PG Sue LVTD V1 00

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Low Voltage Transfer Device

Product Description
9.2.2 Thermal load capacity ...................................... 9
Inhalt 9.2.3 Consumption ................................................... 9
9.3 Binary inputs and outputs ..................................... 9
1 General ....................................................................... 3
9.4 Communication interfaces .................................... 9
1.1 Switchgear configuration with two incoming feeders
(Variant 1) ........................................................................ 3 9.4.1 Central unit ...................................................... 9

Transfer initiation ......................................................... 4 9.4.2 HMI control unit ............................................... 9

1.2 Switchgear configuration with two incoming feeders 9.5 Power supply ....................................................... 9
and one busbar sectionalizer (Variant 2) ........................... 4 9.5.1 Central unit ...................................................... 9
Transfer initiation ......................................................... 4 9.5.2 HMI control unit ............................................... 9
1.3 Prerequisites for the optimum utilization of the 9.6 Environmental conditions ................................... 10
SUE LVTD ....................................................................... 4
9.7 Protection degree............................................... 10
2 Integration .................................................................... 4 9.7.1 Central unit .................................................... 10
2.1 Interfaces ............................................................ 4 9.7.2 HMI control unit ............................................. 10
2.2 Initiation of the SUE LVTD ................................... 5 10 Housing ..................................................................... 10
3 Design ......................................................................... 5 10.1 Dimensions........................................................ 10
4 Functions ..................................................................... 6 10.2 Available design................................................. 11
4.1 Mode of operation................................................ 6 11 Type test.................................................................... 11
4.2 Permanent determination of the network conditions 11.1 Functional test ................................................... 11
11.2 EMC .................................................................. 11
4.3 Autotransfer mode ............................................... 6
11.3 Isolation............................................................. 11
4.4 Manual transfer logic with net-coupling ................. 6
11.4 Mechanical properties ........................................ 11
5 Configuration ................................................................ 7
11.5 Environmental conditions ................................... 11
5.1 Parameters.......................................................... 7
11.6 RoHS compliance .............................................. 11
5.2 Time settings for various functions ....................... 7
5.3 Fault recording .................................................... 7
6 Operation ..................................................................... 8
6.1 LCD (Liquid crystal display) .................................. 8
6.2 Status indication .................................................. 8
6.2.1 Operational status ........................................... 8
6.2.2 IBB Error ......................................................... 8
6.2.3 Alarm indication............................................... 8
6.2.4 Interlocking status............................................ 8
6.3 LED indication ..................................................... 8
6.3.1 Programmable LEDs ....................................... 8
6.3.2 Bar displays .................................................... 8
6.4 Control push buttons............................................ 8
6.5 Function key ........................................................ 8
7 Testing, quality control ................................................... 8
8 Operational safety ........................................................ 8
9 Technical data .............................................................. 9
9.1 Response time .................................................... 9
9.1.1 Response time with Binary I/O boards .............. 9
9.2 Current and voltage transformer ........................... 9
9.2.1 Rated current and voltage................................ 9

