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Cleve Clin J Med. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2016 May 12.
Author Manuscript
Department of Cardiology, John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawaii; The Queen’s
Medical Center, Honolulu
Assessment of the jugular venous pressure is often inadequately performed and undervalued. Here,
we review the physiologic and anatomic basis for the jugular venous pressure, including the
discrepancy between right atrial and central venous pressures. We also describe the correct method
of evaluating this clinical finding and review the clinical relevance of the jugular venous pressure,
especially its value in assessing the severity and response to treatment of congestive heart failure.
Waveforms reflective of specific conditions are also discussed.
In this age of technological marvels, it is easy to become so reliant on them as to neglect the
Author Manuscript
value of bedside physical signs. Yet these signs provide information that adds no cost, is
immediately available, and can be repeated at will.
Few physical findings are as useful but as undervalued as is the estimation of the jugular
venous pressure. Unfortunately, many practitioners at many levels of seniority and
experience do not measure it correctly, leading to a vicious circle of unreliable information,
lack of confidence, and underuse. Another reason for its underuse is that the jugular venous
pressure does not correlate precisely with the right atrial pressure, as we will see below.
In this review, we will attempt to clarify physiologic principles and describe technical
details. Much of this is simple but, as always, the devil is in the details.
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Think of the systemic veins as a soft-walled and mildly distensible reservoir with finger-like
projections, analogous to a partially fluid-filled surgical glove.1 In a semi-upright position,
the venous system is partially filled with blood and is collapsed above the level that this
blood reaches up to.
ADDRESS: David John Fergusson, MD, 550 South Beretania Street, Unit 601, Honolulu, HI 96813; [email protected].
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Blood is constantly flowing in and out of this reservoir, flowing in by venous return and
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flowing out by the pumping action of the right side of the heart. The volume in the venous
reservoir and hence the pressure are normally maintained by the variability of right
ventricular stroke volume in accordance with the Frank-Starling law. Excess volume and
pressure indicate failure of this homeostatic mechanism.
The internal jugular veins, being continuous with the superior vena cava, provide a visible
measure of the degree to which the systemic venous reservoir is filled, a manometer that
reflects the pressure in the right atrium—at least in theory.2 Thus, the vertical height above
the right atrium to which they are distended and above which they are in a collapsed state
should reflect the right atrial pressure.
(In fact, the jugular venous pressure may underestimate the right atrial pressure, for reasons
still not understood. This will be discussed below.)
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In a healthy person, the visible jugular veins are fully collapsed when the person is standing
and are often distended to a variable degree when the person is supine. Selecting an
appropriate intermediate position permits the top of the column (the meniscus) to become
visible in the neck between the clavicle and the mandible.
pressure. The difference between the right atrial pressure and the jugular venous pressure
tended to be greater at higher venous pressures.3
Most people have a valve near the termination of the internal jugular vein, with variable
competence. Inhibition of reflux of blood from the superior vena cava into the internal
jugular vein by this valve is the most plausible cause of this disparity.4
The failure of the jugular venous pressure to correlate with the right atrial pressure has been
cited by some as a reason to doubt the value of a sign that cardiologists have long relied on.
How do we reconcile this apparent paradox? Careful review of the literature that has
demonstrated this lack of correlation reveals the following:
• When unequal, the jugular venous pressure always underestimates the right atrial
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• In the presence of congestive heart failure, the right atrial pressure is at least as high
and perhaps higher than the jugular venous pressure. Hence, if the jugular venous
pressure is high, further treatment, especially diuresis, is needed.
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Thus, the jugular venous pressure provides excellent guidance when administering diuresis
in congestive heart failure. These deductions obviously require the clinical judgment that the
elevated right atrial pressure and jugular venous pressure do indeed reflect elevation of
pulmonary capillary wedge pressure rather than other conditions discussed later in this
The difference in height between these two reference points has often been quoted as 5 cm,
but this is an underestimate in the body positions used in examination.5 Seth et al6 found a
mean of 8 cm at 30° elevation, 9.7 cm at 45°, and 9.8 cm at 60°. The difference also varied
between patients, being larger in association with smoking, older age, large body mass
index, and large anterior-posterior diameter. These factors should be considered when trying
to evaluate the significance of a particular jugular venous pressure.
The junction of the midaxillary line and the fourth left intercostal space (“the phlebostatic
point”) has been recommended as a reference point by some, as it is level with the mid-right
atrium. However, using the phlebostatic point as a reference position is cumber-some and
results in a valid measurement only with the patient in the supine position.7
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Close adherence to technical details is vital in reliably and reproducibly measuring the
pressure in the internal jugular veins (FIGURE 1).
The right side is usually observed first, as it is the side on which the examiner usually stands.
Using the right side also avoids the rare occurrence of external compression of the left
brachiocephalic vein.
