Regulation of Gene Expression in Eukaryotes
Regulation of Gene Expression in Eukaryotes
Regulation of Gene Expression in Eukaryotes
of Gene Expression
in Eukaryotes
Key Questions
• What are the molecular
mechanisms of gene regulation
in eukaryotes?
• How do eukaryotes generate
many different patterns of gene
expression with a limited number
of regulatory proteins?
• What role does chromatin play in
eukaryotic gene regulation?
• What are epigenetic marks and
how do they influence gene
The MSL complex enhances gene expression on the X chromosome. The MSL complex
(indicated by orange coloring) binds only to the X chromosome in male Drosophila. This image
is an indirect immunofluorescence staining of a chromosomal spread from a salivary gland of
a male larva exposed to MSL1 antiserum. [From J. Lucchesi, W. Kelly, and B. Panning, “Chromatin
Remodeling in Dosage Compensation,” Annu. Rev. Genet. 39, 2005, 615–651.]
11.1 Transcriptional regulation in
he cloning of Dolly, a sheep, was reported worldwide in 1996. Dolly developed
T from adult somatic nuclei that had been implanted into enucleated eggs (eggs
with the nuclei removed). More recently, cows, pigs, mice, and other mammals
eukaryotes: an overview
11.2 Lessons from yeast: the GAL
have been cloned as well with the use of similar technology (Figure 11-1). The suc- system
cessful cloning of Dolly was a great surprise to the scientific community because
11.3 Dynamic chromatin and
the cloning of mammals from somatic cells was thought to be impossible. A reason
eukaryotic gene regulation
for the initial skepticism was that the formation of male and female gametes
(sperm and egg cells) was known to include sex-specific modifications to the 11.4 Enhancers: cooperative
respective genomes that resulted in sex-specific patterns of gene expression. As interactions, combinatorial
such, Dolly is symbolic of how far we have progressed in understanding aspects of control, and chromatin
eukaryotic gene regulation such as the global control of gene expression exempli- remodeling
fied by gamete development. However, for every successful clone, including Dolly,
11.5 Genomic imprinting
there are many more, perhaps hundreds of embryos that fail to develop into viable
progeny. The extremely high failure rate underscores how much remains to be 11.6 Chromatin domains and their
deciphered about eukaryotic gene regulation. inheritance
386 Chapter 11 • Regulation of Gene Expression in Eukaryotes
The first cloned mammal In this chapter, we will examine gene regulation in
eukaryotes. In many ways, our look at gene regulation will be
a study of contrasts. In bacteria, you learned how the activi-
ties of genetic switches were often governed by single activa-
tor or repressor proteins and how the control of sets of genes
was achieved by their organization into operons or by the
activity of specific factors (see Chapter 10). Initial expecta-
tions were that eukaryotic gene expression would be regu-
lated by similar means. In eukaryotes, however, most genes
are not found in operons. Furthermore, we will see that the
proteins and DNA sequences participating in eukaryotic gene
regulation are more numerous. Often, many DNA-binding
proteins act on a single switch, with many separate switches
per gene, and the regulatory sequences of these switches are
often located far from promoters. A key additional difference
between bacteria and eukaryotes is that the access to eukary-
otic gene promoters is restricted by chromatin. Gene regula-
tion in eukaryotes requires the activity of large protein com-
FIGURE 11-1 The first cloned mammal plexes that promote or restrict access to gene promoters by RNA polymerase. This
was a sheep named Dolly. [PHOTOTAKE/ chapter will provide an essential foundation for understanding the spatiotemporal
Alamy.] regulation of gene expression that choreographs the process of development
described in Chapter 12.
Transcription Enhancer
RNA pol II
1. In bacteria, all genes are transcribed into RNA by the same RNA
polymerase, whereas three RNA polymerases function in eukaryotes. RNA
388 Chapter 11 • Regulation of Gene Expression in Eukaryotes
polymerase II, which transcribes mRNAs, was the focus of Chapter 8 and
will be the only polymerase discussed in this chapter.
2. RNA transcripts are extensively processed during transcription in
eukaryotes; the 5⬘ and 3⬘ ends are modified and introns are spliced out.
3. RNA polymerase II is much larger and more complex than its bacterial
counterpart. One reason for the added complexity is that RNA polymerase II
must synthesize RNA and coordinate the special processing events unique
to eukaryotes.
1. ensure that the expression of most genes in the genome is off at any one
time while activating a subset of genes; and
2. generate thousands of patterns of gene expression.
