Merkies, Ingemar Sergio Jos PDF
Merkies, Ingemar Sergio Jos PDF
Merkies, Ingemar Sergio Jos PDF
immune-mediated polyneuropathies
I.8.J. Merkies
ISBN 90-9014393-9
~o part of this thesis may be reproduced or transmitted in any fonn by any means, eJectroruc or mechanical. including photocopying.
recording or any infonnation storage and retrieval system, without written consent by the chief author (I.SJ. Merkie:;. Department of
Kcurology, St. Elisabeth Ho:>pitaal. Brccdcstra:lt 193 (0). Willcmstad, Curayao. Netherlands Antilles).
Evaluation of scales and measurement instruments in
immune-mediated polyneuropathies
The studies described in this thesis were perfanned at the Department of Neurology, University Hospital
RotterdamJErasmus University. Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
This research project was financially supported by the European Community: Biomed project number: B.MH4-CT96
0324. Brussels.
The realisation of this thesis was supported by grants from Serono Benelux, Janssen~Cilag, GlaxoWellcome. Smith-
Kline Beecham Farma, Biegen International. NASKHO. PricewaterhouseCoopers. Brakkeput Mei-Mei, and the
Stichting Neuro-immunologisch onderzoek AZR.
1 General introduction 9
Samenvatting 191
Dankwoord 197
General introduction
1.4 Purpose and design of Inflammatory Neuropatby Cause And Treatment (INCAT)
group study.
10 Chapter 1
GBS can be distinguished from CIDP by a different time course. By definition, tbe nadir of
GBS is reached within 4 weeks, but in tbe majority of patients within 2 weeks (1,12,13). For
CIDP, in contrast, duration of progressive weakness of at least 2 montbs has been suggested
as a criterion (18). More recently, a group of patients have been described witb an
intermediate "subacute" time course (SIADP; witb a nadir between 4 to 8 weeks of onset)
(19). In fact, large series showed tbat tbere is a continuum between GBS and CIDP with a
sharp peak of patients who have tbeir nadir in tbe first few weeks and a long tail of patients
who have a much longer and usually less fuhninate course (20,21).
multiple myeloma, and many others have to be excluded. Dyck and associates stated tbat tbe
clinical diagnosis of CIDP could only be made in the absence of a systemic disease (26).
However, it seems that CIDP can also occur in the setting of some concurrent diseases
(4,27). For example, patients with an otherwise typical clinical picture compatible with
CIDP have been described having an IgG monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined
significance (8,27).
At present it is still a matter of debate whether the diagnosis of CIDP can be made when a
monoclonal protein of undetermined significance (MGUS) is present. Patients with a
neuropathy completely compatible with the clinical diagnosis of CIDP may have a MGUS.
Several studies have compared patients with an idiopathic CIDP with those associated with
an MGUSP (28-30). Up to 25-30% of patients with a clinical diagnosis of CIDP also had a
MGUS (28-30). In general, patients with a CIDP-MGUS are at onset of symptoms older
demonstrating a more smouldering clinical course and on average experience more frequent
sensory loss with less severe weakness, despite similar motor conduction findings when
compared with CIDP patients without MGUS. However, application of these clinical
differences should be done with some caution, because these differences have not been
demonstrated in a more recent study (23).
Figure 1
Immune-mediated neuropathies
Legend to Figure 1
Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) (also generally known as acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy
(AIDP)) is characterised by a monophasic course of weakness that reaches a nadir within four weeks, the
majority within two weeks followed by a plateau-phase with gradual recovery hereafter. GBS is primarily
distinguished from chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) by a different time coursc.
For CIDP the duration of progressive weakness is at least 2 months. Weakness prevails over sensory deficit.
More recently, a group of patients have been described with an intennediate "subacute" time course
(SIADP; nadir between 4 to 8 weeks of onset) (19). Patients with a polyneuropathy associated with a
monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUSP) have generally more sensory than motor
deficit. Immunoglobulin G MGUSP may have great resemblance with eIDP. Multifocal motor neuropathy
(r-AMN) is characterised by asymmetric motor deficit, affecting the arms more than the legs with no
significant sensory abnormalities. :M:MN is considered thc asymmetrical motor variant of CIDP. An
intennediate form, the chronic multifocal sensory-motor demyelinating polyneuropathy (CMDN) have been
recently described.. thus completing the clinical spectrum of the most common fonns of inflammatory
The first step in the clinical evaluation of patients is to determine at which level outcome is
going to be assessed and which scale or set of scales is going to be used for this purpose.
This is particularly complex in neurology, because the nervous system has so many
functions, whereas most other organs have a much more limited range of functions. As an
example, Figure I depicts the spectrum of inflammatory disorders of the peripheral nerves
that can range from pure symmetrical or asymmetrical weakness to pure sensory multi-
modality disturbances with respiratory problems in GBS cases. Therefore, the first question
to answer in evaluating a patient is what information should be measured and how this is
going to be obtained. Gathering information on patticular clinical features is generally done
by firstly reviewing the literature on existing outcome measures and secondly classifying
selected measure(s) according to the postulated international classification of impairments,
14 Chapter 1
disabilities, and handicaps (ICIDH) by the World Health Organisation (WHO) in 1980
(Figure 2; 38). The ICIDH model is widely used and was developed as an attempt to
standardise classification and terminologies relating to the consequences of health
conditions. According to this model, any disease (pathology) can be evaluated at the
following defined levels:
Figure 2
(pathology) f--~'i Impairment il---~'i Disability il---~'i Handicap I
Although this classification seems to be straightforward, these levels form a continuum with
no clear-cut boundaries. Despite this, this concept is extremely useful for purposes of
evaluating and classifying outcome measures, and therefore it is important to understand the
technical definition of each of these levels. Also, it is important to note that not all
impairment features may lead to disability. Examples of the latter are: I) the detection of
conduction blocks in a nerve without any functional deficit in daily activities or a completely
recovered patient with CIDP with normal daily functionality that still has areflexia at
neurological examination. Also, impairment can sometimes lead directly to handicap. This
is the case in a patient with residual ophthalmoplegia due to Miller-Fisher syndrome who is
not able to work as a bus-driver anymore. Another example is a positive test for liN that
General introduction 15
can cause loss of insurance, social isolation, etcetera, without any intervening impairment
and disability.
Assessing outcome using the ICIDH levels is primarily being performed by clinicians.
However, the obtained results are strongly dependent on several patients' factors, both intra-
individual and environmental. Examples of such factors are individual ability of patients to
adapt to illness (coping), factors intended to increase functioning such as rehabilitation,
physical therapy training, patient's perseverance, and amount of social support. Therefore,
outcome can also be studied from the "patient's own perspective", a concept captured in
"quality oflife" outcome measures. Quality oflife is also defined as the patient's reaction to
the discrepancy between actual and expected achievements arising as a consequence of
illness (39,40). At least four dimensions should be included in a quality of life assessment.
These dimensions are physical, functional, psychological, and social health. The physical
health dimension refers primarily to disease-related and treatment-related symptoms.
Functional health comprises self-care, mobility, and physical activity level, as well as the
capacity to carry out various roles in relation to family and work. Cognitive functioning,
emotional status, and general perceptions of health, well-being, life satisfaction, and
happiness are the central components of the psychological life domain. Social functioning
includes the assessment of qualitative and quantitative aspects of social contacts and
interactions (39,40).
To identify scales of potential interest for measuring a specific feature, clinicians have to
find their way through a daunting array of available scales. Subsequently, because there is an
increasing emphasis on accuracy, an important step in choosing a scale comprises a critical
review of its clinical appropriateness to the patient group at study and evaluation of its
clinimetric requirements (40-44). A useful scale should fulfil the following requirements
1. It should be simple, none-time consuming with little special training. Many outcome
measures are impractical because they require too much time to administer or score. A
measure should wherever possible be simple, particularly if more than one person is
16 Chapter 1
going to use the measure. Simplicity will improve the patient (and user) compliance, and
will increase reliability.
2. It should be valid. A valid scale is one that measures what it purports to measure and
therefore provides the information required. In other words: It should accurately describe
the underlying phenomenon or disease. Various types of validity are described:
Face validity refers to the apparent sensibility of the measure and its components. It
simply indicates whether, on the face of it, the scale appears to be assessing the desired
qualities. This validity form represents the subjective judgement based on a review of the
measure itself by one or more experts, and rarely are any empirical approaches used. The
functional grading scale (f-score), used in many GBS studies, has obvious face validity
for the assessment of mobility (45).
Content validity is closely related to the face validity concept. It consists of a judgement
by experts evaluating whether an outcome measure captures all the relevant or important
contents or domains of an illness. The f-score would be a valid measure for lower limb
function in neuropathies, because it is strongly based upon mobility (45).
These two forms of validity are also entitled as "the validity forms by assumption",
meaning that a measure assesses outcome in a certain way because an expert says it does
Convergent validity - the extent to which a measure correlates with other measures of
related entities.
Discriminant validity - the extent to which a measure does not correlate with
measures of different entities.
Divergent validity - the extent to which a measure correlates with measures of
opposite entities. Others have not described this construct validity form. However, we
introduce this validity form as part of the validation of rating scales. It is a matter of
debate whether the proposed 'divergent validity' should be considered as a
'discriminant validity' form. An example: The correlation between fatigue and
vitality scales.
Concurrent validity - the extent to which a new measure correlates with another
widely accepted validated measure or the opinion of experts. This is generally applied
in cases of no "real" gold standard.
Predictive validity - if we thought that the f-score values at 4 weeks of follow-up in
patients with GBS could predict degree of disability at 6 months, data collected at
these two instances in time must be correlated (45).
3. It should be reliable. A reliable measure is one that produces results that are accurate,
consistent, stable over time, and reproducible. A patient whose condition has not
changed should always receive the same score apart from random variation. There are
three different types of reliability:
Test-retest reliabilitv is the agreement between observations made by the same patient on
two different occasions.
The concepts of validity and reliability can be explained using the example of "shooting at a
target". Someone leaming archery must first learn to hit the centre of the target, and then to
do this consistently. The validity of a measure would be represented by the aim of shooting-
how close, on average, the shots come to the centre of the target (good validity meaning a
bias of approximately zero distance). The reliability of a measure would be represented by
how close successive shots fall to each other, wherever they land on the target (good
reliability meaning a small variance).
4. It should be responsive to changes over time in the underlying condition, yet relatively
insensitive to minor symptoms or signs fluctuations. Whereas validity and reliability form
the clinimetric core stones of a rating scale, the ability of a measure to detect clinically
meaningful changes over time is crucial. For clinicians and researchers, such a measure
should discriminate between irrelevant changes (normal fluctuations in the activity of an
illness; "noise") and clinically meaningful changes on which a treatment policy can be
based ("signal"), an ability addressed as "responsiveness". A statistic and heuristic
approach in examining responsiveness of a measure has been proposed (43). Statistical
responsiveness captures the ability of an instrument to measure any change, irrespective
18 Chapter 1
of its relevance. Heuristic techniques are based upon comparing changes as assessed by a
scale with an external indicator, for example the grades of judgement by the patients of
their clinical condition (e.g. grade 1: improved; grade 2: stable; grade 3: deteriorated).
5. It should provide results that easily can be interpreted by others. A measure should give
results that are easily understood by others.
Selection of a scale or set of scales is one of the most important steps in planning clinical
foIlow-up of patients or research projects. Whatever scale is chosen, it is important that the
above-mentioned requirements are fulfiIled before its general use as an outcome measure.
In the last decade, the assessment of disease activity in clinical studies including patients
with GBS, CIDP or MGUSP has been commonly based on a multitude of measures, ranging
from the assessment of general strength, sensory disturbances, and functional abilities.
Various easily applicable scales have been devised and used for these purposes.
As postulated in section 1.2, each outcome measure can be classified according to the model
devised by the World Health Organisation regarding the general consequences of any illness,
the ICIDH which reflects three stages: Impairments, Disabilities, and Handicaps (see section
1.2; 38). In addition, outcome can also be assessed from the patient's own perspective using
the so-called 'quality oflife' surveys (39,40). Subsequently, clinimetric requirements need to
be fulfiIled before the use of any outcome measure.
This search was perfonned on behalf of the Inflammatory Neuropathy Cause And Treatment
(INCAT) group, a collaborating force of European neurologists with special interest in
immune-mediated neurological disorders.
Medline search
Phase II - literature evaluation regarding clinimetric properties of the most widely used
outcome measures in immune-mediated clinical studies.
As stated, the most commonly used scales in immune-mediated polyneuropathy studies are
the MRC sumscore, the NDS, different sensory rating scales including various sensation
modalities representing different sensory fibres, the Hughes' disability scale and related
modifications and the (modified) Rankin scale (Table 1). Surprisingly, despite the wide use
of these scales, studies fonnally evaluating their clinimetric requirements are limited and
incomplete. The MRC sumscore and the motor subset of the NDS are the only motor scales
that has been validated and examined in tenns of their reproducibility (49-51). With the
exception of the sensory subset of the NDS, none of the used sensory scales has been
20 Chapter 1
submitted to a comprehensive clinimetric evaluation. The validity and reliability of the NUS
sensory subset were demonstrated in diabetes patients with signs of a polyneuropathy
(50,51). Good internal consistency was recently obtained for this scale in patients with
hereditary and a variety of other polyneuropathies (53). The NUS sensory subset is,
however, limited because sensory qualities are only assessed at the index finger and hallux.
Despite the wide use of the Hughes' disability scale and the Rankin scale in neuropathy
studies and their obvious simplicity and face validity, the clinical value of these scales are
limited because they are strongly directed towards mobility without providing information
regarding the arms. The validity and reliability of the Hughes' disability scale were
demonstrated in patients with GBS (49). No formal clinirnetric evaluation of the Rankin
scale has been performed in patients with immune-mediated polyneuropathies. Its reliability,
however, was established in patients with stroke (52).
Although validity and reliability have been demonstrated for some of the scales applied in
patients with GBS, CIDP or MGUSP, relative little attention have been addressed towards
their ability to detect clinically meaningful changes over time (43,44).
Based on these observations, the following conclusions were stated regarding clinical
studies including patients with immune-mediated polyneuropathies in the last twelve years:
• Some outcome measures are ill-constructed and therefore not generally applicable
• No uniformity exists regarding which scale or set of scales represents best the
impairment and disability outcome levels that also covers the whole range of patients
with GBS, CIDP and MGUSP
• Thus far, no "global disability" outcome measure have been applied in these disorders
• Scales that purely measure handicap have not been applied in these conditions
• Outcome from a patients' perspective using quality of life measures have been scarcely
• Studies evaluating the clinirnetric requirements of the outcome measures most applied in
these disorders are limited and incomplete.
General introduction 21
Table 1
Clinical studies reported from January 1988 to January 1999 that included at least ten patients with
Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS), chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP), or
polyneuropathy associated with a monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUSP)
Clinical References Total Impairment Disability Handicap Quality
studies number of of life
Motor scales Sensory (Predominantly) Other/global
scales Mobility scalcs scalcs
GBS 882
15 100 A
2l.55,58.60.64. 1268 (Modified) Hughes
74.75.77,80,82. scale
84.85 Functional te~1: limbi 363 ~RC (Modified) Hughes
sumscore l scale
53 29 ~RC !\SS/NDS SIP_Phl~
;'''UInscore l
56.76,78 724 B (1vIodified) Hughes Di;mbility mn
seule £!2de3
59 123 C (Modified) Hughes SIP'o
62 42 D (Modified) Hughes
67.70 306 MRC E (Modified) Hughes
sumseore l scale
88 52 Expanding groding
131 10 MRCmuscle P:lin-VAS Barthel Index I EnviromcnUI
testingsca1e 17 Score*'" Rivermead_ADLIH Su!:uS senle l9
288 .
GriE ~1ren~
(Modified) Rankin
95 60 Average
muscle score7
96,110 80 MRC (Modified) Rankin
stun.<;core 1
98 16 Functionul diS:lbility
99,100 48 :-JDS NDS Functional clinical
Grip stren~ grading scale
109 10 RMI'u
112 93 Clinieul disability
score ll
114 20 NDS NDS; Case-IV
22 Chapter 1
Table 1 (continues)
Clinical References Total Impairment Disability Handicap Quality
studies number of of life
Motor scales Sensory (Predominantly) Other/global
sciles MobiliEX scales scales
MGUSP 23..29)0 66 AvcragcMRC (Modified) Rankin
score i5
28.1')',,125 132
53 2 ~RC NSSfNDS SlP.Ph]o
sumscore l
97.1Ol.l02, 207 ,",S NDS: Cn$c-IV
103.124.126-130 193
115 36 AvemgcMRC G (Modified) Rankln
score l >
116.120 90 Disability severity
117,121 48 )..:IRe scoring H:Atmciu 0-1O<lificd Rankin)
SY~1:emt3 tapping te~1
123 11 MRC scoring NDS
system l4
Legend to Table
References using the same outcome measures were gathered.
Impairment level
*Routine neurological examination; - examination not performed
G. Sensory grading system (vibration, joint position, pinprick): 3 =: nonnal; 2 = impaired at the fingertip or
big toe; 1 = impaired at the proximal interphalangeal joint or at the ankle; = impaired proximal to the
proximal interphalangeal joint or above the ankle (see reference 115).
H. Sensory grading system: For both touch and pinprick sense: 4 = nonnal; 3 =: abnormal distal to
VvTistiankle; 2 = abnormal distal halfforearmlleg; 1 = abnormal distal to elbowlknee; 0 = abnonnal distal
to axilla/groin. Vibration sense was graded: 4 = tuning fork perception (128 Hz) on middle
fingerlhallux; 3 = ulnar styloid/medial malleolus; 2 = elbowlknee; I = clavicula/crista iliaca; 0 = no
perception. Joint position sense of middle fmger/hallux was graded: 2 = normal; 1 = diminished; = a
absent (Total score: 0 to 56) (see references 117,121).
NSS = Neuropathy symptom score (see references 50,51).
NDS = Neurologic disability scale (see references 50.51).
Pain-VAS = Pain visual analogue scale.
Disability level
30 = nonna!; 1 = minor symptoms or signs but able to put hand on top of head when sitting with head upright
and able to oppose thumb to each fingertip; 2 = able to do either of the tasks in 1 but not both; 3 = some
movements but unable to perform either of the tasks in 2; 4 = no movements: 5 = dead (see references
lORMI = Rivennead mobility index (see reference 109 for description).
l~Rivermead-ADL = Rivennead activity of daily living scale (see reference 40 for description).
• To coIlect normal values in healthy individuals for the following instruments: The Rydel-
Seiffer graduated tuning fork for assessing vibration sense at various sites of examination
and the hand-held Martin Vigorimeter for assessing grip strength (134,135).
• To investigate the clinical feasibility of the newly created scales ("!NCAT' sensory
sumscore and Rotterdam 9 items handicap scale).
General introduction 25
Table 2
Scales and gadgets at the various levels of outcome selected for the INeAT study and reported
clinimetric evaluation thus far
Outcome measures Validity Reliability Responsiveness References Study type
Intcr-obl!<:n'cr lotnl-obscn'cr
Impairment level
:MRC swnscore + + + descriptive 49 GBS
Martin Vigorimeter + + + + 137-140 RA
Rydel-Seiffer graduated Diabetic
Tuning fork + + + descriptive 141-144 polyneuropathy
"Il:\CAl' sensory sumscore
• To determine which scale represents best the impairment and disability levels of
• To examine the relationship between scales representing the various levels of outcome.
• University hospital Rotterdam, department of neurology.
• Transversal group of patients (stable group): 113 patients with a stable clinical condition
were recruited from the Rotterdam immune-mediated polyneuropathy databank and from
the Dutch GBS study group (stable group). This group consisted of 83 patients who
experienced GBS many years before the start of the study, 22 patients with CIDP, and 8
patients with a MGUSP.
Healthy individuals
• Regarding the investigation of the normal values of the Rydel-Seiffer graduated tuning
fork: Healthy controls were recruited from hospital personnel, companions (relatives,
friends) of patients visiting our outpatient clinic and from homes for the elderly. Two
hundred and fourteen potential controls were interviewed and exanrined.
• Regarding normal values evaluation of the Vigorimeter: Five hundred and fifty-one
potential healthy controls were recruited from hospital personnel, relatives and friends
accompanying patients at our outpatient clinic, and healthy elderly, living in the village
"Nieuw-Vennep" as part of the municipal of Haarlemmermeer, The Netherlands. There
was a door-to-door mailing and an article was published in a local newspaper explaining
the purpose and significance of the study. Attempts were made to obtain participants
representing a wide variety of social and occupational backgrounds. The children and
adolescents were recruited at one primary and one high school.
• Regarding evaluation of the degree of fatigue in healthy controls: One hundred and
thirteen age and gender matched healthy controls were recruited from hospital personnel,
companions (relatives, friends) of patients visiting our outpatient clinic and from homes
for the elderly.
General introduction 27
Each patient was interviewed before the start of the study by the main-investigator (IM) to
collect general characteristics (age, gender, diagnosis, date of diagnosis, which hospital
admitted in the past if applicable, course of illness).
Healthy controls
For the nonnal values evaluation of the Rydel-Seiffer graduated tuning fork and
Vigorimeter, healthy controls were stratified for age and gender. Fatigue was evaluated in
the stable group of patients and the controls (n = 113) were age and gender matched.
Two senior neurologists (PD, FM) and six residents in Neurology (IM, IS, FO, RM, WM,
and RK) fonned 28 different pairs of examiners (Table 3). "Experienced" couple (couple
number 1): main-investigator (1M) + JS. "Variable" couples (couples number 2 - 28) (Table
3). Couple number I was coded as being "experienced", because this couple examined more
(a total of 45) patients compared with the other "variable" couples (a total of 68 patients
examined: 2-3 patients per couple). This design was chosen to evaluate the effect of training
and thus a possible increase in reliability of the various selected scales and gadgets when
used often (see flowchart).
The examiners received instructions in assessing the various outcome measures. The aim of
this training was to strive for a unanimous interpretation regarding the different items of the
various scales that were going to be used.
Table 3
Couples of examiners formed by 2 senior neurOlogists and 6 residents in neurology
Couple numbers Members Couple numbers Members
Merkles (1M) • Samijn (JS) 15 FM-FO
1M - v~ derMe<:hc (F""!) 16 FM-WM
, N- van Doom (PD)
1M - Op.1:elten (FO)
5 1M-Moll (WM) 19 PO-FO
6 1M - van Koningsveld (RK) 20 PO-WM
7 1M - Meijer (RM) 21 PO-RK
8 JS-FM 22 PO-RM
9 1S -PO 23 FO-WM
10 JS-FO 24 FO-RK
11 JS-WM 25 FO-RM
12 JS-RK 26 WM-RK
13 JS-RM 27 \VM-RM
l' FM-PO 28 RK RM
The patients were examined at two different occasions at our outpatient clinic. During the
first visit the two members of an appointed pair perfonned their scores independently and
consecutively (usually within 2 hours) (inter-observer measures). Within 2-4 weeks, the
patient returned for a second visit and only one investigator of the earlier assigned pair re-
examined the patient (intra-observer values) without having access to previous results. The
assessment sequence at entry and the examination at the second visit were equally
28 Chapter 1
distributed among the members of an assigned couple. Eventually, each member of a couple
examined approximately the same number of patients.
Responsiveness study
General Notes
To determine the construct convergent validity of the Rydel-Seiffer graduated tuning fork,
an electronic device, the Vibrameter (Somedic, Stockholm Sweden, Type III) was also used
The times to complete the "INCAT' sensory sumscore, the Rotterdam 9 Items Handicap
scale, and the SF-36 health status were recorded.
In the process of creating the Rotterdam 9 Items Handicap scale, we gathered the opinion of
fifty patients with an immune-mediated polyneuropathy (34 GBS, 12, CIDP, 4 MGUSP)
regarding the relevance of selected items to create this scale and the clinical applicability of
these items. This was done through a telephone interview and by mailing the selected scale
items to these patients accompanied by a judgement-form. All suggestions made by these
patients were examined and if possible incorporated in the final scale form. Eventually, nine
items were selected.
Statistical analyses
Eventually, statistical analyses were performed depending on the postulated objectives and
types of data (ordinal or continuous, normally distributed or not, transversal or longitudinally
structured). On behalf of the !NCAT group, a stepwise presentation of the results will be
described in the following chapters.
General introduction 29
(;'il ' [
t ...
Investigators Investigators
~cxpcrienccd~ couple "'variablc~ couples
GBSn"'30 GBSn;53
CIDPn= 11 CIDPn'" 11
Scales Scales
All scales applied All scoles applied
Investigator Investigators
One of the examiners of One of the examiners of
the ~experienced"" couple an earlier assigned couple
Scales Scales
All scales applied All scales applied
except SF~36 except SF~36
30 Chapter 1
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General introduction 31
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Chapter 2
From the Department ojiNeur%gy, 2Department of Statistics - Daniel den Hoed Cancer Centre, Erasmus
University Medical Centre Rotterdam, dr. Molewaterplein 40.3015 GD, Rotterdam. The Netherlands.
'Members of the !NCAT-group: Aubry J, PhD: Baumann N, PhD: Bouche p, MD, PhD: Comi G, MD, PhD:
Dalakas MC, MD, PhD: Hartung HP, MD, PhD: Hughes RAC, MD, PhD: Illa 1. MD, PhD: Knapp MRJ,
PhD: Leger J-M, MD, PhD: Hemni R, MD, PhD: Hobile-Orazio E, MD, PhD; Toyka KV, MD, PhD: van de
Bergh P, MD, PhD: van der Meche FGA, MD, PhD: van Doorn PA, MD, PhD: Willison HJ, MD, PhD:
Younes-Chennoufi S, PhD
J Neural Neurosurg Psychiatry 1998;65:743-747; published with permissionjrom the EM! Publishing Group
Healtby controls
Healtby controls were recruited from hospital personnel, companions (relatives, friends) of
patients visiting our outpatient clinic, and from homes for elderly people. Two hundred and
fourteen potential controls were interviewed and examined. Those witb sensory symptoms,
sensory signs including absent vibration sense, a history of alcohol abuse, using drugs which
may cause a polyneuropatby or influence tbeir cooperation, and tbose witb a disease which
might induce a polyneuropatby, were excluded from tbe study. The selected participants had
a lucid consciousness and tbeir history did not show any mental or psychological illness.
Standard neurological exantination was performed witb special interest in tbe sensory
qualities. Six age groups «40, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-79, ~SO years) were formed. One
hundred and ninety eight healtby controls (93 men; 105 women; mean age 55.1 (SD lS.O)
years; range 19-93) stratified for sex, were enrolled in this study. Each age group consisted
of approximately 35 participants. Sixteen individuals (9 men; 7 women; mean age Sl (SD
Rydel-SeijJer tuning/ork: Vibration threshold normal values and validity study 41
8.5) years; range 65-93 years) were excluded from analysis, based on absent vibration
perception in at least one region tested. Eight had an absent vibration sense at the hallux and
the internal malleolus, seven only at the hallux and one only at the internal malleolus. Nine
subjects had absent and four decreased (-3/-3) ankle jerks. The ankle reflexes were normal in
the remaining 3 persons. These patients were considered to have subclinical disease. The
problem of the selection of participants for normal vibration threshold values is discussed
Assessment tools
The Rydel-Seiffer tuning fork is a graduated fork, which determines the ability of
individuals to discriminate various vibration intensities. The two arms of this tuning fork
bear calibrated weights at their extremities (figure 1, page 44; see also appendix I, page 207)
(6,8). A triangle and an arbitrary scale from 0 (minimum score) to 8 (maximum score)
imprinted on the weights allow assessment of vibration threshold. Once the arms are
swinging, the fork vibrates at 64 Hz and the triangles on the weights appear double. The
intersection of these two virtual triangles moves from 0 to 8 in an exponential way with
decreasing vibration amplitude of the arms. The vibration extinction threshold is considered
as the nearest value to the apparent point of intersection of the virtual triangles when the
subject indicates that vibration is no longer perceived. The Vibrameter (Somedic,
Stockholm, Sweden, Type III) is a device that determines vibration sense electronically. It
has been extensively described by Goldberg and Lindblom and consists essentially of a hand
held vibrating probe that vibrates at 100 Hz (15). The vibration amplitude of this probe
increases from zero to a maximum of399.9 J.Ull.
Tests procedures
All participants gave informed consent before the study. One investigator (RvK) performed
all measurements and most assessments took place in the morning. Vibration threshold was
assessed at the dorsum of the distal interphalangeal joint of the index finger, ulnar styloid
process, dorsum of the interphalangeal joint of the hallux, and internal malleolus. The
examination was always performed at the right side of the body with the exception of those
with an injury or malformation at that particular side. The measures were obtained in a quiet,
comfortably warm, central heating temperature controlled room at our outpatient clinic or in
bedrooms of homes for elderly people (20 0 _22 0 C). The tuning fork was applied as
perpendicular as possible resting on its own weight with the arms of the fork swinging
42 Chapter 2
maximally. The participants were asked to lie at ease in supine position and indicate the
moment when they no longer perceived the decreasing vibration stimulus. The readings of
three repeated tests were averaged and considered the vibration threshold for that particular
site of examination. In addition, vibration sense was assessed with the Vibrameter in half of
the selected healthy controls of each age group, stratified for sex (48 men; 52 women; total n
= 100), and all patients with polyneuropathy. Vibration threshold was measured according to
the method of limits (15). The subjects were asked to indicate when the vibration stimulus
was felt for the first time (perception threshold) and when this stimulus disappeared again
(disappearance threshold). The average of these 3-paired measurements was considered the
vibration threshold at the location investigated. The Vibrameter was applied resting on its
own weight and its equilibration was electronically controlled. Each cycle of measurement
included catch trials with a resting probe.
Vibration threshold reference values for the Rydel-Seiffer tuning fork were calculated for
the four sites examined, depending on age and sex, using linear and quadratic regression
analysis at a chosen specificity of 95%. The 5% lower limits for the Rydel-Seiffer tuning
fork were estimated for each site of examination as the mean - 1.65*Sres. The mean was
defmed as the mean vibration threshold for a certain age (and gender) and Sres was
considered the residual standard deviation around the regression line. The 95th percentile
vibration threshold values for the Vibrameter were also calculated. The obtained limits were
estimated and further used to determine new specificities and sensitivities for both
instruments. A vibration sense was considered to be abnormal if the corresponding value
was below the 5% lower limit when examined with the tuning fork or above the 95 th
percentile vibration value when investigated with the Vibrameter at the same site of
examination. The correlation between the two instruments was analysed by Spearman's rank
correlation coefficient. All analyses were performed using Stata 5.0 for Windows 95 (Stata
Statistical Software: Release 5.0. 702 University Drive East, College station, TX: Stata
Corporation; 1997). A p-value < 0.05 was considered to be significant.
The whole procedure of assessing vibration sense with the Rydel-Seiffer tuning fork took
about 5 minutes, whereas measurements with the Vibrameter needed 10-15 minutes to be
completed. In the healthy controls, there was a significant regression between age and the
acquired vibration threshold values for the Rydel-Seiffer tuning fork at each site of
examination (p < 0.0001). The corresponding graphics show for each location that the
vibration threshold values decrease with ageing (figures 2-5, page 46-47). The obtained
equations were linear at each site examined, except for the internal malleolus. At the latter,
the vibration thresholds had a quadratic regression on age. Only at this location, a significant
regression was also found between the vibration values and sex (p < 0.0001). The calculated
vibration thresholds at this side were 0.51 higher (scale 0-8) for women compared to men.
The 5% lower limit values were calculated for each age (and sex) at each location and
additionally translated for use in clinical practice (table 2, page 48). The values for vibration
sense were higher in the arms than in the legs. In addition, there was a significant (p <
Rydel-Seiffer tuningfork: Vibration threshold normal values and validity study 43
0.0001) negative correlation between the results of the two instruments at all sites examined.
In the healthy controls, the Spearman's rank correlation coefficient (Srcc) ranged from -0.46
at the index finger to a maximum of -0.65 at the hallux. In the group of patients with
polyneuropathy, the Srcc showed almost the same pattern, ranging from -0.46 at the internal
malleolus to a maximum of -0.71 at the hallux.
When studying the patients with a mild polyneuropathy at a chosen specificity of 95%, the
corresponding sensitivity of the Rydel-Seiffer tuning fork ranged from 29% at the ulnar
styloid process to a maximum of 76% at the hallux. The Vibrameter had a sensitivity that
ranged from 31 % at the index fmger to a maximum of 73% at the hallux (table 3, page 48).
The Rydel-Seiffer tuning fork detected at the locations in the legs a total of 8 patients more
compared to the Vibrameter. There was no difference in sensitivity between the two devices
when examining the patients at the arms. In addition, in participants of 50 years and older
the Vibrameter showed a considerable variability between the three obtained vibration
values. Variability between the values obtained with the tuning fork was rarely seen.
The vibration values at the four sites of examination in the healthy controls and
polyneuropathy patients were combined in each participant in order to calculate new
sensitivities and specificities at a chosen definition for having polyneuropathy. The 5%
lower limit values obtained for the Rydel-Seiffer tuning fork and the 95th percentile vibration
values for the Vibrameter were used for this purpose. Describing polyneuropathy as an
abnormal vibration sense at at least one of the four sites examined with the Rydel-Seiffer
tuning fork resulted in a sensitivity of 83% and a specificity of 80%. The sensitivity and
specificity for the Vibrameter were 78% and 86%, respectively. The corresponding
sensitivity and specificity when at least 2 sites investigated demonstrated an abnormal
vibration sense was 63% and 94% for the tuning fork, and 61 % and 98% for the Vibrameter.
The present study provides clinical useful normal values for the vibration sense using the
graduated Rydel-Seiffer tuning fork at four sites of examination. These normal values are
different from those provided by the literature. Claus, et a!. stated that individuals up to 40
years should score at least 6/8 and those above 40 years at least 4/8 (7). The difference may
be explained by the difference in study design: their population consisted of only 73 healthy
controls and no information was given regarding stratification for age and sex. Moreover,
examination was performed only at the internal malleolus and thus no values were provided
for the arms or the hallux. Three other studies provided normal values for only one site of
examination, but unfortunately these values were presented in a graphical way and not
translated for general clinical use (table I, page 45; 8-10). Thivolet et a!., however,
examined 88 healthy controls at 4 different sites, but only the hallux was graphically
presented (8).
We found an age-related decrease in vibration sense for all four sites of examination.
Pearson (16) was the first to report an age-related decrease and subsequently, numerous
reports have confirmed this fmding (3,5,8-10,15,17-23). The significance of this decline is
not clear and neither is its cause. However, it is known that degenerative transformations of
the Pacinian corpuscles, demyelinisation and fibre loss in peripheral nerves occur with
44 Chapter 2
Figure 1
( )
A B c D E F
Legend to figure 1
Extremities of the Rydel-Seiffer graduated tuning fork at rest (A). Once the extremities are swinging, the
fork vibrates at 64 Hz and the triangles on the weights appear double CB--"7E). The intersection of these !\va
virtual triangles moves from 0 to 8 in an exponential way with decreasing vibration-amplitude of the anns
ageing (24). Degenerative changes also occur in the central nervous system with advancing
age that may also account for the decreasing vibration sense (18,24-26). The decrease of
vibration sense with age is, however, gradual and there is no trend towards absent vibration
sense in healthy old persons, not even at the hallux (figure 4). We are inclined to conclude
that absence of vibration sense, even in elderly people, should therefore be considered as
abnormal. Many experienced investigators and neurologists make explicit references to a
"non-specific neuropathy of ageing" and suggest that these changes occur uniquely during
the ageing of peripheral nerves (24,26). However, interpretation of an absent distal vibration
sense should be carefully taken, and preferably viewed in the context of other symptoms or
signs compatible with a polyneuropathy. A thorough evaluation to identify possible causes
should always be performed prior to attributing these abnormalities to ageing.
The obtained normal vibration values were higher for the arms than for the legs. These
findings have also been reported by others (5,17,18). A possible explanation for these
variances can be found in the differences in length of nerves between the arms and legs. It is
known that longer axons are more prone to degeneration of distal regions, possibly due to a
metabolic abnormality leading to failure of axonal transport and subsequent degeneration
The sensitivity of the Rydel-Seiffer tuning fork for patients with a polyneuropathy is highly
dependent on the selection of patients. In patients with predominantly motor signs and those
with only small size myelinated/unmyelinated nerve disturbances it might be expected that
Rydel-Seiffer luning/ark: Vibration threshold nonnal values and validity study 45
Table 1
ReQorted studies in which the graduated RvdelMSeiffer tuning fork was used
Authors {ref.} Years POl!ulation si.te of examination reference values Eguation
Claus et al. (7) 1988 73 healthy persons internal malleolus <40 yrs -> > 6/8 Log(VTFO.01S·ugc - 0.9..
26DMpnp >40 yrs -> > 4/8
Crausaz et al. (10) 1988 177 healthy persons external malleolus - (graphic)
89 DM patients
Thivolet et al. (8) 1990 88 healthy persons hallux/internal - (graphic)
189 DM patients malleolus/tibial
Liniger et al. (9) 1990 214 healthy persons first metatarsal - (graphic) 10g(8.5 - VTl-"'0.009·ugc-
192 DM patients
Hotta et al. (14) 1994 57 DM patients first three fingers
Hilz et al. (13) 1995 40 uremic pnp internal malleolus
35 alcohol pnp
Hilz et al. (12) 1995 20 uremic pnp internal malleolus
Bergin et al. (11) 1995 32 healthy persons internal malleolus!
25 EnE ('?) tibial tuberositas
the sensitivity for detecting vibration sense abnormalities using this tuning fork will be low.
Most patients with a polyneuropathy in the present study had limited sensory disturbances
and hardly ambulatory problems. These fmdings might explain the low sensitivity that was
found at the sites examined in the arms and the somewhat higher sensitivity for the two
locations investigated in the legs. The vibration threshold values obtained with the Rydel-
Seiffer tuning fork showed a significant correlation with those of the Vibrameter. This
correlation was, however, moderate and was probably due to an increasing variability
between the values obtained with the Vibrameter in participants 50 years and older. A
considerable variability when applying the Vibrameter in elderly people has also been
reported earlier (15,23,28). Others have shown a significant correlation between these two
instnunents (9-11). Hotta et al. found a good correlation between a variant of the graduated
Rydel-Seiffer tuning fork and the Vibrameter and stated that the tuning fork provided
objective and reliable measurements of vibration sense (14).
The pocket-sized Rydel-Seiffer tuning fork detected slightly more abnormalities in the
selected group of patients with a polyneuropathy than the Vibrameter. The present study also
demonstrates that the Rydel-Seiffer tuning fork is easily applicable, does not require long
periods of attention, and measures vibration sense quicker than the Vibrameter.
The clinical significance of a screening test depends not only on its simplicity and validity,
but also on its reliability and sensitivity to register clinically relevant information. Long-term
follow-up of patients with a polyneuropathy will determine the sensitivity of the Rydel-
Seiffer tuning fork to changes in time and will indicate whether clinical improvement
correlates with improvement in vibration sense. This is currently being evaluated more
extensively in a group of patients with immune-mediated polyneuropathies with various
degrees of severity. Its interobserver and intraobserver reliability and sensitivity to register
changes in time are under investigation. In conclusion, our fmdings indicate that the Rydel-
Seiffer tuning fork is a simple instnunent that rapidly measures vibration sense in a semi-
quantitative way. Clinical useful vibration threshold normal values are provided for this
tuning fork. We propose to incorporate this pocket-sized instnunent in the routine
neurological examination.
46 Chapter 2
Figure 2
Index finger
~ II
5.0 -
3.0 -
= 2.0 -
'"' 1.0 -
5% low~r limit
0.0 - y$·/.r6.67-O.01'·u~e
~--~--, '-------,-
" 60 70 80 90 100
Legend to figure 2
Vibration threshold values obtained by the Rydel-Seiffer tuning fork at the Index finger. Residual standard
deviation (SDres = residual standard deviation around the mean regression line) = 0.62.
Figure 3
Ulnar styloid process
8.0 -
7.0 - I
;; 5.0 -
-" 4.0 -
3.0 .
,..,S 2.0 -
1.0 J n
:5% lower limit
20 30 .
L.________- ,____, -____, -__- ,_____ ,-----,--
60 70
,. 100
Legend to figure 3
Vibration threshold values obtained by the Rydel~Seiffer tuning fork at the Ulnar styloid process. Residual
standard deviation (SDres = residual standard deviation around the mean regression line) = 0.55.
Rydel-Seiffer tuningfork: Vibration threshold normal values and validity study 47
Figure 4
= 5.'
;; ~-
'" 4.' ~
'.9"=" 3.' ~
;:; 2.. ~
I.' ~
IT 5¥.. low~...
••• 1,- ~--~-----,---
10 20 3. 4' 50 60 7. 90 100
Legend to figure 4
Vibration threshold values obtained by the Rydel-Seiffertuning fork at the Hallux. Residual standard deviation
(SDres::::: residual standard deviation around the mean regression line)::::: 0.99.
Figure 5
Internal Malleolus
;; S••
'" 4..
! 2.0 -,
1.0 ~
II 5% low .... limit
ym .....-6.80-0.51*~Cl:-o.0002*1I):c*~
a F~D"tle 0
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Legend to figure 5
Vibration threshold values obtained by the Rydel-Seiffer tuning fork at the Internal malleolus. Residual
standard deviation (SDres::::: residual standard deviation around the mean regression line)::::: 0.89. Sex = 1
(male); Sex = 0 (female).
48 Chapter 2
Table 2
Normal vibration threshold values (5% lower limit) in healthy controls using the Rydel-Seiffer
tuning fork
For the UDDer extremities For the lower extremities
Age (years) Values Age (years) Values
:::;40 ;:: 6.5 ~40 ~4.5
41-85 ~6.0 41-60 ~4.0
> 85 "2:.5.5 61 - 85 ::?:3.5
> 85 :?:3.0
Legend to Table 2
Sites of examination: Dorsum of the distal interphalangeal joint of the index finger, the ulnar styloid
process, dorsum of the interphalangeal joint of the hallux and the internal malleolus. Values: 0-8. The
vibration threshold values are presented in rounded numbers.
Table 3
Sensitivity of the Rydel-Seiffer (RS) tuning fork compared to the Vibrameter in patients with a mild
polyneuropathy (chosen specificity 0[95%) (0=59)
Location RS tuning fork Vibrameter
number of patients with abnormal number of patients with abnormal
vibration value (%) vibration value (%)
Ulnar styloid process 17 (29%) 18 (31%)
Index fmger 19(32%) 19 (32%)
Internal malleolus 34 (58%) 28 (48%)
Hallux 45 (76%) 43 (73%)
Abnormal vibration sense at:
osite of examination 10 (17%) 13 (22%)
1 site of examination 12 (20%) 10 (17%)
2 sites of examination 19 (32%) 18 (31%)
3 or 4 sites of examination 18 (31%) 18 (31%)
Rydel-Seiffer tuning/ark: Vibration threshold normal values and validity study 49
1. Schaumburg RR, Berger AR, Thomas PK. Anatomical classification of peripheral nervous system
disorders. In: Disorders of peripheral nerves. 2nd edition, Philadelphia: FA Davis Company, 1992:10-24.
2. Bickerton RC, Barr GS. The origin of the tuning fork. J R Soc Med 1987;80:771-773.
3. Bloom S, Till S, S6nksen P, et af. Use of a biothesiometer to measure individual vibration thresholds
and their variation in 519 non-diabetic sUbjects. Br Med J 1984;288: 1793-1795.
