Resume 2016 PDF
Resume 2016 PDF
Resume 2016 PDF
B.S. in Computer Science: GAME Option, University of Arkansas at Little Rock (UALR)
B.A. in Mass Communication: Media Production, University of Arkansas at Little Rock (UALR)
GPA - 3.2
2013-2018 Expected
Arkansas School for Math, Science, and the Arts Hot Springs AR 2011-2013
Major Courses: Game Programming, Operating Systems, Data Structures , Media Production
Student Researcher Emerging Analytics Center, UALR June 2015-Present.
I developed visual application using Unity 5.0 to deploy on PC and VR platforms that include
a 4-wall CAVE system, mixed reality setups, and the HTC Vive. I created visual calibration test
scenes, assisted with prototype construction for new platforms, and implemented vr specific
I Wrote code and implemented features as part of team. I coordinated with other members of
the teams, worked to distribute and delegate tasks, and participated in daily standup meetings to communicate the current state of tasks.
I used Git Source Control to coordinate with other members projects. We coordinated developing separate features for multiple platforms simultaneously.
I helped to develop an HTC Vive game for the Global Archiact 2016 Game Jam. I designed
and implemented mechanics and features for the game collaboratively with a team of 10 people. We worked within a timeframe of 3 weeks and successfully completed the project in time
to submit.
Proficient: C#, C++, Java, Python
Familiar: MySQL, LISP, HTML, PHP, x86 Assembly
Game Engines
Unity 5.0
Adobe Suite
Experience using Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, Premiere Pro, and Audition
Microsoft Office Suite
Experience using Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and Outlook
Editing and Media Production
Wrote, edited,shot, and produced short films and videos
Competitions: Master the Mainframe 2014, Global Archiact 2016 Vive Game Jam
Clubs: Trojan Horse Productions (UALR Film Club), Little Rock Game Dev Round Up
Events: Makers Fair 2015, GDC 2015-2016
Volunteering: Childrens International Community Fun Fair 2014