12V - 37 V Converter
12V - 37 V Converter
12V - 37 V Converter
Number of primary winding threads: Np = (1.37x10 / (F x Ae) where Np - number of threads on the primary, F-switching frequency, Ae-cross section
Number of secondary winding threads: Ns / Np = Vo / 8,8 where Ns-number of secondary threads, Vo-output voltage to secondary
Primary winding area: Ap = 0.004xVoxIo where Ap is the area, Io is the output current
For the sake of clarity, I will also introduce the practical calculation for a particular core which is of the annular toroidal type, the internal diameter is 2.5cm
and the cross sectional area of the ring in square centimeters is 0.75.
The working frequency of this generator is 50 kHz, ie Np = 2.74, the second calculation and therefore the result is Ns / Np = 4.2.
The rounded number of screws on the secondary is 17. If we want symmetric and primaries we need 2x3 threads and the secondary 2x17 threads. For the
calculation of Ap it is necessary to enter the whole voltage, ie 74V and the output current is considered 8A, ie the surface will be 2.36mm . If we use a 1mm
diameter wire, we will need an area of 0.785mm , so for both primary windings we will need to wind this winding three times with such a wire. On the
secondary we get As = 1mm (for Is = 8) and since we use 0.8mm diameter wire, we will need to use such wires in two ways.
Still, just the diodes as well as the transistors need to be well cooled, otherwise the inverter will be a variator, and thus will not fulfill the original
purpose. Probably.