As you will see later in the chapter, mechanisms have evolved to ensure that
most of the genes in a eukaryotic cell are not transcribed. Before considering how
genes are kept transcriptionally inactive, we will focus on the second point: How
are eukaryotic genes able to exhibit an enormous number and diversity of expres-
sion patterns? The machinery required for generating so many patterns of gene
transcription in vivo has many components, including both regulatory proteins
and cis-acting regulatory sequences. The first set of proteins comprises the large
RNA polymerase II complex and the general transcription factors that you learned
about in Chapter 8. To initiate transcription, these proteins interact with DNA
sequences called promoter-proximal elements near the promoter of a gene. The
second group of protein components consists of specific transcription factors that
bind to cis-acting regulatory sequences in the DNA called enhancers or upstream
activating sequences (UAS’s). These regulatory sequences may be located a
considerable distance from gene promoters. Generally speaking, promoters and
promoter-proximal elements are bound by transcription factors that affect the
expression of many genes. Enhancers are the targets of more specific transcription
factors that control the regulation of smaller subsets of genes. Often, an enhancer
will act in only one or a few cell types in a multicellular eukaryote.
For RNA polymerase II to transcribe DNA into RNA at
Promoter-proximal elements precede a maximum rate, multiple cis-acting regulatory elements
the promoter of a eukaryotic gene must play a part. The promoters, promoter-proximal ele-
ments, and enhancers are all targets for binding by different
box mRNA
trans-acting DNA binding proteins. Figure 11-3 is a schematic
GGGCGG CCAAT TATA representation of the promoter and promoter-proximal se-
– 200 bp – 100 bp quence elements. The binding of RNA polymerase II to the
– 30 bp promoter does not produce efficient transcription by itself.
Promoter-proximal Promoter Transcription requires the binding of general transcription
elements factors to additional promoter-proximal elements that are
commonly found within 100 bp of the transcription initiation
FIGURE 11-3 The region upstream of site of many (but not all) genes. One of these elements is the CCAAT box, and often
the transcription start site in higher another is a GC-rich segment farther upstream. The general transcription factors
eukaryotes contains promoter-proximal that bind to the promoter-proximal elements are expressed in most cells, and so
elements and the promoter. they are available to initiate transcription at any time. Mutations in these sites can
11.1 Transcriptional Regulation in Eukaryotes: An Overview 389
FIGURE 11-4 Point mutations in the promoter and promoter-proximal elements hinder
transcription of the β-globin gene. Point mutations throughout the promoter region were
analyzed for their effects on transcription rates. The height of each line represents the
transcription level relative to a wild-type promoter or promoter-proximal element (1.0).
Only the base substitutions that lie within the three elements shown change the level of
transcription. Positions with black dots were not tested. [From T. Maniatis, S. Goodbourn, and
J. A. Fischer, “Regulation of Inducible and Tissue-Specific Gene Expression,” Science 236, 1987, 1237.]
the level of gene expression in the biochemical pathway. In yeast cells growing in The Gal pathway
media lacking galactose, the GAL genes are largely silent. But, in the presence of
galactose (and the absence of glucose), the GAL genes are induced. Just as for the Galactose (extracellular)
lac operon, genetic and molecular analyses of mutants have been key to under-
standing how the expression of the genes in the galactose pathway is controlled.
The key regulator of GAL gene expression is the Gal4 protein, a sequence-
Galactose (intracellular)
specific DNA-binding protein. Gal4 is perhaps the best-studied transcriptional reg-
ulatory protein in eukaryotes. The detailed dissection of its regulation and activ- Gal1
ity has been a source of several key insights into the control of transcription in
eukaryotes. Galactose-1-phosphate
Gal4 regulates multiple genes through upstream activating
sequences UDP-galactose
In the presence of galactose, the GAL1, GAL2, GAL7, and GAL10 genes are induced Gal10
1000-fold or more. In GAL4 mutants, however, they remain silent. Each of these
four genes has two or more Gal4-binding sites located 5⬘ (upstream) of its pro- UDP-glucose
moter. Consider the GAL10 and GAL1 genes, which are adjacent to each other and Gal7
transcribed in opposite directions. Between the GAL1 transcription start site and
the GAL10 transcription start site is a single 118-bp region that contains four Gal4- Glucose-1-phosphate
binding sites (Figure 11-6). Each Gal4-binding site is 17 base pairs long and is
bound by one Gal4 protein dimer. There are two Gal4-binding sites upstream of
the GAL2 gene as well, and another two upstream of the GAL7 gene. These bind-
ing sites are required for gene activation in vivo. If they are deleted, the genes are
silent, even in the presence of galactose. These regulatory sequences are enhancers
that are also referred to as upstream activating sequences. The presence of en- FIGURE 11-5 Galactose is converted
hancers located at a considerable linear distance from a eukaryotic gene’s pro- into glucose-1-phosphate in a series of
moter is typical. steps. These steps are catalyzed by
enzymes (Gal1, and so forth) encoded by
the structural genes GAL1, GAL2, GAL7,
Message The binding of sequence-specific DNA-binding proteins to regions and GAL10.
outside the promoters of target genes is a common feature of eukaryotic transcriptional
FIGURE 11-6 The Gal4 protein activates target genes through upstream-activating-sequence
(UAS) elements. The Gal4 protein has two functional domains: a DNA-binding domain (red
square) and an activation domain (orange oval). The protein binds to specific sequences
upstream of the promoters of Gal-pathway genes. Some of the GAL genes are adjacent (GAL1,
GAL10), whereas others are on different chromosomes. The GAL1 UAS element contains four
Gal4-binding sites.
