200 TON Manual

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PARTS BOOK and MAINTENANCE MANUAL TRU-LINE SWIVELS MODEL “A” 200-TON [ti-200 7] 120-TON TL-120 Deco) ere UBIO sca Uo or Sa aes u "it 0Om, owe ace az eran Ses eve PARES LIST paco 200 TON THI-LINe SHI ‘11-200 MoLL “A io. pecan a ‘g3l-ob Body , 1 aS OU i 2 2 aD Sab nant Bearing Rollway MU-228 ; es i Sa th ont seri Bevan : pit aren Safa ig ae 3 2: Yi iae sae $ eB iten Tet i ta i ee ance ar te" : { ‘531-06 | Upper aiiynment Bearing evainer 1 | si FE ea i peel, Ma aes ie ss trade peaeas Sie co, nes sent pes Sa aa ae ome Seas sn eH matte Met | ‘531-20 Beil Pin 2 |. % Bim 1 Mies 3 | Ye aa pe Fe i | au mar ia BE Seen t ‘ emt caw Sat ig wfieoe wt als Ere gee anne Sees : ed ‘itera Rt : Bn tepeemlte i ioiat Wise i % dua seni hr Uist Magtie Dino Mae % sua = Sse See i 3 8 Baw aac Sockee tds Cap, 2oi/tt Le w/t 6 ‘ aw Packity (See packing instruction : oe 5 mag ope : 2 Be tpme taerhn i 3 ey Smee i 2 Bee Sine dovemay (ne Bak me : ee ee i % BEF na, une vegmbic ons Pg ‘a latani been #13 um Anwestty Te Give Vertical Flay Of Stan of 001" fight to .002" Loose w. | thea oes - Fast + % “ seat , as ggg <<< ee ° aysoe os RL 14:88 PAK 385 1 3652156 Cronco SIS Gove INSTRUCTIONS FOR INSTALLING FLOATING WASHPIPE AND WASHPIPE PACKING TYPE BR PACKING IDECO TRU-LINE SWIVEL T1200 TO REMOVE WASHPIPE 9 Remove ing No. 9- Unseen lover arhdges No. 10. This piece han LEFT HAND ‘HteAD.” User oppor nt, Nos 2 This place has HIGHT HAND THREAD. (8) Poh 2, 8, and 10 together nthe cater of the Cettbe se lithe samy ou he ack of te emer de oppaite rotary hot) (€) Side tans 2,8, a 10 down the weno ul ‘he pl rtloing ving, No 3 maybe cemoved Stip hms 2,4, Band 1 off f the wabpe. beard ted epi, peeking, spacer ord O-rings ASSEMBLY AND INSTALLATION. (0) Clee the inside of the wppw erie, 8, and Senate ect ae sede eo 6 ee orn faar es costsronowNe ee cata Ses on oe Nolan ihe Nome ° Tice teeet sad rem DESCRIPTION ‘PART NO. (F) Push the wothpige Into the packing cartridge uel "ee om heh rebates are: 7 oe Brite) tenga, 2, mde on, 8, 2 om Tose Sega tains Move ee 3S pee te Joat ES erat bo tet tine ore ata te a oe eects ay es ae at 2a icetg aor ly gone Os, 3 ed plano 3 Gpcteinle Seeay 09 ‘Lay ge Oe, 3 ed po a | 4 ye zekri Tras 0 nw ante TEM gn tasks nha th sae eter coals Reh = rea ‘the oxsembly into ploce and tighten the upper mut. Push | Oot Toon Roatan: | a Sen sie 14 Washpipe: 49-07 RECOMMENDED GREASES + Keg tng ney be oredr Podge GNF Grophite Grane No.2, HUMBLE Ex Van ten Fay SHELL Babe #2, MOBI. Mobiglen ETE + loca am 1. EO Nex 2G Gropite Greate, OR EQUIVALENT,

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