Nej MR A 1403503
Nej MR A 1403503
Nej MR A 1403503
Review Article
Pleural Disease
David Feller‑Kopman, M.D., and Richard Light, M.D.
From the Division of Pulmonary, Critical he pleural space is defined by the visceral pleura, which covers
Care, and Sleep Medicine, Johns Hop- the lung, and the parietal pleura, which covers the chest wall, diaphragm,
kins University, Baltimore (D.F.-K.); and
the Division of Allergy, Pulmonary, and and mediastinum. It is estimated that pleural effusion develops in more
Critical Care Medicine, Vanderbilt Uni- than 1.5 million patients each year in the United States, with the majority of
versity, Nashville (R.L.). Address reprint cases resulting from congestive heart failure, pneumonia, and cancer.1 Spontane
requests to Dr. Feller-Kopman at the Sec-
tion of Interventional Pulmonology, Johns ous pneumothorax affects approximately 20,000 patients annually in the United
Hopkins Hospital, 1800 Orleans St., States, and the incidence of iatrogenic pneumothorax is similar.1 Over the past
Suite 7-125, Baltimore, MD 21287, or at several years, substantial advances have been made in our understanding of pleural
biology and related pathophysiology, as well as in the treatment of parapneumonic
This article was updated on August 30, effusions, empyema, and malignant pleural effusions and in our understanding of
2018, at
the high mortality associated with nonmalignant and transudative effusions. In
N Engl J Med 2018;378:740-51. addition, the definitions and management of pneumothorax have also recently
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMra1403503
Copyright © 2018 Massachusetts Medical Society. evolved. For these conditions, the goals of patient care are expeditious and efficient
diagnosis with minimally invasive interventions that avoid the need for multiple
procedures, that minimize hospital days, and that maximize quality of life. This
review considers these various aspects of pleural disease.
Parietal lymphatic
Pulmonary lymphatic
Basal lamina
Similarly, a pleural fluid level of Nterminal serum levels of NTproBNP are nearly identical
pro–Btype natriuretic peptide (NTproBNP) high to pleural fluid levels, current recommendations
er than 1500 pg per milliliter has been shown to suggest using the serum NTproBNP level and
accurately identify effusions due to heart disease clinical judgment to correctly identify transudates
such as congestive heart failure; however, since in patients who have been undergoing active
diuresis for congestive heart failure in the con Table 1. Causes of Pleural Effusions.
text of a pleural fluid collection.30,31 If serum
levels of protein and albumin are not available Transudative effusions
(e.g., in an outpatient who hopes to avoid veni Congestive heart failure
puncture), a pleural fluid protein level higher Cirrhosis
than 3 g per deciliter or a pleural fluid choles Nephrotic syndrome
terol level higher than 45 mg per deciliter has
been shown to indicate the presence of an exuda
Peritoneal dialysis
tive effusion as accurately as Light’s criteria.26,32-34
Hypoalbuminemia (typical serum albumin, <1.5 mg/dl)
C om mon E x udate s Superior vena cava obstruction
Parapneumonic Effusions and Empyema Trapped lung
The most common exudative effusions are Sarcoidosis
those associated with an underlying pneumonia, Myxedema
so-called parapneumonic effusions.1 Empyema Cerebrospinal fluid leak or ventriculopleural shunt
refers to frank infection or pus in the pleural Urinothorax
space. The clinical significance of empyema and Pulmonary arterial hypertension
the importance of its drainage have been known
Pulmonary embolism
for more than 2000 years, and Hippocrates has
Pericardial disease
been quoted as saying, “Persons who become
Extravascular migration of central venous catheter
affected with empyema after pleurisy, if they get
clear of it in forty days from the breaking of it, Exudative effusions
escape the disease; but if not, it passes into Infectious: bacterial, viral, tuberculosis-related, fungal, parasitic
phthisis.”35,36 Despite advances in the treatment Neoplastic: metastatic disease (e.g., lung cancer, breast cancer, lymphoma,
of pneumonia, however, mortality is higher among myeloma, ovarian cancer, pancreatic cancer, cholangiocarcinoma), meso-
thelioma, primary body-cavity lymphoma
patients who have an associated parapneumonic
Paramalignant effusions: reactive pleuritis due to underlying lung cancer, airway
effusion than among patients with pneumonia obstruction or atelectasis, radiation-induced pleuritis
and no effusion,37,38 and delays in drainage are Reactive: reactive pleuritis due to underlying pneumonia (i.e., parapneumonic)
associated with substantially higher mortality.13
Embolic disease: pulmonary embolism
In addition, both the incidence of and mortality
Abdominal disease: pancreatitis, cholecystitis, hepatic or splenic abscess,
due to parapneumonic effusion and empyema esophageal perforation after esophageal varix sclerotherapy
