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«i|C^f^c^fm5|sw|nq Fall 1991
PO BOX 6483, ITHACA, NY 14851, (607)-273-8506 VOLUME 6, NUMBER 4
29 - DEC. 1
understood by thought. We have INTRODUCTION TO
to have direct understanding of INSIGHT MEDITATION
our primordial state. Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche
OVERCOMING In the A-khrid system, after the
biographies of the lineage masters,
$50. Members 540.
Literary Tibetan Tibet, 1913-1951 culture, he has lectured at many universities and at
organizations such as the National Geographic Society.
Gary returns regularly to Tibet where he is involved as
A Reading Course and The Demise of the Lamaist State Pent
a consultant in a number of educational and
Reference Grammar MELVYN C. GOLDSTEIN development projects. As your tour leader. Gary will
make a world of difference in your understanding and
With Gclek Rinpoche and "A magnificent study of modern Tibet." Our tours specialize in Tibet for those who make
the best of their experience of this exotic destination. We
Lobsang Phuntshog —New York Review of Books also spend more time in Tibet than do other tours to give Mexico
"An extraordinary exposition—hard to you more opportunity to explore and appreciate this
"The first really practical general gram- remarkable land at a leisurely pace.
mar of the language." surpass."— Religious Studies Review Power Places Tours specializes in tours
"If in your life you and conferences worldwide. Write or call for
—F.K. Lehman. University of Illinois our free brochure, more information and to learn t
read only one about our other tours.
This book will allow beginners to under-
book on Tibet,
stand the logic of Tibetan grammar and
read this." rXMUCd IUUHO (714) 497-5138
syntax through graded readings and nar- —South Asia Research 285 Boat Canyon Dr. — Laguna Beach, CA 92651
rative explanations. The readings include S24.95 paper. 1 Yes, laminterested in more information.
Please send it to me below. Thanks!
a wide range of modern literary styles. 936 pages,
S45.00 cloth. 490 pages illustrated
Address Apt
Home Phone Work Phone
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Gobi Desert. On Sunday, July 21,
His Holiness climbed Mount Alk-
hanai, holding a religious service
which included a puja to purify
the site.
Also in Siberia, His Holiness
visited the once magnificent tem-
ple of Aginskaya. This great tem-
ple was the center of the finest
sutra woodblock printing press PORTS
outside of Tibet itself. Thousands
of the highest quality sutras were
disseminated from here through-
out Mongolia and Siberia, to
Kalmykia in the deep southern VISIT US D URING THE
Russian steppes, and to St. Peters-
burg. Unfortunately, the entire
printing library of wood blocks
was senselessly destroyed when
Stalin's purges reached Aginsk in SHARCHEN WILL KXPAND BY COLLABORATING
Amidst the high rolling prairies WITH INFINITY BOORS OF SEATTLE DURING
and grasslands south of Chita, His THE KALACHAKRA INITIATION FOR WORLD \< cb> ( t:rn
Holiness paid his respects to sever-
al elderly Aginsk monks. Some-
how this handful survived the BAZAAR AND OTHER TIMES IN OUR rTTT
communist persecutions and have MADISON AVENUE SHOWROOM
been allowed to return to the gut-
<««»> <i^>
ted buildings of the historic com-
plex. Many young Buryat monks, Call or write for our NEW COLOR CATALOG.
(and even a Russian monk we met
there last year), under the gui- 1309 Madison Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10128
dance of their elders, now chant
the sutras in the classical, liturgi-
(800) 521-9357 or (212) 860-8873
cal Tibetan language. This is an
unbroken—albeit sometimes
underground—chain of the Gelug- %
2nd dav air available, American Express aeeepied
H.H.Dalai Lama pendent arising situation. USSR numerous times since 1978. cinated some of its greatest minds. had Tibetans looking north to
Visits USSR "There are now two Kalmyks In 1990 they were hosted by branches Amidst the unfolding scenario tak- Russia as the mythical kingdom of
Com. from page 4 in the Supreme Soviet. Both met of the Soviet Academy of Sciences to ing place in the Soviet Union to- Shambhala and seeing Czar
His Holiness and were visibly give talks on Tibet. They lecture day, the visit of Lama Samayev Nicholas as the embodiment of
Holiness gave Avalokiteshvara moved. These two men of power around the world about the and Helena Nikolayeva affords an White Tara. The 1904 British in-
teachings for three days at the will not forget Tibet. They will feel "Russian-Mongolian-Tibetan Con- opportunity to become acquaint- vasion of Tibet put an end to these
horse race track on the edge of kinship and sympathy. It really is nection." Contact them if you are in- ed with the Russian pieces of this dreams, and Dorjiev returned to
Elista. true. One person can make a terested in having them speak in your giant puzzle. Russia, where he and the Russian
"Starting at six in the morning difference." ■ area, or to join them in tours to these Buddhism entered the Czarist Buddhists, including the eminent
thousands upon thousands of peo- regions: Molly McGinn/Gary Empire in the 16th and 17th cen- scholars Stcherbatsky and Olden-
ple each day came from all over the Molly McGinn and Gary Wintz Wintz, InterNet/Soviet-Tibet, 1341 turies, as the expanding empire berg, succeeded in obtaining per-
Republic," Urubshurow said. have lived in Tibet and have trav- Ocean Avenue, Suite 232, Santa encountered an advancing wave of mission to build a Buddhist temple
"The crowds were overwhelming. eled to Buddhist regions of the Monica, CA 90401. Tibetan Buddhist culture. Cross- in the middle of the city. Some-
When all the huge grounds had ing Mongolia, the followers of thing of the deep Russian fascina-
filled with pilgrims, His Holiness Tsongkhapa had reached the tion with Tibetan spirituality can
gave permission to the security Transbaikal homeland of the be seen in the life and work of
guards to allow people to come Buryats and the lower Volga region painter Nicholas Roerich. Seeing
into the infield with him. The in- settled by the Kalmyks. Within the temple as the embodiment of
field totally filled up within decades of the arrival of a large his vision of a school of philoso-
minutes. party of Tibetan lamas, a decree phy uniting East and West,Roer-
"I was amazed at the number of of 1741 established in Buryatia the ich nevertheless left St. Petersburg
old people who were carrying re- position of Bandido Khambo before its 1915 completion
ligious objects of devotion, like Lama as Supreme Buddhist Patri- eventually reaching the Himalayan
prayer wheels, malas, and even arch of all Russia. Over the cen- foothills of Northern India.
thangkas, which they brought for turies, the number of monasteries The 1917 Bolshevik Revolution
His Holiness to bless. The faith grew. Requiring literacy in Tibe- brought a period of renewed hopes
and courage of these people to tan, Mongolian, and Buryat, the for Russian Buddhists. Dorjiev, as
somehow hold onto these things Buryatian Buddhist curriculum Khambo Lama and abbot of the
through seventy years of com- was modelled after that used in temple, tried to fashion a kind of
munist persecution, even through Drepung and other Tibetan centers. progressive Buddhism which
the decimating exile into In the Imperial capital, St. would be compatible with Bolshe-
Siberia—somehow they held onto Petersburg, Russian studies of vism. In the end, however, the
these things—it was all very mov- Tibetan Buddhism combined a resurgence of Buddhist activity
ing and very humbling—and this high level of scholarly attention was, crushed in the reign of terror
is an unemotional lawyer you are with sympathetic interest in Bud- launched by Stalin in 1929. The
talking to!" confessed Uru- dhist ideas. Nineteenth-century brutal destruction of the monaster-
bshurow. Russian explorers, notably ies of Buryatia and Kalmykia, to-
"Over and over as I spoke to Prjevalsky, Kozlov, and Tsybikov, gether with their cultural
older Kalmyk people," Uru- ' travelled over the vast Central treasures, and the mass executions
bshurow related, "they kept say- Asian region, collecting scientific of monks, served as a blueprint for
ing that this was a dream come data documenting the ethnogra- the Chinese Communist rape of
true. Nothing short of that." phy of remote areas, and assem- Tibet. In 1937, the lamas of the
"For almost 400 years the bling what is now the largest Leningrad Temple were all arrest-
Kalmyk Mongolians have had a extant collection of Tibetan texts. ed and shot. Arrested the same
loyalty to and reverence for the Their hopes of reaching Lhasa and year, Dorjiev is thought to have
Gelugpa sect in general, and the seeing the Dalai Lama met with died in 1938. The ruined temple,
institution of the Dalai Lama in varying success, as Tibet was at used as a radio station, a ware-
particular. that time largely closed to out- house, and a research institute, its
"But until now no Dalai Lama siders. Prince Esper Ukhtomsky, treasures removed or destroyed,
had ever set foot in Kalmyk coun- the leading St. Petersburg jour- somehow survived to the present.
try. No one there ever thought nalist, made numerous trips to In the new climate of perestroi-
they would see His Holiness, or Central Asia. A enthusiastic stu- ka, the Kalachakra Temple is once
any living Dalai Lama." dent of Buddhism, his vast collec- again the property of the Buddhist
tion of Northern Buddhist art, the sangha. A video of the interior tak-
The Kalmyks and the Tibetans work of Buryat, Kalmyk, Mon- en this past year shows both the
"This thing didn't just happen golian, and Chinese artists, is now extent of the destruction and the
because the Kalmyks suffered near largely in the Hermitage Collection hope for renewal and rebirth. The
genocide," Urubshurow con-
tinued. "It happened because RUSSIAN TIBETAN and includes numerous outstand-
ing examples to be seen in the
ornate latticework in the cavern-
ous main hall still glitters like the
residence mandala of the deity.
"Wisdom and Compassion" ex-
Tibet suffered. His Holiness
suffered upheaval and displace-
ment. Had His Holiness not gone
BUDDHISTS TO hibit currendy on view at the IBM
Gallery in New York City.
But donations are needed to re-
store this shrine to its original
into exile, the dream of a Dalai
Lama visiting the Soviet Union
VISIT USA One Buryat who travelled to
Lhasa was to have a lasting effect
If you would like to help bring
and the Kalmyk Republic would
not have come true.
By Ken Fung on Russian-Tibetan relations. In
the closing years of the 19th cen-
our Russian Buddhist friends to
the USA or to help restore the
"This is historic. Unprecedent- Two prominent Russian Budd- well as to begin monastic training tury, Lama Agvan Dorjiev, after a Kalachakra Temple, please send a
ed! His Holiness was well aware of hists will be visiting the USA this and book publishing. Dating from brilliant career at Drepung Mon- tax-deductible contribution to
the fate of the Kalmyk people, the fall. The Ven. Tenzing Khetsun the early years of this century, at astery, became an assistant tutor to Wisdom's Goldenrod, Ltd., c/o
destruction of their culture. The Samayev is abbot of St. Peters- a time when a group of St. Peters- the young thirteenth Dalai Lama, Ken Fung, PO Box 40, Hector,
Kalmyk Mongolians were the only burg's (formerly Leningrad) burg visionaries saw the empire's and was soon his trusted confidant NY 14841. Wisdom's Goldenrod
Asian population group on the Eu- Kalachakra Temple, and is also a future in a spiritual culture unit- and advisor. Convinced that Rus- Center for Philosophic Studies is
ropean continent to embrace Tibe- member of the Soviet Parliament, ing Russia and Tibet, this six-story sian support would effectively a sponsor for the visit of Lama
tan Buddhism, and they were the representing traditionally Bud- Tibetan style structure was built counter British and Chinese moves Samayev and Helena Nikolayeva.
first to suffer from communism as dhist Buryatia. Helena Nikolaye- with the support of both the Czar against Tibet, he persuaded the If you would like to speak with
it swept toward Asia. The Bud- va is a Buddhist scholar, co-author and the Thirteenth Dalai Lama, Czar to make a series of overtures these people when they come to
dhist Kalmyk experience with of a historical survey of Buddhism with materials and art work from to the Dalai Lama, while in Tibet the USA, please phone 607-546-
Marxism-Leninism became the in Russia, and 'foreign affairs all over Europe and Asia. Like circulating a pamphlet which soon 8542 to make arrangements. ■
paradigm for all the Tibetan Bud- coordinator' for their group, those it served, the temple suffered
dhist cultures of Central Asia who whose spiritual head is His Holi- greatly during Stalin's time and
would later suffer under com- ness the Dalai Lama. Both in their the difficult years that followed.
munism in Buryatia, Mongolia, thirties and fluent in English, they The history of the Kalachakra
Inner Mongolia and Tibet. will be attending the Kalachakra Temple is entwined with the larg-
"The Buddhist holocaust be- Initiation in NYC in October. Af- er history of the Russian Buddhist
gins in Kalmykia—the first venue terwards, they will travel around culture which for centuries linked
where it was destroyed. The visit the country to speak to groups and parts of the Russian Empire with
of the Dalai Lama represents the university audiences. Samayev and Mongolia and Tibet.
beginning of the renaissance of Nikolayeva are looking forward to The Tibetan-dominated cultural
Buddhism. It is now being re- meeting with Western practition- region extended all the way from
vived. His visit was nothing less ers and observing the day-to-day the Volga River to parts of histor-
than religious CPR. I was there on workings of spiritual groups and ic Tibet now annexed by China.
stage in Elista during the initiation organizations here, while acquaint- Prior to the Communist takeovers
by His Holiness when at least a ing us with the history of Russian this vast area had Tibetan as its lin- A new documentary about the Tibetan Community and the children
dozen young Kalmyk monks pro- Buddhism, by turns inspiring and gua franca, with Tibet's large being smuggled from Tibet to Dharamsala
fessed their initial vows before tragic, and the needs of Buddhists monastic universities drawing stu-
there today. dents from the entire region. To- "In many ways this fine work manifests the fate and hope of
him. Tibet today." David R. Brower, President, Friends of the Earth
"I considered myself lucky to be At this time of economic uncer- day we recognize the Himalayan Broadcast on PSS
there through the kindness of my tainty and political instability, portions of this cultural map, Awarcs and screenings: Earthpeace International Film Festival
Lama. The message of His Holi- their Buddhist sangha needs our while information on the Russian Asian Art Museum, San Francisco
support as they struggle to estab- connection is lacking. Yet impor- Mill Valley Film Festival
ness emphasized the tremendous 3othenourg, Sweden Tibet Conference
difference one man can make in lish themselves. They are working tant implications for Tibet's future Mow available on videocassette for home and classroom use
the world, e.g., Geshe Wangyal. It to restore the historic Kalachakra may lie in the net of connections Send chec>c or money oraer ror $29.95 plus 3.50 shipping to:
was such a joyous celebration for Temple which was recently return- between Russia and the Central Tibet In Exile/Barb Banics 1830 AUston Uay/Berkeiey,CA 94703
Kalmyk country. It truly is a de- ed to them by Soviet authorities as Asian Buddhist culture which fas-
In early 1992, 1000 Tibetans will begin coming to the United States to resettle here.
A large number of people have been working to provide the refugees with sponsors and jobs to make their
transition to life in America easier. However, a large amount of financial support is still needed to cover the
cost of transportation, insurance, housing and other necessities during the first few months after their arrival.
The endless knot emblem has been adopted as the logo for the Tibetan-US Resettlement Project because
it symbolizes the interrelatedness of all things. A sterling silver pendant has been created to help raise needed
funds for the project. By purchasing an endless knot, you join the many Tibetan and American organizers
and sponsors in an effort to assist the Tibetans resettling in Ithaca.
The endless knot pendant is available through Rio! an ethnic boutique in Ithaca that is developing a jewelry
business for Tibetans. The pendant can also be purchased as one or two earrings. They are silver and adorned
with a colorful bead. Wear these to show your support of the project.
To receive your pendant, please send a check, credit card information or money order for $10 plus $2
shipping (and tax—NYS only) per item (earrings are $20 plus shipping) to Rio!, 116 Center Ithaca, Ithaca,
NY 14850, 607-272-2115. If you are interested in helping with a larger amount, all proceeds from the sale
of these items go to support the Tibetan Resettlement Project in Ithaca.
ers in historical sources. Still, due tablished in 1986, with the bless- crowded and unhygienic condi-
WOMEN IN to cultural conditioning, social ex-
pectations, and their own delusion
ings of Lama Zopa Rinpoche, as
Khachoe Ghakyiling Nunnery, a
tions. Nonetheless we are ap-
preciative of our good fortune and
THE KARMAPA poche received and mastered all
major teachings of the lineage un-
der the direct guidance of His
INTERNATIONAL Holiness the Sixteenth Karmapa.
