BD C Candidate Handbook 2018 6.12.18 FINAL
BD C Candidate Handbook 2018 6.12.18 FINAL
BD C Candidate Handbook 2018 6.12.18 FINAL
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1 author:
Ghafur H. Ahmed
Erbil polytechnic university
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III. RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE 𝜓𝑤 : factor used to modify development length for welded
In concrete building construction, sometimes it is required deformed wire reinforcement in tension, fy (MPa): yield
to weld concrete reinforcement for several reasons, like: strength of the welded bar. db (mm):nominal diameter of bar
headed anchors or dowels in footing, lap splices in slabs, and, s (mm): is the spacing between the bars to be developed.
beams, columns or staircases, also may be in composite
ACI 318-11 12.18 & 12.15
structural steel-reinforced concrete structures. In residential
Lap splice required same length for welded and un-welded
houses projects, the engineers permit to weld metal doors or
when provided reinforcement is less than double of that
windows to the main beam or column reinforcement. It is
required by analysis (class B), for provided area more than
common to weld reinforcement ties, stirrups and splices in
double of required by analysis (class A), welded splices
seismic resistance buildings for post ultimate behaviors
require 30% more length, bars of diameters larger than 16mm
(Omer, et al., 1999; ACI 318, 2011). As welding of
shall be increased by 50% (12.19). The overlap measured
reinforcement is used in construction, therefore it is of great
between outermost cross wires of each reinforcement sheet
interest for designers and site engineers to have
shall be not less than 50 mm (12.18.1). The total tensile force
comprehensive idea, that how the welding will affect the
that can be developed at each section must be at least twice
mechanical properties of the welded bars interim of
that required by analysis, and at least 140 MPa times the total
weldability, bendability, toughness and ductility (Omer, et al.,
area of reinforcement provided (
1999; Achillopoulou, Pardalakis and Karabinis, 2013).
ACI 318-11 12.17
For column splices, butt welding can be applied but when
stress level in the bars is (≤ 0.5fy) for class A and B depending
In many cases, it is necessary to weld to existing reinforcing on area, whereas stress level is (> 0.5fy) shall be class B,
bars in a structure. It should be determined if precautions are which is increased in splice length by 30%.
in order, based on considerations such as stress level in the From the above comparisons, the following principles can
bars, consequences of failure, and heat damage to existing be drawn, to prevent bond failure between weld metal and
concrete due to welding operations (ACI 318, 2011). Welding reinforcing bar;
of bars should be performed in accordance with AWS D1.4 1) Shorter development length or splice required, means
(2011), whereas welding of wire or welded wire reinforcement stronger bond provided.
to reinforcing bars or structural steel elements is not covered 2) Smaller fy leads to smaller ψw then shorter bond length
by AWS D1.4 (2011). If such welding are required on a required, means stronger bond exist, i.e. smaller fy leads
project, the requirements or performance criteria for this to stronger bond in welded bars, for constant other
welding should specified, the potential loss of yield strength parameters.
and ductility achieved when reinforcement is heated by 3) Smaller bar diameters, smaller ψw, shorter bond length
welding (Omer, et al., 1999; Popovic, et al., 2010; ACI 318, required, stronger bond exist.
2011). These potential concerns are not an issue for machine 4) Cross bars can carry a stress component in tensioned bars,
and resistance welding as used in the manufacture of welded so the bond length can be reduced, whereas for the same
plain and deformed wire reinforcement covered by ASTM length, the bond for welded bars with cross bars is
A1064M-10 (2010). stronger.
5) Cross bars less than 50 mm away from critical section are
not effective and their mechanical properties also will be
V. WELDING DEFORMED REINFORCING BARS IN ACI 318 disturbed, due to the welding heat input.
CODE (2011) 6) When stress levels are low (0.5fy) in the bar, butt welding
For understanding the code special considerations regarded which is relatively weak welding type for reinforcing bars
to welding, the code provisions for welded and un-welded is permitted, means technical welding always over that
deformed reinforcement shall be compared. For this purpose stress level i.e. 0.5fy is 275MPa, 260MPa and 210MPa for
the following cases can be discussed: G550, G520 and G420 respectively.