4. Arezzo TC, Schaumburg HR. The use of the Optacon as a screenig device. J Occup Med 1980:22:461-
5. Dyck PJ, Kames J, O'Brien PC, et af. Detection thresholds of cutaneous sense in humans. In: Dyck PJ,
Thomas PK, Griffin JW, et af. eds. Peripheral neuropathy. 3rd edition, Philadelphia: WB Saunders
Company, 1993: 706-728.
6. Rydel A, Seiffer W. Untersuchungen tiber das vibrationsgefiihl oder die sog. '''Knochensensibiliilit''
(PaUiisthesie). Archiv fUr Psychiatrie und Nervenkrankenheiten 1903;37:488-536.
7. Claus D, Carvalho VP, Neund6rfer B, et af. Zur unterzuchung des vibrationsempfindens. Nervenarzt
1988;59: 138-142.
8. Thivolet C, El Farkh J, Petiot A, et aJ. Measuring vibration sense with graduated tuning fork. Diab Care
9. Liniger C, Albeanu A, Bloise D, et al. The tuning fork revisited. Diab Med 1990;7:859-864.
10. Crausaz FM, Clavel $, Liniger C, et af. Additional factors associated with plantar ulcers in diabetic
neuropathy. Diab Med 1988;5:771-775.
11. Bergin P$, Bronstein .AM, Murray NMF, et af. Body sway and vibration perception thresholds in normal
ageing and in patients with polyneuropathy. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1995:58:335-340.
12. Rilz MJ, Claus D, Resl G, et af. Besserung des temperatur- und vibrationsempfindens bei chronischer
urtunie nach einzeldialyse. Fortschr Neurol Psychiat 1995;63:264-269.
13. Rilz MJ, Zimmerman P, Resl G, et af. Vibrameter testing facilitates the diagnosis of uremic and
alcoholic polyneuropathy. Acta Neurol Scand 1995;92:486-490.
14. Hotta N, Sugimura K, Tsuchida I, et af. Use of the C64 quantitative tuning fork and the effect of
niceritrol in diabetic neuropathy. Clin Ther 1994;16:1007-1015.
15. Goldberg JM, Lindblom U. Standardised method of detennining vibratory perception thresholds for
diagnosing and screening in neurological investigation. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1979:42:793-
16. Pearson GHJ. Effect of age on vibratory sensibility. Arch Neurol Psychiatry 1928:20:482-496.
17. De Michele G, Filla A, Coppola N, et af. Influence of age, gender, height and education on vibration
sense. A study by tuning fork in 192 normal subjects. J Neurol Sci 199U05:155-l58.
18. Wiles PG, Pearce SM, Rice PJS, et af. Vibration perception threshold: Influence of age, height, sex, and
smoking, and calculation of accurate centile values. Diab Med 1991:8:157-161.
50 Chapter 2
19. Merchut:MP, Toleikis SC. Ageing and quantitative sensory thresholds. Electromyogr elin Neurophysiol
21. Kakmen E, Bossemeyer Jr RW, Barney J, et al. Neurological manifestations of ageing. J Gerontology
22. Steinberg FU, Graber AL. The effect of age and peripheral circulation on the perception of vibration.
Arch Phys Med RehabiI1963;44:645-650.
23. Thomson Fl, Masson EA, Boulton AJM. The clinical diagnosis of sensory neuropathy in elderly people.
Diab Med 1993:10:843-846.
24. Knox CA. Neuroanatomical changes associated with ageing in the peripheral nervous system. In: Albert
ML. Knoefel JE eds. Clinical neurology of ageing. 2 nd edition, New York: Oxford University Press,
1994: 68-78.
25. Howell TH. Senile deterioration of the central nervous system: A clinical study. Br Med J 1949;1;56~58.
26. Thomas PK. Late life neuropathy: an overview. New Iss Neurosci 1988;1:85-94.
27. Griffin JW, Watson DF. Axonal transport in neurological disease. Ann Neurol1988;23:3-13.
28. Fagius J, Wahren LK. Variability of sensory threshold detennination in clinical use. J Neurol Sci
Chapter 3
From the Department of/Neurology, 2Department a/Statistics - Daniel den Hoed Cancer Centre, Erasmus
University Medical Centre Rotterdam, dr. Molewaterplein 40,3015 GD, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. 3See
Chapter 21ar INCAT-members.
J Neural Neurosurg Psychiatry, 2000;68:669-671; published wirh permission/rom the BMJ Publishing Group
Clinically useful vibration threshold reference values were recently published for the Rydel-
Seiffer (Martin, Tuttlingen, Gennany) graduated tuning fork and its construct convergent
validity was also demonstrated after correlation with an electronic device, the Vibrameter
(see appendix I, page 207; reference I). In addition, we investigated the interobserver and
intraobserver reliability and responsiveness to clinical changes over time of this tuning fork
in patients with immune-mediated polyneuropathies (2). Patients with Guillain-Barre
syndrome (GBS), chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP), or a
polyneuropathy associated with a monoclonal gammopathy of undetennined significance
(MGUSP) were recruited, as it was argued that these disorders represent parts of a
continuum regarding their neuromuscular dysfunction pattern (3).
One hundred and thirteen patients (83 with GBS, 22 with CIDP, and 8 with MGUSP) with a
stable neurological condition were recruited from the Rotterdam immune-mediated
polyneuropathy databank and the Dutch GBS study group (stable group). A stable
neurological condition was required in order to obtain the highest reliability when assessing
vibration sense with the Rydel-Seiffer tuning fork. These selected patients still had residual
symptoms andlor signs due to their illness, representing a broad range of disability. Nine
CIDP patients required interval treatment ranging from weeks to months, with intravenous
immunoglobulin (IVIg). With this therapy their clinical condition has been stable for more
than 6 months.
Twenty other patients recently diagnosed with GBS (n = 7) or CIDP (n = 13) were enrolled
to investigate the responsiveness of the Rydel-Seiffer tuning fork (longitudinal group). All
GBS and CIDP patients met the research criteria for their illness (4,5). The diagnosis
MGUSP was established after excluding all possible causes for the gammopathy and
polyneuropathy (6).
Assessment tool/scale
The Rydel-Seif.fer tuning fork (Martin, Tuttlingen, Gennany) is a graduated fork that
detennines the ability of individuals to discriminate between various vibration intensities
(see appendix J, page 207; references 1,7). A triangle and an arbitrary scale from 0
(minimum score) to 8 (maxiroum score) imprinted on the weights allow quantitative
vibration assessment. Once the arms are swinging, the fork vibrates at 64 Hz and the
triangles on the weights appear double. The intersection of these two virtual triangles moves
from 0 to 8 in an exponential way with decreasing vibration-amplitude of the arms (I).
The Overall disability sumscore is composed by recently published arm and leg disability
scales that were slightly modified, with a total score ranging from 0 ("no signs of disability")
to 12 ("most severe disability score") (8). This scale was assessed to investigate the possible
impact of vibration sense abnonnalities on total disability. The overall disability sumscore
comprises a good functional description of the arms and legs in a checklist fonn suitable for
interviewing patients. Daily arm activities like dressing upper part of the body, doing and
Rydel-Seiffer tuning/ark: Reliability and responsiveness studies 53
undoing buttons and zips, washing and brushing hair, using a knife and fork, and turning a
key in a lock are scored as being "not affected", "affected but not prevented" or "prevented".
Subsequently, these results are translated into an arm grade (score range: 0 [normal arm
abilities1 to 5 [severe symptoms and signs in both arms preventing all purposeful
movements D. The leg scale highlights problems regarding walking taking into account the
use of a device. The obtained results are also translated into a leg grade (score range: 0
[walking is not affected] to 7 [restricted to wheelchair or bed most of the day, preventing all
purposeful movements of the legsD (8).
Test procedures
General aspects. All participants gave informed consent before the study. All measures were
obtained in a quiet and temperature controlled room at our outpatient clinic. The patients
were examined in supine position. Vibration was assessed from distal to proximal and ouly
the most affected side and the highest extension of dysfunction were registered for the arms
and legs separately. The tuning fork was applied as perpendicular as possible resting on its
own weight with the arms of the fork swinging maximally. The vibration extinction
threshold was considered as the nearest value (recorded as a multiple of 0.5 points) to the
apparent point of intersection of the virtual triangles when the patient indicates that vibration
was no longer perceived. This threshold was calculated by averaging the readings of three
repeated tests. The averaged values were compared with the recently reported vibration
threshold normal values and graded as follows: normal (grade = 0) or disturbed (grade = I)
vibration sense at the dorsum distal interphalangeal joint of the index finger or hallux;
abnormal sense at the ulnar styloid process or medial malleolus (grade = 2), at the medial
humerus epicondyle or patella (grade = 3), at acromio-clavicular joint or anterior superior
iliac spine (grade = 4) (I).
Reliability. For the reliability assessment of the tuning fork, two senior neurologists and six
residents in neurology formed 28 different pairs of examiners. Preceding the study, all
investigators received instructions in assessing the outcome measures. Twenty-seven
("variable") couples examined a total of 68 patients (2 to 3 patients a couple). The remaining
45 patients were investigated by the "experienced" couple (couple number I). This couple
was formed to investigate the effect of training and thus a possible increase in interobserver
and intraobserver reliability when using the Rydel-Seiffer tuning fork more often.
The stable patients were examined at two different occasions at our outpatient clinic. During
the first visit the members of an appointed pair performed their scores independently and
consecutively (usually within 2 hours) (inter-observer measures). Within 2-4 weeks, the
patient returned for a second visit and only one investigator of the earlier assigned pair of
researchers examined the patient again without having access to previous results (intra-
observer measures). The assessments sequence at entry and the examination at the second
visit were equally distributed among the members of an assigned couple. Overall, each
member of a couple examined approximately the same amount of patients as their partner.
The Rydel-Seiffer tuning fork and the overall disability sumscore were assessed at each
visit. However, only the values of the overall disability sumscore at entry were used to
determine the range of disability in this group of patients.
Responsiveness. Vibration sense and the overall disability sumscore were assessed in the
longitudinal group of patients by the same clinician (ISlM) at study entry and 8-13 times in
each patient during follow-up. There was a standard follow-up schedule (weeks 0, 2, 4, 8,
54 Chapter 3
12, 16, 21, 26, 40, 52) with additional investigations if necessary. The stndy took place
between March 1997 and July 1999 and was part of a comprehensive research on outcome in
patients with immune-mediated polyneuropathies on behalf of the INCA T-group.
The interobserver and intraobserver reliability for the obtained vibration sense grades was
determined using the weighted kappa-statistic (K) measures for the two investigator
("experienced" and "variable") groups (9). The weights of the kappa were defined as I-[U-
)/(k-I)f (i = rows and) = columns of the ratings by two observers, k= maximum number of
possible ratings).
Responsiveness was investigated by calculating the standardised response mean (SRM)
score for the total vibration grades at various arbitrarily chosen occasions during follow-up
(weekS 12, 26, 40, 52) (10). The SRM is equal to the mean change in score divided by the
standard deviation of the change in score (SRM=).ti-).to/SD().tHw); ).ti = mean vibration
score of the longitndinally examined group at week = i; ).to = mean vibration score at week =
0) (10). According to Cohen, an SRM value between 0.5 and 0.8 is considered moderate,
and 0.8 or greater as good responsiveness (II).
In the longitndinally followed patients, random effects linear regression analyses of the
overall disability sumscore values on the total vibration grades (arm [range: 0 - 4] + leg
vibration grades [range: 0 - 4] = total vibration grades [range: 0 - 8] in each patient) were
performed, taking into account the correlation of the data caused by the longitndinal
structure. The latter was achieved using the program "xtreg" in STATA 5.0 for Windows 95
which is based upon a cross-sectional time-series regression model as described by Dwyer
and Feinleib (StataCorp. 1997. Stata Statistical Software: Release 5.0. College Station, TX:
Stata Corporation) (12). A logarithmic transformation was applied to the variables (total
vibration grades, overall disability sumscore) before the regression stndies. Finally, median
total vibration grades and disability scores at 12, 26, 40, and 52 weeks of follow-up were
compared with the median value at entry (Wilcoxon signed-rank test). All analyses were
performed using STATA 5.0 for Windows 95. A p-value::; 0.05 was considered statistically
General aspects. The basic characteristics of all patients in the current stndy are presented in
the table 1. The stable group of patients (54 females; 59 males; median age 56, range 14 - 84
years) had a median duration of symptoms at onset of the stndy of 5.1 years. The median
overall disability sumscore in this group was 4 at entry (range: 0 - II). In these patients, the
median value of the total vibration grades (arm + leg vibration grades) was I (range: 0 - 8) at
all three assessments. Seven of these patients were bed bound and fourteen patients required
assistance or a device to walk short distances. The remaining patients could walk
Eight females and twelve males (median age 54.0, range IS - 70 years) were examined
longitndinally (table I). In these patients, the median overall disability sumscore was at entry
Rydel-SeijJer tuning/ork: Reliability and responsiveness studies 55
Table 1
Characteristics of patients with immune-mediated polyneuropathies
Stable group (0 -113: GBS 83, emp 22, MGUSP 8)
Sex. No (%) Females 54 (48%)
Males 59 (52%)
Median age at start of the study (range) in years 56 (14 - 84)
Median duration of symptoms till onset of study (years)
Overall 5.1
GBS 5.2
eIDP 3.9
Longitudinal group (0 "'" 20~ GBS 7. CIDP 13)
Sex. No (%) Females 8 (40%)
Males 12 (60%)
Median age at start of the study (range) in years 54 (15 - 70)
5 (range: 3 - 1\). At study entry, four patients were bed bound, one requiring artificial
ventilation, and nine patients were unable to walk independently. The initial median total
vibration grade was 4 (range: 0 - 8) in these patients.
Reliability and Responsiveness of the Rydel-Seiffer tuning fork. In the stable group, good
interobserver and intraobserver reliability values were demonstrated for the Rydel-Seiffer
tuning fork by the "experienced" and "variable" couples (table 2).
All longitudinally examined patients experienced during follow-up sensory disturbances
including abnonnalities in vibration sense as assessed with the Rydel-Seiffer tuning fork. A
total of 185 visits were completed during a follow-up period of 26 - 58 weeks. With the
exception of one patient with GBS who only experienced mild symptoms, all patients
received initial treatment with IVIg (0.4 glkg/day for 5 consecutive days). All but one
patient with eIDP showed good functional improvement on Mg. The non-responder
received a course of treatment with oral prednisone (100 mg/day), for 4 consecutive weeks.
This patient also improved with this therapy and prednisone was tapered down in 5 months
period to 30 mg every other day.
The patients with GBS did not show any deterioration. After initial improvement, all 12
Mg responsive eIDP patients showed deterioration in their clinical condition with
Table 2
Reliability evaluation of the Rydel-Seiffer tuning fork in patients with a clinically stable immune-
mediated polyneuropathy
"Experienced" couple of "Variable" couples of Total
examiners examiners
(couple number 1) (couples number 2~28)
45 pticnts 68 eaticnts (n=I13)
Reliability Weighted kappa (x,:)2 p-valuc Weighted kappa (x,:)2 p-valuc
Intcrobserver values anns 0.67 <0.0001 0.77 <0.0001
Intcrobscrver values legs 0.83 <0.0001 0.82 <0.0001
Intraobserver values arms 0.98 <0.0001 0.71 <0.0001
Intraobserver values legs 0.79 <0.0001 0.85 <0.0001
Interobserver values anns+legs 0.80 <0.0001 0.86 <0.0001 values anns+leE:s 0.90 <0.0001 0.84 <0.0001
56 Chapter 3
median vaiUe.'l median valUf::i
0- ,~_
Legend to figure
Twenty patients (7 GBS, 13 CIDP) were longitudinally examined. A total of 185 visits were completed.
Total vibration grades:::; arm + leg vibration values and range from 0 (''no vibration abnonnalities") to 8
('"'most severe vibration abnonnalities"). The overall disability sumscore ranges from 0 ('''no signs of
disability") to 12 ("most severe disability score"). The association between these two variables is expressed
in (C) using regression analyses, taking into account the clustering of data at the individual patient's level (R
~ 0.65; P < 0.0001; see also section statistics: ''xlreg'') (12).
In tbe current stndy, good interobserver and intraobserver reliability and high responsiveness
are demonstrated for tbe Rydel-Seiffer graduated tnning fork in patients witb immune-
Rydel-SeifJer tuning/ork: Reliability and responsiveness studies 57
mediated polyneuropathies. Hence, all clinimetric requirements are accomplished for this
tuning fork by combining these results with literature fmdings (1,2,13-15). Others have also
demonstrated acceptable reliability values for this instrument (13-15). However, by contrast
with the current study, these reliability values were reported only for distal examination in
the limbs (13-15). Thivolet and associates reported within-test variations in the arms, but
unfortunately vibration sense was only assessed at the thumbs (15). In the current study,
more frequent use of the Rydel-Seiffer tuning fork did not show consistently higher
reliability values, thus excluding a learning effect.
A significant association was found between the total vibration grades as assessed with the
Rydel-Seiffer tuning fork and the overall disability sumscore in the longitudinally examined
patients. A general decrement in disability score was often accompanied by a decrease in
vibration abnormalities (figure). Apparently, this convenient pocketsize instrument monitors
not only the proprioceptive function, but also provides indirect information regarding the
impact of vibration abnormalities on the functional abilities of patients as measured with the
overall disability sumscore. Similar fmdings were recently reported in a study comparing the
clinical picture of patients with an axonal versus demyelinating MGUSP (16). Patients with
an axonal form had lower disturbances of vibration and joint position senses that
corresponded with a higher functional ability (16).
Vibration sense changes over time were adequately captured using the standardised response
mean score (SRM), a statistical method postulated by Liang and associates to measure
responsiveness (10). To our knowledge, this paper is the first to report on responsiveness for
the Rydel-Seiffer tuning fork.
With respect to the aims in the current study, some methodological issues should be
addressed. First, the obtained SRM scores for the total vibration grades assessed with the
Rydel-Seiffer tuning fork only showed responsiveness within one group of patients. It is not
clear whether substantial discriminative responsiveness scores will be obtained for this fork
when evaluating different groups of patients, for example in a trial setting comparing a
placebo versus a treatment group (17). Second, a significant association was demonstrated
between the total vibration grades and overall disability sumscore. The use of the Rydel-
Seiffer tuning fork may therefore be suggested as an indirect indicator of general recovery.
However, this should be done with some caution, because we did not determine the portion
of disability due to vibration sense disturbances as assessed with this fork compared with for
example muscle strength changes. Future studies are required to determine which
impairment quality will have the strongest impact on disability in patients with sensory-
motor immune-mediated polyneuropathies.
In conclusion, good interobserver and intraobserver reliability and responsiveness values are
provided for the Rydel-Seiffer graduated tuning fork in patients with immune-mediated
polyneuropathies. Hence, all clinimetric requirements are fulfilled for this tuning fork by
combining these results with literature findings. The incorporation of this instrument is
therefore suggested in routine neurological examination, particularly for the assessment of
vibration sense in patients with polyneuropathies.
58 Chapter 3
1. Martina IS], van Koningsveld R, Schmitz PIM, et a1. Measuring vibration threshold with a graduated
tuning fork in nOITIlal ageing and in patients with polyneuropathy. J Neural Neurosurg Psychiatry
2. Hobart Je, Lamping DL, Thompson AJ. Evaluating neurological outcome measures: the bare essentials.
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1996;60:127-130.
3. Hartung H-P. van der Meche FGA, Pollard ID. Gui11ain-Barre syndrome, eIDP and other chronic
immune-mediated neuropathies. Curr Opin N eurcI 1998; 11 :497-513.
4. Ad Hoc subconunittee of the American Academy of Neurology AIDS task force. Research criteria for
diagnosis of chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP). Neurology 1991 ;41:6 I7-618.
5. Asbury AK and Cornblath DR. Assessment of current diagnostic criteria for Guillain-Barre Syndrome.
Ann Neurol 1990;27(suppl):S21-S24.
7. Rydel A and Seiffer W. Untersuchungen tiber das vibrationsgefiihl oder die sog. "Knochensensibilitat"
(Pallasthesie). Archiv for Psychiatrie und Nervenkrankenheiten 190337:488-536.
9. Cohen J. Weighted kappa: Nominal scale agreement with provision for scaled disagreement or part
credit. Psychol Bull 1968;70:213-230.
10. Liang MR, Fossel AB, Larson MG. Comparisons of five health status instruments for orthopaedic
evaluation. Med Care 1990;28:632-642.
11. Cohen J. Statistical power analysis for the behavioural sciences. New York, Academic Press, 1977.
12. Dwyer J, Feinleib M: Introduction to statistical models for longitudinal observation, in Dwyer J,
Feinleib M, Lippert P, Hoffmeister H (eds): Statistical models for longitudinal studies of health. New
York, Oxford University Press, 1992: pp 3-48.
13. Crausaz FM, Clavel S, Liniger C, et al. Additional factors associated with plantar ulcers in diabetic
neuropathy. Diab Med 1988;5:771-775.
14. Liniger C, Albeanu A, Bloise D, et al. The tuning fork revisited. Diab Care 1990;7:859-864.
15. Thivolet C, EI Farkh J, Petiot A, et al. Measuring vibration sensation with graduated tuning fork. Diab
Care 1990;13:1077-1080.
16. Gorson KC, Ropper AB. Axonal neuropathy associated with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined
significance. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1997;63: 163-168.
17. Guyatt G, Walter S, Normal G. Measuring change over time: Assessing the usefulness of evaluative
instruments. J Chron Dis 1987;40:171-178.
Chapter 4
From the Department ojiNeurology, 2Department of Statistics - Daniel den Hoed Cancer Centre, Erasmus
University Medical Centre Rotterdam. dr. Molewaterplein 40.3015 GD, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. 3See
Chapter 2 for INCAT-members.
Neurology 2000;54:943-949; published with permission from the American Academy ofNeurology
The increased emphasis on accuracy in clinical neurological studies has intensified the need
for the use of clinimetric well-evaluated outcome measures to quantifY relevant deficits. In
immune-mediated polyneuropathy studies, including patients with Guillain-Barre syndrome
(GBS) or chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP), weakness has been
assessed primarily using various valid and reliable motor scales that are based on the
Medical Research Council grading system (1-4). Conversely, assessment of sensory deficit
has been performed less in these patients, although sensory abnormalities may contribute to
disability (5). It was argued that sensory deficit tends to be less obvious clinically and more
prone to SUbjective interpretation compared with motor deficit (6). These suggestions may
therefore explain the difficulties when assessing sensory deficit and the use of various
sensory scales in immune-mediated polyneuropathy studies thus far, most of them not
fulfilling all clinimetric requirements like being valid, reliable, and responsive to clinical
changes over time (5,7-24).
Prompted by these observations, we constructed a new sensory scale, the inflammatory
neuropathy cause and treatment (!NCAT) sensory sumscore (ISS), to strive for uuiformity in
assessing, during bedside examinations, various sensory qualities representing different
types of nerve fibres. This scale was constructed after a systematic literature review of all
sensory methods applied in sensory-motor immune-mediated polyneuropathy clinical studies
from January 1988 till January 1999. The ISS was created on behalf of the INCAT group, a
collaborating force of European neurologists with special interest in immune-mediated
polyneuropathies. These neurologists formed a panel that contributed to the formation and
extensive evaluation of the ISS. Moreover, the cliuimetric requirements (validity, reliability,
and responsiveness) for the ISS were examined in patients with GBS, CIDP or a monoclonal
gammopathy of undetermined siguificance related polyneuropathy (MGUSP) (25). These
disorders are suggested to represent parts of a continuum regarding their neuromuscular
dysfunction pattern (26). The construct validity of the ISS was calculated by correlation and
regression studies with the measured values of the Nine-hole peg test (a dexterity test), the
Ten-metre walking test, and an overall disability sumscore (ODSS) in all patients (27-29).
A total of 113 patients (83 with GBS, 22 with CIDP, 8 with MGUSP) with a stable clinical
condition were recruited from the Rotterdam immune-mediated polyneuropathy databank
and the Dutch GBS study group (stable group). The selected patients still had residual
symptoms or signs due to their illness, representing a broad range of disability. Nine CIDP
patients required interval treatment ranging from weeks to months, with intravenous
immunoglobulin (IVIg). With this therapy their clinical condition has been stable for more
than 6 months. Additionally, ten patients with recently diagnosed GBS (n = 4) or CIDP (n =
6) with changing clinical conditions were enrolled to investigate the responsiveness of the
ISS (longitudinal group). All GBS and CIDP patients met the international criteria for their
illness (30,31). The diagnosis MGUSP was established after excluding all possible causes
for the gammopathy and polyneuropathy (32).
Clinimetric evaluation ofa new sensory scale 61
Literature review
A systematic Medline search was performed from January 1988 till January 1999, reviewing
all methods (apar1 from traditional neurological examination) evaluating the sensory system
in clinical studies including patients with sensory-motor immune-mediated
polyneuropathies. We investigated whether these scales have been formally evaluated in
terms of being valid, reliable, and responsive before their use as a neurological outcome
measure (25). Reports published in English that included 10 patients or more were identified
using the following keywords: GBS, CIDP, acquired/idiopathic (poly)(radiculo)neuropathy,
polyneuritis, ganunopathy, dysimmune, paraprotein(a)emia, and monoclonal ganunopathy of
undetermined significance polyneuropathy.
Assessment tools/scales
The conceptual framework of the "INCAT' sensory sumscore (ISS) was created using a
judgmental approach based on literature review and consensus of an expert panel consisting
of 13 senior neurologists (all INCAT members) with special interest in immune-mediated
neurological disorders (33). The ISS ranges from 0 ("normal sensation") to 20 ("most severe
sensory deficit") and is composed by the sununation of the following sensation qualities:
pinprick arm grade [range: 0-4] and vibration arm grade [range: 0-4] and pinprick leg grade
[range: 0-4] and vibration leg grade [range: 0-4] and two-point discrimination grade [range:
0-4]. Pinprick was tested using the sharp end of an esthesiometer. Patients were asked to
indicate whether they experienced the pinprick as normal or abnormal. Paresthesia,
dysesthesia, and hyperesthesia were scored as abnormal. We sought a normal reference point
(e.g., the face) if a patient was experiencing problems indicating whether the pinprick was
normal or not. Vibration sense was tested using the validated graduated Rydel-Seiffer tuning
fork and the obtained measures were compared with the reported normative threshold values
(34). The sites of examination with corresponding grades were defined as follows: normal
(grade 0) or disturbed (grade I) pinprick or vibration sense at the dorsum distal
interphalangeal joint of the index finger or hallux; abnormal sense at the ulnar styloid
process or medial malleolus (grade 2), at the medial humerus epicondyle or patella (grade 3),
at acromio-clavicular joint or anterior superior iliac spine (grade 4). Pinprick and vibration
sense examination took place from distal to proximal and only the highest extension of
dysfunction of the most affected arm and leg was recorded separately for both qualities. If
for example, the vibration sense was scored as abnormal at the index finger at both sides, but
as normal at the styloid process, a more proximal examination was not performed. This
patient would have a vibration grade score of I for the arms. For the two-point
discrimination quality, a hand-held esthesiometer was used where the exact measurable
distance in millimetres could be read on the instrument. This instrument was assessed in a
'static' manner at the ventral side, distal phalanx of the index finger, and the corresponding
grades were arbitrarily chosen (grade 0: ::;4mm; grade I: 5-9mm; grade 2: 10-14mm; grade
3: 15-19mm; grade 4: 220mm) (see appendix I, page 208).
The Overall disability sumscore (ODSS) is composed by an arm and leg disability scale that
were slightly modified to obtain a total score ranging from 0 ("no signs of disability") to 12
Cmost severe disability score") (29). The ODSS comprises a good functional description of
the arms and legs in a checklist form suitable for interviewing patients.
The Nine-hole peg test and the Ten-metre walking test were also applied to all patients to
measure focal disability (6,27,28).
62 Chapter 4
Test procedures
General aspects. All participants gave informed consent before the start of the study. All
measures were obtained in a quiet, temperature-controlled room (approximately 20°C) at our
outpatient clinic. Sensory modalities were examined in random order with the patients lying
in supine position. The graduated tuning fork was used as described previously (34). Briefly,
this tuning fork was applied as perpendicular as possible, resting on its own weight with the
arms of the fork swinging maximally. The participants indicated the moment when they no
longer perceived the decreasing vibration stimulus. The readings of three repeated tests were
averaged and considered the vibration value for that site of examination. The time to
complete the ISS was recorded at each assessment (in seconds).
All patients received training in assessing the Nine-hole peg test before the start of the study
to exclude any training effect. This test was performed under the prescribed standard
conditions, in alternating order for both hands (6,27). Patients were also requested to walk
10 meters in a straight line at their preferential speed, using whatever aid needed (6,28).
Three measures were completed for each of these tests and the corresponding time was
recorded at each assessment (in seconds). For each test separately, the mean time of
completion was calculated by averaging the three obtained measures.
Validity and Reliability. The INCAT expert panel was asked at various occasions to review
the ISS and comment on its general structure and components, and to indicate whether this
scale measures what it is supposed to measure, thus providing face and content validity for
the ISS. Construct validity of the ISS was investigated by correlation and regression studies
with additional scales (Nine-hole peg test, Ten-metre walking test, and the Overall disability
For the assessment of reliability and construct validity of the ISS in the stable group of 113
patients, 2 senior neurologists and 6 experienced residents in neurology formed 28 different
couples. Preceding the study, all investigators received instructions in assessing the outcome
measures. Twenty-seven ("variable") couples investigated 68 patients (2 to 3 patients per
couple). The remaining 45 stable patients were investigated by the "experienced" couple.
The latter couple was formed to examine the effect of training (and thus a possible increase
in reliability) when using the ISS often.
The patients were examined at two different occasions at our outpatient clinic. During the
first visit the two members of an appointed pair acquired their scores independently and
consecutively (usually within 2 hours; interobserver measures). Within 2 to 4 weeks, the
patient returned for a second visit and only one investigator of the earlier assigned pair
examined the patient (intraobserver values) without having access to the previous results.
The assessment sequence at entry and the examination at the second visit were distributed
equally among the members of an assigned couple. Eventually, each member of a couple
examined approximately the same number of patients. All scales were assessed at each visit
in all patients. For the validity studies, only the recruited scales' values at one visit were
Responsiveness. Ten patients were longitudinally examined by the same clinician (ISJM)
and all scales were assessed at study entry and 8 to 13 times in each patient during follow-
up. There was a standard follow-up schedule (week 0, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16,21,26,32,40, and 52)
with additional clinical investigations if necessary. During each visit, the patients were
requested to judge whether their clinical condition deteriorated (grade I), remained stable
Clinimetric evaluation ofa new sensory scale 63
(grade 2), or improved (grade 3) when compared with the last visit ("clinical-judgement-
scores"). At study entry, the patients reflected their clinical condition against their physical
status within the two weeks before the start of the study. The study took place between
March 1997 and January 1999.
Validity, internal consistency. and interobserver and intraobserver Reliability. In the stable
group, correlation between the ISS and additional scales was analysed using Spearman's
rank correlation coefficient. Also, random effects linear regression analyses of the ISS on
additional scales were perfonned in the longitudinal group, taking into account the
correlation of the data caused by the longitudinal structure. The latter was achieved using the
program "xtreg" in STATA 5.0 for Windows 95 (Stata Statistical Software: Release 5.0,
1997; Stata Corporation, College Station, TX), which is based upon a cross-sectional time-
series regression model as described by Dwyer and Feinleib (35). A logarithmic
transfonnation was applied to the variables (ISS, Nine-hole peg test, Ten-metre walking test,
ODSS) before the regression analyses.
Cronbach's alpha coefficient was estimated for the ISS in both (stable and longitudinally
followed) patients groups (36). The interobserver and intraobserver reliability for the ISS
values in the stable group of patients was quantified by estimation of the intraclass
correlation coefficient using a one-way random effects analysis of variance (Anova) model
for the two investigator ("experienced" and "variable") groups.
Responsiveness. The association between the serially obtained ISS values and the clinical-
judgement-scores in these patients was estimated using "xtreg" (35). Responsiveness was
also investigated by calculating the standardised response mean (SRM) scores for the ISS at
various, arbitrarily chosen occasions during follow-up (weeks 2, 4, 12, 26, 52) (37). SRM is
equal to the mean change in score divided by the standard deviation of the change in score
(SRM = iJ.i - iJ.0/SD(iJ.i - iJ.0); iJ.i = mean ISS value of the longitudinally examined patients at
week = i; iJ.0 = mean ISS value at entry [week = OJ) (37). An SRM value between 0.5 and
0.8 is considered moderate, and ~ 0.8 as high responsiveness (37,38). Median ISS values at
12, 26, 40, and 52 weeks of follow-up were compared with the median value at entry
(Wilcoxon signed-rank test). All analyses were perfonned using Stata 5.0 for Windows 95.
A value ofp';; 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
General aspects. and Face and Content Validity of the ISS. The ISS was evaluated by
thoroughly the expert panel of 13 neurologists and was modified according to their
recommendations. Eventually, all members of this panel concluded that the ISS has face and
content validity. Subsequently, this scale was assessed in the selected patients. All eight
examiners who investigated the patients concluded that the ISS was administered easily. A
median time of270 (range: 84-751) seconds was needed to complete the ISS.
The stable group of patients (54 women; 59 men; median age 56, range 14 to 84 years) had a
median duration of symptoms till onset of the study of5.1 years. In these patients, the ISS
had a median value of 3 at all three assessments (range at first assessment: 0 to 15; at second
and third assessment: 0 to 18). The median time required to complete the Nine-hole peg test
64 Chapter 4
in these patients was 23.1 (range: 14.6 to 143.6; for the right hands) and 23.8 seconds
(range: 15.8 to 192.2; for the left hands). A median time of 8.3 (range: 5.4 to 32) seconds
was needed to walk 10 meters. The overall disability sumscore ranged from 0 to 11 (median
value: 4).
Construct Validity. Internal consistency. and interobserver and intraobserver Reliability oj
the ISS. The internal consistency value for the ISS in the stable group of patients was 0.68,
0.73, and 0.71 at first, second, and third assessments. An internal consistency value of 0.87
was obtained for the ISS in the longitudinally examined patients. The ISS was correlated
moderately with the additional scales in the stable group, thus demonstrating its validity
(Spearman's rank correlation coefficient; r = 0.38 to 0.56; p ::; 0.006; see Table). In the
longitudinally followed patients, a significant correlation was also demonstrated between the
ISS and additional scales except with the 10-meter walking test (figure 1). The interobserver
and intraobserver reliability values for the ISS ranged from R = 0.85 to 0.89 (Anova; p <
0.0001 for all associations; see Table).
Figure 1
12- R=O..IC
"I :::.o~
: 2l~
!::: 14-
-,---------- ~~~~
5 10
15 10
Legend to figure 1
Ten patients were longitudinally followed. A total of 109 visits were completed. Random effects linear
regression analyses were performed of the "INCAT' sensory sumscore (range: O(nonnal sensation] to
20[most severe sensory deficit]) on additional scales using "xtreg" (see section "Statistics"; reference 35).
The Overall disability sumscore ranges from 0 ("'no signs of disability") to 12 ("'most severe disability").
Clinimetric evaluation ofa new sensory scale 65
Responsiveness of the ISS. Four women and six men (median age 40.5, range 15-70 years)
were examined longitudinally. A total of 109 visits were completed in these patients. The
follow-up period ranged from 52 to 58 weeks. At entry, seven patients (3 patients with GBS,
4 with CIDP) were unable to walk independently. All patients experienced general loss of
strength and sensory disturbances. Except for one GBS patient, who only experienced mild
symptoms, all patients received initial treatment with IVIg (0.4 g/kg/day for 5 consecutive
days). During follow up, all patients showed good physical and functional improvement
compared with entry. The GBS patients did not show any deterioration during follow-up.
After initial improvement, all six patients with CIDP showed some clinical deterioration.
Remarkably, four of these patients demonstrated at various moments an increase in sensory
symptoms and signs with relatively stable muscle strength conditions (figure 2).
Consequently, the intervals of IVIg therapy were shortened to regain the earlier achieved
clinical and functional improvement.
Reliability and validity analyses of the "INCA T' sensory sumscore (ISS) in a stable group of patients
with immune-mediated polyneuropathies (0=113)
"Experienced" couple of examiners "Variable" couples of examiners
(couple number 1: 45 patients) (couples number 2-28: 68 patients)
Validity Spearman's rank p-value Spearman's rank p-value
"INCA T' sensory sumscore versus Correlation coefficient (r) correlation coefficient (r)
Nine-hole peg test Right hands 0.47 0.002 0.42 0.0005
Nine-hole peg test Left hands 0.53 0.0003 0.49 <0.0001
Ten-metre walking time 0.55 0.0002 0.38 0.002
Overall disability sumscore 0.41 0.006 0.56 <0.0001
Reliability Intraclass correlation p-value Intraclass correlation p-value
"INCAT' sensory sumscore coefficient (R) coefficient (R)
Interobserver agreements 0.89 <0.0001 0.86 <0.0001
Intraobserver a~eemcnts 0.85 <0.0001 0.87 <0.0001
Instruments for measuring outcome must be appropriate to the patient group being studied,
must not be time-consuming, and must be easy to administer. Also, fulfilment of the
clinirnetric demands (being valid, reliable, and responsive to changes over time) is essential
in the evaluation of such an instrument (25). In the current study, the "INCAT" sensory
66 Chapter 4
swnscore (ISS) demonstrated to be easily applicable and only required a median time of 4.5
minutes for the evaluation of various sensory modalities in patients with sensory-motor
inunune-mediated polyneuropathies. Because its validity, reliability, and responsiveness
were also demonstrated in these conditions, the ISS fulfils all clinimetric requirements (25).
Furthermore, the reproducibility of the ISS twns out to be independent of the frequent use of
Figure 2
"INCAP sensory sumscorc (ISS) and l\1RC sumscore (MRCS) changes during
follow-up in nvo patients with chronic inflammatory demyelinating
polyneuropathy treated with intermittent intravenous immunoglobulin
PlItient 1 Patient 2
;\'IReS Improv<:ment
30- -10 •
i •U
ISS imprnvcm<:nt
Follow-up p.eriod (wcck.~) Follow~up period (wcck.~)
Legend to figure 2
Two patients with chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy treated with intermittent intravenous
immunoglobulin (IVIg) were selected to illustrate the prominent changes of the ISS (range: OInonna!
sensation] - 20[most severe sensory deficit]) compared with muscle strength (MRC sumscore; range: O[total
paralysis]- 60[maximum strength]) (3). The triangles (Ll) indicate treatment moments with IVIg. The fIrst
treatment (week 0) consisted of 5 consecutive days of IVIg OAgramslkglday. Subsequent treatments
(triangles) indicate only I to 2 days oflVlg therapy with 0.4 grarnslkglday.
this scale, because the reliability values did not differ between the "variable" and
"experienced" investigative couples.
Neurological examination has been employed traditionally to assess different sensory
qualities in a wide range of disorders. During the past few decades, several attempts were
made in sensory-motor inunune-mediated polyneuropathy studies to quantifY the results of
sensory examination to reach a single score that describes a clinically detected neurological
deficit. Various sensory grading systems were applied using arbitrarily defmed scoring
systems (5,7-24). Unfortunately, except for the sensory subset of the neurological disability
score (NDS), none of these grading systems has been submitted to a comprehensive
clinimetric evaluation before their general use. Regarding the NDS sensory subset, its
validity and reliability were demonstrated in diabetes patients with signs of a polyneuropathy
(39-41). Good internal consistency was obtained for this scale in patients with hereditary and
other polyneuropathies (24). Despite these observations, the NDS has some limitations.
First, the NDS does not provide information regarding the more proximal extension of
sensory disturbances, because sensory qualities are only assessed at the index finger and
hallUX. Second, despite its general use, the NDS has not been systematically investigated in
terms of its statistic and heuristic responsiveness (42). The latter is not surprising because, of
Clinimetric evaluation ofa ne"\<v sensory scale 67
all clinimetric requirements, responsiveness has been the least studied in evaluation of
outcome measures in general (42).
Clinicians and researchers need measures that discriminate between irrelevant changes
(normal, minor fluctuations in the activity of an illness; "noise") and clinically meaningful
changes on which a treatment policy can be based ("signal"). For this purpose, the
usefulness of an outcome instrument not only depends on its simplicity, applicability,
Figure 3
15 1 Deterioration
-10 .
-15 - Improvcmcnt
- r - - - - - - - r l --
1 2 3
Deterioration Stable Improvement
Legend to figure 3
Ten patients with sensory-motor immune-mediated polyneuropathy were examined longitudinally. For each
patient, the differences between all two consecutive ISS values were calculated (= ISS value at visit-i minus
ISS value at visit-(i-l) = ISS changes). These differences were associated with the corresponding clinical-
judgement-scores using '''xtreg'' (see section "'Statistics"; reference 35). The circles in the figure represent
the measured ISS changes for all patients. A reduction in ISS changes (compatible with less sensory
disturbances over time) was associated highly with the clinical-judgement-scores by these patients (random
effects linear regression analyses: p < 0.0001).
validity, and reliability, but also on its ability to detect these meaningful changes - an ability
often addressed as "responsiveness" (42,43). A statistic and heuristic approach to examine
responsiveness of a measure have been proposed (42). Statistical responsiveness captures
the ability of an instrument to measure any change, irrespective of its relevance. Heuristic
techniques are based on comparing changes as assessed by an outcome measure with an
extemal indicator; for example, the clinical-judgement-scores by the patient in the current
68 Chapter 4
study (42,43). We examined these two approaches in the responsiveness evaluation of the
ISS. In the patients examined longitudinally, ituprovement of sensory disturbances
(corresponding with a decrease in ISS value) was related significantly to an external
criterion, the patients' clinical-judgement-scores. Additionally, the SRM scores for the ISS,
a statistical measure to assess responsiveness, were equal to or higher than the proposed
value of 0.8, thus representing good responsiveness (37,38,42). The ISS also helped to
determine whether clinical changes over titue were predominantly sensory related. As
demonstrated in figure 2, substantial ISS changes were noted during follow-up whereas
strength remained relatively stable. This is ituportant, because sensory disturbances may
contribute to disability (5).
With respect to the aitus of the current study, some methodological issues should be
addressed. First, the obtained SRM scores for the ISS only demonstrated intra-group
responsiveness. It is not clear whether substantial discriminative responsiveness scores will
be obtained for the ISS when evaluating various groups of patients (e.g., in a trial setting
comparing a placebo versus a treated group (44). Second, a significant association was
demonstrated between the ISS and disability scale. The use of the ISS may therefore be
suggested as an indirect indicator of general recovery. However, this should be done with
some caution, because we did not determine what portion of disability is due to sensory
disturbances compared with, for example, muscle strength changes. Future studies are
required to determine which impairment quality will have the strongest itupact on disability
in patients with sensory-motor itumune-mediated polyneuropathies. Third, the arbitrarily
chosen normal values for the two-point discrimination (grade = 0; ,;:; 4 mi!limetres) were
based prituarily on the experiences of the experts panel and were not evaluated formally in
terms of a possible age-related change in healthy individuals. Despite these limitations, the
ISS demonstrated to be a valuable instrument for assessing sensory deficit in patients with
sensory-motor itumune-mediated polyneuropathies.