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Recent & upcoming issues
H.E. Jamgon Kongtrul During the last ten years of His able Trust at Rumtek. jor Tibetan medical institute to be
com. from page 10 Holiness's life, until 1981, Rin- Some of Rinpoche's current built in accreditation with Nalan- feature Thich Nhat Hanh,
poche accompanied him on teach- projects include the construction da Institute, which will teach and Joanna Macy, Tai Situ
land and tightened their grip on ing tours to America and Europe. of the main center for the Karmae dispense medicines and treatment Rinpoche, and Gary Snyder;
Tibet. Since his early twenties, Rinpoche Shri Nalanda Institute for Higher in the traditional Karma Kagyu reports on engaged
Shortly thereafter, in 1959, His has continued to fulfill His Holi- Buddhist Studies located in Rum- Tibetan Buddhist methods. This Buddhism in all parts of the
Holiness Rarmapa came out of ness's vision of preserving and dis- tek. The institute is affiliated with will provide a great service to the world, including Tibet
Tibet to the safety of the Indian seminating the Buddhadharma. the educational system of the San- Tibetan communities in India by
He has traveled extensively in skrit University in India. The pro- offering them much-needed med-
Central America, and
border. He felt that the natural
Buddhist inclination of the people North America, Europe, Austra- gram of education at Nalanda ical care. Burma; and articles on
of Sikkim, located at the northern lia and Asia to teach and inspire follows the ancient traditions of As a devotional gesture to his prison dharma, misconduct
border of India and Tibet, would students. Tibet and focuses each year on a root Guru Karmapa, Rinpoche has in Buddhist communities,
undoubtedly be the best location Rinpoche is also committed to central text and several commen- begun construction of Rigpe and abortion and
to settle and nurture the torch of the educational, social and medi- taries. The entire course of study Dorje Institute, named in honor of Buddhism. Turning Wheel
Dharma. He accepted the kind in- cal developments of Rumtek Mon- is designed to progress along an His Holiness, Rangjung Rigpe
vitation of Tashi Namgyal, King astery and the welfare of many eleven-year path, including a Dorje. The Institute will be built also has a regular feature on
of Sikkim, and chose the village of Tibetan communities in India and three-year retreat. The authentic- in the holy place of Sarnath, near Buddhist practice and
Rumtek to establish his main mon- Nepal. To facilitate these project ity of the traditions of the Karma Deer Park where Buddha gave his education.
astery. A few months after His developments, Rinpoche has es- Kagyu Lineage is preserved and first teaching, the "Four Noble $25 for a year (four 48-page issues).
Holiness arrived in Rumtek, Jam- tablished Rigpe Dorje Founda- taught by the Ven. Kenchen Tran- Truths". It will provide both lay
gon Kongtrul Rinpoche was tion, an international organization, gu Rinpoche, the highest abbot of and ordained students of Dharma BUDDHIST PEACE FELLOWSHIP
brought there by his family. His whose work he directs as Founda- the Kagyu Lineage, and Ven. the opportunity to study and prac- P.O. Box 4650, Berkeley, CA
Holiness cut a lock of Rinpoche's tion Chairman and President. He Khenpo Tsultrim Gyatso, who is tice Buddhist view, meditation, 94704
hair, and gave him the name of is also Chairman of the Paramita especially gifted in Buddhist logic. 510/525-8596; fax 510/525-7973.
Karma Lodro Chokyi Senge. That Charitable Trust in India and Rinpoche has also proposed Continued on page 12
same year, on the auspicious occa- Trustee of the Karmapa Charit- plans for the construction of a ma-
sion of Lhabab Duchen (the com-
memoration of the return of
Shakyamuni Buddha from the
celestial realm) His Holiness Harmonia Mundi
ceremonially enthroned Rinpoche Audio cassettes .as low as $2.95 each
on the Fearless Lion Throne of the
Dharma at Rumtek Monastery.
H rmonia Mundi was a million-dollar conference
mm^immmm. California in 1989.
featuring H. H. The Dalai Lama in
At the start of the conference it was announced
The experience of moving from that the Dalai Lama would receive the Nobel Peace Prize. This set a
his parents home to Rumtek Mon- fositive tone to a gathering of inspiring scientists, poets, religious
astery at such a young age was eaders, scholars, & meditation teachers as they considered the great
quite natural for Rinpoche. His questions of our time.
Holiness was both mother and fa- H.H. The Dalai Lama led a 3 day Transformations of Consciousness
forum dialogue with Daniel Brown, Stephen Levine, Daniel Goleman, Jean
ther to him and being in the pres- Shinoda Bolen, Jack Engler, Joanna Macy, and Margaret Brenman-Gibson.
ence of his root guru filled him 6 tape set $24. Two evening program talks by His Holiness! Compassion
with ineffable joy. When he was and Compassion & Faith are $6 each. His Holiness speaks mostly in
still young, about 5 or 6 years old, English on topics relevant to daily living.
the three eminences, Sharmar The complete 73 tape collection in attractive vinyl albums can be
Rinpoche, Gyalsap Rinpoche, and purchased for $215. Tapes fron this conference also include: Joseph Goldstein,
Roger Walsh, Jack Kornfield, Jacob Needlenan, Robert Bly, Allen Ginsberg, Father Thonas
T'ai Situ Rinpoche joined him in Keating, Stan & Christina Grof, Father Peter Dunn, Rabbi Omer-Man, Srinata Gayatri Devi,
Rumtek. Together they are the Kenneth Pelletier. Brook Medicine-Eagle, Tara Bennett-Goleman, Robert Nozick. Marilyn
four principal Karma Kagyu Line- Ferguson, Ray Gottleib, Lobsang Rapgay, Andrew Schmookler, David Spangler, Kenneth McLeod,
age Holders, embodying the ac- Hal Stone, Sidra Winkelman, Pir Vilayat Kahn, Arnold & Amy Hindell, Radnila Moacanin, Joan
cumulated spiritual energy of the Halifai, Gigi Coyle. Michel de Salzmann, Ed Podvoll, Mark Epstein, Nur-al-Jerrahi, Sylvia
Karma Kagyu Tradition as it was Boorstein, Hafiz Ihsan, Rabbi Schachter, Eve Ilsen, Sudhananda Puri, Mary Mrozowski,
passed down in an unbroken trans- Sharon Salzberg, Mother Teresa.
mission from Buddha to disciples. Satisfaction guaranteed
Thereafter, beginning at age 11, shipping for a sample cassette and description.
Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche em-
barked on his training in Buddhist Ca XX t o X X free 800 726—2^2X
philosophy. Under the direct gui-
dance of His Holiness, Rinpoche
was given all the Dharma of the Thank you for your order! Complete 73 tape collection $215.00. . . 5
Kagyu Lineage, as well as all Transformations of Consciousness $24. . .
character training, such as sitting,
Please send this coupon
walking, and so forth. Like a fa- with your payment to: Compassion $6
ther passing on everything to his Insight Recordings Compassion & Faith $6
son, His Holiness bestowed upon California residents 8% sales tax . . . .
Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche all
Dept S
major empowerments and trans- P. O. Box 700 Shipping . $3
missions on Mahamudra. In addi- San Jacinto, CA 92383 Total enclosed
tion, Rinpoche studied the
traditional monastic disciplines, Name, Address, Cily, State, Zip_
outer and inner sutras and tantras
with many other highly realized Improve Yourself While You Commute - Listen To Tapes
masters of the day.
welfare of others has created spon-
cont. from page 11 sorship programs for children, eld-
er Tibetans, and monks and nuns HIS HOLINESS SAKYA TRIZIN'S
and action with eminent masters
of all Tibetan Buddhist traditions.
The Institute is scheduled to be
completed by 1993 and will be ac-
living throughout Asia. These
' 'Compassionate Care of Others"
programs provide for the basic
necessities of these individuals as
Nov. 26
Nov. 27
Reception and Mandala Offering
Teachings on the Nature of Mind, $10
cessible to students from all parts Nov. 28 Avalokiteshvara Initiation, $15
well as education and the preser-
of the world. Nov. 29 Hevajra Cause Initiation, Pt. I
vation of their culture. Today the
Rinpoche's observations of west- Nov. 30 Hevajra Cause Initiation, Pt. II, $50 - 2 days*
sponsorship programs have im-
Dec. 1 Vajrayogini Initiation, $35*
ern culture in the United States proved the quality of life for many
have brought the practices of psy- Call (305) 945-7315 for information /reservations
impoverished individuals by assist-
chotherapy to his attention. He ing them in the development of •Preregistration required by Nov. 4 for Hevajra & Vajrayogini*
finds this profession of great in- healthier, more productive lives.
terest with respect to its practices ligfe*
and treatments for the develop-
These are only some of Rin- VAJRAKILAYA CHAM PERFORMANCE
poche's many Bodhisattva activi-
ment of a stable mind. Rinpoche ties in the world. However, his
feels that Tibetan Buddhism and most auspicious role is that of
KUNGA November 5 & 6 at 7:30 P.M., $12, $8. $5 seniors/students
Western psychotherapy both have DZONG Hosted by Gallery North at the Pawley Theatre
scholar and teacher of the Karma
something beneficial to offer each Miami Dade Community College, North Campus
Kagyu Lineage of Tibetan Bud- MIAMI Call (305) 347-1532 for information/reservations
other. On the side of Tibetan Bud- dhism. Earlier this year, Rinpoche
dhism, it is the direct experience gave the Kalachakra Empower-
of the mind through meditation ment in Hong Kong for 900 peo- Guru-Disciple Relationship,"
that can be offered to psychology. ple and will give it again in Taiwan "Death and Dying," "The Four
The whole collection of Buddhist
teachings are related to the mind.
this October. Rinpoche continues
to travel throughout the world do-
Immeasurables," and many
others. To obtain a list of these
The American
Training in Buddhism essentially
means training the mind to ulti-
ing everything he can for the ben-
efit of others.
transcripts along with ordering in-
formation, or information about
Dharma Revolution
mately recognize its own nature. It is considered extremely rare any of Rinpoche's projects, please 1991 Fall Residential Training at
From the other side, Western for one to come into contact with write to the following address: ZEN MOUNTAIN MONASTERY
psychology can contribute a great a great Dharma master in one's Rigpe Dorje Foundation, 328
deal of information to Buddhist lifetime. Moreover, it is exception- Dare to recreate yourself this Autumn, through authentic Zen training
North Sycamore Avenue, Los An-
teachers with regard to the type of a practice concerned with realizing freedom. The Fall training theme is
ally rare to receive the transmission geles, CA 90036; 213-934-5002. ■
conflicts arising in the mind par- of the Dharma from such a mas- The American Dharma Revolution, exploring three revolutionary
ticular to Western culture, as well ter. At this time in our lives, it is aspects of American Buddhist
as their techniques for treating our great good fortune to be able practice: Men & Women Practicing
these conflicts. In this way, psy- to receive teachings from such an CHOD RETREAT Together, Lay Practice, and
chotherapists and Buddhist eminent master of the Buddhad- Social Responsibility.
teachers may learn from each oth-
harma as Jamgon Kongtrul Rin-
er. The value of engaging the views poche. Realizing this, Rigpe Dorje
personal demons As a Fall resident, experience a
challenging daily monastic sched-
of both sides in frequent discus- Foundation has compiled a library November 14-17,1991 ule of zazen (Zen meditation),
sions inspired Rinpoche to found of tape recorded teachings by Jam- Shaker Mill Inn Rt. 22 personal study with Daido Sensei,
the annual Buddhist and Psy- gon Kongtrul Rinpoche given at
Cannan, New York chanting, work and art practice,
chotherapy Conference held in various Dharma Centers through-
academic study, and monthly medi-
New York. The first such confer- out the US and Europe. This valu- Given by
ence was held in December of able collection has been printed in tation intensives. Periods of residency range from 1 to 3 weeks, 1 to 3
1987 and continues to be a benefi-
Tsultrim Allione months, orup to oneyear. Retreats with prominent masters include: Chi-
spiral bound transcripts which are
cial exchange of information and Author of Kung,Zen Brush, Ikenobo, Buddhist Traditions retreat and much more.
now available through the Foun-
resources year after year. dation. They include such topics Women of Wisdom Call or write for residential/retreat brochures-
Rinpoche's deep concern for the as "The Three Roots," "The ZEN MOUNTAIN MONASTERY
P.O. Box 197SL, Mt. Trcmper, NY 12457 (914) 688-2228
The Dalai Lama, The 13 full-color, poster-size
Robert Thurman, reproductions of Indo-Ti- Pabongka Rinpoche liberation*! Me Palm
Edited in the Tibetan bx
Daniel Goleman, betan sacred art are ideal for Trijang Rinpoche ■ * Your Hand
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world-wide for the richness of Undoubtedly the richest and
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its spiritual art, its beauty and most comprehensive text on
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the quality of its printing. This the Lam-rrim tradition avai1-
volving the Dalai Lama and
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leading western scientists, this
Maitreya, Vajradhara, of the Buddha into a single fe^^^^S
book documents the beginning
Heruka, Kalachakra, two graduated path to enlighten-
of an historic dialogue between
Jatakas, Akshobhya, Ami- ment.
modern scientists of the mind
tabha, Amitayus, Naropa, and 1991. 1,000pp. notes,
and Buddhism.
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WISDOM PUBLICATIONS is a non-profit company dedicated to making available books from all the living traditions of Buddhism.
Saturday, October 5
SANTA ROSA, CALIFORNIA Luther Burbank Center
Saturday, October 12
BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS Berklee Performance Center
Sunday, October 1 3
Friday, October 25
Sunday, October 27
Sunday, October 27
Sunday, November 3
Friday, November 8
VANCOUVER, B.C. St. Andrew Wesley's Church
Saturday, November 9
SEATTLE, WASHINGTON The 5th Avenue Theatre
Sunday, November 10
EUGENE, OREGONf Huh Center for the Performing Arts
Thursday, November 14
Under the guidance of Grateful Dead percussionist Mickey Hart, the Gyuto Monks LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA Royce Hall
recorded their sacred chants at George Lucas' Sky walker Ranch Soundstage in Saturday, November 16
Northern California. The resulting Rykodisc release, FREEDOM CHANTS
Sunday, November 17
Monks' wondrous vocalizing, accented by cymbals, hums, drums and bells. Saturday, November 23
SAN RAFAEL, CALIFORNIA Marin Veterans' Memorial Auditorium
The album also includes an uplifting offering by PhiUp Qlass, Mickey Hart
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at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York City.
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BOOK REVIEWS Letters to My sincere thanks for your help
in this quest.
listening to Yanki Tshering's Eng-
lish version of the Tibetan phrases.
by Thubten Chodron
ical answers and opting for a more
natural approach. The bad news
the Editor Ms Dale Irving
Edward J. Bednar,
Project Coordinator
6 Hickey Avenue Tibetan US Resettlement Project
Snow Lion Publications $9.95 is that many people don't under- Daglish 6008 Walker Center
Reprinted from Yoga Journal, stand the power of Earth's medic- WA. Australia 144 Hancock St
inal plants and are ingesting them Dear Sir:
JulyAugust 1991 Newton, MA 02166
without giving them the respect I would like to introduce myself Dear Friends:
As the Dalai Lama says in his as Jampa Kunchog, the director to
they deserve. The result: side ef- Thank you very much for send-
foreword, this book "conveys a the Sera Jhe Monastery's Com-
fects that are at best uncomforta- ing us a copy of Andrew and
clear understanding of Buddhism puter Club Project. I have the
as it has been practiced by Tibe-
tans, in easily comprehensible lan-
ble; at worst fatal.
To help counteract this trend, I responsibility of raising the funds
needed to ensure the success of
Yanki's Tibetan Phrasebook. We
are going to recommend this book CLASSIFIEDS
strongly recommend this book as to our cluster coordinators as the
guage." Written by an American this project. I would like to request Tibetan Monastery Buddha, Cir-
required reading for any serious official language guide for learn-
Buddhist nun, it a primer of ba- that this proposal be published so ca first half 20th century. 26 1/2"
herbal medicine practitioner. It ing quickly and easily some sim-
sic Buddhism—working with our educational program may be high. Bronze and 24kt gold gild-
promises to be a challenge to read ple Tibetan phrases and greetings.
emotions, the cycle of existence, considered by Snow Lion readers. ing. Single lotus base. Meditation
and a real eye-opener. If you can Many of the Tibetans that come
Buddha nature, the path to en- suspend your Western belief struc- We need contributions to help mudra. The robe is very intricately
into this country through the
lightenment, meditation and com- purchase a computer system. It recarved in detailed, deep, non-
ture and appreciate the Tibetan's Tibetan U.S. Resettlement Project
passion. It also briefly recounts the will be used as an educational tool repeating pattern depicting Budd-
complex (and seemingly bizarre) will have little or no English skills.
story of the Buddha and the his- and an information resource for ha's life story. This work is of rare
understanding of human physiol- Therefore, we foresee that our
tory of Buddhism. As the author our monastic community. artifice quality. Serious inquiries
ogy, you will gain valuable insight sponsors, in particular, will rely on
says in her introduction, "The on why certain herbs should not This computer project has the will receive pictures. Asking price
this phrasebook during the initial
Buddha talked about our lives and full approval of the monastery. We $4,500. Contact: Crystal, 1402 E.
be given to certain types of in- period when the Tibetans have yet
our minds. So this book isn't hope that people will be willing to Las Olas Blvd., Suite 511, Ft.
dividuals and when and for whom to learn any English. We also know
about abstract philosophy, it's help us obtain a computer since it Lauderdale, FL 33301, phone#
herbal remedies can be most that the Tibetans themselves will
about experience—our experience will provide us an excellent oppor- 305-893-9228, fax# 305-662-9395.
beneficial. Much of this book- be able to learn some English by
—and the way to improve it." tunity to learn much needed skills.
especially the chapters on pulsol-
Written in contemporary Western ogy and pharmacology—will be Sincerely yours,
idiom, this user-friendly book is
too difficult to understand com- Jampa Kunchog
recommended for anyone who
wants a taste of this time-honored
pletely without guidance, no mat- Project Director, Computer Club PILGRIMAGES
ter how many times you read it. Project
However, the chapters on "The- Sera Jhe Monastery
ory and Practice" and "Constitu- P.O. Bylakuppe, Distt. Mysore
STUDIES IN TIBETAN tional Types" will be further
MEDICINE Karnataka State, India 571104 Journey to remote Buddhist sites, and
illuminated by reading the entire
by Elizabeth Finckh
Snow Lion Publications $9.95
book. Do not attempt to use this explore ancient monuments and
book for a "crash course" in Tibe- To Dharma practitioners monasteries. Meetings with traditional
Reprinted from The American tan holistic therapies; nor should and educators:
Herb Association Newsletter, you adopt bits and pieces uncriti- I am seeking information on teachers, small groups and highly qualified
Vol. 7:3, 1990 cally from such a medical system Dharma base of education for chil- leadership create an opportunity for both
Herbal medicine's relatively re- for use in your own practice. Rath- dren. A member of the Tibetan
cent renaissance brings with it er, use this book to gain a better Buddhist society in Perth, Austra-
intellectual and spiritual growth.
both good news and bad. The understanding of a fascinating and lia, I am in the midst of writing
good news is that people are valuable philosophy and to reaf- a postgraduate dissertation on a For more information, contact:
presumably taking a more active firm respect for the powers of and search for a more wholistic educa- INSIGHT TRAVEL
responsibility for their health, proper place for herbal medicines. tion, with a spiritual base that is
502 Livermore St., Yellow Springs, Ohio 45387 (800) 688-9851
questioning pat, mainstream med- infused with Buddhist principles.