7) Minimum length of welding stated in ACI 318 (2011) is
ACI 318-11 12.7 & 12.2 50mm. Developed welded section shall transfer at least
development length of welded bars is development length of double required by analysis or 140MPa, i.e. minimum
un-welded bars times welding factor (ψw), see (1), the factor is possible welded strength is 140MPa.
always (1.0), except when across bar exist in development
length and this bar is at least 50mm away from critical section.
𝑓 −240 5𝑑𝑏 Experimental program illustrate the materials used, testing
𝜓𝑤 = ( 𝑦 ≥ ) ≤ 1.0 (1) machines and the parameters investigated in the present
𝑓𝑦 𝑠
VII. WELDING AND WELDABILITY As the technical welding is a sensitive process, the welder
The welds made by the welding machines are electric shall have an experience of the welding parameters like
resistance welds. This type of weld results from a fusion polarity, porosity, penetration, surface condition, welding
process that uses a combination of pressure and heat generated sequence (Omer et al., 1999) and the factors that effect of
by electric impulses. In other words, the intersections of the producing best aspect and performance welding; in present
steel bars and the welding electrodes are fused together. No study the welder has an experience of 31 years of welding.
foreign matter is introduced in the welding process (Omer, et Performance of the welding is directly related to the amount of
al., 1999; CRSI, 2004). heat input during welding process, energy input depend on the
Welding electrodes are classified to several hundred types factors shown in Eq.2 (GLA, 2000; Marten L., 2004; Popovic
(AWS A5.1, 2012); each kind has been specified for et al., 2010). Low heat input produce a porous weld and weak
strength/welding position/coating material. In this work and bonding, whereas overheating effect reversely on the strength
similar studies (Nikolaou and Papadimitriou, 2004), and ductility of the welded bars, optimum E value is 0.7
electrodes of E6013 type were used which means: E indicates kJ/mm (Omer, 1999; Popovic, et al., 2010).
that this is an electrode. 60 indicate how strong this electrode
is when welded, measured in (ksi). 1 Indicates in what E=0.06(U×I×T)/Lw (2)
welding positions it can be used (flat, horizontal, vertical,
overhead). 3 Indicates the coating, penetration, and current E: Energy (heat) inputted (kJ/mm), U: welding voltage (Volts),
type used. I: welding current (AMP), T: welding time (min), Lw: weld
E6013 coating is rutile potassium, with light penetration, length (mm).
current type: AC/DC (Weld-D-Arc, 2013). All position Thermochemical and electrochemical composition changes
welding titanium low hydrogen type electrodes with ferrous are greater at a low than at a high welding speed.
powder in the coating. It has high welding efficiency, smooth Electrochemical reactions are enhanced by higher, total
appearance, stable arc and negligible spatter loss (Lincoln E., current flow per unit volume of weld metal. Thermochemical
2014). reactions at a low welding speed are enhanced by higher
In general, the strength of the electrode used should equal temperatures and longer reaction time before solidification
or exceed the strength of the steel being welded (AWS (Kim et al., 1987; Bohler W. 2005).
D1.4M, 2011). Finished welds should be inspected to ensure When welding of reinforcing bars is required, the
their quality. Inspection should be performed by qualified weldability of the steel and compatible welding procedures
welding inspectors. A number of inspection methods are needs to be considered. The provisions in AWS D1.4 welding
available for weld inspections, including visual inspection, the code cover aspects of welding reinforcing bars, including
use of liquid penetrants, magnetic particles, ultrasonic criteria to qualify welding procedures (ACI 318, 2011). For
equipment, and radiographic methods (Omer, et al., 1999; Wai steel bars, the carbon equivalent shall be calculated in Eq.3,
and Eric, 2005; AWS A3.0M, 2010). using the chemical composition shown in the mill test report
The used welding type was SMAW (Shielded Metal Arc (Omer, et al., 1999; AWS D1.4M, 2011; EN 1011-1/A1,
Welding). SMAW is an arc welding process with an arc 2010).