Clinimetric evaluation ofa new sensory scale 69
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13. Gorson KC, Ropper AH. Axonal neuropathy associated with monoclonal gammopathy of undetennined
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20. Gosselin S. Kyle RA. Dyck PJ. Neuropathy associated with monoclonal gammopathies of undetermined
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21. Dyck Pl. Litchy WJ, Kratz L\.1, et al. A plasma exchange versus immune globulin infusion trial in
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22. Oksenhendler E. Chevret S, Leger J-M, et af. Plasma exchange and chlorambucil in polyneuropathy
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functional status in peripheral neuropathies. Neurology 1999:52:151-156.
25. Hobart JC, Lamping DL, Thompson AJ. Evaluating neurological outcome measures: the bare essentials.
JNeurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1996;60:127-130.
26. Hartung H-P, van der Meche FGA, Pollard ID. Guillain-Barre syndrome. CIDP, and other chronic
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27. Mathiowetz V, Weber K. Kashman N, et af. Adult norms for the nine-hole peg test of finger dexterity.
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30. Asbury AK, Cornblath DR. Assessment of current diagnostic criteria for Guillain-B~ Syndrome. Ann
31. Ad Hoc subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology AIDS task force. Research criteria for
diagnosis of chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP). Neurology 1991;41:617-618.
32. Miescher Gc, Steck AJ. Paraproteinaemic neuropathies. Bai11ieres Clin NeuroI1996:5:219-232.
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Statistical and judgmental approaches. J RbeumatoI1982:9:753-757.
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Clinimetric evaluation ofa ne,v sensory scale 71
35. Dwyer J, Feinleib M. Introduction to statistical models for longitudinal observation. In: Dwyer J,
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36. Nunnally JC. Psychometric theory. New York: McGraw Hill, 1978.
37. Liang MR, Fossel .AB, Larson MG. Comparisons of five health status instruments for orthopedic
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39. Dyck PJ, Sherman \VR.. Hallcher LM, et af. Human diabetic endoneurial sorbitol. fructose, and myo-
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From the 'Department a/Neurology, 2Department a/Statistics - Daniel den Hoed Cancer Centre, University
Hospital Rotterdam/Erasmus University. dr. Molewaterplein 40, 3015 GD, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
From the JDepartment of Neurology, Bayerische Julius-Maximilians-Universitat, Josef-Schneider Strasse
11, D-97080 Wiirzburg, Germany. 4See Chapter 21ar INCAT-members.
Muscle & Nerve 2000;23:1393-1401; published with permission from Muscle & Nerve (John Wiley & Sons Inc.)
Objectives: To provide simple and clinically useful grip strength reference values using the
hand-held Vigorimeter and to examine its validity, reliability, and responsiveness in patients
with immune-mediated polyneuropathies.
Methods: The Vigorimeter was applied in 530 healthy controls aged 5-93 years and in 113
patients with a stable neurological condition (83 who experienced Guillain-Barre syndrome
[GBS] in the past, 22 with chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy [CIDP], 8
with a polyneuropathy associated with a gammopathy of undetermined significance) (stable
group), Additionally, this instrument was utilised serially in twenty patients with recently
diagnosed GBS or CIDP and changing clinical conditions (longitudinal group). An arm
disability scale was also assessed in all patients.
Results: Graphical grip strength reference values were calculated depending primarily on
age and gender. Significant association was obtained between the Vigorimeter and the arm
disability scale values, thus demonstrating the validity of the Vigorimeter (in stable group,
Spearman rank test: r=-0.52 to -0.62; p:O:0,0005; in longitudinal group, random effect linear
regression analyses: R=0.62-0,64, p<O.OOOI). In the stable group, good inter-/intra-observer
agreements were demonstrated for the Vigorimeter (Anova: R=0.95-0.97). Standardised
response mean (SRM) scores were high in the longitudinal group, indicating good
responsiveness for this device (SRM:2:0.8).
Conclusions: This study provides clinically useful grip strength reference values using the
Vigorimeter. The validity, reliability, and responsiveness are provided for this easily
applicable instrument in patients with immune-mediated polyneuropathies. The results
emphasise the value of the Vigorimeter in assessing outcome at the impairment level and
indirectly at the disability level due to its association with the arm disability scale.
74 Chapter 5
The Medical Research Council (MRC) scale is primarily being used to assess muscle
strength in neuromuscular disease (1). Interpreting assessments by the MRC scale is
sometimes complex, because this scale has a non-linear pattem with a broad range. Perhaps,
the biggest disadvantage of the MRC scale is that not all muscles can be appropriately
measured using this instrument. An example is assessing strength of the small muscles
embracing hand function. This is particularly of importance when distal wealmess
predominates, as generally occurs in patients with polyneuropathies like Guillain-Barre
syndrome (GBS) and chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP).
Especially, when evaluating therapeutic responses at the impairment level, assessment of
muscles involving hand function gives important information. Grip strength, reflecting distal
strength and upper limb function, is a prognostic indicator of clinical and functional
recovery and is useful in monitoring the effect of treatment (2-6).
Among the instruments developed to measure grip strength quantitatively, portable
dynamometers are the most popular among neurologists and rehabilitation physicians. One
of these instruments is the Vigorimeter (Martin, Tuttlingen, Germany) (7,8). Reference
values for this instrument have been provided for right-handed healthy individuals (9-15).
However, in these studies various age groups were investigated with varying methodologies.
For example, anthropometric data were not systematically examined, number of trials for
each hand and resting periods between trials varied considerably, and various armJhandibody
positions were used. These observations hamper the general applicability of the obtained
normal values. To date, no study has covered the evaluation of grip strength by the
Vigorimeter in ages ranging from childhood to the elderly, and only a limited number of
papers have addressed the clinical usefulness of this instrument (2,3,6,16,17). The
Vigorimeter has been applied only twice in patients with immune-mediated
polyneuropathies (2,6). A good correlation was obtained between grip strength and MRC
sumscore values in a group of 11 patients with GBS, thus demonstrating the validity of the
Vigorimeter (2). However, a more extensive clinical evaluation of the Vigorimeter is
required in patients with immune-mediated polyneuropathies before its general use as an
impairment outcome measure in these disorders is recommended (18-20).
Prompted by these considerations, we collected grip strength values and personal variables
(length, weight, hand-circumference, and hand-dominance) in a large group of healthy
controls with a wide age span to determine new reference grip strength values. Additionally,
the validity, reliability, and responsiveness of the Vigorimeter were investigated in patients
with GBS, CIDP or a polyneuropathy associated with a monoclonal gammopathy of
undetermined significance (MGUSP) (18,19,21,22). The obtained grip strength values in the
patients group were related to an arm disability scale (23). This was essential, not only for
the validation of the Vigorimeter, but also to investigate whether grip strength could be used
as an indicator of disease activity at the disability outcome level (20).
Grip strength (Vigorimeter): Normal values and clinimetric evaluation 75
Healthy controls
We recruited 530 healthy controls from hospital personnel, relatives and friends
accompanying patients at our outpatient clinic, and healthy elderly, living in the village of
Nieuw-Vennep as part of the municipality of Haarlemmermeer, The Netherlands. There was
a door-to-door mailing and an article was published in a local newspaper (see addendum,
page 86), explaining the purpose and significance of the study. Attempts were made to
obtain participants representing a wide variety of social and occupational backgrounds.
Children and adolescents were recruited at one primary and one high school. The eligibility
criteria were clear conscious, independence in activities of daily living, socially active,
sufficient vision, absence of any impairment affecting upper limb function, and normal
physical development in children as reported by parents. Neurological examination was
performed in all participants with special regard to the upper limb functions. Healthy
individuals were stratified for age and gender and 10 age groups (5-9, 10-14, 15-19,20-29,
.... , 70-79, ~ 80) were formed, each group consisting of 50-55 participants. The first three
age groups had a smaller age-range to register the rapid change in grip strength during
growth more accurately.
We recruited 113 clinically stable patients (83 with GBS, 22 with CIDP, 8 with MGUSP)
from the Rotterdam immune-mediated polyneuropathy databank and the Dutch GBS study
group (stable group). These selected patients still had residual signs or symptoms of their
illness, representing a broad range of disability. Nine CIDP patients required interval
treatment ranging from weeks to months, with intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg). With
this therapy their clinical condition was stable for more than 6 months.
Twenty consecutive patients with recently diagnosed GBS (n = 7) or CIDP (n = 13) were
enrolled to investigate the responsiveness of the Vigorimeter to clinical changes over time
(longitudinal group). All patients with GBS and CIDP met the international research criteria
for their illness (24,25). The diagnosis MGUSP was established after excluding all possible
underlying causes for the garnrnopathy and polyneuropathy (26). Patients were excluded
from participation if there was any concomitant disease that might interfere with general
strength and physical functioning.
Assessment tools/scales
The Vigorimeter (Martin, Tuttlingen, Germany) is an instrument that has been used to
measure grip strength although, sttictly speaking, it measures the air-pressure in the bulb and
not force (see appendix I, page 206) (7-14, 17). The pressure in the bulb is registered on a
manometer via a rubber junction tube and expressed in kiloPascals (kPa). According to the
manufacturer's recommendation, the small bulb was used in the ages up to 10 years and the
medium-sized bulb in the remaining participants.
The arm disability scale comprises a good functional description of the arms in a checklist
form suitable for interviewing patients (23). Daily arm activities like dressing the upper part
of the body, doing/undoing buttons and zips, washing and brushing hair, using a knife and
fork, and turning a key in a lock are scored as being "not affected", "affected but not
prevented" or "prevented". Subsequently, these results are translated into an arm grade. The
76 Chapter 5
score range is from 0 (normal arm abilities) to 5 (severe symptoms and signs in both arms
preventing all purposeful movements). Hence, this scale provides a general score for both
arms. The arm disability scale is a subset of the more comprehensive Guy's neurological
disability scale (23).
Test procedures
General aspects. All partICIpants including the parents of the children gave informed
consent for the study. All assessments took place in a quiet and temperature-controlled room
(approximately 20 0 C) during daytime. Participants were examined according to the
assessment recommendations by the American Society of Hand Therapists (27). All children
were seated in appropriately sized chairs that allowed their feet to be flat on the floor. The
investigator placed the child in the standardised position and encouraged the child to remain
in that position. The bulb was positioned in the palm of the participant's hand with the air
tube extending out between the individual's thumb and index fmger, and with the fingers
wrapped around the bulb so that the fmgers touched the surface of the bulb as much as
possible. Three grip strength measurements with maximum voluntary contractions for each
hand were taken in alternating order. Between each trial a pause of30 seconds was assigned.
The results of three trials for each hand were averaged and considered the grip strength score
for that particular hand. Half of the controls in each age group started with right hand grip
assessment, and the other half with left hand grip measures, to control for the effect of order.
Healthy controls were interviewed before using the Vigorimeter by one investigator (ISJM).
Anthropometric data (body weight, height, hand-circumference) and hand-dominance were
collected. Hand circumference was assessed using a measuring tape that was circularly
applied at the distal ends of the metacarpals of digit 2 to 5. For the purpose of this study,
hand-dominance was defmed as the preferred hand for use. In children, hand dominance was
determined by asking the participants to throw a ball or use a writing implement.
Examination of the controls took place at our outpatient clinic or at the homes of the elderly;
children were investigated at their schools.
Validity and Reliability. Twenty-eight different pairs of examiners were formed by two
neurologists and six residents in neurology for the assessment of validity and reliability of
the Vigorimeter in the stable group of 113 patients. Preceding the study, all investigators
received instructions in assessing the outcome measures. Twenty-seven ("variable") couples
examined 68 patients (2 to 3 patients per couple). The remaining 45 patients were
investigated by the "experienced" couple (ISJM + JP AS). These two authors investigated the
effect of training and thus a possible increase in interobserver and intraobserver reliability
when using the Vigorimeter more often.
The patients were examined on two different occasions at our outpatient clinic. During the
first visit the two members of an appointed pair performed their scores independently and
consecutively (usually within 2 hours) (interobserver measures). Within 2 to 4 weeks, the
patient returned for a second visit and one investigator of the earlier assigned pair examined
the patient again, without having access to previous results (intraobserver values). The
assessments sequence at entry and the examination at the second visit were equally
distributed among members of an assigned couple. Overall, each member of a couple
examined the same number of patients as their partner. The scales were assessed at each visit
in all patients. For the validity studies, only the recruited scales' values at one visit were
Grip strength (Vigorimeter): Normal values and clinimetric evaluation 77
Responsiveness. Twenty patients were longitudinally examined by the same clinician (ISJM)
and the Vigorimeter and arm disability scale were assessed at study entry and 8 to l3 times
in each patient during follow-up. There was a standard follow-up schedule (week 0, 2, 4, 8,
12, 16, 21, 26, 32, 40, and 52) with additional clinical investigations if necessary. At each
visit, the patients were requested to judge whether their clinical condition deteriorated (grade
1), remained stable (grade 2) or improved (grade 3) when compared with the last visit
("clinical-judgement scores"). At study entry, the patients reflected their clinical condition
against their physical status within the two weeks before the start of the study. The study
took place between March 1997 and January 1999 and was part of a more comprehensive
research on clinical outcome measures in patients with immune-mediated polyneuropathies
on behalf of the INCAT-group.
Reference values. Grip strength reference values (median and 0.05 quantile values,
corresponding to a specificity of 95%) were calculated in the healthy controls, depending
primarily on age and sex using quantile regression analyses with restricted cubic spline
functions on age (28,29). These methods were performed to overcome the skewed
distribution of grip strength values conditional on age and sex and to identify the regression
curves that best fitted the data (28,29). Quantile regression analyses were also performed in
the control group to determine which personal variable(s), in addition to age and gender,
predict grip strength the best. These regressions were performed in each gender for the
dominant and non-dominant hands separately. These grip strength values in each gender
were the dependent variables and age, hand-circumference, length, and weight were the
independent variables.
Validity and Reliability. In the stable group, correlation between grip strength and arm
disability scale was analysed using Spearman's rank correlation coefficient. Also, random
effects linear regression analyses of grip strength on the arm disability scale values was
performed in the longitudinal group, taking into account the association of the data caused
by the longitudinal structure. The latter was achieved using the program "xtreg" in STATA
6.0 (StataCorp. 1997. Stata Statistical Software: Release 5.0. College Station, TX), which is
based upon a cross-sectional time-series regression model as described by Dwyer and
Feinleib (30). The interobserver and intraobserver reliability for the obtained grip strength
values in the stable group of patients was quantified by estimation of the intraclass
correlation coefficient using a one-way random effects analysis-of-variance model for the
two investigator ("experienced" and "variable") groups.
Responsiveness. Responsiveness was investigated by calculating the standardised response
mean (SRM) scores for grip strength at various arbitrarily chosen occasions during follow-
up (weeks 4,12,26,40,52) (31). SRM is equal to the mean change in score divided by the
standard deviation of the change in score (SRM = ~i - ~o/SD(~i - ~o); ~i = mean grip
strength value of the longitudinally examined group at week = i; ~o = mean grip strength
value at week = 0 [entry]) (31). A value between 0.5 and 0.8 is considered moderate, and ~
0.8 as high responsiveness (31,32). For each patient, the differences between all two
consecutive grip strength values were calculated (grip strength at visit-i minus grip strength
at visit-(i-l). These differences were associated with the corresponding clinical-judgement
scores (deterioration, stable or improvement) using "xtreg" (30). All analyses were
78 Chapter 5
performed using Stata 6.0 for Windows 95. A value ofp :s; 0.05 was considered statistically
General aspects. The whole procedure of interviewing, recrultmg personal data, and
assessing grip strength with the Vigorimeter took 5 to 10 minutes in each healthy participant.
According to the investigators and participants, the Vigorimeter was easily administered and
Figure 1
Grip strength values with the Vigorimeter for the dominant and
non-dominant hands in healthy males and females
, 120-,
f "I"
.. Mal",,: non-dominllDt hlUld~
.. ,..
'" " " " '" " 60
160·, 160-'
;;: 0
C ".- 120-
~ '" ".
~ 40-! ".
Fcroal",,: domirutnt hand!< J<'emnl"": nou..<Jomiruutt lumdl;
W. '00
'" " Age " " '" " A~c
Legend to Figure 1
A total of255 healthy males (89% right-handed) and 275 health females (92% right-handed) were examined.
The upper lines in each graph correspond to the calculated median grip strength values. The lower lines in
each graph represent the 0.05 quantile reference values. These values were obtained in each gender
separately using quantile regressions with restricted cubic spline functions (28,29).
Reference values for the Vigorimeter. Of the 551 healthy controls that were interviewed, 530
(275 females; 255 males) were enrolled in the study. Twenty-one individuals were excluded
from participation, based on focal abnormalities (e.g. deformities of the forearm due to
fracture, rheumatoid arthritis, Dupuytren's contracture, hemiparesis, and sigus of a
Grip strength (Vigorimeter): Nonnal values and clinimetric evaluation 79
polyneuropathy). The descriptive data of the healthy participants are presented in table l.
Most individuals were right-handed (91%). There were almost no differences in grip
strength values between the dominant and non-dominant hands in the whole group of
healthy controls (overall median differences: in healthy males 1 kPa, in healthy females 3
kPa) (figure 1). Based on these findings, only one graph was further developed for each
gender separately to obtain reference values for both hands (table 2). Maximum median grip
strength was observed in either gender at around 30 years. Males were consistently stronger
than females (table 2). Anthropometric variables (hand-circumference, length, and weight)
were consistently higher among men than women (table 1). Quantile regression analyses
showed that the median grip strength values for both sides were associated significantly with
age in both gender and with hand-circumference in men only (p < 0.0001).
Table 1
Descriptive data of the healthv controls
Variables Males Females
Nwnber ofp:J.rticipants n044 n=40 n=l71 n=48 n=41 n=186
Age range [years]: mean (SD) 5~12 13-19 20~93 5-12 13~19 20-93
8.5 (2.4) 15.7 (1.9) 52.6 (19,9) 8.5 (2.4) 15,6 (1.7) 54.2 (2004)
Hand-dominance Right 40 (91%) 32 (80%) 156 (91%) 42 (88%) 35 (85%) 175 (94%)
Loft 4 (9%) 8 (20%) 15 (9%) 6(12%) 6 (15%) 11 (6%)
Length: mean (SD) range (em) 138.0 (15.7) 178.4 (lOA) 178.9 (8.3) 137.5 (15,7) 166.8 (9.3) 165.5 (7.8)
108-168 155-195 159-203 111~169 131-181 146~186
Weight: mean (SD) range (kg) 32.0 (10.5) 62.1(11.6) 79.1 (9.8) 32.1 (11,7) 56.9 (10.0) 66.8 (10.2)
17-60 37-85 55-108 16-62 32-75 46-104
Hand..circumfercnce: mean (SD) 17.1 (1.6) 21.1 (104) 22.5 (1.0) 16.3 (1.6) 18.8 (1.0) 19.7 (1.0)
range (em) 14-20.5 17,7-23.5 20.5-26.5 13,8-20.5 16-20.5 16.5-22.3
Validity and Reliability of the Vigorimeter. The stable group of patients (54 females; 59
males; median age 56, range 14-84 years) had a median duration of symptoms till study
onset of 5.1 years. Ninety six percent of the patients were right-handed. The median right-
hand grip strength value in this group was 67 kPa at first and third assessments (range at first
assessment: 0 to 156; at third assessment: 0 to 152) and 65 (range: 0 to 158) kPa at second
assessment. The median left-hand grip strength value was 65 (range: 0 to 158),62 (range: 0
to 160), and 62 (range: 0 to 158) kPa at first, second, and third assessment. The median arm
disability scale was 2 at entry (range: 0 to 4). Seven patients were bed bound and 14 required
assistance or a device to walk over short distances. The remaining 92 patients could walk
A moderate to good correlation was found between the Vigorimeter and the arm disability
scale (ADS) values, thus demonstrating the validity of the Vigorimeter in this group of
patients ("experienced" couple: grip strength right hands versus ADS: r= -0.54, p = 0.0001;
left hands versus ADS: r = -0.52, P = 0.0003; "variable" couples: grip strength right hands
versus ADS: r = -0.57, P < 0.0001; left hands versus ADS: r = -0.62, P < 0.0001). High
interobserver and intraobserver agreements were also demonstrated for the Vigorimeter
("experienced" couple: inter-observer grip strength right hands: R = 0.97, left hands: R =
0.96; intraobserver right hands: R = 0.96, left hands: R = 0.95; "variable" couples: inter- and
80 Chapter 5
Table 2
Normal values for quantitative grip strength assessment with the Vigorimeter for both hands in
healthy men and women (kiloPascal)
Age (years) Men Women
0.05 quantile values Median values 0.05 quantile values Median values
per agc~span per a8e~sp:m per age~span per agc~span
5-9 42 53 38 48
10-14 59 95 53 73
15 -19 72 122 63 90
20-24 89 146 72 106
25-29 101 154 76 112
30-34 110 153 76 112
35-39 115 148 76 109
40-44 115 141 74 104
45-49 111 134 73 98
50-54 105 126 71 92
55 - 59 94 116 67 84
60-64 83 106 63 76
65-69 74 97 58 71
70-74 66 91 54 67
75-79 57 82 48 63
80-84 50 75 43 59
>85 37 64 35 54
intraobserver values for both hand sides: R = 0.97, except for intraobserver left hands: R =
0.96; P < 0.0001 for all agreements).
Responsiveness of the Vigorimeter. Eight females and twelve males (median age 54.0, range
15 to 70 years) were examined longitudinally. They all were right-handed. At study entry,
four patients were bed bound, one requiring artificial ventilation, and nine patients were
unable to walk independently. All patients experienced general loss of strength. A total of
201 visits were completed during a follow-up period of 40 to 58 (median: 52) weeks.
Nineteen patients completed a one-year follow-up. Except for one GBS patient who only
experienced mild symptoms, all patients received initial treatment with JVIg (0.4 g1kg/day
for 5 consecutive days). All but one patient with CIDP showed good functional
improvement on JVIg during fOllow-up. The non-responder received a treatment course of
oral prednisone, 100 mg/day for four consecutive weeks. This patient improved also with
this therapy and prednisone was tapered down over five months period to 30 mg on alternate
The GBS patients did not show any deterioration during follow-up. After initial
improvement, all 12 JVIg responsive CIDP patients showed deterioration in their clinical
condition. Consequently, maintenance therapy with IVIg (I to 2 days 0.4 g1kg/day; intervals:
/ 3 to 21 weeks) was needed to prevent further deterioration and to regain earlier achieved
improvement. Eventually, this resulted in a general improvement of grip strength and
decrement in arm disability during follow-up (figures 2A and 2B). Higher and more normal
grip strength values were noted compared with grip strength measures at entry (figure 3). A
significant association was demonstrated between grip strength and arm disability scale
values in these patients (figures 2C and 2D).
The calculated standardised response mean (SRM) scores for grip strength were good (SRM
values for the right hands: 1.2, 1.1, 1.3, 1.2, and 0.8; for the left hands: 1.0, 0.8, 1.2, 1.3, and
1.1 at weeks 4, 12, 26, 40, and 52). The patients graded their clinical condition 53 times as
Grip strength (Vigorimeter): Normal values and clinimetric evaluation 81
"deteriorating", 38 times as "stable", and 110 times as "improving", These values were
significantly associated with the serially obtained grip strength differences in these patients
(random effects linear regression analyses: R = 0.50 for association with right hands; R =
0.46 for association with left hands, p:;; 0,0001).
Figure 2
Changes of median grip strength for both hands (A) and median arm
disability scale scores (B) over time and their association (C & D)
,. B
, :1
;; ". I left hands
,. II ri~t hands
~-~-- ..
" "
FoUow-up period (wc<:b)
Legend to Figure 2
Grip strength ~ GS; arm disability scale ~ ADS. Twenty patients (7 GBS, 13 CIDP) were longitudinally
examined. A total of 20 1 visits were completed. The association between GS and ADS are calculated using
''"xtreg'' (see section statistics) (30). A decrement in ADS corresponds with improvement.
The present srudy provides reference values for grip strength in males and females for both
hands using the small bulb in healthy children up to 10 years of age and the medium-sized
bulb of the hand-held Vigorimeter in healthy participants 10 years and older. In contrast to
what is usually assumed in the literature, these reference values are not straight linearly or
quadratic related to age and gender. The relation described in various papers is most
probably due to the smaller age-ranges srudied, thus possibly acquiring an incomplete view
of grip strength in relation to age (9-15). Desrosiers and associates reported on two
occasions normative data in healthy individuals age 60 years and older and suggested an
association between quadratic-age and grip strength (9,10). In another srudy, 486 healthy
82 Chapter 5
adults aged 16 to 94 years were examined, but unfortunately there was no stratification for
age and gender and no information was provided regarding the healthy state of these adults
To our knowledge, no study has provided reference values for the Vigorimeter in a cohort of
healthy controls with an age ranging from 5 to 93 years. An equivalent study using the
Figure 3
SI) -
~ ·25-
~ -50-
o---'~! -,.-.-
-25 -,
' - - - - - c - I- - - - - - ' - - - -
~ ·75
." Week26
o -75
10 ]3 HI 13
P"tic:nlll Patients
_50 -
1;: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161711(192(1
P"dcnt. p"tlents
Legend to figure 3
Each vertical spike represents a measured grip strength value for the right hand of a patient minus the
corresponding (age and sex matched) 0.05 quantile grip strength reference value (= grip strength change). It
is apparent that most patients improved in time. because most spikes demonstrate a shift toward a (more)
positive grip strength change during follow-up. The left hand grip strength changes were quite equivalent
and are therefore not sho\VIl. Note: nineteen patients completed a one-year fonow-up.
Jamar dynamometer was however reported by Mathiowetz (33). The graphical presentation
of the reference grip strength values of this device demonstrated approximately the same
shape as seen in the current study for both genders (33). Unfortunately, like in many studies,
these values were obtained by calculating the means of sequential age-portions in healthy
participants (11-15,33). Thus, no consideration was given to the non-Gaussian distribution
of the obtained grip strength values, as recommended by Altman for these kind of data (34).
In addition to age, multivariate quantile regression analyses demonstrated that hand-
circumference was a significant predictor of grip strength in males but not females. The
Grip strength (Vigorimeter); Nonnal values and clinimetric evaluation 83
obtained grip strength values in the current study were consistently higher in men than
women. This is not surprising, because anthropometric variables were also constantly higher
in men (table I).
In addition to other reports, the Vigorimeter was demonstrated in the current study to be
easily applicable, quick and user friendly with significant correlation to a functional arm
scale. Good correlation was also demonstrated between this device and the widely used
Jamar dynamometer (9-11). There are however mechanical differences between these two
instruments that accounted for the preferential use of the Vigorimeter in the current study.
We have previously applied the Jamar dynamometer in a group of patients with
polyneuropathies and predominantly distal weakness. These patients consistently reported
discomfort when assessing grip strength with this device. Like in the arthritic patients, the
Jamar dynamometer caused stress on joints and skin and was less convenient because of its
weight and rigidity (11). High reliability values were demonstrated for the Vigorimeter. The
reproducibility of grip strength was independent of experience with the Vigorimeter,
because the reliability values did not differ between examiners having different degrees of
experience. Solgaard et al. investigated the accuracy of the Vigorimeter using a "universal
testing machine" that compressed the Vigorimeter with known forces and also concluded
that it was "very precise" (35).
The usefulness of an outcome instrument not only depends on its simplicity, applicability,
validity, and reliability, but also on its ability to be responsive to clinical changes over time
(21,22). A heuristic and statistic approach in examining responsiveness of a measure has
been proposed (22). Statistical responsiveness captures the ability of an instrument to
measure any change, irrespective of its relevance. Heuristic techniques are based on
comparing changes as assessed by an outcome measure with an extemal indicator, for
example the clinical-judgement scores by the patient in the current study (21,22). We
examined these two approaches in the responsiveness evaluation of grip strength. In the
longitudinally examined patients, improvement of grip strength was significantly related to
an external criterion, the patients' clinical-judgement-scores, and the standardised response
mean (SRM) scores for grip strength were equal to or higher than the proposed value of 0.8
(31,32). However, these SRM values represent responsiveness within a group of patients. It
is not clear whether substantial discriminative responsiveness scores will be obtained for the
Vigorimeter when evaluating various groups of patients, e.g., in a trial setting comparing a
placebo versus a treated group (36).
Grip strength was also significantly associated with the arm disability values over time.
These findings imply that, although a simple function in itself, grip strength can be applied
as an index of arm functional recovery in patients with immune-mediated polyneuropathies.
Hence, grip strength provides information on impairment and indirectly at disability level of
In conclusion, reference values for grip strength using the hand-held Vigorimeter are
presented in a large group of healthy participants. The validity, reliability, and
responsiveness of this easily applicable instrument are demonstrated in patients with
immune-mediated polyneuropathies. The Vigorimeter is a suitable tool for monitoring
treatment efficacy and course of illness in these patients, primarily at the impairment level
and secondary as an indicator at the disability level of outcome.
84 Chapter 5
1. Medical Research Council. Aids to the investigation of the peripheral nervous system. London: Her
Majesty's Stationary Office, 1943:1-2.
2. Kleyweg RP, van der Meche FGA, Schmitz PIM. Interobserver agreement in the assessment ofmusc1e
strength and functional abilities in Guillain-Barre Syndrome. Muscle Nerve 1991 ;14: II 03-1109.
3. Omdahl G, Sellden U, Hallin S, et af. Myotonic dystrophy treated with selenium and vitamin E. Acta
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4. Rhind VM. Bird HA, Wright V. A comparison of clinical assessments of disease activity in rheumatoid
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5. Sunderland A, Tinson D, Bradley L, et a1. Arm function after stroke. An evaluation of grip strength as a
measure of recovery and a prognostic indicator. J Neural Neurosurg Psychiatry 1989;52:1267-1272.
6. Toyka KV, Augspach R. Wieth6lter H. et af. Plasma exchange in chronic inflammatory polyneuropathy:
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7. Bollag HR. Segmii1ler G. 2ur transmetakarpalen Schriigamputation des Zeigefingers. Schweiz Med
Wscbr 1975;105:1215-1218.
S. FUnfge1d EW. Vigorimeter: Zur Krafunessung der Hand und zur Simulationspriifung. Dtsch Med Wscbr
9. Desrosiers J, Bravo G, Hebert R. et af. Normative data for grip strength of elderly men and women.
Arner J Occup Ther 1995;49;637-644.
10. Desrosiers J, Hebert R, Bravo G, et al. Comparison of the Jamar Dynamometer and the Martin
Vigorimeter for grip strength measurements in a healthy elderly popUlation. Scand J Rehab Med
11. Fike ML. Rousseau E. Measurement of adult hand strength: a comparison of!\vo instruments. Occup
Ther J Res 1982;2:43-49.
12. Fraser C, Benten J. A study of adult hand strength. Br J Occup Ther 1983:46:296-299.
13. Link L. Lukens S, Bush MA. Spherical grip strength in children 3 to 6 years of age. Arner J Occup Ther
14. Robertson A, Deitz J. A description of grip strength in pre-school children. Arner J Occup Ther
15. Thorngren K-G, Werner CO. Normal grip strength. Acta Orthop Scand 1979;50:255-259.
16. Besinger UA, Toyka KV, Homberg M, et af. Myasthenia gravis: Long-term correlation of binding and
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Neurology 1983:33:1316-1321.
17. Jones E, Hanly JG, Mooney R., et af. Strength and function in the normal and rheumatoid hand. J
18. Feinstein AR. Clinimetrics. Yale University Press; New Haven and London, 1987.
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19. Hobart JC, Lamping DL, Thompson AJ. Evaluating neurological outcome measures: the bare essentials.
J Neuro1 Neurosurg Psychiatry 1996;60: 127-130.
20. World Health Organisation. International Classification of Impairments, Disabilities, and Handicaps.
Geneva: WHO. 1980.
21. Fortin PR, Stucki G, Katz IN. Measuring relevant change: an emerging challenge in rheumatologic
clinical trials. Arthritis Rheum 1995;38:1027-1030.
23. Sharrack R Hughes RA..c. Soudain S. Guy's neurological disability scale. Neurology
24. Ad Hoc subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology AIDS task force. Research criteria for
diagnosis of chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP). Neurology 1991;41:617-618.
25. Asbury AK, Cornblath DR. Assessment of current diagnostic criteria for Guillain-Barre syndrome. Ann
26. Miescher GC, Steck AJ. Paraproteinaemic neuropathies. Baillieres Clin NeuroI1996;5:219-232.
27. American society of hand therapists. Clinical assessment recommendations, 2 nd eel, Chicago, Author.
28. Gould WW, Rogers WH. Quantile regression as an alternative to robust regression. Proceedings of the
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30. Dwyer J, Feinleib M. Introduction to statistical models for longitudinal observation. In: Dwyer J,
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31. Liang rv1H. Fossel AH, Larson MG. Comparisons of five health status instruments for orthopedic
evaluation. Med Care 1990;28:632-642.
32. Cohen J. Statistical power analysis for the behavioural sciences. New York: Academic Press, 1977.
33. Mathiowetz V. Grip and pinch strength measurements. In: Amundsen LR, ed. Muscle strength testing.
Instrumented and non-instrumented systems. New York: Churchill Livingstone, 1990:163-177.
34. Altman DG. Practical statistics for medical research. 6th ed. London: Chapman & Hall, 1995:203-205,
35. Solgaard S, Kristiansen B, Jensen JS. Evaluating of instruments for measuring grip strength. Acta
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36. Guyatt G, Walter S, Nonna! G. Measuring change over time: Assessing the usefulness of evaluative
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86 Chapter 5
From the j Department of Neurology, 2Department of Statistics-Daniel den Hoed Cancer Centre. University
Hospital Rotterdam/Erasmus University. dr. Molewaterplein 40, 3015 GD. Rotterdam. The Netherlands.
3See Chapter 21ar INeAT-members.
Submitted/or publication
One hundred and thirteen patients (83 GBS, 22 CIDP, 8 MGUSP) with a stable clinical
condition were recruited from the Rotterdam immune-mediated polyneuropathy databank
and the Dutch GBS study group (stable group). Patients with GBS, CIDP or MGUSP were
recruited, since it was argued that these disorders represent parts of a continuum regarding
their neuromuscular dysfunction pattern (2). The selected patients still had residual
symptoms or signs due to their illness, representing a broad range of disability. Nine CIDP
patients required interval treatment ranging from weeks to months, with intravenous
immunoglobulin (IVIg). With this therapy their clinical condition has been stable for more
than 6 months. Six patients with MGUSP (three with IgG, two with IgM, and one patient
with IgG+IgM) had a demyelinating polyneuropathy with minor concurrent axonal damage
in three. An axonal polyneuropathy was diagnosed in the remaining two patients with
MGUSP (one 19A and one IgG type).
Twenty consecutive patients with recently diagnosed sensory-motor GBS (n = 7) or CIDP (n
= 13) and changing clinical conditions were enrolled to investigate the responsiveness of the
ODSS (longitudinal group). All GBS and CIDP patients met the international criteria for
Clinimetric evaluation ofa new disability scale 89
their illness (15,16). The diagnosis MGUSP was established after excluding all possible
causes for the gannnopathy and polyneuropathy (17).
Assessment tools/scales
The MRC sumscore is a summation of the Medical Research Council grades (range: 0 - 5)
given in full numbers of the following muscle pairs: upper arm abductors, elbow flexors,
wrist extensors, hip flexors, knee extensors, and foot dorsal flexors (7). The MRC sumscore
ranges from 0 ("total paralysis") to 60 ("normal strength"). Good validity and inter-observer
reliability were provided for this scale in patients with GBS (7).
The "!NeAT" sensory sumscore was recently introduced and extensively evaluated in tenns
of its clinimetric soundness in patients with immune-mediated polyneuropathies (11). In
brief, this sensory scale comprises pin-prick and vibration sense plus a two-point
discrimination value in the arms and legs and ranges from 0 ("normal sensation") to 20
("most severe sensory deficit") (II).
The Vigorimeter (VM) (Martin, Tuttlingen, Germany) is a hand-held dynamometer to
measure grip strength (8). Good clinimetric properties were demonstrated in patients with
immune-mediated polyneuropathies (8).
The Overall Disability sumscore (ODSS) is composed by a recently published arm and leg
disability scale with a total score ranging from 0 ("no signs of disability") to 12 ("most
severe disability score") (11,13; see appendix II, page 210). The ODSS comprises a good
functional description of the arms and legs in a checklist fonn suitable for interviewing
patients. Daily arm activities like dressing upper part of the body, doing and undoing buttons
and zips, washing and brushing hair, using a knife and fork and turning a key in a lock are
scored as being "not affected", "affected but not prevented" or "prevented". Subsequently,
these results are translated into an arm grade (score range: 0 [normal arm abilities] to 5
[severe symptoms and signs in both arms preventing all purposeful movements]). The leg
scale highlights problems regarding walking taking into account the use of a device. The
results are also translated into a leg grade (score range: 0 [walking is not affected] to 7
[restricted to wheelchair or bed most of the day, preventing all purposeful movements of the
legs]) (13). The selected arm and leg disability scales are subsets of a more comprehensive
Guy's neurological disability scale (13). Good clinimetric requirements have been recently
demonstrated for all components of the Guy's scale in patients with multiple sclerosis (13).
The Modified Hughes' functional grading scale if-score) assesses the functional ability of
the patients with a strong emphasis on mobility (7). The f-score of the patients included in
this study ranged from 0 (no symptoms or signs) to 5 (requiring artificial ventilation for at
least part of the day) (7).
The scale has been primarily used in patients with stroke (6). The grades of this scale
range from: 0 (no symptoms at all) to 5 (severe disability, bedridden, incontinent, and
requiring constant nursing care and attention) (6). No formal clinirnetric evaluation has been
performed in patients with immune-mediated polyneuropathies.
Test procedures
General aspects. All participants gave informed consent before the study. All measures were
obtained in a quiet and comfortably warm room at our outpatient clinic. The assessments
were performed in a random order. For the assessment of general strength, a standardised
joint and limb position as well as the point at which counter-force was administered was
90 Chapter 6
defined before the start of the study and taken at examination of each muscle group (page
205). Sensory modalities were examined in triplicate under the earlier prescribed standard
conditions with the patients lying in supine position (11). For the assessment of grip strength
with the VM, all patients were examined according to the standard conditions described
before (8,18).
The study took place between December 1998 and January 2000 and was performed on
behalf of the "Inflanunatory Neuropathy Cause And Treatment (INCAT) group", a
collaborating force of European senior neurologists with special interest in neuro-
inununological illnesses.
Validity and Reliability. Validity of the ODSS scale was investigated by correlation and
regression studies with the other outcome measures. For the assessment of reliability and
construct validity of the selected scales in the stable group of 113 patients, two neurologists
and six experienced residents in neurology formed 28 different couples. Preceding the study,
all investigators received instructions in assessing the outcome measures. Twenty-seven
("variable") couples investigated a total of 68 patients (2-3 patients for each couple). The
"experienced" couple (IM+JS) examined the remaining 45 stable patients. The latter couple
was formed to examine the effect of training (and thus a possible increase in reliability)
when using the ODSS often.
The patients were examined on two different occasions at our outpatient clinic. During the
fIrst visit the two members of an appointed pair performed their scores independently and
consecutively (usually within 2 hours) (inter-observer measures). Within 2-4 weeks, the
patient returned for a second visit and only one investigator of the earlier assigned pair
examined the patient again (intra-observer values) without having access to previous results.
The assessments sequence at entry and the examination at the second visit were equally
distributed among the members of an assigned couple. Eventually, each member of a couple
examined the approximately same number of patients. With the exception of the f-score, all
scales were assessed at each visit in all patients. For the validity and the regression model
studies, only the recruited scales' values at one visit were used.
Responsiveness. Twenty consecutive patients were longitudinally examined by the same
clinician (IM). The ODSS was assessed at study entry and at the weeks 2, 4, 8, 12, 16,21,
26, 32, 40, and 52 of follow-up with additional clinical investigations if necessary.
Validity and Reliability. In the stable group, correlation between ODSS and the other
outcome measures was analysed using Spearman's Rank correlation test. Also, random
effects linear regression analyses were performed of the ODSS on the other scales in the
longitudinal group, taking into account the association of the data caused by the longitudinal
structure. The latter was achieved using the program "xtreg" in STATA 6.0 (StataCorp.
1997. Stata Statistical Software: Release 6.0. College Station, TX), which is based upon a
cross-sectional time-series regression model as described by Dwyer and Feinleib (19). The
inter- and intra-rater reliability of the ODSS was quantifIed by estimation of the intraclass
correlation coefficient using a one-way random effects analysis-of-variance model for the
two investigator C"experienced" and "variable") groups.
Responsiveness. Responsiveness was investigated by calculating the standardised response
mean (SRM) scores for the ODSS at various arbitrarily chosen occasions during follow-up
(weeks 12, 26, 40, 52) (20). SRM is equal to the mean change in score divided by the
Clinimetric evaluation ofa new disability scale 91
standard deviation of the change in score (SRM = Ili - llo/SD(lli - Ilo); Ili = mean ODSS
value of the longitudinally examined group at week = i; Ilo = mean ODSS value at week = 0
[entry]) (20). A value between 0.5 and 0.8 is considered moderate, and 0.8 or greater as high
responsiveness (20,21). All analyses were performed using Stata 6.0 for Windows 95. A
value of p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Comparative study. In the stable group, uni- and multivariate linear regression analyses were
performed to determine which disability measure (ODSS, f-score, or Rankin scale;
dependent variable) had the strongest association with a group of impairment measures
(MRC sumscore, "INCAT" Sensory sumscore, Grip strength by the Vigorimeter;
independent group). Ifnecessary, a transformation of the dependent variable (for example by
logarithmic conversion) was performed to obtain a normal distribution. Univariate
regression studies were primarily performed, striving for the best fit between the dependent
and independent variable. This was achieved through systematic evaluation of constructed
graphs with linear regression studies that included a restricted cubic spline function on the
independent variable (22). Subsequently, multivariate linear regression analyses were
performed, with a backward stepwise eliminating strategy to construct the final models.
Only the results that included the right hand grip strength values will be presented, since
these findings tum out to be similar to the regressions that incorporated the left hand values.
Table 1
Basic characteristics of patients with immune-mediated polyneuropathies
Stable group ofpatients (n -113,. GBS 83, CIDP 22, MGUSP 8)
Median age at start of the study (range) [years] 56 (14 - 84)
Median MRC sumscore (seore range; 0 - 60) 54 (18 - 60)
Median "INCAT' Sensory sumscore (score =ge: 0 - 20) 3 (0-18)
Median grip strcngth values with the Vigorimeter (score range: 0 - 160 kPa)
Right hands 65 (0 -158)
Lcfthnnds 62 (0 -160)
Median Ovecll Disability swnscore (score range: 0 - 12)
At entry 4(0-11)
Second visit 4(0-12)
Third visit 3 (0-12)
Median f-score (score range: 0 - 5) 2 (1-4)
Mcdian Rankin score (~core range: 0 - 5) 2 (0-4)
Longitudinal group ofpatients (n = 20,. GBS 7, CIDP 13)
Median age at stmt of the ~~dy (range) [years] 54 (15 -70)
Mcdian Overall Disability ~umscore (score range: 0 - 12)
At entry 5(3-11)
At 12 weeks of follow-up 3(0-10.5)
At26 weeks offo!1ow-up 2.5(0-9.5)
At 40 weeks offol!ow-up 2 (0-9)
At 52 weeks offollow-up 2 (0-9)
Legend to Table 1
GBS : Guillain-Barre syndrome: eIDP : chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy; MGUSP :
polyneuropathy associated with a monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance. INCAT =
inflammatory neuropathy cause and treatment group.
