UG Governor: Applications

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Product Specification 03029 

(Revision K, 11/2005) 

UG Governor 
UG‐5.7, UG‐8, and UG‐10 Dial and Lever 

The UG Governor is a mechanical-
hydraulic governor for controlling diesel,
gas, or dual fuel engines, or steam
UG-Dial governors are particularly suited
for constant speed applications. Knob
speed settings make synchronization easy
for generator applications. Motor speed
setting is available for remote  Isochronous or
synchronization. Adjustable droop makes droop control
load sharing between engines precise.
 Dashpot/needle
UG Lever governors are widely used for variable speed valve
control. Remote speed setting can be either mechanical
through the speed setting lever or pneumatic with a special compensation
speed setting device. Special attachments are available for  Lever, dial, motor,
other applications.
or pneumatic
The UG pump is designed for applications which reverse speed settings
engine rotation.
The governor provides extremely reliable speed control
 Damped ballhead
throughout the drive speed and temperature range.  Self contained oil
This proven design has been industry standard for many sump
years. World-wide acceptance provides easy service in most
engine and governor shops.

UG Governors (generally known as the “UG-8”) are available in either a UG Dial or
UG Lever configuration. Each model is available with any of three different work
outputs: 7.1, 13.2, and 15.9 Nm (5.2, 9.7, and 11.7 lb-ft).
The UG-5.7 and UG-8 use 827 kPa (120 psi) operating pressure. The UG-5.7 unit
has a reduced area servo piston which produces a quicker response to load
changes and reduces overshoots at start up and on major load changes.
The UG-10 uses a 1034 kPa (150 psi) internal operating pressure to produce the
higher work output.
Dashpot pressure compensation provides governor stability and allows the UG
governor to operate in isochronous rather than droop. Droop is available to permit
load sharing. A needle valve provides optimum adjustment that exactly matches the
governor with a particular engine's dynamics.
The UG governor has an internal oil pump driven from the governor's drive shaft. An
arrangement of check valves permits the governor to operate in either direction. Oil
pressure is maintained by a relief valve-accumulator system with a drain to an
internal oil sump.
Woodward 03029 p.2

Governor Drive Standard drive is 5/8-36 (inch) serrated
Drive shafts are available with 0.187 inch-wide keyways and threaded
castle nut to carry gear
Drive Speeds and Requirements Maximum speed range of 375 to 1500 rpm
Recommended constant speed operating range of 1000 to 1500 rpm
Requires 249 W (1/3 hp) at normal speed and operating temperature
Rotation clockwise or counterclockwise
Work Output 7.1 Nm (5.2 lb-ft) for the UG-5.7
13.2 Nm (9.7 lb-ft) for the UG-8
15.9 Nm (11.7 lb-ft) for the UG-10

Terminal Shaft 12.70 mm (0.500 inch) diameter, SAE-36 serrations. May extend from
either or both sides of the governor
Shafts designed for specific applications are available
Linkage The relationship between engine torque output and governor terminal
shaft travel should be linear (very important for gas or dual fuel
Steady State Speed Band ±0.25% of rated speed
Variable Speed Range 375 to 1500 rpm
Droop Adjustable on the dial governor from 0 to 12.5% at 1500 rpm and from 0
to 19% at 1000 rpm
Adjustable on the lever governor from 0 to 26.5% at 1500 rpm and from
0 to 40% at 1000 rpm
All droop figures are based on 42° of terminal shaft travel. If less than
full shaft travel is utilized, available droop will be decreased by the
same percentage as is output shaft travel.
Ballhead/Drive Configuration A spring-driven, oil-damped ballhead and flexible drive is often used to
dampen the high-frequency, low-amplitude torsional vibration which
may be present in the drive to the governor
Ballheads are also available in undamped natural frequencies of: none,
50, 70, 100, or 150 cpm
Operating Temperature Gas-fueled engines, particularly those used on gas pipelines, often have
not operated at optimum efficiency because automated controls to
maintain that peak condition have not been readily available
Pilot Valve Plunger Movement Balanced between ballhead centrifugal force and speeder spring force
Pilot Valve Bushing Rotated as an integral part of governor drive shaft
Pilot Valve Porting A selection of chopper, 2 slotted or 8 round. Chopper gives slow
response in acceleration
Woodward 03029 p.3

Oil Self contained sump 1.9 L (2.0 US quart) capacity SAE 10 to 50 is

recommended with a viscosity of 100 to 300 SUS. 15 to 70 CTS
Oil Pressure 758 to 827 kPa (110 to 120 psi) maintained by relief valve-accumulator
system. 1034 kPa (150 psi) for the UG-10 governor
Weight (Dial Type) 22 kg (48 lb), 23 kg (50 lb) with synchronizing motor
Weight (Lever Type) 20 kg (45 lb)
Weight (Pneumatic Type) 23 kg (50 lb)
Case, Base, and Cover Construction Cast iron
Mounting Configuration Vertical to 45° (dial plate up)
Mounting Studs 7.9 mm (5/16 in.).diameter (4)
Technical Manuals 03040 (Dial)
03036 (Lever)
54042 (Installation)
Woodward 03029 p.4

(Do not use for construction)

For more information contact:

PO Box 1519, Fort Collins CO, USA 80522-1519
1000 East Drake Road, Fort Collins CO 80525
Tel.: +1 (970) 482-5811  Fax: +1 (970) 498-3058

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For your nearest representative, call the Fort Collins plant or see the
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This document is distributed for informational purposes only. It is not to be construed as

creating or becoming part of any Woodward contractual or warranty obligation unless
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