RHF To HT Pulmonal
RHF To HT Pulmonal
RHF To HT Pulmonal
2, 2017
In pulmonary hypertension, the right ventricle adapts to the increasing vascular load by enhancing contractility
(coupling) to maintain ow. Ventriculoarterial coupling implies that stroke volume changes little while preserving
ventricular efciency. Ultimately, a phase develops where ventricular dilation occurs in an attempt to limit the
reduction in stroke volume, with uncoupling and increased wall stress as a consequence. With pressurevolume
analysis, we separately describe the changing properties of the pulmonary vascular system and the right ventricle, as
well as their coupling, as important concepts for understanding the changes that occur in pulmonary hypertension.
On the basis of the unique properties of the pulmonary circulation, we show how all relevant physiological parameters
can be derived using an integrative approach. Because coupling is maintained by hypertrophy until the end stage
of the disease, when progressive dilation begins, right ventricular volume is the essential parameter to measure
in follow-up of patients with pulmonary hypertension. (J Am Coll Cardiol 2017;69:23643) 2017 The Authors.
Published by Elsevier on behalf of the American College of Cardiology Foundation. This is an open access article under
the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
Manuscript received July 14, 2016; revised manuscript received October 3, 2016, accepted October 5, 2016.
JACC VOL. 69, NO. 2, 2017 Vonk Noordegraaf et al. 237
JANUARY 17, 2017:23643 The Right Ventricle in Pulmonary Hypertension
The aim of this review is to summarize recent from an inverse relationship between the 2 ABBREVIATIONS
hemodynamic insights in the pulmonary circulation major components of the vascular load: PVR AND ACRONYMS
in PH, indicate the consequence of these ndings for and total arterial compliance (TAC). Although
CMR = cardiac magnetic
daily practice in the clinic, and identify the limita- this inverse relationship was already indi- resonance
tions and gaps in our current knowledge. All rele- cated in 1971 (11), it was Lankhaar et al. (12,13)
CO = cardiac output
vant physiological parameters will be discussed who demonstrated that this inverse relation-
CTEPH = chronic
using an integrative approach. We will start with a ship holds in patients with pulmonary arterial thromboembolic pulmonary
description of the pulmonary vascular load and its hypertension (PAH) and chronic thrombo- hypertension
changes in PH, and subsequently outline the embolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH), as Ea = arterial elastance
response of the RV (Central Illustration). schematically represented in Figure 2. For the Eed = end-diastolic elastance
inverse relation, it holds that PVR $ TAC is Ees = end-systolic elastance
THE PULMONARY VASCULAR SYSTEM constant and is called the arterial time con- LV = left ventricle/ventricular
stant (abbreviated as RC). In a study of Saouti
mPAP = mean pulmonary
THE ORIGIN OF PH. The pivotal hemodynamic change et al. (14) in CTEPH patients, it was shown artery pressure
in PH is the increase in resistance as the consequence that the inverse relationship is valid for the PAH = pulmonary arterial
of pulmonary vascular remodeling. Resistance may left and right pulmonary artery, even though hypertension
increase by a factor of 4 or more, rather than the 50% the clots were asymmetrically distributed PAP = pulmonary artery
health and PH reported by Chazova et al. (5) suggest decreased RC-time with increased PAWP re- RV = right ventricle/ventricular
that changes in the veins may indeed contribute to ects a larger stiffness (smaller compliance) RVEF = right ventricular
PVR. Reid (6) has suggested that rarefaction may also of the pulmonary vascular system at a similar ejection fraction
play a role. Further research in this area is required to pressure in pre-capillary PH patients than in RVESV = right ventricular
understand the structural basis of increased resis- patients with left heart failure PH or a smaller end-systolic volume
tance in the pulmonary vascular bed. resistance at similar compliance (Figure 2). It SV = stroke volume
ARTERY the end-systolic volume, and is called the end-systolic
elastance (E es ) (21). To determine E es , multiple P-V
Pressure (mm Hg)
neuver (22). The so-called single-beat method to
P r proposed by Sunagawa et al. (23), extended by Senzaki
The consequence of pulmonary hypertension for the right ventricle. Initially, coupling of the ventricle to the high arterial load is maintained by increasing contractility,
subsequently followed by dilation and nally uncoupling. RV right ventricle.
Intercept = Vd Vd Vd
the RV can be assessed by a short-living oxygen tracer
be effective in PH.
Underlling of the LV will bring the myocytes in an Trip et al. (27) and Rain et al. (29) showed that dia-
atrophic state. Recent research showed that this stolic stiffening occurs in the advanced disease state,
state is characterized by changes in cardiac muscle and is the consequence of molecular changes in the
properties (51). Therefore, special attention is cardiomyocyte, as well as hypertrophy.
required if the RV is unloaded, as this might induce
LV failure (52).
Restoring ventricular interdependency by means
This review shows that the need of the RV to remain
of pacing will increase mechanical efciency. This
coupled to its load explains the RV changes in PH.
concept has only been tested in small cohorts of
Because the load can increase by more than 5-fold in
patients (53).
this disease, coupling can only be achieved by an
The importance of the LV in PH is underlined by
almost similar increase in contractility. In the more
the fact that SV is closely related to LVEDV, and not
advanced disease state, RV contractility is maintained
to RV end-diastolic volume (54).
by ventricular dilation in an attempt to limit the
Series interdependency of LV and RV in LV failure reduction in SV. The consequence of these adapta-
has recently been discussed in detail (54). tions is an increase of myocyte stress and leftward
I n c r e a s e d s t i f f n e s s . Finally, the increased wall septal bowing, impairing LV and RV function. It is the
tension reects increased RV cardiomyocyte stress. uncoupling with high metabolic demand and reduced
Although it is not possible to measure cardiomyocyte output that heralds the nal stage.
stress directly, methods are available to derive local Combining CMR (positron emission tomography,
strain (shortening) by CMR (43) and strain echo (55). Doppler echocardiography) and hemodynamic mea-
New techniques under development to measure ber surements via catheterization (even single-beat
orientation in the ventricular wall (56) and to derive analysis) offers the potential for a full assessment of
wall stiffness, such as ultrasound-based elastography pulmonary vascular load and right heart function, as
(57) are promising, but have not yet been applied in required for evaluation of the hemodynamic state in
the context of PH. Myocyte stress is the basis of right patients with PH. In the stages of PH when coupling is
heart failure in PH because stress is the main driver of still present, RV volume may be the most sensitive
molecular changes in the myocyte, including neuro- prognostic measure (47).
humoral activation, which leads to increased stiffness
of the RV (29). Although right atrial pressure and REPRINT REQUESTS AND CORRESPONDENCE: Dr.
volume can be considered as surrogate measures of Anton Vonk Noordegraaf, Department of Pulmo-
RV stiffness, those measures are load dependent. nary Diseases, VU University Medical Center, De
Increased diastolic stiffness, expressed as E ed , is Boelelaan 1117, 1081 HV Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
associated with a poor prognosis (27,31). Studies by E-mail: [email protected].
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