392 Chapter 11 • Regulation of Gene Expression in Eukaryotes
expression. Conversely, in GAL3 mutants, the GAL structural genes are Transcriptional activator proteins
not active in the presence of galactose, suggesting that Gal3 normally may be activated by an inducer
promotes expression of the GAL genes.
Extensive biochemical analyses have revealed that the Gal80 pro- Gal80
tein binds to the Gal4 protein with high affinity and directly inhibits
Gal4 activity. Specifically, Gal80 binds to a region within one of the Gal4
Gal4 activation domains, blocking its ability to promote the transcrip-
tion of target genes. The role of the Gal3 protein is to release Gal4 from GAL1
its inhibition by Gal80 in the presence of galactose. Gal3 is a sensor and
inducer. When Gal3 binds galactose and ATP, it undergoes an allosteric
change that promotes binding to Gal80, which in turn causes Gal80 to + Galactose
release Gal4, which is then able to activate transcription of its target + Gal3
genes. Thus, Gal3, Gal80, and Gal4 are all part of a switch whose state is
determined by the presence or absence of galactose (Figure 11-8). In
this switch, DNA binding by the transcriptional regulator is not the
physiologically regulated step (as is the case in the lac operon and bac-
teriophage ); rather, the activity of the activation domain is regulated. Gal4
Message The activity of eukaryotic transcriptional regulatory proteins ON
is often controlled by interactions with other proteins. UAS
Now we look at how activators and other regulatory proteins interact with the
transcriptional machinery to control gene expression.
Transcriptional activator proteins domain, and, through this binding, it recruits the TFIID com-
recruit the transcriptional machinery plex and, in turn, RNA polymerase II to the promoter (Figure
11-9). The affinity of this interaction correlates well with
UAS Gal4’s potency as an activator. Gal4 also interacts with the
large Mediator complex, which directly interacts with RNA
Gal4 polymerase II to recruit it to gene promoters. The Mediator
complex is an example of a coactivator, a term applied to a
protein or protein complex that facilitates gene activation by
a transcription factor but that itself is neither part of the tran-
scriptional machinery nor a DNA-binding protein.
The ability of activators to bind to upstream DNA
RNA polymerase II
sequences and to interact with proteins that bind directly or
indirectly to promoters helps to explain how transcription
can be stimulated from more distant regulatory sequences
(see Figure 11-9).
TATA GAL genes
Message Eukaryotic transcriptional activators often work
by recruiting parts of the transcriptional machinery to gene
FIGURE 11-9 Gal4 recruits the promoters.
transcriptional machinery. The Gal4
protein, and many other transcriptional
activators, binds to multiple protein
complexes, including the TFIID and
11.3 Dynamic Chromatin and
Mediator complexes, that recruit RNA Eukaryotic Gene Regulation
polymerase II to gene promoters. The
interactions facilitate gene activation A second mechanism for influencing gene transcription in eukaryotes modifies the
through binding sites that are distant from local chromatin structure around gene regulatory sequences. To fully understand
gene promoters. [After J. Watson et al.,
Molecular Biology of the Gene, Fifth Edition,
how this mechanism works, we need to first review chromatin structure and then
copyright © 2004, Benjamin Cummings.] consider how it can change and how these changes affect gene expression.
The recruitment of transcriptional machinery by activators may appear to be
somewhat similar in eukaryotes and bacteria, with the major difference being in
the number of interacting proteins in the transcriptional machinery. Indeed, less
than a decade ago, many biologists pictured eukaryotic regulation simply as a bio-
chemically more complicated version of what had been discovered in bacteria.
However, this view has changed dramatically as biologists have considered the
effect of the organization of genomic DNA in eukaryotes.
Compared with eukaryotic DNA, bacterial DNA is relatively “naked,” making
it readily accessible to RNA polymerase. In contrast, eukaryotic chromosomes are
packaged into chromatin, which is composed of DNA and proteins (mostly his-
tones). As mentioned briefly in Chapter 2, the basic unit of chromatin is the nucle-
osome, containing about 150 bp of DNA wrapped twice around a histone octamer
(Figure 11-10). The histone octamer is composed of two subunits of each of the
four histones: histone 2A, 2B, 3, and 4. Nucleosomes can associate into higher-
order structures that further condense the DNA. The packaging of eukaryotic
DNA into chromatin means that much of the DNA is not readily accessible to reg-
ulatory proteins and the transcriptional apparatus. Thus, whereas prokaryotic
genes are generally accessible and “on” unless repressed, eukaryotic genes are inac-
cessible and “off” unless activated. Therefore, the modification of chromatin struc-
ture is a distinctive feature of eukaryotic gene regulation.