General aspects. All eight examiners who investigated the patients concluded that the
selected ODSS was easily applicable and required less than two minutes for completion. The
stable group of patients (54 females and 59 males) had a median duration of symptoms till
92 Chapter 6
onset of the study of 5.1 years. Seven of these patients were bed-bound and fourteen
required assistance or a device to walk short distances. The remaining 92 patients could
walk independently. The corresponding median values and ranges for all scales in these
patients are presented in table 1.
Validity, inter- and intra-observer Reliability. The correlation studies between the ODSS
and other scales and reliability values of the ODSS in the stable group of patients are
presented in Table 2. Significant validity and good reliability were demonstrated for the
ODSS by the "experienced" and "variable" couples of investigators (Table 2). In the
longitudinal group, siguificant associations were also obtained between the ODSS and other
measures (ODSS versus MRC sumscore: Random effects analysis-of-variance, R=0.89;
versus Sensory sumscore: R=0.74; versus grip strength: R=O.72 [right hands] and R=O.69
[left hands]; versus f-score: R=0.86; versus Rankin: R=0.88; p<O.OOOI for all associations).
Table 2
Validity and reliability analyses ofthe Overall disability sumscore (ODSS) in a stable group of
patients with immune-mediated polyneuropathies (0=113)
couple of examine:r,; "Variable" couples of exnminers
(couple number 1: 4S patients) (couples number 2·28: 68 patients)
Validity Spearman rank correlation p-vruuc Spearman rank correlation p-vnlue
coefficient (r) coefficient (r)
Overall Disability sumscorc versus
MRC sumscore ·0.45 0.002 ·0.71 <0.0001
"INCAT" sensory sumscorc 0.41 0.006 0.56 <0.0001
Grip ~1rength by the Vigorimctcr
Right hands -0.54 0.0002 -0.70 <0.0001
Left hunds -0.53 0.0002 -0.74 <0.0001
F-score 0.78 <0.000] 0.74 <0.0001
~" 0.78 <0.0001 0.79 <0.0001
Reliability Intncbss correlation coefficient (R) p-value Intruc1n,Ss correlation coefficient (R) p-value
Ovem11 Disability sumscore
Inter-obscrver agreements 0.95 <0.0001 0.90 <0.0001
lntn·obscrvcr ngreements 0.95 <0.0001 0.93 <0.0001
Responsiveness. Eight females and twelve males were examined longitudinally. At study
entry, four patients were bed-bound, one requiring artificial ventilation, and uine patients
were unable to walk independently. All patients experienced general loss of strength,
sensory disturbances, and deficit in daily functional activities. Two hundred and one visits
were completed during a follow-up period of 40 to 58 (median: 52) weeks. Nineteen patients
completed a one-year follow-up. With the exception of one GBS patient who only
experienced mild symptoms, all patients received initial treatment with IVIg (0.4
gramslkilogram body weight/day for 5 consecutive days). All but one patient with CIDP
showed good functional improvement on IVIg during follOW-Up. The non-responder
received a treatment course of oral prednisone and also demonstrated improvement. The
GBS patients did not show any deterioration during follow-up and improved gradually over
time. After initial improvement, all 12 IVlg responsive CIDP patients needed interval
therapy with IVIg (1-2 days 0.4 grams/kglday; intervals: 3 - 21 weeks) to maintain earlier
achieved improvement. Eventually, all patients demonstrated during follow-up a general
decrement in impairments and improvement of functional abilities. Improvement in the
longitudinal group resulted in a general reduction in the ODSS values (indicating
Clinimetric evaluation of a new disability scale 93
improvement) (median values: 3, 2.5, 2, 2 at weeks 12, 26, 40, and 52, respectively)
compared with the median entry value of 5 (Wilcoxon signed-rank test: p::;0.0008 for all
comparisons). Good SRM scores were obtained for the ODSS in these patients (SRM
values: 1.2, 1.5, 1.4, and 1.4 at weeks 12,26,40, and 52, respectively).
Comparative study. The MRC sumscore was the strongest predictor of disability compared
with the grip strength (Vigorimeter) and sensory sumscore (univariate linear regression
analyses; on ODSS: MRC sumscore, R'=0.45; grip strength, R'=0.40; sensory sumscore,
R'=O.2I; regressions on the f-score: MRC sumscore, R'=0.43; grip strength, R'=0.34;
sensory sumscore, R'=0.16; regressions on the Rankin: MRC sumscore, R'=0.34; grip
strength, R'=0.24; sensory sumscore, R'=0.14). Overall, a bigher proportion of variance in
disability, explained by the impairment measures, was captured by the ODSS compared with
the f-score and Rankin (Figure).
Patients' level of disability explained by impairment variables (MRC sumscore,
Vigorimeter, Sensory sumscore) in immune-mediated polyneuropathies
•• " 1-;,:0:45-
[R':":".I R'='.56!
4, 1
"'"• ,-
> i
.;; 4
,.'"•" 1 1-
o<______ ~_~_,... oj //
0 , 8 U
4 1 , 3
Mea.~ured ODSS values Measured f-store v:llues Measured R:mkin v:llues
Legend to Figure
In the stable group (n=113), multivariate regression analyses were performed of the disability scales
separately (overall disability sumscore [ODSS], Hughes' functional grading scale [f-score], or Rankin scale~
dependent variable) on the group ofimpainnent measures (MRC sumscore, "!NCAT' Sensory sumscore, and
grip strength by the Vigorimeter~ independent group), The "Predicted values" were obtained from these
regressions. Only the results that included the right hand grip strength values were presented, since these
findings turn out to be similar to the regressions that incorporated the left hand values.
In the current study, the clinimetric requirements like being easily applicable, valid, reliable,
and responsive to clinical changes over time are demonstrated for the overall disability scale
(ODSS) in patients with immune-mediated sensory-motor polyneuropathies (14). As stated
earlier, this scale highlights not only problems regarding walking, but also addresses daily
arm activities. In these conditions, its concept is therefore more comprehensive than the
widely used Hughes' functional grading scale (f-score) and Rankin scale, who are mainly
directed towards mobility, not providing information on the arms (4,6). Also, general loss of
strength and sensory deficit leading to disability was better monitored by the ODSS
94 Chapter 6
compared with the f-score and Rankin scale. Hence, the preference use of the ODSS is
suggested for evaluation of outcome at the disability level in these conditions.
The impairment variables explained two third of the disability, as registered by the ODSS.
This finding implicates that other clinical impairment variables should be considered in
future studies as possible contributors to disability. Variables like general fatigue and
depression have been advocated as important events in patients with immune-mediated
polyneuropathies that may lead to functional deficit (23-25). Lennon and associates reported
six reasons for persistent disability in patients with Guillain-Barre syndrome (25). These
were: mnscle wealmess, sensory dysfunction, contractures, fatigue, other medical conditions,
and psychological factors like anxiety, depression, and motivation (25).
In the current study, wealmess, as measured with the MRC sumscore, was the most
important independent explanatory factor of the patients' level of disability. This finding is
consistent with a recent paper, addressing outcome in various forms of polyneuropathy (26).
With respect to the aims of the current study, some methodological issues should be
addressed. First, the obtained SRM scores for the ODSS only demonstrated within-group
responsiveness. It is not clear whether substantial discriminative responsiveness scores will
be obtained for the ODSS when evaluating various groups of patients, e.g. in a trial setting
comparing a placebo versus a treated group (27). Second, uni- and multivariate linear
regression analyses of the f-score and Rankin scale were performed, despite the fact that
these outcome measures are ordinal constructed. An ordinal logit estimation model, as
described by the program "ologit" in Stata 6.0, was also applied on these ordinal variables,
but since the description of these analyses were rather complex and the results quite similar
to the linear regression studies, we decided to present the data as such to strive for clarity.
In conclusion, the simplicity, validity, reliability, and responsiveness are demonstrated for
the overall (arm plus leg) disability sumscore in patients with immune-mediated
polyneuropathies. Also, impairment leading to disability was better monitored by the overall
disability sumscore compared with other tested disability measures. Hence, the use of the
overall disability sumscore is suggested for monitoring outcome at the disability level in
immune-mediated polyneuropathies.
Clinimetric evaluation ofa new disability scale 95
1. World Health Organisation. International classification of impairments, disabilities, and handicaps.
Geneva: WHO, 1980.
2. Hartung H-P, van der Meche FGA, Pollard JD. Guillain-Barre syndrome, CIDP and other chronic
immune-mediated neuropathies. Curr Opin Neurol 1998; 11 :497-513.
3. Medical Research Council. Aids to the investigation of the peripheral nervous system. London: Her
Majesty's Stationary Office, 1943.
4. Hughes RAC, Newsom-Davis 1M. Perkin GD. et al. Controlled trial prednisolone in acute
polyneuropathy. Lancet 1978;2:750-753.
5. Van der Meche FGA, Schmitz PIM, and the Dutch GuiHain-Barre study group. A randomised trial
comparing intravenous immune globulin and plasma exchange in Guillain-Barre syndrome. N Engl J
Med 1992:326:1123-1129.
6. van Swieten JC, Koudstaal PJ. Visser MC, et al. Interobserver agreement for the assessment of handicap
in stroke patients. Stroke 1988;19:604-607.
7. Kleyweg RP, van der Meche FGA, Schmitz PIM. Interobserver agreement in the assessment of muscle
strength and functional abilities in Guillain-Barre syndrome. Muscle Nerve 1991;14:1103-1109.
8. Merkies ISJ, Schmitz PIM. Samijn JP, et af. Assessing grip strength in healthy individuals and patients
with immune-mediated polyneuropathies. Muscle Nerve 2000:23:1393-1401.
10. Rees JR, Soudain SE, Gregson NA, et al. Campylobacter jejuni infection and Guillain-Barre syndrome.
N Engl J Med 1995;333:1374-1379.
11. Merlcies ISJ. Schmitz PIM, van der Meche FGA, et al. Psychometric evaluation of a new sensory scale
in immune-mediated polyneuropathies Neurology 2000:54:943-947.
13. Sharrack B, Hugbes RAC, Soudain S. Guy's neurological disability scale [abstract]. Neurology
14. Hobart JC, Lamping DL, Thompson AJ. Evaluating neurological outcome measures: the bare essentials.
JNeurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1996:60:127-130.
15. Asbury AK and Comblath DR. Assessment of current diagnostic criteria for Guillain-Barre Syndrome.
Ann NeuroI1990;27(suppl):S21-S24.
16. Ad Hoc subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology AIDS task force. Research criteria for
diagnosis of chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP). Neurology 1991;41:617-618.
17. Miescher GC, Steck AJ. Paraproteinaemic neuropathies. Baillieres Clin NeuroI1996;5:219-232.
96 Chapter 6
18. American society of hand therapists. Clinical assessment recommendations, Chicago: 2 nd ed, 1992.
19. DVv)'er J, Feinleib M. Introduction to statistical models for longitudinal observation. In: Dwyer J,
Feinleib M, Lippert P, Hoffmeister H, editors. Statistical models for longitudinal studies of health. New
York: Oxford University Press, 1992; 3-48.
20. Liang :MR, Fossel AH, Larson MG. Comparisons of five health status instruments for orthopedic
evaluation. Med Care 1990;28:632-42.
21. Cohen J. Statistical power analysis for the behavioural sciences. New York: Academic Press~ 1977.
22. Herndon JE II, Harrell FE Jr. The restricted cubic spline hazard model. Comm Stat Theory Methods
23. Eisendrath SJ, Mattbay MA. Dunker JA, et af. Guillain-Barre syndrome: Psychosocial aspects of
management. Psychosomatics 1983;24:465-475.
24. Merkies ISJ, Schmitz PIM, Samijn JPA, et al. Fatigue in immune-mediated polyneuropathies. Neurology
1999;53: 1648-1654.
25. Lennon SM, Koblar S, Hughes RAe, et al. Reasons for persistent disability in Guillain-Barre syndrome.
C1in RehabiI1993:7:1-8.
26. Molenaar DS, Vermeulen M, de Visser M, et al. Impact of neurologic signs and symptoms on functional
status in peripheral neuropathies. Neurology 1999;52: 151-156.
27. Guyatt G, Walter S, Norman G. Measuring change over time: Assessing the usefulness of evaluative
instruments. J Chron Dis 1987:40:171-178.
Chapter 7
From the Department oj/Neurology, 2Department o/Statistics - Daniel den Hoed Cancer Centre, Erasmus
University Medical Centre Rotterdam, dr. Molewaterplein 40, 3015 GD, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. 3 See
Chapter 210r INCAT-members.
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 1999;66:197-201; published with permissionjrom the BMf Publishing Group
Objectives: The effect of Interferon-Bla (Rebif') was studied in patients with chronic motor
neuropathies not improving after conventional treatments like immunoglobulins, steroids,
cyclophosphamide or plasma exchange.
Methods: A prospective open study was performed with duration of 6 to 12 months. Three
patients with a multifocal motor neuropathy and one patient with a pure motor form of chronic
inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy were enrolled. Three patients had anti-GMI
antibodies. Treatment consisted of subcutaneous injections of Rebif (6 MIU), three times a
week. Primary outcome was assessed at the disability level using the Nine-hole peg, the Ten-
metre walking test, and the modified Rankin scale. Secondary outcome was measured at the
impairment level using a slightly modified MRC Sumscore.
Results: All patients showed a significant improvement on the modified MRC sumscore. The
time required to walk 10 meters and to fulfil the Nine-hole peg test was also significantly
reduced in the first three months in most patients. However, the translation of these results to
functional improvement on the modified Rankin scale was only seen in two patients. There
were no severe adverse events. Motor conduction blocks were partially restored in one patient
only. Anti-GMI antibody titres did not change.
Conclusion: These findings indicate that severely affected patients with chronic motor
neuropathies not responding to conventional therapies may improve when treated with
interferon-Bla. From this study it is suggested that interferon-Bla should be administered in
patients with chronic motor neuropathies for a period up to 3 months before deciding to cease
treatment. A controlled trial is necessary to confirm these findings.
98 Chapter 7
3 531F MMN ULroJA L Gln::rr 7 years IVlg (2X)11 I\fIg l.,. Mprcdn~ +
4 54iM CIDP LUD>P/S L+R Posterior tibial 9 years IVIg (2X)I/IVIg 1+Mprcdn4IPrcdn3/pEs
and Peroneal Cvclophoslll.,.PrednJ/Cyclophos2o (1:12.800)
Legends to Table
M=male; F=female; MMN=multifocal motor neuropathy: CIDP=chronic inflammatory demyelinating
polyneuropathy; UL=upper limb; LL=lower limb: D=distal; P=proximal; A=asymmetrical: S=symmetrical;
L=left~ R=right: IVIg=intravenous immunoglobulin: Cyclophos=cyclophospharnide;
(M)Predn={Methyl)prednisolone: PE=plasma exchange: l:OAgJkg body weight/day for 5 days; '"=O.5g/day
intravenous for 14 days~ 1b=O.15g1day orally for half a year; 1c=monthly O.5g1day orally for 4 days. for half a
year; 3=60-S0mglday orally for 6 weeks, thereafter tapering to zero in half a year; 4=O.5g!day for 5 days; .5=2
exchange sessions (each 2.5litres plasma)lweek for 5 consecutive weeks.
orthesis at both sites to cover short distances and a wheelchair for longer distances. Patient
number 3 did not experience many problems when walking very short distances, but she
noticed that her legs gave way after walking for 5 to 10 minutes. Her walking endurance was
also deteriorating and she could walk outdoors for only 15 minutes. The patients received
different types of therapy during the course of their illness, but despite these treatment
efforts none showed clinical improvement. The study was approved by the medical ethical
committee of our hospital and took place between February 1996 and September 1997. All
patients gave informed consent. No immunosuppressive drugs were administered within the
3 months prior to the study. IFN-~la (Rebif'; Serono Benelux) was self-administered at a
dosage of 6 million IU, three times a week for half a year and then, if clinical improvement
was found (defmed as at least one point improvement on the modified Rankin), the
treatment was continued for an additional period of six months. To minimise the chance of
adverse events a lower dose of 1.2 MIU Rebif was administered during the first week and
3.0 MIU during the second week. Thereafter the full dosage was given. Acetaminophen
(500-1000 mg/day) was administered prophylactically during the first 6 weeks of treatment
to ameliorate known constitutional symptoms ofIFN-~la.
Clinical assessment
Primary outcome was assessed at the disability level using the Nine-hole peg test, the Ten-
metre walking test, and the modified Rankin scale (9-11). All patients received training in
fulfilling the Nine-hole peg test before the start of the study to exclude any training effect.
Secondary outcome was measured at the impairment level using the MRC sumscore, which
was slightly modified (12). The following muscle pairs were examined: upper arm
abductors, elbow flexors, wrist extensors, interosseus muscles, hip flexors, knee extensors,
foot plantar flexors and foot dorsal flexors (score range: 0-80). All tests were assessed under
pre-defmed standard conditions. The scales were applied at entry and once a week in weeks
2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 21, 26 in all patients, three months after stopping IFN-~la in two
100 Chapter 7
patients and in weeks 32, 42, and 52 in the other two patients. Two investigators (IMlPD)
did the follow-up assessments, each examining two patients. All measurements were
compared with the baseline findings for each patient. Adverse events were recorded.
Additional investigations
Routine physical examination and laboratory studies, including enzyme linked
immunosorbent assay (Elisa) tests for antibodies against the ganglioside GMI were
performed within two weeks before the start of the study and subsequently five times during
treatment period (13). Electromyography was performed under standard conditions using
supramaximal stimulation by the same examiner (1M) within two weeks before day 1, and
consecutively 3 to 5 times during therapy time. Nerve conduction velocities and compound
muscle action potential (CMAPs) were examined in eight motor nerves (four of the upper
and four of the lower limbs). The examination always included the affected nerve(s)
resulting in impainnent.
Statistical analysis
Conventional linear and linear spline (piecewise method) regression analyses were used to
evaluate the obtained serial data for the Nine-hole peg and the Ten-metre walking test (14).
The knots of the linear spline functions were taken at week 12 of treatment, based on the
clinical picture that was observed. This will be further discussed. All analyses were
performed using Stata 5.0 for Windows 95 (Stata Statistical Software: Release 5.0. 702
University Drive East, College station, TX: Stata Corporation 1997). A p-value ,,; 0.05 was
considered to be significant.
Figure 1
---- -----
p(wcck 12-26}-O.44
Rll:ht hand p(weck 12-S2}-O.60
• RIlththlUld
''j "•
~• ~ ---:-..:.
O· 0-
" "
woci< " "
"ok "
Legends to Figure 1
Most affected hand of each patient. Analysis perfonned using linear spline regression methods with the
knots of the linear spline functions taken at 12 weeks.
patients showed improvement at the level of impairment and disability, the Rankin score
only improved in patient nwnber 2 (from 4-73). The Rankin score of the other two patients
remained 3. Based on these resnlts, we decided to discontinue IFN-~Ia in the patients 1 and
4 with unchanged Rankin score after 6 months. Patient nwnber 4 remained stable at all
levels of measuring outcome during the next three months. Patient nwnber 1 experienced
slight deterioration in strength, dexterity, and mobility, but his Rankin score remained
unchanged. The IFN-~Ia treatment was continued for another 6 months in two patients
(nwnber 2 and 3).
Conventional linear regression analysis demonstrated significant improvement in muscle
strength in all patients during the course of treatment (p 5 0.001 for patients 1 to 3; p = 0.04
for patient 4). The MRC swnscore increased from 40 to 53, 53 to 60, 69 to 73 and 49 to 57,
respectively in patients 1 to 4.
All patients had motor conduction blocks (MCBs), outside usual nerve compression sites in
various nerves, ranging from 35% to 94%. Only the patient with chronic inflammatory
demyelinating polyneuropathy had a marked partial decrease of the motor conduction blocks
in the right ulnar (82%-737%), left ulnar (70%-724%), and left median nerve (94%-753%).
102 Chapter 7
Figure 2
15- '
Patient I p(weck o-I2}-O.oOl " p(w.,.,k 1)..12)-0.008
p(w..ek 12.52)=0.72
p(weck 12-26)-0.79
~ .: ',----~
; 10 - ---;:--:;"----:-----~-,---
15- 15 -
week w~k
Legends to Figure 2
Analysis perfonned using linear spline regression methods with the knots of the linear spline functions taken
at 12 weeks.
Motor nerve conduction velocities did not improve. Anti-GMI antibody titres did not
change. The recorded side effects ofIFN-~la were flu-like symptoms, fever, sweating, and
erythema at the injection sites. These disappeared gradually within 2 months. The drug was
well tolerated. Physical examination and routine blood and urine analysis remained normal.
In this open prospective study, treatment with IFN-~la (Rebi£) induced clinical
improvement in the first 3 months of therapy in all 4 patients with severe chronic motor
neuropathies not improving after conventional therapies. All patients remained stable during
the follow-up treatment period. However, improvement on the modified Rankin was only
observed in two patients. A possible explanation for this finding is that the grading
definitions of the modified Rankin are very broad classifications of disability and therefore
rather insensitive to detect improvement as observed on the other scales used. A similar
finding was noted in a recent publication studying the effect ofMg in chronic inflammatory
demyelinating polyneuropathy (15). Patient 3 seemed to be less profoundly affected than the
Inteiferon-{31 a in chronic motor neuropathies 103
other patients. She especially had less severe amyotrophy, which probably explains her
better score on the modified Rankin scale. The response to treatment, therefore, seems to be
correlated with the degree of being affected and the severity of amyotrophy.
Improvement after IFN-~la was also recently observed by Choudhary ef al. in a patient with
an 8-year history of a relapsing and remitting sensory-motor chronic inflanunatory
demyelinating polyneuropathy, not responding to various conventional treatments (16). This
patient received 3 MIU of IFN-~la, three times a week. Improvement began 2 weeks after
administration and, as in our patients a maximum was reached after 12 weeks. Other reports
have also shown a possible therapeutic effect of this group of regulatory cytokines in chronic
immune-mediated neuropathies (17-19). The present study provides some support for the
effectiveness of IFN-~la in patients with chronic immune-mediated neuropathies,
particularly in patients with multifocal motor neuropathy.
A poor correlation between clinical improvement and neurophysiological data, as seen in
this study, has also been reported by others (5,6,20). One of the possible explanations for
this discrepancy is fluctuation in temporal dispersion, which may result in alterations of the
fortn of the CMAPs (20). Another possible cause is that restored conduction blocks located
at the most proximal nerve segments may not be detected by neurophysiological studies.
The pathophysiologic mechanism of action of IFN-~ in chronic immune-mediated
neuropathies is not known. Presently, the knowledge regarding its immunoloigcal effects is
mainly derived from studies on multiple sclerosis (21,22). IFN-~ may counteract the effects
ofIFN-ganuna such as downregulation of major histocompatibility (MHC) class II antigen
expression on neuroendothelial cells (21,22). This may be of importance since upregulation
of MHC class II molecules on endoneurial cells has been demonstrated in chronic
inflanunatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (23). Other immunomodulating effects of IFN-
~ that may be significant in multifocal motor neuropathy and chronic inflanunatory
demyelinating polyneuropathy include enhancement ofT-suppressor cell function, reduction
ofT-cell activation and the production ofIFN-ganuna, downregulation of the production of
certain cytokines such as tumour necrosis factor alpha, and induction of the production and
secretion ofinterleukin-4 and interleukin-IO (21,22,24).
No severe adverse events were recorded and fortunately none of the patients deteriorated
during the administration of IFN-~la. This suggests that IFN-~la presumably can be
prescribed safely in patients with a chronic motor neuropathy. It is suggested, if patients
respond to treatment with IFN-~la, that improvement generally starts after 2-4 weeks. If
there is no improvement after about 3 months, therapy should be discontinued.
In conclusion, our findings indicate that severely affected patients with chronic immune-
mediated motor neuropathies not responding to conventional treatments may show
improvement when treated with IFN-Jlla. A controlled trial is required to confirtn these
104 Chapter 7
1. Pestronk A, Comblath DR, Ilyas AA, et al. A treatable multifocal motor neuropathy with antibodies to
GMI ganglioside. Ann Neurol 1988;24;73-78.
2. Kornberg AJ and Pestronk A. Chronic motor neuropathies: Diagnosis, Therapy. and Pathogenesis. f\nn
3. Oh SJ, Claussen GC, Odabasi Z, et af. Multifocal demyelinating motor neuropathy: Pathologic evidence
of 'inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy'. Neurology 1995;45: 1828-1832.
4. Krendel DA. Biopsy findings link multifocal motor neuropathy to chronic inflammatory demyelinating
polyneuropathy. Ann NeuroI1996;40:948-949.
5. Chaudry V, Corse AM, Comblath DR. et af. Multifocal motor neuropathy: Response to Human Immune
Globulin. Ann NeuroI1993;33:237-242.
6. van den Berg LH. KerkhoffH, Oey PL, et af. Treatment of multifocal motor neuropathy with high dose
intravenous immunoglobulins: a double blind placebo controlled study. J Neural Neurosurg Psychiatry
7. Feldman EL. Bromberg ME, Albers JW, et af. Immunosuppressive treatment in multifocal motor
neuropathy. Ann NeuroI1991;30:397-401.
8. Report from an adhoc subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology AIDS task force. Research
criteria for diagnosis of chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP). Neurology
1991 ;41 :617-618.
9. Mathiowetz V. Weber K, Kashman N, et af. Adult norms for the nine-hole peg test of finger dexterity.
Occup Ther J Res 1985;5:24-38.
10. Collen PM, Wade DT, Bradshaw CM. Mobility after stroke: reliability of measures ofimpainnent and
disability. Int Disab Studies 1990;12:6-9.
11. van Swieten JC, Koudstaal PJ, Visser Me. et af. Interobserver agreement for the assessment of handicap
in stroke patients. Stroke 1988; 19:604-607.
12. Kleyv.reg RP, van der Meche PGA, Schmitz PIM. Interobserver agreement in the assessment of muscle
strength and functional abilities in Guillain-Barre Syndrome. Muscle and Nerve 1991; 14: II 03-11 09.
13. Jacobs BC, van Doorn PA, Schmitz PW, et al. Campylobacter jejuni infections and anti-GMI
antibodies in Guillain-Barre Syndrome. Ann NeuroI1996;40:181-187.
14. Green WH. Econometric Analysis. Macmillan, New York. 2 nd ed., 1993.
15. Thompson N, Choudhary P, Hughes RAC, et af. A novel trial design to study the effect of intravenous
immunoglobulin in chronic inflammatory demyelinating po1)Tadiculoneuropathy. J Neurol
16. Choudhary pp, Thompson N, Hughes RAe. Improvement following interferon beta in chronic
inflammatory demyelinating polyradicu1oneuropathy. JNeurol1995;242:252-253.
17. Sabatelli M, Mignogna T, Lippi G, et af. Interferon-alpha may benefit steroid unresponsive chronic
inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathies. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1995;58:638-639 Oetter).
Interjeron-{31 a in chronic motor neuropathies 105
18. Mariette X, Chastang C, Clavelou P, et al. A randomised clinical trial comparing interferon-a and
intravenous immunoglobulin in polyneuropathy associated with monoclonal IgM. J Neurol Neurosurg
Psychiatry 1997;63:28-34.
19. Gorson KC, Ropper AB, Clark BD, et af. Treatment of chronic inflammatory demyelinating
polyneuropathy with interferon-a 2a. Neurology 1998;50:84-87.
20. van Doom PA, Brand A, Strenger PFW, et al. High-dose intravenous immunoglobulin treatment in
chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy: a double blind, placebo controlled, crossover
study. Neurology 1990;40:209-212.
21. Weinstock-Guttman B. RansohoffR.i\1, Kinkel P, et af. The Interferons: Biological effects, mechanisms
of action, and use in multiple sclerosis. Ann NeurolI995;37:7-15.
22. Noronha A, Toscas A, Jensen MA. Interferon ~ decreases T cell activation and interferon 'Y production
in multiple sclerosis. J NeuroimrnunolI993;46:145-154.
23. Pollard JD, McCombe PA, Baverstock ], et af. Class II antigen expression and T lymphocyte subsets in
chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy. J Neuroimmunol1986;13:123-134.
24. Lugaresi A, De Luca G, Iarlori C, et af. Interferon beta nonnalises suppressor cell function in
dysimmune neuropathies [abstract]. JNeuroI1997;244:S66.
From the Department ojiNeur%gy, 2Department of Statistics - Daniel den Hoed Cancer Centre, Erasmus
University Medical Centre Rotterdam, dr. Mo/ev.-'aterplein 40,3015 GD, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. 3See
Chapter 2 for INCAT-members.
Defming and evaluating impairments and disabilities can be useful for diagnosis,
implementation of a specific therapy or rehabilitation intervention, and understanding how
illness has its impact on patients' daily lives (1,2). It is therefore not surprising that patients
with Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS), chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy
(CIDP) or a polyneuropathy associated with a monoclonal ganunopathy of undetermined
significance (MGUSP) have been traditionally investigated at the impairment and disability
levels of outcome (2,3). However, these disorders tend to have a long-term adverse impact
on patients' lives and it was therefore argued that more emphasis should also be directed
towards the evaluation of patients' participation in social activities (4-7). Assessing outcome
according to the World Health Organisation (WHO) at the level of 'handicap' (soon to be
renamed 'participation'), as the ultimate goal of societal integration, would eventually
provide a more comprehensive view on the functionality of patients, since handicap
incorporates mobility, physical dependence, economic self-sufficiency, occupation, social
participation, and social norms (2,7). For people with impairments or disabilities, the
successful retnrn to activities like travelling, fulfilling a job, performing a hobby, and
interacting with others in daily life could be seen as the biggest goal in the process of
recuperation. The WHO defines handicap as a disadvantage for a given individual, resulting
from impairment or disability that limits or prevents the fulfilment of a role that is normal
(depending on age, sex and social and cultural factors) for the individual (2).
Surprisingly, to date only one study in patients with immune-mediated polyneuropathies
examined outcome at the handicap level (4). Several other papers examining these and other
forms of polyneuropathy have claimed the assessment of handicap using the (modified)
Rankin scale (8-12). However, the Rankin 'handicap' scale is a global functional index with
a strong emphasis on physical disability, in particular mobility, and is therefore not suitable
for assessing handicap, as defined by the WHO (2,13).
By reviewing the English literature, ouly a few instrmnents have been reported that purely
assess handicap (7,14-17). The advantages and in particular their shortcomings have been
recently highlighted (7). Also, none of these outcome measures have been evaluated in terms
of their psychometric soundness in patients with immune-mediated polyneuropathies
(18,19). The aim of our study was to construct a new handicap scale and to evaluate this
measure for its time to be completed, its validity, reliability, and responsiveness in patients
with immune-mediated polyneuropathies (18,19).
Phase I
International criteria for scale development.
International criteria for the development of outcome measures have been postulated and
were recently thoroughly described by Streiner and Norman (18-21). These criteria are:
Devising the items: literature search and critical review through key informant interviews
of potential items that might be relevant for the construction of an outcome measure, in
this case items that reflect handicap activities.
Clinimetric evaluation o/the Rotterdam nine items handicap scale 109
Phase II
One hundred and thirteen patients (83 GBS, 22 CIDP, 8 MGUSP) with a stable clinical
condition were recruited from the Rotterdam immune-mediated polyneuropathy databank
and the Dutch GBS study group (stable group). Patients with GBS, CIDP or MGUSP were
recruited, since it was argued that these disorders represent parts of a continuum regarding
their neuromuscular dysfunction pattern (3). The selected patients still had residual
symptoms or signs due to their illness, representing a broad range of disability. Nine CIDP
patients required interval treattnent ranging from weeks to months, with intravenous
immunoglobulin (IVIg). With this therapy their clinical condition has been stable for more
than 6 months. Six patients with MGUSP (three with IgG, two with IgM, and one patient
with IgGtlgM) had an associated demyelinating polyneuropathy with minor concurrent
axonal damage in three. An axonal polyneuropathy was diagnosed in the remaining two
patients with MGUSP (one IgA and one IgG type).
110 Chapter 8
form the various subgroups (25). In particular, we examined whether there would be a
difference in handicap, as assessed by the RIHS9, when comparing patients who could walk
independently (f-score ,,; 2) versus those who required help or were bed or chair bound (f-
score> 2). Also, the correlation between the RIHS9 and Rankin scale was evaluated in both
stable and longitudinal groups of patients.
For the assessment of reliability in the stable group of 113 patients, two neurologists and six
experienced residents in neurology formed 28 different couples. Preceding the study, all
investigators received instructions in assessing the RIHS9. Twenty-seven ("variable")
couples investigated a total of 68 patients (2-3 patients for each couple). The remaining 45
stable patients were examined by the "experienced" couple (IM+JS). The latter couple was
formed to examine the effect of training (and thus a possible increase in reliability) when
using the RIHS9 often.
The patients were examined on two different occasions at our outpatient clinic. During the
first visit the two members of an appointed pair performed their scores independently and
consecutively (usually within 2 hours) (inter-observer measures). Within 2-4 weeks, the
patient returned for a second visit and only one investigator of the earlier assigned pair
examined the patient again (intra-observer values) without having access to previous results.
The assessments sequence at entry and the examination at the second visit were equally
distributed among the members of an assigned couple. Eventually, each member of a couple
examined approximately the same number of patients. With exception of the f-score, the
RIHS9 and Rankin scale were assessed at each visit in all patients. For the validity studies,
only the recruited scales' values at one visit were used.
Responsiveness. Twenty consecutive patients were longitudinally examined by the same
clinician (IM). The RIHS9 and Rankin scale were assessed at study entry and at the weeks 2,
4, 8, 12, 16, 21, 26, 32, 40, and 52 of follow-up with additional clinical investigations if
Validity and Reliability. In the stable group, the discriminant validity of the RIHS9 was
investigated by quantile regression analyses on the f-score patients' subgroups (f-score = 1
to f-score = 4) (26). The median RIHS9 scores in these subgroups were compared, using
design variables (0 to 1) representing each subgroup. The design variables were defined in
an appropriate manner, making it possible to test (by the likelihood ratio test) the hypothesis
that the median RIHS9 values were different for all f-score subgroups and decreased with
increasing f-score values. Box plots, with the upper and lower adjacent values defmed
according to Tukey, were applied to visualise these observations (also see legend to Figure
for explanation of the various components of a box plot) (27). Also, differences in median
RIHS9 values and at the single-item level of this scale were investigated in patients who
could walk independently (f-score ,,; 2) versus those being dependent or unable to walk (f-
score> 2) (Mann-Whitney U test).
In the stable group, the correlation between the RIHS9 and Rankin scale was examined
using Spearman's Rank correlation test. Also, random effects linear regression analyses
were performed of the RIHS9 on the Rankin scale in the longitudinal group, taking into
account the association of the data caused by the longitudinal structure. The latter was
achieved using the program "xtreg" in STATA 6.0 (StataCorp. 1997. Stata Statistical
Software: Release 6.0. College Station, TX), which is based upon a cross-sectional time-
112 Chapter 8
series regression model as described by Dwyer and Feinleib (28). The inter- and intra-rater
reliability of the RIHS9 was quantified by estimation of the intraclass correlation coefficient
using a one-way random effects analysis-of-variance model (Anova) for the two investigator
("experienced" and "variable") groups.
Responsiveness. Responsiveness was investigated by calculating the standardised response
mean (SRM) scores for the RIHS9 at various arbitrarily chosen occasions duting follow-up
(weeks 12, 26, 40, 52) (29). SRM is equal to the mean change in score divided by the
standard deviation of the change in score (29). A value between 0.5 and 0.8 is considered
moderate, and 0.8 or greater as high responsiveness (29,30). All analyses were performed
using Stata 6.0 for Windows 95. A value ofp < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Table 1
Legend to Table 1
GBS = Guil1ain-Barn! syndrome; eIDP = chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy; MGUSP =
polyneuropathy associated with a monoclonal gammopathy of undetennined significance. INCAT =
inflammatory neuropathy cause and treatment group.
General aspects. The whole effort of literature review, recruitment of potential items,
interviews and judgements by the patients of the selected items, and evaluation by an expect
panel of neurologists, was accomplished in approximately six months with the Rotterdam 9
Items Handicap Scale (RIHS9) as the final outcome (see Appendix III, page 213-216).
Subsequently, the RIHS9 was psychometrically evaluated in the selected patients in the
current study. A median time of 3.5 (range: 0.5 to 11.5) minutes was needed to complete the
The basic characteristics of the patients selected for the psychometric study of the RIHS9 are
presented in Table 1. The stable group of patients (54 females and 59 males) had a median
duration of symptoms till onset of the study of 5.1 years. Seven of these patients were
bed/chair bound and fourteen required assistance or a device to walk short distances. The
remaining 92 patients could walk independently. The corresponding values and ranges for
the scales in these patients are presented in Table 1.
Clinimetric evaluation ofthe Rotterdam nine items handicap scale 113
Validity, inter- and intra-observer Reliability, By the likelihood ratio test, it was
demonstrated that the median RlliS9 values were different between all subgroups (Figure
A). This test also revealed that the subgroup f-score= I had a higher median RlliS9 value
compared with the other subgroups (Figure A; f-score=l: 34; f'=score=2: 30; f-score=3: 23;
f-score=4: 19; quantile regression analyses combined with likelihood ratio test: p < 0.0001
for all comparisons). The median RlliS9 value in the independent ambulatory subgroup of
patients (f-score OS; 2) was significantly higher than the median value for dependent subgroup
(f-score 3 & 4) (Figure B; independent ambulatory: median RlliS9 value 33; dependent:
22.5; Mann Whitney U test: p < 0.0001). This difference was also reflected in all item-level
J6~ ------, 36
d ,., [
" ,.,. FT
~ "
_1 __
Legend to Figure
Box plots demonstrating the obtained Rotterdam 9 items handicap scale (RJHS9) scores in the various
subgroups of patients with different degrees of disease severity (A: based on the f-scoresl to 4; B: based on
independent ambulatory [f-score:::; 2] versus dependent ambulatory/unable to walk subgroups [f-score > 2]).
As noted in Figure A: The median RIHS9 values decreased significantly with increasing f-score (worse
clinical state) (Likelihood Ratio-test combined with quantile regression analysis: p < 0.0001 for all
comparisons). The independent ambulatory subgroup of patients demonstrated a higher median RIHS9 score
compared with the dependent ambulatory/not able to walk subgroup (Mann Whitney U test: p < 0.0001).
comparisons (Table 2). At all item levels, the dependent ambulatory subgroup of stable
patients (f-score > 2) had significantly lower values (indicating more handicap) compared
with the independent ambulatory patients (Mann-Whitney U test: p OS; 0.04 for all
In the stable group, 24% of the patients returned to their previous full-time job or study
(item "being able to work or to study"), In the longitudinally examined patients, 20% of the
patients were able at entry to fulfil their previous work or study as before. At one-year
follow-up, this number increased to 60%.
In the stable group of patients, a significant correlation was seen between the RIHS9 and the
Rankin scale (Spearman's Rank correlation test, for the "experienced" couple: r = -0.78; for
the "variable" couples: r = -0.76; P < 0.0001 for both correlations). A good correlation was
114 Chapter 8
Table 2
Single-item comparisons in a group of stable patients with immune-mediated polyneuropathies and
various degrees of clinical state
Rotterdmn 9 it(:ms h:mdicap scale Independent ambulatory subgroup Needing support to walk/unable to walk subgroup
(f-5corc:5':2) (f-scorc>2)
(n-92)* (n=21)*
Percentage ofpaticnts with ma:ximum Percentugc ofpaticnts with maximum
ITems score (%) score ('Yo)
Legend to Table 2
Maximum score::;: able to fulfil all tasks or activities related to the question asked. For the description of the
items: see appendix III, pages 213-216: * implies that not all items were necessarily applicable to all
patients. Therefore, the amount of patients per each item could vary.
also obtailled between these scales in the longitudinally examined patients ("xtreg": R =
0.83; p < 0.0001). Good reliability values were demonstrated for the RIHS9 (Anova,
"experienced" couple: inter-observer: R=0.89; intra-observer: R = 0.93; "variable" couples,
inter-observer: R = 0.94; intra-observer: R = 0.98; p < 0.0001 for all associations).
Responsiveness. Eight females and twelve males were examined longitudinally (Table I). At
study entry, four patients were bed bound, one requiring artificial ventilation, and nine
patients were unable to walk independently. All patients experienced deficit in daily
functional activities. Two hundred and one visits were completed during a follow-up period
of 40 to 58 (median: 52) weeks. Nineteen patients completed a one-year follOW-Up. With the
exception of one GBS patient who only experienced mild symptoms, all patients received
initial treatment with IVlg (OA gramslkilogram body weight/day for 5 consecutive days). All
but one patient with CIDP showed good functional improvement on Mg during follow-up.
The non-responder received a treatment course of oral prednisone, 100 milligrams/day for
four consecutive weeks. This patient also improved with this therapy and prednisone was
tapered down over five months period to 30 milligrams on alternate days. The GBS patients
did not show any deterioration during follow-up and improved gradually over time. After
initial improvement, all 12 IVIg responsive CIDP patients needed interval therapy with Mg
(1-2 days OA grams/kglday; intervals: 3 - 21 weeks) to maintain the achieved improvement.
Eventually, all patients demonstrated during follow-up an improvement in functional
abilities. This was reflected in an increase of the RIHS9 values during follow-up (median
values: 33, 35, 35, 34.5, at weeks 12, 26, 40, and 52, respectively) compared with the
median entry value of20 (Mann Whitney U test: p ~ 0.001 for all comparisons). Good SRM
scores were obtained for the RIHS9 in these patients (SRM values: 1.1, lA, 1.3, and IA at
weeks 12,26,40, and 52).
Influence oj sex, age, duration oj symptoms, and diagnosis on handicap. In the stable group
of patients, sex and duration of symptoms did not have a significant impact on RIHS9 values
Clinimetric evaluation a/the Rotterdam nine items handicap scale 115
(p > 0.09). However, the RIHS9 was significantly related to age with a gradual decrease
with increasing age (Speannan's Rank correlation: r = -0.23; p =0.02). No differences in
RIHS9 values were obtained when comparing patients with GBS versus those with a chronic
course (CIDPIMGUSP).
In the current study, the development and psychometric evaluation of a new handicap scale,
the Rotterdam 9 items handicap scale (RIHS9), is presented for patients with immune-
mediated polyneuropathies. Its development was performed under the prescribed
international guidelines for scale construction using the ICIDH taxonomy as a foundation
(18-21). The RIHS9 demonstrated itself to be easily applicable and only required a median
time of 3.5 minutes for the evaluation of various handicap items in these conditions.
Because the validity, reliability, and responsiveness of the RIHS9 were also demonstrated in
these disorders, all psychometric essentials were fulfilled (19). The RIHS9 clearly
distinguished between patients with various degrees of disease severity. Increasing f-score
values (compatible with more disablement) in patients with immune-mediated
polyneuropathies was accompanied by more handicap disturbances (lower RIHS9 values;
see Figure A). Furthermore, the reproducibility of the RIHS9 turned out to be independent of
the frequent use of this outcome measure, because the reliability values did not differ
between the "experienced" and "variable" investigative couples. The RIHS9 provided, in
contrast with the Rankin scale, not only information regarding mobility, but also highlighted
the dimensions physical independence, occupation, and social integration.
To date, despite the daunting array of available clinical studies in patients with immune-
mediated polyneuropathies and the growing aim of neurologists to ameliorate handicap on
the long-term, only one study in these disorders have reported on handicap disadvantages
(4). In this study, patients with Guillain-Barre syndrome were examined using the
Environmental status scale (ESS) and the Handicap assessment scale (HAS) to evaluate
outcome at the handicap level (4,31). However, using the ESS can be misleading, because
this scale mixes disability and handicap measures and also demonstrated limited validity
(31). Moreover, information regarding the psychometric requirements for the HAS have not
been provided before its use in these conditions. To our knowledge, the current study is the
first to assess handicap in patients with immune-mediated polyneuropathies using a scale
that has been thoroughly psychometrically evaluated (19).
