Background: Alterations in sleep architecture are common (> 6-9 h/night) exhibited significantly higher cognitive scores
among older adults. Previous studies have documented than individuals with short sleep (0-6 h/night; p < 0.001) or
associations between sleep duration, sleep quality, and long sleep duration (> 9 h/night; p < 0.001). Self-reported
cognitive performance in older individuals, yet few studies sleep quality was positively correlated with cognitive z-score
have examined these trends using population-based samples (p < 0.05). Significant sex differences were observed; men
from non-Western societies. The present cross-sectional study generally had higher sleep quality and cognitive scores, while
uses nationally representative datasets from six countries to women reported longer sleep durations.
test several hypotheses related to sleep patterns and cognitive Discussion: This study documented positive correlations
function. between cognitive scores and sleep quality, and between
Methods: Data were drawn from the first wave of the World cognitive z-scores and intermediate sleep duration. These
Health Organization’s study on global ageing and adult health findings are clinically important given the growing rates of
(SAGE), a longitudinal study using samples of older adults dementia and aging populations globally.
(≥ 50 years old) in 6 middle-income countries (China, Ghana, Keywords: cognitive function, aging, sleep duration, sleep
India, Russian Federation, South Africa, and Mexico). Self- quality, dementia
report data provided information on sleep quality and sleep Citation: Gildner TE, Liebert MA, Kowal P, Chatterji S,
duration over the previous 2 nights, and 5 cognitive tests Snodgrass JJ. Associations between sleep duration, sleep
(immediate and delayed verbal recall, forward and backward quality, and cognitive test performance among older adults
digit span, and verbal fluency) were used to create a composite from six middle income countries: results from the study on
z-score of cognitive performance. global ageing and adult health (SAGE). J Clin Sleep Med
Results: Individuals with intermediate sleep durations 2014;10(6):613-621.
Table 1—Mean cognition z-scores, sleep duration (h/night), and subjective sleep quality for men, women, and sexes combined
in each country with sample size (n).
Composite Cognitive Score Sleep Duration (h/night) Subjective Sleep Quality
China Total 0.93 (n = 12,518) 7.56 (n = 12,794) 3.51 (n = 12,887)
Men 1.30 (n = 5,839) 7.62 (n = 6,009) 3.61 (n = 6,040)
Women 0.61 (n = 6,679) 7.51 (n = 6,785) 3.42 (n = 6,847)
Mean Sex Difference 0.69 *** -0.11 *** 0.19 ***
Ghana Total -0.60 (n = 4,114) 7.73 (n = 3,679) 3.87 (n = 4,276)
Men 0.08 (n = 2,168) 7.53 (n = 1,938) 3.90 (n = 2,233)
Women -1.36 (n = 1,946) 7.95 (n = 1,741) 3.84 (n = 2,043)
Mean Sex Difference 1.44 *** -0.42 *** 0.07 **
India Total -1.88 (n = 6,291) 7.11 (n = 6,526) 3.63 (n = 6,551)
Men -1.16 (n = 3,212) 6.98 (n = 3,285) 3.71 (n = 3,298)
Women -2.64 (n = 3,079) 7.24 (n = 3,241) 3.54 (n = 3,253)
Mean Sex Difference 1.48 *** -0.26 *** 0.17 ***
South Africa Total -0.15 (n = 3,544) 8.58 (n = 3,507) 3.84 (n = 3,617)
Men 0.29 (n = 1,500) 8.48 (n = 1,492) 3.87 (n = 1,530)
Women -0.47 (n = 2,044) 8.66 (n = 2,015) 3.81 (n = 2,087)
Mean Sex Difference 0.76 *** -0.18 *** 0.06 *
Russia Total 0.82 (n = 3,374) 7.59 (n = 3,506) 3.28 (n = 3,813)
Men 0.95 (n = 1,190) 7.59 (n = 1,241) 3.43 (n = 1,354)
Women 0.75 (n = 2,184) 7.59 (n = 2,265) 3.20 (n = 2,459)
Mean Sex Difference 0.20 -0.01 0.24 ***
Mexico Total -0.90 (n = 4,362) 7.66 (n = 2,130) 3.98 (n = 4,408)
Men -0.82 (n = 1,698) 7.59 (n = 843) 4.00 (n = 1,744)
Women -0.95 (n = 2,664) 7.71 (n = 1,287) 3.96 (n = 2,664)
Mean Sex Difference 0.12 -0.12 0.05 *
The number of asterisks indicates the level of significance (* p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001) in the factorial ANOVA.
