently; a
linear interpolation between the discretized points is used. Finally, the smooth-
ness criteria limit changes in the third derivative of ~(R) instead of the second
derivative as in Castro et al. (1990). The results below are insensitive to
deletion of half the data at random for distances less than 200 km, suggesting
that ~(R) is stable with respect to data input.

For data, this paper uses observations of c for both P and S waves, deter-
m i n e d by Hough (1987) and Hough et al. (1988), from 10 digital seismic stations
in the Anza network in southern California. It also uses S-wave observations
from Anderson and Hough (1984) for the Imperial Valley. Maps of events and
stations are found in Hough et al. (1988) and Anderson and Hough (1984).
Table 1 lists ~(R) for P and S waves, and Figures 1 and 2 show the fit of
these curves to the data for each station. Table 2 lists co(S) for every station.
Finally Figure 3 compares £(R) derived for P and S waves. Figures 1 and 2
demonstrate that the data match the trend of the average curve without
exception. Table 1 also lists the number of data in each distance range which
contribute to the determination of £(R). Six S-wave data and 11 P-wave data
at distances beyond 200 km further constrain the results. The number of data
drop off quickly for distances beyond 100 km, implying that the numerical
estimates for ~(R) beyond 100 km are less reliable than at shorter distances.
The model is truncated at 200 km because the number of data beyond 200 km is
very small and the smoothness constraints influence the fit to the data there.
The model in Figures 1 and 2 is a rather complex description for the
parameter c. Using analysis of variance (Mason et al., 1989), it can be shown
that the model given in Tables 1 and 2 for both P and S waves is statistically
better than each of the following, given in order of increasing numbers of

S Waves P Waves

R g(R)* # data t ~(R)* # data t

( kin) (msec) (msec)

0 0.0 13 0.0 20
10 3.5 57 2.7 28
20 5.7 62 4.8 32
30 6.9 51 6.3 27
40 6.9 40 7.7 18
50 6.5 80 9.6 29
60 7.9 70 12.4 23
70 11.1 58 16.1 26
80 15.5 36 19.5 12
90 21.9 52 21.9 26
100 28.7 22 23.7 6
110 34.0 8 25.6 7
120 37.3 10 27.5 6
130 39.1 9 29.0 3
140 40.6 3 29.8 3
150 42.5 8 29.9 3
160 44.3 2 29.6 2
170 45.5 4 29.4 2
180 46.4 4 29.0 1
190 48.5 6 28.2 3
200 53.3 0 27.0 1

k'(R) is determined using a linear interpolation be-

tween points.
tThis is the number of values of kappa that are
available at a distance that rounds off to the corre-
sponding distance in the table.

unknown parameters:

Model 1: K(R, S) = c o n s t a n t .
Model 2: K ( R , S ) = K o + m R .
Model 3: ~(R) = 0 a n d Ko(S) developed for each station.
Model 4: ~ ( R ) = m R a n d Ko(S) developed for each station.
In the context of t h e adopted f i t t i n g procedure, it would be easy to develop
a d d i t i o n a l models w i t h c o m p l e x i t y i n t e r m e d i a t e b e t w e e n model 4 a n d t h e model
g i v e n in Tables 1 a n d 2. This w o u l d be done by i n c r e a s i n g the s e p a r a t i o n w i t h
distance, A R, b e t w e e n points at w h i c h ~(R) is d e t e r m i n e d , u n t i l one finds the
least complex distance d e p e n d e n c e t h a t is d e m a n d e d by the data. The given
model, w i t h A R = 10 km, p r o b a b l y h a s more p a r a m e t e r s t h a n necessary.
However, even t h o u g h large v a l u e s for A R (e.g., 50 km) m i g h t be justified from
a strictly n u m e r i c a l point of view, t h e r e is no physical justification for i m p o s i n g
a model in w h i c h c h a n g e s in slope of ~(R) occur only at large distance
intervals. Thus, t h e s e models are not i n v e s t i g a t e d . The p r o c e d u r a l improve-
m e n t of a v o i d i n g such unjustified artifacts in ~(R) w a r r a n t s the additional
complexity in t h e p r e f e r r e d models. The RMS misfit in the p r e f e r r e d model is
n e a r l y a factor of 2 g r e a t e r t h a n a n e s t i m a t e for t h e s t a n d a r d deviation in

.14 .14
.12 BZN S-waves .12 CRY S-waves
,10 .I0
.08 o .08
o o o .06 o
~ .04 o ~ ,04 o
.02 ~ ~ .02
.00 .00
I I I t I I i I I
-.02 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , r ~ -.02
40 80 120 160 200 40 80 120 160 200

