Student Observation Sheet

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Day/Date : Monday, 19th November 2018 Subject Matter : chemical equilibrium

Subject : Chemistry Class/ Semester : XI/I

Give a check mark (√) in appropriate column.

Activities Yes Note
1 2 3 4
A. INTRODUCTION (10 Minutes)
1. Students answer the greeting of the teacher
2. One of the student to lead prayer before start
the lesson.
3. Student answer and raise their hand when
teacher check the attendance
Phase 1: Clarify goals and establish set
1. Students give their attention when teacher
provide apperception by asking the previous
materials that have been learn last week
4. Students give their attention when teacher
give the motivation by the teacher by giving
the phenomenon of chemical equilibirum
5. Students give their attention when teacher
present learning objectives to the students
A. MAIN ACTIVITY (30 Minutes)
Phase 2 : Present the information
1. Students give their attention when teacher
give general information about chemical
equilibrium and the factor that influence the
chemical equilibrium using concept map
Phase 3: Organize students into learning
1. Students gather into small group and each
group consist of 4 students that has already
divided by the teacher
2. Each group sit with their own group
3. Students give their attention when the
teacher divided each teams member to
expert student A,B,C,D
4. Student give attention when teacher give
LKS “expert sheet” that will be used for
discussion in their home teams.
Phase 4: Assist team work and study
Discussion expert teams
1. Teacher give instruction to student to join
into expert team.
2. Teacher asked the expert team to discuss
about their topic.
3. The teacher guide the discussion and allows
students to ask questions if they experience
Discussion home teams
4. Teacher asked the students to return to the
home teams
5. Teacher asked the students explain the topic
of their respective expertise to group
6. The teacher askd the student together with
their home teams students complete a
chemical balance worksheet.
Class discussion
7. The student explain the results of the LKS
discussion from determine hyphotesis until
analysis data
8. The other teams add or refute the opinions
of other teams.
9. The teacher asked the student who can make
a conclusion based on of the LKS discussion
and the results of his friend's explanation
Phase 5: Test on the materials
1. The student make conclusion about the
mater of learning.
2. Students answer the question from the
teacher to confirms students's
Phase 6: Provide Recognition
1. Students get reward to group or individual
that actively contribute in learning process
2. Students get the explanation to the students
to complete and clarify the concepts that is
not appropriate.
B. CLOSING (5 Minutes)
1. Students give attention when the teacher
reminds student for studying at home and
preparing their selves for the next materials
on the next meeting.
2. Students praying and answer the greeting
of the teacher to end the class
Description scores:
1 = less
2 = enough
3 = good
4 = very good

Surabaya, 19th November 2018



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