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1 General · Oil and gas treatment plants
· High availability industrial processes
Voltage decreases or complete supply interruptions represent · Chemical plants
the most important and critical problems for the quality of · Industrial facilities with high degrees of automation
energy supply today. It is especially true that voltage · Petrochemical processes
disturbances with electronic control systems and other
sensitive installations can lead to complete loss of production In case of disturbance leading to the breakdown of the distri-
and long stoppage time. bution voltage, a long interruption is avoided through the
Looking back on a 50 years history with more than 2100 High automatic intervention of the Low Voltage Transfer Device.
Speed Transfer Devices and Systems supplied to power Transfers can be manually initiated, depending on the required
stations and sensitive industrial plants worldwide, ABB can operation.
offer a unique know-how in that special field of transfer
systems. The enhancement of the installation availability leads to
considerable cost savings and to a short-term amortization of
In 2003 ABB introduced the well-reputable and reliable high the investment: even just one single successful transfer,
speed transfer relay of type SUE 3000 providing excellent which ensures the operation of an installation, prevents
transfer performance and functionalities. This device is most stoppage time and saves on expensive re-initialization
successful in the market and in use till today. processes, can mean a complete amortization of the
The SUE 3000 was especially developed to meet the superior investment costs for the Transfer Device.
requirements in medium & high voltage switchgear 1.1 Switchgear configuration with two incoming feeders
installations. (Variant 1)
The performance requirements for low voltage transfer This arrangement is often used in auxiliary installations serving
systems (< 600V) are commonly less than such in MV or HV critical applications. One of the two power supplies normally
applications. Thus, the SUE 3000 provides an oversized feeds the busbar. One of the two is switched on, the other is
functionality that is actually not needed for use in LV systems. switched off. A coupled operation of both power supplies is not
It is evident that this technical overshooting accounts for an intended, and due to reasons of rating (short circuit withstand),
unnecessarily high cost level. it is often also not permissible.
That is why ABB developed a cost-efficient transfer device with
an adapted functionality especially dedicated for use in LV
switchgear. This new device is generally derived from
SUE3000 technology, but comes along in a compact housing
with the necessary binary inputs and outputs and with the
adequate transfer functions. By these measures the device
becomes more appropriate for LV applications with limited
budgets. The name of this new device is “LVTD” standing for
“Low Voltage Transfer Device”.

Figure 1-2 Busbar with two feeders – Variant 1

If an error leads to a disturbance of the feeder currently in

Figure 1-1 Implementation of SUE 3000 and SUE LVTD
operation, the transfer device switches the load over to the
Possible areas of utilization include, for example: second feeder within the shortest possible time. Following
successful transfer, the busbar is then supplied further by the
Low voltage switchboards of auxiliary installations serving second feeder. Once the main feeder is again in operation, a
power stations, as for example thermal and nuclear power manually initiated transfer back can take place and the normal
stations. status can be restored once again. The Transfer Device
SUE LVTD is designed completely symmetrical, so that a
Environmental technology installations protection-initiated transfer can be executed from either of the
· Water treatment and desalination
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feeders, in case for example two feeders with equal status are initiated transfer back can be executed in order to restore
present. normal status once again.

1.1.1 Transfer initiation 1.2.1 Transfer initiation

The transfer function could be started by undervoltage The transfer function could be started by undervoltage
detection or external trip (via binary input). detection or external trip (via binary input).

After start the faulty incomer will be tripped and after an After initiation the faulty incomer will be tripped and after an
adjustable time the standby incomer will be closed if all adjustable time the bus coupler will be closed if all conditions
conditions (including residual voltage on de- energized bus) (including residual voltage on the disconnected busbar) are
are fulfilled. fulfilled.

It is also possible to start this function via manual initiation (via It is also possible to start this function via manual initiation (via
HMI command). HMI command).

A transfer back (restore to standard incomer) should always be A transfer back (restore to standard incomer) should always be
manually initiated. manually initiated.

The “main” incomer will be closed first (if both incomers are in In this case the main incomer will be closed (if both incomers
synchronous state) and after an adjustable time, the standby are in synchronous state) and after an adjustable time, the bus
incomer will be opened. coupler will be reopened. In case of inconsistent circuit breaker
behavior (bus coupler will not open) the SUE LVTD will trip the
In case of inconsistent circuit breaker behavior (standby main incomer (decoupling functionality).
incomer will not open) the SUE LVTD will trip the main incomer
(decoupling functionality). 1.3 Prerequisites for the optimum utilization of the
1.2 Switchgear configuration with two incoming feeders and
one busbar sectionalizer (Variant 2) In order to ensure optimal utilization of the SUE LVTD, the
following prerequisites should be fulfilled:
With this configuration, the load is divided between two busbar
sections due to reasons of redundancy. The coupling circuit - Existence of at least two feeders
breaker usually remains open. Both feeders are in operation. In - In case of a manual retransfer – the two incomers
case of a disturbance of one feeder a transfer from the circuit have to be synchronous to each other
breaker of the disturbed feeder to the coupling circuit breaker - Circuit breakers with reliable operating time
follows. The previously feeding circuit breaker is opened and the - Circuit breakers with auxiliary contacts
bus coupler is closed. - Switchgear assembly suitable for network transfers
- Fast protective relays for initiation of the SUE LVTD

2 Integration

The SUE LVTD Transfer Device can be connected without

difficulty to switchgear which are being newly installed as well
as to ones which already exist. All low voltage levels are

2.1 Interfaces

Interfaces exist mainly with the following components (Figure

1-2 to Figure 1-3):

Switchgear (circuit breakers, voltage transformers,

measuring transducers (optional protective current
transformers), overcurrent relays, etc.)