.14 .1'
.121 ELC S-waves o .1~ FRD S-waves
.lOi .1(
"~" .08 .0~
v~ .06 .0(
.04 e ,0, o o ~ o °8 o
.02 .0",
.00 .0( o8
i i i ~ i i i r i
-.02 -.0:
4-0 80 120 160 200 40 80 120 160 200

.14 .14
.12 KNW S-waves .12 LVA S-waves
.10 .10 8
%" 08 .08
.o6 .06
~z .04 8 ~ ,04 8

.001 .OC
_ . 0 2 1 1 1 1 r [ 1 1 1 _ 0 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 [ 1 1
0 40 80 120 160 200 0 40 80 120 160 200
Epicentral Distance (km) EpicentrQI Distance (km)
.14 .14
.12 PFO S-waves ,12 RDM S-waves
.10 .10
.08 .08
'~ .06 .06
~¢ ,04 04
.02 .02
.00 .OC
_ . 0 2 ~ 1 1 1 1 1 q l l _ . 0 2 1 1 1 1 ~ 1 1 1 1
0 40 80 120 160 200 0 40 80 120 160 200

.14 ,14
,12 SND S-waves .12 TRO S-waves
.10 .10
%" .08 .08
,06 .06 o~--
~ .04 = Bo~, 8o0 8 .04
.02 .02
.00 .OO o
I ~ I I I I I I I
-.02 i I I I I I I I -.02
40 80 120 160 200 40 80 120 160 200
Epicentral Distance (kin)
.12 WMC S-waves
~" .08
~ .06
~ .04
l I l i i I I i
40 80 120 I BO 200
Epicentral Distance (kin)
F I G . 1. D a t a and model K(R, S) for each station for S waves.
2190 J . G . ANDERSON

.08 .08
BZN P-waves CRY P-waves
.06 o .06
o .04 8 o

~o o° a° o°
.02 . . 4 ~ . _ _ ~ ~ .02

.00 .DO
i ~ i i i i i i i -,02 I I I I i I I i
40 80 120 160 200 40 80 120 160 200

.08 .08
FRD P-waves KNW P-waves
.06 .06
.04 ,04
o % °o

~e .02 o o .02 o o °

.00 .00
~ o ~
-.02 r [ i I I I I I I -.02 i t i i r i i i

O 40 80 120 160 200 40 80 120 160 200

.08 .08
LVA P-waves PFO P-waves
.06 .06
o o
%" .04 o o ~ .04 o o

°~"~° ° o o
.02 o .02 o ~ o

.00 .00
-.02 t t t t r I , r i -.02 I t J , r i i q
0 40 80 120 160 200 0 40 80 120 160 200
Epicentral Distance (kin) Epicentral Distance (kin)

.08 .Ok
RDM P-waves SND P-waves o
.06 o ,06

.04 .04 ~ o o
o o a~ oo @o
.02 o Oa .02 o o °° ooe

.00 .OC
-.02 r l ~ l r l r l l -.02 ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ r
40 80 120 160 200 0 40 80 120 160 200

.08 .08
TRO P-waves
.06 .06 WMC P-waves t
o o
.04 .04

.02 .02
.00 .00
q i [ i i r i i [ -,02 i i i i i i i i i
40 80 120 160 200 40 80 120 160 200
Epicentra/ Distance (km) Epicentral DTstance (km)


FIG. 2. D a t a and model K(R, S) for each s t a t i o n for P waves.

S P E C T R A L D E C A Y P A R A M E T E R IN S O U T H E R N C A L I F O R N I A 2191
S Waves P Waves Ratios

Station Geology* K°(S) # data d°(S) ~ data R~a R~b

(msec) (msec)

BZN Decomposedtonalite 13.8 43 5.6 22 2.5 1.4

Sloping terrain
CRY Tonaliteoutcrop 9.4 86 13.4 31 0.7 0.4
Nearly flat terrain
ELC Deep alluvium 62.4 20
Flat terrain
FRD Tonalite 8.5 47 - 1.7 27 ?
Near edge of shallow alluvial valley
KNW Tonalite weathered to 20 m 1.9 96 - 2.4 44 ?
Small, low ridge on s l o p i n g t e r r a i n
LVA Granodiorite 27.9 26 15.5 13 1.8 1.1
Side of alluvial valley
PFO Quartz diorite-granodiorite 3.6 88 1.2 40 3.0 1.7
weathered to 20 m
Flat terrain
RDM Metamorphicpendant-gneiss 5.9 55 1.9 31 3.1 1.8
Mt. peak
SND Decomposed tonalite in San Jacinto fault zone 23.3 94 12.7 50 1.8 1.1
TRO Quartz diorite-granodiorite outcrop 14.1 20 8.2 2 1.7 1.0
Mt. peak
WMC Alluvium estimated 60 m thick 20.6 26 7.9 14 2.6 1.5
Gently sloping terrain

*Geology is summarized from Vernon (1989).