continue to rise.39,40 Of note, elderly patients often Cardiac or pericardial injury, including myocardial infarction (after coronary-
do not present with the classic symptoms of artery bypass, cardiac surgery, or cardiac ablation procedures), pulmonary-
cough, fever, sputum, and chest pain, but rather vein stenosis
with anemia, fatigue, and failure to thrive. Prob Gynecologic: ovarian hyperstimulation, Meigs’ syndrome, endometriosis,
ably in part because of underdiagnosis, elderly postpartum complications
patients also often have more complicated effu Collagen vascular disease: rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus,
Sjögren’s syndrome, familial Mediterranean fever, eosinophilic granulo-
sions when they are diagnosed, as well as higher matosis, granulomatosis with polyangiitis
rates of failure of nonsurgical therapy.41 Thus, it is
Medications: nitrofurantoin, dantrolene, methysergide, dasatinib, amiodarone,
crucial to consider parapneumonic effusion and interleukin-2, procarbazine, methotrexate, clozapine, phenytoin, β-blockers,
empyema in all elderly patients with pneumonia. ergot drugs
A cornerstone of treating parapneumonic ef Hemothorax
fusion and empyema is the selection of appropri Chylothorax (most commonly seen after trauma or in patients with lymphoma)
ate antibiotics on the basis of local microbiology Sarcoidosis
and antibiotic resistance. Patients with commu Lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma
nity-acquired pneumonia tend to be infected with Cholesterol effusions (commonly seen in tuberculosis, rheumatoid effusions,
streptococcus species and anaerobes (e.g., bacte and any other chronic pleural effusion)
roides and peptostreptococcus), whereas patients Miscellaneous: benign asbestos pleural effusion, yellow nail syndrome, ure-
with hospital-acquired infection are more like mia, drowning, amyloidosis, electrical burns, iatrogenic effusion, capillary
ly to have methicillin-resistant staphylococcus leak syndromes, extramedullary hematopoiesis
and gram-negative bacteria (e.g., enterobacter).42
Mortality is significantly higher among patients the cost of six doses of t-PA–DNase is approxi
with hospital-acquired infection than among mately $7,000 (Rowden A, Johns Hopkins Hospi
those with community-acquired infection (47% tal: personal communication). The mean hospital
vs. 17%).42 Rahman and colleagues have devel stay among patients in the t-PA–DNase group in
oped a scoring system called RAPID (renal func that trial was 12 days.47
tion, age, purulence, infection source, and dietary In addition, the avoidance of surgery may not
factors) to help identify patients who are at risk be the most important outcome measure, since
for a poor outcome at the time of their presenta video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) is far
tion.43 Scores range from 0 to 7, with values be less invasive than thoracotomy. Older, although
tween 0 and 2 assigned for renal function and smaller, randomized trials showed that VATS
age (with higher scores given for worse renal can be the definitive treatment for empyema in
function or older age) and scores of 0 or 1 as up to 91% of cases,48 and more recent data on
signed for purulence of the effusion (a nonpuru VATS suggest that hospital stays of approximate
lent effusion receives a score of 1), whether the ly 5 to 7 days are usual.49-51 Furthermore, when
infection was hospital acquired (score of 1) or performed later in the course of the disease,
not (score of 0), and dietary factors (a score of surgery is associated with a higher conversion
0 is assigned for an albumin level ≥2.7 g per rate to thoracotomy and more complications than
deciliter and a score of 1 is assigned for a value when it is performed earlier in the disease pro
below that threshold). In one study, patients in cess.52 Our general approach to patients with
the high-risk category (those with a RAPID score parapneumonic effusion or empyema is based on
of 5 to 7) were found to have at least a 30% the recommendations from the British Thoracic
chance of dying in the subsequent 12 weeks, and Society44 and is shown in Figure 2. There is cur
thus similar patients may warrant more invasive rently a planned randomized trial evaluating
initial therapy. t-PA–DNase versus early VATS for the treatment
Patients with parapneumonic effusions or em of parapneumonic effusion or empyema and
pyema have the potential for a deterioration in studies examining whether reduced dosing regi
their condition, and, given their underlying in mens of t-PA–DNase and even irrigation with
flammatory state, all such patients should under normal saline can achieve similar results.54
go peripheral-blood culture and should receive
adequate nutrition and prophylaxis for deep-vein
M a l igna n t Pl eur a l Eff usions
thrombosis.44 As with any other infection in a
closed space, empyema needs to be drained. Malignant pleural effusions are the second lead
