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Phoenix rising

The oilfield services sector

transforms again
Phoenix rising | The oilfield services sector transforms again


Executive summary 3

The big picture 4

A brief history 6

An industry upturn begins 7

What are the signposts? 8

Attributes for survival through the downturn 11

Description of the peer group 11

Profitability and profit stability during the downturn 12

Preparing for the recovery: Strategies for sustainable success and how they work 16

Category 1: Cost containment for customers as a market differentiator 17

Category 2: Internal cost-containment initiatives 19

Category 3: Traditional business model changes or market strategies 20

Looking forward: Renewed transformation as a key to sustainable success in the oilfield services sector 21

Endnotes 22

Let's talk 23

Phoenix rising | The oilfield services sector transforms again

Executive summary

In the oil and gas value chain, the oilfield services sector The report’s principal findings include the following:
is an essential partner for exploration and production
•• Between 2014 and 2016, 36 percent of oilfield services
companies, providing drilling, completion, production,
companies ceased operations; revenues contracted
supply, and logistical support services—both onshore
by almost 55 percent; and job losses reached over 50
and offshore. During the 2014-2016 downturn in oil
percent in some subsegments.3
prices, which led to a decline in upstream development
activity, the oilfield services sector was hit hard by •• Oilfield services companies that were the most
reduced revenue, canceled or renegotiated contracts resilient during the downturn had operations that
at lower rates, and massive personnel layoffs. This were more geographically dispersed and had a
report examines the impact the downturn has had on greater presence in service segments like offshore
the oilfield services sector and discusses strategies that operations that benefited from longer-term contracts.
oilfield services companies are beginning to implement Larger services companies—with broader and
to improve their performance in the emerging oil market deeper technological capabilities applicable to diverse
recovery and be more resilient during future price operating conditions— were more likely to have these
cycles. characteristics, although some smaller companies
also outperformed the group of companies that were
Signs of an upturn in the oil and gas industry seem examined.
to be emerging, with oil prices rising above the $50
•• Company strategies going into the recovery can be
threshold beginning in late 2016 and the Baker Hughes
discussed in three broad categories:
rig count growing 42 percent since June 2016 in North
American shale plays. In many cases, shale producers –– Prioritize services that achieve ongoing cost
have substantially cut their breakeven costs below $50 reductions for upstream operators, in particular
per barrel.1 2 In response, the oilfield services sector those related to achieving business process and
has seen some recovery in revenues from North integration efficiencies.
American shale regions and oilfield services companies
–– Reorganize and redesign business processes to
are developing strategies and service offerings to take
reduce internal costs within the service company.
advantage of the upturn.
–– Develop new products and services in existing or
adjacent markets.

Phoenix rising | The oilfield services sector transforms again

The big picture

The oil and gas industry’s capacity for innovation and The oilfield services sector is as much exposed to the
its ability to adapt during severe, sectoral contractions impacts of commodity price volatility as the upstream
is the main catalyst for recurring transformation, sector, but generally has a shorter time frame to stabilize
refined over decades of price cycles. The most recent cash flow since the sector does not usually hedge prices.
price collapse in June 2014 marked the beginning of When commodity prices fall, oilfield services sector
yet another severe industry contraction, now halfway revenue typically falls more quickly than it does for
through its third year. For decades, whenever low oil exploration and production (E&P) operators because
prices occurred, the consequences were often harsh, producers reduce purchases and renegotiate or cancel
paring industry growth with bankruptcies, corporate short-term supply and service contracts. This can force
sales, and layoffs. But this particular price cycle has oilfield services companies to take swift, and often
earned its own distinction—both by the length of time it draconian, measures to cut costs and protect cash flow.
persisted and by the depth oil prices fell.

Figure 1. The 2014 oil price collapse closely matched the 1986 collapse
Figure 1. The 2014 oil price collapse closely matched the 1986 collapse

Inflation adjusted 2016 Brent oil prices monthly average

$113 average
$120 June 2014

USD/bbI Brent inflation adjusted 2016


$58 average 2014 oil price collapse
December 1985 77% fall from peak to trough New price cycle
$60 71% fall from five-year price average begins August 1990


$31 average
January 2016
$15 $21 average 1986 oil price collapse
July 1986 70% fall from peak to trough
68% fall from two-year price average

1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 55

Source: St. Louis Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED)

Source: St. Louis Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED)

Phoenix rising | The oilfield services sector transforms again

Exemplifying the speed and depth of cost cutting by In contrast, E&P operators had only laid off
the oilfield services sector, large-scale layoffs began in approximately 15 percent of their US personnel.⁴ The
October 2014, barely three months after crude oil prices upstream sector generally has more options to protect
started to fall. As of August 2016, the oilfield services cash flow in the short term by maximizing production
sector had significantly reduced its US headcount across and settling commodity hedges. Without similar support,
each subsector. the oilfield services sector was more immediately
exposed to the severity of the downturn.