Protection (protection for unit, transformer, differential,

cable, overcurrent, undercurrent, etc.)

Control room or system (remote control, signaling)

Figure 1-3 Switchgear configuration with two incoming feeders and one busbar Auxiliary voltage supply (DC feeder)
sectionalizer – Variant 2

After that, both busbar sections are supplied by one feeder.

The interface of the SUE LVTD to the primary process is as
Once the disturbed feeder is again available, a manually-

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Analog inputs to measure current and voltage signals from
instrument transformers

Binary inputs with optical couplers for the galvanic

separation of the external signals to be processed

Binary outputs with conventional mechanical relays for the

control of circuit breakers
2.2 Initiation of the SUE LVTD

Something which continues to be significant for the optimum

fulfillment of all requirements of the Transfer Device is the
rapid, direct and non- delayed initiation. Figure 3-2 SUE LVTD (Central Unit and HMI)

This is usually ensured by the connection to the appropriate SUE LVTD, as shown in Figure 3-2, consists of two parts, a
fast protective relays. The protection trip which switches the Central Unit and a separate Human Machine Interface (HMI).
feeder circuit breaker off (and thus interrupts the supply to the The Central Unit contains the power supply, processor, analog
busbar) is used in parallel fashion as initiation signal for the input board and two binary I/O modules.
The HMI Control Unit is a stand-alone unit with its own power
3 Design supply. It can be installed on the Low Voltage (LV)
compartment door or in a dedicated compartment close to the
The SUE LVTD is based on a real-time microprocessor sys-
Central Unit. The HMI is normally used to set the parameters
tem. The measurement and analog signal processing functions
of the device and to operate it locally. The HMI is connected to
are executed by a Digital Signal Processor (DSP), while a
the Central Unit by a shielded, isolated twisted pair according
Micro Controller (MC) is executing the logical processing and
to the RS485 interface.
communication with binary input and output device. A block
diagram of the SUE LVTD is shown in Figure 3-1 The HMI Control Unit features a back-illuminated Liquid
Crystal Display (LCD), four status LEDs, seven push buttons,
eight (virtual 32) signal LEDs, 3 LED bars for indication of
analogue values and an electronic key interface.

The language of the display can be selected via the related

configuration software tool, which is also used to define the
functional scheme of the Low Voltage Transfer Device.

The left half of the LCD display is reserved for the Single Line
diagram. The right half is used to display the appropriate menu
or sub- menu as determined by the user. Two different
electronic keys with different access rights are available.

Three pre-defined LED bars are provided on the front of the

HMI Control Unit. Each LED bar consists of ten green and two
red LEDs.

Variant 1:

LED Bar M1: Voltage of Incomer A

Figure 3-1 SUE LVTD block diagram (Central unit)
LED Bar M2: Voltage of Incomer B

LED Bar M3: Voltage of the Busbar

Line-Line feeder voltages, one Line-Line voltage of the
busbar(s) as well as one phase current per feeder are Variant 2:
connected as measurands. Transformers which perform an
internal adjustment to the required extra-low voltages are LED Bar M1: Voltage of Incomer A
integrated in the controller accordingly.
LED Bar M2: Voltage of Incomer B

The functions of the SUE LVTD can be tailored to the system

The individual components are conceived for connection to requirements via a user-specific configuration. The user-
low voltage switchgear and fulfill all the relevant requirements specific configuration is loaded during commissioning. For that
in this area of utilization. purpose the configuration computer, normally a personal
computer running Microsoft Windows 7 / 8 or 10 is connected

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to the optical interface on the front side of the HMI Control

4 Functions

SUE LVTD integrates all the required functions in a single unit.

This multifunctional unit also features a permanent self-
monitoring function.