Although data from randomized trials are lack ing cause of exudative effusions and the leading
ing, studies of large retrospective series have cause of exudates among patients who under
shown that small-bore tubes (≤14-French) per go thoracentesis; they account for more than
form on par with larger-bore tubes in terms of 125,000 hospital admissions per year in the
subsequent mortality and the need for surgery United States, with estimated inpatient mortality
and are associated with less pain during inser of 11.6% and associated hospital charges of more
tion and while in place.45 However, since tubes than $5 billion per year.55 The majority of malig
smaller than 12-French have a higher failure rate46 nant pleural effusions arise from lung cancer,
in empyema, our practice is to use a 14-French breast cancer, and lymphoma, and it is estimated
pigtail catheter placed with the modified Seld that 15% of patients with lung cancer will have
inger technique. If the pleural space is not a malignant pleural effusion at presentation and
drained with a small-bore tube, the instillation up to 50% will have a malignant pleural effusion
of tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) and DNase during the course of their illness. Malignant
has been successful and in one trial was found pleural effusion is associated with a poor prog
to be associated with significantly better fluid nosis, with a median survival of 4 to 7 months
drainage, a lower likelihood of being referred for from the time of diagnosis.56,57 Even among pa
surgery, and a shorter mean hospital stay.47 It tients whose effusions are considered “too small
should be noted, however, that t-PA and DNase to tap,” survival is significantly shorter than
have not been shown to decrease mortality, and among patients without any effusion.57 Survival
Chest ultrasound
No Yes
No Yes No Yes
depends primarily on tumor subtype, with lung crease shunt fraction, it is rare to find patients
cancer and gastrointestinal cancers having the with substantial hypoxemia.60 The related dys
worst outcomes (median survival, 2 to 3 months) pnea is generally not a lung problem due to lung
and mesothelioma and hematologic cancers hav collapse or to a reduction in pulmonary-function
ing the best prognosis, with survival approaching measures.61 Rather, the dyspnea is a chest-wall
1 year.58,59 issue caused by the diaphragm being displaced
To appropriately treat patients with malignant caudally, which is mechanically disadvantageous
pleural effusions, it is crucial to understand the for its length–tension relationship.61,62 The gene
mechanisms by which pleural effusions cause sis of the dyspnea is important, since the most
dyspnea. Although pleural effusions mildly in clinically relevant questions after large-volume
thoracentesis are “Is the patient’s breathing bet a ratio above that threshold, and scores of 0 to
ter?” and “Did the lung fully reexpand?” If the 3 based on tumor type. Total scores of 0 or 1 are
patient does not feel better after a therapeutic considered to indicate low risk and are associ
thoracentesis, something else is causing the dys ated with a median survival of 319 days, as com
pnea (e.g., pulmonary embolism or lymphangitic pared with a median survival of 130 days in the
carcinomatosis). In such instances, further diag medium-risk category (scores of 2 through 4)
nostic testing should be performed; however, and 44 days in the high-risk category (scores of
procedures that address the pleural space should 5 through 7).59 For patients in the high-risk cate
not be performed. If the patient’s dyspnea has gory, less invasive approaches, such as placement
been alleviated with thoracentesis, the effusion of a tunneled pleural catheter or even thoracen
was at least a major contributor to the dyspnea, tesis, may be most useful, whereas patients who
and the dyspnea can be diminished regardless of are considered at low risk can be treated with
whether the lung has reexpanded. If the lung tunneled pleural catheters, pleurodesis, or com
has reexpanded, the patient can be considered bination approaches. When discussing options
for pleurodesis, placement of a tunneled pleural for patients who have expandable lungs, the risks
catheter, or combination approaches, whereas if and benefits of each procedure should be re
the lung is nonexpandable, a tunneled pleural viewed. The benefits of tunneled pleural cathe
catheter is the treatment of choice (Fig. 3).1,63 ters include clinically significant improvement
Tunneled pleural catheters are small-bore in dyspnea, placement in the outpatient setting,
tubes that are tunneled subcutaneously into the and the ability of many patients and families to
pleural space, can be placed in the outpatient care for the catheter themselves at home. How
setting, and allow patients or caregivers to drain ever, patients need to drain such a catheter re
pleural fluid without subjecting the patient to peatedly until the effusion resolves or until death.