Job losses by subsector as of March 2016

Drilling oil and gas wells -54%

Support activities -38%

Oil and gas field machinery

and equipment -30.6%

Geophysical surveying
and mapping -22.9%

Oil and gas pipeline

production -14.2%

Employment for all US employees reported by US-based and global

companies employing US personnel.
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics

Phoenix rising | The oilfield services sector transforms again

A brief history
The oilfield services sector went through a The major integrated oil companies (IOCs) and a number
transformation in the 1980s after many large upstream of national oil companies (NOCs) followed their lead,
producers outsourced a considerable amount of their moving into shale production activity to take advantage
E&P drilling and field operations to smaller, specialized of its shorter production cycle, capital payback time,
firms. During the 1990s, many producers increased and high resource potential. But IOCs and NOCs still
activity in remote and offshore locations as well as dominate the large-scale conventional and offshore
more challenging sub-surface environments. Those drilling arena, which is appealing to the oilfield services
business conditions presented the oilfield services sector as long-term contracts are more prevalent,
sector with the opportunity to become inventors and providing relatively stable revenue streams. Long-term
innovators—finding solutions for the upstream sector’s contracts can function as a type of hedge for oilfield
more complex needs.⁵ In the 2000s, accelerating global services companies during price downturns.
oil demand drove up oil and gas prices to a level at which
it became economically viable to experiment with new A common theme throughout these periodic
technologies to penetrate source rock—multi-stage, transformations has been cost. It was more cost-
high-pressure hydraulic fracturing combined with effective for the upstream sector to transfer certain
horizontal drilling. Oilfield services companies partnered functions to the oilfield services sector in the 1980s.
with their customers to develop these and related Later, the cost of developing highly sophisticated
technologies, which gave rise to the unconventional technology became feasible with high oil prices. As
shale revolution. Independent US oil companies focused the oilfield services sector enters the next recovery,
on North America led the development of shale gas and we discuss how it sets out to once again transform its
tight oil resources.⁶ business model to include innovative ways to lower
costs for customers by tapping an underused resource:
business process efficiency.

Phoenix rising | The oilfield services sector transforms again

The oilfield services sector before the June 2014 price collapse

The number of
number of companies
individual contractors
is unknown but estimated
to be over 14,000

Dominated by a few large

companies in a space of
an enormous number of
SLB 11% small, private companies and

HAL 8%

The top five largest publicly traded NOV 6%

companies generated one-third of
total revenue in 2014
US and international publicly traded
companies BHI 6% 94% of oilfield services
companies had fewer
Source: Spears & Associates than 100 employees
WFT 4%

Other 66%
0–4 56%
5–9 13%
10–19 11%
20–99 14%
100–499 3%
500+ 2%

Firm # of employees

An industry upturn begins

As of June 2016, oil prices had stabilized and breakeven prices in a signs of a recovery. As of early 2017, prices have been relatively
number of US shale plays had fallen below market prices, setting stable, having moved above $50 per barrel. Even though a rapid
off a return to rig deployment. Several oilfield services companies return to the oil price and drilling activity level prior to the downturn
reported rising market activity related to shale drilling in the second seems unlikely, the oilfield services sector is seeing improved sales
half of 2016 and re-employment began. For these reasons, the in specific market segments, particularly those related to services for
consensus is that the oil and gas industry is likely seeing the first shale-focused producers.

Phoenix rising | The oilfield services sector transforms again

What are the signposts?

Oil prices stabilized in the $45–$50 range beginning were showing signs of recovery in activity, having driven
in June 2016 and then moved above the $50 level after costs down. When the average breakeven prices in the
the OPEC production cutback agreement in November shale plays fell below the oil price range of $45–$50 per
2016. Full-cycle investment costs should be below barrel, drilling and production activity began to rise as
these market price levels to justify ongoing investment measured by the Baker Hughes US rig count. Over the
(figure 2). past six months, the Baker Hughes US rig count rose 42
percent from May 2016, the lowest level of active rigs
Before the oil price downturn, North American shale deployed since 2014. Even with this increase, the rig
plays were in higher-cost regions, with a weighted count remains far below the number deployed in 2014
average breakeven price ranging from $65–$70 per before the price collapse.
barrel in first-quarter 2014. As of third-quarter 2016,
shale plays (with the exception of Niobrara and Bakken)
Figure 2. Weighted average breakeven prices have fallen substantially from the
first quarter of 2014 to the third quarter of 2016 in four out of six shale plays
Figure 2. Weighted average breakeven prices have fallen substantially from the first quarter of 2014 to the third quarter
of 2016 in four out of six shale plays










SCOOP/STACK Bone Spring Wolfcamp Eagle Ford Bakken Niobrara

US shale plays
Q1 2014 Q3 2016

Note: Assume Brent
Brent price
price of $50
of $50 perper barrel.
Source: Wood Mackenzie
Source: Wood Mackenzie

Phoenix rising | The oilfield services sector transforms again

However, in contrast, the Baker Hughes international Likewise, increasing rig count activity in specific US shale
rig count has continued to fall to its lowest level since plays correlates with a weighted average breakeven price
2006. Offshore shallow, deepwater, and international below $50 per barrel. Consequently, a number of oilfield
drilling plays with weighted average breakeven prices services companies are reporting improved market
were well 3. Drilling
above activity
the current is returning
oil price range (figure 3). toactivity.
the ForUSinstance,
plays as breakeven
& Payne disclosed in
prices fell within
High-weighted or below
average breakeven the
prices in $45-$50 per
international barrel Brent
its fourth-quarter earningsoil price
call that 32 ofbandwith
its rigs have
drilling regions correlate strongly with a 10-year low returned to service and the company has rehired a
Minimum and maximum breakeven prices with weighted average breakeven price per resource for Q3 2016
number of international drilling rigs in service (figure 4). number of rig operators.
Figure 3. Drilling activity is recovering in plays with breakeven costs below oil prices