4.1 Mode of operation

A significant task of the SUE LVTD is to ensure that when

there is an initiation, a minimum short transfer time is
achieved, the transient effects of which represent no danger to
the connected users during the transfer.

For this purpose, the SUE LVTD is equipped with a fast

processing logic as well as a high-precision analogue signal

The device compares, on a permanent basis, the voltage of

the busbar with the voltage of the stand- by feeder.

The monitoring of the voltage level of the stand-by feeder is an

important criterion relevant for the transfer:

UStand-by > UMin1 Stand-by feeder voltage

The SUE LVTD is only then ready for transfer when an intact
stand-by feeder is available. UMin1 is set at the factory to 80 %

4.2 Permanent determination of the network conditions

The Transfer Device is ready for operation only when both

circuit breakers to be actuated are definitely in different Figure 4-1 Example of the SUE LVTD Auto Transfer logic
switching positions (plausibility monitoring) and also in
operating position.
4.4 Manual transfer logic with net-coupling
4.3 Autotransfer mode
The following flowchart describes the logic of the SUE LVTD
The attached flowchart describes the logic of the SUE LVTD Manual Transfer logic with net-coupling of a two circuit breaker
Auto Transfer logic of a two circuit breaker application. application.

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- Read-out of the status of the binary inputs and
- Read-out of the fault recorder
- Read-out of event lists
- Viewing of the FUPLA logic I/O states (online

The typical setting options are listed below and explained


5.2 Time settings for various functions

The time relation within the logical control unit can be

influenced by means of installation-specific settings:

- Minimum time of the auto transfer

- Decoupling time
- Delay time for undervoltage initiation etc.
- Limit values of analog signal processing
- Determination of the synchronicity criteria (angle,
frequency differences, voltage inquiries) for the
- General interventions in the functional processes of

All known installation-specific details have to be discussed with

ABB in order to ensure that these details are taken into
account within the framework of the project planning.

The configuration is stored in nonvolatile RAM (NVRAM).

Subset of changeable function parameters:

Description Setting range

Busbar residual voltage 0.0 – 4.00 x UNominal
Figure 4-2 Example of the SUE LVTD manual transfer logic with net-
limit for transfer release (0.4 x UNominal )
Undervoltage value of the 0.1 – 1.2 x UNominal
5 Configuration
previous feeder at which (0.7 x UNominal)
The SUE LVTD has at its disposal comprehensive project an undervoltage initiation
planning and parameterization options for ensuring an easy will be initiated
use of the device. Delay time for 0.04 – 300 s
undervoltage initiations (0.04 s)
The application is pre-configured and pre-tested in order to Minimum delay time (if 0.0 – 200 s
ensure an easy usage of the device. conditions are fulfilled) (0.5 s)
before close command will
The following features are implemented in the SUE LVTD:
be dispatched
- LED’s (meaning and colors) for local indication
- Single Line diagram to show the status of switching 5.3 Fault recording
devices cooperated
The Transfer Device SUE LVTD is equipped with an internal
- Control schemes
fault recorder module, which records and encodes analog and
- Automation sequences
binary data. The number of recorded data channels depends
All functions of the transfer device are predefined and tested. on the initial configuration. Up to eight signals of the analog
The configuration file is saved and delivered together with the channels and 32 binary signals can be recorded. The analog
Transfer Device to the users. input signals are recorded with a sampling rate of 1.2 kHz for a
period of at least 1000 ms to a maximum of 5000 ms. The
5.1 Parameters recording time is a combination of pre- and post-trigger time.
The records are saved using a typical ring buffer process, i.e.
The parameters can be changed and downloaded via the
the oldest record is always overwritten with a new one (FIFO
belonging SUE LVTD operating tool to the device.
characteristics). The number of saved fault records depends
Additional functions of the tool are available. These features on the record time. For example, a maximum of 5 fault re-
are: cords can be saved with a recording time of 1000 ms. Fault

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records can be exported and converted by the configuration 6.3.1 Programmable LEDs
Eight three-color LEDs are provided for local indication. The
With this useful feature recorded transfers could be analyzed number of LED display options can be quadrupled through the
and e.g. project specific parameters could be verified. menu structure. As a result, a total of 32 indication options are
available for status indication regarding control, monitoring and
6 Operation supervision functions.
A wide range of functions can be controlled and operated Status dependent LED texts are provided.
using the simple, user-friendly interface on the HMI Control
Unit. This interface is shown in the following Figure 7-1. 6.3.2 Bar displays

Variant 1 (two circuit breakers):

Three LED bars are provided for showing the following
measurement values. Two of them are used to display the
voltage measurements of the feeding sources. The third bar is
used for the busbar voltage measurement.

