Examples of Good Questions To Ask On Governor Visits in The Following Areas Ethos

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 Are reception and security arrangements working?

 Are visitors made to feel welcome when they arrive?
 Is the atmosphere of the school relaxed and hard-working?
 Do pupils and staff show respect to each other?
 How are incidents dealt with?
 Are both victims and perpetrators dealt with and supported?
 Does the school’s discipline policy stress praise and encouragement as much as
sanctions and punishment?
 Is there evidence of a genuine partnership between the parents and the school?
 Are pupils generally happy and is staff morale high?

A National Curriculum Subject

 Is the subject adequately represented on the timetable, i.e. do all pupils receive
sufficient teaching of it?
 Are the staff who teach the subject appropriately experienced and trained? Is support
 Are sufficient resources and equipment available to teach the subject?
 Is the accommodation available for teaching the subject adequate?
 Do the pupils enjoy the subject?
 In the opinion of the teacher, are they producing good work?
 Are the subject’s results improving?
 Are there any outstanding issues with regard to the subject that staff would like the
governors to be aware of?

School Improvement

 To improve the % of pupils achieving level 4 at the end of KS2 in
Maths by 4% by July 2010
 To improve the school’s overall attendance figure by 1% by July 2010
 To provide ICT training for teachers and classroom assistants, so that
all staff are confident to teach and support the full range of pupils’ ICT
 To purchase and install playground equipment suitable for infants

 Are the action points listed in the SIP being implemented?

 Is the plan on schedule?
 If not, what are the reasons?
 Is it possible to measure whether there has been movement towards targets set?
 If not, what are the subjective assessments of the Headteacher and staff?
 Is it possible to visit a lesson that relates to the target?

After School and Out of School Activities

 What opportunities are available for pupils? (Clubs, sports, day-trips, field trips, etc.)
 How does what’s on offer now compare with the past?
 How many pupils take part, broken down into gender and ethnic groups?
 How regularly do pupils participate?
 Do some never take part?
 If so, is cost a factor?
 Are there other reasons, and what steps is the school taking to address them?
 Is the school’s Charging and Remissions Policy working effectively?
 Does it need to be reviewed?

A School Policy

 Are all staff (or the relevant staff) aware of the policy and supportive of it?
 Generally speaking, is the policy being implemented?
 When the policy was last reviewed?
 Is a date for its next review fixed?
 Does the policy need to be looked at before its next review date?
 Are there any issues regarding the implementation of the policy that governors need
to be aware of or take action over?

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