$75 $65
$62 $62
$53 $54 $56 $58
$60 $49 $50

$39 $40
$45 $35



L48 Mid-Continent SCOOP/STACK

L48 Bone Spring

L48 Wolfcamp

Onshore OPEC

L48 Eagle Ford

L48 other tight oil

Ultra-deepwater Brazil

L48 vertical wells

Canada oil sands

Onshore non-OPEC

Shallow water OPEC

L48 Bakken

Deepwater Nigeria

L48 Niobrara

Shallow water non-OPEC

Ultra-deepwater Nigeria

Ultra-deepwater non-OPEC

Shallow water Europe

Deepwater non-OPEC

Deep/ultra-deepwater Angola
Figure 4. US rig count is up 42% from its May 2016 low, but the rig count
for the rest of the world
is the lowest
Shallow water
since 2006 Other
North American shale Weighted average breakeven price

Source: Wood Mackenzie

Figure 4. The US rig count recovery is ahead of global activity

700 1,060

US monthly average rig count

International rig count



450 900


350 840
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov
US monthly average International rig count

Source: Baker Hughes Rig Count


Source: Baker Hughes Rig Count

Phoenix rising | The oilfield services sector transforms again

Several oilfield services companies are not The financial performance over the last two years
only reporting rising sales, but are also rehiring has severely declined for the 371 surviving oilfield
employees. The Bureau of Labor Statistics’ services companies.
November 2016 employment figures for the sector
disclosed an addition of 2,500 oilfield services Q2 2014–Q2 2016
employees, confirming company announcements.
With what seems like the beginning of an industry
upturn at hand, a look back at the magnitude of this
long, sectoral contraction underscores the difficult
environment this sector has been operating in
during the past two-and-a-half years.

Estimated number of -164%

US and global publicly

traded companies
2014: 583

2016: 373

Sources: CapIQ 2014 and 2016 data

Market cap


Phoenix rising | The oilfield services sector transforms again

Attributes for survival through the

Description of the peer group
To assess whether particular types of oilfield services and diversity of location for their markets were the three
companies were more resilient than others during the determinants selected to make up the framework of
2014–2016 downturn, we analyzed a group of 56 oilfield a financial analysis to provide a clearer understanding
services companies for which financial data about of whether those determinants, or strategic positions,
individual market segments and the percent of revenue made companies more resistant to the downturn
derived from four major geographic regions was (analysis for second-quarter 2014 to third-quarter 2016)
available. Revenue size, number of market segments, (table 1).

Table 1: Strategic parameters test

Category Description

Small Less than $1 billion

Company size: Midsize $1 billion–$5 billion
2015 annual data
Large Greater than $5 billion

Low 1–2 market segments

Market diversity: Moderate 3–9 market segments
Total 32 market segments
High Over 9 market segments

Single focus 95%–100% revenue from one region

Geographic diversity: Moderately diverse 50% revenue from one region
Global operational span
Globally diverse Greater than 10% and less than 50% from four regions

North America Canada and the US

Regions: Latin America Mexico, Central and South America
Where in the world Europe/Africa/CIS CIS is Russia and the former Soviet Union constiuents republics
Middle East/Asia Diverse

Sources: Spears & Associates and Deloitte analysis

Phoenix rising | The oilfield services sector transforms again

Figure 5. Companies of all sizes have few market segments but only the
The most distinctive pattern showed two Figure 5. Companies of all sizes have few market segments but only the
largest companies have over nine market segments
dominant business models relating to largest companies have over nine market segments.
size and market segments. The majority
of these companies, 37 out of 56 in the
sample, focused on just one or two market 22

segments, developing a speciality in a 20

specific service or product (figure 5, green 18

Companies with the
largest number
shading). The alternative model, primarily

Number of market segments

of market segments
employed by the largest companies,
targeted the entire upstream value chain
via multiple market segments (figure 5, gray
shading). However, companies of all sizes 10

were geographically diverse, suggesting 8

that large amounts of financial and physical 6

capital are not a requirement for successful 4

37 companies with the fewest market segments
global operations.

Profitability and profit stability 0

during the downturn Small Midsize Large

Company size
Did company size, geographic diversity, or
Regional presence
number of market segments play a role
Low Moderate High
in protecting profitability or stability of
profits through the downturn? The following
sections look more closely at each of these

Figure 6. The relatively most profitable companies have the

Figure 6. The relatively most profitable companies with the most stable
most stable earnings in quadrant 1 were of all sizes and geographically diverse
earnings in quadrant 1 were of all sizes and geographically diverse

Net income (profit margin rank and variance against global diversity)

Quadrant 3 Quadrant 4


Variance in profitability (lower the better)










Quadrant 2 Quadrant 1

Low High
Profit margin rank (higher the better)