• Turning the head away and elevating the jaw, both slightly; this is often best
achieved by gentle pressure of the palm of the observer’s hand on the patient’s
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Although the proper degree of head elevation is sometimes said to be between 30° and 60°,
these numbers are approximate. The correct angle is that which brings the venous meniscus
into the window of visibility in the neck between the clavicle and mandible.
Shining a flashlight tangentially to the skin is often helpful, casting shadows that improve
the visibility of vein motion. Dimming the room lighting may further enhance this effect.
Directing a light perpendicular to the skin is not helpful.
distend it. If the distention rapidly clears after release of this pressure, the jugular venous
pressure is not elevated. However, if external jugular venous distention persists, this does not
prove true jugular venous pressure elevation, since it may reflect external compression of the
vein by the cervical fascia or delayed blood flow caused by sclerotic venous valves.9 In these
instances, the internal jugular pulsation level must be sought.
• Is not palpable
• Has crests that do not coincide with the palpated carotid pulse (exceptions may be
seen with the systolic timing of the v wave of tricuspid regurgitation)
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Abdominojugular reflex
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Firm, steady pressure over the abdomen will often result in a small rise in jugular venous
pressure. In healthy people, this normalizes in a few seconds, even while manual pressure is
maintained. Persistence of jugular venous pressure elevation beyond 10 seconds, followed
by an abrupt fall upon withdrawal of manual pressure, is abnormal. This finding has
implications similar to those of an elevated baseline jugular venous pressure.
Exceptions to this therapeutic implication include the presence of a primary right heart
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condition, pericardial disease, certain arrhythmias, and conditions that elevate intrathoracic
pressure. These will be discussed below. One important example is the acute jugular venous
pressure elevation seen in right ventricular infarction, in which the high venous pressure is
compensatory and its reduction can produce hypotension and shock.13
Primary right heart conditions also include right-sided valvular disease, cor pulmonale
(including pulmonary embolism and pulmonary hypertension), and the compressive effect of
pericardial tamponade or constriction. A normal or near-normal jugular venous pressure
significantly decreases the likelihood of significant constriction or of tamponade of a degree
necessitating urgent pericardiocentesis.14
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The previously described discrepancy between jugular venous pressure and central venous
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Markedly elevated jugular venous pressure is here associated with absent or very diminished
pulsation, as the caval obstruction has eliminated free communication with the right
atrium.17 Associated facial plethora and edema, papilledema, and superficial venous
distention over the chest wall will often confirm this diagnosis.
While the main purpose of viewing the neck veins is to establish the mean pressure, useful
information can often be obtained by assessing the waveform. Abnormalities reflect
arrhythmias, right heart hemodynamics, or pericardial disease.18 Changes may be subtle and
difficult to detect, but some patterns can be quite readily appreciated (FIGURE 2). A limited
selection follows.
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Cannon a waves—These intermittent sharp positive deflections in the venous pulse
represent right atrial contraction against a closed tricuspid valve. They are most commonly
associated with premature ventricular complexes, but they occur in other conditions in which
atrial and ventricular beating are dissociated, including complete heart block,
atrioventricular dissociation, and electronic ventricular pacing.19–21
Fine rapid regular pulsation may be seen in atrial flutter and may be a useful clue in
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distinguishing this from sinus rhythm when there is 4:1 atrioventricular conduction and a
normal ventricular rate.
Large a waves—These reflect resistance to right atrial outflow and may be seen when
right ventricular compliance is reduced by hypertrophy from chronic pressure overload or in
tricuspid stenosis.23
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Pericardial disease
Kussmaul sign is the paradoxical increase in jugular venous pressure with inspiration,
observed in conditions associated with limited filling of the right ventricle. It is typically
associated with constrictive pericarditis, although it occurs in only a minority of people with
this condition.24 It may also be seen in restrictive cardiomyopathy, massive pulmonary
embolism, right ventricular infarction, and tricuspid stenosis.25
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intrathoracic pressure. The resulting increased gradient between the abdomen and thorax
enhances venous return from splanchnic vessels, which in the setting of a noncompliant right
ventricle may result in increased right atrial (and, hence, jugular venous) pressure.26
It is important to point out that the Kussmaul sign does not occur with cardiac tamponade in
the absence of associated pericardial constriction.
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If the jugular venous pressure differs from the true right atrial pressure, the jugular
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The jugular venous pressure is useful to observe when diagnosing congestive heart failure
and when considering the need for or the adequacy of diuresis.
The jugular venous wave form is more difficult to observe than its elevation but can yield
useful information in the assessment of certain arrhythmias, right-heart conditions, and
pericardial disease.
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The internal jugular veins act as a manometer, reflecting the pressure in the right atrium
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Pressure in the internal jugular veins may underestimate, but will not overestimate, the
pressure in the right atrium
Close adherence to technical details is vital in measuring the pressure in the internal
jugular veins
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Cleve Clin J Med. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2016 May 12.