A new, independent quarterly for all kinds of Buddhists, YES! Please send me my copy of the premier issue...cuter my one year
subscription to tricycle:'1 ">■ »UI>I>III.SI m vn w today.
featuring essays on Ecology, Ethics, Politics, Prison
Sanghas, AIDS Hospices and Homeless Projects; Art,
Photography, Poetry and Fiction; Interviews, Profiles, _l PAYMENT ENCLOSED S20 —J '■ .
CHILDREN'S MUSEUM A special arrangement has been
made with the Tibet Fund, a non- ARRIVALS IN EARLY 1992
profit humanitarian assistance group
The beauty and mystery of include a display of Tibetan items in New York, to facilitate an in- Now that Section 134 of the local affiliates of the Project; they
Tibet and its people will come to for sale such as clothing, yak but- creased supply of technical books, 1990 Immigration Act is making are thereby organizationally linked
life for youngsters in a unique ter, cheese, wool, yarn and tea. industry periodicals and basic tools possible the migration of 1,000 to the CTA in Dharamsala and the
hands-on exhibit at the Monad- Tibetan money will be available so for Tibetan refugee artisans in In- Tbetan newcomers, sixteen clus- international cause of Tibetan cul-
nock Children's Museum in children can trade and barter. dia. You can help provide Tibetan ter sites are currently at various tural survival.
Keene, New Hampshire. Children may climb into a town- artisans with these materials by stages of preparation throughout As many as 20,000 Tibetans
The "Endangered Tibet" ex- house which includes a first floor sending a tax-deductible donation of the United States. have applied for the 1,000 visas.
hibit will open September 21 and stable and a second floor living $10-30 made out to "Tibet Fund" Each site will be resettling fifty The deadline for applications to
remain in place for a year to ac- quarters with small carpets and (note that it is for the Artisan Fund) or more Tibetans within a twenty- the CTA selections committee in
quaint children with this unique Tibetan seat cushions for comfort. and mailed to 241 E 32nd Street, five mile radius (except for a few Dharamsala was September 1st,
Asian culture that is on the verge The Jokhang Temple will also New York, NY 10012. Thank you micro-clusters of twenty-five peo- 1991. In the next few months, the
of extinction. The Monadnock have two levels with a wall of large for your help! ■ Tibetan applicants will be going
Children's Museum exhibit coin- spinning prayer wheels and a small through a process of selections,
cides with the International Year table where children may write match-up with U.S. sponsors,
of Tibet, organized to focus on the
global effort to save Tibet before
their own wishes to insert in the
prayer wheel. A large statue of the
Dear Friends overseas orientation, embassy in-
terviews, and a final blessing from
its people and culture disappear.
Children entering the exhibit
Buddha will be in the center of the
temple and nearby will be a lad-
in Dharma: His Holiness the Dalai Lama. The
first Tibetan newcomers are now
will be greeted by a wall of Tibe- der which will lead to a balcony This week forty young monks expected to arrive at their destina-
tan faces. The first gallery will walkway that looks out over the fresh from Kham, Tibet, arrived tions in the U.S. sometime early
concentrate on Tibet's geography town. A mural of the Potala Pal- at Sera Monastery in South India. in 1992.
so children can learn about its ace, the residence of the Dalai Finding it impossible to study the The primary intention of the
mountains, plateaus, valleys, lakes Lama, will be on a nearby wall precious dharma in any advanced cluster site program is to insure
and rivers. A large, three- along with a story-book display of way in Kham, they have come to that the 1,000 individuals are not
dimensional topographical puzzle how the Dalai Lama is chosen. our monastery for higher studies. scattered in random patterns of
of Tibet will allow children to liter- The Monadnock Children's Although they were unexpected, it migration. Instead the program in-
ally move mountains. A climbable Museum is located at 147 is our responsibility to feed and tentionally reinforces the tenden-
yak sculpture will sit atop a green Washington Street, Keene, NH, clothe them, house them, provide cies of the Tibetan people to stay
carpeted plateau surrounded by a and includes many permanent ex- medical treatment and teach them. together in exile and to form net-
mural of Tibetan wildlife. hibits to make learning fun for Only in dependence upon us will works of socially and culturally co-
The second gallery will recreate youngsters. For further informa- they be able to study dharma. We ple per site). Some of the cluster hesive communities. We hope to
the city of Lhasa, the capital of tion, call the Museum at are happy for the opportunity and sites have have been several years have resident monks or nuns at ev-
Tibet. Children may shop in the 603-357-5161. ■ rejoice at the seriousness with in the making. Others are newly ery site, and eventually to develop
Barkhor Marketplace which will which they wish to study the Bud- accepted into the program. Sever- Tibetan American cultural
dhist dharma; however, we lack al more hope to join the program centers, with a whole gamut of ar-
the full resources to meet all of later in the Fall. The list of clus- tistic, religious, social and educa-
their needs. ter sites affiliated with the Tibetan tional activities.
These young men had a very U.S. Resettlement Project now in- The Project expects to develop
difficult time getting here. With cludes Boston MA, Amherst MA, a network of approximately twen-
J\t Shoshoni you will find the seren- few resources they set off on the New York NY, Ithaca NY, Dan- ty sites in the United States. This
ity and inner calm of a Rocky Moun- long journey and had to travel only bury CT, Twin Cities MN, Madi- means we can still consider a few
tain yoga retreat combined with the at night in order to escape detec- son WS, Boise ID, Salt Lake City more new cluster site applications.
physical nurturing of a holistic health
tion by Chinese soldiers patrolling UT, Santa Fe NM, San Francisco In behalf of our currently affiliat-
spa. Shoshoni is a new breed of yoga
retreat that nurtures both body and spirit the borders. If they had been CA, and Portland OR. ed sites, we are also actively seek-
in recognition of the physical and caught, they would have been im- The Tibetan cluster site network ing U.S. resident sponsors, as well
holistic nature of a soul's journey. prisoned and severely punished. was initiated and developed under as help with housing, jobs, and
Shoshoni Yoga Retreat is They did not have adequate cloth- the auspices of the Tibetan U.S. fundraising. The Tibetan U.S.
nestled in 210 beautiful ing for the journey and lacked Resettlement Project. The U.S. Resettlement Project receives no
mountain acres surrounded, $
sufficient food. Much of the dis- Government has designated the state or federal funding to finance
by National forest in Colo-
rado. Its programs of medita- tance was traveled on foot. Once Central Tibetan Administration its activities. In depends primari-
tion, hatha yoga, mountain exer- in Nepal and India they had (CTA) of His Holiness the Dalai ly on the generosity of individual
cise, low fat vegetarian gourmet difficulties traveling as communi- Lama in Dharamsala, India to im- donors, supplemented by a few
diet, nutritional education, massage cation was hard and some of them plement the Tibetan U.S. resettle- small foundation grants. For more
and spa facilities make Shoshoni an oasis fell ill. ment program. The CTA, in turn, information contact: Tibetan U.S.
for the body and spirit.
Now that they have arrived, we has designated the Tibetan U.S. Resettlement Project, 144 Han-
For Information & Free Brochure: Phone 1 -800-676-YOGA need to provide them with ade- Resettlement Project to coordinate cock St., Newton MA 02166; tel.
In Colorado: 1-303-642-0116 quate food and clothing. The all aspects of the domestic and 617-332-1411 or 617-244-1188.
SHOSHONI sponsored offerings and pujas cov- overseas resettlement operations. Contributions (tax-deductible) are
er only about one-third of their All U.S. Tibetan cluster sites are greatly appreciated. ■
Yoga Retreat meals, or only 50 rupees (US $2)
PO Box 410, Rollinsville, CO 80474 -SGRY of CO
out of 150 rupees (US $6) per
month. They will require monks' BUDDHIST RELIGIOUS ART AND RITUAL ITEMS
robes. Our dormitories were al- Tibetan ■ Chinese ■ Japanese
ready packed beyond our limits
before they arrived, so eventually Bronze Statues, Bells, Drums, Malas
some new rooms and toilets must large selection of hand painted Thankas
be erected. Also, those ill and Wholesale prices to retail buyers
those who will become sick dur-
ing the first months of acclimati- Charles O'Hara
A journal of Buddhist Meditation zation to the Indian conditions will 207 Washington Street, Susquehanna, PA 18847
require help for medicines and
A Service Not A Business
visits to the doctor. We are known
A/non-sectarian Buddhist publication focusing on... for having monks who are dedicat-
meditation in daily life
spiritual practice and social change
ed and determined in their studies
and we are prepared to offer these CONSTRUCTION
new students the instruction they
• women and Buddhism have risked so much to obtain, but
because there are so many of
them, we need your help.
Subscriptions are $15 for one year, $28 for two years. We humbly request that you The monks of Drepung Phara ly morning, sometimes through
Sample copy is $5. consider your present situation Khangtsen, a monastic college the day (when the temperature can
and find some way to offer some within Drepung Monastery at reach 38C), and late into the night.
Published 3 times a year by the Karuna Meditation Society assistance or sponsorship for these Mundgod, have begun to con- Still, they make time for their
dedicated young monks, in whom struct new accommodations to studies and prayers. Hopefully,
Name Date_ the future of Buddhism will part- help ease the serious overcrowding the dormitory will be finished be-
ly rest. Contributions should be at the khangtsen. Geshe Tsering fore the monsoon begins."
Address City- sent to Tibet Fund, Office of Tashi, Director of the College, Any contribution to this work
Tibet, 241 E. 32nd St., New York, writes: "As you may know, in spite will be greatly appreciated, and
State Postal Code. NY 10016. Please be sure that of the fact that monastic life can can be sent (by check, by regist-
checks are clearly marked for be very hard, over the past few ered mail) directly to: Geshe
Kham Monk Relief Project, Geshe years our community has in- Tsering Tashi, Director, Drepung
^tfm?^ Jampal Tsering, House No. 2, Sera creased by more than three times, Phara Khangtsen, Loseling
Send to: Je Monastery. and refugee monks continue to Monastic College, P.O. Tibetan
Karuna Journal Thank you, arrive—many of whom have seri- Colony 581411, Distt. N Kanara
P.O. Box 24468 Stn. C, Vancouver, B.C. V5T 4M5 Geshe Jampal Tsering ous health problems.... Our (via Mundgod), Karnataka State,
Sera Je Monastery ■ monks are working hard from ear- India. ■
Xerox and mail the above form to: TIBET HOUSE, 241 E. 32nd St., New York, NY 10016 Please Note
212-213-5592. New Location
The Kalachakra is one of the most profound and The most profound and fundamental teaching of
The Kalachakra spiritual legacy is a vital and cen- the Sakya Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism is that
tral part of Tibetan Buddhism. Presented here is sublime of the Buddhist tantric systems. It is an in-
tricate interweaving of yoga, astrology, physiology, of the 'Path Including Its Result' (Lam Dre). This
a detailed and practical overview of this unique unique teaching of Virupa, one of India's extraor-
spiritual path. In Part One, Glenn Mullin discuss- and mythology into a meditational system that em-
braces the entire universe and leads to enlight- dinary Mahasiddhas, covers the entire Buddhist
es the tantric path to enlightenment by drawing on
enment. path and serves as a manual for contemplating and
the writings of great scholar-practitioners of the past.
The Kalachakra, with its special connection to meditating upon the various stages leading to en-
He describes the sutrayana and vajrayana paths, out-
the land of Shambhala and a future golden age of lightenment.
lines the four classes of tantras, compares the
Dharma, has a special appeal for people of all lev- The Three Visions examines the state of those ex-
Kalachakra generation and completion stage yogas
els of learning and practice. Initiations into its prac- periencing suffering, those engaged in the methods
to those of the mainstream tantras and details the
tices traditionally have been large public events, leading towards freedom from unhappiness and mis-
unique Kalachakra methods for attaining enlight-
especially when granted by the Dalai Lama. ery, and those fully enlightened ones who have at-
enment in this lifetime. Part Two contains transla- tained the highest goal of omniscient awakening.
tions of seven essential texts on the practice of Initiation into the Kalachakra Tantra has been
given with increasing frequency in recent years, but The text leads the reader step by step over the vast
Kalachakra, including a sadhana selected by the
information on this complex system and practice re- path that brings purpose to our lives and lasting
Dalai Lama for this book. Glenn Mullin's percep-
mains sparse. The Wheel of Time fills the gap by dis- benefit to everyone.
tive and very readable discussion of the theory and
practice of this profound tantric system is an excel- cussing the Buddhist background, history, initiation
lent addition to the literature on this subject. rites, generation stage sadhana and completion stage
practices of the Kalachakra tantra.
dle #IWS $5
CENSE 16" bundle (45 sticks) #
OSXG $10
dle, #IWTI $5.00
Authentic Tibetan incense made
by refugees in India. We are offer-
ing an excellent brand of Chandan
(sandalwood) incense.
AUTHENTIC MINIATURES Carolina Morning Designs
(tsa-tsa sculptures) Traditional Tibetan incense pre-
produces high-quality cushions at
The following ceramic images are pared from medicinal herbs-
musk, saffron, nagi, and sandal- competitive prices and ensures
available in small (average 2") for TIBETAN MEDICINE BRACE- customer satisfaction. These hand-
$7 ea.: LETS #3METAL CRYSTAL PENDANTS, by wood—is available in three grades.
Each box contains approximately crafted cushions are available in six
Avalokita #TSA:AVALO-S The healing tri-metal formula for arm Henry Mettier. $250 colors: burgundy, royal blue, for-
and hand pain. These traditional 50 eleven-inch sticks:
Sakyamuni #TSA:BUDDHA-S Very detailed, finely crafted quartz est green, plum, navy blue and
Mahakala #TSA:MAHAK-S Tibetan bracelets are crafted from pendants of Tara and a 4-arm Highest Grade #JCBLUE $8 black. Specify the color of your
Green Tara #TSA:TARA-S interwoven copper, brass, and iron. Chenrezig. They measure 1" long Medium Grade fJCRED $6 choice. We plan to fill orders
Akshobhya #TSA:AKSHO-S They are attractive, adjustable and x 3/4" wide x 1/2" thick. They Common Grade #JCYELLOW $5 promptly, but it may take up to 4-5
functional. have a gold band and loop for a weeks for delivery.
The following images are available Woven 3-metal band #KBW $19
in large (average 4") for $14 ea.: chain. They are cut so that the KAPALAS (skull cup) Zafu (round cushion seat) is 12"
3-metal design with beaded edge long axis of the crystal comes out Medium brass #KAPALAB $30 in diameter, 8" high and is stuffed
Avalokita #TSA:AVALO-L #KBB $19
Green Tara #TSA:TARA-L of the front of the Buddha. with kapok. #CMZAFU $32.50
NEW! #HMCPT Tara KATAS Support Cushion is a square cush-
BRACELETS #HMCPC 4-arm Chenrezig A standard offering scarf. ion which measures 12 x 12 x 3"
We have two new beautiful silver White #KATA2 $8 and is filled with cotton batting.
bracelets: Banana color #KATA3 $8 #CMSUPPORT $14
DINGSHA BELLS (cymbals) # Long white silk scarves with
#OMSMALL $64. This is a silver DINGSHA $30 Zabuton (base cushion) measures
auspicious symbols embroidered
bracelet with dorjes and snow lions The sound of these bells is psychi- 25 x 31 x 3" and is filled with cot-
into them. Call for availability. #
on the ends and gold colored OM cally cleansing. ton batting. #CMZABUTON
KATA $36
MANIPADME HUM letters. 5/8" $38.50
#DORJE $52. This bracelet is all $40 CMINFL $17.50
silver and has a row of seven dorjes These are lovely silk brocade
Just the thing for traveling medi-
with snow lions on the ends. 3/4" pouches with draw strings. They
DAMARU BANNERS # tators! A zafu cushion that can be
wide. are 6" in diameter. Beautiful gift
DAMARUB $20 inflated to just the right height and
Beautiful brocade banners in 5 deflated for easy storage. Inside the
traditional colors. fine quality zafu cover is a beach-
The supreme symbols of the Vaj- While metal, well-made, 3 1/2" high. MALAS (prayer beads) ball. Inflated it provides depend-
rayana path are the bell and dorje We have a wide variety to choose able support for sitting meditation.