Global diversity
Low Moderate High

Note: The X axis represents a ranking of 56 oilfield services companies’ net income as a percent of total revenue. The
Y axis is the standard deviation from average net income as a percent of total revenue for each company. Oilfield
services companies with above-average performance as measured by profitability and long-term profit stability over
the downturn are in quadrant 1.
Phoenix rising | The oilfield services sector transforms again

Company size

We might expect to see roughly an equal representation in each whole but only 26 percent of the most successful companies were
quadrant of all three company sizes in the same proportion as in quadrant 1. We infer that the size of companies seems to have
the entire group if company size were not a key factor driving been an important factor driving both profitability and stability of
performance. But that was not the case. Twenty-four percent of profits. However, one caveat should be noted. The three highest-
large companies were in the top-performing quadrant, but large ranked companies for both profitability and stability of profits were
companies only made up 18 percent of the entire sample (figure small companies. Although they may not represent their respective
7). Additionally, 38 percent of midsize companies were in this revenue size group in terms of having a larger presence in this
Figure 7. also
quadrant, Midsize companies
overrepresenting represented
their 27-percent share of the peer27%quadrant,
of thetheir
peer group
highest performance rank leads us to conclude that
other factors were also likely involved in successfully weathering the
made Small up 38%made
companies of theup 55 best
percent performing
of the peer group aspeers
recent downturn.

Figure 7. Midsize companies represented 27% of the peer group but made up 38% of the best performing peers

(Refers to figure 6, quadrant 1)



38% 38%


20% 18%


Small companies Midsize companies Large companies

Percent of peer group Percent of highest performing peers (Q1)

Sources: CapIQ and Spears & Associates

Sources: CapIQ and Spears & Associates

Global diversity

Of the 21 companies in quadrant 1 (figure 6), only two focused North America. Ninety percent of the occupants of quadrant 1
on a single region. The other 19 companies were fairly evenly were moderately to fully globally diverse, which we can conclude
split between highly globally diversified (operating in all four was likely a strong determinant for more resilient performance
major regions) and moderately globally diversified (operating in through the downturn. Two small, single-focused companies were
two to three major regions) (figure 8). Operations located across the only exceptions to global diversity as a determinant for relatively
the world typically have two benefits: 1) any geopolitical or local higher profitability. One company was in the contract compression
market disruptions in a region can often be offset by operations services market segment—the only one out of 32 market segments
in others; and 2) upstream operators, mostly IOCs and NOCs that did not experience any revenue decline during the downturn.
working internationally, often offer longer-term contracts due to The other company operated in the offshore production segment
higher capital requirements, drilling commitments, more complex associated with long-term contracts. All the companies in quadrant
logistical conditions, and scarcer local infastructure availability in 1 either targeted offshore production or were globally diverse, both
areas of the world not as developed for oil and gas production as strategies associated with long-term contracts.
Phoenix rising | The oilfield services sector transforms again
Figure 7. Midsize companies represented 27% of the peer group
but made up 38% of the best performing peers
Figure 8. Globally diverse companies represented only 27% of the peer group but made up 43% of the best
performing peers

(Refers to figure 6, quadrant 1)



38% 38%


20% 18%


Small companies Midsize companies Large companies

Percent of peer group Percent of highest performing peers (Q1)

Sources: CapIQ and Spears & Associates

Sources: CapIQ and Spears & Associates

Market segments Putting it together

Companies serving few (one to two) market segments represented In the recent downturn, the dominant factors supporting more
64 percent of the entire sample, but 76 percent of quadrant 1 resilient performance were:
(figure 9).
•• Size: large and midsize companies fared better than small
However, large companies, as noted in figure 7, were almost companies
exclusively associated with serving a high number of market
segments and likely performed better due to size. Therefore, •• Geographic diversity: global dispersion of markets served
one might expect the number of market segments correlating •• Focus: a low number of market segments served
to large companies to be a determinant of success because a
wide portfolio of services could compensate for declining sales in An underlying feature tying these three strategies together was the
market segments more adversely impacted by a downturn. But presence of long-term contracts. Small companies are the largest
midsize companies having few to moderate numbers of market category in the oilfield services sector and tend to serve few market
segments were also overrepresented in the best performing segments. Those that were geographically dispersed fared well,
quadrant. Five large companies were in quadrant 1 (figure 6), but those that focused on the North American shales market did
but only one had a high number of market segments. Two were not. The difference was likely an offshore focus involving long-term
moderately diversified and two had few market segments. In contracts as well as production activity in a diverse portfolio of
other words, although only large companies had high numbers of geographies. Not surprisingly, major IOCs and NOCs have been
market segments, not all large companies have served multiple actively pursuing North American shale plays for their short
market segments. All five large companies, regardless of the production cycle. These upstream producers have found short-term
number of market segments, were either moderately to fully contracts to be much more beneficial during downturns and have
globally diversified and/or operated in the offshore production canceled $170 billion worth of projects that would have long-term
region. Long-term contracts associated with international and contracts associated with them (figure 10).
offshore operations most likely accounted for much of the

Phoenix rising | The oilfield services sector transforms again

Figure 9. Companies
Figure 9. Companieswith fewmarket
with few market segments
segments represented
represented 64%
64% of the ofgroup,
peer the peer
but made up 76%
group, but made up 76% of
of the best performing peersthe best performing peers
(Refers to figure 6, quadrant 1)

