SGWeek 10
SGWeek 10
SGWeek 10
In the ideal Rankine Cycle, the process in the turbine Section 10-2
and the pump are isentropic. In the T-s diagram (Figure
10-2) process from state 1 to 2 & 3 to 4 are vertical
lines. In other words, the entropy s1 = s2 & s3 = s4 .
This condition is the key to the analysis of the cycle.
The control volume analysis is applicable to the
analysis of the processes in cycle.
The usual assumptions are: PE = KE = 0. The energy
equation for the four processes are as given in the
textbook: Note that the
formulae follow the
1. Pump: wp = h2 − h1 (wp is positive). textbook and make
2. Boiler: qin = h3 − h2 . all the values of w’s
3. Turbine: w = h − h & q’s positive.
T 3 4
The actual vapour power cycle deviated from the Section 10-3
idealised cycle is shown in Figure 10-4 (a) & (b).
Our analysis is focus on the case of Fig. 10-4 (b). In
this case, the process paths for the turbine and pump are
not isentropic. As dictated by the Second Law, these
processes increase entropy and hence these paths are
sloping toward the right of the T-s diagram.
Similar treatment applies to the case of water pump, See Eqn 10-10 for
except that the isentropic efficiency of a pump, η p , is isentropic efficiency
defined as the (isentropic work)/(actual work), hence: of a pump.
(w )
p actual = ( wp )
/ η p and ( h2 )actual = h1 − ( wp )
This section deals with methods of increasing the thermal Section 10-4
efficiency of the Rankine Cycle.
For a given amount of heat input, more work can be
extracted form the turbine is the exhaust pressure can be
reduced, see Figure 10-6. By increasing the pressure drop
across the turbine, the difference in enthalpy will also
increase. Although there will also be an increase in the
work done to the pump, but this marginal increase in
pump work is more than compensated by the increase of
turbine output.
Another way is to increase the boiler temperature, see
Figure 10-7. Here in increase of heat input to the boiler
has delivered a far more work output from the turbine.
The increase of boiler pressure (as shown in Fog 10-8) is
a more complicated issue in terms of increasing
efficiency. However, that is what has been done in the
history of power generation. Detail is described in this
Example 10-3 compared the efficiency of three cases: the
original cycle; by increasing boiler temperature and by
increase boiler pressure.
Note that one of the possible disadvantages of increasing
the boiler pressure is that the exhaust steam form the
turbine may ends up with a higher moisture (lower value
of x, the quality). In other words, there will be moisture
at the final stage of the turbine and that is undesirable.