One can imagine several ways to alter chromatin structure. For example, one
mechanism might be to simply move the histone octamer along the DNA. In the
1980s, biochemical techniques were developed that allowed researchers to deter-
mine the position of nucleosomes in and around specific genes. In these studies,
chromatin was isolated from tissues or cells in which a gene was on and compared
with chromatin from tissue where the same gene was off. The result for most genes
analyzed was that nucleosome positions changed, especially in a gene’s regulatory
regions. Thus, which DNA regions are wrapped up in nucleosomes can change:
11.3 Dynamic Chromatin and Eukaryotic Gene Regulation 395
Short region of
2 nm
DNA double helix
the basic unit 11 nm
of chromatin
Chromatin fiber
of packed 30 nm
Chromatin-remodeling proteins and gene activation remodeling
Two genetic screens in yeast for mutants in seemingly unrelated processes led to the
discovery of the same gene whose product plays a key role in chromatin remodel-
ing. In both cases, yeast cells were treated with agents that would cause mutations.
In one screen, these mutagenized yeast cells were screened for cells that could not
grow well on sucrose (sugar nonfermenting mutants, snf). In another screen, muta-
genized yeast cells were screened for mutants that were defective in switching their
mating type (switch mutants, swi; see Section 11.4). Many mutants for different loci
were recovered in each screen, but one mutant gene was found to cause both phe-
notypes. Mutants at the so-called swi2/snf2 locus (“switch–sniff”) could neither uti-
lize sucrose effectively nor switch mating type. FIGURE 11-11 The histone octamer
What was the connection between the ability to utilize sugar and the ability slides in response to chromatin-
to switch mating types? The Snf2–Swi2 protein was purified and discovered to be remodeling activity (such as that of the
part of a large, multisubunit complex called the SWI–SNF complex that can repo- SWI–SNF complex), in this case
exposing the DNA marked in red. (See
sition nucleosomes in a test-tube assay if ATP is provided as an energy source
Figure 11-15 for details on how
(Figure 11-11). In some situations, the multisubunit SWI–SNF complex activates SWI–SNF is recruited to a particular
transcription by moving nucleosomes that are covering the TATA sequences and, DNA region). [After J. Watson et al.,
in this way, facilitates the binding of RNA polymerase II. The SWI–SNF complex is Molecular Biology of the Gene, Fifth Edition,
thus a coactivator. copyright © 2004, Benjamin Cummings.]
396 Chapter 11 • Regulation of Gene Expression in Eukaryotes
Gal4 also binds to the SWI–SNF complex and recruits the chromatin-remodeling
complex to activated promoters. Yeast strains containing a defective SWI–SNF
complex show a reduced level of Gal4 activity. Why might an activator use multiple
activation mechanisms? There are at least two reasons understood at present. The
first is that the accessibility of target promoters may change at different stages of
the cell cycle or in different cell types (in multicellular eukaryotes). For example,
during mitosis, when chromatin is more condensed, genes are less accessible. At
that stage, Gal4 must recruit the chromatin-remodeling complexes, whereas, at
other times, such recruitment might not be required to activate gene expression.
A second reason is that many transcription factors act in combinations to con-
trol gene expression synergistically. We will see shortly that this combinatorial
synergy is a result of the fact that chromatin-remodeling complexes and the tran-
scriptional machinery are recruited more efficiently when multiple transcription
factors act together.
Acetyl group
NH3⫹ ⫹ CoA C C
Amino group at end H
of lysine side chain Acetyl CoA
Note that the reaction is reversible, which means that acetyl groups can be
added and removed from the same histone residue. With 44 histone lysine residues
available to accept acetyl groups, the presence or absence of these groups can carry
a tremendous amount of information. For this reason, the covalent modification of
histone tails is said to be a histone code. Scientists coined the expression histone
code because the covalent modification of histone tails is reminiscent of the genetic
code. For the histone code, information is stored in the patterns of histone modifi-
cation rather than in the sequence of nucleotides. With more than 150 known his-
tone modifications, there are a huge number of possible patterns and their effects
on chromatin structure and transcriptional regulation are just beginning to be deci-
phered. To add to this complexity, the code is likely not interpreted in precisely the
same way in all organisms. For now, let’s see how the acetylation of histone amino
acids influences chromatin structure and gene expression.