By reviewing the English literature, only three instruments have been published that purely
assess handicap (14-16). None of these scales have been evaluated in immune-mediated
polyneuropathies. Whiteneck and colleagues quantified handicap using their Craig handicap
assessment and reporting technique (CHART) (14). The validity and reliability of this
CHART were demonstrated in patients with spinal cord injury (14). However, specific
responsiveness evaluation has not been reported. Moreover, the physical independence
subscale of the CHART has been criticised for its assumption that all patients have access to
attendant care, and therefore a patient who does not have help would be scored as
independent (7,15). The community integration questionnaire (CIQ) was developed and
psychometrically evaluated in patients with brain injury (15). However, like the CHART, the
crQ is a behavioural measure of handicap, since it only measures the time that a patient is
116 Chapter 8
engaged m a particular actlVlty and does not assess whether particular activities or
interactions were successful accomplished (7). The London handicap scale assesses
handicap as outlined by the WHO (2). Its validity and reliability have been demonstrated in
the healthy elderly, patients with stroke and in inflammatory arthritis (16,17,32). The Effect
size of this scale, a measure of responsiveness, was examined in patients with arthritis, but
turned out to be relatively low (32). Moreover, the dimensions "looking after yourself' and
"work and leisure" are constructed by a mixture of tasks and activities. In our view, these
tasks and activities would probably require different efforts by patients to fulfil and might
therefore lead to different degrees of handicap disturbances. It is therefore conceivable that
the fulfilment of these enquiries would lead to some confusion. To strive for clarity and to
group items that most probably would require equivalent efforts to fulfil, indoors and
outdoors tasks and activities were defmed in the RllIS9, hence providing a more simplistic
view of patients' disadvantages at the handicap level.
In the current study, the RllIS9 revealed that only 24% of the stable patients resumed their
previous employment or study. In the longitudinal group, this percentage shifted from 20%
at entry to 60% at one-year of follow-up. Similar findings in alteration of earlier work were
reported in patients with GBS (5,6,33). Age had an inverted correlation with handicap in the
patients at study. This is in accordance with an earlier paper (34).
With respect to the aims of the current study, some methodological issues should be
addressed. First, the obtained SRM scores for the RllIS9 only demonstrated within-group
responsiveness. It is not clear whether substantial longitudinal discriminative responsiveness
scores will be obtained for the RllIS9 when evaluating various groups of patients, e.g. in a
trial setting comparing a placebo versus a treated group (35). Second, the WHO handicap
dimensions "orientation" and "economic self-sufficiency" were not incorporated in the
RllIS9 development (2). "Orientation" was not incorporated, because immune-mediated
polyneuropathies, as peripheral nervous system disorders, in generally do not cause any
alteration in this dimension. Moreover, the interviewed patients did not address at any time
this entity as being important. "Economic self-sufficiency", the ability of a patient to sustain
customary socio-economic activity and independence, was initially incorporated in the first
draft ofthe RllIS9 (2). However, this item was excluded from the final version of this scale,
because it turned out to be very difficult to measure. Furthermore, it was believed that this
item had an overlap with the item "work/study".
In conclusion, the development, simplicity, validity, reliability, and responsiveness are
demonstrated for the Rotterdam 9 items handicap scale (RllIS9) in patients with immune-
mediated polyneuropathies. The RllIS9 adequately monitored the societal disadvantages in
patients suffering from these disorders and seems therefore suitable for assessing handicap
in these conditions.
Clinimetric evaluation of the Rotterdam nine items handicap scale 117
1. Harwood RH, Jitapunl.-ul S, Dickinson E, et al. Measuring handicap: motives, methods, and a model.
Qual Health Care 1994;3:53-57.
3. Hartung H-P, van der Meche FGA, Pollard ill. Guillain-Barre syndrome, CrDP and other chronic
immune-mediated neuropathies. Curr Opin Neurol1998J 1:497-513.
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5. Bernsen RAJAM, de Jager AEJ, Schmitz PIM, et al. Residual physical outcome and daily living 3 to 6
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6. de Jager AEJ, Minderhoud 1M. Residual signs in severe Guillain-Barre syndrome: analysis of 57
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13. de Haan R, Limburg M, Bossayt P, et a!. The clinical meaning of Rankin "handicap' grades after stroke.
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14. Vlhiteneck GG, Charlifue SW. Gerhart KA, et a!. Quantifying handicap: a new measure of long-term
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for traumatic brain injury. J Head Trauma Rehab 1993;8:75-85.
16. Hanvood RH, Rogers A, Dickinson E, et a!. Measuring handicap: the London Handicap Scale, a new
outcome measure for chronic disease. Qual Health Care 1994;3:11-16.
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17. Harwood RH, Gompertz SE. Handicap one year after a stroke: validity of a new scale. J Neurol
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18. Streiner DL, Nonnan GR. Health measurement scales. A practical guide to their development and use.
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19. Hobart Je, Lamping DL, Thompson AJ. Evaluating neurological outcome measures: the bare essentials.
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21. Kirshner B, Guyatt G. A methodological framework for assessing health indices. J Chron Dis
22. Asbury AK and Cornblath DR. Assessment of current diagnostic criteria for Guillain-Barre Syndrome.
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23. Ad Hoc subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology AIDS task force. Research criteria for
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24. Miescher GC, Steck AJ. Paraproteinaemic neuropathies. Baillieres Clin NeuroI1996;5:219-232.
25. Kleyweg RP. van der Meche FGA. Schmitz PIM. Interobserver agreement in the assessment of muscle
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Chapter 9
Merkies ISJi , Schmitz PIM2, Samijn JPA i , van der Meche FGA J, van Doom PAl, for the Inflammatory
Neuropathy Cause And Treatment (INCAT) grau/
From the Department of/Neurology, 2Department a/Statistics - Daniel den Hoed Cancer Centre, Erasmus
University Medical Centre Rotterdam. dr. Molewaterplein 40.3015 GD, Rotterdam. The Netherlands. 3See
Chapter 2 for [NCAT-members,
Objectives: To determine the prevalence and severity of ongoing fatigue and to investigate
the internal consistency, test-retest reliability, and validity of the Fatigue Severity Scale
(FSS) in patients with immune-mediated polyneuropathies.
Methods: The FSS was assessed in 113 patients who either experienced Guillain-Barre
syndrome in the past or currently have a stable chronic inflammatory demyelinating
polyneuropathy or a polyneuropathy associated with a monoclonal gammopathy of
undetermined significance, and in 113 age and sex matched healthy controls. Data on five
additional scales (MRC sumscore, functional grading scale [f-score], INCAT sensory
sumscore, a short form fatigue scale, medical outcome study 36-items health survey [SF-36])
were obtained in all patients. SF-36 was also assessed in 59 controls.
Results: 'Severe' fatigue (= FSS scores ~ 95 th percentile values in controls) was present in
80% of the patients. Fatigue was not significantly related to general strength, sensory
deficits, f-score, and duration of symptoms. 'Severe' fatigue was reported in 81 to 86% of
patients with normal strength or sensation. Eighty percent of the patients (controls: 12%)
reported their fatigue being among the three most disabling symptoms. SF-36 health status
scores in the patients group were significantly lower than the obtained values of the controls
and partially related to the FSS scores. Good internal consistency, significant test-retest
reliability, and validity were obtained for the FSS.
Conclusions: Fatigue is a major symptom in patients with immune-mediated
polyneuropathies and may persist for years after apparent recovery. The Fatigue Severity
Scale seems appropriate for assessing fatigue in these patients, because good internal
consistency, test-retest reliability, and validity were demonstrated.
120 Chapter 9
A group of 113 patients with a stable clinical condition (83 with GBS, 22 with CIDP, 8 with
MGUSP) were recruited from the Rotterdam immune-mediated polyneuropathy databank
and the Dutch GBS study group (table 1). A stable clinical condition was required to obtain
the highest reliability for the selected fatigue scale. The selected patients still had residual
symptoms or signs resulting from their illness, representing a broad range of disability
(functional grading score [f-score] at least I; see also assessment scales; 6). None of the
patients have been treated with steroids or another immune-suppressive agent in the 6
months before the start of the study. Nine CIDP patients required interval treatroent ranging
from weeks to months, with intravenous immunoglobulin. With this therapy their clinical
condition has been stable for more than 6 months. The patients with GBS and CIDP met the
international criteria for their illness (1,2). The diagnosis MGUSP was established after
excluding all possible underlying causes for the gammopathy and polyneuropathy (7). Six
patients with MGUSP had an associated demyelinating polyneuropathy with minor
concurrent axonal damage in three. An axonal polyneuropathy was diagnosed in the
remaining two patients with MGUSP. Patients were excluded from participation if there was
Fatigue in immune-mediated polyneuropathies 121
any concomitant disease or use of medication that might cause chronic fatigue. All selected
patients declared only to have experienced mild and transient fatigue prior to their illness.
Controls, stratified for gender and age, were recruited from hospital personnel, companions
(relatives, friends) of patients visiting our outpatient clinic, and volunteers unfamiliar with
the study (see table 1). The controls declared to be healthy, free from any chronic medical
condition, and were not taking medication that could contribute to fatigue.
Assessment scales
The Fatigue severity scale (FSS), a brief and simple self-assessed questionnaire, was
selected and translated into Dutch before its use (8). The FSS is a nine-item questionnaire
with answers ranging from 1 ("strongly disagree") to 7 ("strongly agree") for each inquiry.
The mean score of the 9 inquiries ranges from 1 ("no signs offatigue") to 7 ("most disabling
fatigue"). Internal consistency, reliability, validity, and sensitivity of the FSS have been
established in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus, multiple sclerosis, and Lyme
disease, but never in patients with immune-mediated polyneuropathies (see appendix I, page
209; reference 8).
The short-form fatigue scale (SFFS), with acceptable validity and reliability, was
administered in order to evaluate the construct convergent validity of the FSS (9). The score
of this scale ranges from 4 ("no signs of fatigue") to a maximum of 28 points ("most severe
fatigue"). In contrast with the FSS, this scale does not relate fatigue to daily activities.
The MRC sumscore and Functional grading scale ([-score) were applied in the patient group
to measure the physical condition of the patients at the impairment and disability levels (6).
The MRC sumscore ranges from 0 ("paralysis") to 60 ("normal strength"). For each muscle
group a standardised joint/limb position as well as the point at which counter-force is
administered was pre-defmed and taken when assessing muscle strength. The f-score of the
patients included in this study ranges from 1 ("minor neurological symptoms or signs and
able to run") to 4 ("bed or chair bound"). Good reliability and validity have been
demonstrated for these two scales (6).
The INCAT Sensory sumscore ranges from 0 ("normal sensation") to 20 ("most severe
sensory deficit") and is composed by the summation of the following sensation qualities:
pinprick arm grade [range: 0 to 4] + vibration arm grade [range: 0 to 4] + pinprick leg grade
[range: 0 to 4] + vibration leg grade [range: 0 to 4] + 2-point discrimination grade [range: 0
to 4]) (10). The vibration examination was performed using the recently validated graduated
Rydel-Seiffer tuning fork and the obtained measures were compared with the reported
vibration threshold normal values (11). Pinprick and vibration sense examination took place
from distal to proximal, and only the highest extension of dysfunction of the most affected
arm and leg was recorded for both qualities. The sites of examination with corresponding
grades were defined as followed: normal (grade 0) or disturbed (grade 1) pinprick or
vibration sense at the dorsum distal interphalangeal joint of the index fmger or hallux; an
abnormal sense at the ulnar styloid process or medial malleolus (grade 2), at the medial
humerus epicondyle or patella (grade 3), and at acromioclavicular joint or anterior superior
iliac spine (grade 4). For the 2-point discrimination quality, a sliding esthesiometer was used
where the exact measurable distance in millimetres could be read on the instrument. This
instrument was assessed in a 'static' manner at the ventral side, distal phalanx of the index
122 Chapter 9
finger, and the corresponding grades were arbitrarily chosen (grade 0: $; 4rnm; grade 1: S to
9rnm; grade 2: 10 to 14rnm; grade 3: IS to 19rnm; grade 4: ~ 20rnm) (10).
The medical outcomes study 36-item short form health survey (SF-36), a generic health
statns questionnaire, consists of 36 items, assigned to the domains of physical functioning
[10 items], role functioning-physical [4], role functioning-emotional [3], social functioning
[2], body pain [2], mental health [S], vitality [4], general health perception [S], and change in
health which is scored separately (12). The numbers of response categories per item range
from two to six. Each domain has a scoring range from 0 to 100. A high score indicates
better health or less body pain. The Dutch version we used was developed as a part of the
IQOLA project, which aims to translate, validate, and norm the SF-36 in a range of
languages and cultnral settings (13).
Test procedure
All participants gave informed consent for the stndy. Participants were lucid and competent
to answer the questionnaires to the best of their ability. All individuals received brief
instructions on how to fill in the fatigue and health statns forms. These questionnaires were
answered in random order. Patients were examined at our outpatient clinic, and all scales
were completed at stndy enrolment. The FSS was mailed 4 to 6 months later to the patients
for a second assessment. The patients were also asked to report whether their clinical
condition had improved, got worse, or remained the same since completing the first
questionnaire. Patients whose health had remained the same were included in the FSS test-
retest reliability analyses. The FSS was completed once by all healthy controls. SF-36 was
self-administered by S9 controls, taking into account the age and sex distribution of the
patients. The stndy took place between March 1997 and August 1998 and was part of a more
comprehensive outcome assessment research in patients with immune-mediated
polyneuropathies on behalf of the INCAT group.
"Severe" fatigue was arbitrarily defined as a score ~ FSS 9S th percentile in healthy
individuals. The obtained FSS scores in the patients and healthy controls were compared
using the Mann-Whitney U-test (MWU-test) and univariate and multivariate quantile
regression analyses (14). The median FSS values were compared within the categories
(healthy controls, GBS, CIDP, and MGUSP patients) using design variables ("0 - I")
representing each category. The design variables were defmed in an appropriate manner,
making it possible to test (hy the likelihood ratio test) the hypothesis that the median fatigue
values were equal for the diagnosis CIDP and MGUSP, but unequal to the median fatigue
values in GBS patients and healthy controls, separately. Box plots, with the upper and lower
adjacent values defined according to Tukey, were applied to visualise some of these
observations (also see legend to figure I for explanation of the various components ofa box
plot) (IS).
The mean SF-36 subscale values were compared within the three diagnostic categories and
between the whole patients group and healthy controls for each domain. One-way analysis-
of-variance (Anova) with corrections according to Bonferroni multiple-comparison tests
were applied.
The Cronbach's alpha coefficient was estimated for the FSS in the patients and healthy
participants (16). The test-retest reliability for the recruited FSS values in the
Fatigue in immune-mediated polyneuropathies 123
Table 1
Basic characteristics of the partiCipants
Healthy controls (n-I13)
Sex, ~o (%)
Females 54 (47.8%)
Males 59 (52.2%)
Mean age at sbrt of the study, (SD) range [years] 54.2 (14.8) lS·S3
Patients (n=113)
Sex, ~o (%)
Females 54 (47.8%)
Males 59 (52.2%)
Mean age at start ofthc study, (SD) range [years] 54.3 (15.1) 14-84
Number of patients per diagnosis
GBS 83
eIDP 22
Median duration of symptoms till onset of study [years]
Overall 5.1
GBS 5.2
emp 3.9
:MRC sumscorc distribution (score range: 0~60)
<49 25
50·59 66
60 22
f~scoredistribution (score range: 0-5: in current study: 1-4)
1 51
2 41
3 14
4 7
Sensory sumscore distribution (score range: 0-20)
o 21
1·9 73
10-19 19
20 o
Legend to table 1
The MRC sumscore ranges from 0 (''paralysis'") to 60 (,'nonnal strength"). The functional grading score (f-
score) of the patients in the current study ranges from 1 ("minor neurological symptoms or signs and able to
run") to 4 ("bed or chair bound"). The sensory sumscore ranges from 0 (,'nonnar sensation") to 20 ("most
severe sensory abnonnalities").
compared with the GBS (mean age 56.1 [SD 13.5] years) and the MGUSP patients (mean
age 66.1 [SD 8.1] years). One hundred and seven of the 113 patients (95%) completed the
second FSS assessment. One hundred and five patients reported a stable clinical condition,
while two reported an improved clinical condition at the second FSS assessment. These two
were excluded from reliability analyses. Two patients died during the interval between the
two measures, and another was hospitalised due to myocardial infarction. The remaining
three patients did not return the second FSS assessment for various reasons. Fifty-nine
healthy volunteers (29 females; 30 males; mean age 53.5 [SD 13.6] years) completed the SF-
36 questionnaire.
Figure 1
, A B
~ ~
!,~ .. 'L~I
-I L---:; 6
, ~==! ,
: I
': TT
I}~I c=1
"~ 4-! , ~
, --.~-,-
~ 3~ ~I- 3 [--- .'. :>-!
, I .•... ····~c '~ _L 0
~~---,---.- ---('-- l- ____ =-~_c 1 .~~~~
Legend to figure 1
Box plots demonstrating the obtained "Fatigue severity scale' (FSS) scores in the healthy controls versus
patients group (A) related to diagnosis (B) and sex (C). HC ~ healthy controls. HM ~ healthy males. HF ~
healthy females, MP = male patients, FP = female patients. The patients were more fatigued than the healthy
controls (Mann-Whitney U-test, whole patients group versus healthy controls: p < 0.0001). All diagnostic
categories were more fatigued than the healthy controls (Likelihood Ratio-test combined with quantile
regression analysis: p < 0.0001). The GBS patients had a higher median fatigue value compared with the
other subgroups and healthy controls (Likelihood Ratio-test combined with quantile regression analysis: p <
0.0001 for the comparisons GBS versus cmp + MGUSP, and GBS versus healthy controls). Females were
more tired in both groups, but this was only significant in the patients group (Mann-Whitney U-test: in
healthy controls: p ~ 0.28; in patients group: p = 0.02).
Explanation of the various components of the box plots: The median (50th percentile) FSS value
corresponds with the horizontal line within the box. The box extends from the first quartile (25th percentile
~ x[25]) to the third quartile (75th percentile = x[75]), the so-called inter-quartile range (lQR). The vertical
lines emerging from the box extend to the upper and lower adjacent values. The upper adjacent value is
defined as the largest FSS value less than or equal to x[75] + 1.5 x IQR. The lower adjacent value is defined
as the smallest FSS value greater than or equal to x[25] - 1.5 x IQR. Measured FSS values more extreme
than the adjacent values are referred to as 'outside values' and are individually plotted (15).
FSS comparison between patients and controls. At entry, the median FSS value in the
patients group was slightly higher (6.1) (corresponding mean value: 5.6 [SD 1.4]) compared
with the median value at the second assessment (5.8) (corresponding mean value: 5.5 [SD
1.4]). Unless otherwise stated, further comparisons were made using only the FSS values
Fatigue in immune-mediated polyneuropathies 125
obtained at entry. The median FSS value in the patients group was higher compared with the
result in healthy individuals (median fatigue value 2.9; corresponding mean value: 2.9 [SD
1.1]) (figurelA; MWU-test: p < 0.0001). By the Likelihood ratio test it was demonstrated
that the median FSS values were equal for the CIDP and MGUSP patients but unequal to the
median fatigue values in healthy controls and GBS patients. This test also revealed that the
GBS patients had a higher median fatigue value (6.2) compared with the other subgroups
and healthy controls (CIDP: 5.6; MGUSP: 5.3; healthy controls: 2.9; figure IB; quantile
regression analyses combined with Likelihood ratio test; p < 0.0001 for the comparisons
GBS versus CIDP + MGUSP, and GBS versus healthy controls).
The FSS 95 th percentile in the healthy controls was 5.0. "Severe" fatigue, arbitrarily defined
as a FSS score <: than the FSS 95 th percentile in the healthy controls, was demonstrated in 90
of 113 patients (80%). Remarkably, of the patients with a completely recovered general
strength (MRC sumscore = 60) relatively more patients reported a fatigue score that fell
within the severe fatigue range (19 of 22: 86%). Severe fatigue was also reported in 17 of
the 21 (81%) patients with normal sensation (sensory sumscore = 0). Six of the 8 patients
(75%) with both normal general strength and sensation experienced severe fatigue. Eighty
percent of the patients scored 5 or more on the 7-point scale for question 8 ("Fatigue is
among my three most disabling symptoms") compared with 12% (13/113) of the healthy
Table 2
Correlations between the Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS) and SF~36 health status in patients
with immune-mediated polyneuropathies
GBS patients, n 83 CIDPIMGUSP patients, n 30
FSS p-value FSS p-value
SF-36 domains Speannan's rank Spearman's rank
correlation coefficient correlation coefficient
Physical functioning -0.21 NS -0.53 0.002
Role functioning-physical ·0.17 NS I ·0.45 0.01
Role functioning-emotional -0.22 0.04 -Q33 NS
Social functioning -0.42 0.0001 -0.24 NS
Body pain -0.23 0.03 0.009 NS
Mental health ·0.30 0.006 -0.35 NS
Vitality ·0.57 < 0.0001 ·0.50 0.005
General health perceptions ·0.40 0.0002 ·0.65 0.0001
Legend to table 2
Fatigue in GBS patients was significantly associated with social and emotional domains. but not with the
physical subscales. where as the CIDPIMGUSP patients demonstrated the contrary. NS = not significant.
FSS correlation with clinical parameters. General strength, as measured by the MRC
sumscore, the f-score values, and sensory sumscore showed no significant association with
the FSS values (Spearman's rank correlation test: r = 0.07 to 0.13; p <: 0.18). Fatigue score
was not significantly related to age and duration of symptoms in the patients group. Fatigue
in females was consistently higher than in males, but this was only significant in the patients
group (figure lC; MWU-test in healthy controls: p = 0.28; in patients group: p = 0.02).
126 Chapter 9
SF-36 evaluation and its association with FSS in patients. The SF-36 values showed no
substantial difference between the three diagnostic categories (GBS, CIDP and MGUSP)
within each domain (Anova with Bonferroni tests: all p-values ~ 0.46). A separation was
made between the GBS ("acute" subgroup; n = 83) and the CIDPIMGUSP patients
("chronic" subgroup; n = 30) based on these results combined with the FSS Likelibood
ratio-test [mdings (see also results FSS comparison between patients and controls). For all
Figure 2
~ .-------...
.. ..
0 ~.
~ .... ______________..-<c._
'" 20-1
____ 59 Healthy "ontrols
-R- 30 CIDPf.\1GGSP patients
-.t.-l!3 GBS paticolll
function ....
Body Mental
Vitality Cencral
Legend to figure 2
Both patients' subgroups demonstrated a lower score for an SF-36 domains compared with the scores of the
healthy controls (p < 0.0001 for an domains, except "role functioning-emotional' in the CIDPIMGUSP
patients versus controls: p = 0.03). No statistically significant difference was obtained at all domain levels
between the GBS and the CIDPIMGUSP patients (all p-va]ues ;;, 0.27). Analyses were perfenned using
ANOVA 'With corrections according to the Bonferroni mUltiple-comparison tests.
SF-36 domains, both subgroups scored notable lower values compared with the scores
obtained in healthy controls (figure 2; Anova with Bonferroni tests: p < 0.0001 for all
domains, except for the dimension "role functioning-emotional" in the "chronic" subgroup
versus controls: p = 0.03).
The correlations between the FSS and SF-36 domains for the two subgroups are presented in
table 2. In both subgroups, FSS demonstrated the highest significant inverted association
with the domains "general health perception" and "vitality". Fatigne scores in GBS patients
were significantly associated with the socio-emotional domains, but not with the physical
subscales. Conversely, fatigue values in the "chronic" subgroup were significantly related to
the physical (but not the socio-emotional) dimensions (table 2, boxes).
Fatigue in immune-mediated polyneuropathies 127
Internal consistency, test-retest reliability, and validity evaluation of the FSS. A good
internal consistency for the FSS was found at both assessments for the whole patient group
(ex = 0.93 and 0.95) and in healthy controls (ex = 0.84). The FSS demonstrated good test-
retest reliability and acceptable validity for the whole patient group when correlated with the
SFFS and SF-36 "vitality" domain (r = 0.68 and r = -0.56, respectively; p < 0.0001; see also
tables 2 and 3; mean SFFS was 17.6 (SD 7.2), range 4 to 28).
Table 3
Clinimetric evaluation of the Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS) in patients with immune-mediated
Patients group (n-113) Tests and results p-value
Internal consistency Cronbach's alpha
FSSI 0.95
FSS2* 0.93
Reliability - test/retest Reliability coefficient CAnova)
FSSl- FSS2 0.86 < 0.0001
Validity - construct convergent Spearman's rank correlation coefficient
FSS correlation with SFFS 0.68 < 0.0001
Validity - construct divergent Spearman's rank correlation coefficient
FSS correlation with SF-36 'vitality' -0.56 < 0.0001
Legend to table 3
FSSI = Fatigue Severity Scale measured at entry. FSS2 = Fatigue Severity Scale measured 4 to 6 months
after FSSl. * = 105 of the 113 patients (93%) completed the second FSS assessment. SFFS = short-fonn
fatigue scale (9).
The findings in the current study demonstrate that fatigue is a prominent and highly
disabling symptom in immune-mediated polyneuropathies. Four of five (80%) patients rated
their fatigue as one of the three most disabling symptoms compared with only 12% in the
healthy controls. Also, severe fatigue defined as a score equal to or higher than the FSS 95 th
percentile in the healthy controls, was present in 80% of the patients. These observations are
consistent with reports on fatigue in other chronic conditions such as multiple sclerosis and
systemic lupus erythematosus (17-20). The current study also demonstrated a difference
with literature findings. The mean FSS score in our patients group was higher than the
reported FSS values in various chronic medical conditions, except in patients with chronic
fatigue syndrome (8,20-29; table 4). This was remarkable, since approximately two-thirds of
the population at study consisted of patients with residual clinical conditions due to GBS
many years (median: 5.2) before the start of this study. Surprisingly, the prevalence of
fatigue was the highest among the GBS patients (figure IB). Fatigue in these patients was
independent of the time that elapsed since the acute phase of the GBS was experienced.
Despite a good physical recovery, GBS can still be considered as a long-term event causing
a "post-GBS fatigue syndrome" in most patients that may interfere with functionality. Such
an "illness related fatigue syndrome" was also noted in the CIDPIMGUSP patients we
investigated. Variables such as age, duration of the disease, MRC sumscore, f-score, and
128 Chapter 9
sensory sumscore were not significantly associated with fatigue. Fatigue was only
significantly related to sex in the patients group. Severe fatigue was also highly prevalent in
patients with nonnal general strength or nonnal sensory modalities. These results clearly
emphasise that fatigue shonld be considered as a serious, relatively independent and highly
disabling entity in patients with immune-mediated polyneuropathies, irrespective of clinical
variables or course of time.
The SF-36, a generic health status questionnaire, also clearly distinguished the patient group
from healthy controls, but could not differentiate between the three diagnostic categories
(GBS, CIDP and MGUSP) at all domain levels. The GBS ("acute") group and the "chronic"
(CIDPIMGUSP) patients had significantly lower SCOres compared with the controls at all
SF-36 levels (see figure 2). A significantly worse functional status has also been recently
reported by Bernsen et al. using the sickness impact profile (SIP) health status in 123
patients who had GBS three to six years previously (30). These authors have also concluded
that the psychosocial functioning of the patients was seriously affected, even when the
patients have reached a complete physical recovery or showed only mild residual signs (30).
The socio-emotional dimensions of the SF-36 applied in the current study are comparable
with the psychosocial categories of the SIP and were fairly associated with fatigue in the
GBS patients (31, table 2). Fatigue presumably contributes to a reduced psychosocial
functioning in GBS patients. Contrary to these findings, fatigue was significantly associated
with the SF-36 physical dimensions in patients with a "chronic" polyneuropathy. Perhaps
these patients are more preoccupied with the potential threat of changes in their physical
status making them more prone to relate disabling symptoms such as fatigue to their physical
As a basis for their study, several papers addressing the influence of fatigue on health status
in chronic disorders have stated that engagement in less physical activities and exercises
may induce de-conditioning, which may explain fatigue leading to decrements in health
status (19,32). Conversely, Pitetti et al. reported reduction in daily fatigue with
improvements in activities of daily living following a supervised training program in a 54-
year old man who had residual deficits for many years after having experienced GBS (33).
An enhancement in functional capacity has also been reported in chronic relapsing GBS
after low intensity aerobic exercise (34). Less engagement in physical activities was also
noted in all patients in the current study compared with healthy controls (see dimensions
"physical functioning" and "role-functioning physical" in figure 2). However, since fatigue
was primarily related to the SF-36 physical domains only in the "chronic" group and not in
the GBS patients, other explanatory factors leading to a reduced health status should also be
Instruments for measuring outcome must be appropriate to the patient group being studied,
efficient, easy to administer, and user friendly (35). Good reliability and validity are also
necessary (35). In the current study, the FSS demonstrated to be brief and was easily self-
administered with good test-retest reliability, and significant validity. The internal
consistency of the FSS in the patients and healthy controls was higher than the
recommended 0.7 score by Nunnally (16). Hence, the applicability of the FSS as an
instrument for measuring fatigue is shown in patients with immune-mediated
polyneuropathies. The responsiveness to changes in time of the FSS is currently being
Fatigue in immune-mediated polyneuropathies 129
Table 4
Fatigue severity scale (FSS) scores in current study compared with previously published FSS scores
for other diagnostic groups and healthy controls
Groups studied: (reference) Number of individuals studied M= SD
lmmunc-.mediated polyneuropathies
Current study 113 5.6 1.4
(median: 6.1)
Multiple sclerosis
Krupp et al., 1989: (8) 25 4.S 1.3
Krupp et al., 1993: (23) 57 5.1 1.4
Packer et al.• 1994: (24) 9 5.2 1.5
Berg::unaschi et a1.. 1997: (27) 100 4.1 ?
Systemic lupus erythematosus
Krupp et af., 1989: (8) 29 4.7 1.5
Krupp et af., 1990: (21) 59 4.6 1.5
Austin et af., 1996: (25) 58 4.6 0.4
Wang et af., 1998; (20) 100 5.1 3.1
Chronic fatiWle syndrome
Kruppetaf., 1993: (23) 72 6.1 o.s
Packeretal.• 1994: (24) 13 6.1 0.5
Postpolio syndromc
Packer et 01.. 1991: (22) 12 4.8 1.6
PackcretoL 1994: (24) 28 5.1 1.7
Schankc. 1997: (28) 63 5.6 1.2
Lyme Borreliosis
Ravdin et af.. 1996: (26) 21 4.7 1.7
Sleep disorders
Lichstcin et al.• 1997; (29) 206 4.8 1.4
Ravdin et ai.. 1996: (26) 21 3.9 1.3
Healthy controls
Current study 113 2.9 1.1
Krupp et al.• 1989: (8) 20 _.,
?- 0.7
Krupp et 01.. 1993: (23) 40 2.8 1.2
Packcretal.• 1994: (24) 11 2.2 1.1
Ravdin et al., 1996; (26) 21 2.9 0.9
Legend to table 4
The mean FSS score of the patients at entry in the current study was higher than the literature values. except
for the reported mean FSS scores in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. The mean FSS score of the
patients at the second assessment (4 to 6 months later) in the current study was 5.5 (SD 1.4).
evaluated in a longitudinal study including patients with recently diagnosed GBS and CIDP
with changing clinical course, but has already been established in patients with MS and
Lyme disease (8).
With respect to the aims of the current study, some methodological issues should be
addressed. First, the selected patients had a stable clinical condition that was necessary for
an optimal FSS reliability evaluation. However, a stable clinical condition was based on the
subjective report by the patient rather than on the patient's actual clinical evaluation by an
investigator. The latter would probably have resulted in a more accurate judgement of the
clinical condition of the patient. Despite this, an acceptable FSS reliability value still was
obtained. Second, it is unclear whether patients with changing clinical conditions would be
more or less fatigued or whether the associations between FSS and SF-36 subscales would
give different outcomes. Third, it is also unsettled whether fatigue would still not be related
to the various clinical variables when assessed over time. Fourth, interpretation ofthe results
130 Chapter 9
should be with some caution, since we did not systematically investigate or control for
possible pathophysiological associated factors with fatigue, such as sleep disturbances,
depression and inactivity leading to deconditioning (19-21,23,29,32-34), Despite these
issues, the current observations still buttress our clinical experience that fatigue is a
prominent complaint among patients with inunune-mediated polyneuropathies.
In conclusion, fatigue is a highly prevalent and disabling symptom significantly associated
with a reduced health status in patients with immune-mediated polyneuropathies. Further
attention should be directed towards understanding and unravelling the pathophysiological
mechanism of fatigue and introducing adequate therapeutic options for these patients.
Fatigue in immune-mediated polyneuropathies 131
1. Asbury AK Cornblath DR. Assessment of current diagnostic criteria for Guillain-Barre Syndrome. Ann
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3. Hartung H-P. van der Meche FGA. Pollard ill. Guillain-Barre syndrome. CIDP and other chronic
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5. Gregory RJ. Understanding and coping with neurological impairment. Rehabil Nurs 1995:20:74-83.
6. Kleyvveg RP, van der Meche FGA. Schmitz PIM. Interobserver agreement in the assessment of muscle
strength and functional abilities in Guillain-Barre syndrome. Muscle and Nerve 1991: 14: 1103-11 09.
8. Krupp LB. LaRocca NG. Muir-Nash J. et al. The Fatigue Severity Scale. Application to patients with
multiple sclerosis and systemic lupus erythematosus. Arch Neurol 1989:46: 1121-1123.
9. Alberts M, Smets EMA, Vercoulen JHMM, et af. 'Verkorte vermoeidheidsvragenlijsf: een praktisch
hulpmiddel bij het scoren van vermoeidheid. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 1997:141:1526-1530.
10. Merkies ISJ, Schmitz PIM. van der Meche FGA. et af. Psychometric evaluation of a new sensory scale
in immune-mediated polyneuropathies. Neurology 2000;54:943-949.
11. Martina ISJ. van Koningsveld R, Schmitz PIM. et a1. Measuring vibration threshold with a graduated
tuning fork in normal ageing and in patients vvith polyneuropathy. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry
12. McHomey CA. Ware JE jr. Raczek AE. The MOS 36-ltem Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36): II.
Psychometric and clinical tests of validity in measuring physical and mental health constructs. Med Care
1993:31 :247-263.
13. Aaronson 1\'}(. Acquadro C, Alonso J, et al. International quality of life assessment (IQOLA) project.
Quality Life Res 1992:1:349-351.
14. Gould WW. Rogers WH. Quantile regression as an alternative to robust regression. 1994 proceedings of
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15. Tukey JW. Exploratory Data Analysis. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company: 1977.
16. Nunnally JC. Psychometric theory. New York: McGraw Hill: 1978.
17. Murray TJ. Amantadine therapy for fatigue in multiple sclerosis. Can J Neurol Sci 1985;12:251-254.
18. Krupp LB, Alvarez LA, LaRocca NG. et af. Fatigue in multiple sclerosis. Arch Neuro1 1988:45:435-
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19. Robb-Nicholson LC, Daltroy LEaton H, et of. Effects of aerobic conditioning in lupus fatigue: a pilot
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20. Wang B. Gladman DD, Urowitz MR. Fatigue in lupus is not correlated with disease activity. J
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21. Krupp LB, LaRocca NG, Muir J, et af. A study of fatigue in systemic lupus erythematosus. J Rheumatol
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22. Packer TL, Martins I, Krefting L, et 01. Post-polio sequelae. Activity and Post-polio fatigue. Orthopedics
23. Krupp LB, JandorfL, Coyle PI<., et aZ. Sleep disturbance in chronic fatigue syndrome. J Psychosom Res
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Chapter 10
From the Department oj/Neurology, 2Department of Statistics - Daniel den Hoed Cancer Centre, Erasmus
University Medical Centre Rotterdam, dr. MoleYv'aterplein 40.3015 GD, Rotterdam. The Netherlands. 3See
Chapter 2/or INCAT-members.
Submitted/or publication
Background: Quality of life scales assess outcome from patients' perspectives. It was argued
that these scales complement traditional outcome measures, thereby providing a more
comprehensive view of how illnesses affect patients' lives.
Objectives: Quality of life was, therefore, examined in immune-mediated polyneuropathies
using the medical-outcome-study 36-items (SF-36). Its psychometric requirements were also
Methods: SF-36 and three other measures (MRC surnscore, Sensory surnscore, Hughes's
functional scale) were assessed in 114 stable patients (83 with Guillain-Barre syndrome
(GBS), 23 with chronic inflanunatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP), 8 patients with
a ganunopathy related polyneuropathy) and serially in 20 patients with recently diagnosed
GBS (n=7) or CIDP (n=13) with changing conditions. The SF-36 values were compared
with reported healthy Dutch community scores (controls). The SF-36 validity and reliability
were examined by correlation and regression studies with the other measures and by
calculating its internal consistency. The standardised-response-mean technique was applied
to determine its responsiveness.
Results: In the stable group, all SF-36 scores were substantially lower (indicating worse
clinical condition) compared with controls' (p<0.0001). Itnprovement in the longitudinal
group resulted in a gradual shift of all SF-36 scores towards normal values. Acceptable
validity and internal consistency values and high standardised-response-mean scores were
demonstrated for the SF-36. The MRC surnscore and sensory surnscore explained SF-36
values ouly partially.
Conclusion: The psychometric requirements of the SF-36 are demonstrated in immune-
mediated polyneuropathies. This generic health status complemented traditional strength and
sensory measures and appears to be a potentially valuable instrument for measuring quality
of life in these conditions.
134 Chapter 10
In the last decade, an exponential increase has been witnessed regarding the use of health-
related quality of life measures in clinical studies. This increase was driven by the concept
that traditional clinical and laboratory measures needed to be complemented by measures
that focus on the patients' concerns, thereby striving for a better understanding on how
patients' lives are being affected by their disorders and to identifY more appropriate forms of
health care (I).
Particularly in diseases with a long-term effect on functionality such as immune-mediated
polyneuropathies, more attention should be paid to the impact of illness and its treatment on
functional, emotional, and social well-being of patients (1). However, despite this growth
only a limited number of clinical reports included a health status measure in the evaluation
of patients with Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS), chronic inflammatory demyelinating
polyneuropathy (CIDP), or a polyneuropathy associated with a monoclonal gammopathy of
undetermined significance (MGUSP) (2-5). Moreover, none of the applied quality of life
measures was thoroughly evaluated in terms of being valid, reliable, and responsive to
changes over time before its general use in these illnesses (6).
Prompted by these fmdings, we investigated quality of life in patients with GBS, CIDP and
MGUSP using the medical outcome study 36-items short-form health status (SF-36) and the
obtained values were compared with the published normal data for the healthy Dutch
community (7-10). This generic health status was chosen because of its brevity and
extensive use in clinical studies. In addition, the association was examined between the SF-
36 and variables like age, duration of symptoms, general strength, sensation, and functional
ability. The discriminatory ability of the SF-36 between groups of patients with various
degrees of functional ability (discriminatory ability) and its reliability were also analysed (6).
Finally, we investigated whether immune-mediated polyneuropathies would lead not only to
physical deficit, but also to mental disturbances and whether extensive medical guidance
would provide a better quality oflife over time.
A cross-sectional group of 114 Dutch patients (83 with GBS, 23 with CIDP, 8 with
MGUSP) with a stable clinical condition were recruited from the Rotterdam immune-
mediated polyneuropathy databank and the Dutch GBS study group (stable group). These
patients came from all Dutch districts and were treated in various hospitals through out The
Netherlands. The patients did not have any known concomitant disease that might influence
quality of life. These patients still had residual symptoms or sigus due to their illness,
representing a broad range of disability: functional grading scale (f-score) ranging from I to
4 (see also assessment scales and reference 11). Nine CIDP patients required interval
treatment ranging from weeks to months, with intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg). With
this therapy their clinical condition has been stable for more than 6 months. Six patients with
MGUSP had an associated demyelinating polyneuropathy with minor concurrent axonal
damage in three. An axonal polyneuropathy was diagnosed in the remaining two patients
Quality a/life in immune-mediated polyneuropathies 135
Twenty consecutive patients at the university hospital Rotterdam with newly diagnosed GBS
(n ; 7) or CIDP (n ; 13) and changing clinical conditions were enrolled to investigate
whether the SF-36 captured longitudinal changes in these disorders (longitudinal group).
These patients were also free from any concomitant disease. The baseline f-score values in
these patients ranged from I to 5 (see also assessment scales and reference 11). During the
recruitment period, no patients with newly diagnosed MGUSP were seen at our department.
All GBS and CIDP patients met the international criteria for their illness (12,13). The
diagnosis MGUSP was established after excluding all possible causes for the gammopathy
and polyneuropathy (14).
The reported mean (standard deviation [SDJ) SF-36 domain scores and summary values for
a random, nationwide sample of 1742 healthy individuals in The Netherlands (976 men, 766
women; mean age 47.6 [IS.O], range 16-94 years) was used for the comparison studies with
the SF-36 values in the selected patients groups (9,10).
Assessment scales
The medical outcome study 36-items short form health survey (SF-36), a generic health
status questionnaire, consists of 36 items, assigned to the domains of physical functioning
[10 items], role functioning-physical [4], role functioning-emotional [3], social functioning
[2], body pain [2], mental health [5], vitality [4], general health perception [5], and change in
health which is scored separately (see appendix IV, page 217-221 and reference 7). The
numbers of response categories per item range from 2 to 6. Each domain has a scoring range
from 0 to 100. A high score indicates better health or less body pain. The Dutch version of
the SF-36 was used (9). The corresponding physical component summary (PCS) and mental
component summary (MCS) values were also calculated (S).
The Medical Research Council (MRC) sumscore is a summation of the MRC grades given in
full numbers of the following muscle pairs: upper arm abductors, elbow flexors, wrist
extensors, hip flexors, knee extensors, and foot dorsal flexors (11). The MRC sumscore
ranges from 0 ("total paralysis") to 60 ("normal strength") (11).
The "INCAT' sensory sumscore (ISS) was applied to measure general sensory deficit (15).
The ISS comprises vibration and pinprick sense plus a 2-point discrimination value and
ranges from 0 ("normal sensation") to 20 ("most severe sensory deficit") (15).
The Hughes' jimctional grading scale IJ-score) assesses the functional ability of the patients
(11). The f-score of the patients included in this study ranged from 0 to 5. An f-score of 0
indicates normal health (no symptoms or signs); I, denotes having minor neurological
symptoms or signs and able to run; 2, able to walk at least 10 meters, but unable to run; 3,
able to walk 10 meters with a walker or support; 4, bedridden or chair bound (unable to walk
10 meters with a walker or support); 5, requiring artificial ventilation for at least part of the
day (11). Good psychometric properties were demonstrated for all selected scales (S-II,15).