80% 76%






10% 5%

Low 1-2 Medium 3-9 High 9-22

Figure 10. Canceled projects

Percent of highest performing peers (Q1)
for high breakeven price regions will
Percent of peer group

Sources: CapIQ and until Spears
Sources: CapIQ and Spears & Associates
costs decline
& Associates

Figure 10. Canceled projects for high breakeven price regions will c
 ontinue until costs decline

Pre-financial investment decision projects

60 $170 billion


Capital expenditure (USD billion)




2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Oil sands Onshore Shallow water Deepwater

Sources: Wood Mackenzie

Source: Wood Mackenzie

In summary, long-term contracts for oilfield services companies geographic diversity and market segments commanding long-term
went hand in hand with geographic diversity and market segments contracts, such as offshore projects, seemed to make a difference.
associated with large and midsize companies that had an offshore or Long-term contracts seem to have been a safety net during this
international target. Small companies with fewer market segments downturn, functioning as a type of hedge for the oilfield services
were among the highest performers in the downturn. However, sector.
Phoenix rising | The oilfield services sector transforms again

Preparing for the recovery:

Strategies for sustainable success
and how they work
As the oil and gas markets begin to recover, the oilfield services •• Oil and gas companies should sustainably lower their cost base,
sector needs to go through another transformation by developing since the lower commodity price environment is expected to
strategies to prosper in the upturn and remain robust through continue over the next few years. Oilfield services companies can
future price cycles. We gained insight into these strategies by play a key enabling role in this by designing and offering deep
analyzing positioning statements from a majority of the 56 oilfield business process improvements in their customers’ operations,
services companies in our sample in their quarterly earnings calls or including services integration, bundling, and smart technology
company presentations. These statements discuss how companies deployment.
intend to alter or enhance their products and services in an attempt
•• A focus on internal cost containment within oilfield services
to better assure market share and revenue growth in 2017 and
companies can enable them to sustain profitability in a lower-price
beyond. From the positioning statements, we identified seven types
world and continue to offer value to customers.
of strategies that fall into three categories.
•• Oilfield services companies seem more motivated to optimize their
A unifying theme across these strategic choice categories is the market, geographical, and contractual portfolios in alignment with
recognition by oilfield services companies that sustainable success core strengths and customer needs in order to remain focused on
will likely depend on meeting and anticipating customer needs. This sustaining profitability through the cycles.
imperative is clearly shown in the three strategy categories:

1 Cost containment for customers as a market differentiator

Strategy 1: Advanced technology to lower customer costs

Strategy 2: Innovative business process efficiencies to lower customer costs
Strategy 3: Integrate value chain offering or bundle offerings to lower customer costs

2 Internal cost-containment initiatives

Strategy 4: Increase internal business process efficiencies to support balance sheet improvements or lower prices for

3 Traditional business model changes or market strategies

Strategy 5: Expand or add new market offerings

Strategy 6: Pursue long-term contracts
Strategy 7: Add or expand market offerings to non-energy sectors

Phoenix rising | The oilfield services sector transforms again

Category 1: Cost containment for customers as a One of the clearest and most quantifiable examples that the oilfield
market differentiator services sector’s advancing technological improvements is making a
significant impact on drilling efficiencies is shown in figure 11. From
Strategy 1—Advanced technology to lower customer costs 2012 to 2014, oil prices were high, but drilling costs were falling. A
Before the downturn, a focus on outcome efficiency drove growth look at this time frame is more indicative of technology’s impact
and capital efficiency. Now, technology can be offered as a cost- because vendor costs were escalating and producers were drilling
containment tool because producers’ need for capital efficiency less productive prospects, two inputs that would be a counterforce
may take precedence to survive through the remainder of this for lowering costs.
downturn as the sector moves into a recovery. Six out of 33 oilfield services companies cited this approach without
Over the years, the oilfield services sector took the lead as the an adjunct strategy for combining technological advancements with
industry’s inventor and innovator, so it is likely no surprise that the market segment integration, logically because they had few market
most predominant positioning statement cited by 27 oilfield services segments. One of these companies, Subsea 7, an oilfield services
companies continued a long-held, highly successful strategy to company operating within a single-market segment (offshore
increase outcome efficiencies using technology to find, develop, construction services), announced its intention to not only add
and produce hydrocarbons.8 When oil prices were high, outcome technological capabilities, but also bundle offerings to integrate
efficiencies were important for producers focused on growth, but products within the segment—a variation of market integration
cost inflation began to squeeze margins. Eventually, the oil price suited for a single-market segment business.9
collapse accelerated their need to drive down costs as a means for
Figure 11. Shale operaters brought down driling costs when oil prices were
still high except in the Niobrara and Bakken
Figure 11. Shale operaters brought down driling costs when oil prices were still high—except in the Niobrara and Bakken

Drilling costs 2012-2014








2012 2013 2014

Bakken Niobara SCOOP/STACK Eagle Ford Bone Springs Wolfcamp

Source: Wood Mackenzie

Sources: Wood Mackenzie
Phoenix rising | The oilfield services sector transforms again

