Ampd4life NL Final Nov 18
Ampd4life NL Final Nov 18
Ampd4life NL Final Nov 18
in 2018.
where time affords. We just celebrated room preparation and maintenance, and
his 15th birthday. Where does the time patient treatment and care before, during
go? He is a delightful young man and we and after surgery.
look forward to seeing what he chooses
for his future vocation She got the job only two to three days
after applying which was fantastic news
Ella has made huge strides in Year 9 at for her. She will be working nearly fulltime
Bethlehem College. She decided to have but can still work around my schedule
a break from her dance school at the end
of Term 3 as she felt like she needed it. I value and appreciate the commitment
We are totally okay with that as we feel my wife has to our kids and to supporting
she may have been a bit over committed me and facilitating things when I am away
with all her shows, performances etc. from home.
Term 3 has been full on with 38 appointments completed. Substance abuse and
addiction is an escalating problem and Amped4Life continues to offer programs
and seminars that add value to schools, community and industry. I am passionate
about continuing our life-giving message to any and all that require our services.
2018 has been extremely busy organising our new appointments and speaking
engagements in schools, community agencies and other organisations as well
as following up with an onslaught of regular paperwork and administration,
fundraising and other chores that need doing.
MOBILE • 021 461 325 // EMAIL • [email protected]//
Coromandel Schools
In Term 3 Amped4Life had the the Saturday morning for the men of
privilege of being invited to the Tairua ELIM church and then shared
Coromandel to speak in several another message on the Sunday
schools and community groups in morning to the church.
the area. We spent a weekend in We also spoke at Whangamata
Tairua which was facilitated by Peter Area School in October where we
Carverhill (family - my brother’s addressed the Years 9 - 13 cohort.
father inlaw). Thanks Pete for What a fantastic day had by all.
hosting me, extending kindness
and for helping bring Amped4Life to These events were organised and
this beautiful area. facilitated by Kiri Campbell from
the Whangamata Community
Our message as well received by all Services Trust and funded by
who heard the korero. We delivered the Whangamata St John Area
to a Community Meeeting on Friday Committee.
night. I spoke at a Men’s breakfast on
PAT BUCKLEY - LIFE SKILLS EDUCATION MOBILE • 021 461 325 // EMAIL • [email protected]//
Christchurch Trip September
I was invited back to Christchurch in and Minette for making my stay so Alternative Education Groups
September this year due to a prior trip memorable. Love you all and am so
We delivered a challenging message to several Alternative Education groups in
in August 2017, after making grateful for precious friends who sup-
Christchurch over the 10 day duration. One appointment was organised and
connections with local schools and port me and look after me when I am
delivered at Tumanako Hope Education, a ministry of HOPE Church in Hornby.
churches in Christchurch & Rangiora. away from home.
facilitated the trip back to
in a meaningful learning programme targeted to their individual needs and
Christchurch where they hosted me
supports them to transition back to mainstream school, further education,
over several days while I was in
training or employment .
Rangiora. Thank you all for opening up
I was able to share several messages
your home to me. Thanks G for giving The other Alternative Education program was in Maungatere out in
with the congregation at Rangiora
me your bed and Josh and Lucas for North Canterbury.
New Life church on Sunday 9th
PAT BUCKLEY - LIFE SKILLS EDUCATION MOBILE • 021 461 325 // EMAIL • [email protected]//
Amped4Life Schedule
We had the privilege of sharing the Amped Message with clients and staff from EmployNZ. This
came about through assisting a staff member’s nephew assimilate back into mainstream classes
in a local school.
EmployNZ was established in the year 2000 with the specific goal of providing high quality
training services to the Bay of Plenty Region. Since then they have grown to be a multifaceted
Please note this is frequently changing and being
organisation with divisions catering to the different needs of the community. EmployNZ provide
updated. Please refer to
clients with quality, relevant and achievable training and development.
nz/events for schedule and speaking engagements.
They also partner with local employers to identify opportunities for their clients to pathway into
employment, and assist all their graduates to progress onto further training or into
employment. Thanks for the opportunity, team for allowing us to come and share with you all.
PAT BUCKLEY - LIFE SKILLS EDUCATION MOBILE • 021 461 325 // EMAIL • [email protected]//
Amped in action
At any stage, you can log onto Amped4Life
website and view the schedule, venue, and
map to get to Amped4Life presentations.
Feel free to contact me if you would like
to come along and that way, we can get
For period ending November 2018
permission to invite extra guests.
