Resume Rhiannonzionzee Gameprogrammer

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26a Day Rd Cheltenham 

Rhiannon Z
​ ionzee  Sydney, NSW, 2119 
04 06 220 812 

Game Programmer  Email 

[email protected] 
Please visit portfolio at   

PlayAGS - American Gaming  SKILLS 

Systems, N​ orth Ryde, Graduate 
Software Engineer  Unreal Engine 4  
Nov 2018 - PRESENT 
Customer Service 
Collaborating with teams of artists, game designers, sound engineers 
and software engineers, my role is to assist in the development of 
upcoming games for various projects. From introducing new features or  Organisations 
ensuring a re-skin goes as planned. Often, my job involves Unity, Lua, 
C++, and an arsenal of in-house tools. 

Hungry Jack's® Australia Pty Ltd, ​Sydney, D

Marketing Assistant 
Feb 2018 - PRESENT  High Distinction ​Custom Physics Project 
Involved in the maintenance and ongoing introduction of new content to 
High Distinction ​ Physics Demonstration 
the mobile app and website for Hungry Jacks. Coordinating the digital 
marketing department and offsite contributors, as well as responding to 
tickets about the site and app. Requesting content from designers and  High Distinction ​ Design Patterns Essay 
ensuring files are correctly managed by source control as they are  High Distinction ​ Semester 1 Exam 
integrated into our new systems from existing ones. 
High Distinction​ Cross Platform 

EDUCATION  High Distinction​ General Web Technologies 

Class Representative​ 2017 

Academy of Interactive Entertainment, ​Level 2, 
Wentworth Park Grandstand, Wattle Street,  Crew of the Month​ July 2017 
Ultimo NSW 2007   
—B ​ achelor of Games and Virtual Worlds Year 2 Semester 2 
2017 - Present - 2019 

Website : ​   LANGUAGES 

Pennant Hills High School, ​Years 7-12   English 

2011 - 2016 

Software Design and Development   

Information Processing Technology 

PROJECTS  Other Activities 

The Curious Butterfly -​Group Project​ - ​[August 2018 - present ]  Hungry Jacks Aloha Online Testing. T
​ esting 
5 month End of Year Project ​ onsight amongst a team of one artist, one  a mobile app before deployment, providing 
programmer, and three designers to create a branching narrative 3D  feedback on routing, usability, user flow and 
game based on the butterfly effect, with emphasis on the power of  general insight from my existing job with 
written words and knowledge.Unreal Engine Project, v.4.20.1 Using  the company. 
Perforce, Sourcetree, Trello, & more. 

Hungry Jacks Aloha Testing [ 2016] ​Tested 

TokyoTourists -​Group Project​ - ​[April 9th-11th 2018 ]  the Point of Sales system at various stages, 
48hr Game Jam​ onsight in randomised team to produce an experience 
based game exploring the desire to visit tokyo, using Unreal Engine.  providing feedback and insight before 

Yurei Yokai —
​ Group Project -​[ January 26 - 28, 2018] 
48hr Game Jam o​ nsite in a team to produce an aesthetic, functional game,  Carnival Data Entry  
adhering to the theme "Transmission".  Attended athletics and swimming carnivals   to record results onto laptops onsite, often 
staying afterwards to complete the task. 
Fen of the Forest ​— Group Project [​ Sep 2017 – Dec 2017 ]  Supporting the sports faculty manage 
4 Month​ project amongst a team to produce a tech demo / proof of  events and student's sport rosters. 

Create your own Game —
​ S
​ olo Project - SDD Major Project 
Open Day IT Support 
[Year 12 ] 
12 Month Project​. Programmed in Processing - self-taught in the  Participated in Open Day, Open Night 
language Prototype Approach: Creating versions of the game and  events; showcasing the IT faculty's robotics, 
recreating to better suit the requirements Researched game ideas to  programming, hardware and software. 
create a simple realistic project. Required graphical user interface 
Includes setting up and presenting to 
parents, staff and the community.  
Create the game Mastermind —
​ ​Solo Project - S
​ DD Major 
Project [Year 11] 
9 Month Project.​ Tasked with creating the board game Mastermind as a   
computer program Programmed in Microsoft Small Basic Traditional  Photography - Audio Visual Club. [2013 - 
Approach: Understanding. Designing, Coding, and Testing. Researched 
previous versions of the game, Required graphics user interface  2016]​ Experimented with camera hardware 
  and techniques to take photographs of ice, 
  sunsets, winter, lights in the dark and 
Robocup Rescue— Group Project- ​State and national level -
​   school events. 
Robocup Junior Australia [2013 - 2014 ] 
Given 12 months to construct, program, and perfect a robot to complete a 
rescue course. Not allowed to be remote controlled and must adapt to the   
course design of the competition. Groups participate in rounds to race for  Extra Volunteer Work [2015 - 2016] ​School 
the most complete tiles and fastest times. Constructed and programmed 
from scratch. Team effort to delegate tasks and communicate solutions  Canteen serving students and staff on 
quickly as the rounds are revealed Coping with Hardware - Lego Robotic  Thursdays. 
parts - failures under pressure. 
12 Month Project- completed in 3 months. 

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