Table 2—Pairwise comparisons of the difference in average sleep duration (h/night) for each country pair (separated by sex).
China Ghana India South Africa Russia Mexico
China – 0.09* 0.64*** -0.86*** 0.03 0.03
Ghana -0.09* – 0.55*** -0.95*** -0.06 -0.06
India -0.64*** -0.55*** – -1.50*** -0.61*** -0.62***
South Africa 0.86*** 0.95*** 1.50*** – 0.89*** 0.89***
Russia -0.03 0.06 0.61*** -0.89*** – -0.004
Mexico -0.03 0.06 0.62*** -0.89* 0.00 –
China – -0.44*** 0.27*** -1.15*** -0.09* -0.20***
Ghana 0.44*** – 0.71*** -0.71*** 0.35*** 0.24***
India -0.27*** -0.71*** – -1.42*** -0.36*** -0.47***
South Africa 1.16*** 0.71*** 1.42*** – 1.07*** 0.95***
Russia 0.09* -0.35*** 0.36*** -1.07*** – -0.11*
Mexico 0.20*** -0.24*** 0.47*** -0.95*** 0.11* –
Comparisons are statistically significant at: * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001. Each value represents the difference between the country in the column and
the country listed in row at the top of the table.
Sleep Duration by Country and Sex (p < 0.001). Conversely, men and women in India reported
Country (p < 0.001) and sex (p < 0.001) had strong main lower sleep duration compared to all other countries (p < 0.001;
effects on sleep duration. A significant interaction (p < 0.001) Table 2). Mean female sleep durations between countries were
was also identified between country and sex. Women reported all significant (p < 0.05; Table 2).
significantly higher mean sleep duration than men (p < 0.001) in
all countries except in Russia (D = -0.01, p = 0.89) and Mexico Sleep Quality by Country and Sex
(D = -0.12, p = 0.08; Table 1). Men and women in South Africa Country (p < 0.001) and sex (p < 0.001) had strong main
reported longer sleep duration compared to all other countries effects on sleep quality. A significant interaction (p < 0.001)
Table 3—Pairwise comparisons of the difference in average sleep quality rating for each country pair (separated by sex).
China Ghana India South Africa Russia Mexico
China – -0.29 ** -0.10 *** -0.27 *** 0.18 *** -0.40 ***
Ghana 0.29 *** – 0.19 *** 0.03 0.47 *** -0.10 ***
India 0.10 *** -0.19 *** – -0.17 *** 0.28 *** -0.30 ***
South Africa 0.27 *** -0.03 0.17 *** – 0.44 *** -0.13 ***
Russia -0.18 *** -0.47 *** -0.28 *** -0.44 *** – -0.57 ***
Mexico 0.40 *** 0.10 *** 0.30 *** 0.13 *** 0.57 *** –
China – -0.41 *** -0.12 *** -0.39 *** 0.23 *** -0.53 ***
Ghana 0.41 *** – 0.29 *** 0.02 0.64 *** -0.12 ***
India 0.12 *** -0.29 *** – -0.27 *** 0.35 *** -0.41 ***
South Africa 0.39 *** -0.02 0.27 *** – 0.62 *** -0.15 ***
Russia -0.23 *** -0.64 *** -0.35 *** -0.62 *** – -0.76 ***
Mexico 0.53 *** 0.12 *** 0.41 *** 0.15 *** 0.76 *** –
Comparisons are statistically significant at: * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001. Each value represents the difference between the country in the column and
the country listed in row at the top of the table.
Table 5—Multiple regression models for prediction of cognitive scores (sexes and populations combined).