, {Ko(S) f°rSwaves}
Ra = Ko(S ) for Pwaves
Ra QPi
tR b = ~ , and thus for a Poisson's ratio of 0.25, Rb= Q s / ' where QPi is the frequency

independent contribution to attenuation of P waves, and Qsi is the frequency independent

contribution to attenuation of S waves.

individual elements of K, implying that the present model is still an incomplete

description of the spectral decay at high frequencies. It is likely that differences
in source spectral shapes and laterally heterogeneous attenuation contribute
significantly to the residual scatter.
Figure 3 shows that E(R) for P and S waves are similar to distances of 100
k m but diverge beyond that point. Considering the small amount of data beyond
100 km, this feature should not be considered to be confidently resolved. The
similarity of the estimates at distances less t h a n 100 km is a significant feature
and implies Qs > QP at the depth of seismic wave propagation, as found by
Hough and Anderson (1988).
In Table 2, we observe a qualitative, although imperfect, relationship be-
tween Ko(S ) a n d the site conditions. The two stations that are most nearly
connected to unweathered plutonic rock, PFO and KNW, have the smallest
values of do(S ). ELC on deep Imperial Valley alluvium has the greatest value
of do(S). Two other stations on alluvium or decomposed granitic rocks, SND
and WMC, also have relatively high values of do(S). Anderson and Hough
(1984), Anderson (1986), Hough et al. (1988), Hough and Anderson (1988) have




J j

.00 I I I I I i I I I

0 40 80 120 160 200

Epicentrol Distonce (kin)

Fio. 3. ~(R) for S ( - - ) and P (---) data.

previously attributed Ko(S) to attenuation below the stations, and these results
support t h a t hypothesis qualitatively. For KNW and PFO, Fletcher et al. (1990)
characterized the attenuation in the upper 130 m with values for t* equal to 4
and 3 msec, respectively, agreeing within uncertainties with the present esti-
mates of Ko(S) of 1.9 and 3.6 msec. Under the assumptions t h a t cause t* and K
to be the same (source spectrum has an ~-2 asymptote at high frequencies, a
freqt~ency-independent contribution to Q is separable, wave propagation and
site resonances are small), this limited comparison is consistent quantitatively
with the hypothesis t h a t Ko(S ) is caused by attenuation below the site.
Unlike the terms in ~(R) for P and S waves, the station terms are not
similar. Rather Ko(S) is smaller for P waves t h a n for S waves at all but one
station (CRY). Two stations yielded Ko(S) for P waves slightly less t h a n zero, a
result t h a t can be attributed to small numerical values and observational
uncertainty but might also result from a smaller t h a n average increase in K for
distant earthquakes recorded at those stations. The ratio of Ko(S) for S to P
waves from the other eight stations is 2.2 + 0.8. As observed by Hough and
Anderson (1988), this implies t h a t Qp is greater t h a n Qs, on the average, in the
weathered layer.


It would be reasonable to repeat the modeling of this paper with more
estimates of K, particularly for distances beyond 100 km. This would increase
the confidence in the curves of ~(R). However, since they are unaffected by
removal of half the data at distances less t h a n 200 km, it is not obvious t h a t a
substantial increase in the number of estimates of ~ in the distances between
100 and 200 km will result in curves with a significantly different character.
Our model (equation 2) has not included any attempt to observe variations with
earthquake size (suggested by Hanks, 1982), and evaluation of this effect will
need to wait for additional data sets.
Hough and Anderson (1988) modeled the distance dependence of K to obtain a
model for the depth dependence of Q. The results of this paper in contrast are
only a description of the distance and site dependence of K. However, the
present curves might be used for several purposes, including comparison of

£(R) with other regions, estimating Ko(S) from earthquakes at arbitrary dis-
tances, constraining the shapes of spectra in synthetic seismograms, and study-
ing the depth dependence of the frequency-independent contribution to Q.
Finally, the model can be used as a starting point to better understand the
remaining scatter in the data, since the RMS residual in the final model is still
nearly twice the uncertainty in the data, implying that unmodeled signal
The author thanks Sue Hough for supplying the data used in this study and for reviewing the
manuscript. D. Boore, W. Peppin, and an anonymous reviewer suggested several improvements to
the manuscript. The National Science Foundation research grant EAR 85 18647 supported the work
done in this study.

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Manuscript received 1 February 1991

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