(diamond scepter) used by tantric from: Deflated it weighs about 8 ounces
practitioners. They are held in the Wood #MALAW $16 and can be folded to fit a small
left and right hand respectively Bodhiseed #MALAB $40 space. The cover is machine wash-
and convey the mystical union of Lotus Seed #MALAL $50 able and dryable. There is an
wisdom and compassion. The Crystal Mala IMALAC Call for opening from which the beachball
dorje has five prongs, four at each price and availability. can be removed and reinserted. So,
end curved around the central These crystal malas are very clear if later you prefer a more tradi-
prong, symbolizing the five Bud- and come from the Himalayas. tional zafu, you can simply remove
dha families. Lotus petals decorate the beachball and stuff the cush-
the central caps. The handle of the ion cover with kapok.
bell is similar to the dorje. The bell
is composed of an alloy of several These pairs of counters have a bell
and a dorje, multicolored tassels
metals and is decorated with Tibe-
and attach to any mala.
tan syllables, lotus petals and
dorjes. The bell produces a clear, White Metal Counters #
brilliant tone that symbolizes the COUNTERS-W $14
open dimension of reality. CHOD DRUM, #DWDRUM Silver Counters #COUNTERS-S
This is the authentic chod drum The following decals are 7" in di-
with all the extra touches made by ameter and are $3.00 ea.:
Grade #SBD $200 OFFERING BOWLS (set of 7)
Fine detail two metal bell and a Tibetan yogi living in Nepal. It Sakyamuni Buddha #DECAL5
Amitabha Buddha #DECAL6 Copper #BOWLC $38
dorje sets. There are a few still comes with silk tail, brocade car- White Metal #BOWLW $30
available at this price. rying case with yantra emblem and Chenrezi #DECAL7
strap, skull bone piece on handle, Green Tara #DECAL8
sea shell adornments and tradi- Dorje Chang #DECAL9 OFFERING BOWLS #BOWL S
tional mantras inscribed on the in- $44 set of 7
side on the wood. Ornately designed silver-plated
offering bowls that measure 3"
Henry Mettier. #HMCB $60
These are exceptionally fine en- PENDANTS
gravings of a Medicine Buddha on Made from sterling silver:
a single terminated quartz crystal. NEW! Dorje #JLDP $30
The crystal is high-quality optical These pairs of counters have beads Kalachakra #JLKP $30
qnartz and measures 2 to 3" and of semi-precious stones and
the image appears as a cameo (a tassels. NEW!
little more than 1/2 inches high) Adventurine #COUNTERS-A $12 KALACHAKRA PENDANT
on the surface of one of the larger Crystal #COUNTERS-C $8 #KBKP $10
faces. It is a perfect instrument for Mother of Pearl #COUNTERS-M This one is made with white metal
meditation, healmg or blessing. $12 (looks silver) and has the
These Medicine Buddba crystals Onyx #COUNTERS-0 $12 Kalachakra design on the front
have received very positive feed- and a double dorje on the reverse.
back from our customers.
The following silver counters are
NEW! larger, have coral and turquoise
stones and multicolored tassels.
Made with coppor and brass this DOOR CURTAIN #TGDC $65 Large Silver Counters
is an item that typically appears on Measures 36 x 78" and is ideal for #COUNTERS-LS $60
Tibetan altars or practice tables. It doorways and windows.
is used for blessed water. BONE MALAS, $22
DOOR & WALL TRIM #TGDT We have small bone malas with
$40 (2 yds.) counters and head bead. They are
Sold in two yard lengths. White, light beige and strung on a red
OTHER DHARMA yellow, green and red bands above cord. #MALA
wider pleated blue band. It is 16"
GAU, #GAU $48 $2.50
Call or write to us Made from silver with kalachakra This mantra in Tibetan and San-
symbol on one side and double skrit purifies negativity. It is
for information. dorje on the reverse with coral. printed on card stock.
High quality statues of the Bud-
dha and various deities are availa-
ble on request. We have numerous
rupas and our stock is always
changing. Materials range from
brass to copper with gold and
painted faces. We have the fol-
White Tara 5" $350
Manjushri 6" $300
Marpa 6" $225
Milarepa 4" $250
Shakyamuni Buddha 8" $325
Shakyamuni Buddha 8" $350
Shakyamuni Buddha 4" $85
Vajrasattva 6" $158
We now have two types of pecha
covers for sadhanas:
Manjushri 6" $300
This has a 21" square maroon THANGKAS!
#BSBPC $70
This is a solidly constructed pecha cloth with 4" brocade patch and Sizes are the measurements of the
holder that has a wooden frame cord with tassel. painting only. They are all poperly
measuring 5 x 16". It opens to eas- mounted and brocaded for hang-
ily hold your sadhana texts up to ing. Please call us for information
2" thick. It is brocaded and has as to availability. We have the fol-
a cord with a tassel. lowing in stock:
Four-Arm Mahakala $350 Marpa 6" $225 Milarepa 4" $250
Two-Arm Mahakala (Bernochen)
14 x 20" $475
Vajrayogini $475
Tibetan Nuns, $12 for set of five
This is a set of traditional prayer PURBAS
flags in the five colors with wind- Tantric daggers make of iron.
horse and other animals and man- 9" PURBALG $30
tras printed on them. They are 5" PURBASM $12
pre-strung for easy hanging and
look great. The Tibetan nuns of
Lobsering, India have made these NEW!
and will receive payment for them SILVER RING: OM MANI
as they sell. The purchase of one PADME HUM #KBR $14
set of flags will feed a nun for a Adjustable with dorje on each end.
Hii wm
Vajrayogini $475 Two-Arm Mahakala (Bernochen) $475
Four-Arm Mahakala $350
Used in shrines and monasteries, #LFB #LFTOM #LFMA
it measures 50" wide by 68" high.
Stamp envelops and other correspondence with these two
great logos:
Cotton/poly (50-50) sweatshirts for
men and women. They are high-
quality shirts. Please give full
NEW! description (color, size, design) on
SHIPMENT OF EXQUISITE HAND-WOVEN your order form and a second
choice in case we are out of your
first selection. The price listed is
100% WOOL TIBETAN CARPETS 1/2 the original retail price.
signs that are more mass-marketable but lack Sweatshirts: NOW 1/2 PRICE*
Encouraged by the response that we have
received to our Tibetan carpets, we have now the refined look of these new carpets. You may Om Mani Padme Hum, Small:
commissioned the manufacture of beautiful be interested to know that a number of these Red, Blue, White, Yellow;
high-quality traditional style carpets. The de- are hard-to-find Tibetan Tiger Rugs. Medium: White, Red #
signs selected were from photos of carpets in The new carpets vary in pile density and the PHSFHRT2 NOW $12
museum publications we've been admiring but price varies according to this and according to YEAR OF TIBET WIND- Double Dorje, Small: Red, White,
were unable to find. Tibetan weavers were lo- the size (most are approximately 3x6'). Please SOCK, #TGSK $30 Yellow; Medium: White, Red, Yel-
cated who could produce them. We don't think contact us for photos of available carpets. Prices Nylon fabric in five colors with low #PHSHIRT2 NOW $12
you have seen carpets like these before since will begin at $450. "Year of Tibet" logo on top. It Tibetan Flag, Medium Only,
weavers have, for some time, been selling de- measures 8" in diameter by 32" White & Blue, #PHSHIRTF2
long and looks great. NOW $14
this great man.. This is an excel- Dalai Lama.. .as a deeply accom- quotations. He elucidates in prac- practical and compassionate use of
Featured: this science of spiritual develop-
lent anthology."—Karuna plished scholar of Buddhist theory tical terms what the student must
NEW! ''.. This is a very important col- and practice. He displays a sensi- do to attain enlightenment. This ment. Contents include: tantra for
PATH TO BLISS, by The Dalai lection ... most highly recom- tivity to human concerns and an book forms the most accessible in- practice, refuge, the three paths,
Lama, ed. by Thubten Jinpa & mended."— Library Journal openness to the discoveries of troduction to Tibetan Buddhism greatness of mantra, clear light
Christine Cox. 240 pp. #SLBKPB "Clear, concise, interweaving science. His excellent sense of hu- available. and initiation.
$12.95 practical discussion with things of mor is also very much in evi- "... presented in a practical and The Great Exposition of Secret
These teachings present a sys- a more ethereal nature, this is an dence."— Parabola understandable form... delight- Mantra—Pan 1 by Tsong-ka-pa, is
tematic approach to personal de- essential and wonderfully inexpen- fully Illustrated, well-printed and one of the principle classic texts on
DEITY YOGA in Action and
velopment through visualization, sive purchase."—Booklist, Ameri- highly recommendable as a prac- tantra. It presents the main fea-
Performance Tantras, H.H. the
reason and contemplation. The can Library Association tical guide to Tibetan tures common to all the Buddhist
Dalai Lama, Tsong-ka-pa and
presentation is clear and eloquent. Who is the Dalai Lama and why Buddhism"—Soami Sariputra, tantra systems as well as the differ-
Jeffrey Hopkins (also Trans. &
The approach is simple yet pro- was he awarded the Nobel Peace The Theosophist ences between sutra and tantra.
Ed.). 274 pp. #SLBKDY $14.95 Contents include: paths to Budd-
found. It does not presuppose any Prize? Beginning with the Nobel Deity Yoga describes the profound KINDNESS, CLARITY, AND
prior experience on the part of the Lecture which presents his policy INSIGHT, by H.H the Fourteenth hahood, vajra vehicle, deity yoga,
process of meditation in Action
beginner, while providing rich ma- of kindness, this book offers a Dalai Lama, Trans. & Ed. by and method in the four tantras.
and Performance Tantras. It is a
terial for the more advanced prac- comprehensive view of his per- Jeffrey Hopkins, Co-Ed. by Supplement by Jeffrey Hopkins
invaluable book for anyone who is
titioner. Beginning with practices sonal life, his wide-ranging in- Elizabeth Napper. 239 pp. discusses the meaning of empti-
practicing or interested in Bud-
that develop an effective mental terests, and his thoughts on issues #SLBKKCI $12.95 ness, transformation, and the pur-
dhist tantra. It is comprised of
oudook in one's life, this book of global concern. These ad- three parts: This best-selling book contains a pose of the four tantras.
guides the student to more ad- dresses, interviews and biographi- Heart of Mantra by the Dalai collection of talks given by the TO THE LION THRONE, by
vanced techniques for developing cal essays reveal a highly pragmatic Lama is a lucid exposition of the Dalai Lama to Western audiences Whitney Stewart. 60 pp., large for-
the mind's deepest potentials and man, dedicated to the establish- meditative rites of deity yoga—the during his tours of North mat #SLBKTLT $8.95
happiness. ment of non-violent solutions to distincdy tantric process in which America. His Holiness covers a This is an exciting and engaging
human problems in the personal, yogis visualize themselves in the wide variety of spiritual and hu- biography of the Dalai Lama for
GREAT BOOK! environmental and political form of a Buddha's divine body as man concerns in a practical and di- children. The day the Dalai Lama
THE BODHGAYA INTER- arenas. A captivating picture was born, a rainbow touched his
a manifestation of compassionate rect manner with his characteris-
VIEWS 1981-85, by His Holiness emerges of the Dalai Lama whose tic warmth, wit and perception. house, two crows rested on his roof
the Dalai Lama, Ed. by Jose Igna- wisdom.
goodwill, understanding and prac- The Great Exposition of Secret Not limited to Buddhist or reli- top and kept guard and his father
cio Cabezon. 104 pp., photos, ticality have brought him respect gious believers, his message speaks jumped from his sick bed and
#SLBKBI $8.95 Mantra—pans 2 & 3, by Tsong-ka-
from world leaders and the ac- pa, details the practices of Action to all humanity of the importance declared himself cured by his son's
"In these spontaneous interviews claim of millions around the birth. This biography follows the
and Performance Tantras. Special to the very fabric of society of
he reveals his inimitable wit and world. Foreword by Senator life of the young, spirited boy who
deity yoga techniques for the de- kindness, love, and compassion. It
gendy exemplifies the true nature Claiborne Pell, Chairman of the became a monk at age three,
of a Bodhisattva."—East West velopment of the heart, mind and is a message of hope, both in terms
Senate Foreign Relations Com- physical form of a Buddha are of the potential for individual and moved to the Potala Palace in
Journal mittee. social transformation, and in terms Lhasa and became the spiritual
These sparkling interviews with presented in a coherent series of
BOOK OF THE MONTH of the indomitable human spirit. and political leader of his people
His Holiness the Dalai Lama are yogic exercises. The mudras (hand
CLUB SELECTION "Hopkins has done an excellent by age fifteen. To her careful re-
sure to interest Buddhists and non- gestures) that accompany the
THE DALAI LAMA AT HAR- meditations are clearly illustrated. translating and editing job, mak- search into the early years of the
Buddhists alike. His Holiness VARD: Lectures on the Buddhist Dalai Lama, Whitney Stewart
covers a spectrum of religious and Supplement by Jeffrey Hopkins ing the often-difficult terms and
Path to Peace, H.H. the Dalai outlines in detail the structure of doctrines very accessible.. .gives adds many touching stories from
secular concerns in a most candid Lama, trans. & ed. by Jeffrey Hop- the Dalai Lama himself, as well as
Action Tantra practices as well as the reader an insight into contem-
and stimulating manner. Psychol- kins. 255 pp. #SLBKDLHP spirited illustrations to produce a
the need for the development of porary Tibetan Buddhism as
ogy, tantra, politics, emptiness, $14.95 paper, #SLBKDLHC book that will leave a lasting im-
special yogic powers. presented by the gentle, intelligent
Christianity, reincarnation, liber- $22.95 cloth (Cloth only.) pression on young readers.
Formerly titled: Yoga of Tibet. exiled leader of the Tibetan peo-
ation, meditation, mantra, gurus, ". . The best teachings from the Whitney Stewart writes fiction
ESSENCE OF REFINED ple. This is an excellent
protector deities, and particle East are the ones given by the and non-fiction for children. She
physics are some of the topics GOLD, by the Third Dalai Lama book."—Choice
Dalai Lama"—Joseph Campbell "Though [the Dalai Lama] is has been a children's librarian and
discussed—much of this informa- & Glenn H. Mullin, Commentary a tutor of English, French, crea-
in An Open Life one of the most erudite scho-
tion is unavailable elsewhere. In 1981, His Holiness the Dalai by H.H. the present Dalai Lama. tive writing, and children's thea-
271 pp. #SLBKERG $12.95 lars ... he has a gift for reducing
These interviews were held at the Lama gave a series of lectures at ter. Her experience as a puppeteer
"For its down-to-earth style in- his doctrine to a core of lucid prac-
close of annual teachings and in- Harvard University which fulfilled and actor has been a base for writ-
dicating a rich spiritual path, this ticality, crystallized in the title of
itiations in Bodhgaya, India, the magnificently his intention of ing for and working with children
place most sacred to Buddhists. must rank as one of the finest his 1984 book, Kindness, Clarity
providing an in-depth introduc- and Insight"—Time Magazine in elementary and high school.
BUDDHISM OF TIBET, by His tion to Buddhist theory and prac- Buddhist books in English to
Holiness the Dalai Lama, trans. & tice. The combination of powerful A Commentary on the Ninth
ed. by Jeffrey Hopkins. 219 pp. Continuing the living Tibetan Dalai Lama, Tsong-ka-pa and
intellect, expository skill, and Chapter of Shantideva's Guide to
#SLBKBT $12.95 tradition to the present day, the Jeffrey Hopkins (also Trans. &
practical, compassionate applica- the Bodhisattva Way of Life, by
Excellent introduction to Tibetan present Dalai Lama provides an Ed.). 252 pp. #SLBKTT $14.95
tion which characterize the Dalai H. H. the Dalai Lama; Trans., ed.
