This document provides a table comparing film speed standards including ISO, DIN, and GOST scales. It lists example film types across a wide range of speeds from ISO 6 to ISO 102,400. The scales generally increase together from slower to faster films, though there are some variations, especially at higher speeds.
This document provides a table comparing film speed standards including ISO, DIN, and GOST scales. It lists example film types across a wide range of speeds from ISO 6 to ISO 102,400. The scales generally increase together from slower to faster films, though there are some variations, especially at higher speeds.
This document provides a table comparing film speed standards including ISO, DIN, and GOST scales. It lists example film types across a wide range of speeds from ISO 6 to ISO 102,400. The scales generally increase together from slower to faster films, though there are some variations, especially at higher speeds.
This document provides a table comparing film speed standards including ISO, DIN, and GOST scales. It lists example film types across a wide range of speeds from ISO 6 to ISO 102,400. The scales generally increase together from slower to faster films, though there are some variations, especially at higher speeds.
Exemple de filme la viteza scalei 6 9° original Kodachrome 8 10° Polaroid PolaBlue 10 11° Kodachrome 8 mm film 12 12° 11 Gevacolor 8 mm reversal film, later Agfa Dia-Direct 16 13° 11 Agfacolor 8 mm reversal film 20 14° 16 Adox CMS 20 25 15° 22 old Agfacolor, Kodachrome II and (later) Kodachrome 25 32 16° 22 Kodak Panatomic-X 40 17° 32 Kodachrome 40 (movie) 50 18° 45 Fuji RVP (Velvia), Ilford Pan F Plus, Kodak Vision2 50D 5201 (movie), AGFA CT18 64 19° 45 Kodachrome 64, Ektachrome-X 80 20° 65 Ilford Commercial Ortho 100 21° 90 Kodacolor Gold, Kodak T-Max (TMX), Provia 125 22° 90 Ilford FP4+, Kodak Plus-X Pan 160 23° 130 Fujicolor Pro 160C/S, Kodak High-Speed Ektachrome, Kodak Portra 160NC and 160VC 200 24° 180 Fujicolor Superia 200, Agfa Scala 200x 250 25° 180 Tasma Foto-250 320 26° 250 Kodak Tri-X Pan Professional (TXP) 400 27° 350 Kodak T-Max (TMY), Tri-X 400, Ilford HP5+, Fujifilm Superia X-tra 400 500 28° 350 Kodak Vision3 500T 5219 (movie) 640 29° 560 Polaroid 600 800 30° 700 Fuji Pro 800Z 1000 31° 700 Kodak P3200 TMAX, Ilford Delta 3200 (see Marketing anomalies below) SCALA ISO SCALA SCALA GOST Exemple de filme la viteza scalei (ASA) DIN (Sovietica, pre-1987)
1250 32° Kodak Royal-X Panchromatic
1600 33° 1400–1440 Fujicolor 1600 2000 34° 2500 35° 3000 ~36° Polaroid Black and White 'Peel apart' Film 3200 36° 2800–2880 Kodak T-Max (TMZ) (achieved by push processing), Konica 3200 4000 37° 5000 38° 6400 39° 12,800 42° Values at this speed and above are ISO equivalents on digital cameras[Table Note 3] 25,600 45° 51,200 48° First commercial digital SLR cameras with this ISO equivalent: Nikon D3S and Canon EOS- 102,400 51° 1D Mark IV (2009