However, SF-36 has not been evaluated in terms of its validity, reliability, and
responsiveness in immune-mediated polyneuropathies.
position as well as the point at which counter-force was administered was taken for each
muscle group. Sensory modalities were examined in triplicate according to the described
standard procedures with the patient lying in supine position (15). In the stable group of
patients, all measures were examined once. Before leaving, all SF-36 items were checked on
possible missing values and if necessary patients were asked to complete the missing
The longitudinal group of patients was examined by the same clinician (1M) and the MRC
sumscore, ISS, and f-score were assessed randomly at the weeks 0, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16,21,26,
32, 40, and 52 of follow-up in each patient. If necessary, additional clinical investigations
were performed. The SF-36 was concurrently assessed at the weeks 0, 4, 12, 26, 32, 40, and
52. All SF-36 domains and summary measures were scored as recommended by the SF-36
developers (7,8). Patients were also allowed to contact us between clinical visits for any
question possible related to their illness. Family members of the patients were also
stimulated to participate in the whole process of dealing with the consequences of the
All but one mildly affected patient were initially treated with IVIg. IVlg demonstrated to be
efficacious in GBS and CIDP (16-19). One IVIg non-responsive CIDP patient received
additional treatment with prednisone (20). The study took place between March 1997 and
September 1999 and was part of a more comprehensive outcome assessment research in
patients with immune-mediated polyneuropathies on behalf of the INCA T-group.
Cross-sectional study. In the stable group, mean SF-36 subscales' and summary (PCS and
MCS) values were compared with the reported mean normal values for the Dutch
community (Student's t-test for two independent groups) (9,10). Also, the discriminatory
capacity of the SF-36 was examined in two groups of patients with different degrees of
disability (subgroup I: able to walk independently [f-scores 1 and 2] versus subgroup 2:
needing support to walk or unable to walk [f-scores 3 and 4]). The possible correlation
between MRC sumscore, ISS values, and f-score values with SF-36 domains and summary
measures were calculated using Spearman's rank correlation coefficient. Reliability of the
SF-36 subscales and summary measures was estimated by calculating the internal
consistency (Cronbach's a). According to Nunnally, a a ~ 0.7 was considered as good
reliability (21). The Cronbach's a values for the PCS and MCS were calculated using a
covariance matrix for the eight SF-36 dimensions as suggested by Ware and associates (8).
Univariate linear regression analyses were also performed to determine the impact of age,
duration of symptoms till onset of the study, general strength, and sensation (explanatory
variables) on the PCS and MCS values separately (dependent variables). The PCS values
had a Gaussian pattern. A transformation (quadratic form) of the MCS scores was needed to
obtain a normal distribution pattern prior to the regression studies. Through systematic
construction and evaluation of graphs, we strived for the best fit between the explanatory
and dependent variable using restricted cubic spline function on the independent variables in
the regression studies (22). The strength of association between these variables was
presented as R2: the fraction of variance explained by the independent variable from the
regression model.
Longitudinal study. In the longitudinally examined patients, mean SF-36 subscales' and
summary scores were compared also at various arbitrarily chosen occasions of follow-up
Quality of life in immune-mediated polyneuropathies 137
(weeks 0, 12, 26, 52) with the reported SF-36 nortnal Dutch community values (Student's t-
test) (9,10). Moreover, random effects univariate linear regression analyses were perfortned
to investigate the impact of general strength, sensation, and functional ability on the SF-36
scores, taking into account the correlation of the data caused by the longitudinal structure.
The latter was achieved using the program "xtreg" in STATA 6.0 for Windows 95 which is
based upon a cross-sectional time-series regression model as described by Dwyer and
Feinleib (StataCorp. 1997. Stata Statistical Software: Release 6.0. College Station, TX: Stata
Corporation; see also reference 23). Before applying "xtreg", the distribution patterns of all
variables were examined and where necessary and possible a transfortnation of the
variable(s) took place to ascertain a nortnal distribution. Also, graphics of each clinical
(explanatory) variable and a SF-36 domain or sununary measure (dependent variables) were
constructed and examined. If necessary, additional transfortnation of the variables was
perfortned (e.g. logarithmic) to obtain the best fit for the regression function. The strength of
association between these variables was presented as R': the fraction of variance explained
by the independent variable + 'time' -factor from the regression model.
SF-36 responsiveness was estimated at 6 and 12 months of follow-up using the standardised
response mean score (SRM; 24). SRM is equal to the mean change in scores divided by the
standard deviation of change in scores (SRM = (jJ.i - J.Lo )/SD(J.Li - J.Lo); J.Li = mean scale value
of the longitudinally examined group at week = i; J.LO = mean scale value at week = 0 [entry])
(24). A value between 0.5 and 0.8 is considered moderate, and 0.8 or greater as high
responsiveness (24,25). All analyses were perfortned using Stata 6.0 for Windows 95. A
value ofp < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Patients' characteristics and general aspects. The basic characteristics of all patients are
presented in Table 1. In the stable group, fourteen patients required assistance or a device to
walk short distances (f-score = 3) and eight patients were bed bound (f-score = 4) (221114 =
19%; 17 GBS, 3 CIDP, 2 MGUSP). The remaiuing 92 patients (81%) could walk
independently (f-score ,,; 2; 66 GBS, 20 CIDP, 6 MGUSP; Table 1). At study entry, thirteen
longitudinally examined patients were unable to walk independently (4 GBS, 5 CIDP) or
were bed bound (2 GBS, 2 CIDP), one requiring artificial ventilation. The remaining 7
patients (I GBS, 6 CIDP) could walk independently.
According to all patients, the SF-36 was easily administered and took 9 (SD 2) ruinutes for
completion. All SF -36 items were completed. The longitudinally exaruined patients
contacted us with questions (usually once a week by telephone), especially within the first
three months of their illness. All patients reported having the opportunity to contact us as a
big support in managing the consequences of their illness.
SF-36 scores in stable patients. The mean SF-36 subscales' values with corresponding mean
PCS and MCS scores for the stable group of 114 patients were notably lower compared with
the reported mean nortnal values (Figure lA and JB; t-test: p < 0.0001). Differences
between independent ambulatory patients (n = 92; f-scores ,,; 2) and those patients who
needed support to walk or could not walk (n = 22; f-scores = 3 and 4) are presented in
Figures IC and ID. These differences were primarily reflected in the more physically
138 Chapter 10
Table 1
54 (474%)
Males 60 (53%)
Mean age at start of the study. (SD) range [years] 55.0(15.2) 14-84
Mean duration of symptoms till onset of study [years] 6.8(6.7)0.7-28
MRC sumscorc 53.2 (7.9) 16 - 60
Sensory sumscorc 4.4(4.1)0-15
Functional grading scale (f~scorc) at entry
f-score"" 1 51 (45%)
f-score "" 2 41 (36%)
f-score "" 3 14 (12%)
f-score "" 4 S (7%)
Longitudinal group ofpatients (n=20; GBS i, CIDP 13)
Sex, No (%)
Females S (40%)
Males 12 (60%)
Mean age at start of the study, (SD) range [years] 45.6 (18.5) 15 -70
Legend to Table 1
GBS = Guillian-Barre Syndrome; ClDP = chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy: MOUSP =
monoclonal gammopathy ofundetennined significance associated polyneuropathy.
MRC sumscore range: 0 ('"1otal paralysis") to 60 ('"normal strength"); "INCAT' sensory sumscore range: 0
('"'normal sensation") to 20 ("most severe sensory deficit"); Hughes' functional grading scale (f-score) range:
o('"no symptoms or signs") to 5 ("'requiring artificial ventilation for at least part of the day") (1 LIS).
Figure 1
Comparison of mean SF~36 health status profile in a stable group of patients with immune-
mediated polyneuropathies versus mean values for the healthy Dutch community
~ 80 ~ ___ ~
~ 70 -- -....... ____ -
"=~ 60
:5.. 40
• 30
:; 20 I Gcn. Dutch poplll,mon (n-174:!)
II F·~o= 1 &:! (n"">2)
III F·'co=3&4(n~2:!)
Legend to Figure 1
PhF ::;: physical functioning; RFPh ::=; role-functioning physical: RFE = role-functioning emotional: SF ::;:
social functioning: BP = body pain; MH ::=; mental health; Vit = vitality: GHP ::=; general health perception;
PCS = physical component summary score; MCS = mental component summary score. Figure lA: mean
domains' values are presented for the whole stable group: Figure IE: mean component summary scores are
presented for the whole stable group. Mean dimensions and summary measures were notably lower
compared with corresponding values in healthy controls (t-test: p < 0.0001 for all comparisons). Figure IC:
mean domains' values are presented for the two disability subgroups (: f-score::; 2: able to walk independent
versus f-scores 3 + 4: able to walk with support or bed bound); Figure 1D: mean component summary scores
are presented for the two disability subgroups. Differences bernreen these rnro subgroups were especially
reflected in the more physically focused domains (''physical-functioning'" and "role-functioning physical"; t-
test: p :::; 0.002; for the domain "role-functioning emotional": p = 0.02; for the remaining dimensions: p ~
0.1). The reported mean (SD) SF-36 domain scores with corresponding summary values for a nationwide
sample of 1742 healthy individuals in The Netherlands was used for the comparison studies (9,10).
normal values (Figure 2). At entry, all dimensions and sununary measures were notably
lower compared with the corresponding normal values (!-test: p < 0.0001 for all
comparisons). Gradual but substantial improvements were seen during treatment and at one
year of follow-up only the domain "physical-functioning" and PCS differed significantly
from the corresponding normal values (Figure 2). The MRC sumscore and ISS also captured
140 Chapter 10
Table 2
lVIRC sumscore, INCAT Sensory sumscore (ISS), and Hughes' functional grading (f-score) values in
longitudinally examined patients with immune-mediated polyneuropathies
At entry At week 12 At week 26 At week 52*
mean (SD). range 47.6 (lOA). 13 58 53.9 (9.7). 28 60 56.4 (7.2). 30 60 57.4 (6), 37 60
ISS; mean (SD). range 8.8 (4.6), 1 - 18 5.4 (5.3). 0 - 14 3.7 (4.2), 0 - 12 4.0 (5.3). 0 - 16
f-score 0 - 2 7 16 18 17
3-5 13 4 2 2
Legend to Table 2
MRC-ss -= :MR.C sumscore. * = one patient did not complete one year of follow-up. Note: a lower ISS or f-
score connotes less impairment and disability, respectively. Disability grades: f-score ::;; 2: able to walk
independent: f-scores 3 + 4: able to walk with support or bed bound. :MRC sumscore range: 0 ('"'total
paralysis") to 60 C"normal strength")~ "!NCAT' sensory sumscore range: 0 ("'nonnal sensation") to 20
("most severe sensory deficit"); Hughes' functional grading scale (f-score) range: 0 ("no symptoms or
signs") to 5 ("requiring artificial ventilation for at least part of the day") (11,15).
improvement over time (Table 2). Moreover, lower f-score values were seen in most patients
during follow-up, hence representing a better functional status (Table 2).
Clinical variables and their impact on SF-36 PCS and MCS scores. Age was not
significantly related to the PCS and MCS values in both patients' groups. Also, duration of
symptoms was not significantly correlated with the summary values in the stable group.
General strength and sensory disturbances explained partially the obtained PCS values (in
the stable group: MRC sumSCOre: fraction explained variation: R' = 0.12; ISS: R' = 0.16; in
longitudinal group: MRC sumscore: R2 = 0.17; ISS: R' = 0.36; p<O.OOOI for all regressions).
MRC sumscore and ISS values were not significantly related to the MCS Scores in the stable
group. In the longitudinally examined patients, both variables had a significant impact on
MCS (MRC sumscore explaining II % and sensory sumscore 13% ofMCS values; p<O.OOOI
for all regressions).
Validity, Reliability, and Responsiveness of the SF-36. The psychometric requirements for
the SF-36 are presented in Table 3. Poor to good correlation values were obtained between
the SF -36 and other clinical measures. The highest associations were seen between the
physically oriented SF-36 entities, and the MRC sumscore and f-score values (Table 3).
Good internal consistency values were obtained for all SF-36 dimensions and summary
measures. All dimensions and summary measures, except "body pain" and "general health
perception", had SRM values 2: 0.8, indicating high responsiveness. Moderate SRM values
(0.4 -0.6) were obtained for "body pain" and "general health perception" (Table 3).
The current study demonstrates the clinical applicability of the SF-36 generic health status in
patients with immune-mediated polyneuropathies. Patients with a stable GBS, CIDP, or
MGUSP for many years had significantly lower SF-36 scores at all levels, indicating a worse
clinical state. Particularly the more physically oriented entities demonstrated lower values
Quality of life in immune-mediated polyneuropathies 141
Figure 2
Mean SF-36 changes in a longitudinal group of patients with immune-mediated polyneuropathies
receiving maintenance therapy versus mean values for the healthy Dutch community
90 50
•... .....::::....--.. ..
e '0 ........ .....
'>.. /.... """'. .::'-:'...,. '0
60 --,
V "-._-'>. >;:'
. ./
.-. 30
IV ~
'"39 '"
compared with the reported normal values for the Dutch community (Figure I). Patients who
were more disabled had lower scores on the physical measures compared with the less
disabled ones. Similar SF-36 discriminatory findings were demonstrated in a cross-sectional
group of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (26). Surprisingly, in the current study,
the mental state did not decrease with increasing disability and was almost equivalent to the
controls. An unaltered mental state, scored by the SF-36, was also reported in patients with
various forms of chronic peripheral neuropathies (5). Although statistically significant, the
differences in the MCS values between the stable patients and controls were minor and most
probably clinically not relevant In the longitudinally examined patients, the more mentally
oriented subscales (mental health, social function, body pain) and the MCS values reached
earlier normal values compared with the more physical SF-36 measures (physical function,
role-function physical, PCS) (Figure 2). Comparable results were reported in patients with
rheumatoid arthritis who demonstrated an improvement in psychosocial functionality as the
duration of the disease increased (27,28). It was suggested that in general patients alter their
functional expectations over time and learn to cope with their limitations (28,29). Mental
health and subjective well-being were also by far the least affected in patients with various
142 Chapter 10
Table 3
Validity, Reliability, and Responsiveness ofSF-36 health status in patients with immune-mediated
Validity Rcliabilit)' Responsiveness
In stable group: Spearman's rank correlation coefficient (r) Internal Standardised Response
In longitudinal group: Random effects linear regressions (R) consistency mean statistic at:
(Cronbach's a) 6 months 12 months
Stahle ... roup of patient.. (n=114)
SF~36 domains + MRC INeAT Sensory Functional grading
summary scores Sumscorc sumscorc scale (f~scorc)
PhF 0.60** -0.41** -0.76** 0.95
RFPh 0.20 -0.13 -0.27* 0.85
RFE 0.01 0.09 0.01 0.83
SF 0.17 -0.09 -0.17 0.77
BP -0.03 -0.23* ·0.08 0.72
MH 0.04 0.03 -0.04 0.87
Vit ·0.06 -0.07 -0.01 0.80
GHP 0.10 ·0.08 ·0.18 0.80
PCS 0.37** -0.42** ·0.56** 0.84
:.1CS -0.09 0.17 0.16 0.90
Lon...-itudinal<>rouI! of patients (n:=:.20; 147 visits}
PhF 0.81 ** -0045** -0.85** 1.4 1.3
RFPh 0.32'"'" -0.53""" -0.52** 1.1 1.0
RFE 0.32*'" -0041*'" -0043*'" 0.8 1.1
SF 0.68** -0.38"'* -0.68** 0.8 0.9
BP 0.06 -0.40*'" -0.24* 0.4 0.6
"H 0.37** -0048** -0043** 1.1 1.0
Vit 0.28*'" -0040** -0.35** 1.1 0.9
GHP 0.28** -0.51 ** -0.44** 0.5 0.4
PCS 0041 "'''' -0.60*'" -0.66"'''' 1.0 0.9
MCS 0.29'"'" -0.36*'" -0043** 1.1 1.2
Legend to Table 3
PhF = physical functioning; RFPh = role-functioning physical; RFE = role-functioning emotional; SF =
social functioning; BP = body pain; MH = mental health; Vit = vitality; GHP = general health perception;
PCS = physical component summary score; MCS = mental component summary score. * p S; 0.01; ** P ::;:
chronic medical conditions (30). There are, however, exceptions to this statement, since
patients with epilepsy or aids may have an altered emotional well-being and mental
functioning over time (31,32).
In the longitudinally examined patients, clinical improvement over time was also
demonstrated by a gradual shift of all SF-36 values towards the nonnal values (Figure 2).
The pattern of changes of the SF-36 was more visible in some domains than in others and
therefore it is unlikely that these changes were solely due to regression to the mean. Our
results emphasize that GBS and CIDP have pervasive impacts on patients' function, both
physical and psychosociaL The SF-36, therefore, complements the traditional viewing of
symptoms, signs, and laboratory studies in these conditions and facilitates the evaluation of
not only physical, but also mental functioning, hereby increasing the physician'S awareness
of the magnitude and extent of their patients' functional limitations. This knowledge may
lead to early educational interventions of patients and their family about the general course
and prognosis of GBS or CIDP, management of possible fear, anxiety, and other
psychological discomfort (33). The longitudinally examined patients experienced an
Quality of life in immune-mediated polyneuropathies 143
extensive follow-up regime and guidance that most probably contributed to a better
outcome. It was argued that a supportive group of individuals surrounding a patient plays an
important role in the promotion of health and well-being and therefore ultimately in the
evaluation of quality oflife of the patient (34). It should be noted, however, that the quality
of life improvement seen in the longitudinally examined patients was most probably related
to a mixture of supportive care and pharmacological therapy with 'known' efficacy (16-20).
Quality of life was also examined using the SF-36 dimension and summary scores in a
randomised controlled trial evaluating the effect of a home exercise program in a small
sample of patients with chronic peripheral neuropathies (5). The findings in this paper were
congruent with our results. The more physically oriented dimensions plus the PCS scores
were more altered compared with the mentally oriented entities. Also, all SF-36 scores
except for the MCS values were lower than scores previously described for the general
population (5). Another paper investigated quality of life using the Sickness Impact Profile
(SIP) generic health survey in a cross-sectional group of 123 patients who experienced GBS
3 to 6 years earlier (2). In accordance with our fmdings, the physical and psychosocial
dimensions of the SIP were clearly lower compared with the healthy controls'. Lower
physical functioning with increasing disability was also noted (2).
General strength explained 12-17% and sensory deficit 16-36% of the SF-36 physical
summary scores, which is comparable with earlier fmdings in various forms of
polyneuropathy (4). In the longitudinally examined patients, general strength and sensory
deficit explained only a small portion of the mental summary scores. These fmdings
implicate that the SF-36 could be considered as an adjunct outcome measure for future
studies, complementing traditional strength and sensory scales. Moreover, in understanding
what causes a decrement in quality of life in these conditions, other explanatory variables
need to be considered. Variables like depression and fatigue have been advocated as
potential contributors to a decrement in quality oflife (33,35).
In the longitudinally examined patients, the SF -36 "mental health" subscale values,
containing various aspects of depression, and the MCS scores during the first 6 months of
follow-up were equivalent to the scores that were reported in mildly depressed patients (36).
Since a significant correlation has been demonstrated between the SF-36 "mental health"
domain, MCS, and a depression scale in patients suffering from depression, it is conceivable
that depression may have contributed to a psychosocial dysfunction in the early phases of
experiencing GBS or CIDP by the longitudinally examined patients (36).
In general, acceptable validity, reliability, and responsiveness were demonstrated for SF-36
dimensions and summary measures in patients with immune-mediated polyneuropathies,
hence emphasizing the clinical applicability of this scale as a generic health status in these
conditions. To our knowledge, this study is the first that evaluated all psychometric
properties of the SF -36 health status in immune-mediated polyneuropathies.
There are some methodological issues that should be addressed. First, because the
longitudinally examined group of patients only consisted of20 patients, it was decided not to
analyse the patients with GBS and CIDP separately. Future studies are required to
investigate the possible discriminatory validity of the SF-36 between these diagnostic
categories and also between these categories and patients with MGUSP. However, we did
not find any difference in quality of life using the SF-36 between patients with GBS versus
those with CIDP or MGUSP who were stable for many years (35). Second, in the current
study, participation of family members was stimulated in handling the patient's distress
144 Chapter 10
caused by GBS or emp. A clear definition, however, of a patient's social network and the
way family members should participate was not defmed. Future stndies in these conditions
are essential to determine whether various forms of supportive social network (for example,
family guidance alone versus family and psychological support) would lead to different
outcomes. Despite these limitations, the comprehensiveness of the SF-36 generic health
statns may help to increase physicians' awareness, by providing information on functional
health, general well-being, emotional state, and general health perceptions in patients with
intmune-mediated polyneuropathies.
Quality of life in immune-mediated polyneuropathies 145
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Chapter 11
From the Department oj/Neurology. 2Department a/Statistics - Daniel den Hoed Cancer Centre, Erasmus
University Medical Centre Rotterdam, dr. Molewaterplein 40,3015 GD. Rotterdam, The Netherlands. 3See
Chapter 2 for INCAT-members.
Submitted/or publication
Objectives: To determine the validity, reliability, and rank ordering of the responsiveness of selected
impairment and disability scales in sensory-motor immune-mediated polyneuropathies.
Methods: The validity and inter-/intra-observer reliability of three impainnent scales (MRC
sumscore, "INCAT' sensory sumscore, grip strength Vigorimeter) and three disability scales (Nine-
hole peg test, Ten-metre walking test, an overall disability sumscore) were investigated in 113
patients with a stable neurological condition (83 patients who experienced Guillain-Barre syndrome
(GBS) in the past, 22 with chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP), 8 with a
polyneuropathy associated with a gammopathy of undetermined significance), For the assessment of
responsiveness to clinical changes over time, all scales were utilized serially in twenty patients with
recently diagnosed GBS (n = 7) or CIDP (n = 13) with changing clinical conditions. Responsiveness
was measured using the: (1) Effect size; (2) Standardised response mean; (3) Wilcoxon matched
pairs signed rank test; (4) newly devised Schmitz' distribution-free responsiveness score; (5)
correlation studies between the scales' values and patients' rating of their clinical condition. For the
responsiveness methods 1 to 4, the serially obtained values were plotted against a follow~up period
of 52 weeks and the Area-under-the-curve (AUC) was calculated in each technique, In addition to
literature suggestions regarding responsiveness values for the Effect size and Standardised response
mean methods, good responsiveness was defined as an AUC > 41 (0,8 x 52 weeks) and moderate
responsiveness as an AUC between 26 to 41 (05 to 0.8 x 52 weeks),
Results: Fair to good validity was demonstrated for all selected scales (in stable group: Spearman
rank test: r = -0,19 to -0,63 and r = 0.48 to 0.69,p < 0.05; in longitudinally examined patients: linear
regression analyses: R = -0,30 to -.089 and R = 0.27 to 0.81,p < 0,0001). Good inter- and intra-
observer reliability was calculated for all scales (Anova: R = 0,85 - 0.99,p < 0,0001). In general,
responsiveness techniques ranked the scales consistently. Responsiveness methods enabled the
clinician to choose among equally valid and reliable outcome measures, The overall disability
sumscore, MRC surnscore, and grip strength by the Vigorimeter were ranked among the best
responsive scales and demonstrated good mutual association.
Conclusion: Good validity and reliability are provided for the selected impainnent and disability
measures. The use of the overall disability sumscore, J\.1RC sumscore, and the Vigorimeter for grip
strength assessment is primarily suggested for assessing outcome in patients with sensory-motor
immune-mediated polyneuropathies, since these scales demonstrated the highest responsiveness
150 Chapter II
In 1980, the World Health Organization published a comprehensive framework, stagiug the
consequences of any disease at various levels of outcome (1). This international
classification of impairments, disabilities, and handicaps (ICIDH) allows evaluation and
stagiug of clinical rating scales according to the level they represent (1,2). However, the
value of outcome measures, not only depends on this categorization. Scales should also be
appropriate to the patients group at study, brief and easily applicable, user friendly,
communicable, and cost effective (2,3). Moreover, fulfilment of the clinimetric demands,
like being valid, reliable, and responsive to clinical changes over time is required (3,4).
Validity reflects the relation between the concept to be measured and the scale used to assess
that concept. Validity is usually established on expert judgements (content and face validity),
by demonstrating a high correlation between the scale and a gold standard (criterion validity)
or, in the absence of a gold standard, by examining the degree of association between a scale
and other measures (3,4). Reliability addresses the internal consistency in multi-item scales
and the ability of a scale to demonstrate reproducibility of the scores by the same (intra-) or
a different exaruiner (inter-observer), or by the same patient (test-retest reliability) in case of
self-rating scales (3,4). Responsiveness is defined as the ability of a scale to detect
meaningful clinical changes over time when evaluating the benefits of a medical
intervention (3,5,6). Responsiveness can be assessed within a group of patients receiving the
same therapy or between groups of patients being treated with different therapy regimens
Over the last decade, various easily applicable impairment and disability scales have been
devised and used in clinical studies including patients with Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS),
chrouic inflanunatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) or polyneuropathies associated
with monoclonal ganunopathies of undeterruined siguificance (MGUSP). The most
commonly use impairment scales are various motor scales based on the Medical Research
Council (MRC) grading system and different sensory rating scales including various
sensation modalities representing different sensory fibres (7). As disability scales, the
Hughes' disability scale and related modifications, the (modified) Rankin scale, and the
neurological disability score (NDS) have been used more often (8-12).
Surprisingly, despite the wide use of these scales, studies formally evaluating their
clinimetric requirements are limited and incomplete. Regarding the motor scales, the MRC
sumscore and the motor subset of the NDS are the only motor scales that have been
validated and exaruined in terms of their reproducibility (9-11). With the exception of the
sensory subset of the NDS, none of the used sensory scales has been subjected to a
comprehensive clinimetric evaluation. The validity and reliability of the NDS sensory subset
were demonstrated in diabetes patients with signs of a polyneuropathy (10,11). Good
internal consistency was recently obtained for this scale in patients with hereditary and other
polyneuropathies (13). The :NTIS sensory subset is, however, limited since sensory qualities
are only assessed at the index finger and hallux.
The validity and reliability of the Hughes' disability scale were demonstrated in GBS
patients (9). Despite its wide use in polyneuropathy studies, no formal clinimetric evaluation
of the Rankin scale has been performed in patients with these disorders. Its reliability has
been established in patients with stroke (12). Despite the simplicity and obvious face
validity, the cliuical use of the Hughes' scale and Rankin scale is limited, since their
Validity, reliability, and comparative responsiveness a/impairment and disability scales 151
emphasis is strongly directed towards mobility, thus not providing information regarding the
Although validity and reliability have been demonstrated for some of the scales applied in
patients with GBS, CIDP or MGUSP, relative little attention has been addressed towards
their ability to detect clinically meaningful changes, an ability addressed as "responsiveness"
(5,6). In addition, no consensus exists regarding which scale or set of scales reflects most
appropriately the impairment and disability levels in patients with sensory-motor immune-
mediated polyneuropathies.
Prompted by these findings, we evaluated the clinical applicability of existing scales that
purely represented either the impairment or the disability outcome level in patients with
immune-mediated polyneuropathies. This evaluation was performed by the "Inflammatory
Neuropathy Cause and Treatment (INCAl) group", a collaborating force of European
neurologists with special interest in immune-mediated polyneuropathies. The INCAT group
evaluated various existing scales in terms of their content and face validity. A set of scales
was selected for further studies. Subsequently, the construct validity, internal consistency in
multi-items scales, inter- and intra-observer reliability for these measures were examined in
patients with GBS, CIDP, and MGUSP (3,4). Also, because no information was available
from the literature regarding which technique captures responsiveness the best of an
outcome measure, we used various known responsiveness methods to examine this
clinimetric requirement (5,6). The rank ordering by the responsiveness methods (from best
to worst responsiveness) of the selected scales was investigated to determine whether
responsiveness findings could help the clinician to select impairment en disability scales
with the best responsiveness, among all scales that already demonstrated to be equally valid
and reliable.
One hundred and thirteen patients (83 GBS, 22 CIDP, 8 MGUSP) with a stable clinical
condition were recruited from the Rotterdam immune-mediated polyneuropathy databank
and the Dutch GBS study group (stable group). Patients with GBS, CIDP or MGUSP were
recruited, since it was argued that these disorders represent parts of a continuum regarding
their neuromuscular dysfunction pattern (14). The selected patients still had residual
symptoms and/or signs due to their illness, representing a broad range of disability. Nine
CIDP patients required interval treatment ranging from weeks to months, with intravenous
immunoglobulin (IVlg). With this therapy their clinical condition has been stable for more
than 6 months. Six patients with MGUSP (three with IgG, two with IgM, and one patient
with IgG+lgM) had an associated demyelinating polyneuropathy with minor concurrent
axonal damage in three. An axonal polyneuropathy was diagnosed in the remaining two
patients with MGUSP (one 19A and one IgG type).
Twenty consecutive patients with recently diagnosed sensory-motor GBS (n = 7) or CIDP (n
= 13) and changing clinical conditions were enrolled to investigate the responsiveness of the
selected scales (longitudinal group). All GBS and CIDP patients met the international
criteria for their illness (15,16). The diagnosis MGUSP was established after excluding all
possible causes for the gammopathy and polyneuropathy (17).
152 Chapter 11
Assessment tools/scales
The MRC Sums core is a summation of the MRC grades (range: 0 - 5) given in full numbers
of the following muscle pairs: upper arm abductors, elbow flexors, wrist extensors, hip
flexors, knee extensors, and foot dorsal flexors (9). The MRC sumscore ranges from 0
("total paralysis") to 60 ("normal strength") (9). Good validity and inter-observer reliability
are provided for this scale in patients with GBS (9).
The "INCAT" sensory sumscore (ISS) was recently introduced and extensively evaluated in
patients with immune-mediated polyneuropathies (18). In brief, the ISS comprises pinprick
and vibration sense plus a two-point discrimination value in the arms and legs and ranges
from 0 ("normal sensation") to 20 ("most severe sensory deficit") (18).
The Vigorimeter (VM) (Martin, Tuttlingen, Germany) is a hand-held dynamometer to
measure grip strength (19). The pressure in the bulb is registered on a manometer via a
rubber junction tube and expressed in kiloPascals (!<pa). The medium sized bulb was applied
in the selected participants. Good validity for the VM was reported after correlation with the
Jamar dynamometer (25,26). Good reliability and responsiveness values were reported for
this device in healthy individuals and patients with rheumatoid arthritis (27,28).
The Nine-hole peg (dexterity) test and the Ten-metre waRing (ambulatory) test were
assessed to measure "focal" disability (2). The simplicity, validity, and reliability of these
tests have been demonstrated, particularly in patients with stroke (2).
The Overall disability sumscore (ODSS) is composed by a recently published arm and leg
disability scales with a total score ranging from 0 ("no signs of disability") to 12 ("most
severe disability score") (24). It comprises a good functional description of the arms and
legs in a checklist form suitable for interviewing patients. Daily arm activities like dressing
upper part of the body, doing and undoing buttons and zips, washing and brushing hair,
using a knife and fork and turning a key in a lock are scored as being "not affected",
"affected but not prevented" or "prevented". Subsequently, these results are translated into
an arm grade (score range: 0 [normal arm abilities] to 5 [severe symptoms and signs in both
arms preventing all purposeful movementsD. The leg scale highlights problems regarding
Validity, reliability, and comparative responsiveness of impairment and disability scales 153
walking taking into account the use of a device. The results are also translated into a leg
grade (score range: 0 [walking is not affected] to 7 [restricted to wheelchair or bed most of
the day, preventing all purposeful movements of the legs]) (24). The selected arm and leg
disability scales are subsets of a more comprehensive Guy's neurological disability scale
(24). Good clinimetric requirements have been recently demonstrated for all components of
the Guy's scale in patients with multiple sclerosis (24).
Test procedures
General aspects. All participants gave informed consent prior to the study. All measures
were obtained in a quiet, comfortably warm, and temperature-controlled room
(approximately 20°C) at our outpatient clinic. The assessments were performed in a random
order. For the assessment of strength, a standardised joint and limb position as well as the
point at which counter-force was administered was defmed before the start of the study and
taken at examination of each muscle group (page 205). Sensory modalities were examined in
triplicate under the earlier prescribed standard conditions with the patients lying in supine
position (18).
For the assessment of grip strength with the VM, all patients were examined according to the
assessment recommendations by the American Society of Rand Therapists (29). In brief, the
participants were seated with their shoulder adducted and neutrally rotated, elbow flexed at
90°, forearm in neutral position, and wrist between 0° and 30° dorsiflexion and between 0°
and 15° of ulnar deviation (29). Three grip strength measurements with maximum voluntary
contractions for each hand were taken in alternating order. Between each trial a pause of 30
seconds was assigned. The results of three trials for each hand were averaged and considered
the grip strength score for that particular hand.
All patients received training in assessing the Nine-hole peg test prior to the start of the
study in order to exclude any training effect. The patients were asked, under the prescribed
standard conditions, to pick up nine pegs from a tray at table height and place them as
quickly as possible into nine holes in a neighbouring horizontal board. After this procedure,
the pegs were removed as fast as possible. These measures were performed for both hands
separately in alternating order and the time required to fulfil these tasks was recorded (in
seconds) (2). Patients were also requested to walk ten meters in a straight line at their
preferential speed, using whatever aid-needed (2). Three measures were completed for each
of these tests and the corresponding time was recorded at each assessment (in seconds). For
each of these two tests, the mean time of completion was calculated by averaging the three
obtained measures. The study took place between January 1999 and January 2000.
Validity and reliability. The first step in the assessment of validity was an extensive
evaluation by the "!NCAT' expert panel of reported impairment and disability outcome
measures that were applied in inunune-mediated polyneuropathy studies. Eventually, this
panel selected the above-presented scales and instruments. The selection was based on the
presumed conjoint ability of this set of scales to cover the most important clinical aspects of
patients with GBS, CIDP, and MGUSP. Construct validity of the selected scales was
investigated by correlation and regression studies.
For the assessment of reliability and construct validity of the selected scales in the stable
group of 113 patients, two neurologists and six experienced residents in neurology formed
28 different couples. Preceding the study, all investigators received instructions in assessing
the outcome measures. Twenty-seven ("variable") couples investigated a total of 68 patients
154 Chapter 11
(2-3 patients for each couple). The remaining 45 stable patients were investigated by the
"experienced" couple (IM+ JS). The latter couple was formed to examine the effect of
training (and thus a possible increase in reliability) when using the scales often.
The patients were examined on two different occasions at our outpatient clinic. During the
first visit the two members of an appointed pair performed their scores independently and
consecutively (usually within 2 hours) (inter-observer measures). Within 2-4 weeks, the
patient returned for a second visit and only one investigator of the earlier assigned pair
examined the patient again (intra-observer values) without having access to previous results.
The assessments sequence at entry and the examination at the second visit were equally
distributed among the members of an assigned couple. Eventually, each member of a couple
examined the approximately same number of patients. All scales were assessed at each visit
in all patients.
Responsiveness. Twenty consecutive patients were longitudinally examined by the same
clinician (lS1M) and all scales were assessed at study entry and 8-13 times during follow-up.
There was a standard follow-up schedule (week 0, 2, 4,8,12, 16,21,26,32,40 and 52) with
additional clinical investigations if necessary. At each visit, the patients were requested to
judge whether their clinical condition deteriorated (grade I), remained stable (grade 2) or
improved (grade 3) when compared with the last visit ("clinical-judgement scores"). At
study entry, the patients reflected their clinical condition against their physical status within
the two weeks before the start of the study.
Validity and Reliability. In the stable group of patients, the correlation between the scales
was analysed using the Spearman rank correlation test. In the longitudinal group, random
effects linear regression analyses between the scales were performed taking into account the
correlation of the data caused by the longitudinal structure. The latter was achieved using the
program "xtreg" in STATA 6.0 for Windows 95 which is based upon a cross-sectional time-
series regression model as described by Dwyer and Feinleib (StataCorp. 1997. Stata
Statistical Software: Release 5.0. College Station, TX: Stata Corporation; see also reference
30). A logarithmic transformation was applied to various scale values prior to the regression
studies to strive for the best fit. This was achieved by systematic evaluation of the possible
correlation between the values of two scales through constructed graphs. Cronbach's alpha
coefficient was estimated for the MRC sumscore, sensory sumscore, and overall disability
sumscore in both (stable and longitudinal) patients groups (31). The interobserver and
intraobserver reliability for the scales was quantified by estimation of the intraclass
correlation coefficient using a one-way random effects analysis-of-variance model for the
!\\To investigator ("experienced" and "variable') groups.
Responsiveness. The selected scales' values could not be always collected at the exact
follow-up date, due to practical patients' and investigators' inconveniences. Therefore,
where necessary, interpolation of the data was performed in each patient. Subsequently,
corresponding values for each scale in each patient were calculated for the exact weeks 0, 2,
4, to up to 52. Responsiveness was than evaluated in five ways: (I) effect size, (2)
standardised response mean, (3) Wilcoxon matched pairs signed rank test, (4) Schmitz'
distribution-free responsiveness score, and (5) correlation studies between the scales' values
and patients' rating of their clinical condition ("clinical-judgement scores"). The effect size
is the mean change in scores divided by the standard deviation of the baseline scores (effect
Validity, reliability, and comparative responsiveness of impairment and disability scales 155
size = (~i - ~o)/SD~o; ~i = mean scale value of the longitudinally examined group at week =
i; ~ = mean scale value at week = 0 [entry]; see also reference 32). The standardised
response mean is equal to the mean change in scores divided by the standard deviation of
change in scores (standardised response mean = (~i - ~o )/SD(~i - ~o); ~i = mean scale value
of the longitudinally examined group at week = i; flO = mean scale value at week = 0 [entry];
see also reference 33). The Wilcoxon matched pairs signed rank test is the equivalent
distribution-free method of the relative efficiency test postulated by Liang and associates
(34). The Schmitz' distribution-free responsiveness score is defined as 1.35 x the median
change in scores divided by the inter-quartile range of change in scores (IQRchange = 75th
percentile - 25th percentile). The last two methods were new and incorporated, since all
available responsiveness methods thus far are based upon parametric statistics. Finally,
change in scores was correlated with an external criterion, the clinical-judgement scores
using "xtreg" (intraclass correlation coefficient [R] are presented) (30).
The obtained responsiveness values for the methods (1) to (4) were serially plotted against
time. Subsequently, the area under the curve (AUC) of each graph was calculated, making it
possible to compare the AUC's for the selected scales in each responsiveness technique and
therefore obtain a rank ordering. Moreover, these graphs provided infonnation whether the
longitudinally obtained responsiveness values had a more 'static' or 'modulating' pattern. A
bigger AUC was defined as a higher responsiveness value for the corresponding scale.
Moreover, according to Cohen, an effect size or standardised response mean value between
0.5 and 0.8 is considered moderate, and 0.8 or greater is considered as high responsiveness
(35). Based on these premises, a moderate area-responsiveness was calculated for these two
methods by multiplying 0.5-0.8 with 52 weeks of follow-up. Moderate area-responsiveness
corresponded therefore with an AUC between 26 - 41. Good area-responsiveness for the
effect size and standardised response mean was defmed as AUC > 41 (calculated by
multiplying 0.8 with 52 weeks offollow-up).
For each scale, median values at 12, 26, 40, and 52 weeks offollow-up were compared with
the median value at entry (Wilcoxon signed-rank test) to demonstrate possible changes in
time. All analyses were perfonned using Stata 6.0 for Windows 95. A value ofp ::; 0.05 was
considered statistically significant.
General aspects, Content and Face Validity. The selected scales were thoroughly evaluated
by a panel of 13 neurOlogists who eventually concluded that they all have content and face
validity. Subsequently, the construct validity, reliability, and responsiveness for these scales
were assessed.
All eight examiners who investigated the patients concluded that the selected scales were
easy in use. The total examination of a patient took twenty to thirty minutes to be completed.
The stable group of patients (54 females; 59 males; median age 56, range 14-84 years) had a
median duration of symptoms till onset of the study of 5.1 years. Seven of these patients
were bed bound and fourteen patients required assistance or a device to walk short distances.
The remaining 92 patients could walk independently. The corresponding median values and
156 Chapter 11
Table 1
Median values (range) of impairment and disability measures in the stable group of 113 patients with
sensory-motor immune-mediated polvneuropathies
First assessment Second assessment Third assessment
56 (16 60) 54 (18 - 60) 56 (16 - 60)
'"INCAT' sensory sumscore 3 (0-15) 3 (0 - 18) 3(0-18)
GS-RH (kPa) 67 (0 - 156) 65 (0 -158) 67 (0 - 152)
GS-LH (kPa) 64(0-158) 62(0-160) 62(0-158)
9HPT-RH (in seconds) '" 24.4 (15.4 - 134.7) 23.1 (14.6 - 143.6) 23.7 (14.2 - 144.8)
9HPT-LH (in seconds)'" 23.S (IS.S - 192.2) 24.5 (17.1-196.2) 23.6 (15.2 - 144.6)
lO:MWT (in seconds)"'''' 8.3 (5.4 - 32.0) 8.2 (5.4 - 34.0) 8.3 (4.6 - 34.2)
Disubility-ss 4(0-11) 4(0-12) 3 (0-12)
Legend to Table 1
GS = grip strength; 9HPT = Nine-hole peg test; lOMWT = 10 meters walking test; RH = Right hands; LH =
Left hands. *Five patients could not fulfil the Nine-hole peg test. **Seven patients were not able to walk.
The MRC sumscore ranges from 0 ("total paralysis") to 60 ("normal strength") (9). The "INCAT' sensory
sumscore ranges from 0 ("'normal sensation") to 20 (,most severe sensory deficit") (18). The Vigorimeter
values range from 0 (lowest grip strength) to 160 kiloPascals (kPa) (highest grip strength) (19). The overall
disability sumscore ranges from 0 ("no signs of disability") to 12 ("most severe disability score") (24).
ranges for all scales in these patients are presented in table I. All measures except grip
strength values demonstrated a non-Gaussian distribution.
Construct Validity, Internal consistency. inter- and intra-observer Reliability. The
correlation studies between the selected scales in the stable group and the regression
analyses performed between these measures in the longitudinal group are presented in table
2. In general, moderate to good correlation values were obtained for each scale, thus
demonstrating the validity of all selected scales_ In the stable group, the strongest correlation
was obtained between the Ten-metre walking test and the overall disability swnscore (r =
0.69; p < 0.0001). In the longitudinally examined patients the highest association was
demonstrated between the MRC swnscore and the overall disability swnSCOre (R = 0.89; p <
In the stable group, acceptable internal consistency values were obtained for the multi-item
scales (MRC swnscore: 0.94 at first and third assessments, 0.93 at second assessment;
"INCAr' sensory swnscore: 0.68, 0.73, and 0.71 at first, second, and third assessments,
respectively; overall disability swnscore: 0.72, 0.70, and 0.76 at fIrst, second, and third
assessments, respectively). The internal consistency in the longitudinally examined patients
was 0.96, 0.86, and 0.78 for the MRC swnscore, "INCAr' sensory swnscore, and overall
disability swnscore, respectively. As shown in table 3, good inter- and intra-observer
reliability values were obtained for the scales by the "experienced" and "variable" couples of
investigators (intradass correlation coefficients ranging from R = 0.85 to 0.99).