Strategy 2—Innovative business process beginning to offer products and services that are
efficiencies to lower customer costs designed to increase business process efficiencies for
their customers. For example, National Oilwell Varco
The second most cited positioning strategy was to
(NOV) signed a cooperation agreement with GE Oil
offer business process improvement services as a
& Gas to work on cost efficiencies for its completion
market differentiator to lower upstream producers’
and production market segment. The purpose was to
cost. Operational efficiency is becoming more
offer floating production storage and offloading (FPSO)
prominent as an important tool, something possibly
topside modules with the capability of rapidly fitting
not given much scrutiny until recently.
designs to specific customer needs, reducing time and
Companies’ positioning statements emphasized the fact complexity—which translates to lowering customer
that, as the oilfield services sector continues to develop costs. In other market segments, NOV has introduced
technology to drive down costs by increasing outcome services to assess and review methods to enhance
efficiencies, one less tangible and often overlooked operational efficiencies, such as infield certifications, rig
tool is business process improvement. It includes performance assessments, and equipment storage and
lean manufacturing principals applied to oil and gas reactivation services.10
production, project management skills development,
Strategy 3—Integrate value chain offering or
segmented or holistic process realignments, and
bundle offerings to lower customer costs
market segment integration. These subcategories of
business process realignment focus on increasing capital Using advanced technology to drive outcome
efficiency (i.e., driving down customers’ costs). Innovative efficiencies—combined with market integration
business process efficiencies offered as a new type of and business process improvements—could help
product include both standardization and specialty producers contain costs much more effectively, if not
designs “fit for purpose.” exponentially.
Upstream companies may often put a process in place The five largest companies with multiple market
to mitigate an expense, but, in fact, it can accomplish the segments targeting the entirety of the upstream
opposite goal. For instance, some shale operators may production cycle combined two positioning strategies—
keep one or two extra frac pumps on hand in the event developing advanced technology and integrating all
of a malfunction—otherwise known as redundancy. market segments—to offer products and services
Standby costs and schedule delays can occur when across the entire value chain. Integration of full-cycle
waiting for a replacement, so having pumps on location market segments can offer additional cost savings
ready to be deployed seems to be the right solution. to producers, although some may continue to select
However, an alternative business process method vendors individually along the value chain in an attempt
suggested by an oilfield services company was to use to negotiate lower prices. Market segment integration
all frac pumps but have a service-level agreement to can reduce costs for the upstream producer because
replace any non-working pumps within a short period it is intended to drive business process efficiencies by
of time along with coverage for most of the associated collaborating with customers at the start of a project,
standby charges if a breakdown occurs. Adding the optimizing workflow procedures through the value chain,
horsepower from two additional operating frac pumps, and integrating the workflow plans and operational
rather than holding one in standby status, could technology with digital technology. This is a holistic
yield 30 or more extra frac stages per month per frac approach to wringing out more efficiencies to cut costs
spread. This process change would make more efficient further than the traditional method of using technology
use of resources from other third-party services and in isolation.
equipment companies and accelerate the speed to
The largest oilfield services companies are filling out
production, thereby lowering input costs.
their market segments by developing a new business
model that offers products and services directed at the
“We are also seeing growing demand entire production cycle. The acquisition of Cameron
for other recently introduced offerings International by Schlumberger is an example of this.
Cameron’s wellhead and surface equipment, flow
designed to address the stress our control, and processing technology complemented
customers are under in the current Schlumberger’s reservoir and well technology offerings
to create end-to-end offshore drilling and production
environment.”  system services. The central strategic rationale cited
by Schlumberger for this business combination was to
—Jose Bayardo, chief financial officer and strategic vice
significantly cut producers’ costs with efficiencies gained
president, National Oilwell Varco
from technology advances, and, specifically, to integrate
In an effort to help customers enhance process the pore-to-pipeline market segments. Offering a
efficiencies, some oilfield services companies are complete cycle of products and services helps wring out
Phoenix rising | The oilfield services sector transforms again

more cost savings with step-change improvements to By doing so, companies have the option to lower prices
customers’ overall business operations.12 for their customers and gain market share.
Merger and acquisition activity during industry The Technip–FMC Technologies merger anticipated
downturns often occurs to lower the combined capturing cost savings related to the two companies’
companies’ internal costs. Yet in this downturn, synergies, as well as constructing an end-to-end “all
recent mergers among the largest companies were under one roof” product and service offering that
principally about transforming their own business integrates market segments, driving costs down further
models—as exemplified by the Schlumberger and for its customers than technology could do by itself. But
Cameron acquisition—to ultimately offer end-to-end, the company emphasized that the third pillar of cost
integrated products and services that can substantially containment was to reorganize its internal processes to
reduce customers’ internal costs, which is a key market lower costs even more from its own system and pass
differentiator. those savings on to customers. TechnipFMC recognized
pricing concessions were not sustainable unless it also
“By being invited to the table to contribute, lowered its own costs.13
complementing what they are doing, I “Our customers are expecting us to be
think we can achieve improvements in proactive and help them in this process,
design and engineering costs out of the which cannot be based on further
system before we go to implementation. pricing concession but requires some
And by factoring in our implementation or fundamental rethinking of the way we work
execution capabilities in the design, I think and how we integrate the different pieces.”
we can also simplify and streamline the —Thierry Pilenko, chairman and chief executive officer,
execution part of the work as well.” 11 TechnipFMC