between a covered electrode and the weld pool (Nurnberger, CE = %(C) + %(Mn/6) (3)
2005; AWS A5.1M, 2012; James, 2013). The process is used
with shielding from the decomposition of the electrode CE: Carbon Equivalent (%), C: carbon content (%), Mn:
covering, without the application of pressure, and with filler Manganese (%).
metal from the electrode (Bohler, 2005). SMAW is often used
for bar-bar welding (Nikolaou and Papadimitriou, 2004) and For the used electrodes in this study CE range is 0.17-0.22.
it is filler material could be E6013 (AWS A5.1M, 2012). The If CE is less than 0.53, the reinforcement is intrinsically
minimum allowed preheat and interpass temperature is 27°C, weldable, if larger, then the hard and brittle microstructural
whereas, best performance for preheat temperature is 150°C constituents may be formed, these constituents may be
for Ø19mm and smaller, and 260°C for Ø22mm and larger detrimental for good behavior of steel to dynamic loading
(AWS D1.4M, 2011). Welding shall not allow below 4°C. In (Nikolaou and Papadimitriou, 2004; Elijah, 2010). Weldability
cold weathers preheating to reach to at least 27°C shall be is improved by decreasing the carbon content, increasing the
applied. Cool down rate shall not exceed 55°C/hour (AWS nickel content and by stabilization (Nurnberger, 2005;
A3.0, 2010; Lincoln E., 2014). Increasing in welding speed Popovic, et al., 2010).
decreases the welding heat input and chance of formation of
defects in weld metal. Whereas, decreasing the welding speed
increases the hardness and yield strength of the base metal VIII. TEST RESULTS
(Bahman and Alialhosseini, 2010); therefore, the travel speed The results for groups of reinforcement bars numbered 1, 2, 3,
of 15-45 cm/min is recommended (AWS A3.0, 2010; Lincoln, 4, 5 and 6 are shown in Tables II & III, IV, V&VI, VII, VII
2014). and IX, respectively.
nominal dimensions* deformation requirements (mm)
Bar des. nominal mass diameter cross sectional area perimeter maximum average minimum average maximum
No. (kg/m) (mm) (mm2) (mm) spacing height gap**
test spec. test spec. test spec. test spec. test spec. test spec. test spec.
8 0.399 0.394 8.0 8.0 50.8 50 25.3 25.1 4.60 5.6 0.69 0.32 1.20 3.1
10 0.595 0.560 9.8 9.5 75.8 71 30.9 29.9 6.32 6.7 0.50 0.38 1.46 3.6
12 0.850 0.844 11.7 12.0 108.3 113 36.9 37.7 7.66 8.4 0.69 0.48 1.60 4.6
16 1.573 1.552 16.1 15.9 203.6 199 50.6 49.9 9.66 11.1 0.94 0.71 2.50 6.1
25 3.963 3.973 25.4 25.4 504.8 510 79.6 79.8 15.64 17.8 1.37 1.27 3.24 9.7
* The nominal dimensions of a deformed bar are equivalent to those of a plain round bar having the same mass per meter as the deformed bar.