Responsiveness. Eight females and twelve males (median age 54.0, range 15 - 70 years)
were examined longitudinally. At study entry, four patients were bed bound, one requiring
artifIcial ventilation, and nine patients were unable to walk independently. All patients
experienced general loss of strength, sensory disturbances, and defIcit in daily functional
activities. Two hundred and one visits were completed during a follow-up period of 40 to 58
(median: 52) weeks. Nineteen patients completed a one-year follow-up. With the exception
Validity, reliability, and comparative responsiveness o/impairment and disability scales 157
Table 2
Correlation and regression analyses between impairment and disability measures in patients with
sensory-motor immune-mediated polyneuropathies
MRC-ss Sensory-s..~ GS-RH GS-LH 9HPT-RH 9HPT-LH lOM\VT
Sensory-s..~ -0.19**
Sensory-ss -0.30*
Legend to Table 2
GS grip strength: 9HPT = Nine-hole peg test 10MWT = 10 meters walking test RH = Right hands: LH
:0:: :0::
of one GBS patient who only experienced mild symptoms, all patients received initial
treatment with Mg (0.4 gramsikilogram body weight/day for 5 consecutive days). All but
one patient with CIDP showed good functional improvement on Mg during follow-up. The
non-responder received a treatment course of oral prednisone, 100 milligrams/day for four
consecutive weeks. This patient improved also with this therapy and prednisone was tapered
down over five months period to 30 milligrams on alternate days.
The GBS patients did not show any deterioration and improved gradually during follow-up.
After initial improvement, all 12 Mg responsive CIDP patients showed deterioration in
158 Chapter II
their clinical condition. Consequently, maintenance therapy with IVIg (1-2 days 0.4
grams/kg/day; intervals: 3 - 21 weeks) was needed to prevent further deterioration and to
regain earlier achieved improvement. Eventually, all patients demonstrated during follow-up
a general decrement in impairment and improvement of functional abilities. Improvement
was detected on all scales as presented in table 4.
The patients graded their clinical condition 53 times as "deteriorating", 38 times as "stable"
and 110 times as "improving". Figures I and 2 correspond with the standardised response
mean scores and Schmitz' distribution-free responsiveness scores in time. The AUC's in
these !\Vo figures demonstrated that the overall disability sumscore had the highest
responsiveness values followed by the MRC sumscore and Grip strength values obtained
with the Vigorimeter. Also, as can be seen, the serially obtained area-responsiveness values
demonstrated a modulating pattern over time. The calculated AUC's for the scales in each
responsiveness method and the random effects linear regression studies be!\Veen the scales'
values and the clinical-judgement scores are presented in table 5. In general, the
responsiveness indices ranked the scales consistently. The overall disability sumscore turned
out to be the best responsive scale. Also, The MRC sumscore, the Vigorimeter, and the
"INCAT' sensory sumscore demonstrated also acceptable responsiveness, reaching effect
size and standardised responsiveness mean AUe's ~ 39. The worst responsiveness scores
were obtained in the Nine-hole peg test and Ten-metre walking test (see Figures I and 2 and
Table 5). The Ten-metre walking test demonstrated the worst responsiveness area in the
Schmitz' distribution-free method.
Reliability of impairment and disability scales in a stable group of patients with sensory-motor
immune-mediated polyneuropathies
"Expcriencoo" couple of examiners "Variable" couples of cxurniners
(couple number 1) (couples nwnbcr 2~28)
4S patients 68 p:lticnts
Intrnc1ass correlation coefficient R + (SD) Intr:lclass correlation coefficient R + (SD)
(p < 0.0001 for 0.11 associations) (p < 0.0001 foral! n.",~iations)
Impairment scales Intcrobserver Intrnobscrvcr Intcrobscrvcr Intraobscrvcr
MRC sumscorc 0.93 (0.02) 0.93 (0.02) 0.S6 (0.02) 0.95 (O.OOS)
"iNCAr" SC11..'«lty sumscore 0.89 (0.02) 0.85 (0.03) 0.S6 (0.02) 0.S7 (0.02)
Grip strength (Right hands) 0.97 (0.007) 0.96 (O.OOS) 0.97 (0.005) 0.97 (0.006)
Grip ~trength (Left hands) 0.96 (0.009) 0.95 (0.01) 0.97 (0.005) 0.96 (0.006)
Disability scales
Nine-hole peg test (Right hands) 0.93 (0.02) 0.95 (0.01) 0.96 (0.006) 0.90 (0.02)
Nine-hole peg test (Left hands) 0.93 (0.02) 0.89 (0.02) 0.97 (0.004) 0.94 (0.01)
Ten-metre walking test 0.99 (0.02) 0.S5 (0.03) 0.93 (0.01) 0.96 (0.007)
Overall di:>ability SUIll$core 0.95 (0.01) 0.95 (o.on 0.90 (0.02) 0.93 (0.01)
The current study was designed to evaluate a set of impairment and disability scales in order
to provide a more standardised approach in choosing endpoints for clinical trials in sensory-
motor immune-mediated polyneuropathies. The evaluation was focused not ouly on validity
and reliability, but also reflected the evaluation of the selected scales' responsiveness to
Validity, reliability, and comparative responsiveness of impainnent and disability scales 159
clinical changes over time, since of all clinimetric requirements this item has been the least
studied in the evaluation of outcome measures (5).
All selected scales demonstrated acceptable construct validity and reliability, thus reflecting
the good judgement (content and face validity) by the experts' opinion. Whereas validity and
reliability form the clinimetric core stones of a rating scale, the ability of a measure to detect
clinically meaningful changes over time is crucial (2,5,6,36). For clinicians and researchers,
such a measure should discriminate between irrelevant changes (normal fluctuations in the
activity of an illness; "noise") and clinically meaningful changes on which a treatment
policy can be based ("signal") (5,6). A statistic and heuristic approach have been proposed
by Liang to examine responsiveness of outcome measures (5). Statistical responsiveness
captures the ability of an instrument to measure any change. Methods I to 4 applied in the
current study are examples of statistical responsiveness techniques. Heuristic responsiveness
techniques relate changes as assessed by an outcome measure to an external indicator (e.g.
the clinical-judgement scoreS by the patients in the current study; see also references 5 and
6). We examined these two approaches using various statistical responsiveness techniques
and regression analyses studies between the selected impairment and disability scales'
values and the clinical-judgement scores (Table 5). Responsiveness enabled us to
differentiate between equally valid and reliable scales and to compare the results of the
various methods applied, particularly between the parametric and non-parametric
responsiveness techniques. The non-parametric methods (Schmitz' distribution-free
responsiveness scores or Wilcoxon matched pairs signed rank test) applied in the current
study are believed to capture "responsiveness" the best, because all scales except grip
strength by the Vigorimeter demonstrated a non-Gausian distribution pattern (Table I).
Table 4
Median (95%. inter-percentile range) values ofimpairment and disability scales in longitudinally
examined patients with sensory-motor immune-mediated polyneuropathies
At entry At week 12 At week 26 At week 40 At week 52
50,5 (14 58) 58 (28 - 60)* 59 (30 - 60)* 59.5 (32 60)~ 60 (37 - 60)*
"fNCAT' sensory-s..~ 7.5(1-18) 3(0-13.5)* 2(0-12)* 3(0-18)~ 2 (0-16)*'"
GS-RH 54(0-103) 73(8-121)* 81(12-159)* 90(8-160)* 82(0-160)"'*
GS-LH 53(0-94) 75(6-120)* 79(9-158)'" 88(6-160)* 87 (0 - 160)**
9HPT-RH~ 25.8 (19.5 - 76.3) 23.8 (15.0 - 96.8)"''' 18.3 (15.3 - 38.2)* 19.2 (14,4 - 141.9)* 20.3 (15.4 -146)**
9HPT-LH~ 29.2 (18.2 - 60.5) 26.7 (17,4 - 88.2)* 20.9 (16.7 - 42.9)* 20.5 (15.6 - 109)""" 22.1 (15.6-145)Y
10Yf'WT'1' 10.0(6.3-32.0) 7,4(5.3-13,4)* 6.9(5.0-15.W 6.8(5.7-11.0)* 7.1 (5.1-113)**
Disabilitv-ss 5 (3 - 11) 3 (0 - 10.5)" 2 (0 9.5)'" 2 (Q - 9)'" 2 (0 9)**
Legend to Table 4
GS = grip strength; 9HPT = Nine-hole peg test; 10MVIT = 10 meters walking test; RH = Right hands; LH =
Left hands; ss = sumscore. Twenty patients were examined longitudinally. Two hundred and one visits were
completed. '~ln 2 patients, at six occasions the Nine-hole peg test could not be perfonned due to weakness
and sensory disturbances. ~ive patients were not able to walk at a total often measurements, For each scale,
median values at 12, 26, 40. 52 weeks of follow-up were compared with median value at entry (Wilcoxon
signed-rank test). **p:::; 0.01: *p:::; 0.001; Y = not significant. Improvement on the MRC sumscore and grip
strength was characterized by an increase in scores.
A reduction in the scores for the "INCAT' sensory sumscore, Nine-hole peg test, Ten-metre walking test,
and overall disability sumscore reflected improvement.
160 Chapter II
Figure 1
Standardised response mean (SRM) values with corresponding area-under-the--curve (AUC) for impairment
and disability scales in patients with sensory-motor immune-mediated polyneuropathies
MRC .urn,core '.51
-L'!CAT" sen""!,), .umo;roro
2.5 -!
~ 1.5'
1.5 -
~ :~-I
,.01 LO
2.0 -
Ten mete ... walldn~ t""t
,.01 -------------------------
0.5 .,
AUC "" 37 0.5-, AUC'" 67
0.0 ·,~o--,-,---"'---'-0- " 0.0L-.. ~.~~
Follow_up period (week:;) " Follow-up period (weeks)
Follow_up JX'riod (wcek~)
Legend to Figure 1
Moderate area-responsiveness was defined as an AUe between 26 - 41 and good area-responsiveness as
AUe > 41 (see section statistics), A bigger AUe corresponds with higher area-responsiveness.
Hence, complementary to literature findings, these non-parametric methods are more robust
when evaluating responsiveness. The use of the overall disability sumscore, the MRC
sumscore, and the Vigorimeter is primarily recommended in the follow-up of patients with
sensory-motor immune-mediated polyneuropathies, because these scales demonstrated to be
the most responsive ones.
As far as we know, this is the first neurological paper addressing the more dynamic
responsiveness technique of Area-under-the curve for outcome measures. The validity of
this approach however has been demonstrated in rheumatoid arthritis (37). In our view, this
approach has extended the postulated defmitions of moderate and good responsiveness by
Cohen for the effect size and standardised response mean methods (35). Also, traditional
papers addressing scales' responsiveness generally report the responsiveness values at one
or two arbitrarily chosen post-medical intervention moments (32-34,38-40). Thus, no
longitudinal reflection of the "true" responsiveness over time of these measures is provided.
In contrast with the more "static" approach, the graphical representation in the current study
of the serially obtained responsiveness values demonstrates that responsiveness is a
modulating dynamic entity (Figures I and 2).
In the current study, the Ten-metre walking test and the Nine-hole peg test were both easily
applicable with good validity and highest reliability values. However, the responsiveness of
these two scales was very poor (Tables 2, 3, 5 and Figures I and 2). This implicates that
good validity and reliability of an outcome measure alone will not suffice to ensure relevant
clinical applicability. The consequence of a less responsive instrument is that the number of
patients that is required to achieve a given statistical power becomes higher (36).
Validity, reliability, and comparative responsiveness ofimpainnent and disability scales 161
Figure 2
Schmitz's distribution-free responsiveness (SRS) values with corresponding area-under-the-curve (AUC)
for impairment and disability scales in patients with sensory-motor immune-mediated polyneuropathies
1.5 -
( 1.0 ! ~-~ ~ ~/'/
~ I /-~
~ 0.5 - AGC .. 83 0.5 -j AVC =38 0.5 ~ ~~
AGe "'49
0.0- 0.0 ~ 0.0 <.,
" " " 12 26
" " 0 12 26
" "
2.5 -
Nine-hole PC!: (ri:;:ht hands) Ten meters walkin::: test 2.S' Disability sumscore
2.0 -
~ 1.0~
~ /'----
1.0 -
<n 0.5" AUC=33 0.5
0.5 / AGC '" 88
0.0- - _ AVC=15
0.0 -j~O--~12:- 0.0 "------:-:---c---
26 012264052 12 26 40 52
Follow~up period (weeks) FoUow~up period (wcck.~) FoUow~up period (weeks)
Legend to Figure 2
A bigger AUe corresponds with a higher area-responsiveness.
Table 5
Legend to Table 5
GS = grip strength: 9HPT =Nine-hole peg test: 10MWT = 10 meters walking test: RH = Right hands: LH =
Left hands~ ss = sumscore. IQR = inter~quartile range (75th percentile minus 25th percentile). For the effects
size and standardised response mean methods, moderate area-responsiveness was defined as an AUe
between 26 - 41 and good area-responsiveness as: AUe > 41 (see section statistics). Random effects linear
regression analyses between the scales' values and clinical-judgement scores were performed. taking into
account the correlation of the data caused by the longitudinal structure using a serial regression method
(''xtreg''; see section statistics~ 30).
162 Chapter II
With respect to the aims of the current study, some methodological issues should be
addressed. First, despite a large amount of visits in the longitudinally examined patients (a
total of 201), this group consisted of only twenty patients. Some caution is required in
interpreting the responsiveness values, since it is not determined whether a larger group of
patients would give the same rank order of the selected scales. Second, not all available
impairment and disability scales have been incorporated in the current study. However,
based on the experts' judgement, it is believed that the selected scales covered the main
clinical aspects of patients with GBS, CIDP, and MGUSP taking into account their
simplicity and communicability. Also, because patients with MGUSP have a more indolent
course of their disease compared with patients with GBS or CIDP, it is conceivable that the
selected scales will not demonstrate the same responsiveness values over a short period of
time. Therefore, some caution is required in extrapolating the use of the evaluated measures
in the current study to patients with MGUSP. Third, the obtained responsiveness scores for
the methods (I) to (4) only demonstrated within-group responsiveness for the selected
scales. It is not clear whether substantial discriminative responsiveness scores will be
obtained for these scales when evaluating various groups of patients, for example, in a trial
setting comparing a placebo versus a treated group (36). Also, it should be stated that a
statistically significant difference between treated and control patients does not necessarily
mean a clinically significant difference. Future studies are required in patients with sensory-
motor immune-mediated polyneuropathies to determine the minimal clinical important
difference for the selected outcome measures (41). It has to be determined as well whether
this minimal clinical important difference should be based on experts' opinion, within-
patients' or between-patients' judgments (41). Fourth, a scale with the greatest statistical
responsiveness may not always be measuring changes that are most important to patients
(39). For example, the overall disability sumscore had the highest statistical responsiveness,
but did not show the highest association with the patients' clinical-judgement scores.
Instead, the "INCAr' sensory sumscore demonstrated the highest heuristic responsiveness
with lower statistical responsiveness values as compared with the overall disability
sumscore. The question remains open whether more attention should be focused on the
results related to the patients' perspective of their illness despite a lower statistical
responsiveness. Moreover, not only an optimal fulfilment of all clinimetric demands will
function as the only passport to include a scale in a study. There may be other reasons as
well to incorporate a scale in a study. For example, a scale can be included in a study if one
wants to gather information regarding a specific quality (e.g. sensory deficit changes over
time related to therapy).
In conclusion, good validity and reliability are demonstrated for a set of impairment and
disability measures in patients with sensory-motor immune-mediated polyneuropathies.
Based upon statistical and heuristic responsiveness methods, a general consistent rank
ordering of the evaluated outcome measures was demonstrated in these conditions, thus
enabling the clinician to choose among equally valid and reliable scales. The use of the
overall disability sumscore, MRC sumscore, and grip strength by the Vigorimeter is
suggested for assessing outcome in patients with sensory-motor immune-mediated
polyneuropathies, since these three outcome measures showed the highest responsiveness
Validity, reliability, and comparative responsiveness o/impairment and disability scales 163
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164 Chapter 11
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Chapter 12
From the Department oj/Neurology, 1Department o/Statistics - Daniel den Hoed Cancer Centre, Erasmus
University Medical Centre Rotterdam, dr. Molewaterplein 40,3015 GD, Rotterdam. The Netherlands. 3See
Chapter 2 for INCAT-members.
Background: In the postulated framework by the World Health Organization (WHO) - the
'International classification of impairments, disabilities, and handicaps (ICIDH)' - various
levels of outcome are suggested to be associated with each other, However, others have
criticised the ICIDH, stating that it only represents a general, non-specific relationship
between its entities,
Objectives: To examine the significance of the ICIDH in immune-mediated
Methods: Four impairment measures (Fatigue severity scale, MRC surnscore, "Incat"
sensory surnscore, grip strength with the Vigorimeter), five disability scales (nine-hole peg
test, ten meters walking test, an overall disability surnscore [ODSS], Hughes' functional
grading scale, Rankin scale), and a handicap scale (Rotterdam 9 items handicap scale
[RIHS9]) were assessed in 113 clinically stable patients (83 who experienced Guillain-Barre
syndrome (GBS), 22 with chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP), 8
patients with a gammopathy related polyneuropathy). Regression analyses, with backward
and forward stepwise strategies, were performed to determine the correlation between the
various levels of outcome (disability on impairment, handicap on impairment, handicap on
disability, handicap on impairment plus disability).
Results: Impairment measures explained a substantial part of disability (R'=O.64) and about
half of the variance in handicap (R2=0.52). Disability measures demonstrated a stronger
association with handicap (R2=O.76). Combining impairment and disability scales accounted
for 77% of the variance in handicap (RIHS9) scores.
Conclusion: In contrast with some literature suggestions, support for the ICIDH-model is
found in the current study, because significant associations have been demonstrated between
the various levels of outcome in patients with immune-mediated polyneuropathies. Future
studies are, however, required to examine other possible contributors to patients' deficits in
daily life in these conditions.
168 Chapter 12
In 1980, The World Health Organization (WHO) described its 'International classification
of impainnents, disabilities, and handicaps (ICIDH)' model staging the consequences of an
underlying pathology (1). In this model, an association between the various dimensions was
suggested. The WHO defined the disability level as a "a reflection of the consequences of
impainnent in terms of functional performance and activity ... " (1). Also, the handicap level
was described as "a disadvantage for a given individual, resulting from impairment or a
disability that limits or prevents the fulfihnent of a role that is normal ... " (1). Collectively,
the different levels of outcome are referred to as "disablemeut".
hnpainnent and disability measures might be logical in their use and have been the cardinal
targets for physicians to assess outcome in general medicine. However, measuring handicap
should be more performed, particularly in patients with chronic conditions or diseases with
long-term impact on one's life, because handicap formerly represents the end-stage of the
common disablement pathway (1, 2). Despite the conceprual advance of the ICIDH model,
others have criticised its concept. In particular, it was argued that the suggested association
between impairment, disability, and handicap, represented only a genera~ non-specific,
relationship (3,4). A disappointing association between the ICIDH levels was also
demonstrated in cardio-pnlmonary conditions (5,6).
The aim of this study was to evaluate the possible linkage between impairment, disability,
and handicap in patients with sensory-motor immune-mediated polyneuropathies, using a set
of scales that covered the greatest part of all ICIDH levels. The ultimate goal was to
determine the proportion of handicap variance explained by the combined impainnent and
disability measures. It was believed that these evaluations would provide the knowledge of
how these conditions might have a long-term influence on one's life. The strength of the
relationship between items representing various levels of outcome would also provide the
extent to which physicians might use an index as a proxy to measure another level of clinical
deficit. As an example, grip strength (an impainnent measure) was suggested to be an
indirect indicator of arm disability, because it demonstrated a moderate to good association
with an arm disability scale in immune-mediated polyneuropathies (7).
One hundred and thirteen patients (83 GBS, 22 CIDP, 8 MGUSP) with a stable clinical
condition were recruited from the Rotterdam immune-mediated polyneuropathy databank
and the Dutch GBS study group (stable group). Patients with GBS, CIDP or MGUSP were
recruited, since it was argued that these disorders represent parts of a continuum regarding
their neuromuscular dysfunction pattern (8). The selected patients still had residual
symptoms or signs due to their illness, representing a broad range of disability. Nine CIDP
patients required interval treatment ranging from weeks to months, with intravenous
immunoglobulin (IVIg). With this therapy their clinical condition has been stable for more
than 6 months. Six patients with MGUSP (three with IgG, two with IgM, and one patient
with IgG+IgM) had an associated demyelinating polyneuropathy with minor concurrent
axonal damage in three. An axonal polyneuropathy was diagnosed in the remaining two
Connecting ICIDH levels 169
patients with MGUSP (one IgA and one IgG type). All GBS and CIDP patients met the
international criteria for their illness (9,10). The diagnosis MGUSP was established after
excluding all possible causes for the gammopathy and polyneuropathy (II).
Assessment tools/scales
The following scales were selected by a panel of 13 expert neurologists, all members of the
Inflammatory Neuropathy Cause And Treatment (INCAT) group - a collaborating force of
European neurologists with special interest in neuro-immunological illnesses. The scales
were selected taking as much as into account the clinical spectrum of sensory-motor
immune-mediated polyneuropathies (8). Moreover, most of these scales have been applied in
various immune-mediated polyneuropathy studies.
The recently validated Dutch version of the Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS) was used to assess
fatigue (12,13). The FSS is a brief and simple self-assessed questionnaire containing nine
items with answers ranging from I ("strongly disagree") to 7 ("strongly agree") for each
inquiry. The mean score of the 9 inquiries ranges from I ("no signs of fatigue") to 7 ("most
disabling fatigue") (12,13).
The MRC surnscore is a summation of the Medical Research Council grades (range: 0 - 5)
given in full numbers of the following muscle pairs: upper arm abductors, elbow flexors,
wrist extensors, hip flexors, knee extensors, and foot dorsal flexors. The MRC sumscore
ranges from 0 ("total paralysis") to 60 ("normal strength") (14). The subdivision MRC-arms
(range: 0 -30) and MRC-Iegs (range: 0 - 30) were also incorporated separately in the
Wlivariate regression analyses.
The "[NCAT" sensory surnscore (ISS) was recently introduced and extensively evaluated in
terms of its clinimetric soundness in patients with immune-mediated polyneuropathies (15).
In brief, this sensory scale comprises pin-prick and vibration sense plus a two-point
discrimination value in the arms and legs and ranges from 0 ("normal sensation") to 20
("most severe sensory deficit") (15). The sensory modalities representing the ISS were also
analysed separately in the univariate regression analyses to determine their impact on
disability and handicap (pin-prick arm + leg, range: 0 [no deficit] - 8 [maximum deficit];
vibration arm + leg, range: 0 [no deficit] - 8 [maximum deficit]; 2-point discrimination,
range: 0 [no deficit]- 4 [maximum deficit]).
The Vigorimeter (VM) (Martin, Tuttlingen, Germany) is a hand-held dynamometer to
measure grip strength (7). The medium sized bulb was applied in the selected patients. The
pressure in the bulb is registered on a manometer via a rubber junction tube and expressed in
kiloPascals (kPa; range: 0 - 160) (7).
The Modified Hughes' jUnctional grading scale (j-score) assesses the functional ability of
patients with a strong emphasis on mobility and ranges from 0 (no symptoms or signs) to 5
(requiring artificial ventilation for at least part of the day) (14).
The Overall Disability sumscore (ODSS) is composed by a recently published arm and leg
disability scale with a total score ranging from 0 ("no signs of disability") to 12 ("most
severe disability score") (16). The ODSS comprises a good functional description of the
arms and legs in a checklist form suitable for interviewing patients. Daily arm activities like
dressing upper part of the body, doing and undoing buttons and zips, washing and brushing
hair, using a knife and fork and turning a key in a lock are scored as being "not affected",
"affected but not prevented" or "prevented". Subsequently, these results are translated into
an arm grade (score range: 0 [normal arm abilities] to 5 [severe symptoms and signs in both
170 Chapter 12
arms preventing all purposeful movements]). The leg scale highlights problems regarding
walking taking into account the use of a device. The results are also translated into a leg
grade (score range: 0 [walking is not affected] to 7 [restricted to wheelchair or bed most of
the day, preventing all purposeful movements of the legs]) (16). The selected arm and leg
disability scales are subsets of a more comprehensive Guy's neurological disability scale
(16). The ODSS, its arm disability scale and leg disability scale were separately examined in
the univariate regression analyses to determine their association with the handicap level.
The Rankin scale has been primarily used in patients with stroke (17). The grades of this
scale range from: 0 (no symptoms at all) to 5 (severe disability, bedridden, incontinent, and
requiring constant nursing care and attention) (17).
The Nine-hole peg test and the Ten meters test were also applied in all patients to
measure 'focal disability' (18-20).
The Rotterdam 9 Items handicap scale (RIHS9) was recently constructed using the
international criteria for development of outcome measures (21,22). The World Health
Organisation handicap scale was used as a framework for the construction of the RIHS9,
taking into account most of the postulated handicap dimensions by this organisation (1). The
RIHS9 comprises 9 inquiries (mobility indoors, mobility outdoors, kitchen tasks, domestic
tasks indoors, domestic tasks outdoors, leisure activities indoors, leisure activities outdoors,
able to drive a car/go by bus/ride a bicycle, and able to work/study) with raw answers
ranging from 1 ("unable to fulfil a task/activity") to 4 ("complete fulfilment of a
task/activity"). Since not all items are necessarily applicable to all patients, an answer "0"
("not applicable") was added to all inquiries. To avoid the formation of various subgroups of
patients with different amounts of applicable items (for example: a subgroup with 9
applicable items [raw score-range: 9-36], another with 8 [raw score-range: 8-36], etcetera),
all initial raw scores were multiplied by 9/(9-number of not applicable items). Hence, the
final RIHS9 score-range was independent of the amount of applicable items and extended
from 9 ("unable to fulfil any applicable task or activity") to 36 ("able to fulfil all applicable
tasks and activities").
Test procedures
All participants gave informed consent before the study. All measures were obtained in a
quiet and comfortably warm room at our outpatient clinic. The assessments were performed
in a random order. All participants received instructions on how to fill in the FSS form. For
the assessment of strength, a standardised j oint and limb position as well as the point at
which counter-force was administered was defined before the start of the study and taken at
examination of each muscle group (page 205). Sensory modalities were examined in
triplicate under the earlier prescribed standard conditions with the patients lying in supine
position (15). Grip strength with the Vigorimeter was assessed according to the
recommendations by the American Society of Hand Therapists (23). Three grip strength
measurements with maximum voluntary contractions for each hand were taken in alternating
order. Between each trial a pause of 30 seconds was assigned. The results of three trials for
each hand were averaged and considered the grip strength score for that particular hand.
All patients received training in assessing the nine-hole peg test before the start of the study
to exclude any training effect. The patients were asked, under the prescribed standard
conditions in alternating order for both hands, to pick up nine pegs from a tray at table
height and place them as quickly as possible into nine holes in a neighbouring horizontal
Connecting ICIDH levels 171
board. After this procedure, the pegs were removed as fast as possible (18,19). Patients were
also requested to walk ten meters in a straight line at their preferential speed, using whatever
aid needed (18,20). Three measures were completed for each of these tests and the
corresponding time was recorded at each assessment (in seconds). For each test separately,
the mean time of completion was calculated by averaging the three obtained measures.
Uni- and multivariate linear regression analyses were performed to determine the association
between impairment, disability, and handicap outcome measures. The ODSS was chosen as
the disability dependent variable in the studies analysing the association with impairment
measures (explanatory variables). The ODSS was chosen because of its comprehensiveness
in monitoring disability compared with the f-score and Rankin scale (14,17). The latter two
scales assess disability with a strong emphasis towards mobility and do not provide
information regarding the arms. The RIHS9 was the dependent variable for the analyses of
impairment and disability measures leading to handicap. A transformation of the dependent
variables (the ODSS: square root; the RIHS9: quadratic transformation) was done to obtain a
normal distribution pattern. Univariate regression studies were primarily performed, striving
for the best fit between the dependent and independent variable through systematic
evaluation of constructed graphs with linear regressions including a restricted cubic spline
function on the independent variable (24). Subsequently, multivariate linear regressions
were carried out for the various linkages (disability on impairment, handicap on impairment,
handicap on disability, handicap on impairment plus disability), using backward eliminating
and forward adding stepwise strategies. The strength of association between the dependent
variable and explanatory variable was presented as R': the fraction of variance explained by
the independent variables from a regression model.
In the multivariate regression models, only the right hand grip strength and nine-hole peg
values were included and were presented, because these findings turned out to be similar to
the regressions that incorporated the left hand values. All analyses were performed using
Stata 6.0 for Windows 95 (Stata Statistical Software: Release 6.0. 702 University Drive
East, College station, TX: Stata Corporation 1997). A value of p < 0.05 was considered
statistically significant.
General aspects. The group of patients (54 females and 59 males) had a mean duration of
symptoms till onset of the study of 6.9 years. Seven of these patients were bed bound and
fourteen required assistance or a device to walk short distances. The remaining 92 patients
could walk without any support by someone. The corresponding values for all scales in these
patients are listed in Table l.
Univariate regression studies of impairment leading to disability. The univariate regression
studies are presented in Table 2. The MRC surnscore and grip strength values were the
strongest explanatory variables of disability, accounting each for 40-45% of the variance in
ODSS scores. The MRC score of the legs had a higher impact compared with the score of
the arms (Table 2). The strongest explanatory sensory modality of disability was the '2-point
discrimination' (Table 2). Fatigue had a non-significant impact on disability.
172 Chapter 12
Table 1
Legend to Table 1
GBS = GuiHam-Barre syndrome: eIDP "" chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy; MGUSP =
polyneuropathy associated with a monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance. !NeAT = inflammatory
neuropathy cause and treatment group. *Fivc patients could not fulfil the nine-hole peg test. **Seven patients were not
able to walk.
Table 2
Univariate regression studies demonstrating the association between impairment, disability, and
handicap outcome measures in immune-mediated polyneuropathies (n=113)
Dependent variable -7 Overall disability Rotterdam 9 Items bandicap
sumscore scale
Explanatory variable "l R2 p-value R' p-value
Combining impairment and disability measures accounted for 77% of the variance in
handicap scores. In this model, the Rankin scale, the ODSS, the ten-meter walking test, and
fatigue (FSS) were the significant explanatory contributors. The values of sensation (ISS),
dexterity (Nine-hole peg test), general strength (MRC sumscore), grip strength
(Vigorimeter), and functional grading scale (f-score) were all excluded, since their
contribution was not significant.
Adding patients' variables (age, sex, and duration of illness) showed only a minor increase
in proportion of variances explanation (impairment to disability: R2 from 0.64 to 0.67;
impairment to handicap: R2 from 0.52 to 0.57; disability to handicap: R' from 0.76 to 0.79;
impairment + disability leading to handicap: R2 from 0.77 to 0.80).
In the current study, significant and meaningful associations between the various levels of
outcome, as suggested in 1980 by the World Health Organization in their framework -
"International classification of impairments, disabilities, and handicaps (ICIDH)", are
demonstrated in patients with immune-mediated polyneuropathies (I). These results are in
contrast with literature findings that suggested only a marginal, non-specific association
between the ICIDH levels of outcome (3-6). Harwood and colleagues also demonstrated the
174 Chapter 12
applicability of the IClDH model in an outstanding paper addressing the association between
these levels in elderly people (2). Moreover, the results in the current study provided the
knowledge needed to understand the extent to which for example an impairment measure
would contribute to disability or handicap in relation to other impairment variables in these
illnesses. Moreover, physicians could use this information to choose a scale that provides
outcome at its own level and indirect at another level, depending on the strength of
association with other variables. This was also demonstrated in a recent paper addressing
grip strength (Vigorimeter) as an adequate monitoring instrument of outcome at the
impairment level and indirect at the disability level, because a significant association was
observed between grip strength values and an arm disability scale in patients with immune-
mediated polyneuropathies (7).
Multivariate regression studies linking impairment, disability, and handicap in patients with immune-
mediated polyneuropathies (n=113)
Legend to Figure
The dependent disability and handicap measures are italicised. The proportion of variance for the dependent
variables (Overall disability sumscore and Rotterdam nine items handicap scale at the disabmty and
handicap levels, respectively) were calculated and expressed in percentages.
In the current study, only 2/3 of disability was explained by impairment measures we used.
The MRC surnscore and grip strength (Vigorimeter) values were the strongest explanatory
variables, which is consistent with earlier reports (25,26). Since the association was not
absolute, other explanatory variables should be considered as well. In a study evaluating
persistent disability in Guillain-Barre syndrome, muscle weakness, sensory dysfunction,
fatigue, contractures, and psychological factors were found as persistent items that led to
disability (26).
To our knowledge, the current study is the first that analysed the impact of impairment
measures leading to handicap in immune-mediated polyneuropathies. However, only 52% of
the variance in handicap was explained by impairment variables (Table 2), suggesting the
contribution of other explanatory factors. The strongest association was obtained between
the combined impairment and disability measures explaining handicap. Almost 80% of
Connecting ICIDH levels 175
handicap variance was explained by these measures, thus supporting the assumed
associations given in the ICIDH model (I). However, the association was not absolute and
therefore other explanatory factors should be considered as potential contributors to
handicap. Such factors might he pain, psychological items like anxiety, depression, coping
mechanism, and motivation, social support, and physical condition in terms of endurance
(26-30). The assessment and incorporation of these factors could be cardinal for further
improvement in understanding the consequences of immune-mediated polyneuropathies at
the various levels of outcome. This is one of the main reasons that the WHO is currently
revising its ICIDH model for all diseases and disorders in general (31). Its strive is to
construct a more comprehensive model that also integrates personal and environmental
factors (31). It should also be stated that the obtained associations in the current study were
directly linked to the used scales and might vary if other outcome measures were used.
In conclusion, in the current study, the applicability of the 'International classification of
impairments, disabilities, and handicaps' framework is demonstrated in immune-mediated
polyneuropathies. Further knowledge is provided in understanding the consequences of
these illnesses leading to deficit at the various levels of outcome.
176 Chapter 12
1. World Health Organisation. International classification of impairments, disabilities, and handicaps.
Geneva: WHO, 1980,
2. Hanvood RH, Prince M, Mann A, et of. Associations betvveen diagnosis, impainnents, disability and
handicap in a population of elderly people. Int J Epidemiol1998;27:261-268.
3. Coulthard-Morris L, Burks JS, Herndon RM. Rehabilitation outcome measures. In: Herndon RM~ editor.
Handbook of neurologic rating scales. New Yark: Demos Vennande, 1997, 225-264.
4. Wade DT. Measurements in neurological rehabilitation. Oxford University Press~ Oxford, 1992.
5. Cowley AJ, Fullwood LJ, Muller AF, et of. Exercise capability in heart failure: is cardiac output
important after all? Lancet 1991 ;337:771-773.
6. Williams SJ, Bury 1\1R. 'Breathtaking': the consequences of chronic respiratory disorder. Int Disabil
Stud 1989;11:114-120.
7. Merkies ISJ, Schmitz PIM, Samijn JP, et af. Assessing grip strength in healthy individuals and patients
with immune-mediated polyneuropathies. Muscle Nerve 2000;23:1393-1401.
8. Hartung H-P, van der Meche FGA, Pollard ID. Guillain-Barre syndrome, CIDP and other chronic
immune-mediated neuropathies. Curr Opin NeuroI1998;11:497-513.
9. Asbury AK and Comblath DR. Assessment of current diagnostic criteria for Guillain-Barre Syndrome.
Ann Neurol1990;27(suppJ):S21-S24.
10. Ad Hoc subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology AIDS task force. Research criteria for
diagnosis of chrome inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP). Neurology 1991;41:617-618.
11. Miescher GC, Steck AJ. Paraproteinaemic neuropathies. BaiHieres Clin NeuroI1996;5:219-232
12. Krupp LB, LaRocca NG, Muir-Nash J, et af. The Fatigue Severity Scale. Application to patients -with
multiple sclerosis and systemic lupus erythematosus. Arch Neurol1989;46:1121-1123.
13. Merkies ISJ, Schmitz PIM, Samijn JPA, et 01. Fatigue in immune-mediated polyneuropathies. Neurology
14. Kleyweg RP. van der Meche FGA, Schmitz PIM. Interobserver agreement in the assessment of muscle
strength and functional abilities in Gui11ain-Barre syndrome. Muscle Nerve 1991;14:1103-1109.
15. Merkies ISJ, Schmitz PIM, van der Meche FGA, et af. Psychometric evaluation of a new sensory scale
in immune-mediated polyneuropathies. Neurology 2000;54:943-947.
16. Sharrack B, Hughes RAe, Soudain S. Guy's neurological disability scale [abstract]. Neurology
17. van Sv.rieten JC, Koudstaal PJ, Visser MC, et of. Interobserver agreement for the assessment of handicap
in stroke patients. Stroke 1988; 19:604-607.
18. Wade DT. Measurements in neurological rehabilitation. Oxford: Oxford University press, 1992.
Connecting ICIDH levels 177
19. Mathiowetz V, Weber K, Kashman N, et af. Adult nonns for the nine hole peg test of finger dexterity.
Occup Ther J Res 1985;5:24-38.
20. Collen FM, Wade DT, Bradshaw CM. Mobility after stroke: reliability of measures ofimpainnent and
disability. In! Disab Studies 1990;12:6-9.
21. Streiner DL, Nonnan GR. Health measurement scales. A practical guide to their development and use.
New York.. Oxford university press, 1998.
22. Kirshner B, Guyatt G. A methodological framework for assessing health indices. J Chron Dis
23. American society of hand therapists. Clinical assessment recommendations, Chicago: 2nd ed, 1992.
24. Herndon JE II, Harrell FE jr. The restricted cubic spline hazard model. Comm Stat Theory Methods
1990: 19:639-663.
25. Molenaar DS, Venneulen M, de Visser M, et al. Impact of neurologic signs and symptoms on functional
status in peripheral neuropathies. Neurology 1999;52: 151-156.
26. Lennon SM, Koblar S, Hughes RAC, et al. Reasons for persistent disability in Guillain-Barre syndrome.
e1in Rehabil1993;7:1-8.
27. Bernsen RAlAM, de Jager AEJ, Schmitz PIM, et aI. Residual physical outcome and daily living 3 to 6
years after Guillain-Barre syndrome. Neurology 1999;53:409-410.
28. Nicholas R, Playford ED, Thompson AJ. A retrospective analysis of outcome in severe Guillain-Barre
syndrome following combined neurological and rehabilitation management. Disabil Rehabil
29. Pitetti KH, Barrett PJ, Abbas D. Endurance exercise training in Guillain-Barre syndrome. }\.rch Phys
Med Rehabil1993;74:761-765.
30. de Jager AEJ, Minderhoud 1M. Residual signs in severe Guillain-Barre syndrome: analysis of 57
patients. JNeuro1 Sci 1991;104:151-156.
Historically, the exponential growth in health care dnring the 20th century has brought with it
the need to focus on the "consequences" of diseaselhealth conditions rather than the disease
alone. With the improvement in general medicine, the growing importance of chronic
conditions, and the ageing of the population, the "consequences of illnesses" gained in
significance because of the life-long management needs. In particular, the functional
management of an illness became the goal and the use of outcome measures became the
standard for measnring the performance of health care delivery and its effectiveness. The
World Health Organisation (WHO) postulated a framework, the international classification
of impairments, disabilities, and handicaps (ICIDH), to structure outcome measures used in
the evaluation of the consequences of an illness (1). In the current study, various scales and
gadgets were chosen and evaluated to represent purely one of these outcome levels. Also, a
generic quality oflife measure was selected (1,2).
Despite the general acceptance of the ICIDH as a detailed and unified system, some remarks
should be addressed. Considerable experience has been gained within the last two decades
using this model in all specialties worldwide (1). However, there is a growing necessity to
revise the ICIDH in the light of new ideas that has emerged on the consequences of a
disease. The graphical representation of the ICIDH model (Chapter 1; figure 2) is helpful in
distinguishing between impairment, disability, and handicap concepts, but:
it does not provide adequate information on the relationship between these concepts;
it does not incorporate health conditions other than illnesses;
the arrows linking disease (pathology), impairment, disability, and handicap have
occasionally been interpreted as representing a "causal model" and an indication of
change over time;
this representation does not allow movement from handicap and disability back to
impairment, and has thus been taken to imply a unidirectional flow from impairment
to the other concepts;
it does not adequately reflect the role of the social and physical environment in the
consequences of a disease;
although the original text states that the situation is more complex than a simple
linear progression, this statement needs to be made more clearly - the arrows in the
graphic presentation must be understood as meaning no more than "may lead to".
Prompted by these observations, the WHO is currently evaluating a new and more
comprehensive version of the ICIDH. The draft of this new multidimensional framework,
named "the International Classifications of Impairments, Activities, and Participation
(ICIDH-2)" integrates the various aspects related to the consequences of a health condition
(e.g. a disease, disorder or injury). The current understanding of interactions within the
ICIDH-2 is presented in the figure. As can be noted, dimensions have been nominated by
"neutral" terms. "Disability" has been replaced by "Activity", based on the
activitiesllimitations of a person in daily life. "Handicap" has been reformulated as
"Participation", hence introducing a positive concept for each dimension. This frame
illustrates also the dynamic interaction among the various dimensions. The draft of this
Summary - general discussion -future perspectives 181
ICIDH-2 is available on the Internet (3). In the following, a definition of the various levels is
A health condition is an alteration of the health status of an individual that may lead
to distress, interference with daily activities, or contact with health services. It may be
a disease (acute or chronic), disorder, injury or trauma, or reflect other health related
states such as pregnancy, ageing, stress, congenital anomaly, or genetic predisposition
The Activity dimension is defined as the nature and extent of functioning at the level
of the person. It integrates activities of a person as performed in daily tasks.
Health condition
, ~~ I
1-<II1IIIIIt---... Activity 1-<II1IIIIIt----I~~ Participation
Contextual factors
Contextual Jactors are defined as the complete background to a person's life and
living. These factors include environmental factors and personal factors.
Environmental factors are extrinsic to (outside of) the individual (e.g. the attitude of
society, architectural characteristics, the legal system). Personal factors are intrinsic
to (inside of) the individual and describe on how the consequences of a health status
182 Chapter 13
is experienced (e.g. gender, age, fitness, lifestyle, habits, coping styles, social
background, education, life experience).
On the Internet section, various case examples are presented illustrating the interaction and
relationship between all these terms (3). Compared with the 1980 ICIDH model, the ICIDH-
2 model strives for a more comprehensive description of all aspects possible related to an
individual's reaction on handling the consequences of a health condition. More emphasis is
directed toward a patient's daily activities and social interactions. The ICIDH-2 is currently
being evaluated in various fields and trials and the final draft is expected in 2001.
Summary - general discussion -future perspectives 183
In chapter 2 clinically useful vibration threshold normative values for the arms and legs are
presented for the graduated Rydel-Seiffer tuning folk. Also, its simplicity, and validity were
demonstrated by correlation with the Vibrameter. A total of 198 healthy controls, stratified
for sex and age, were examined at the index finger, styloid proces, hallux, and internal
malleolus. Acceptable sensitivity and specificity were demonstrated for the tuning fork when
evaluating a group of mildly affected patients with various forms of polyneuropathy. The
tuning fork detected more abnormalities in the legs compared with the results obtained with
the Vibrameter.
The following should be addressed regarding the sites of examination and obtained vibration
threshold normative values for the Rydel-Seiffer tuning fork. A randomly selected group of
40 (18 men; 22 women; mean age 58.4 [SD 18.6] years) healthy controls was also clinically
examined to obtain vibration values using the Rydel-Seiffer tuning fork at the medial
humerus epicondyle, acromioclavicular joint, patella, and anterior superior iliac spine. The
aim was to determine whether the obtained values would be different than the presented
184 Chapter 13
clinically useful normative values for the more distal sites of examination with this fork. The
obtained proximal values in this subgroup of healthy controls demonstrated only slight
differences (slightly higher values; data not published) with the presented normative values
for the distal sites of examination. Hence, to strive for clarity, the published vibration
threshold normative values were extrapolated to the more proximal regions of the
Although not presented in chapter 2, the influence of length on the vibration values in the
regression analyses was also examined. Length demonstrated an inverted correlation with
the recruited vibration threshold values at all sites of examination, but particularly in the
legs. However, its influence on the final vibration value was negligible compared with age.