Buddhism and the important con- extensive commentary to the Third "This is a most valuable book for
Lama himself also highlight these & annotated by B. Alan Wallace.
cept of emptiness. Dalai Lama's "Essence of Refined the serious seeker."—The Tibet
lectures. He covers a spectrum of 146 pp., #SLBKTW$9.95
issues important to anyone con- Gold" drawn from his own Journal
THE DALAI LAMA: A Tantra in Tibet consists of three "A clear exposition..." —
POLICY OF KINDNESS, com- cerned about individual and world penetrating experience. His dis-
course comprises the main body of parts published under the auspices Vajradhatu Sun
piled & edited by Sidney Piburn. peace and answers questions that "The Guide to the Bodhisattva
those interested in Buddhism have this text and alternates between of the Dalai Lama:
152 pp., #SLBKPK $6.95 Essence of Tantra by H.H. the Way of Life" is one of the most
"This small book is a comprehen- long hoped to see addressed. personal reflections, direct
spiritual advice and scriptural Dalai Lama reveals the highly highly recommended texts for
sive and engaging introduction to "Presents a richer picture of the
In these full-color postcard images of Tibe-
tan culture all facets of Tibetan life are
represented: painters, rug weavers, singers,
masked dancers, lamas and monasteries, re-
ligious ceremonies, nomads, yogis, the
Kalachakra Initiation in Bodh Gaya, pilgrims,
children, statues, landscapes and more! These SLSTC6
beautiful photos are of Tibetans in exile and
of Tibet itself. SLSTC34 Jokhang Temple
Cards measure 4 1/4" x 6" and are only 60 SLSTC35 Jokhang Rooftop
cents each. SLSTC36 Jo Rinpoche Statue
SLSTC1 Statue SLSTC37 Young Monk on Roof SLSTC36
SLSTC2 Monastery Interior SLSTC38 Potala Palace
SLSTC3 Thikse Monastery SLSTC39 Potala Rooftop
SLSTC4 Tibetan Rug Weaver SLSTC40 Tashilunpo Monastery
SLSTC5 Mountain Sunset SLSTC41 Rebuilding of Ganden
SLSTC6 Monastery Courtyard SLSTC42 Monks of Nechung
SLSTC7 Landscape Sunset SLSTC43 Dharmachakra
SLSTC8 Smiling Lady SLSTC44 Mandala Offering
SLSTC9 Long-life Offering SLSTC46 Chorten of Gyantse
SLSTC10 Dalai Lama at Kalachakra SLSTC47 Sakya Monastery
SLSTC11 Tibetan Pilgrim SLSTC48 Milarepa's Cave
SLSTC12 Masked Dancer SLSTC49 Drepung Monastery
SLSTC13 Tibetan Man & Child SLSTC50 Kumbum Monastery
SLSTC14 Tibetan Monk in Prayer SLSTC51 Sera Monastery
SLSTC16 Potala Palace SLSTC52 Tibetan Women
SLSTC17 Young Tibetan Monk SLSTC53 Maitreya Statue
SLSTC18 Potala from Back Side SLSTC54 Woman with Headdress SLSTC44
SLSTC19 White Masked Dancer SLSTC55 Lamayuru Monastery
SL STC5 SLSTC20 Tibetan Lamas SLSTC56 Woman Chanting
SLSTC21 Red-Masked Dancer SLSTC57 SLSTC57 Monk in Meditation
SLSTC23 Tibetan Horseman SLSTC59 Horseman
■*r-'i SLSTC24 Elderly Man with Prayer Wheel SLSTC60 Yak
.. „^J,;
SLSTC25 Bashful Khampa Girl SLSTC61 Nomadic Tent
SLSTC26 Tibetan Thangka Painter SLSTC62 Ceremonial Tent
SLSTC27 Tibetan Mask SLSTC63 Monks Debating
SLSTC29 Tibetan Ngakpa , mi SLSTC64 Potala Stairs
SLSTC30 Woman with Dog SLSTC65 View from Jokhang Roof
SLSTC31 High Lamas at Kalachakra -
" S^5^' .A - JK— — fTl ■" ' SLSTC68 Chorten Detail
SLSTC32 Woman with Prayer Wheels K5£*^\ ""'''-'■' T '■-5/^",9
SLSTC69 Golden Buddha
SLSTC61 » ®L£^Mtf&'
REFUGEES: To express our gratitude
to the many Tibetans who made these
cards possible, Snow Lion will donate a
percentage of the price of every Tibet
Card that you purchase to the Tibet These posters can only be sent to WHEEL OF LIFE, 17 x 24"
Fund to help support the Tibetan North American customers be- #THPRWL $12
refugees. cause of damage problems. They The best painting of this famous
also must go only by the US Post image that we have seen.
Office. GARUDA POSTERS $8 ea.
The following two Snow Lion Fine quality posters of three im-
Posters are high-quality, full-color portant images.
SLSTC59 reproductions which measure 20 GAPOl Amitabha in Dewachen
x 25 1 2" (including border): GAP02 Kalachakra Deity
POTALA PALACE, #SLPOPP GAP03 Kalachakra Mandala
One of the most outstanding pic- These are gold on black and red
tures of the Potala Palace we've on gold thangka images by the
seen. great artist Robert Beer. The
JOWO SHAKYAMUNI BUD- colors are very striking and the im-
& FACES OF TIBET Stunning view of this sacred statue Gold on Black, 12 x 15" $7 ea.
Tibet, as it was prior to the Chinese invasion, located in the Jokhang Temple in Guhyasamaja #RBG
is no more. Most of the religious culture as Lhasa. It is the focal point of Tibe- Vajrapani #RBV
it appeared prior to the 1950's was destroyed tan prayers and pilgrimages. Gold on Black, 18 x 23" $13 ea.
leaving only hints of what was once one of the BONPO LAMA NAMGYAL Kalachakra #RBK
most spiritual societies on Earth. Tibet is now ANGDU, 17 x 26" #DLBL $11 Red on Gold, 9 x 11" $5 ea.
opening to tourists but what visitors will not A meditating Bonpo Lama in Abhayakaragupta #RBA
find is the thousands of beautiful monaster- SLSC11 traditional religious dress pho- Khedrub Je #RBKJ
ies which flourished on the mountain sides, tographed at Samung Monastery, Milarepa #RBM
filled with several hundred thousand monks Dolpo, Nepal. B & W. Very Yeshe Tsogyal #RBY
and nuns—a rugged and happy culture of a powerful and atmospheric. Red on Gold, 12 x 15" $7 ea.
people who lived their lives in a free and reli- BUDDHA EYES, 24 x 36" Nagarjuna #RBN
gious atmosphere. #PMBEP $6 Padmasambhava #RBP
Fifteen very high-quality black and white Mind-stopping close-up of the eyes THARPA FINE ART DEITY
postcard images—5 revealing the Tibetan of a Tibetan Buddhist statue. PRINTS
character and 10 of the best pictures from the HAYAGRIVA POSTER 19x25" These superb fine art prints depict
Newark Museum's collection of rare photo- #JMH $9 some of the most important figures
graphs of old Tibet—are available in this se- Stunning photo of one of the best of Tibetan Buddhist iconographic
ries of cards. statues from the Jacques Marchais art.
Cards measure 4 1/4" x 6" and are only 60 Museum of Tibetan Art. The fine art prints have been
cents each. KALACHAKRA SAND MAN- beautifully reproduced in full
IMAGES OF LOST TIBET DALA POSTER, 24 x 35" color using long-lasting colorfast
Tibetan from Chamdo #SYKP $16 inks and fine matte art paper. Each
SLSC1 SLSC51 print carries the customary auspi-
SLSC2 Monks Sounding Trumpets The large full color photo
reproduction of sand mandala con- cious symbols of blessing on the #THPRWL
SLSC3 Tibetan Nomad Tent
Norbu Linga & 13th Dalai Lama structed in the American Museum reverse and is accompanied by an
Officials During Losar of Natural History, New York explanatory leaflet. The prints
SLSC7 Potala During Losar City. measure 16 1/2 x 22 1/2" and are
SLSC8 Tantric Meditator $22 ea.
MEDICINE BUDDHA, 11 x $22 ea.
SLSC10 Mani Stones—Tibet-China border 16" #WIPO10 $6
SLSC11 Wife of Tibetan Governor THPR1 Shakyamuni Buddha
A fine print of the Healing Bud- THPR3 Manjushri
FACES OF TIBET dha by Robert Beer. THPR5 Green Tara
SLSC51 Nomad Yogi VAJRADHARA POSTER 24 x THPR7 Amitabha
SLSC52 Yogi of Milarepa Tradition 36" #DRP01 $21 THPR9 Medicine Buddha
SLSC53 Woman with Prayer Beads It is truly a beautiful poster, with THPR10 Je Tsongkhapa
SLSC54 Young Tibetan Girl fine gold ink. THPR11 Vajradhara w/Consort
SLSC55 Yeshi Dorje, Weather Controller THPR15 Vajrayogini #PMBEP
rr *»*•*<**&*• Padmasambhava's
Vajra Hand
These superb fine art cards depict some of the KALACHAKRA SAND MAN-
most important figures of Tibetan Buddhist DALA POSTCARD, #SYKC
iconographic art. The cards measure 4x6" $.75
and sell for $.90 ea. They have been beauti- Full-color photo reproduction of
fully reproduced in full color and high gloss sand mandala constructed in the
finish. *MWF American Museum of Natural
THARPA DEITY CARDS $.90 ea. History, New York City.
THCl Shakvamuni Buddha POMEGRANATE NOTE-
THC2 Avalokiteshvara CARDS $1 ea. with envelope
THC3 Manjushri PMBE Buddha Eyes
THC4 Vajrapani PMPF Prayer Flags
THC5 Green Tara
THC6 White Tara
THC7 Amitabha
THC8 Amitayus cards plus envelopes. There are
two cards for each Buddha—they
THC9 Medicine Buddha
portray the seed syllable in its ap-
THC10 Je Tsongkhapa
propriate color. #HCNC1
THC11 Vajradhara w/Consort
THC12 Vajrasattva w/Consort 8 AUSPICIOUS SYMBOLS
THCl 3 Yamantaka NOTECARDS, $5 for 8 cards
THCl 4 Heruka plus envelopes. #HCNC3
THCl 5 Vajrayogini
THC16 Mahakala KALU RINPOCHE, 5 x 7" $9;
THCl 7 Guyhasamaja 8 x 10" #DFKR $12
THCl 8 Vajradharma Remember this exquisite teacher
THCl 9 Maitreya with this very candid photograph.
THC22 Prajnaparamita $9.25 for set of 10. This unusual
THC23 Wheel of Life card illustrates that Tibet had its
THC24 Stupa of Enlightenment own currency and postal system
prior to 1959.
#THBC $8.95 for set NOTECARDS
Painted by Lama Jamyang These great cards are 5 x 7" and
Atisha, Shantideva, Nagarjuna, Chandrakirti, cost $1.50 ea.
Asanga, Geshe Chekhawa, Geshe Langri
Tangpa, Je Tsongkhapa. ■
Written and illustrated by Gina Halpern
"Where is Tibet?" is really a way of asking "Where is Happi-
ness?" Gina Halpern's enchanting book takes children on a dou- THE HUNGRY TIGRESS: Bud- This is an excellent series that TO THE LION THRONE, by
ble journey.. .to a real country and into their own hearts. dhist Legends & Jataka Tales, by describes the lives of extraordinary Whitney Stewart. 55 pp.
Brilliantly illustrated with Tibetan images and colors, this sen- Rafe Martin. 288 pp. #PAHT $15 people who held strong beliefs, and #SLBKTLT $8.95
sitively rendered, cross-cultural book follows the search of a refu- Respect, love, courage, persever- acted on those beliefs with courage "Offers a fine introduction to the
gee Tibetan boy and girl for their native Himalayan land. ance, humor, and faith are the and commitment for the benefit of life and teachings of the fourteenth
"Where is Tibet?" celebrates a delightful spirit. Its answer universal mesages of these stories, the world. They are cloth bound Dalai Lama, spiritual leader of
to its own question, "Look into your heart," sends a message retold here by famous storyteller and contain many photos in color Tibet. Interwoven are short tales
of hope and empowerment to all children. There is no book Rafe Martin. This is the widest and B&W and are suitable for ages about the culture and people of
like it today.—Gene Pool, Dean of Students at The Buckingham selection of Jataka tales (stories of 10 and up. Tibet. The Dalai Lama always says,
Browne & Nichols School. the Buddha's earlier births) cur- PRINCE SIDDHARTHA, by "If you can't help people, at least
rendy available. Landaw & Brooke. Color drawings, don't hurt them."—Skipping Stones
8 1/2 x 11", 48 pp., Full-color illus. throughout, $12.95 Christopher Gibb. 93 pp., many il- A delightful children's book on the
Available now TWENTY JATAKA TALES, re-
lustrations and photos, #POLOS, life of Gautama Buddha. told by Noor Inayat Khan, illus. by
$6.95 SHARING NATURE WITH H. Willebeek Le Mair. 154 pp., 21
This history of Tibet, written for CHILDREN, by Joseph Cornell. illus. fflTJT $9.95
THE GREAT children up to 15 years old, is a con- 143 pp. #GTSNC $6.95
Puts the emphasis on developing the
Drawn from famous legends con-
cise, colorful and lively introduction cerning the former lives of the Bud-
KAGYU to the history and daily life of the heart and intuitive qualities to dha, these twenty stories tell of peo-
Tibetan people. The Tibetan Chil- stimulate joyful, enlightening ex- ple and animals moved to acts of
MASTERS dren's Village published this book. periences. What is taught is pa- altruism by the noble example of
The Golden Lineage NEW! tience, awareness, empathy, trust, their fellow creatures. They are
Treasury and concentration in wholesome, highly dramatic adventures resolved
MEDITATION FOR CHIL- uncompetitive games.
Trans, by Khenpo Kon- DREN: Pathways to Happiness, by non-violent and compassionate
Harmony, Creativity & Fun- for SHARING THE JOY OF NA- means. Exquisite illustrations.
chog Gyaltsen, ed. by TURE, by Joseph Cornell. 209 pp.
the Family, by Deborah Rozman. NEW!
Victoria Huckenpahler 152 pp. IPLMFC $9.95 #GTSJN $9.95
A treasury of new games and activi- WHERE IS TIBET?, by Gina
"This most inspiring, By following the simple and Halpern. 48 full-color pages, ages
authentic and important stimulating exercises offered in this ties for both adults and children.
3-10, ISLBKWT $12.95 paper
book is a timely shower book you can help your child to im- SPIRITUAL PARENTING, by "Where is Tibet?" is really a way
that certainly quenches prove concentration, relieve anxiety David Carroll. 416 pp., #PGSP of asking "Where is Happiness?"
our thirst for knowledge and relate to life with new confi- $12.95 Gina Halpern's enchanting book
of the early sages of the dence and joy. A practical, accessible guide to the takes children on a double jour-
Kagyu lineage of Tibet, NEW! spiritual development of children ney. . .to a real country and into
many of whose lives are from infancy to adolescence. Writ- their own hearts.
MEDITATING WITH CHIL- ten with no particular religious per-
unknown to non-Tibetans. A golden treasure, this single volume DREN: The Art of Concentration Brilliandy illustrated with Tibe-
contains fascinating life stories of many enlightened masters such spective, it draws on the great East- tan images and colors, this sensi-
and Centering, by Deborah Roz- ern and Western religious traditions
as Tilopa, Naropa, Marpa, Milarepa, and Gampopa who are man. 160 pp. #PLMWC $10.95 tively rendered, cross-cultural book
the crown jewels of the Buddhist world."—Tulku Thondup and aims at helping parents to ef- follows the search of a refugee Tibe-
A practical handbook for parents fectively communicate spiritual
Rinpoche and teachers wanting to develop tan boy and girl for their native
ideas to their children. David Car- Himalayan land. The children could
concentration and imagination in roll has degrees from Harvard and
SNOW LION PUBLICATIONS their children, including lesson be two of the real exiled children
271 pp., $12.95 Columbia and is the author of now living in India and Nepal. But
plans for children through 8th grade. twenty-two books. their search goes beyond the ge-
THE MOUNTAINS OF TIBET, TARA'S COLORING BOOK, by ographical and personal. In Gina
by Mordicai Gerstein. Color illus., 7 Andy Weber & Nigel Wellings. 12 Halpern's hands their quest be-
and up, #HRMT $4.95 line drawings, oversize, #WITCB
(Jh* Color Double-Dorje 1-Shirts In a tiny village, high in the moun-
tains of Tibet, lives a woodcutter.
A book of twelve exquisite line
comes the universal search of all
who seek the path to a place of
(w/ Tibetan OM in GOLD) All his life he has longed to travel drawings of famous Tibetan icons. Where is Tibet? celebrates a
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100% Cotton Black or White MorL delightful spirit. Its answer to its
But he grows old without ever leav- jushri and others with instructions own question, "Look into your
ing the mountain. When he dies, he on how to color the drawings.
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is offered the chance to live another
TIBET, by Bobbie Kalman. 32 pp., empowerment to all children. There
life, in any form he wants, anywhere
33 full-color photos, 8 1/2 x 11," is no book like it today.
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lent and the whole book is very in- These photocopied workbooks can
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INDIA, by Heinrich Zimmer. 320
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clothing and strict Victorian events. There is lots of info on $14.95
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Heinrich Harrer. #SMSYT $8.95 waters of the Indus river, and the mandalas and yantras. "The book
This exciting and enjoyable clas- lost cities of Tsaparang and is as vital today as it was the year
Toling). it was written, still unmatched for
sic work of travel and brilliant ob-
servation is now reissued with 15 NEW! the eloquence of its recognition
photographs. During WWII, TRESPASSERS ON THE and celebration of this inspiration
Heinrich Harrer, a youthful Aus- ROOF OF THE WORLD: The of Indian art."—Joseph Campbell
trian adventurer, escaped from an Secret Exploration of Tibet, by BUDDHIST ART OF THE
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Tibet to become a confidant to the #SMTRW $10.95 Lizhong. 358 pp., 13" x 10 1/2",
young Dalai Lama. Tells of an incredible contest that 665 color photos, #CBBA $100
spanned a century as travelers cloth
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New Era, by Nicholas Roerich. 328 tempted to enter a Tibet closed to collection captures some of the
pp. #ITS $10.95 the outside world and be the first most beautiful art to be found at
Nicholas Roerich evokes the com- to penetrate Lhasa, its sacred the Buddhist monasteries in Tibet.
ing of Shambhala, the new era of capital. Divided into sections covering ar-
HEART OF ASIA: Memoirs human achievement and destiny NEW!
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Roerich. 192 pp. #ITHA $10.95 travels through Central Asia and EVEREST byRyohei Uchida. 128 text is written from the Chinese
One of the world's great artists, vi- Tibet. He reveals the many facets pp., 180 full-color photos. viewpoint of Tibet.
sionaries and humanitarians, of the theme of Shambhala in #CBTME $14.95
Nicholas Roerich is best known for BUDDHIST ICONOGRAPHY,
chapters on Buddhism, Tibetan Over a period of four years around
Mt. Everest, Uchida was able to by Tibet House. 247 pp. plus 73
his Himalayan landscapes. This art, desert cities, subterranean
book, in exquisite detail, describes capture extraordinary images of lo- plates, #TIBI $18.95.