Variant 2 (three circuit breakers):

Two LED bars are used for showing the voltage
measurements of the feeding sources.

Each bar consists of ten green and two red LEDs. The nominal
values of each LED bar, which corresponds to the ten green
Figure 7-1 HMI as Control Unit LEDs are defined by the configuration software. If the
measurement values exceed the rated values, the red LEDs
The HMI consists of the following features: will get illuminated indicating an overload situation.

6.1 LCD (Liquid crystal display) 6.4 Control push buttons

The back-illuminated LC display of the HMI provides a The control push buttons are used for operation of the
graphical display of the switching devices in the switchbay SUE LVTD during local control. A total of seven push buttons
controlled by the SUE LVTD. The intensity and the duration of are available, three for commanding the primary equipment (if
the illumination can be set as required. The Single Line required) and four for browsing the display and operating the
diagram shows the current status of all the switching devices. SUE LVTD.
The right half of the LC display is for plain text, such as
measurement values, main menu and submenus descriptions, 6.5 Function key
parameters and event recording.
The function key button allows e.g. to start an inside the
6.2 Status indication FUPLA implemented function or a control command.

Four system LEDs, described in the following chapters, 7 Testing, quality control
indicate the status of the SUE LVTD.
The thoroughly consistent application of the ABB Quality and
6.2.1 Operational status Environmental Management System in conformity with EN ISO
9001 and EN ISO 14001 guarantees a high quality standard
On the HMI front panel, the operational status is called during the course of the entire engineering and manufacturing
“Ready” and is displayed by a green LED. The unit is not procedure, all the way up to the delivery of the devices.
operational when this LED is off, and this occurs for example
during the downloading of the configuration or if a fault In addition to the execution of the one-time type tests, every
condition is detected in the Central Unit. system is submitted to an isolation testing and a functional
examination at the factory prior to delivery.
6.2.2 IBB Error
8 Operational safety
Supposed to indicate the communication status - not used
During the development of the SUE LVTD Transfer Device,
6.2.3 Alarm indication special emphasis was placed on the realization of a maximum
operational safety.
Not implemented
A large number of internal monitoring functions like self-
6.2.4 Interlocking status
diagnosis routines that constantly check the hardware and
Not implemented software modules status and also of diagnostics transcending
individual devices, such as running time monitoring of the
6.3 LED indication circuit breakers, ensures the highest degree of safety.

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The planning, production and application know-how gathered
Making current 20 A
at ABB over the course of decades for High Speed Transfer
Devices has been thoroughly incorporated into the design of
the SUE LVTD. The device represents the current state of the Load current 12 A
technology of automatic transfer schemes with conventional
circuit breakers. Breaking capacity 300 W at L/R = 15 ms
9 Technical data
Operation time 9 ms
9.1 Response time

Response time is the time between protective initiation of the Number of signal outputs 2 per board
Transfer Device SUE LVTD and the command being issued to
the circuit breakers involved. 250 V AC/DC
Operating voltage
9.1.1 Response time with Binary I/O boards
Load current 2A
(BI/O board) < 8 ms

9.2 Current and voltage transformer Operation time 5 ms

9.2.1 Rated current and voltage
Number of watchdog outputs 1 per board
Rated current IN 1 A or 5 A
Rated voltage UN 100 V ... 125 V
Operating voltage 250 V DC
Rated frequency f N 50 Hz / 60 Hz