The latter remained the strongest predictor of vibration sense values.
In chapter 3, the reliability and responsiveness of the Rydel-Seiffer tuning fork were
demonstrated in patients with immune-mediated polyneuropathies. Thus, all clinimetric
requirements were demonstrated for this fork, by combining these results with literature
findings. The incorporation of this easily applicable instrument in routine neurological
examination was therefore suggested.
Chapter 2 and 3 partially form the basis for the construction and use of the INCAT sensory
sumscore (ISS) in patients with immune-mediated polyneuropathies, as presented in chapter
4. The use of the ISS was suggested to strive for uniformity in assessing sensory deficit in
these disorders. This scale was easily applicable and required ouly a median time of 4.5
minutes for completion. Acceptable validity, reliability, and responsiveness were also
demonstrated. Despite its fulfilment of all clinimetric requirements, further improvement of
this scale is possible. In particular, normal values on the two-point discrimination test could
be determined, thus refining the final outcome of this scale. In a paper from Japan, an
increase in distance of two-point discrimination was seen with advancing age. Women had
slightly higher mean values compared with men (4). Also, future studies should determine
whether the ISS captures changes over time in patients with MGUSP, since the course in
these patients is more indolent compared with patients with GBS and CIDP.
In chapter 5, clinical useful normative grip strength values for the hand-held Vigorimeter
were presented depending primarily on age and sex. A total of 530 healthy individuals were
investigated, with and age ranging from 5 to 93 years and stratified for age and sex. Also, all
clinimetric requirements were demonstrated for this easily applicable instrument. In the
longitudinally examined patients, higher and more normal grip strength values were
obtained over time. Moreover, the Vigorimeter correlated significantly with an arm
disability scale and provided, therefore, outcome at the impairment level and indirect at the
disability level.
In chapter 6, a disability scale was introduced and evaluated in patients with immune-
mediated polyneuropathies. This overall disability sumscore comprises a good functional
description of the arms and legs in a checklist form suitable for interviewing patients. The
arm component addresses daily arm activities and the leg subscale highlights problems
regarding walking taking into account the use of a walking device or support. The
comprehensiveness of this scale is in contrast with the widely used Hughes' functional
Summary - general discussion -future perspectives 185
grading scale (f-score) and Rankin scale, which have a strong emphasis towards mobility
and do not provide information regarding the arms. The validity, reliability, and
responsiveness of the overall disability sumscore were demonstrated. Also, impairment
disturbances like general weakness and sensory deficit leading to disability were better
monitored by the overall disability sumscore compared with the f-score and Rankin scale.
In chapter 7, a prospective open study was performed evaluating outcome at the impairment
and disability levels in patients with chronic motor neuropathies not improving after
conventional therapies who were treated with interferon-~la. Slight improvement was noted
in all patients on this drug, demonstrating more general strength, and better dexterity and
ambulation. Subjectively, performing daily activities improved also. However, the modified
Rankin scale did not capture improvement in all patients. This was most probably due to the
low responsiveness of this scale to capture relevant changes over time. Others using the
Rankin scale also reported similar findings (5).
In chapter 8, the development and clinimetric evaluation of a new handicap scale, the
Rotterdam 9 items handicap scale, was described. Its construction was accomplished based
on the international guidelines for scales construction using the World Health Organisation's
handicap dimensions as a framework. Extensive literature review for potential items,
suggestions and judgements of the selected items by patients who suffered from immune-
mediated polyneuropathies, and expert opinions by a group of neurologists, were the main
phases in its construction. Subsequently, all clinimetric requirements were demonstrated in
patients with inunune-mediated polyneuropathies. A median time of3.5 minutes was needed
to complete this handicap scale. The use is this scale was therefore suggested for monitoring
outcome at the handicap level in these conditions. Future studies are however required to
determine which handicap measure will ultimately be more feasible in these conditions.
In chapter 9, the impact offatigue on functionality and quality oflife is presented in a group
of clinically stable patients with immune-mediated polyneuropathies. It was stated that
fatigue might have been under-recognised by neurologists and other disciplines, because
attention is generally directed towards weakness and sensory deficit in these conditions. This
is the first paper reporting on fatigue in these conditions. Fatigue turned out to be a
prominent and highly disabling symptom in these patients. At least 80% of the patients at
study were severely fatigued and this was irrespective of other clinical parameters such as
weakness, sensory deficit, and duration of illness. Remarkably, fatigue scores in patients
with GBS were significantly associated with the SF-36 socio-emotional dimensions but not
with the physical subscales. Like in the paper by Bernsen et aI., it was concluded that the
psychosocial functioning of patients with GBS was seriously affected, even when the
patients reached a complete physical (weakness and sensory deficit) recovery or showed
only mild residual signs (6). Conversely, fatigue values in patients with CIDP of MGUSP
were significantly related to the physical but not the socio-emotional SF-36 dimensions. It
was assumed that these patients were more preoccupied with the potential threat of changes
in their physical status, making them prone to relate fatigue to their physical condition.
Despite these results, there all still many questions unanswered. What is the
pathophysiological mechanism of fatigue in these conditions? Are there therapeutic options
for fatigue? Future studies of patients with these illnesses should focus on these items.
186 Chapter 13
In chapter 10, the evaluation of quality of life using the medical outcome study 36-items
health status (SF-36) is described in patients with immune-mediated polyneuropathies (15).
SF-36 registered adequately the physical and psychosocial shortcomings in these conditions
when compared with the reported normal values for the healthy Dutch community (16,17).
Also, acceptable clinimetric requirements were demonstrated for this scale, thereby
facilitating its general applicability in these conditions. SF-36 enriched physicians'
awareness by providing a more holistic view of the impact of having an immune-mediated
In the longitudinally examined patients, gradual improvement was noted at all SF-36 levels
during follow-up. It was suggested that an extensive gnidance most probably contributed to
a better outcome in the longitudinally examined patients. Support for this hypothesis was
addressed in a study where a supportive group of individuals surrounding and guiding a
patient played an important role in the promotion of general health (18). However, future
studies should determine whether various pre-defined forms of supportive social network
would lead to different outcomes.
It is of great importance also to evaluate the possible differences in quality of life between
patients with GBS, CIDP, and MGUSP. Finally, a feasibility study of various generic quality
of life measures in patients with immune-mediated polyneuropathies is also needed to
determine which health status fits these conditions best.
Of all clinimetric requirements, responsiveness has been studied the least in general
medicine. Chapter 11 describes a study in which, besides the evaluation of validity and
reliability, various known parametrical responsiveness methods and 2 newly created non-
parametrical responsiveness techniques were compared using scales that purely represented
Summary - general discussion -future perspectives 187
In chapter 12, the linkage between selected impainnent, disability, and handicap outcome
measures is demonstrated in patients with immune-mediated polyneuropathies. Hence,
support for the concept of the 'international classification of impairments, disabilities, and
handicaps' is found, since acceptable associations were demonstrated between the various
outcome levels (I). Impainnent measures explained two-third of disability and about half of
188 Chapter 13
handicap. The MRC sumscore and grip strength values by the Vigorimeter were the
strongest explanatory variables in these models. Disability measures explained 76% of
handicap with the overall disability sumscore as the strongest explanatory variable.
Combining impairment and disability scales accounted for 77% of the variance in handicap.
However, since these associations were not absolute, other possible explanatory factors were
suggested for future studies like pain, psychological items such as anxiety, depression,
coping mechanis, and motivation, social support, and physical condition in terms of
endurance. (25-29).
In conclusion, this thesis describes a set of studies in which various selected outcome
measures, representing different levels of outcome and covering the whole clinical range in
patients with immune-mediated polyneuropathies, were evaluated in terms of their
clinimetric requirements. Clinical useful normative values were also provided for the Rydel-
Seiffer tuning fork and the hand-held Martin Vigorimeter. Moreover, not only the
applicability, validity, and reliability of a measure received attention, but also the concept of
being responsive to changes over time was also extensively highlighted. New responsiveness
techniques were introduced and the method of calCUlating the Area-under-the-curve for
responsiveness was introduced in neuromuscular disorders. Various symptoms were
investigated in these conditions, including fatigue, and the consequences of these disorders
on daily activities, at the societal functional level, and quality of life were examined. Hence,
this thesis could be considered as a basis for further analyses in the clinimetric field in
patients with immune-mediated polyneuropathies.
Summary- general discussion - foture perspectives 189
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17. Ware Jr. JE, Gandek B, Kosinski M, et al. The equivalence of SF-36 summary health scores estimated
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18. Krol B. Sandennan R. Suurmeijer TPBM. Social support. rheumatoid arthritis and quality of life:
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20. Redelmeier DA, Guyatt GH, Goldstein RS. Assessing the minimal important difference in symptoms: a
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21. Jaeschke R Singer J, Guyatt GR. Measurement of health status. Ascertaining the minimal clinically
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Clin RehabiI1993;7: 1-8.
26. Bernsen RAJAM, de Jager AEJ. Schmitz PIM. et af. Residual physical outcome and daily living 3 to 6
years after Guillain-Barre syndrome. Neurology 1999:53:409-410.
27. Nicholas R, Playford ED, Thompson AJ. A retrospective analysis of outcome in severe Guillain-Barre
syndrome following combined neurological and rehabilitation management. Disabil Rehabil
28. Pitetti KH, Barrett PJ, Abbas D. Endurance exercise training in Guillain-Barre syndrome. Arch Phys
Med RehabiI1993;74:761-765.
29. de Jager AEJ, Minderhoud JM. Residual signs in severe Guillain-Barre syndrome: analysis of 57
patients. JNeurol Sci 1991;104:151-156.
Samenvatting 191
worden ook in dit hoofdstuk beschreven. Ook bleken stoornissen aan het lichaam die tot
zelfzorg stoornissen kunnen lijden meer adequaat door deze schaal geregistreerd te worden
in tegensteUing tot andere zelfzorg schalen.
In hoofdstuk 7 wordt een klinische studie beschreven waarbij vier patienten met een puur
motore (aUeen zwakte) neuropathie behandeld werden met een bepaald medicijn (Rebif":
interferon-beta) dat het afweersysteem beinvloedt. Deze patienten bleken niet te reageren op
gangbare behandelingsmethoden. Het effect van dit middel werd gemeten op het niveau van
impairment (stoornissen aan het lichaam) en disability (zelfzorgstoornissen). Enige
verbetering in kracht en functioneren in het dagelijks leven werden bij all patienten
waargenomen. Een patient vertoonde een duidelijke verbetering. Gesuggereerd werd dat dit
middel mogelijk een gunstig effect heef! op de klinische toestand van patienten met een
motore neuropathie die niet blijken te reageren op gangbare behandelingsmethoden.
In hoofdstuk 9 wordt een studie beschreven waarbij voor het eerst de invloed van
vermoeidheid onderzocht werd op het functioneren en de kwaliteit van het leven in patienten
met immuun-gemedieerde polyneuropathieen. Ernstige vermoeidheid werd gevonden in een
hoog percentage (80%) van deze patienten en bleek een ernstig invaliderend symptoom te
zijn. Vermoeidheid bleek op zichzelf te staan en geen relatie te hebben met zwakte,
gevoelsstoornissen of duur van de ziekte. Bij patienten met GBS bleek vermoeidheid
gerelateerd te zijn aan psychosociale domeinen van de kwaliteit van leven schaal, de SF-36.
In tegenstelling tot deze bevindingen bleek vermoeidheid bij patienten met een chronische
polyneuropathie (eIDP of MGUSP) eerder een relatie te hebben met de meer fYsiek
georienteerde domeinen van de SF-36. Vanuit deze bevindingen werd verondersteld dat
GBS patienten de klap van het snel ontwikkelen van neurologische verschijnselen
waarschijnlijk moeizaam te boven komen, terwijl de patienten met chronische verschijnselen
meer gebukt gaan onder de dreiging van verdere fysieke achteruitgang, waardoor zij meer
geneigd zouden zijn om klachten, zoals vermoeidheid, te relateren aan het fYsiek lijden.
Voor de evaluatie van vermoeidheid is gebruik gemaakt van een schaal, de zogenaamde:
"Fatigue severity scale". De simpelheid, validiteit, en betrouwbaarheid van deze
uitkomstmaat werden ook in deze patienten gedemonstreerd.
In hoofstuk 10 wordt een studie beschreven waarin de kwaliteit van leven wordt onderzocht
bij patienten met immuun-gemedieerde polyneuropathieen. De kwaliteit van leven werd
194 Samenvatting
geregistreerd met behulp van de SF-36 kwaliteit van leven schaal. De verkregen gemiddelde
waarden voor de 8 SF-36 domeinen alsmede de waarden voor de totale fysieke en mentale
samengestelde eind-onderdelen werden vergeleken met de gerapporteerde gemiddelde
waarden die recentelijk gepubliceerd zijn voor een groep van 1742 gezonde Nederlandse
inwoners. De SF-36 beschreef op een adequate manier de algemene tekortkomingen in de
kwaliteit van het bestaan in deze patienten waardoor een meer compleet beeld verkregen
werd van de grootte en uitgebreidheid van de inslag van deze aandoeningen op iemands
bestaan. Bij de groep patienten die in de tijd gevolgd werd, werd een geleidelijk herstel op
aile gebieden gevonden, waarbij het mentale gedeeJte sneller dan het fysieke de
normaalwaarden grens bereikte. Gesuggereerd werd dat een intensieve begeleiding van deze
patienten meest waarschijn1ijk als een belangrijke bijdrage gezien moest worden bij het
algeheel herstellen van deze patienten, naast uiteraard de medicijnen die gegeven zijn.
Voorts werden acceptabeJe klinimetrische waarden verkregen voor de SF-36 in het geheel.
Op basis hiervan werd geconcludeerd dat deze schaal als adjunct toegepast kon worden bij
patienten met met immuun-gemedieerde polyneuropathieen.
Het is nogal cliche om te zeggen dat je niet in je een~e een proefschrift schrijft, maar het is
weI de werkelijkheid. Als ik bij de verdediging sta, dan verdedig ik niet alleen mijn
gedachten die verwerkt zijn in de diverse hoofdstukken, maar alle verwerkte
ondersteuningen van vele anderen. Door dit te beseffen kan ik gerust zeggen dat ik een
enorme steun in de rug ervaar, zelfs bij dit laatste gebeuren. Mijn dank voor al deze mensen
is immens groot dat woorden te kort schieten om dit te beschrijven.
Allereerst wil ik lieve God bedanken voor de inspiratie en het doorzettingsvermogen die hij
mij gegeven heeft. AIleen hij kan weten hoe sterk ik aan mijzelf getwijfeld heb gedurende
de turbulente periodes van deze studie. Moeilijk was het als ik vanuit mijn eigen optiek kijk.
Echter, door Gods belichte wegen te volgen konden vele op het oog niet overbrugbare
barricades met redelijk gemak overwonnen worden - de ingeving om de vereniging van
GBS patienten te bellen toen wij niet voldoende patienten bleken te hebben - 's nachts
wakker worden en precies weten wat je schrijven moet - in een richting naar een oplossing
zoeken en pas achteraf beseffen dat deze de juiste richting was - zijn slechts enkele
voorbeelden van begeleiding en ondersteuning van de Heer.
Mijn lieve echtgenote en dochter die met veer geduld en relatief weinig tegensputteren mijn
regeJmatig verzuim thuis wisten op te vangen en altijd voor mij klaar stonden, wil ik
bedanken. Mijn lieve EIs, die praktisch alle artikelen (inclusief mijn dankwoord)
gecontroleerd heeft op granunaticale misconstructies - je weet dat ik dit nooit had kunnen
bewerkstelligen als jij niet in mij geloofde en de nodige steun gaf om mij staande te houden.
Lieve Els, al hetgeen ik als mens bereikt heb komt door jou en doe ik voor jou. Ik wil je
bedanken voor dit alles en hoop met de zegening van God dat wij nog vele jaren in volle
gezondheid van elkaar mogen genieten. Een mooier en krachtiger mens als partner kan
iemand niet wensen. Bedankt lieverd!
Mijn lieve dochter Jamie Alarice Kim: deer van mijn tranen, deer van mijn kloppend hart,
mooi om te zien hoe jij met projecljes en dergelijke ook naast mij opgroeit. Bedankt dat jij
mijn leven ook zo verrijkt; God zegen ook jou wegen lieverd en kijk maar wat je later wilt
worden ..... papa vind alles best, als je maar gelukkig bent.
Mijn lieve ouders, die in vrede mogen rusten: Lieve papai i Mabea, Dios kwida bosonan i mi
pensamentu over di bosonan su presencia; danki pa tur kos ku bosonan a ofresemi i pa e
sosten grandi; ku boso aporte tambe mi por bisa ku mi por a logra algu; masha danki pa tur
kos; mi sa ku bosonan 10 ta presente tambe.
Aan mijn broers en zusters: Ook bedankt voor jullie ondersteuning en het feit dat jullie ook
in mij geloofden; bij het opsommen van al dit, besef ik hoe rijkelijk ik bedeeld ben met
zoveel broers en zusters; door het verlies van mijn ouders besef ik ook dat onze banden
duidelijker versterkt zijn; ik hoop dat dit v~~r altijd mag blijven bestaan en dat wij in volle
glorie elkaar mogen steunen in alles.
Prof. dr. F.G.A. van der Meche, beste promotor ofbeste Frans, bedankt voor het vertrouwen
en ondersteuning die ik van jou in de afgelopen jaren heb gekregen. Dat je mij aannam als
assistent in opleiding zonder veer over mij te weten, de mogelijkheid heb gegeven om mij te
ontplooien tot neuroloog, het feit dat je mij ook geleerd heb onderzoek te verrichten, voor dit
alles wil ik je bedanken. Ondanks het feit dat dit onderzoek als een soort "politieke zet" is
begonnen, ben ik blij dat het geheel onder jou auspicien zo is uitgepakt. Ik dankje ook Frans
Dr. Ir. P.I.M. Schmitz, beste vriend Paul of te wei mijn statistisch georienteerde co-
promotor: Gezamenlijk met je klinisch georienteerde collega co-promotor wisten jullie iets
moois van dit onderzoek te bewerkstelligen. Klinische ideeen hebben en het verzamelen van
gegevens is slechts de basis tot de vorming van een wetenschappelijk huis. Statistiek is in
mijn ogen nog steeds een goochel-truc die VQor weinigen weggelegd is. Je enthousiasme, je
vastberadenheid, je creativiteit (lees: gegoochel) om het geheel tot een geordend geheel om
te tumen, zijn slechts enkele aspecten die jouw persoon kenmerken. We hebben vele uren
lachend, serieus filosoferend doorgebracht en gelukkig keihard doorgewerkt. Het resultaat is
nu zichtbaar denk ik. Paul, bedankt voor alles; ik had dit niet kunnen realiseren als je niet zo
vastberaden was. Pas goed op jezelf en nogmaals danki.
Prof. Toyka wil ik bedanken voor zijn advies om de Rydel-Seiffer stemvork te gebruiken.
Prof. Passchier wil ik bedanken voor zijn advies om de SF-36 kwaliteit van leven schaal te
gebruiken. Prof. Hughes bedank ik ook v~~r de bijdrage die hij heefl geleverd bij het
construeren van de diverse schalen.
De participanten in deze studie wil ik ook bedanken voor hun ondersteuning. In het
bijzonder alle gezonde vrijwilligers uit het AZR, uit de gemeente Haarlemmenneer, met
name uit Nieuw-Vennep, Hoofddorp en Leimuiden, bedankt voor jullie steun. Ook de
onderzoekers dank ik voor hun bijdrage aan het gehee!. Ron Meijer, Frank Opstelten,
Johnny Samijn, Wibe Moll en Rinske van Koningsveld hebben uren op de polikIiniek
gespendeerd met het afuemen van metingen bij vele patienten. Bedankt voor jullie steun en
geduld. Speciale dank gaat uit naar Johnny Samijn, die niet alleen mijn directe
onderzoekspartner vonnde, maar veel geografisch onderwijs over Nederland (gedurende
onze uitstapjes naar enkele patienten) aan mij wist over te dragen. Speciale dank ook voor
Rinske voor het starten met het vibratie onderzoek in een peri ode die voor mij te belastend
was. Jou vastberadenheid werkte als stimulans voor mij.
Naast Johnny, wil ik in het bijzonder mijn studie-maaije Stef Bakker bedanken voor zijn
steun in vele opzichten. Niet alleen als paranimf, maar ook door de jaren heen wist jij Stef
mij gaande te houden door jou steun als collega en vriend. Ik hoop dat jij ook binnenkort je
thesis kan afronden en dankje nogmaals voor alle steun.
Alle stafleden neurologie van het AZR en oude collega assistenten wil ik bedanken voor hun
steun en bijdrage aan mijn opleiding. De verpleging neurologie van het AZR, de
secretaressen en doktersassistenten wil ik ook bedanken voor hun geduld en ondersteuning
gedurende mijn opleiding. In het bijzonder wil ik bedanken Lydia Loman, onze voormalige
octopus-secretaresse, voor haar steun in het begin van mijn wetenschappelijke carriere.
Lydia, wij zijnjou niet vergeten en ik wens je persoonlijk heel veel geluk.
Laurens van Briemen, Ton Mus, Chris Sieradzan, Djo Hasan en Etienne Samson (Algemeen
Dagblad Carribische editie) dank ik voor hun ondersteuning in allerlei technische aspekten
en computer programmatuur. Speciale dank gaat uit naar uitgeverij van Groenigen - Witte
Weekblad' te Nieuw-Vennep, die kosteloos een oproep hebben geplaatst voor de knijpkracht
Mijn directe collega's, Roberto Rico en Wim van der Kamp, alsmede onze secretaressen en
ENF-medewerksters, dank ik voor hun steun in de periode van afronding van mijn thesis.
Jacob (Ado) Gravenhorst, Manrique Lodewijks en Earl Esseboom dank ik persoonlijk voor
hun steun als ware vrienden door de jaren heen. Alle kennissen die op een of andere wijze
een bijdrage hebben geleverd aan het realiseren van deze studie en die niet expliciet vermeld
zijn, dank ik middels dit schrijven.
List of abbreviations
RA = rheumatoid arthritis
RFE = role functioning - emotional
RFPh = role functioning - physical
RH = right hand
RlliS9 = Rotterdam 9 items handicap scale
RS = Rydel-Seiffer
SAIDP = subacute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy
SD = standard deviation
SDres = residual standard deviation around the mean regression line
SF = social functioning
SF-36 = medical outcome study 36-items short form health survey
SFFS = short form fatigue scale
SIP = sickness impact profile
SLE = systemic lupus erythematosus
Srcc = Spearman's rank correlation coefficient
SRM = standardised response mean
ss = sumscore
IOMW(P)T = ten meters walking (performance) test
VAS = visual analogue scale
Vit = vitality
VM = Vigorimeter
WHO = World health organisation
Curriculum vitae
1984-1991: Medical School, Free University Hospital Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
(cum laude)
1991-1992: Resident in Neurology (Agnio), St. Elisabeth Hospital, Haarlem, The Netherlands
List of publications
1 Martina ISJ, van Doorn PA. Spinal cord compression due to extramedullary haematopoiesis in
thalassaemia: a case report and review of the literature. J Neurology 1996:243:364-366.
2 Kamphuis DJ, Martina ISJ, Keli SO, Balentien EGD, Top K. Seroprevalentie van humaan T-
cellymfotroop virus type I op Curayao en voorspellende variabelen voor die infectie. Ned Tijdschr
Geneeskd 1998;142:89-92.
3 Martina 1SJ, van Koningsveld R, van Doorn PA, Schmitz PIM, van der Meche FGA, for the
Inflammatory Neuropathy Cause and Treatment (lNCA1) group. Measuring vibration threshold with a
graduated tuning fork in normal ageing and in patients with polyneuropathy. J Neural Neurosurg
Psychiatry 1998;65:743-747.
4 Martina ISJ, van Doom PA, Schmitz PIM, Meulstee J, van der Meche FGA. Chronic motor
neuropathies: response to interferon-!31a after failure of conventional therapies. J Neurol Neurosurg
Psychiatry 1999;66:197-201.
5 Merkies 1SJ, Schmitz PIM, Samijn JP A, van der Meche FGA, van Doorn PA, for thc Inflammatory
Neuropathy Cause and Treatment (INCAT) group. Fatigue in immune-mediated polyneuropathies.
Neurology 1999;53:1648-1654.
6 Merkies ISJ, Schmitz PIM, van der Meche FGA, van Doom PA, for the Inflammatory Neuropathy
Cause and Treatment (INCAT) group. Psychometric evaluation of a new sensory scale in immune-
mediated polyneuropathies. Neurology 2000;54:943-947.
7 Merkies ISJ, Schmitz PIM, van der Meche FGA, van Doom PA, for the Inflammatory Neuropathy
Cause and Treatment (INCAT) group. Reliability and responsiveness of a graduated tuning fork in
immune-mediated polyneuropathies. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2000:68:669-671.
8 Merkies 1SJ, Schmitz PIM, Samijn JPA, Toyka KV, van der Meche FGA, van Doorn PA, for the
Inflammatory Neuropathy Cause and Treatment (INCAT) group. Assessing grip strength in healthy
individuals and patients with immune-mediated polyneuropathies. Muscle & Nerve 2000;23:1393-
9 Van de Berg-Vos RM, Van den Berg LH, Franssen H, van Doom PA, Merkies ISJ, Wokke JRJ.
Treatment of multi focal motor neuropathy with interferon-~ la. Neurology 2000;54: 1518-1521.
10 Ang CWo van Doom PA, Endtz HPh, Merkies ISJ, Jacobs BC, de Klerk MA, van KoningsveldR, van
der Meche FGA. A single case of Guillain-Barre syndrome in a family with campylobacter jejuni
enteritis. J neuroimmunol 2000;111 :229-233.
II Merkies ISJ, Schmitz PIM, van der Meche FGA, Samijn JPA. van Doorn PA, for the Inflammatory
Neuropathy Cause and Treatment (INCAT) group. Quality of life complements traditional outcome
measures in immune-mediated polyneuropathies. Submitted
12 Merkies ISJ, Schmitz PIM. van Doom PA, Samijn JPA, van der Meche FGA, for the Inflammatory
Neuropathy Cause and Treatment (INCAT) group. Validity, Reliability. and comparative
responsiveness of impairment and diSability scales in immune-mediated polyneuropathies. Submitted
13 Merkies 1SJ. Schmitz PIM, van der Meche FGA, Samijn JPA, van Doorn PA, for the Inflammatory
Neuropathy Cause and Treatment (!NCAT) group. Psychometric evaluation of an overall disability
scale in immune-mediated polyneuropathies. Submitted.
14 Merkies ISJ, Schmitz PIM, van der Meche FGA, Samijn JP A, van Doorn PA, for the Inflammatory
Neuropathy Cause and Treatment (INCAr) group. The development and psychometric evaluation of a
new handicap scale in immune-mediated polyneuropathies. Submitted.
15 Merkies ISJ, Schmitz PIM, van der Meche FGA, Samijn JPA, van Doorn PA, for the Inflammatory
Neuropathy Cause and Treatment (INCAT) group. Connecting impainnent, disability, and handicap in
immune-mediated polyneuropathies. Submitted
Appendix I
Impairment scales
o = no movement
I = palpable contraction, but no visible movement
2 = movement but only with gravity eliminated
3 = movement against gravity (more or less full range)
4 = movement against resistance, but weaker than normal
5 = normal power
Definition of jointlIimh position and point of counter-force for the muscles of the MRC sumscore.
Also~ a more extensive definition of some Medical Research Grading scores for various muscle groups
Muscle ~roup Position of the patient: Counter-force point of the MRC Definition
Jointllimb ~1'arting position investigator gradin!:
Arm ubductors Patient sitting Wld arms h:mging Ju.'It proximul to elbow joint Gr.ldc 2 Abductiou bctwccn 0 • < 9{)0
a1oug:>ide the body {without counter_force)
Grudc3 90° abduction ngninst gravity
(without counter-force)
Fore:mnflcxors Putient sitting Wld upper ann ~1IPportcd Patient's upper ann is ~-upportcd :It Grade 2 Fle:cion offo= between 0 _< 'Xl" (without
in u hori7.ontnl plane dbow; point of counter-fore<:: volur counter-force)
~ite wri.,t joint
Grade 3 90° ilexion of ann ugain.,t gravity (without
Patient sitting und forearm supported in Patient's fo= supportc:d at the Grode:! Extcn.,ion between ~hund-clrop po:<ition~ und <
u hori7.ontal pl:me vol:u' site ofwri.,'t: point of counter- 45° from horizontal plnne
fo=: dorl<:ll part hund (without counter-force)
At le:\.~t 45° =~ion from hori7.ontal plane
{without counter_force}
Hip Ile:<o~ Patient lying supine 1lI1d leg fully extended Ju.'It proximulto knee joint Grade:! Hip Flexion < 45~ (without counter-force)
Patient lying supine: Hip flexion at 45 0 Upper leg supportc:d ju.,t proximal to Gr.lde :! E:'{tension betw= stming point und full
knee joint at dorsal a."pett: point of extension
counter-force: just proximul to ankle
Footdorl<:ll flexors Patient sitting Doma! nspttt offoot Grade:! Dorsal flexion < 9if :It ankle joint
(without countcr-for'(:c)
DornaI flexion of at IC<l.,t 90° :It ankle joint
(without C\luntcr-forcc)
Pinprick and vibration sense examination took place from distal to proximal and only the highest extension
of dysfunction of the most affected ann and leg was recorded separately for both qualities.
Pinprick was tested using the sharp end of an esthesiometer. Patients were asked to indicate whether they
experienced the pinprick as normal or abnorma1. Paresthesia, dysesthesia or hyperesthesia were scored as
abnormal. We seek for a normal reference point (e.g. sensation at the face), if a patient was experiencing
problems indicating whether the pinprick was normal or not.
Vibration was assessed using the Rydel-Seiffer graduated tuning fork and the obtained values were
compared with the published nonnative vibration threshold values.
ISS composition: pinprick ann grade [range: 0-4] + vibration arm grade [range: 0-4] + pinprick leg grade
[range: 0-4] + vibration leg grade [range: 0-4] + 2-point discrimination grade [range: 0-4]. Sites of
examination: A & B:::;;index finger (dorsum distal interphalangeal joint): c=ulnar styloid process; D=medial
humerus epicondyle: E=acromio-clavicular joint; F & G=hallux (dorsum interphalangeal joint); ~edial
malleolus: l=patella; J=anterior superior iliac spine. ~index finger (ventral side; distal phalanx).
ISS Range: 0 ("no sensory deficit") to 20 ('''most severe sensory deficit").
English version
F ati?;Ue severity scale
1""strongly disagree; 29l1ainly disagree: 3=:partia11y disagree; 4=do not agree/disagree: 5=partially agree; 6=mainly
agree 7=strongly agree (circle one answer per 9uestion)
1 My motivation is lower when I am fatigued 2 3 4 5 6 7
2 Exercise brings on my fatigue 2 3 4 5 6 7
3 I am easily fatigued 2 3 4 5 6 7
4 Fatigue interferes with my physical functioning 2 3 4 5 6 7
5 Fatigue causes frequent problems for me 2 3 4 5 6 7
6 My fatigue prevents sustained physical functioning 2 3 4 5 6 7
7 Fatigue interferes with carrying out certain duties and responsibilities 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 Fatigue is among my three most disabling symptoms 2 3 4 5 6 7
9 Fatigue interferes with my work. family. or social life 2 3 4 5 6 7
Patients are instructed to choose a number from 1 to 7 that indicates their degree of agreement with each
statement (1=strongly disagree~ 7=strongly agree). The mean of these 9 questions is considered 'the fatigue
score' for each patient.
Dutch version
Fa/if!:Ue severity scale
l""VoUedig oneens; 2-grotendeels oneens: 3-gcdeeltelijk oneenS: 4==niet oneens/Diet eens~ 5-gedeeltelijk eens~
6=£,!otendeels eens 7""Volledit;: eens (omcirkel een keuze Eer vraag)
1 Ik ben minder gemotiveerd om dingen te docn als ik moe ben 2 3 4 5 6 7
2 lichamelijke inspanning leidt tot vennoeidheid 2 3 4 5 6 7
3 ik ben snel moe/vennoeid 2 3 4 5 6 7
4 moeheidlvennoeidheid be1emmert me in mijn lichamelijk functioneren 2 3 4 5 6 7
5 moeheidlvennocidheid leidt voor mij vaak: tot problemen 2 3 4 5 6 7
6 moeheidlvennoeidheid verhindert langdurige lichamelijke inspanning 2 3 4 5 6 7
7 moeheidlvennoeidheid beinvloedt de uitvoering van bepaalde taken en
verplichtingen 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 moeheidlvennoeidheid behoort tot mijn drie voornaarnste klachten 2 3 4 5 6 7
9 Moeheidlvermoeidheid beinvloedt mijn werk, gezinsleven of sociale
acti'liteiten 2 3 4 5 6 7
Patienten worden geinstrueerd om bij elke vraag 1 antwoord te omcirkelen dat het beste past bij hun situatie.
Het gemiddelde van deze 9 vragen wordt berekend en beschouwd als "the fatigue score'.
Appendix II
Disabilitv scales
minor symptoms or signs in onc or both:mns but not affecting:my ofthc functions listcd
moderate symptoms or signs in one or both = affccting but not prevcnting:my of the functions listcd
3- severe symptoms or signs in onc or both urms preventing at least onc but not all functions listed
,- severe symptoms or signs in both urms preventing all functions listed but some purposeful movcments still possiblc
sevcre symptoms and ~igns in both rum.~ prevcuting all purposcful movements
~o y~ Not npplic:ablc
Le!?: disability scaJe - Function checklist
Do you have:my problem with your walking 0 0 0
Do you usc a walking aid 0 0 0
How do you do usuallv gct around for o.bout 10 meters
Without:lid 0 0 0
With one ~1iek or crutch QI holding to someone's urm 0 0 0
With two ~1ieks or crutches QI one stick or crutch and holding to somcone's urm 0 0 0
With a wheelchair 0 0 0
If you use 0. wheelchair: can you ~tmd:md walk 0. few steps with help 0 0 0
If you are restricted to bed most of the time, are you able to make somc purposeful
movements 0 0 0
Leg grade
Walking is not affected
Wo.lking is affected but docs not look o.bnorrno.1
walks independently but g:lit looks abnorrno.1
3- usually uses unilatero.1 support to walk 10 meters (stick. single crutch. one urm - 25 yards)
usually uses bilateral support to walk 10 meters (sticks. crutches. two arms - 25 yards)
5- usually uses wheelchair to travel 10 meters (25 yards)
,- restricted to wheelchair. unable to stllld and walk few steps with help but able to make some purposeful leg movemcnts
restrictc<i to wheelchair or bcd most of the do.Y. oreventinc: all ourooscful movements ofthc legs (e.g. unable to reposition the legs in bed)
Overall disability sumscore = Arm disability scale (range: 0-5) + Leg disability scale (range: 0-7)
Range: 0 (no signs of disability) to 12 (maximum disability).
For the arm disability scale: Allocate one arm grade only by completing the Function checklist. Indicate
whether each function is 'affected', 'affected but not prevented' or ·prevented'. For the leg disability scale:
Allocate one leg grade only by completing the Functional questions.
Appendix III
Handicap scale
English version
l. Mobility indoors
Are you able to move from room to room, negotiating doors, carpets and polished surfaces?
o"" not applicable
1 == unable to move between rooms
2 = moves between rooms mostly with help of another person
3 :::: moves between rooms most of the time independent: sometimes needing help of another person
4 = moves between rooms totally independent
2. Mobility outdoors
Are you able to move outdoors from onc place to another, negotiating kerbs and uneven grounds?
o= not applicable
1 = unable to move outdoors
2 = moves outdoors mostly with help of another person
3 = moves outdoors most of the time independent; sometimes needing help of another person
4 = moves outdoors totally independent
3. Kitchen tasks
Are you able to fulfil tasks like making a pot ofteaJcoffee, and serving it; are you able to collect items from
a high and low cupboard., refrigerator, etcetera? (other kitchen tasks are also applicable).
o=: not applicable
I ~ unable to fulfil any kitchen task
2 =: able to fulfil only a minimum of these tasks; mostly needing help of another person
3 == able to fulfil the vast majority of these tasks independently; sometimes needing help of another person
4 ~ able to fulfil all kitchen tasks independently
9" Work/study
Are you able to fulfil your prior (before becoming ill) job/study?
o= not applicable
I ~ unable to fulfil prior job/study
2 ~ able to fulfil (partly) adapted job/study
3 ~ able to fulfil partly the prior job/study
4 ~ able to fulfil completely prior job/study
Score-range, guidelines, and formulas for transformation of raw scores to final scores for Rotterdam
9 items handicap scale
The Rotterdam nine items handicap scale score: summation of an applicable items x 9/(9-number of not
applicable items); score-range: 9 ("unable to fulfil any task/activity"") to 36 ("able to fulfil all
Regarding items 1 and 2: Moving from room to room or outdoors does not necessarily mean that a patient
has the ability to walk. As an example: A patient can also move from one place to another in a wheelchair.
Regarding item 8: For example, if a patient does not have a driving license, it was proposed to consider this
part of the question as "being fulfi11ed", unless it was clear that this would be absolutely impossible due to
himlher illness.
Dutch version
1. Mobiliteit binnenshuis
Kunt u zich verplaatsen van kamer naar kamer, waarbij deuren, drempels, tapijten en/of gladde vloeren
overbrugd worden?
o =- met van toepassing
1 =- ik kan rnij niet verplaatsen van kamer naar kamer
2;::; ik verplaats mij meestal met de hulp van iemand anders van kamer naar kamer
3 = ik verplaats mij grotendeels zelfstandig van kamer naar kamer
4 = ik verplaats mij volledig zelfstandig van kamer naar kamer
2. Mobiliteit buitenshuis
Kunt u zich buiten verplaatsen waarbij eventueel trottoirs en oneffenheden overbrugd worden?
o= niet van toepassing
1 = ik kan mij niet buiten verplaatsen
2 = ik verplaats mij meestal met de hulp van iemand anders buiten
3 = ik verplaats mij grotendeels zelfstandig buiten
4 = ik verplaats mij volledig zelfstandig buiten
3. Keuken taken
Kunt u keuken taken als bijvoorbeeld een pot theeJkoffie zetten en serveren; bent u hierbij in staat om
voorwerpen uit kastenllades e.d. te pakken? (andere keuken-activiteiten komen ook in aanmerking).
a = niet van toepassing
1 = ik kan geen keuken taken uitvoeren
2 = ik voer slechts een deel van de keuken taken uit~ meestal heb ik de hulp van iemand anders nodig
3 = ik voer de meeste keuken taken (grotendeels) zelfstandig uit
4 ~ ik voer aile keuken taken voHedig zelfstandig uit
6. Ontspanningsactiviteiten [binnenshuis]
Kunt u bijvoorbeeld lcrant ofboek lezen, telefoneren, een hobby uitvoeren?
o= niet van toepassing
1 = ik kan deze aktiviteiten met uitvoeren
2 = ik voer slechts een deel van deze aktiviteiten uit~ meestal heb ik de hulp van iemand anders nodig
3 = ik voer de meeste van deze aktiviteiten (grotendeels) zelfstandig uit
4 = ik voer a1 deze aktiviteiten voUedig zelfstandig uit
7. Ontspanningsactiviteiten [buitenshuis]
Bent u in staat om naar een feest, theater, bioscoop, concert, musea of bijeenkomst te gaan?; kunt u sporten?
o"'" niet van toepassing
1 ::::: ik kan geen een van deze aktiviteiten uitvoeren
2 = ik voer s1echts een deel van deze aktiviteiten uit; meestal heb ik de hulp van iemand anders nodig
3 = ik voer de meeste van deze aktiviteiten (grotendeels) zelfstandig uit
4 = ik voer al deze aktiviteiten vol1edig zelfstandig uit
9. Werk/studie
Bent u in staat uw eerdere (v66r het ziek worden) baanlstudie uit te voeren?
o: : niet van toepassing
1 :::: ik ben niet in staat tot het uitvoeren van mijn eerdere baanlstudie
2:::: ik ben in staat tot het (gedeeltelijk) uitvoeren van aangepast(e) werkJstudie
3 :::: ik ben in staat tot een gedeeltelijk uitvoeren van mijn eerdere baanJstudie
4:::: ik voer mijn eerdere baanlstudie volledig uit
INSTRUCTIES: Deze vragenlijst gaat over uw standpunten t.a.v. uw gezondheid. Met behulp van deze gegevcns kan
worden bijgebouden hoe u zich vaelt en hoe goed u in staat bent uw gebruikelijke bezigheden uit te voeren.
Beantwoord elke vraag door het antwoord op de aangegeven \¥ijze te markeren. Als u niet zeker weet hoe u eeo vraag
moet beantwoorden. geef dan het best mogelijke antwoord.
Uitstckend ........................................................................................................................... 1
Goed ................................................................................................................................... 3
Matig................................................................................................................................... 4
Slecht .................................................................................................................................. 5
2. Hoe beoordeelt u!!\! uw gezondheid over het algemeen. vergeleken met een jaar geleden?
3. De volgcnde vragen gaan over bczighedcn die u misschien doet op cell doorsnee dag. Wordt u door uw
gezondhcid on dit moment bepcrkt bij deze bczighedcn? 20 ja, in welke mate?
4. Heeft u in de afgelopen 4 weken. een van de volgende problemen bij uw werk of andere dagelijkse bezigheden
gchad. ten gevolge van uw iichamelijke gezondheid?
a. U bestcedde minder tijd aan werk of andere bezigheden 1 2
5. Heeft u in de afgelopen 4 weken. cen van de volgende problemen ondervonden bij uw werk of andere dageJijkse
bezigheden ten gevolge van ernotionele problemen (zoals depressievc ofangstige gcvoelens)?
a. U besteedde minder tijd aan werk of andere bezigheden I 2
b. U heeft minder bereik1: dan U ZOll willen I 2
(omcirke16!D cijfer)
Enigszins ............................................................................................................................. 2
Nogal .................................................................................................................................. 3
Veel .................................................................................................................................... 4
Geen.................................................................................................................................... 1
Heellicbt ............................................................................................................................ 2
Licht. ................................................................................................................................... 3
Nogal .................................................................................................................................. 4
Emstig................................................................................................................................. 5
8. In welke mate bent u afgelopen 4 weken door P.iin. gebindcrd in uw normalc werk (zowel werk buitenshuis als
huishoudelijk werk)?
(omcirkel een cijfer)
Helemaal met ...................................................................................................................... 1
Nogal .................................................................................................................................. 3
Veel .................................................................................................................................... 4
9. Deze vragen gaan over hoe urich voelt en hoe het met u ging in de afge\opcn 4 weken. Wil a.u.b. bij elke vraag
het antwoord geven dat het best benadert hoe urich voelde. Hoe vaak gedurende de afgelopen 4 wekcn -
10. Hoc vaak hebben uw lichamelijke gezondheid of emotionele problemen u gedurende de afgelonen 4 weken
gehinderd bij uw sociale activiteiten (zoals vrienden offamilie bezoeken, etc.)?
Meestal .............................................................................................................................. 2
Soms .................................................................................................................................. 3
Zeldcn ................................................................................................................................ 4
Nooit ................................................................................................................................... 5