Mufaros Beautiful Daughters LP
Mufaros Beautiful Daughters LP
Mufaros Beautiful Daughters LP
Subject: Understanding the central theme of Central Focus: To discuss the theme of kindness and determine it
Kindness in the novel Mufaro’s Beautiful by using evidence found in the novel to answer specific questions.
Each student will write their responses in the first box on their Theme
Teacher will explain you must answer questions using a 5 minutes
quote/evidence from the book to support. Students must include
quote/evidence, and explanation of the theme in their response.
Students will be using page 23.
5. Independent Practice
The teacher will monitor student work and collect worksheets after
the students have completed them.
The teacher will use the Independent practice part of the worksheets
as the students assessment to monitor their comprehension
Teacher will collect student’s worksheets to see if they accurately answered the
questions given during Independent Practice.
Students will receive points for the following:
6. Assessment Methods of - 2 points- Students will receive points for writing the title and theme.
all objectives/skills: - 3 points- Students will receive points for recording 1 piece of evidence or a
direct quote from the text in their response.
- 5 points- Students will receive points for including an explanation of the theme
of kindness in the novel Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters.
Students will turn and talk with a partner about how they can apply 5 minutes
the theme of kindness, by acting like Nyahsa, in the own lives.
Students will share their responses with the class.
7. Closure
T: Today we discussed the theme from our novel, Mufaro’s Beautiful
Daughters. You can identify the theme by using evidence from the
text to support your answer.
Out of the 19 students 16 showed mastery. 7 students received a 90 or above, 9 students
8. Assessment Results of scored an 80, 2 students scored a 70, and 1 student scored a 60. Some of the students did
all objectives/skills: not elaborate or explain their thinking which resulted in a loss of points. Students overall
scored very well and understood the task assigned.
Targeted Students Modifications/Accommodations Student/Small Group Modifications/Accommodations
- For ELL: Students will be given sentence The students are using worksheets to answer questions during
stems to help complete their worksheet. the guided practice small group. Students can work in groups or
- For students who finish early they will read work alone if they cannot complete the guided practice in a
other Folktales and work on identifying the small group setting.
- Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters
- Theme worksheets
- Excerpts of the novel
- Journals
- Pencil
Reflection on lesson: