Fairy Tales From Life: Grade 5 Writing Unit
Fairy Tales From Life: Grade 5 Writing Unit
Fairy Tales From Life: Grade 5 Writing Unit
Nicole Tesh
Student Objectives
Student will:
listen to and read fairy tales, focusing on comprehension and analytical
analyze the fairy tales for common elements and genre characteristics.
collaborate to gather information and complete other prewriting activities.
compose an original fairy tale, based on personal experiences.
present their fairy tales to class.
Students begin by making a list of fairy tales they know, and then brainstorming
characteristics that describe those fairy tales. They then use their knowledge of
fairy tales to make predictions during a read-aloud of a fairy tale picture book.
Next, students work together in small groups to read, discuss, and analyze fairy
tales. After compiling a list of common elements, students collaborate on their
own original fairy taleseach student decides what kind of experience to write
about, composes and revises a fairy tale, and finally presents their story to the
rest of the class. The lesson follows a process method that includes peer review
and encourages using picture books as models and concludes with individual
reflection on the group project and fairy tales.
Day 1
1. Since most students are familiar with fairy tales, begin by asking
them to share the names of various fairy tales that they know.
Remind them to think of books, television programs, and movies.
As they share titles, list them on the board or on chart paper.
Save the sheet for use later in the lesson.
2. Next, ask your students to brainstorm a list of characteristics that
describe these fairy tales. If desired, choose an item or two from
the attached list of Common Elements of Fairy Tales to get things
started. Again, list the details on the board or on chart paper.
3. As students make suggestions, encourage any additional
information that they volunteer that provides examples. For
instance, a student may offer both a characteristic and an
example: "There's usually a person like the stepmother in Snow
White." Note the examples on the board or chart paper as well.
1. Show the class the front cover and/or the title page of Strega
Nona by Tomie de Paola. Ask students to identify elements that
may indicate that the story is a fairy tale, referring to their
brainstormed lists for ideas.
2. Read the first page of the book to the class, and pause to ask
students to identify the fairy tale possibilities for the book.
Reinforce any ideas that students suggested from the pictures on
the cover and title page.
3. Read the second, third, and fourth pages of the book, stopping
after the exchange where Big Anthony agrees never to touch the
pasta pot.
4. Ask students to think about the plot of the fairy tales that they are
familiar with and predict what will happen in this story.
5. Continue reading the story, reading pages five through nine,
stopping after Big Anthony thinks "My chance has come!"
6. Again, ask students to think about the plot of fairy tales and to
predict what will happen in this story. Reinforce predictions that
students made earlier in the process.
7. Continue reading the book through page twenty-two, stopping
after the mayor urges the townspeople to create a barricade and
they learned "that didn't work. The pot kept bubbling and the
pasta kept coming!"
8. Ask students to predict what will happen next in the story,
referring to their understanding of fairy tales and predictions that
they have already made. Some students may see the connection
between this story and Disney's Sorcerer's Apprentice. Welcome
Modeling/ Independent
Day 2
Modeling/ Independent
Day 3
1. Review fairy tale elements and answer any questions that students
2. Briefly remind students how to use the Story Map, and then
working in their groups, have students complete the Story Map for
the fairy tale.
1. Remind students to print their analysis and that they can complete
the Character Map in the tool for multiple characters from the story
(e.g., the heroine, the villain, the hero).
2. Once every group has completed the Story Map and printed their
responses, gather students as a group and invite them to share
their findings.
3. Post the printed maps together, organized by story element. In
other words, collect all of the printouts on characters are together,
all of the printouts on conflict are together, and so forth. You may
create subcategories as desired (e.g., all the "Character Map"
printouts on heroes, all the printouts on villains).
4. Reinforce the connections between the conflict and resolution in
the various stories and the plots of the books.
5. Ask students to identify the cultural and/or ethnic heritage of the
stories they have explored, based on the information in the books.
Encourage direct connections to specific details in the stories.
6. Having read tales from a range of cultures, ask students to discuss
the fairy tale elements that are common across cultures. Note their
observations on the board or chart paper.
Modeling/ Independent
1. Explain that during the next sessions, students will begin writing
their own fairy tales.
2. Optional Additional Sessions: Complete additional group reading
and analysis of fairy tales until you are satisfied that your students
understand the components of a fairy tale
Day 5
Modeling/ Independent
Day 6
Modeling/ Independent
1. Allow students the rest of the class period to make changes and
revisions to their fairy tales. Monitor student progress, and help
students move smoothly through the process.
2. Ask students to have a finished, revised copy of their fairy tales at
the beginning of Session Seven. Explain that students will read
their stories out loud and the class will discuss the stories
3. Optional Additional Sessions:
If students need more time to work on drafts of their fairy tales, allow
additional work sessions. Encourage students to use the fairy tale
books in the classroom as models and inspiration for their own
stories. As time allows, students may read additional stories,
searching for help with their plots or later in the revision process,
paying attention to the ways that words are used and sentences are
Day 6
Modeling/ Independent
1. Allow a few minutes for students to make any last minute
changes to their texts and to get ready to share their fairy tales
with the rest of the class.
1. Have students share their stories one-by-one, reading their texts
2. After each story, take a minute to ask students to identify the fairy
tale elements included in the story. If desired, you might make
tally marks on your class brainstormed list as elements are
identified, so that you can discuss the elements that were most
*Allow as many class sessions for sharing fairy tales as necessary.
1. After all the groups have shared their fairy tales, distribute the
Reflective Journal Instructions handout, and discuss with
2. Ask students to complete the Reflective Journal Instructions
handout and turn in their fairy tales with the handout for you to
review and grade.
Common Elements of
Fairy Tales
What is good about the writing? What should not be changed? Why is it good?
As a reader, what do you not understand?
What specific suggestions for improvement can you make?
What I enjoyed (write about what you liked most about the project)
What I found difficult (write about any part of the project you found hard
to do.)
What really worked (write about any part that you thought worked well).
What parts of the draft help me know that it's a fairy tale?
What changes would I suggest? How could the author improve the fairy tale?