additional invasive procedures. Because at least Spontaneous pleurodesis is estimated to occur
30% of patients with malignant pleural effusion in approximately 50% of patients; among pa
do not have reexpansion of the lung, which may tients in whom it does occur, it occurs at a mean
not be evident even at the time of thoracoscopy,64,65 of approximately 60 days after insertion of the
it may be important to perform a large-volume catheter.67,68
thoracentesis before deciding on definitive ther The benefits of pleurodesis include substan
apy for such patients. The goals of treating pa tial alleviation of dyspnea and not having to man
tients with malignant pleural effusion are to age a catheter. However, many centers will keep
improve quality of life, primarily by minimizing patients in the hospital for 3 to 5 days after the
dyspnea, and to minimize pleural procedures and instillation of talc to effect pleural surface fu
the need for repeated hospital or doctor visits. sion, and there is a small risk of transient hypox
Given the poor prognosis of these patients, early emia associated with the use of nongraded talc.64,69
and definitive pleural palliation — as opposed to An unblinded randomized trial examined tun
multiple thoracenteses, which expose the patient neled pleural catheters versus talc-slurry pleurode
to both risk and inconvenience — is recom sis for the treatment of persistent effusions and
mended.66 showed no significant differences in dyspnea
The LENT score (LDH in pleural fluid, Eastern or in quality of life.70 Patients in the talc group
Cooperative Oncology Group [ECOG] performance underwent more additional procedures, whereas
status, neutrophil–lymphocyte ratio in the serum, the patients in the tunneled pleural catheter
and tumor type) has been shown to accurately group had a higher incidence of nonserious ad
stratify patients into high-, moderate-, and low- verse events. Although it is often a fear of refer
risk groups and may be helpful in guiding ring health care providers, infection related to
therapy.59 A score of 0 is assigned for a pleural the tunneled pleural catheter occurs approxi
fluid LDH level lower than 1500 IU per liter and mately 5% of the time and can usually be treated
a score of 1 is assigned for a level above that without removing the catheter.71 Trials have sug
threshold, scores of 0 to 3 for worsening ECOG gested that the combination of tunneled pleural
status, a score of 0 for a serum neutrophil–lym catheters with sclerosing agents (talc or silver
phocyte ratio of less than 9 and a score of 1 for nitrate) as well as daily drainage (as opposed to
Ultrasound-guided therapeutic
Improvement in dyspnea?
No Yes
No Yes
No Yes
drainage every other day) can result in substan death similar to that of patients who are admit
tially fewer days with a catheter.72-74 As with all ted to the intensive care unit with acute decom
procedures, we recommend that the risks, ben pensated heart failure, patients with hepatic hy
efits, and alternatives always be discussed with drothorax have a risk of death similar to that of
the patient in detail and that therapy be indi patients with a Model for End-Stage Liver Dis
vidualized. ease (MELD) score of 20 to 29 (a typical indica
tion for transplantation; MELD scores range
from 6 to 40, with higher scores indicating more
C ompl ic ated T r a nsudate s
advanced liver disease), and patients with renal
Congestive heart failure, cirrhosis, and the ne failure and effusion have a 1-year risk of death
phrotic syndrome underlie most transudative that is triple that among patients undergoing
effusions.1 Although often considered benign hemodialysis who do not have effusions.75 Al
conditions, effusions associated with congestive though in the majority of patients, transudative
heart failure, hepatic failure, and renal failure effusions can be managed by treatment of the
have recently been shown to be associated with underlying condition, refractory effusions deserve
1-year mortality rates of 50%, 25%, and 46%, prompt and aggressive pleural palliation that
respectively.75 Patients with congestive heart fail will minimize repeat procedures and breathless
ure and pleural effusion have a 1-year risk of ness and maximize quality of life. As with malig
nant pleural effusions, tunneled pleural cathe risk of recurrent pneumothorax. Digital air-leak
ters, pleurodesis, or both may be indicated for monitoring devices have been shown to reduce
these patients,76-79 and we recommend careful the number of days a chest tube is in place and
discussion with relevant teams (e.g., hepatology to shorten the length of stay in the hospital after
and liver transplantation) to develop a multidis lobectomy or segmentectomy.85
ciplinary plan. When patients with a pneumothorax are treat
ed with chest tubes, the lung usually expands
and the air leak ceases within 3 days. If the lung
Cur r en t C oncep t s in the
T r e atmen t of Pneumo thor a x does not expand fully within 3 to 5 days, consid
eration should be given to thoracoscopy. At thora
Pneumothorax has traditionally been categorized coscopy, blebs are stapled and an effort is made
as primary (no underlying lung disease), second to create a pleurodesis, usually with pleural
ary (underlying lung disease present), traumatic, abrasion. Another method of treating prolonged
and iatrogenic. Because of advances in chest air leak is to instill 1 ml of the patient’s own
imaging (CT and thoracoscopy), patients with a blood per kilogram of body weight through the
pneumothorax who had previously been con chest tube.86 Alternatively, pleurodesis can be
sidered free of parenchymal disease have been attempted through instillation of a sclerosing
found to have emphysema-like pulmonary agent or the placement of endobronchial one-way
changes and increased pleural porosity, or de valves, with the goal of reducing air flow across
fects in the visceral pleura that are independent the visceral pleura. The valves are then removed
of blebs or bullae.80 These findings suggest that after the pleural defect has healed, typically in
the distinction between primary and secondary 6 weeks.87
pneumothorax is perhaps an artificial construct After a patient has had a spontaneous pneu
and that therapy should be guided by size of the mothorax, the likelihood of a recurrence exceeds
pneumothorax and by the patient’s symptoms.81 50%.88 Prevention of recurrence is key, especially
Furthermore, there is no standard definition of in patients with markedly decreased lung func
pneumothorax size; the American College of Chest tion, for whom a recurrence can be fatal. If a
Physicians defines “large” as a distance of 3 cm patient has a first recurrence, then the likeli
or more from the apex of the lung to the cupula hood of a second recurrence is very high. Recur
of the chest wall,82 whereas the British Thoracic rence rates can be reduced to approximately 25%
Society defines it as an intrapleural distance of if an agent such as talc or doxycycline is instilled
at least 2 cm at the level of the hilum.83 In fact, through a chest tube and can be reduced to less
agreement on size based on these definitions than 5% with thoracoscopy and the insufflation
occurs less than 50% of the time in clinical set of talc, stapling of blebs, or pleural abrasion to
tings, which leads to substantial variation in create a pleurodesis.89 However, a bullectomy
treatment recommendations.84 alone, without attempts at pleurodesis, is associ
Up to 70% of patients with a clinically stable ated with a higher recurrence rate, and therefore
pneumothorax can be treated with simple needle pleurodesis should always be considered an inte
aspiration, which avoids hospitalization. As with gral part of the procedure.81
parapneumonic effusion and empyema, guide
lines currently recommend the use of small-bore A r e a s for F u t ur e R e se a rch
(14-French) chest tubes rather than large-bore
chest tubes for patients with pneumothorax who Over the past few years, large, multicenter, ran
have treatment failure or are not candidates for domized trials have been published from centers
simple needle aspiration.83 The latter group in that have large clinical and research pleural ser
cludes patients who live far from the treating vices. These trials may lead to improvements in
center, who have minimal social support, or who diagnostic tests to establish the underlying cause
have more substantial underlying lung disease. of a pleural effusion, more compounds to de
Over the past several years, more conservative crease the rate of pleural fluid production or
therapy has been a trend associated with reserv increase the rate of pleural fluid reabsorption,
ing surgical therapy for patients with the highest an improved compound for pleurodesis, and fur
ther development of interventional pulmonology are also being investigated. Pleural disease re
services and dedicated multidisciplinary pleural mains a common clinical problem, and expedi
disease services. Furthermore, trials investigating tious, multidisciplinary evaluation and treatment
the clinical effect of pleural manometry, studies will maximize the care of our patients.
to better understand the pharmacodynamics of
Dr. Feller-Kopman reports receiving grant support and consult
drugs in the pleural space, and investigation of ing fees from CareFusion/BD; and Dr. Light, serving on an advi
how pleural disease is related to the genetic sory committee for CareFusion and holding a patent (US 6103695
makeup of affected patients may be forthcom A) on transforming growth factor β for pleurodesis. No other
potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.
ing. Patient-centered (and caregiver-centered) out Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with
comes, such as the effect on daily quality of life, the full text of this article at
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Turquoise Pool, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming Shin Yin Lee, M.D.