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with the same richness, vigor and $7.95 tion of the region, practical infor- the Tibetan people. Its study is
Contains many color photos and one of the best ways of under-
brilliance that have made his mation needed to travel there is
useful descriptions of the region. provided. standing Buddhism. Tibet House
paintings famous. of New Delhi published this com-
Giuseppe Tucci, Foreword by His prehensive survey of the history,
Crowther, Raj and Wheeler. 792 pp. WEST TIBET AND BHUTAN, significance, philosophy, sym-
#LPITSK $19.95 Holiness the Dalai Lama. 193 pp. by Hugh Swift. 420 pp., 14 maps,
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cated and splendidly illustrated
$8.95 Lama book, scholars and artists with an
An exceptional and very well- To Lhasa and Beyond is a fas- intimate knowledge of the area
written book, one whose magic is cinating account of Tibet as it was write about the lives of Buddhist,
compounded by a singular blend- prior to the upheavals following Hindu and Muslim craftspeople,
ing of the wondrous and the com- the Chinese take-over in 1959. their methods of production and
monplace, the sacred and the hu- Prof. Tucci takes the reader along the historical context of their
morous. the roads he followed in 1949 and designs.
NEW! reveals the people, religion, art, EARLY TEMPLES OF CEN-
customs and landscape of a coun- TRAL TIBET, by Roberto Vitali.
LHASA: The Holy City, by F. try that very few Westerners ever
Spencer Chapman. 342 pp., many 208 pp, 85 color plates, 25 b&w
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This is a beautiful first-hand ac- was a free country and its high cloth
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capital was at its peak. The ac- both a literary and a visual have barely survived the effects of
counts of the city, its great splendor. time and the Chinese occupation.
monasteries, festivals and the fas- "A classic valued for its lucid The photographs are of Tibetan
cinating Potala Palace are truly descriptions of Tibetan religious Buddhist paintings and statues in
magnificent. culture before the Chinese take- half-a-dozen temples. Kachu
over. Every religious studies li- (728-39 AD) is the only temple
NEW! brary should own a copy." known to have survived from the
MAGIC AND MYSTERY IN —Religious Studies Review Yarlung dynasty and contains the
TIBET, Alexandra David-Neel. ".. .provides excellent reading oldest known statues in Tibet. Ye-
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$12.95 a dry academic exercise, the book OTHER MAPS of this famous site up to the 12th
ON TOP OF THE WORLD: Tibet-Kathmandu Highway and South-Central Tibet: 1:1 mil century when the various Tibetan
combines in lively fashion vivid #MLT $8.95 religious schools were established.
Five Women Explorers in Tibet. travel writing with a solid ground- Environs: 1:1 mil #MLTK $5
224 pp., 26 illus. #MGTW $9.95 With treking routes and Lhasa city Shalu is a temple which mirrors in
ing in rigorous scholarship." its artistic styles the relations be-
In the late 1800s, when women —Edwin Bernbaum. map.
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gyey. 441 pp. #LTWSA $14.95 purification practice. contribution to psychotherapy. the Essence of True Eloquence, by titioner through the stages of guru
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#SHAH, $15.95 Thondup Rinpoche, Ed. by Harold gika interpretation of Madhya- gives precise instructions for their
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Based on the earliest works of John Mann & Lar Short, illus. by Talbott, 482 pp. #SLBKBMP mika. The translation and intro- practice.
Buddhist psychology and philos- Juan Li. #GPBL $12.95 $18.95 paper, #SLBKBMC $28.95 duction enhance our view of Bud- No matter what path one fol-
ophy (Abhidharma), this book By examining Buddhist, Hindu, cloth dhism as a contemplative and mys- lows, the only way that one can ac-
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niques for nurturing one's innate formation on the subtle body, the performed a service of inestimable critical philosophy. Robert Thur- through accumulating enlighten-
capacity for happiness. True hap- authors have presented a substan- value for all serious students of man emphasizes the relevance of ing power, and mandala offering is
piness, the author states, cannot be tial amount of information on the Buddhist thought. One of Tibet's Prasangika to our own time. a most effective practice for this
manufactured or conjured up but subtle body and how to awaken greatest philosopher-sages, Kun- CHOOSING REALITY: A Con- purpose. Here, for the first time
arises spontaneously when one is and develop it. "Reveals actual se- mkhyen Klong-chen-pa is here templative View of Physics and in English, are presented the three
freed from external conditioning. cret spiritual practices gathered made accessible to the specialist the Mind, by B. Alan Wallace. 216 forms of mandala offering:
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Philip Rawson. 216 pp., 169 illus., Buddhist and Hindu Masters." manner that is authoritative, com- How shall we understand the rela- world
25 in color #NDAT $11.95 —Mantak Chia. prehensive and clear... This book tionship between reality as we ex- • inner mandala—one's own body
In this comprehensive survey of fills a major gap."—Matthew Kap- perience it and reality as science • secret mandala—the offering of
BREATHE! YOU ARE ALD7E, the two minds, that of the
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striking collection of illustrations Buddha Mind is an anthology of question, Alan Wallace discusses
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reveal much that is normally hid- writings on Dzogpa Chenpo two opposing views: the 'realist'
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and the theory behind them. Both (1308-1363), the most celebrated theories represent objective reality, ing is reserved for tantric
translation and commentary: "I
Buddhist and Indian tantra are ex- writer and adept of the Nying- and the 'instrumentalist' view, practitioners.
am breathing in and making my
plored and there is much to think mapa School of Tibetan Bud- which states that our human con- COMPASSION IN TIBETAN
whole body calm and at peace. It
upon in this well-written book. dhism. Dzogpa Chenpo is the in- cepts cannot presume to describe BUDDHISM, Trans. & Ed. by
is like drinking a cool glass of lem- what exists independently of
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ASPIRATIONS JOURNAL, onade on a hot day and feeling them. Finding both inadequate,
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#AMAJ $7.95 your body become cool inside. the author goes on to explore a
When you breathe in, the air recent decades was only whispered Practical methods for generating
This is a wire-bound journal for into the ears of heart-disciples by middle way between the two and
recording reflections or taking enters your body and calms all the compassion according to oral and
the learned masters. Dzogpa shows the relevance for modern written traditions of Tibetan Bud-
notes. It measures 7 x 10" and has cells of your body. At the same physics of Buddhist contemplative
Chenpo employs a meditative tech- dhism are clearly presented in this
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the cover. becomes more peaceful and each
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AVAILABLE NOW! 'cell' of your mind also becomes
layers of the mind and instantly BODHISATTVA, Donald S. Lo- Tantric Abbot" by Kensur Lek-
THE BEAUTIFUL ORNA- more peaceful. The three are one.
This is the key to meditation. awakens its essential nature, which pez, Jr. & S. C. Rockefeller, Edi- den (1900-71), former abbot of the
MENT OF THE THREE VI- is Buddha Mind or Buddhahood tors. 274 pp. #SUCB $17.95 Tantric College of Lower Lhasa,
Breathing brings the sweet joy of
SIONS, by Ngorchen Konchog itself. The contemporary significance of Tibet. Intimate in style, these
meditation to you."
Lhundrub, foreword by H.H. Sakya BUDDHA NATURE: The Seed the Christ and the Bodhisattva is meditations take one through the
Trizin. 234 pp. #SLBKBO $12.95 BUDDHA NATURE, by Sallie explored in essays by theologians
of Happiness, Ven. Thrangu Rin- steps of cultivating altruism and
The most profound and fun- B. King. 205 pp. #SUBN $12.95 and Buddhist scholars. Langdon
poche. 180 pp. #ESBN $13.95 describe in lively detail how to re-
damental teaching of the Sakya This is a translation and discussion Gilkey, Brother David Steindl-
of Vasubandhu's Buddha Nature Buddha Nature expounds in a sim- flect on personal relationships so
Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism is ple way the profound points of the Rast, and Ann Belford Ulanov ex- that heartfelt love and compassion
that of the Lam Dre or "Path In- Treatise. The author defends the amine the significance of the
Uttara Tantra which form a vital are generated.
cluding Its Result." This teaching buddha nature as being a Bud- Christ from the Catholic contem-
link to Vajrayana practice. Part Two: "Way of Compas-
of Virupa, one of India's extraor- dhist concept and not a form of plative tradition, depth psychol-
NEW! sion" is a work by Tibet's great
dinary Mahasiddhas, covers the monism akin to Hindu thought. ogy, and liberal Protestantism.
BUDDHISM, by John Snelling. 14th-century yogi/scholar Tsong-
entire Buddhist path. It serves as "King's work combines Buddho- H.H. the Dalai Lama, Robert
logical detail with relevant 136 pp., #ELB #8.95 ka-pa entided "Illumination of the
a manual for contemplating and Thurman, and Luis Gomez inves- Thought". In a philosophic as well
meditating upon the various stages philosophical concepts and dis- John Snelling has written a tigate the significance of the Bod-
tinctions. Buddha nature is one of straightforward introduction that as practical context the importance
leading to ultimate happiness and hisattva. of compassion at all levels is sur-
liberation. the most important concepts in answers questions like: What is
Mahayana Buddhism."—Frank J. Buddhism? How did it evolve? NEW! veyed, detailing its types, and
BEING NOBODY, GOING CLEAR LIGHT OF BLISS: describing the deeds motivated by
NOWHERE, Ayya Khema. 192 Hoffman. What are the different schools?
How do Buddhists meditate? Mahamudra in Vajrayana Bud- it.
pp. #WIBKBN $12.95 NEW! dhism, by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso.
Based on a ten-day meditation THE BUDDHA WITHIN, by 288 pp. #THBKCLB $20.95 De- OF KNOWING, by A-kya Yong-
course in Sri Lanka by a Western S.K. Hookham. 422 pp. #SUBW TAN TRADITION: A Guide,
Geshe Kelsang Gyatso. 132 pp. cember dzin Yangchen Gawai Lodrd. 67 pp.
Buddhist nun, Being Nobody, Go- $19.95 This is the only detailed and prac- #LTCWK $2.95
ing Nowhere is full of clear, help- Central to an understanding of the #RKBT $10.95
A good introduction to Tibetan tical guide on Tantric Mahamudra A CONTINUOUS RAIN TO
ful instructions on meditation and Mahamudra and Dzogchen tradi- to be published in the West. The
mindfulness, and all the essential tions is an insight into the buddha Buddhism. BENEFIT BEINGS, by H.H. the
instructions it contains, emanating 15th Karmapa. 33 pp. #KKCR
points of the Theravadin Buddhist nature and its relationship to emp- THE BUDDHIST I CHING, from the whispered lineage of the
path. tiness. Hookham analyzes the Trans, by Thomas Cleary. 290 pp. $5.00
Gelug tradition are very blessed. This commentary by the 15th
BEING PEACE, Thich Nhat Shentong tradition which is based #SHBIC $13.95 Written by a fully accomplished
The Buddhist I Ching is the only Karmapa on Tang Tong Gyalpo's
Hanh. 115 pp. #PABP $8.50 on the transmission of the enlight- tantric master, they provide an ex-
full-length interpretation of the I work on the meditation and man-
Thich Nhat Hanh, poet and Zen enment experience that is inacces- traordinarily clear explanation of
master, was nominated by Dr. sible to the conceptualizing mind. Ching by a Chinese Buddhist tra of Supreme Compassion is a
the completion stage practices of supporting text recommended for
Martin Luther King, Jr. for the This is an excellent presentation of meditation master. Chih-hsu Ou- Tantric Mahamudra, from the in-
Nobel Peace Prize. Emphasizes the Kagyu views on liberation and i (1599-1655) offers three levels of students wishing to perfect the
itial meditation on the channels,
the importance of being peace in serves as a good starting place for interpretation: social, Buddhist, practice of Chenrezi.
winds and drops, through the
order to make peace. further dialogue between the var- and meditational. eight rounds of inner fire medita- NEW!
NEW! ious lineages. BUDDHIST REFLECTIONS, tion to the final attainment of CRAZY WISDOM, by Chogyam
THE BODHISATTVA VOW: NEW! by Lama Anagarika Govinda. 256 Buddhahood. Trungpa. 160 pp. #SHCW $13
The Essential Practices of Ma- THE BUDDHIST HAND- pp., #WEBR $14.95 A COMMENTARY ON GURU Trungpa Rinpoche shows how to
hayana Buddhism, by Geshe Kel- BOOK: A Complete Guide to Written shortly before his death in YOGA & OFFERING OF THE meet the challenges of life with un-
Buddhist Schools, Teaching, 1985, this collection of essays by MANDALA, by Geshe Lobsang conventional wisdom. "Crazy wis-
sang Gyatso. 134 pp., ITHBKBV
$14.95 Practice, and History, by John Lama Govinda provides a rich Tharchin. 80 pp. i;#SLBKCGY dom" is an innocent state of mind
An exceptionally clear and acces- Snelling. 384 pp. #ITBH $12.95 overview of Buddhism with much $7.95 that has the quality of early
sible introduction to the essential Provides an overview of Bud- food for thought for the Western Guru yoga is one of the most ac- morning—fresh, sparkling, and
practices of Mahayana Buddhism. dhism, the different schools, con- student. cessible and profound practices for completely awake. Drawing on the
Commencing with an explanation cepts, interpretations, teachers, THE CENTRAL PHILOSO- spiritual development. By his life of Padmasambhava, he illus-
of the Bodhisattva vows and how and organizations that exist in the PHY OF BUDDHISM, by Robert words and living example, the trates the principle of crazy wis-
dom as the starting point for an ex- DAGGER BLESSING: The tion of the work relates the Tibe- These two scriptures present the
citing spiritual journey. Tibetan Phurba Cult, by Thomas tan system to the categorical logic central teachings of Mahayana
THE CRYSTAL AND THE Marcotty. 107 pp., 8 1/2 x 11," 46 of Aristotle, explicates the logic Buddhism and are essential
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and Dzogchen, by Namkhai This is the most authoritative work and describes the predication the- THE DIRECT AND UN-
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Shane. 176 pp. #RKCWL $12.95 rituals associated with their use. manuals by reference to John Stu- PURIFYING YOURSELF
This popular book examines the The text discusses the history and art Mill's theory of naming. AND PROTECTING YOUR-
various levels of the spiritual path practice of the phurba rituals and DEITY YOGA in Action and SELF, ETC.: The Practice and
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tantra. It is accompanied with Jeffrey Hopkins (also Trans. & Thubten Zopa Rinpoche with com-
CULT OF TARA: Magic and
Ritual in Tibet, by Stephen Beyer. many illustrations and photos. Ed.). 274 pp. #SLBKDY $14.95 mentaries by Trijang Dorje Chang &
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cealed until their revelation centu- sizes the compatibility of empti-
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PEARANCES: Practice and school of Buddhist philosophy, the guru. It includes an accessible
THE DALAI LAMA: A Policy Madhyamika, completely denies ditions: Kyabgon Sakya Trizin
Theory of Tibetan Buddhism, by survey of the nine yana approach Rinpoche, Kyabje Yongzin Ling
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Geshe Sopa & Jeffrey Hopkins. 376 by Sidney Piburn. 152 pp., Rinpoche, Kyabje Dilgo Khyentze
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Here is an authentic presentation photos of the lineage holders. Kalu Rinpoche.
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ful text especially useful to those This is a manual of Dzogchen by H.H. the present Dalai Lama.
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kins. 255 pp. #SLBKDLHP All Beings Impartially Like the
tice of this tradition. The first part plete for its size.
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of the book, a meditation manual EMPTINESS YOGA, by Jeffrey
written by the Fourth Pan-chen $22.95 cloth (see Dalai Lama Kalu Rinpoche. 222 pp. #SUD THE EXCELLENT PATH OF
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prepare for and how to conduct a HISM, by Daniel E. Perdue. 1025 vered are: Mahamudra, women, Teachings on the tantric prelimi-
tions with a breath of practical rel-
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within it the important essentials #SLBKDTBP $38.95 paper, four dharmas of Gampopa, the Emptiness Yoga is an absorbing School of Tibetan Buddhism in-
of the entire scope of the Buddhist #SLBKDTBC $55 cloth, Winter four noble truths, etc. and highly readable presentation cluding liturgy, calligraphy and
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introduction to the theory behind epistemology, as found in Tibetan ogy, Ed. by Allan Badiner. 265 pp. Hopkins—considered by many to a text by Jamyang Khyentse
the practice. Written by Gon- Buddhism, is the focus of this #PADG $15 be the foremost contemporary Wangpo, the former incarnation of
chok-jik-may-wang-bo in the clear and thorough exposition. A Dharma Gaia explores the ground Western authority on Tibetan His Holiness, these teachings
eighteenth century, it covers the cornerstone of Tibetan philosophi- where Buddhism and ecology Buddhism—presents an in-depth, cover ngondro (foundational prac-
entire spectrum of the Indian cal studies is debate, which is the meet. Through the writings of 30 lively exposition of the methods of tices) for all Nyingma lineages.
schools of tenets as they were investigative technique used celebrated Buddhist thinkers and realization of the Middle Way THE FINE ARTS OF CON-
viewed in Tibet. The topics throughout Tibetan education to ecologists, we see how Buddhist Consequence School (Prasangika CENTRATION, RELAXA-
include the two truths, conscious- teach students Buddhist philoso- philosophy and practices can help Madhyamika). TION AND MEDITATION:
ness, the hindrances to enlighten- phy by sharpening their analytical us renew our relationships with His personal and accessible Practical Tools and Guidelines
ment, the paths to freedom, and capacities. Also, since a significant one another, with other forms of presentation is based on a famous
part of the Tibetan commentary for Daily Life, by Joel Levey. 350
the fruits of practice. life, and with the Earth. Includes work by Jang-gya which was used pp. #WIBKFAC $14.95
Geshe Lhundup Sopa is a top- tradition employs the debate style writings of Gary Snyder, Thich as a primary text in Tibet's largest
as the principal means of convey- Nhat Hanh, Joanna Macy, Joan This is a very practical book, writ-
rank recipient of the highest de- monasteries. A translation of this ten in workbook style. It is full of
gree of traditional, Tibetan studies ing philosophical concepts, in or- Halifax, Robert Aitken, Bill text is included. i
der to understand the various Devall, John Seed, Rick Fields, clear, easy-to-follow instructions.
from Sera Monastic University in The many reasonings used to For the last fifteen years Joel
Lhasa. He is now professor of philosophical stances in Tibetan and Deena Metzger, with a fore- analyze persons and phenomena
religious studies it is essential to word by H. H. the Dalai Lama. Levey, a practicing Buddhist and
South Asian Studies at the Univer- and to establish their true mode of stress management consultant, has
sity of Wisconsin and founder of master the procedure of debate. NEW! existence are presented in the con-
This volume takes as its basis a taught thousands of people the
Evam Monastery and the Deer DIALOGUES WITH SCIEN- text of meditative practice. fine art of relaxation, concentra-
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NIGHT; An Essential Tibetan in living things and the relation- beginners and advanced students
1901). Using this debate manual tan esoteric principles written by
Text on the Practice of Contem- ship between finitude and the for its immediacy, profundity, and
as its basis, Daniel Perdue's foun- a Western Kagyu monk of over 20
plation, by Namkhai Norbu. 128 dational book covers the form and infinite in a series of thought- precision.
provoking interviews with promi- ENLIGHTENED LIVING: years. The inner meaning of man-
pp. #STCDN $10.95 substance of elementary debate tra is explained with special refer-
An excellent presentation of the and demonstrates the application nent contemporary thinkers like Teachings of Tibetan Buddhist
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templation goes beyond meditation The translation is supplied with namurti, Ilya Prigogine, Father These writings focus on how to HIST TEXTS, 117 pp. #LTFBT
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ness" with the current of life it- tent drawn from the oral explana- others. through the practice of social and Writings of H.H. the Dalai Lama,
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commentary on the methods of debate. In addition to comparative THE SUTRA OF HUI NENG, on ethical conduct from several Ven. Kalu Rinpoche and First
practice, suitable for new and ex- studies of debate in the several trans, by A.F. Price & Wong Mou- prominent teachers including Panchen Lama on Mahamudra,
perienced practitioners. Tibetan traditions, the final sec- Lam. 192 pp. #SHDS $12.95 Paltrul Rinpoche. Madhyamika, and meditation.