Evidence had been accumulating for years that the histones associated with the
nucleosomes of active genes are rich in acetyl groups (said to be hyperacetylated),
whereas inactive genes are underacetylated (hypoacetylated). The enzyme re-
sponsible for adding acetyl groups, histone acetyltransferase (HAT), proved very
difficult to isolate. When it was finally isolated and its protein sequence deduced, it
was found to be an ortholog of a yeast transcriptional activator called GCN5 (mean-
ing that it was encoded by the same gene in a different organism). Thus, the con-
clusion was that GCN5 is a histone acetyltransferase. It binds to the DNA in the reg-
ulatory regions of some genes and activates transcription by acetylating nearby
histones. Various protein complexes that are recruited by transcriptional activators
are now understood to possess a HAT activity.
How does histone acetylation facilitate changes in gene expression? There
appear to be at least two mechanisms for doing so. First, the addition of acetyl
groups to specific histone residues can alter the interaction in a nucleosome
between the DNA and a histone octamer so that the octamer is
more likely to slide along the DNA to a new position. Second, Histone deacetylation can turn
histone acetylation, in conjunction with other histone modifica- off gene transcription
tions, influences the binding of regulatory proteins to the DNA.
The bound regulatory protein may take part in one of several
functions that either directly or indirectly increase the fre- Tup1
quency of transcription initiation. Mig1
Like other histone modifications, acetylation is reversible,
and histone deacetylases (HDAT’s) also have been identified. UAS Mig1
Such proteins play key roles in gene repression. For example, in site
the presence of galactose and glucose, the activation of GAL
genes is prevented by the Mig1 protein. Mig1 is a sequence-specific DNA-binding FIGURE 11-13 Recruitment of a
repressor that binds to a site between the UAS element and the promoter of the repressing complex leads to repression
GAL1 gene (Figure 11-13). Mig1 recruits a protein complex called Tup1 that con- of transcription. In the presence of
glucose, GAL1 transcription is repressed
tains a histone deacetylase and that represses gene transcription. The Tup1 com-
by the Mig1 protein, which binds to a
plex is an example of a corepressor, which faciliates gene repression but is not site between the UAS and the promoter
itself a DNA-binding repressor. The Tup1 complex is also recruited by other yeast of the GAL1 gene. Mig1 recruits the Tup1
repressors, such as MATα2 (see page 400), and counterparts of this complex are repressing complex, which recruits a
found in all eukaryotes. histone deacetylase, turning gene
transcription off. [After J. Watson et al.,
Molecular Biology of the Gene, Fifth Edition,
Message In most cases examined, histone acetylation and deacetylation promote
copyright © 2004, Benjamin Cummings.]
and repress gene transcription, respectively. These activities are recruited to genes by
sequence-specific activators and repressors.
398 Chapter 11 • Regulation of Gene Expression in Eukaryotes
example shown in Figure 11-15. One characteristic of en- Enhanceosomes recruit chromatin remodelers
hancers is that they can activate transcription when they are
located at great distances from the promoter (>50 kb), either
upstream or downstream from a gene or even in an intron.
MAT locus, but their protein products are required for mating. One group of struc-
tural genes is expressed only in the ` cell type (`-specific genes), and another set is
expressed only in the a cell type (a-specific genes). The different alleles of the
MAT locus encode different regulatory proteins that control which of these sets of
structural genes is expressed in each cell type. In addition, a regulatory protein not
encoded by the MAT locus, called MCM1, plays a key role in regulating cell type.
The simplest case is the a cell type (Figure 11-16a). The MATa locus encodes a
single regulatory protein, a1. However, this regulatory protein has no effect in hap-
loid cells, only in diploid cells. In a haploid a cell, the regulatory protein MCM1
turns on the expression of the structural genes needed by an a cell, by binding to
regulatory sequences within a-specific gene promoters.
MAT locus
a1 a1
α2 α1 α2 α1
a1 α2 a1
proteins α1 α2
α2 α2 α2 α2
a1 α2
FIGURE 11-16 Control of cell-type- In an ` cell, the `-specific structural genes must be transcribed, but, in addi-
specific gene expression in yeast. The tion, the MCM1 protein must be prevented from activating the a-specific genes.
three cell types of S. cerevisiae are The DNA sequence of the MATa allele encodes two proteins, α1 and α2, that are
determined by the regulatory proteins
produced by separate transcription units. These two proteins have different regula-
a1, α1, and α2, which regulate different
subsets of target genes. The MCM1 tory roles in the ` cell, as can be demonstrated by analyzing their DNA-binding
protein acts in all three cell types and properties in vitro (Figure 11-16b). The α1 protein binds in concert with the MCM1
interacts with α1 and α2. protein to a discrete DNA sequence controlling several `-specific genes. Thus, α1 is
an activator of `-specific gene expression. The α2 protein represses transcription of
the a-specific genes. It binds as a dimer, with MCM1, to sites in DNA sequences
located 5⬘ of a group of a-specific genes and acts as a repressor.
