Mechanical Paper Set 3 2016
Mechanical Paper Set 3 2016
Mechanical Paper Set 3 2016
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Q1 Based on the given statements, select the appropriate Q5 S, M, E and F are working in shifts in a team to finish
option with respect to grammar and usage. a project. M works with twice the efficiency of others but
Statements: for half as many days as E worked. S and M have 6 hour
(i) The height of Mr. X is 6 feet. shifts in a day, whereas E and F have 12 hours shifts.
(ii) The height of Mr. Y is 5 feet. What is the ratio of contribution of M to contribution of
(A) Mr. X is longer than Mr. Y. E in the project?
(B) Mr. X is more elongated than Mr. Y. (A) 1:1
(C) Mr. X is taller than Mr. Y. (B) 1:2
(D) Mr. X is lengthier than Mr. Y. (C) 1:4
(D) 2:1
S1 Correct option is (C)
Correct option is (B)
In degrees of comparison Mr. X is taller than Mr. Y is apt.
Positive degree – tall M efficiency = 2 [efficiency of S, E and F]
Comparative degree – taller Contribution of M in the project
Superlative degree – tallest
= x days # 6 hrs # 2
Contribution of E in the project
= 2x days # 12 hrs # 1
Q2 The students ______ the teacher on teacher’s
Contribution of M : Contribution of E
day for twenty years of dedicated teaching.
x # 6 # 2 : 2x # 12 # 1
(A) facilitated
1 : 2
(B) felicitated
Q.6-Q.10 Carry two marks each
(C) fantasized
(D) facillitated
Q6 The Venn diagram shows the preference of the
S1 Correct option is (B) student population for leisure activities.
Felicitate means honour.
= 76 + 83 − 51
S1 Correct option is (C)
= 108
From the given data, the following diagram is possible
cos 45c = DE
Q7 Social science disciplines were in existence in an
amorphous form until the colonial period when they were DE = cos 45c # 4
institutionalized. In varying degrees, they were intended = 2.828 km
to further the colonial interest In the time of globalization sin 45c = EN
and the economic rise postcolonial countries like India. 4
Conventional ways of knowledge production have become EN = sin 45c # 4
obsolete. = 2.828 km
Which of the following can be logically inferred from the
above statements? sin 45c = EN
(i) Social science disciplines have become obsolete EN = sin 45c # 4
(ii) Social science disciplines had a pre colonial origin = 2.828 km
(iii) Social science disciplines always promote colonialism. CN = NE + CE
(iv) Social science must maintain disciplinary boundaries. = 2.828 + 5
(A) (ii) only = 7.828 km
(B) (i) and (iii) only CB = AB − AC
(C) (ii) and (iv) only = 10 − 2.828
= 7.171 km
^NB h2 = ^NC h2 + ^BC h2
(D) (iii) and (iv) only
log e ^1 + 4x h
Q12 Lt is equal to
x"0 e3x − 1
(A) 0
(B) 1
(C) 4
(D) 1 The CORRECT free body diagram is
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) π
Which one of the following is TRUE?
(D) π (A) VQP has components along and perpendicular to PQ
(B) VQP has only one component directed from P to Q
S1 Correct option is (C) (C) VQP has only one component directed from Q to P
a 2 = πr 2
a (D) VQP has only one component perpendicular to PQ
I1 = 12
I2 π d
S1 Correct answer is 1
S1 Correct option is (B)
A1 V1 = A2 V2 + A 3 V3
“Grubler”s equation. Q 1 = Q 2 + Q 3
0.9 = 3 # 0.2 # 1 + V # 0.3 # 1
Q21 The static deflection of a spring under gravity, V = 1 m/sec
when a mass of 1 kg is suspended from it, is 1 mm.
Assume the acceleration due to gravity g = 10 m/s2 . The Q24 For a certain two-dimensional incompressible flow,
natural frequency of this spring mass system (in rad/s) is velocity field is given by 2xyit - y2 tj .