Chogyam Tntngpa
11th century, brought together teachers represent a living enact- age of fully realized practitioners passing on teachings of the great
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one five-fold path. triumphs while vividly depicting a brief history of the practice and masambhava, is elaborated here by
The Kunga Rinchen text is a the transformation of their existen- explanation of the esential prac- Tulku Thondup. He outlines the
manual of practical instructions tial shortcomings into transcen- tices of completion stage, which Nyingma teachings on terma and
for serious students who are prac- dent perfection. lead to the attainment of Buddha- then translates and gives commen-
ticing or would like to practice the "With their concern for univer- hood. The latter part provides a tary on Wonder Ocean, by the third
path of Mahamudra in meditation. sal wellbeing and freedom as the number of essential sadhanas, ad- Dodrup Chen Rinpoche, a text
Khenpo Konchog Gyaltsen has motivating force, these teachers vice on how to do a Tantric retreat, that clearly explains the entire
provided an extensive introduction have shown the way to the all- and a wealth of additional mate- Terma tradition.
to the text which explains the es- around transformation of one's rial that will be indispensable to HIGHEST YOGA TANTRA, by
sential points of this direct path. self-centeredness into universal those who wish to rely sincerely on Daniel Cozort 192 pp.
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nence Kalu Rinpoche. 206 pp. Golden Lineage Treasury is a com- Instruction in "walking not in or- completion in Highest Yoga Tan-
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This great introductory volume of ings elucidating the origin of the ing." With lovely illustrations by Highest Yoga Tantra is supreme
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Rinpoche & Bern Khyentze Rin- Kalu Rinpoche was born in and important book is a timely to the spiritual masters includes den entitled "Presentation of the
poche. 44 pp. #LTTPG $5.95 1905 in eastern Tibet. From the shower that certainly quenches our the tsog offering and Song of the Grounds and Paths of the Four
Dzog-chen is the realization of the age of eighteen, Rinpoche studied thirst for knowledge of the early Spring Queen and is accompanied Great Secret Tantra Sets", and
perfection of all reality as an in- with several eminent teachers in sages of the Kagyu lineage of by The Hundred Deities of the Land draws heavily on oral commentary
divisible unity of voidness and ap- Tibet and then went on a twelve- Tibet, many of whose lives are un- of Joy, the lam-rim dedication by the present Ganden Tri Rin-
pearance. Unfolds the nine vehi- year mountain retreat. Afterwards, known to non-Tibetans. A golden prayer and so forth. In Tibetan bochay, H.H. Jambel Shenpen.
cles to enlightenment through Rinpoche spent many years teach- treasure, this single volume con- phonetics and in English. Part One discusses the practices
sutra, tantra and Dzog-chen ing and directing retreats in Tibet. tains fascinating life stories of common to sutra and tantra; Part
methods. many enlightened masters, who NEW!
In 1962 he established a monastery Two presents the generation stage
FULL CATASTROPHE LIV- in Sonada, India for exiled Tibe- are important not only in the THE HEART OF THE of highest yoga tantra; Part Three
ING: Using the Wisdom of Your tans. Since 1971, Rinpoche made Kagyu lineage, but are the crown BUDDHA, by Chogyam Trungpa. covers the entirety of the comple-
Body and Mind to Face Stress, six trips to the West, during which jewels of the Buddhist world. 176 pp. #SHHBU $13 tion stage yogas; and Part Four
he founded numerous dharma and Starting with Vajradhara and This is a compelling new collec- compares the Kalachakra and Gu-
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of the lineage, the book then ex- that presents basic Buddhist teach-
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When the dharma is really taking THE GREAT GATE, by'Chok- This is a charming and straight-
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care of the problems of life, it is poche, I never heard him raise his of demonstrating spiritual values
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for having written it."—Thich wonderfully brings the feeling of tory process. Crazy-wise adepts
Nhat Hanh, from the preface. well as a daily meditation on Pad- This translation and commentary
Rinpoche's presence to mind and makara, with commentaries. This are the fruit of the author's more challenge our commonsense views
A GARLAND OF IMMORTAL the warm and gentle tone of the is a terma text by the 19th-century than 40 years of monastic practice. of reality and norms of conduct.
WISH-FULFILLING TREES, book recreates the atmosphere that master Chokgyur Lingpa. "We cannot just be by ourselves In their attempts to teach spiritual
by The Venerable Tsering Lama was always present when he alone; we have to inter-be with ev- truths they shock cognitive bound-
Jampal Zangpo, Trans, by Sanghe THE GREAT PATH OF
taught."—Ken McLeod. AWAKENING: A Commentary ery other thing." aries with trickery, clowning and
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death, Kalu Rinpoche gave many Seven Points of Mind Training, Kelsang Gyatso. 150 pp. sibilities with nudity, sex, alcohol,
In the snowy land of Tibet, six valuable oral teachings on Bud- or drugs. Through detailed pro-
Jamgon Kongtrul, Trans. Ken #THBKHOW $17.95
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McLeod. 100 pp. #SHGPA $9.95 Because of its condensed form and
the doctrine of the Great Secret volume, many of these talks are bles and strengths of modern gu-
Written by the prolific 19th- the profundity of its subject, the
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century scholar Jamgon Kongtrul, Heart Sutra is difficult to under-
cipal monastery of these six is the Mind; Taking Refuge in the Bud- stand correctly without a clear Chogyam Trungpa and Da Love-
the book provides clear instruc-
glorious and powerful Palyul. This dha; Working with the Emotions; Ananda. He provides an inside
tions for die realization of bod- commentary. Heart of Wisdom pro-
book presents a comprehensive ex- Teachings on Death and Rebirth; hicitta, or "awakened heart." look at their activities and commu-
vides both explicit and implicit
planation of the extraordinary Meditation; Tantra; Mahamudra Specific guidelines are given for nities.
meanings of the sutra, and relates
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them to the five Mahayana paths
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Mahamudra-Great Perfection Ati #WIBKHTM $10.95
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chog Gyaltsen, Co-trans. & Ed. by Three Statements That Strike the Es- path. From the development of thought that characterized the fi- in this one book!
Katherine Rogers, Intro, by H.H. sential Path is an ancient Dzog- the bodhimind to the practice of nal period of Buddhism in India. I WONDER WHY, Thubten Gho-
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Mahamudra or the "Great Seal" NEW! #THBKGDL $29.95 School of Buddhism, by Tulku
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$18.95 Mtf mend this book to anyone who is
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This translation of Sakya Pandita's #SLBKJS $10.95 the Rigpa Fellowship. 54 pp., over- sues in modern Western phi-
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Sakya school lays out the reasons ity. . .what we are presented with worth the price. His Holiness the cepts essential to a deeper under-
for taking up a spiritual approach are a series of living insights.. .an Dalai Lama speaks on Dzogchen; standing of Buddhist philosophy
to life, the method of acting on inspiration which seems to give A biography of His Holiness Dilgo and in particular for realizing
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velopment. The Jewelled Staircase is a Mahamudra and Dzogchen; direct perception, and more. I
IN PRAISE OF TARA: Songs to delightful volume.. .it is a quin- Sogyal Rinpoche: Beyond Birth highly recommend this book!"
the Saviouress, Trans. & Ed. by tessential map to the overall struc- and Death—The Key to the —Prof. Jeffrey Hopkins
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cal texts, sadhanas for practice, Monastery in Lhasa, Tibet arrived Jeffrey Hopkins, Co-Ed. by takes the reader through the stages
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damentals of Buddhist doctrine. monastic curriculum are devoted outer, inner and secret manifesta-
liberation. Indeed, this is a to study of the Sautrantika tenet compassionate approach, gave a
remarkable collection of texts. During the last several years of clear and elaborate explanation of tions of the five wisdom dakinis.
Geshe-la's life he worked tirelessly system, for it is here that the ba-
Khenpo Gyaltsen, the abbot for sis for Madhyamika epistemology the path to enlightenment based MAHAMUDRA: Eliminating
on this, his final book, which on Je Tsong Khapa. Throughout, the Darkness of Ignorance, by the
the Drikung Kagyu in North is found.
reflects his main goal of present- he tells marvellous stories to bring 9th Karmapa, trans. Alex Berzin.
America, has produced this hand- The systematization of Sautran-
ing in a clear and precise way the his teachings alive. This volume is 194 pp. #LTMAH $9.95
book especially for Western tika assertions has held the interest
students. essential topics for new Buddhists the first of three to appear and Covers the preliminary practices
of Western countries—the nature of many generations of Tibetan
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of the Buddha, refuge, karma, de- scholars, down to the modern
sia provides the practitioner with period. Three major types of Do not confuse this three-volume tations of mental quiescence and
the basic tools needed to overcome sire for liberation, bodhicitta and edition with the forthcoming one- penetrative insight. Beru
emptiness. scholastic literature have devel-
afflictive attitudes and self- oped in this regard: presentations volume edition that Wisdom Pub- Khyentse Rinpoche's commentary
centered feeling. Also included are JOURNEY INTO VASTNESS: lications has advertized. illumines the text.
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tantric texts on Bardo, Phowa logistic debate texts on LIBERATION IN THE PALM MAHAMUDRA: The Quintes-
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problematic topics in the system;
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and expository treatment of a sin-
the Chod practice of severing the Ngakpa Chogyam offers here a gle important issue. Path to Enlightenment, by Lobsang P. Lhalungpa. 550 pp.
ego. previously unpublished collection Pabongka Rinpoche, ed. by Trijang #SHMAH $25
Translations of outstanding texts
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Catherine Ingram. 284 pp. #PAFG FORTUNE: The Stages of the translator and supplemented with Based on the same 24-day teach- ciples in this practice. The levels
$15 Path to Enlightenment, by Geshe interspersed commentary from ing in Tibet given to a group of of meditation covered are as fol-
Twelve renowned spiritual social Kelsang Gyatso. 448 pp. leading modern Tibetan some 700 people. Pabongka Rin- lows: the differentiation between
activists speak on compassionate #THBKJP $22.95 yogi/scholars. This is a challeng- poche gave an elaborate explana- stages of tranquility and insight
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views with women and men who commentaries on the stages of the losophy. Khapa. The teaching was origi- for mahamudra meditation; the
tread the path of compassionate path to enlightenment. Included Knowing, Naming and Negation nally edited and published in various methods of mahamudra;
action and leave markers to point are detailed explanations of how to Tibetan by Trijang Rinpoche, the how one achieves realization; and
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the way. A wonderful book!" prepare the mind for meditation, lations in Indo-Tibetan Bud- late junior tutor to the Dalai the four yogas of mahamudra.
—Stephen and Ondrea Levine. and a guide for the practitioner dhism" series by the Snow Lion Lama, and is used widely by MAHAYANA BUDDHISM:
Writers include: the Dalai through each successive medita- Editorial Board of Advisors. lamas. This single volume contains The Doctrinal Foundations, by
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provides a clear verse-by-verse ex- tan traditions and outlines the
principal divisions of conscious- sources, was created expressly for tions and tantra. Mullin, foreword by H. H. the Dalai
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cordance with the oral tradition "... a valuable work written in In addition, David Komito LIFE: Buddha's Teaching on #SLBKPKA $14.95
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An excellent introduction to medi- tion."—Prof. Janice Willis, Reli- drop for Nagarjuna's teachings Better Way to Live Alone, the earli- this unique spiritual path. In Part
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perienced meditators. The proce- ".. .Highly recommended for misperceive and misunderstand ing fully in the present moment. tantric path to enlightenment by
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various aspects of the Buddhist dle Way which they experience it. Thirteenth Dalai Lama & Glenn H. He describes the sutrayana and
path. The handbook concludes Lati Rinbochay, a Tibetan mas- NGONDRO: The Four Founda- Mullin, 387 pp. #SLBKPBW vajrayana paths, outlines the four
with advice on how to maintain the ter of the highest rank, entered tional Practices of Tibetan Bud- $14.95 classes of tantras, compares the
experience of meditation through- Ganden Monastery in Lhasa at an dhism, by Ole Nydahl. 96 pp. Kalachakra generation and com-
"A well-written and well-
out the day, how to combine these early age and later received his #BDN $9.95 illustrated book... gives many pletion stage yogas to those of the
meditations into a cycle for daily Geshay degree, after which he at- The four preliminary practices are valuable insights into the Tibetan mainstream tantras and details the
meditation, and advice on how to tended the Tantric College of Up- methods which allow us, in the culture and religion."—Theosophy unique Kalachakra methods for at-
do a simple meditation retreat. per Lhasa. most efficient way, to purify nega- The Thirteenth Dalai Lama taining enlightenment in this life-
NEW! MIND ONLY SCHOOL AND tivity and accumulate merit. This (1876-1933) is known to Tibetans time. Part Two contains transla-
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Chogyam Trungpa. 168 pp. Dobooni Tulku. 135 pp. #TIMOS text on the preliminaries of Ma- provided a successful political as practice of Kalachakra, including
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Meditation is based on trying to The mind-only school (Cittamatra) mended to followers of the Karma ficult and turbulent times, and Lama for this book. Glenn Mul-
see what is, rather than trying to is one of the four Buddhist schools Kagyu School by H.E. Gyaltsab thus perfectly exemplified the Ma- lin's perceptive and very readable
achieve a higher state. It is a form of thought. Buddhist logic as- Rinpoche. hayana ideal of the bodhisattva discussion of the theory and prac-
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meditation," for it is not a retreat works of Dignaga. This book is a PEOPLE AND THINGS, by Path of the Bodhisattva Warrior is an excellent addition to the liter-
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Mahamudra is a direct path to tegrated whole, there can be no
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tra. The author explores the na- • Ven. Lama Kong Ka— general, and the Tibetan treatment Flower essence pills: detailed in-
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prehensive work on such a com- Ngondro meditation, stages of dis- central to Indian philosophy dur- huge amount of
recommend this book as one of the
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periences, direct observations of Nyingmapa Lineage. central issues are considered: the "This is a wonderful book for
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readable volume."—Barbara Aziz, Hopkins, Co-edited by Anne Klein.