In a diploid yeast cell, all three regulatory proteins encoded by the MAT locus
are expressed (Figure 11-16c). What is the result? The a1 protein encoded by MATa
has a part to play at last. The a1 protein can bind to α2 and alter its binding speci-
ficity such that the a1–α2 complex does not bind to a-specific genes. Rather, the
a1–α2 complex binds to a different sequence found upstream of another set of
genes, called haploid specific, that are expressed in haploid cells but not diploid
cells. In diploid cells, then, α2 exists in two forms: (1) as an α2–MCM1 complex that
represses a-specific genes and (2) in a complex with a1 that represses haploid-spe-
11.4 Enhancers: Cooperative Interactions, Combinatorial Control, and Chromatin Remodeling 401
Promoter 2 Enhancer Enhancer- Promoter 1
cific genes. The different binding partners determine which specific DNA se-
quences are bound and which genes are regulated by each α2-containing complex.
The regulation of different sets of target genes by the association of the same tran-
scription factor with different binding partners plays a major role in the generation
of different patterns of gene expression in different cell types within multicellular
Enhancer-blocking insulators
A regulatory element, such as an enhancer, that can act over tens of thousands of
base pairs could interfere with the regulation of nearby genes. To prevent such
promiscuous activation, regulatory elements called enhancer-blocking insulators
have evolved. When positioned between an enhancer and a promoter, enhancer-
blocking insulators prevent the enhancer from activating transcription at that pro-
moter. Such insulators have no effect on the activation of other promoters that are
not separated from their enhancers by the insulator (Figure 11-17). Several models
have been proposed to explain how an insulator could block enhancer activity only
when placed between an enhancer and a promoter. Many of the models, like the
one shown in Figure 11-18, propose that the DNA is organized into loops containing
Promoter 1 Promoter 2
active genes. According to this model, insulators act by moving a promoter into a
new loop, where it is shielded from the enhancer.
As you will see next, enhancer-blocking insulators are a fundamental compo-
nent of a phenomenon called genomic imprinting.
C2 1
6C C2 1
bind to the ICR and the enhancer can activate Igf2 transcription (recall that Unusual inheritance
enhancers can act at great distances). The enhancer cannot activate H19, however, of imprinted genes
because the methylated region extends into the H19 promoter. The methylated
promoter cannot bind proteins needed for the transcription of H19. No mutations
Thus, we see how an enhancer-blocking insulator (in this case, CTCF bound to
part of the ICR) prevents the enhancer from activating a distant gene (in this case, 乆 A B
Igf2). Furthermore, we see that the CTCF-binding site is methylated only in chro-
mosomes derived from the male parent. The methylation of the CTCF-binding site
prevents CTCF binding in males and permits the enhancer to activate Igf2. 么 A B
Note that parental imprinting can greatly affect pedigree analysis. Because the ICR
inherited allele from one parent is inactive, a mutation in the allele inherited from
the other parent will appear to be dominant, whereas, in fact, the allele is ex-
pressed because only one of the two homologs is active for this gene. Figure 11-20
shows how a mutation in an imprinted gene can have different outcomes on the Mutation in imprinted gene
phenotype of the organism if inherited from the male or from the female parent.
Many steps are required for imprinting (Figure 11-21). Soon after fertiliza- 乆 A B
tion, mammals set aside cells that will become their germ cells. Imprints are M
removed or erased before the germ cells form. Without their distinguishing mark
of DNA methylation, these genes are now said to be epigenetically equivalent. As 么 A B
these primordial germ cells become fully formed gametes, imprinted genes re-
ceive the sex-specific mark that will determine whether the gene will be active or OUTCOME UNAFFECTED
silent after fertilization.
乆 A B
Steps required for imprinting
Male Female
么 A B
Homologous Two linked genes, ICR
chromosomes one active, one silent
germ cells 2 Imprints
Silent allele
Fertilization and
Active allele FIGURE 11-21 How Igf2 and H19 are
differentially imprinted in males and females.
404 Chapter 11 • Regulation of Gene Expression in Eukaryotes
a mating type
a mating type
a mating type
Gene silencing is a very different process from gene repression; silencing is a posi-
tion effect that depends on the neighborhood in which genetic information is
located. You will learn more about position effects later, in the section on position-
effect variegation in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster.
In summary, there are two distinct levels in the control of yeast mating type.
First, the regulation of a DNA rearrangement controls the array of regulatory
products synthesized within the cell. Second, the DNA-binding activities of these
regulatory proteins (a1, α1, and α2) control the batteries of structural genes
expressed within each cell type. These two levels form a hierarchy: the genes of the
first level control the activation of genes on the second level, which in turn control
the activation of the structural genes. These structural genes encode the proteins
having roles in the actual mating process and the biology of each cell type. As we
shall see in regard to animals in Chapter 12, the genetic control of developmental
processes is often hierarchical: networks of regulatory genes set up the cell- and
tissue-specific expression of proteins that mediate cell behavior and function.