Variable Coefficients (SE) β p Model r 2 / p
Composite Cognitive Z-score 0.14 / < 0.001***
Constant 1.464 (0.112) < 0.001
Education Level : Less than primary vs. completed primary 0.827 (0.052) 0.107 < 0.001
Less than primary vs. completed secondary 1.840 (0.054) 0.229 < 0.001
Less than primary vs. completed high school 2.475 (0.053) 0.309 < 0.001
Less than primary vs. completed college/university 3.600 (0.070) 0.310 < 0.001
Less than primary vs. completed post-grad 3.080 (0.185) 0.091 < 0.001
Young-Old Category -0.940 (0.044) -0.117 < 0.001
Sex -0.139 (0.036) -0.021 < 0.001
Composite Cognitive Z-score 0.18 / < 0.001***
Constant 0.330 (0.045) < 0.001
Education Level : Less than primary vs. completed primary 0.723 (0.054) 0.096 < 0.001
Less than primary vs. completed secondary 1.557 (0.058) 0.192 < 0.001
Less than primary vs. completed high school 2.027 (0.057) 0.253 < 0.001
Less than primary vs. completed college/university 3.166 (0.076) 0.271 < 0.001
Less than primary vs. completed post-grad 2.837 (0.215) 0.079 < 0.001
Age Category: 50-59 vs. 60-69 -0.749 (0.045) -0.108 < 0.001
50-59 vs. 70-79 -1.825 (0.054) -0.218 < 0.001
50-59 vs. 80+ -3.197 (0.089) -0.219 < 0.001
Composite Cognitive Z-score 0.11 / < 0.001***
Constant -0.243 (0.045) < 0.001
Education Level : Less than primary vs. completed primary 0.747 (0.060) 0.099 < 0.001
Less than primary vs. completed secondary 1.683 (0.063) 0.212 < 0.001
Less than primary vs. completed high school 2.190 (0.062) 0.280 < 0.001
Less than primary vs. completed college/university 3.227 (0.085) 0.277 < 0.001
Less than primary vs. completed post-grad 2.813 (0.237) 0.078 < 0.001
Sleep Duration Category: Intermediate vs. short -0.367 (0.056) -0.044 < 0.001
Intermediate vs. long -0.657 (0.070) -0.062 < 0.001
Composite Cognitive Z-score 0.11 / < 0.001***
Constant -1.165 (0.086) < 0.001
Education Level : Less than primary vs. completed primary 0.874 (0.056) 0.116 < 0.001
Less than primary vs. completed secondary 1.881 (0.060) 0.232 < 0.001
Less than primary vs. completed high school 2.385 (0.059) 0.297 < 0.001
Less than primary vs. completed college/university 3.313 (0.079) 0.283 < 0.001
Less than primary vs. completed post-grad 2.841 (0.224) 0.079 < 0.001
Sleep Quality Category : Low vs. intermediate 0.295 (0.086) 0.043 0.001
Low vs. high 0.792 (0.083) 0.120 < 0.001
Composite Cognitive Z-score 0.18 / 0.038*
Constant 0.699 (0.125) < 0.001
Education Level : Less than primary vs. completed primary 0.554 (0.172) 0.073 0.001
Less than primary vs. completed secondary 1.471 (0.181) 0.181 < 0.001
Less than primary vs. completed high school 2.158 (0.180) 0.269 < 0.001
Less than primary vs. completed college/university 3.147 (0.240) 0.270 < 0.001
Less than primary vs. completed post-grad 4.332 (0.656) 0.120 < 0.001
Country: China vs. Ghana -1.414 (0.075) -0.119 < 0.001
China vs. India -2.394 (0.061) -0.251 < 0.001
China vs. Mexico -1.404 (0.061) -0.152 < 0.001
China vs. Russia -1.135 (0.069) -0.103 < 0.001
China vs. South Africa -2.058 (0.065) -0.222 < 0.001
Sex -0.202 (0.076) -0.031 0.008
Country*Sex Interaction : China vs. Ghana 0.181 (0.108) 0.038 0.094
China vs. India 0.159 (0.115) 0.031 0.167
China vs. Mexico 0.325 (0.114) 0.064 0.004
China vs. Russia 0.357 (0.152) 0.048 0.019
China vs. South Africa -0.404 (0.488) -0.015 0.408
Comparisons are statistically significant at: * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001. Sex: 1 = male, 2 = female. Reference groups used in the creation of dummy
codes for each categorical variable: educational levels = less that primary school; age by decade = 50-59 year olds; sleep duration = intermediate sleep
(> 6-9 h); sleep quality = low sleep quality (average rating of 1-2); country = China.