______. The streamlines for this flow are given by the family of
S1 Correct answer is 100 (A) x2 y2 = constant
ω n = (B) xy2 = constant
= 10 (C) 2xy − y2 = constant
1 # 10 (D) xy = constant
= 100 rad/sec
S1 Correct option is (B)
Q22 Which of the bearings given below SHOULD NOT dx = dy
be subjected to a thrust load? u v
(A) Deep groove ball bearing dx = dy
2xy − y2
(B) Angular contact ball bearing
(C) Cylindrical (Straight) roller bearing ln x =− ln y + c
ln x # y = c
(D) Single row tapered roller bearing
x y = c
Squaring on both sides
S1 Correct option is (C) xy2 = c
Q23 A channel of width 450 mm branches into two sub- Q25 Steady one-dimensional heat conduction takes place
channels having width 300 mm and 200 mm as shown across the faces 1 and 3 of a composite slab consisting of
in figure. If the volumetric flow rate (taking unit depth) slabs A and B in perfect contact as shown in the figure.
of an incompressible flow through the main channel is where kA, kB denote the respective thermal conductivities.
0.9 m3 /s and the velocity in the sub-channel of width 200 Using the data as given in the figure, the interface
mm is 3 m/s, the velocity in the sub-channel of width 300 temperature T2 (in cC ) is ______
mm is ______
Page 6 Mechanical Paper Set-3 2016
= 12500 W/m2
Q = 1300−
= 12500
` T = 67.5
The magnitude of absolute velocity at entry is 300 m/s at
an angle of 65c to the axial direction, while the magnitude
Q26 Grashof number signifies the ratio of
of the absolute velocity at exit is 150 m/s. The exit velocity
(A) Inertia force to viscous force
vector has a component in the downward direction. Given
(B) buoyancy force to viscous force that the axial (horizontal) velocity is the same at entry
(C) buoyancy force to inertia force and exit, the specific work (in kJ/kg) is ______
(D) inertia force to surface tension force
S1 Correct answer is 52.807
S1 Correct option is (B) Given: V1 = 300 m/sec
Buoyancy force u = 150 m/sec
Grashof No. = Vf1 = Vf2
Viscous force
^α = 25ch
Q27 The Incorrect statement about the characteristic of V2 = 150 m/sec
critical point of a pure substance is that Specific work = 6Vw1 + Vw2@ $ u
(A) there is no constant temperature vaporization pro- Vw1 = V1 cos 25
cess Vw1 = 300 cos 25
(B) It has point of inflection with zero slope = 271.89 m/s
(C) the ice directly converts from solid phase to vapor
(D) saturated liquid and saturated vapor states are iden-
S1 Correct option is (C) Q34 Match the following part programming codes with
ε = ln ^1 + εh their respective functions
where, ε = Engineering strain, Part Programming Functions
ε = true strain Codes
ε = ln ^1 + 0.001h
= 0.099% P. G01 I Spindle step
Q. G03 II Spindle rotation,
Q31 Equal amount of a liquid metal at the same clockwise
temperature are poured into three moulds made of steel, R. M03 III Circular interpola-
copper and aluminium. The shape of the cavity is a tion, anticlockwise
cylinder with 15 mm diameter. The size of the moulds are S. M05 IV Linear interpolation
such that the outside temperature of the moulds do not
(A) P-II, Q-I, R-IV, S-III
increase appreciably beyond the atmospheric temperature
during solidification. The sequence of solidification in the (B) P-IV, Q-II, R-III, S-I
mould from the fastest to slowest is (C) P-IV, Q-III, R-II, S-I
(Thermal conductivities of steel, copper and aluminum (D) P-III, Q-IV, R-II, S-I
are 60.5, 401 and 237 W/m-K, respectively. Specific heats
of steel, copper and aluminum are 434, 385 and 903 J/kg-
S1 Correct option is (C)
K, respectively. Densities of steel, copper and aluminum
G01 is used for linear interpolation, G03 is used for circular
are 7854, 8933 and 2700 kg/m3 , respectively.)
(A) Copper-Steel-Aluminum interpolation counter clockwise, M03 for spindle rotation
clockwise and M05 for spindle top.
(B) Aluminum-Steel-Copper
(C) Copper-Aluminum-Steel
Q35 In PERT chart, the activity time distribution is
(D) Steel-Copper-Aluminum (A) Normal
(B) Binomial
S1 Correct option is (C)
(C) Poisson
Solidification time is inversely proportional to diffusivity
(D) Beta
and based on the values diffusivity is highest for copper,
next is aluminum and then steel. Hence the solidification
time is lowest for copper, next aluminum and then steel. S1 Correct option is (D)
Q.36-Q.65 carry two marks each.
Q32 In a wire-cut EDM process the necessary conditions
that have to be met for making a successful cut are that Q36 The number of linearly independent eigenvectors of
(A) wire and sample are electrically non-conducting matrix
(B) wire and sample are electrically conducting R V
S2 1 0W
(C) wire is electrically conducting and sample is electri- A = S0 2 0W
cally non-conducting is ______. SS0 0 3WW
(D) sample is electrically conducting and wire is electri- T X
cally non-conducting S1 Correct answer is 2
R2 1 0V
A = S0 2 0W
S1 Correct option is (B) SS0 0 3WW
In EDM or wirecut EDM, the work and tool must be T X
electrically conductive otherwise the current passage will & λ = 2, 2, 3
not takes place. For λ = 2.A − λI
S2 − l 1 0 W
Q33 Internal gears are manufactured by =S 0 2−l 0 W
(A) hobbing S W
S 0 0 3 − lW
(B) shaping with pinion cutter RT0 1 0V R0 1 0V X
(C) shaping with rack cutter = S0 0 0W + S0 0 1W
(D) milling SS0 0 1WW SS0 0 0WW
^A - λI h = 2 , n = 3
S1 Correct option is (B) P = n − r
Internal gears are manufactured by gear Broaching and = 3−2
shaping with pinion cutter only, whereas shaping with =1
pinion cutter is used for both external and internal gears. The no. of Linearly independent eigen vectors corresponding
Page 8 Mechanical Paper Set-3 2016
Q37 #
The value of the line integral F $ r lds , where C
is a circle of radius 4π unit is ______ C
Here, F ^x, y h
= yit + 2xjt and r l is the UNIT tangent vector on the
curve C at an arc length s from a reference point on the
curve. it and tj are the basis vectors in the x - y Cartesian
S1 Correct answer is 133.33
reference. In evaluating the line integral, the curve has to
m1 a1 = T − 100
be traversed in the counterclockwise direction.
100 a = T − 100 ...(1)
S1 Correct answer is 16 g 1
m2 a2 = 200 − T
Q38 lim x2 + x − 1 − x is 200 a = 200 − T ...(2)
(A) 0
x"3 g 2
` T = 100a1 + 100 6` a1 = a2@
(B) 3
200 a = 200 − 100 a − 100
(C) 1
g g
(D) - 3 300a = 100
& a =
S1 Correct option is (C)
It x2 + x − 1 − x = lim ^ x2 + x − 1 − x h
T = 100 # ++ 100
x"3 g 3
^ x2 + x − 1 − x h = 133.33 N
^ x2 + x − 1 + x h
^x2 + x − 1 − x2h
= lim
x"3 x2 + x − 1 + x
x ^1 − x1 h
= lim
_ 1 + x − x + 1i
x " 3x 1 1
3 mv2 = mgh
v2 = 4 gh
v = 4 gh
= 4 # 10 # 30
= 20 m/ sec
The deformed shape is a square of dimension L - 2δ . If
Q42 A rigid rod ^AB h of length L = 2 m is undergoing
L = 2 m and δ = 0.001 m, the Poisson’s ratio of the plate
material is ______
translational as well as rotational motion in the x - y plane
(see in figure). The point A has the velocity V1 = it + 2tj
S1 Correct answer is 0.2
m/s. The end B is constrained to move only along the x
E^ h
TV = σ 1 − v
direction. V
ε v = e x + e y + e z
µ ^σ + σ h
ε v = d σ −
E n dE E n
µσ µσ
+ σ− −
Due to plane stress condition ε z = 0
ε v = σ # 2 # ^1 − µh
^2 - 2 # 0.001h 2
=− P # 2 ^1 − µh
22 E
# 2 ^1 − µh
- 2 # 10-3 =−
200 # 103
The magnitude of the velocity V2 (in m/s) at the end B 200 = 1 − µ
is ______
0.8 = 1 − µ ` µ = 0.2
S1 Correct answer is 3
V1 = i + 2j Q44 Two circular shafts made of same material, one solid
V1 = 22 + 12 ^S h and one hollow ^H h, have the same length and polar
5 moment of inertia. Both are subjected to same torque.