9.2.2 Thermal load capacity Load current 2A

Current path 250 I N (peak value)
Operation time 5 ms
100 I N (dyn.) for 1 s

4 IN continuous 9.4 Communication interfaces

Voltage path 2 UN /√3 continuous 9.4.1 Central unit

9.2.3 Consumption Electrical isolated standard interface RS485 to the HMI

Current path 0.1 VA with I N Electrical standard service interface with RS232

Voltage path 0.25 VA with UN 9.4.2 HMI control unit

9.3 Binary inputs and outputs Optical/electrical standard interface RS232 to the
Notebook PC (at the front)
In order to achieve the operations of the primary equipment
and establish conventional (parallel) communication for Electrical isolated standard interface RS485 to the
tripping, the SUE LVTD is equipped with binary I/O boards. Central Unit (at the rear)

The inputs of the binary signals are isolated by an optocoupler. 9.5 Power supply
Each input has a minimum fixed filter time of 1 ms.
9.5.1 Central unit
Two binary I/O boards are installed.
Rated voltage 48 … 220 V DC
(-15%, +10%)
Number of inputs 14 per board
Power consumption ≤ 40 W
Input voltage 48 … 265 V DC /
Inrush current 10 A peak value
110 … 265 V DC
(for 200 ms)

Number of power outputs 5 (6) per board Admissible ripple < 10 %

(BO5 & 6 linked together)
9.5.2 HMI control unit

Operating voltage 250 V AC/DC Rated voltage 48 … 220 V DC

(-15%, +10%)

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Power consumption ≤6W

Admissible ripple < 10%

9.6 Environmental conditions

Ambient operation -10 ... +55°C


Ambient transport and -25 ... +70°C

storage temperature

Ambient humidity Up to 95% without


Altitude < 1000 m above sea level

9.7 Protection degree

9.7.1 Central unit

Case IP20
9.7.2 HMI control unit

Front IP44

Rear IP20

10 Housing

10.1 Dimensions

The SUE LVTD housing for the Central Unit is made from
sheet aluminum. Its exterior is both to protect the housing
against corrosion and to gain the shielding against EMC
disturbances. In the housing could be integrated two I/O
boards, an optional communication board (on request) and an
analogue board. Figure 11-2 Dimension drawing of the central unit

Figure 11-1 Dimension of the HMI control unit

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10.2 Available design Impulse voltage withstand test according to IEC 60255-5
with 5 kV 1.2/50 µs.
Single control unit for loose installation in a low-voltage
compartment of a switchbay. 11.4 Mechanical properties

On request - Installed ready for connection in a steel-sheet Vibration test according to IEC 60255-21-1
cabinet fully enclosed in steel sheet cubicles including all
required devices such as MCBs, terminals, relays, etc. Earthquake test according to IEEE 693

11 Type test 11.5 Environmental conditions

11.1 Functional test Cold test according to IEC 60068-2-1 Dry heat test
according to IEC 60068-2-2
All relevant tests are performed according to IEC 60255
standard series and the test specification for the testing of the Damp Heat and Cycling test according to IEC 60068-2-30
transfer functions.
11.6 RoHS compliance
11.2 EMC
Complies with RoHS directive 2002/95/EC
The SUE LVTD fulfills all important national and international
EMC regulations. All relevant tests are according to the
following standard series:

Interference suppression according to EN 55022

respectively IEC CISPR 11, Group 1

Immunity to electrostatic discharge according to

IEC 61000-4-2, level 3

Immunity to radiated electromagnetic energy according to

IEC 61000-4-3, level 3

Electrical fast transient or burst according to IEC 61000-

4-4, level 3

Surge immunity tests according to IEC 61000-4-5, level 3

Immunity to conducted disturbances induced by radio

frequency fields according to IEC 61000-4-6, level 3

Power frequency magnetic field immunity according to

IEC 61000-4-8, level 5

Pulse magnetic field immunity according to

IEC 61000-4-9, level 5

Damped oscillatory magnetic field immunity according to

IEC 61000-4-10, level 5

Oscillatory waves immunity according to IEC 61000-4-12,

level 3

Oscillatory waves immunity in the range from 0 to

150 kHz according to IEC 61000-4-16, level 3

Ripple on DC input power port immunity according to

IEC 61000-4-17, level 3

Voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage variations

on DC input power ports per IEC 61000-4-29, 50 ms

11.3 Isolation

Voltage test according to IEC 60255-5 with 2 kV RMS,

50 Hz during 1 min

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