** Chord of 12.5 % of nominal perimeter.
Bar designation Yield strength (MPa) Tensile strength (MPa) Elongation (%) Bending Sample Grade
No. test spec. test spec. test spec. (inner roller diameter, bending angle)
8 675.4 550 782.8 725 11.7 7 Pass: Ø32,180° G550
10 689.8 550 820.3 725 10.9 7 - G550
12 617.6 550 742.2 725 17.2 7 Pass: Ø44, 180° G550
16 447.5 420 654.0 620 17.7 9 - G420
25 552.7 420 667.1 620 17.6 8 Pass: Ø128, 180° G420
Bar Mass of weld Guaranteed yield
Diameter Nominal weld Weld density Yield strength Ultimate Combined
des. per 10mm strength & Bar stress
(mm) area (mm2) (kg/m3) (MPa) Strength MPa Elongation (%)
No. (g) level
8 8.07 51.12 4.03 7883 409.5 539.5 2.6
8 8.03 50.62 3.97 7843 7863 527.9 475.4 576.3 558.3 1.9 2.2
(0.61fy bar)
8 8.06 51.00 4.01 7863 488.7 559.2 2.1
12 11.76 108.56 8.56 7885 392.1 563.3 3.1
12 11.72 107.83 8.42 7809 7850 411.7 415.4 428.5 503.4 2.5 2.8
(0.63fy bar)
12 11.74 108.19 8.50 7857 442.5 518.3 2.7
25 25.30 502.47 39.27 7815 356.3 395.1 4.9
25 25.30 502.47 39.23 7807 7824 315.8 317.5 446.2 432.9 5.6 5.4
(0.51fy bar)
25 25.36 504.86 39.63 7850 280.3 457.3 5.6
Yield Load Ultimate Load
Bar Un-welded double welding single bar double welding single bar
un- reduced un- reduced
des. center gap bar resisted resisted bar resisted resisted
welded strength welded strength
No. (mm) welded load* load welded load* load
(kN) (%) (kN) (%)
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN)
10 20 52.3 73.1 12.6 30.3 42.1 62.2 100.1 17.2 41.5 33.3
10 100 52.3 79.3 13.6 32.9 37.1 62.2 105.9 18.2 43.9 29.4
10 200 52.3 91.2 15.7 37.8 27.7 62.2 115.0 19.8 47.6 23.5
12 20 66.9 109.5 16.3 46.6 30.3 80.4 138.8 20.7 59.1 26.5
12 100 66.9 112.2 16.7 47.8 28.6 80.4 140.9 21.0 60.0 25.4
12 200 66.9 119.1 17.7 50.7 24.2 80.4 148.4 22.1 63.2 21.4
16 20 91.1 174.8 19.8 77.5 14.9 131.1 249.0 28.1 110.5 15.7
16 100 91.1 175.9 19.9 78.0 14.4 131.1 253.8 28.7 112.6 14.1
16 200 91.1 177.6 20.1 78.8 13.5 131.1 260.8 29.5 115.7 11.7
* Calculated from the true applied stress, which is uniformly distributed over the bars and the welded area.
variables Elongation welded strength Grade
Bar un-welded un- welded vs. welded length in failure location Yield Ultimate
des. center gap welded specification half of tension from weld edge strength strength normal welded*
No. (mm) (%) (%) (%) range (mm) (mm) (MPa) (MPa)
10 20 10.9 04.2 < 11 61.5 90 50 399.6 547.3 550 Fail
10 100 10.9 05.0 < 11 54.1 50 51 433.9 579.0 550 Fail
10 200 10.9 06.1 < 11 44.0 00 45 498.5 627.8 550 Fail
12 20 17.2 06.7 < 12 61.0 90 48 430.2 545.6 550 Fail
12 100 17.2 08.2 < 12 52.3 50 45 441.3 553.9 550 Fail
12 200 17.2 10.3 < 12 40.1 00 48 468.0 583.4 550 Fail
16 20 17.7 07.1 < 12 59.9 90 40 380.7 542.8 420 Fail
16 100 17.7 09.7 < 12 45.2 50 42 383.1 553.2 420 Fail
16 200 17.7 12.2 > 12 31.1 00 52 387.1 568.4 420 G280
* Most welded bars failed because of the reduced elongations were not conformed to the specification limit.
Yield Strength (MPa) Ultimate Strength (MPa) Elongation (%)
Bar des. No. No. of cross bars
uw w w/uw r (%) uw w w/uw r (%) uw w w/uw r (%)
16 1 447.5 446.5 1.00 0.2 654.0 657.8 1.01 - 0.6 17.7 10.2 0.58 42.4
16 2 447.5 442.6 0.99 1.1 654.0 648.3 0.99 0.9 17.7 10.1 0.57 42.9
16 3 447.5 445.5 1.00 0.5 654.0 651.8 1.00 0.3 17.7 10.3 0.58 41.8
uw: un-welded, w: welded, r: reduction. The (-) sign means that the value has been increased. The transverse bars were spaced 100 mm c/c.