By drawing velocity diagram Here, θ S is the twist and θ S is the maximum shear stress
in the solid shaft, whereas θ H is the twist and θ H is the
maximum shear stress in the hollow shaft. Which one of
the following is TRUE?
(A) q S = q H and t S = t H
(B) q S > q H and t S > t H
(C) q S < q H and t S < t H
(D) q S = q H and t S < t H
32 ^ H 4 H h4
π D 4 - d 4 = π D 4
324 S
D H - d S = D S
1 - c d S m = c D S m
Page 10 Mechanical Paper Set-3 2016
= 3
M.F. 1
`1 − ^ wwN h2j
= 1
^1 − 3h2
(A) wL
2 =1
(B) 3wl = 0.5
(C) wL
4 Q48 A bolted joint has four bolts arranged as shown in
figure. The cross sectional area of each bolt is 25 mm2 .
(D) wL
8 A torque T = 200 N-m is acting on the joint. Neglecting
friction due to clamping force, maximum shear stress in a
S1 Correct option is (B) bolt is ______ MPa.
wl 4 = Rl3 R = 3wl
8EI 3EI 8
Correct answer is 160
T = F # D
200 = F # .1
F = 4000 N
τ = F
= 4000
= 160 MPa
S1 Correct answer is 2
By symmetric two system is in dynamic balance when Q49 Consider a fully developed steady laminar flow of an
Mea = m1 e1 a1 incompressible fluid with viscosity µ through a circular
m 1 = m e $ a pipe of radius R. Given that the velocity at a radial
e 1 a1 location of R2 from the centerline of the pipe is U1 the
= 1 # 50 2 shear stress at the wall is KµRU , where K is ______
20 2.5
= 2 kg
S1 Correct answer is 2.667
c m
2p r
Q47 A single degree of freedom spring-mass system is τ w =−
2x 2
subjected to a harmonic force of constant amplitude. For
Mechanical Paper Set-3 2016 Page 11
u =− R c
2p m
d1 − r 2 n
2 2
(D) (3) and (4)
4µ 2 x R
S1 Correct option is (B)
u1 =− R c m
c 1− R 2m
4µ 2 x 4#R ax = u2u + v2u
] 2x 2y
=− R b
4µ dx l # 4
2p 3
x2 + y2 − x # 2x y
= 2 x 2f p− 2
^x + y h ^x + y2h
2 2
x +y 2
b-2p l = 16 µu 1
dx 3R2
^x2 + y2h
#x # 2 # 2y
2p R
τ w =−
#2 x ^x2 + y2 − 2x2h − 2xy2
^x + y h^x + y h
2 2 2 2 2
k µ u
= # # 1
R − x3 − xy2
= 2
16 # µ # u1 R k # µ # u1 ^x + y h
2 3
# 2 = R
16µ # u1 ax =− 2 x 2 2
^x + y h
k = R `
2 #2
ay = u2u + v2u
= R
2x 2y
µu 1
= 2x 2 # 2
−y y
^x + y h ^x + y h
2 2 # 2x #
3 ^x + y h
2 2
= 2.66
^x2 + y2h − y # 2y
^x2 + y2h
Q50 The water jet exiting from a stationary tank through
a circular opening of diameter 300 mm impinges on a rigid − 2x2 y + yx2 − y3
− y ^x + y h
2 2 3
wall as shown in the figure. Neglect all minor losses and
^x2 + y2h
assume the water level in the tank to remain constant. The 2
net horizontal force experienced by the wall is ______ The velocity components are not functions of time, so
kN. flow is steady according to continuity equation,
Density of water is 1000 kg/m3 . −^x2 − y2h −^x − y h
2 2
2 u + 2 u = 2
2 2 +
^x + y h ^x + y h
Acceleration due to gravity g = 10 m/s2 . 2x 2y 2 2 2
Since it satisfies the above continuity equation for 2D and
incompressible flow.