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Seeing Everything With Naked Seventy tales from the oral tradi- employed to refute the existence of dhism, which really can be recom- DHIST MONK, by Ajahn
Awareness, Trans. & Ed. by John tion that Tibetan masters tell to en- a self. Included are overviews of mended because of the splendid Sumedho, foreword by Jack Korn-
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hai Norbu. 240 pp. #STSL $14.95 field. 109 pp. #GTTBM $10.95
Himalayan folklore, magic, rib- Svatantrika in particular. clarity."—Tibet Forum
The famous classic known in the Spiritual life is not about becom-
aldry, and whimsy, these tales ex- "Lopez explains and translates Rinpochay's commentary on the
West as The Tibetan Book of the ing someone special but discover-
press Buddhist values and univer- difficult material with considera- Instructions on the "Preliminar-
Great Liberation has been available ble lucidity.. .it provides a crucial ing a greatness of heart within ev-
sal spiritual truths. Introduced by ies to the Great Perfection Teach- ery being. It is an invitation to
only in rough translation by the Dalai Lama. perspective on an important Bud- ing" contains the classical Nying-
Evans-Wentz. Now a celebrated inwardly drop our opinions and to
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said in the original, the essence of "Lopez's excellent introduction Ajahn Sumedho is the abbot of a
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Buddhist Dzogchen teaching. and commentary set Jarig-gya's ".. .this text offers an all-
poche. 25 pp., #RIGPAM $4.50 lectures and leads retreats around
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SHAMBALA: Sacred Path of the full of practical advice and is Western Buddhology. This work tue of this work is its technical THE THREE JEWELS: An In-
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209 pp. #SHSH $9.95 SONGS OF SPIRITUAL integrity and makes an important of being a mere text translation. gharakshita. 279 pp. #SBTJ $18
NEW! CHANGE, by the Seventh Dalai contribution to our knowledge of There is much here for repeated To understand the Three Jewels is
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In his quest for the perfect Bud- portance to all the major Tibetan THE VICTORIOUS ONES, NIGUMA, by the Second Dalai dhist doctrine and philosophy, The
dha statue, Greenwald takes us on sects.. ."—Religious Studies compiled by The Office ofH. H. the Lama & Glenn H. Mullin. 240 pp. Three Jewels is an essential Bud-
a wild romp across the Himalayan Review Dalai Lama. 87 pp. #LTSP $5.95 #SLBKSW2 $12.95 dhist text.
The author explores the psycho- paradoxes. Newland exposes their on-the-scene authority." THE WISH-FULFILLING
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Sutra on the Four Establishments of Mindfulness
the Buddha. the sense of contradiction between Shambhala is a reality to many Yoga According to the Longchen
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acting our misconceptions and foremost teachers. This book is WHEEL OF SHARP vered meditation master and
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world and the necessity of adopt- 17th-century master, and concisely An inspiring text for the Bod- Thubten Chodron. 34 pp. #TCWA
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THICH NHAT HANH hisattva. The book concludes with a contemporary master. Tulku NEW! Contains practical techniques for
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Geshe Dhargyey. 255 pp. #LTTT John Newman, foreword by H.H. WORLD AS LOVER; WORLD
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Buddhist Case for Becoming presents a full-spectrum model of training and transformation teach- embraces the entire universe and phy to our own lives by showing
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Clear, direct, and concise, TO of psychological growth and the the actual methods for developing connection to the land of Shamb- of ourselves.
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all life, Kapleau's compelling dis- normal psychological de- concern for others. public events, especially when
cussion examines crucial Buddhist WRITINGS OF KALU RIN-
velopment. UTTARATANTRA: The Sub- granted by the Dalai Lama. POCHE, by Kenneth McLeod. 71
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lime Science of the Great Vehi- pp. #KKKR $5.95
spiritual-ethical dimensions of the Tantra has been given with in- Rinpoche discusses the four
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issue, and speaks cogendy to those creasing frequency in recent years, thoughts which motivate religious
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This is perhaps the best introduc- ophy."—Roger Jackson, Carleton is an analysis of the Tathagata- Kalachakra tantra. WORLD, by Longchenpa. 128 pp.
tion to Zen and the life of the Zen College. garbha teaching. Often used in the WHITE LOTUS: An Introduc- #LOY $16.00
monk. By means of a direct and When Buddha combined the Tibetan tradition to bridge the tion to Tibetan Culture, ed. by Longchenpa's guide to the Kun-
succinct description and by 43 il- ethical bedrock of karma and re- sutras and tantras. Carole Elchert. 240 pp., 38 color byed Rgyal-po presents a method
lustrations, this book gives the birth with the view of imperma- VISION AND TRANSFOR- and 70 black & white illus. for connecting with intrinsic
most precise picture possible of nence and no-self, root contradic- MATION: An Introduction to ISLBKWL $19.95 awareness all the time. This book
Zen life. tion was an incipient danger. If, in the Buddha's Noble Eightfold ".. .an excellent introduction to shows how to live within the
NEW! reality, there is no self, then who Path, by Sangharakshita. 169 pp. our complex culture. Through the source of all life, the unified field
is the agent of good and evil? What #WHVT $12.95 images, writings and recordings, where all experience takes place.
TRAINING THE MIND IN moves from life to life and ex- viewers and readers will be able to Translated by Kennard Lipman
The eightfold path is the most
THE GREAT WAY, by the First periences karmic effects? If bod- share and participate in something and Merrill Peterson; introduction
widely known formulation of the
Dalai Lama, trans. & ed. by Glenn hisattvas see no real sentient be- of the experience of being a Tibe- by Namkhai Norbu.
Buddha's teaching and it is highly
H. Mullin. 170 pp. #SLBKTM ings, no real suffering, how is it respected as a treasury of practi- tan."—H.H. the Dalai Lama ZEN AND THE PSYCHOL-
$12.95 that they are moved by great com- In 1988 an expedition of five ar- OGY OF TRANSFORMA-
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the habit of ego-grasping are con- of Buddhist philosophy has been together for six months and co- by Hubert Benoit. 264 pp. #ITZPT
sidered by Buddhist teachers as Roger Corless. 329 pp. #BPVB
to find the middle way: an ontol- vered over 7000 land miles to visit $12.95
the two greatest enemies to happi- $12.95
ogy sturdy enough to support a co- "Every introductory Buddhism Tibetan communities in Tibet, In- This is one of the most powerful
ness and peace of mind. By prac- herent ethical system that does not dia, Nepal and Ladakh. They expositions of Zen ever written. It
ticing the lojong methods for de- course needs just this book! It is
betray Buddha's original vision of the first book to tackle the array returned home with thousands of explains the psychological setting
veloping great compassion and the no-self or emptiness (sunyata). photos, paintings, drawings, and of the unenlightened mind and the
blissful wisdom of emptiness of national Buddhisms in a
Buddhist perspectives on ethics thematic way and with considera- field recordings. From these a PBS psychological revolution required
presented in this famous teaching and emptiness center on the dis- documentary has been produced to develop insight. Benoit is a mas-
by the First Dalai Lama, these two ble wit and insight. Corless' vision
tinction between two truths—the of Buddhism is both intriguing to introduce people to the many ter psychologist and has presented
syndromes can be transformed and conventional and the ultimate. facets of Tibetan culture. the inner working of enlighten-
and stimulating."—Jeffrey
eventually overcome. Newland's work lays out the Mad- White Lotus is a companion vol- ment in Western terms. This book
TRANSFORMATION AND hyamika philosophy of two truths ume to the documentary. is suitable for the followers of any
HEALING: Sutra on the Four as seen through the eyes of Tibe- NEW! Presented here are sixteen essays, tradition Eastern or Western.
Establishments of Mindfulness, tan scholar-yogis of the Gelugpa THE WAY TO SHAMBHALA, each written by an expert in the
by Thick Nhat Hank. 180 pp. order. Linking the classical Bud- by Edwin Bernbaum. 316 pp., field, covering Tibetan life, art, ar-
#PATH $10 dhist philosophy of Nagarjuna illus. #SMWS $12.95 chitecture, literature and history.
Mindfulness is the most basic with the living tradition of monas- "Bernbaum.. .is a first-rate inter- The accompanying photographs
meditation practice—awareness of tic courtyard debate, the authors preter of Shambhala and Tibetan and artwork provide a rich sensory
what is going on in the body, the explain the two truths without re- Buddhism. His prose is clear and experience of the culture that sur-
feelings, the mind, and the world. sort to mysterious trans-rational jargon-free, and he speaks with vives today among Tibetans.
H.H. THE DALAI LAMA ZEN MIND, BEGINNERS S a revelation. For those who do
KHENPO PALDEN THE VISION, (1) #DSTPJGV $8 MIND Shunryu Suzuki-roshi, read know The Tao Te Cking, this read-
INNER SCIENCE CONFER- SHERAB Exploring the energy that vision by Peter Coyote (2) #AUTPZM ing will be a revelation."
ENCE, (10) #IRISC $60 VAJRAYANA BUDDHISM (2) has to move us toward creating $15.95
changes in our life. THE TIBETAN BOOK OF
In 1984 there was an historic con- #PSVB $20 This program is about how to THE DEAD: The Great Liber-
ference of the Dalai Lama and In the Vajrayana, life is seen as an VIPASSANA JHANAS (1) practice Zen as a workable dis-
#DSTPJGVJ $8 ation through Hearing in the
Western scientists at Amherst Col- experience that bears infinite rich- cipline and religion. Here one be- Bardo, trans, by Francesco Freman-
lege in Massachusetts. The pur- ness and creative energy. Nothing An in-depth look at the deeper gins to understand what Zen is tle & Chogyam Trungpa. 2 Cas-
pose was to compare traditional is rejected since the practitioner levels of practice when one ex- really about. Every word breathes settes, 2 1/2 hrs., Unabridged
Buddhist teachings with Western has sufficient skill and sensitivity plores impermanence, suffering with the joy and simplicity that #SHTBDT $15.95
scientific observations and the- to relate to the beneficial aspect of and selflessness with one-pointed make a liberated life possible. This classic Buddhist scripture is
ories. The scientists give fascinat- all existence. Also: The Sadhana of concentration. THE TAO TE CHING, trans. traditionally read aloud to the dy-
ing reports on psychological and Vajrasattva and Ngondro Medita- Jack Kornfield Tolbert McCarroll, read by Jacob ing to help them attain liberation.
perceptual tests before and after tion Practice which purify the Needleman. (1) #AUTPTTC It emphasizes the application of
enlightenment; the ability of the body, speech and mind. Trans, by $15.95 the experience of death to any sit-
Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal. ITY & WISDOM, POWER,
mind to control pain and heal the KNOWLEDGE (1) #DSTPJKCS "For those who do not know The uation of transition and imper-
body; a comparison of Buddhist $8 Tao Te Cking, this reading will be manence.
and Western psychology, etc.
PHD. Courage of going into the un-
THE NOBEL PEACE PRIZE known, being simple. A discussion
DEALING WITH ANGER: A of the many kinds of knowledge
LECTURES BY tation and the visualization of
On December 11, the Dalai Lama Buddhist Psychotherapeutic Ap- and power and of the wisdom of
proach (1) #RAWA $10 SANGHARAKSHITA LEC- #103 Symbolism of the Wheel of
gave his Nobel Lecture to an in- being present.
ternational audience in Oslo. His JEFFREY HOPKINS Christina Feldman Single tape lectures are $7, double The Wheel of Life, described here
talk summarizes his religious mes- SPIRITUALITY AND RELA- tape sets $10 in all its wealth of detail, is not
sage and his political views on APPROACHING THE TAN- only a painting but a mirror, giv-
TIONSHIPS & ADVOIDANCE #53 Levels of Awarness: Right
Tibet. He speaks entirely in Eng- TRAS (3) #SLTPJHAT $21 ing one increasingly profound in-
In three outstanding lectures, (1) #DSTPCFSR $10.50 Mindfulness Forgetfulness and
lish. There are brief sections of Seeing all relationships with peo- distraction are the rule in ordinary sights into oneself, and revealing
Norwegian translation. Jeffrey unfolds the meaning of the steps toward escaping the end-
compassion, emptiness and deity ple and with the world as rich life, but awareness and a fullness
COMPASSION: THE HEART potential for understanding. The of mind is at the heart of human less round.
yoga with warmth and penetrating #105 Symbolism of the Dia-
OF ENLIGHTENMENT, 95 workings of avoidance, inner and growth and development. San-
wit. mond Sceptre
min. #RIGPATPC $10 outer, in our lives and its effect on gharakshita distinguishes four
DEATH & DYING (4) ourselves and others. #107 Symbolism of the Crema-
This talk was given after the Nobel #SLTPJHDD $28 dimensions of awareness, each
DAILY LIFE AS SPIRITUAL- with its own qualities: awareness • tion Ground and Celestial
Award announcement. His Holi- Discussion of the stages of death,
ITY & DEVELOPMENT OF of things, self, others, and of Maidens
ness speaks on affection, altruism, intermediate state and rebirth.
SERENITY (1) #DSTPCFDL reality. #108 Symbolism of the Offer-
loneliness, love, anger, inner peace ings and Self-Sacrifice (2)
SEMINAR ON COMPASSION $10.50 #55 How Buddhism Came to
and world peace, and the Tibetan #109 Symbolism of Colors and
(5) #SLTPJHSOC $35 Nuturing balance, understanding, Tibet
SEMINAR ON DEATH AND and the heart in the midst of ev- #56 The Schools of Tibetan Mantric Sound (2)
HARVARD SEMINARS (12) IMPERMANANCE (3) Color and sound have rich sym-
ery moment, finding the essence Buddhism (2)
#SLTPHHHS $84 Trans, by #SLTPJHSDI $21 bolic significance, and so are cru-
of spirituality. Becoming spacious, #57 The Dalai Lama: His Rein-
Jeffrey Hopkins—AIBS Program cial agents of transformation. The
relaxed, willing to be with what is carnations
For five days in 1981, the Dalai DHARMA SEED #58 Monks and Laymen in lecture concludes with a brief in-
without willpower, being in har-
Lama presented a synthesis of the TAPE LIBRARY Buddhist Tibet (2) troduction to the figure of Man-
mony with the present moment.
entire Buddhist path. Topics in- Here are some excellent tapes on #61 Tibetan Buddhist Medita- jughosha, the Bodhisattva of
clude: refuge, logic, death, karma, PRACTICE OF CONFUSION Wisdom.
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three trainings, meditation in- Goldstein, Jack Kornfield, The five stages of Tibetan medi- #110 Symbolism of the Five
#DSTPCFPC $10.50 Buddhas, Male and Female
struction, compassion, selfless- Christina Feldman and others Seeing what lures the mind from (2)
ness, suffering, five paths and the well-known for their meditation accepting actuality—looking at ex-
factors of enlightenment. These workshops and books. pectation, fantasy, future thought.
talks are now available in a Snow
Joseph Goldstein Freeing ourselves from belief sys-
Lion book, The Dalai Lama at
tems and models, discovering the
essence of ourselves. I ALL NEW! |
Learning to see what is happening
in the present moment with sim-
Ajahn Sumedho
Trans, by Jeffrey Hopkins. FORM (1) #DSTPASBS $10.50
plicity and directness. Learning to Appreciating the life force that
These are the preliminary teach- recognize and work with desire, your spirit breathes into the
ings on the path of the Bodhisattva aversion, sluggishness, resdessness practice.
given by His Holiness prior to the and doubt.
Kalachakra initiation in Madison, PRACTICE OF INNER
WI. INSTRUCTIONS (1) Learning to listen to the inner
NEW! #DSTPJGCM $10 sound of silence as a way to quiet
TRANSFORMATIONS OF Detailed instructions in mindful- and center the mind.
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Harmonia Mundi was a gathering tions; also walking meditation. $10.50
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hearts and minds of our times in Looking at what happens when knowing the truth of reality
a conference with the Dalai Lama. our mind gets lost in the en- through a reflective, observing
In this discussion with the Dalai chanted forest of desire. mind.
Lama, questions were addressed DEVELOPING THE FIVE
concerning the potential of a new SPIRITUAL FACULTIES (1) THICH HNAT HANH
world order rooted in compassion, #DSTPJGDF $8 PEACE MAKING: How To Be
the compatability between Knowledge of impermanence, care It, How To Do It, Thick Nhat
spiritual teachings and current and meticulousness with the prac- Hanh. (1) #STPM $10
scientific models, as well as the tice, continuity, understanding he- This is one of those talks which THE HIMALAYAN CALEN- RIGPA TIBETAN CALEN-
need for personal transformation roic effort, and balancing the fac- captures some of the best ideas this DAR, 14 x 10" #GTHC $9.95 DAR, 1992-93, #RIGPA $8
as the basis for world peace. tors of enlightenment, suggestions great person has to say. Thich This is an inspiring calendar for This pocket calendar features
VAJ RA SATTVA ( 1 ) for strengthening the spiritual Nhat Hanh reveals in his simple mountain lovers. the main Buddhist festivals, an-
#SLTPHHVM $7 Trans, by faculties. and charming way how to be MOUNTAIN IMAGES, 14 x niversaries and special practice
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Exploring a way to understand the through the awakening of our nat- around the world. ings. With this little calendar
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This is a commentary on a classic graphic eye have combined to
Understanding how desire and Tells us how to nourish inner produce this great calendar. SACRED SPACES, 14 x 10"
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veloping one-pointedness of mind. throughout the day, how to work Sacred architecture, art, and
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OBSTACLES TO CONCEN- with anger through breathing and landscapes from around the
These talks were made possible by Lama. 14 x 10" #SMMT$9.95
TRATION II, (1) #DSTPJGOC2 walking meditation, how ther- The snows, mountains, plains, world.
the AIBS. $8 apists can be peace workers, how TIBETAN THANGKA
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PSYCHOLOGY SEMINAR (7) Examining our sloth, torpor, rest- to develop the inner smile and magical Tibet come together in CALENDAR, 16 x 24"
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Thurman doubt. Thirteen thangka images are
In this seminar, the Venerable Tara PRACTICE IN THE WORLD: represented in this famous
CALENDAR, 14 x 10" #SMP
Tulku gives us an overview of the LIVING IT FULLY, (1) calendar from Wisdom Publi-
Abidharma, Pramana, Mad- #DSTPJGPW $8 cations.
Images of prayer and worship
hyamika and Tantrika psychologies Practicing the Dharma after a re- from many different traditions
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ALTAR OF THE EARTH, by neys of past explorers in the SHAMBHAtA DRA€JON EDITIONS origins and practices of shaman-
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Altar of the Earth goes beyond
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graphic portrait illuminated by
stunning color photos and exten-
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Guided Imagery with Children LDTU^