—Paal Kibsgaard, chief executive officer, Schlumberger Aker Solutions, a Norwegian-based oilfield services
company, is positioning itself to lower internal costs
FMC Technology and Technip’s combination and Baker with process efficiency gains, so that cutting prices
Hughes' merger with GE Oil & Gas also followed this for customers will not shrink margins but rather help
strategy and will likely transform the sector as it did gain market share.14 Forum Energy Technologies is also
during the shale revolution and for the same reason— addressing its own internal efficiencies to lower costs
upstream producers found it more cost-effective and pass a portion of the savings on to its customers.15
to hand off technology development to firms with Perhaps surprisingly, only 25 companies announced
the expertise, but retained a collaborative role in its a position to lower their own costs by implementing
development. What’s different this time? Companies business process improvements while 26 companies
are integrating market segments to capture more intended to offer some form of these initiatives as a
efficiencies. product or service to their customers. It is possible
that the remaining eight companies did not consider
Category 2: Internal cost-containment
implementing internal efficiency gains as a market
initiatives differentiating strategy, but rather as simply "smart
Strategy 4—Increase internal business business."
process efficiencies to support balance sheet
Category 3: Traditional business
improvements or lower prices for customers
model changes or market strategies
Oilfield services companies are seeking sustainable
cost reductions in internal operations and service Strategy 5—Expand or add new market offerings
delivery through business process improvements, An important component of strategic choice is which
integration, and technology to support future markets or market segments to serve. The new lower-
profitability and competitiveness. price business environment has motivated some
Oilfield services companies are applying business oilfield services companies to expand in the market
process realignments to reduce costs in their internal segments where they can be most competitive.
operations to reach cash flow neutrality as a baseline. Twenty-six companies planned to expand a market
However, for some companies a secondary objective of segment currently offered with complementary
this strategy is to lower internal costs using these same products and services rather than add and integrate
sustainable process realignments to increase margins. 19
Phoenix rising | The oilfield services sector transforms again

new market segments. All of the largest companies Strategy 7—Add or expand market offerings to
announced this strategy, as did a majority of midsize and non-energy sectors
small companies.
Offering services to market segments outside the oil
For instance, Superior Energy Services is adding more and gas business can provide additional protection
frac trailers to its fleet and has set a goal of having against full exposure to oil price cycles.
750,000 horsepower by the second half of 2017.16
It is not uncommon to add a step-out product offering,
Teledyne Technologies’ research and development
using the company’s established expertise and
segment is developing enhanced technology for its
resources in an effort to compensate for deteriorating
subsea operations.17
revenues during a sectoral downturn. It would seem
This strategy is not necessarily new, although it varies like a logical decision, but surprisingly, this positioning
by method such as purchasing an existing equipment or strategy was the least cited: only six companies were
service line, acquiring a competitor with similar offerings, either already engaged in non-energy markets and
or developing new product enhancements in house. planning to expand or adding a new business line. The
following two examples were taken from company
Strategy 6—Pursue long-term contracts
earnings calls in 2016.
Securing long-term contracts for services can be
Mitcham Industries leases advanced seismic equipment
an attractive hedge against lower or more cyclical
and also designs, manufactures, sells, and services
oil prices. Several oilfield services companies are
specialized equipment for the marine segment of the
emphasizing continued focus on securing these types
seismic industry. The company developed a platform for
of deals.
port security monitoring, offshore platform monitoring
Having long-term contracts in place may be a sound for vessel intrusion, and diver detection for non-energy
strategy during a normal sectoral downturn, but this businesses and governments. This was only one of
one has seemed anything but normal. Not only has the several pursuits, but counterbalancing its energy
depth of this cycle been unprecedented, its duration has sector customer base was the strategy.18 Fugro, a
also been much longer than anticipated. Some contracts Netherlands-based company providing geo-intelligence
do not guarantee a specific level of revenue as they are and asset integrity solutions, is positioning to expand
tied to a commitment-of-services clause at evergreen its market offerings well beyond the oil and gas sector,
rates. In this case, accepting less money is preferable such as wind farms, nuclear power plants, bridges, and
to none, but projects under consideration normally railways.19
undertaken with long-term contracts are increasingly
A strategy to add or expand into non-energy segments
being canceled (figure 10). IOCs and NOCs have not
seems practical, but companies citing this approach
brought their average breakeven prices down in regions
had capabilities in place to develop offerings for other
typically associated with long-term contracts such as
business sectors. In other words, a non-energy product
international and deepwater offshore plays (figure 3).
or service could be developed more cost effectively as
Until then, acquiring new, long-term contracts may prove
a step out from one already in place rather than as a
greenfield development, which, in a contracting business
Yet, 17 companies in our sample intend to pursue long- environment, would pose an enormous risk.
term contracts, as stated in their positioning statements.
Our findings noted that this strategy was foundational
to resiliency during this downturn; we anticipate that it
may prove more difficult to obtain long-term contracts
in the near term. But as the recovery matures, they
should again prove their merits. Long-term contracts
give oilfield services the financial assurances they need
to mobilize their resources to frontier drilling areas of
the world. In addition, offshore projects are long in
construction time and high in costs, requiring those
same financial guarantees, especially for companies’
lenders and investors. Contract terms may change in
light of the financial deadweight imposed on producers
because this downturn continued for so long. But under
normal circumstances, the advantages for both sectors
were never in dispute.
Phoenix rising | The oilfield services sector transforms again