` The flow is incompressible.
the rod to reach 300cC is ______ seconds. , discharge pressure is p 4 and the intermediate pressure
are p2 and p 3 ^2 < p 3h. The total pressure ratio of the
S1 Correct answer is 43.49 compressor is 10 and the pressure ratios of the stages are
d = 0.01 m equal. If p1 = 100 kPa, the value of the pressure p 3 (in
L = 0.2 m kPa) is ______
T0 = 750cC
T3 = 100cC S1
Correct answer is 464.151
^rp hOPT = c P m
h = 250 W/m2 -K 4
ρ = 7801 kg/m3 P1
C = 473 J/kgK = ]10g1/3
T - T3 = e−hAτ/ρVC = 2.1544
T0 - T3 P2 = P3
P1 P2
V = pD 2 L P
A 4 # pDL = 4
= D
4 = 2.1544
300 - 100 250 # 4 #τ P2 = 2.1544 # 100
= e− 7801 # 0.01 # 473
= 215.44
750 - 100
- 1.178 =− 250 # 4 # τ = 2.1544
7801 # 0.01 # 473
` τ = 43.49 sec P3 = 2.1544 # 215.44
= 464.15 kPa
Q54 Steam at an initial enthalpy of 100 kJ/kg and inlet
velocity of 100 m/s, enters an insulated horizontal nozzle. Q57 In the vapour compression cycle shown in the figure,
It leaves the nozzle at 200 m/s. The exit enthalpy (in kJ/ the evaporating and condensing temperature are 260 K
kg) is ______ and 310 K, respectively. The compressor takes in liquid-
vapour mixture (state 1) and isentropically compress it to
S1 Correct answer is 85 a dry saturated vapour condition (state 2). The specific
δQ 2 heat of the liquid refrigerant is 4.5 kJ/kg-K and may be
h1 + V 1 + = h2 + V 2 + δW
2000 dm 2000 dm treated as constant. The enthalpy of evaporation for the
2 2
h 2 = h 1 + V 1 − V 2
refrigerant at 310 K is 1054 kJ/kg.
= 100 + c 100 − 200 m
2 2
= 100 − 15
= 85 kJ/kg
= 0.622 #
750 − 20
kg vapour
= 0.01704
kg dry air
Correct option is (B)
α = 22
t2 = 0.8
V = 48
t1 = 0.4
r = t1
= 0.5
φ = tan−1 a r cos a k
S 3 = c p1 ln bT3 l 1 − r sin a
= 4.8 ln b 310 l = tan−1 b 0.5 cos 22 l
273 1 − 0.5 sin 22
= 29.7c
= 0.61 kJ
T2^S - S h = h2 − h 3 Q60 In a sheet metal of 2 mm thickness a hole of 10
310 ^S2 - 0.61h = 1054
2 3
T1 cV2 m
40002 # 200 # 10-6 # 0.2 = Volume # 8000 # 1400 T 2
= V1 n
# 10
= cV1 m
Volume = 5.7 # 10−8 m3
= π # 52 # h # 10−6
= cV1 m
& h = 2.91 mm V2
= ^2 h4
Q59 For an orthogonal cutting operation, tool material is = 16
HSS, rake angle is 22c, chip thickness is 0.8 mm, speed is
48 m/min and feed is 0.4 mm/rev. The shear plane angle Q62 Two optically flat plates of glass are kept at a small
(in degree) is angle θ as shown in the figure.
(A) 19.24 Monochromatic light is incident vertically.
(B) 29.70
(C) 56.00
(D) 68.75
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x + y # 1 x + y # 1
500 1000 1000 400
x + y # 1
900 600
12x + 6y = 6000
4x + 10y = 4000
12x + 6y = 6000
12x + 30y = 12000
− 24y =− 6000
y = 6000
= 250
4x + 10y = 4000
4x + 250 # 10 = 4000
4x = 15000
x = 1500
= 375
Z max = 40x + 100y
= 40 # 375 + 100 # 250
= 15000 + 25000
ZD = 40, 000 /-
Z A = 0
ZB = 40 # 500 + 100 # 0
ZC = 40 # 0 + 100 # 400
Option at (D) & (C)