Chromosome white+
white+ gene
Wild-type eye
Telomere Centromere
white+ gene
Red facet
is able to regulate the expression of genes—in this case, determining whether genes FIGURE 11-23 Chromosomal
with identical DNA sequence will be active or silenced. rearrangement produces position-effect
variegation. Chromosomal inversion
places the wild-type white allele close to
Message Active genes that are relocated to genomic neighborhoods that are heterochromatin. The spread of
heterochromatic may be silenced if the heterochromatin spreads to the genes. heterochromatin silences the allele. Eye
facets are white instead of the wild-type
red wherever the allele has been silenced.
Genetic analysis of PEV reveals proteins necessary [After J. C. Eissenberg and S. Elgin,
Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. Nature
for heterochromatin formation
Publishing Group, 2001, p. 3, Fig. 1.]
To find out what proteins might be implicated in the establishment of heterochro-
matin, geneticists isolated mutations at a second chromosomal locus that either
suppressed or enhanced the variegated pattern (Figure 11-24). Suppressors of varie-
gation [called Su(var)] are genes that, when mutated, reduce the spread of hete-
rochromatin, meaning that the wild-type products of these genes are required for
spreading. In fact, the Su(var) alleles have proved to be a treasure trove for scientists
interested in the proteins that are required to establish and maintain the inactive,
heterochromatic state. Among more than 50 Drosophila gene products identified by
these screens was heterochromatin protein-1 (HP-1), which had previously been
found associated with the heterochromatic telomeres and centromeres. Thus, it
makes sense that a mutation in the gene encoding HP-1 will show up as a Su(var)
allele because the protein is required in some way to produce or maintain hete-
rochromatin. Another Su(var) gene was found to encode a methyltransferase that
408 Chapter 11 • Regulation of Gene Expression in Eukaryotes
Su(var) Fewer white+
are silenced.
adds methyl groups to a specific amino acid residue in the tail of histone H3
(called histone H3 methyltransferase or HMTase). One of the reactions catalyzed
by HMTase is shown here:
Proteins similar to HP-1 and HMTase have been isolated in diverse taxa, suggesting
the conservation of an important eukaryotic function.
We have seen that actively transcribed regions are associated with nucleo-
somes whose histone tails are hyperacetylated and that transcriptional activators
such as GCN5 encode a histone acetytransferase activity. As heretofore discussed,
acetyl marks can also be removed from histones by histone deacetylases. Similarly,
chromatin made up of nucleosomes that are methylated at lysine 9 of H3 (called
H3meK9) and bound up with HP-1 protein contain epigenetic marks that are asso-
ciated with heterochromatin. Scientists are now able to separate heterochromatin
and euchromatin and analyze differences in histone modifications and bound pro-
11.6 Chromatin Domains and Their Inheritance 409
teins. The procedure used, chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP), is Heterochromatin may spread
described in Chapter 20. farther in some cells than in others
Figure 11-25 illustrates how, in the absence of any barriers, hete-
rochromatin might spread into adjoining regions in some cells but OFF
not in others and inactivate genes. It could be what is happening to
the white gene of Drosophila when it is translocated near the domain OFF
of heterochromatin associated with the chromosome ends. But can
the spread of heterochromatin be stopped? One can imagine that the OFF
spreading of heterochromatin into active gene regions could be disas-
trous for an organism because active genes would be silenced as they
are converted into heterochromatin. To avert this potential disaster,
the genome contains DNA elements called barrier insulators that
prevent the spreading of heterochromatin by creating a local envi- OFF
ronment that is not favorable to heterochromatin formation. For
example, a barrier insulator could bind HATs and, in doing so, make OFF
sure that the adjacent histones are hyperacetlyated. A model for how
a barrier insulator might act to “protect” a region of euchromatin OFF
from being converted into heterochromatin is shown in Figure 11-26.
Silencing an entire chromosome: X-chromosome
The epigenetic phenomenon called X-chromosome inactivation has FIGURE 11-25 The spread of
intrigued scientists for decades. In Chapter 16, you will learn about the effects of heterochromatin into adjacent
gene copy number on the phenotype of an organism. For now, it is sufficient to euchromatin is variable. In four genetically
know that the number of transcripts produced by a gene is usually proportional to identical diploid cells, heterochromatin
the number of copies of that gene in a cell. Mammals, for example, are diploid and spread enough to knock out a gene in
have two copies of each gene located on their autosomes. For the vast majority of some chromosomes but not others.
