Examples of Good Questions To Ask On Governor Visits in The Following Areas Ethos
Examples of Good Questions To Ask On Governor Visits in The Following Areas Ethos
Examples of Good Questions To Ask On Governor Visits in The Following Areas Ethos
Is the subject adequately represented on the timetable, i.e. do all pupils receive
sufficient teaching of it?
Are the staff who teach the subject appropriately experienced and trained? Is support
Are sufficient resources and equipment available to teach the subject?
Is the accommodation available for teaching the subject adequate?
Do the pupils enjoy the subject?
In the opinion of the teacher, are they producing good work?
Are the subject’s results improving?
Are there any outstanding issues with regard to the subject that staff would like the
governors to be aware of?
School Improvement
To improve the % of pupils achieving level 4 at the end of KS2 in
Maths by 4% by July 2010
To improve the school’s overall attendance figure by 1% by July 2010
To provide ICT training for teachers and classroom assistants, so that
all staff are confident to teach and support the full range of pupils’ ICT
To purchase and install playground equipment suitable for infants
What opportunities are available for pupils? (Clubs, sports, day-trips, field trips, etc.)
How does what’s on offer now compare with the past?
How many pupils take part, broken down into gender and ethnic groups?
How regularly do pupils participate?
Do some never take part?
If so, is cost a factor?
Are there other reasons, and what steps is the school taking to address them?
Is the school’s Charging and Remissions Policy working effectively?
Does it need to be reviewed?
A School Policy
Are all staff (or the relevant staff) aware of the policy and supportive of it?
Generally speaking, is the policy being implemented?
When the policy was last reviewed?
Is a date for its next review fixed?
Does the policy need to be looked at before its next review date?
Are there any issues regarding the implementation of the policy that governors need
to be aware of or take action over?