Looking forward:
Renewed transformation as a
key to sustainable success in the
oilfield services sector
After three years of intense stress on the activities, financial This approach is a marked departure from relying exclusively on
performance, capacity, and strategies of oilfield services past strategies by, once again, offering customers a different kind of
companies—both in North America and around the globe—the innovation. The North American shales is one of the few regions in
sector should position itself for yet another transformation to take the world where production activity has returned; this proves that
advantage of the impending industry recovery and to be more costs driven below crude oil prices can spur the industry’s recovery.
resilient during future price cycles. Long-term contracts provided Waiting for oil prices to return to previous high levels may no longer
a safety net in the past but may prove to be less available in the be an option. Transformation is part of the oilfield services sector’s
near future. Now, the opportunity to fill a critical customer need for history, and companies have identified business process efficiency
further cost reductions with innovative business process efficiency methods as an additional market offering to help customers sustain
methods seems the highest priority and one of the most important a resilient future so both sectors can prosper through these market
strategic market differentiators for the oilfield services sector. cycles.

Phoenix rising | The oilfield services sector transforms again

1. Energy Information Administration (EIA), “Petroleum & Other Liquids,”,
accessed January 19, 2017.

2. Baker Hughes, “Rig Data,”, accessed January

19, 2017.

3. S&P Capital IQ and Deloitte analysis.

4. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Deloitte analysis of Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) data December 2014 to November 2016,

5. Economist, “Oil field services—the unsung masters of the oil industry,” July 21, 2012,
node/21559358, accessed November 11, 2012.

6. Leonardo Maugeri, "The Shale Oil Boom: A U.S. Phenomenon," Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at
Harvard University, June 2013, pp. 1-2,,
accessed November 28, 2016.

7. Seeking Alpha, “Helmerich & Payne’s (HP) CEO John Lindsay on Q4 2016 Results—Earnings Call Transcript,” http://,
accessed November 14, 2016.

8. Deloitte analysis.

9. Seeking Alpha, “Subsea 7’s (SUBCY) CEO Jean Cahuzac on Q1 2016 Results—Earnings Call Transcript,” http://www.subsea7.
com/en/investor-relations/investor-relations-contact.html, accessed September 30, 2016.

10. Seeking Alpha, “National Oilwell Varco (NOV) Clay C. Williams on Q2 2016 Results—Earnings Call Transcript,” http://,
accessed September 30, 2016.

11. Seeking Alpha, “Schlumberger Limited’s (SLB) CEO Paal Kibsgaard on Q1 2015 Results—Earnings Call Transcript,” http://
transcript, accessed December 28, 2016.

12. Jean-François Poupeau, “Transforming the Oil and Gas Industry,” presented at the Jones Partners Thought Leadership
Series, Rice University Jones School of Business, October 27, 2016.

13. Seeking Alpha, “Technip NPV (TNHPF) CEO Thierry Pilenko on Q2 2016 Results—Earnings Call Transcript,” http://
transcript?part=single, accessed January 12, 2017.

14., “Q2 2016 Aker Solutions ADA Earnings Call,”
earnings-151008903.html, accessed May 16, 2017.

15. Seeking Alpha, “Forum Energy Technologies (FET) C. Christopher Gaut on Q1 2016 Results—Earnings Call Transcript,”
call-transcript?part=single, accessed January 4, 2017.

16. Seeking Alpha, “Superior Energy Services (SPN) David D. Dunlap on Q2 2016 Results—Earnings Call Transcript,” http://
transcript?part=single, accessed October 5, 2016.

17. Teledyne Technologies, “Corporate Information,”, accessed January 12,


18. Seeking Alpha, “Mitcham Industries’ (MIND) CEO Guy Malden on Q3 2016 Results—Earnings Call Transcript,” http://
transcript?part=single, accessed January 12, 2017.

19. Seeking Alpha, “Fugro NV’s (FURGF) CEO Paul van Riel on Q2 2016 Results—Earnings Call Transcript Second Quarter
Earnings Call,”
transcript, accessed January 12, 2017.

Phoenix rising | The oilfield services sector transforms again

Let's talk
John England Andrew Slaughter
US Energy & Resources Leader Executive Director
Deloitte LLP Deloitte Center for Energy Solutions
[email protected] Deloitte Services LP
+1 713 982 2556 [email protected]
@JohnWEngland +1 713 982 3526

Scott John Mike Hatch

Principal Managing Director
Deloitte Consulting LLP Deloitte Services LP
[email protected] [email protected]
+1 713 982 3150 +1 713 398 4152

Key contributors

Stephanie Brush
Market Insights
Deloitte Services LP

Vivek Bansal, Senior Analyst, Market Development, Deloitte Support Services India Pvt. Ltd.
Chris Newton, Senior Manager, Deloitte Consulting LLP
Deepak Vasantlal Shah, Assistant Manager, Market Development, Deloitte Support Services India Pvt. Ltd.

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