Itwr DLL W1
Itwr DLL W1
Itwr DLL W1
I. Objective/s:
Give an example of worldview and belief system (HUMSS_WRB12I/IIIa-1.1)
Differentiate religion from Spirituality, Theology and Philosophy of Religion
II. Content:
I. Definition of Terms
A. Religion
B. Belief System and Worldview
C. Spirituality
D. Theology
E. Philosophy of Religion
Content Standard:
The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
The learner demonstrates understanding of belief system or
worldview*, Religion, Spirituality, Philosophy of Religion, and Theology.
Performance Standard:
The learners shall be able to:
Prepares a sketches of a person who is spiritual but not religious and a
person who is religious but not spiritual
III. Motivation/Strategies:
Communicate Objectives.
o Explain the meaning of Religion
o Discuss the functions of Religion
o Give examples of belief system and worldview
o Differentiate a person who is religious and spiritual
o Explain Theology and Philosophy of Religion
Group Activity (Identify and explain the symbols of the major religions of the world)
Discussions and Summary
IV. Evaluation:
Quiz (Teacher-made)
V. Assignment/Reinforcement:
o Ask the students to answer the following question/s.
Create a timeline about how religion began.
Irene S. Gomez
SHS Teacher II
Zenaida D. Quiambao
Principal I