Bar des. No. Test variable Sample Grade Inner roller diameter Hook angle Result Failure mode
8 Normal G550 Ø32 mm 180° Pass Perfect bend, No cracks
8 Lap connected G550 Ø32 mm 180° Pass Perfect bend, No cracks
8 Link connected G550 Ø32 mm 180° Fail Bar rupture, weld failure
12 Normal G550 Ø44 mm 180° Pass Perfect bend, No cracks
12 Lap connected G550 Ø44 mm 180° Pass Perfect bend, No cracks
12 Link connected G550 Ø44 mm 180° Fail Bar rupture, weld failure
25 Normal G420 Ø128 mm 180° Pass Perfect bend, No cracks
25 Lap connected G420 Ø128 mm 180° Fail Bar deeply cracked
25 Link connected G420 Ø128 mm 180° Fail Welding bond failure
Bar Weld un-welded welded welded/un-welded Reduction (%)
des. length Yield Ultimate Elongation Yield Ultimate Elongation
shape Yield Ultimate Elongation Yield Ultimate Elongation
No. mm (MPa) (MPa) (%) (MPa) (MPa) (%)
16 32 Square 447.5 654.0 17.7 251.1 317.8 1.6 0.56 0.49 0.09 43.9 51.4 91.0
16 32 Bevel 447.5 654.0 17.7 332.1 388.3 3.5 0.74 0.59 0.20 25.8 40.6 80.2
16 32 Vee 447.5 654.0 17.7 391.9 479.0 5.1 0.88 0.73 0.29 12.4 26.8 71.2
IX. ANALYSIS OF THE TEST RESULTS metal bond strength, whereas during tensile test, such heights
will produce points of stress concentration. Therefore the
Group-1: Normal Tests maximum spacing of deformations restricted by specification,
In normal test results each data point is the average of three as by increasing such points the tensile stress will better
test specimens. All tested parameters are conformed to distribute over the bar length.
specifications, except in case of 12 and 25mm bars, the
nominal area are less by 5mm2. Bar deformations can have an Group-2: Weld metal mechanical properties
important role in welded bars, because height of deformation In ASD (allowable stress design), the strength of welds is
and ribs will increase the total contact area for bar and welding expressed in terms of allowable stress. In LRFD (load and
resistance factor design), the design strength of welds is taken 2004; Wai, and Eric, 2005; AWS A3.0M, 2010; Popovic, et
as the smaller of the design strength of the base material al., 2010), high heat input result in low strength, low hardness
(expressed as a function of the yield stress of the material) and and low toughness, whereas low heat input (≤ 60°C) will give
the design strength of the weld electrode (expressed as a risk of hydrogen cracking in the weld (Scott, 1999;
function of the strength of the electrode EXX). These Hakansson, 2002).