Appointment schedule
Completed - Term 3
Amped4Life on facebook
1 60’s plus Elderly Group 4 Community Drug Awareness CLICK HERE
High School Presentations
5 Churches Amped has now
got a direct link
Raglan Camp from our webpage
2 EmployNZ Workshops
2 Alternative Education
to Facebook for
those that wish
to connect to us
and see latest
info, drug trends,
ELIM Voltage Youth Meeting 1 Intermediate School schedule, and
latest news.
PAT BUCKLEY - LIFE SKILLS EDUCATION MOBILE • 021 461 325 // EMAIL • [email protected]//
Amped4Life Trust would like to acknowledge Donate
GM Briant
Cornerstone Tiling
PAT BUCKLEY - LIFE SKILLS EDUCATION MOBILE • 021 461 325 // EMAIL • [email protected]//
Feedback Hey Pat, I have to say thank you very much for being there
when I really needed someone, not just anyone but some
Your recent talk to our students has already
helped with the safety of a person under with experience, strength and a non-judgmental view on things, it
the influence of alcohol. For this I am very meant a lot and helped a lot.
grateful! DAVID G - TAURANGA
OCTOBER 2018 - REBECCA WHATLEY - ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL Pat’s presentation was powerful, relevant and resonated with It is my pleasure to provide a testimonial for Pat Buckley and
WHANGAMATA AREA SCHOOL (YEAR 7-13) students right across our secondary campus. Pat’s passion for AMPED4life. Pat has been a delivering his presentation to year
his subject matter definitely shone through and had an impact 12 students at our school for the past 8 years. He empowers
Hey Pat, I have to say thank you very much for being there that would not have been possible in a normal classroom students to take control of their lives and the decisions that
when I really needed someone, not just anyone but some setting. they make and highlights that all decisions have
with experience, strength and a non-judgmental view on ALISTAIR LUKE -PRINCIPAL WHANGAMATA AREA SCHOOL consequences they need to be prepared for. He is confronting,
things, it meant a lot and helped a lot. honest and raw, which creates a long lasting impact on staff
This amazing man spoke at my daughters and students alike.I highly recommend utilising Pat’s services,
as his message is relevant to all young New Zealanders.
Pat Buckley from Amped4Life visited our school and spoke to college today: Marlborough Girl’s and he TONI RINCKES –HOD MACLEANS COLLEGE
our Year 9’s and 10’s and then later to our year 11’s, 12’s and
13’s. His presentation is relevant, dynamic and authentic. He blew her away! Sorry to have missed it -
shares a considerable amount is his personal life which our Thank you very much for speaking truth Hi Pat, its Leka here from Mt Roskill
students could identify with. Pat’s message is direct and Grammar. You just spoke to us not long ago. I
brutally honest and he has a great way of showing, not only
from your heart. It was felt in Blenheim
the dangers out there, but also offering young people today - Much appreciated. just wanted to say thank you so much for im-
excellent strategies on how to deal with them. M.DALY-PARENT BLENHEIM pacting my life and for making me realize that
I’ve had the privilege of hearing Pat speak on two previous I should live my life with having no regrets and
occasions and his presentation still had a powerful impact on Nga Mihi Pat., your message is such a powerful one and the remembering that I should never in my life say
me. He certainly caught my attention again and I know he had lives you are turning around and steering down a different
path is a credit to you and your wife.
“If only”...
the same effect on our students, as the conversations about
his presentation are still ongoing in our learning groups. It is TRACEY HOUKAMAU –PARENT BLENHEIM I have definitely learnt a lot about drugs etc
without hesitation that we recommend Pat to other schools but I am really grateful for you. Thank you so
and wish him well in all that he does. Pat’s presentations and the manner in which he faces these
realities with our rangatahi is engaging, factual, direct, humor- much I pray that God continues to bless you
ous and “punchy”. It comes from a platform of honesty and and use you as you continue to inspire a lot of
love, founded around family values and his own deep person- people about change. God Bless you Sir, you
We wish to acknowledge Pat Buckley and the Amped4Life al experiences. Our young people and our communities need
to hear more of this kind of message. It has been a pleasure are truly appreciated.
presentation at Whangamata Area School on Wednesday 7th
having him in our kura. STUDENT-MRGS
October, 2018.
PAT BUCKLEY - LIFE SKILLS EDUCATION MOBILE • 021 461 325 // EMAIL • [email protected]//
Well folks, that is about all
our news for now. We will
try and connect with you
all briefly before the end
of 2018. Have a great
– Pat Buckley
Pat Buckley
Managing Director-Amped4Life
“Live for yourself and live PO Box 15348 Tauranga 3144
Mobile: 021461325
in vain. Live for others and E-mail: [email protected]
you will live again” Webpage:
– Bob Marley