Mufaros Beautiful Daughters LP

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Student Teaching edTPA Lesson Plan Template

Subject: Understanding the central theme of Central Focus: To discuss the theme of kindness and determine it
Kindness in the novel Mufaro’s Beautiful by using evidence found in the novel to answer specific questions.

Essential Standard/Common Core Objective:

Recount stories, including fables, folktales, and
myths from diverse cultures; determine the central Date submitted: October 22nd, 2018 Date taught:
message, lesson, or moral and explain how it is
conveyed through key details in the text.

Daily Lesson Objective:

Performance: The students will be able to correctly answer specific questions and use evidence from the novel to identify
the theme of kindness.
Conditions: The objective will be complete in whole group and small group instruction. Students will be given excerpts of
the novel Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters.
Criteria: Students will complete comprehension questions in a small group setting and independently complete their
Theme worksheet. Students must receive 8 out of 10 points to show mastery and meet the objective.
21st Century Skills: Critical Thinking, collaboration, Academic Language Demand (Language Function and
communication, and social skills. Vocabulary):
 Analyze
 Kindness, Moral, Theme, Evidence, Folktale
Prior Knowledge: The students will be able to read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.
Students should be able to define theme, and folktale.

Activity Description of Activities and Setting Time

 T: Today we will be reading an African Folktale. I know you have 3 Minutes
been reading folktales with Mrs. Story. Can anybody remind the class
what a Folktale means?
 S: A folktale is a story that has been passed down based off the beliefs
1. Focus and Review
and traditions of people.
 T: Great answer. Can anybody elaborate?
 S: Folktales often teach a lesson
 T: Yes, folktales teach a lesson or have a theme.
2. Statement of Objective Tell students, “Today we are going to be using our novel, Mufaro’s Beautiful 30 sec
for Student Daughters, to describe and identify the theme using evidence from the novel.”
 T: Can anybody define the word theme? 20
 S: Theme is the lesson or message you learn after reading a story minutes
 T: I want you to listen closely as I’m reading and see if you can
identify the theme.
 The teacher will read the novel, Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters, with
the class. After finishing the novel students will turn and talk to
3. Teacher Input discuss the theme behind Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters. The teacher
will call on students to share the theme with the class.
 T: You all stated the theme of the novel is kindness. I want to prove
our answer by using evidence from the novel.
 Teacher will explain that when you are looking for evidence you are
looking for small chunks of information, or quotes from the novel that
support the theme of kindness.
 Teacher will model how to look for evidence with the following
quote…“If that should come to pass, Nayasha replied. I will be happy
to serve you. But why do you say such bad things? You are clever and
strong and beautiful. Why are you so unhappy?”
 The teacher will model how to write an explanation describing how
the quote conveys the theme of kindness.
 T: I have read my excerpt of the novel and highlighted the part I
believe supports the theme of kindness. Now I have to explain why.
I’m going to write…
- Nayasha could’ve have responded in a rude way, but instead
she said stated she would be happy to serve her sister. She
wishes the best for her sister even when her sister is being
mean to her. Nayasha’s strength is her kindness not her
 Students will be divided into small groups and each student will be 10
given an excerpt from the novel Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters. minutes
Excerpt will be from page 16.
 The teacher will put the following comprehension questions on the
board and allow students to work in groups to discuss and record their
4. Guided Practice 1. Identify a quote or piece of evidence from your excerpt of the
novel where the theme of kindness is conveyed.
2. Explain why this quote/evidence represents the theme of

 Each student will write their responses in the first box on their Theme
 Teacher will explain you must answer questions using a 5 minutes
quote/evidence from the book to support. Students must include
quote/evidence, and explanation of the theme in their response.
 Students will be using page 23.
5. Independent Practice
 The teacher will monitor student work and collect worksheets after
the students have completed them.
 The teacher will use the Independent practice part of the worksheets
as the students assessment to monitor their comprehension
 Teacher will collect student’s worksheets to see if they accurately answered the
questions given during Independent Practice.
 Students will receive points for the following:
6. Assessment Methods of - 2 points- Students will receive points for writing the title and theme.
all objectives/skills: - 3 points- Students will receive points for recording 1 piece of evidence or a
direct quote from the text in their response.
- 5 points- Students will receive points for including an explanation of the theme
of kindness in the novel Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters.
 Students will turn and talk with a partner about how they can apply 5 minutes
the theme of kindness, by acting like Nyahsa, in the own lives.
Students will share their responses with the class.
7. Closure
 T: Today we discussed the theme from our novel, Mufaro’s Beautiful
Daughters. You can identify the theme by using evidence from the
text to support your answer.
Out of the 19 students 16 showed mastery. 7 students received a 90 or above, 9 students
8. Assessment Results of scored an 80, 2 students scored a 70, and 1 student scored a 60. Some of the students did
all objectives/skills: not elaborate or explain their thinking which resulted in a loss of points. Students overall
scored very well and understood the task assigned.
Targeted Students Modifications/Accommodations Student/Small Group Modifications/Accommodations
- For ELL: Students will be given sentence The students are using worksheets to answer questions during
stems to help complete their worksheet. the guided practice small group. Students can work in groups or
- For students who finish early they will read work alone if they cannot complete the guided practice in a
other Folktales and work on identifying the small group setting.
- Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters
- Theme worksheets
- Excerpts of the novel
- Journals
- Pencil
Reflection on lesson:

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