allowable stresses and design strengths are summarized in
Table X (AISC-LRFD, 2005; Wai and Eric, 2005). During
design using ASD, the computed stress in the weld shall not 500
y = -6.7186x + 599.27
400 R² = 0.9402
Allowable 5 10 15 20 25 30
tensile Ø8 mm Ø12 mm Ø25 mm weld diameter (mm)
stress (b) Ultimate strength
0.6fyb 405.2 370.6 331.6
ASD 10
0.5fub 391.4 371.1 333.6
0.9fyb 607.9 555.8 497.4 Elongation
Elongation (%)
Group-4: Transverse bars
Welding of crossing reinforcing bars can lead to local 10
embrittlement of the steel (ACI 318, 2011; AWS D1.4M, 8 10 12 14 16 18
2011) and during tension test the bar will rupture in the point Bar Diameter (mm)
directly to the edge of welding. The inputted heat of welding (b) Ultimate strength
is the cause for this local weakening (Hakansson, 2002; CRSI, 80
2004; Nurnberger, 2005). For the same reason ACI 318 (2011, WLTR=90mm
pp. 219) had not permitted reduction in welded development WLTR=50mm
Elongation Reduction (%)
length and welded splice, when a cross bar exist less than WLTR=00mm
50mm from critical section. This case is different from cold
welding for deformed welded wire meshes or mats 60
manufactured in mill that has not considerable changes in 55
properties caused by welding (ASTM A184M, 2005; ACI 318, 50
2011). 45
The term "tack welding" has become firmly established and 40
embedded in building codes and in design and construction 35
specifications to describe the connection of crossing bars by 30
small arc welds (CRSI, 2004). Tack welding can seriously 8 10 12 14 16 18
weaken a bar at the point welded by creating a metallurgical Bar Diameter (mm)
notch effect. This operation can be performed safely only (c) Elongation
when the material welded and welding operations are under
Fig. 2. Results G3: reduction s vs. different bar diameters for different WLTR
continuous competent control, as in the manufacture of welded (weld length in tension range, between grips).
wire reinforcement (Omer, et al., 1999; Serna, et al., 2002;
Nikolaou and Papadimitriou, 2004; ACI 318, 2011). During
preparation of test samples in this group, the welding was well The test simulation is different from reaction of transverse
controlled considering (continuous competent control); bars during loading in a real structure, because there is already
therefore the test results shown in Table VII and Fig. 3 are of stresses in the cross bars and it is required complex procedure
negligible reduction in yield and ultimate strengths. The to consider three dimensional stress analyses. But the purpose
reduction in ductility was around 40% of original elongation, of the investigation is determining pure effects of the welding
but the retained elongation (10%) is still conformed to due to the tack welds and to avoid interference of stresses in
specification requirements (9% min.). the cross bars. In the other side tests demonstrate that cross
reinforcement rarely yields during a bond failure (ACI 318, and visible surface cracks; whereas the lapped welded bars
2011, pp.211). can’t resist relatively large bending load in case of 25mm
diameter bars, the case was different for small diameters (like
8 and 12mm) as they were passed from the test. In case of
50 linked welded bars all the bars were failed to bend, because of
the un-connected main bars together, so the critical point was
40 Yield at the center of the bar, therefore the high stresses leads to
Yield Strength Reduction (%)
bond failure between weld. In fact the outer part from neutral
30 axis of the bar was subjected to tensile stress, which is directly
related to the elongation limits of the bars. Whereas the
reduced elongations due to the heat of welding (shown in
10 Table VI, VII and IX, will not permit the outer surface of the
bar to extend like the un-welded bars, this will cause the
0 rupture of the bars and welding, and then a brittle failure was
happened (Serna, et al., 2002).
-10 Welded wire reinforcement can be used for stirrups and ties.
0 1 2 3 4
The wire at welded intersections does not have the same
No of cross bars
uniform ductility and bendability as in areas that were not
(a) Yield strength heated. These effects of the welding temperature are usually
dissipated in a distance of approximately four bar diameters
50 (ACI 318, 2011) or the effect may extend to 100mm from the
Ultimate weld toe (AWS A3.0M, 2010). Tests have shown that ASTM-
Ultimate Str. Reduction (%)
A615 G280 & G420 reinforcing bars can be cold bent and
30 straightened up to 90 degrees at or near the minimum
diameter. If cracking or breakage is encountered, heating to
20 maximum temperature of 820°C may avoid this condition for
the remainder of the bars (ACI 318, 2011, pp.90).
10 Images shown in Fig. 5 can explain more aspects of welding
heat input, failure sections and critical points during the tensile
0 test and the bending tests.
Square Bevel Vee
Butt Shape
1) The strength of welding metal is directly related to the
size of weld bead and thickness, increasing welding area 2
50 and 10 times, the yield strength will decrease 13% and
33%, respectively. Weld metal density is same as for
Ultimate S. Reduction (%)
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Prepared for bending Lapped 8mm in bend test pass/fail specimens-bend test
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