Heterochromatin and euchromatin are
genes, both alleles are expressed. However, this is not possible for the sex chromo- represented by orange and green spheres,
somes. As discussed in Chapter 2, the number of the X and Y sex chromosomes dif- respectively. [After M. Gaszner and G.
fers between the sexes, with female mammals having two X chromosomes and Felsenfeld, “Insulators: Exploiting Transcriptional
males having only one. The mammalian X chromosome is thought to contain and Epigenetic Mechanisms,” Nat. Rev. Genet. 7,
about 1000 genes. Females have twice as many copies of these X-linked genes and 2006, 703–713.]
would otherwise express twice as much transcript from these genes as males do if
there were not a mechanism to correct this imbalance. (Not having a Y chromo-
some is not a problem for females, because the very few genes on this chromosome
are required only for the development of males.) This dosage imbalance is cor-
rected by a process called dosage compensation, which makes the amount of
most gene products from the two copies of the X chromosome in females equiva-
lent to the single dose of the X chromosome in males. In mammals, this equiva-
lency is accomplished by random inactivation of one of the two X chromosomes in
each cell at an early stage in development. This inactive state is then propagated to
HP-1 HMTase
FIGURE 11-26 In this model, barrier
M M M M Ac Ac Ac Ac
insulators recruit enzymatic activities such
as histone acetyltransferase (HAT) that
promote euchromatin formation. The letter
“M” stands for methylation and the letters
Heterochromatin Euchromatin “Ac” for acetylation. [After M. Gaszner and
G. Felsenfeld, “Insulators: Exploiting
Transcriptional and Epigenetic Mechanisms,”
Nat. Rev. Genet. 7, 2006, 703–713.]
410 Chapter 11 • Regulation of Gene Expression in Eukaryotes
Different mechanisms of all progeny cells. (In the germ line, the second X chromosome becomes reactivated
dosage compensation in oogenesis). The inactivated chromosome, called a Barr body, can be seen in the
nucleus as a darkly staining, highly condensed, heterochromatic structure.
Female Male Two aspects of X-chromosome inactivation are relevant to a discussion of
Hypertranscription (Drosophila) chromatin and the regulation of gene expression. First, most of the genes on the
inactivated X chromosome are silenced, and the chromosome has epigenetic
1 + 1 =
X 2
marks associated with heterochromatin including methylation of H3 at lysine 9
and hypermethylation of its DNA. Second, genes on the inactivated chromosome
remain inactive in all descendants of these cells. Because the DNA sequence itself
is unchanged, this heritable alteration is an example of epigenetic inheritance.
Interestingly, although diverse taxa exhibit dosage compensation, the compen-
X inactivation (mammals) sation mechanism can differ dramatically. For example, in fruit flies, the expres-
X 1
XY 1
sion of genes on the X chromosome is compensated not by inactivating one of the
two X’s in females, but instead, by doubling the expression of the genes on the one
X in the male (Figure 11-27). This mechanism is characterized by the binding of a
RNA–protein complex, called MSL, along the entire length of the X chromosome
in males (see illustration on page 385). One of the components of the MSL com-
Hypotranscription (C. elegans)
plex is a histone acetyltransferase. Recall that acetylated histones are a main fea-
2 +
2 =
X 1
No Y ture of active chromatin. Thus, the function of the MSL complex appears to be to
add acetyl groups to histones. MSL stands for male-specific lethal, and the complex
was so named because genetic screens for mutations lethal to males identified its
FIGURE 11-27 Dosage compensation can
be achieved by doubling the expression of Message For most diploid organisms, both alleles of a gene are expressed
the male X chromosome (hypertranscription), independently. X inactivation and genomic imprinting are examples of monoallelic
by X inactivation, or by halving the expression. In these cases, epigenetic mechanisms silence one copy of an entire
expression of both female X chromosomes chromosome or of a single chromosomal locus, respectively.
them in both the parental and the daughter strands. This process is accomplished
by the random distribution of the old histones from existing nucleosomes to
daughter strands and the delivery of new histones to the replisome. In this way, the
old histones with their modified tails and the new histones with unmodified tails
are assembled into nucleosomes that become associated with both daughter
strands. The code carried by the old histones most likely guides the modification of
the new histones (Figure 11-28).
The inheritance of DNA methylation is better understood. Semiconservative
replication generates daughter helices that are methylated on one of their two
strands (the parental strand). The unmethylated strands are methylated by DNA
methyltransferases that have a high affinity for these so-called hemimethylated
substrates and are guided by the methylation pattern on the parental strand (Fig-
ure 11-29). Thus, the information inherent in the histone code and the existing
DNA methylation patterns serve to reconstitute the local chromatin structure that
existed before DNA synthesis and mitosis.
Many aspects of eukaryotic gene regulation resemble the reg- mote high levels of transcription through the recruitment of
ulation of bacterial operons. Both operate largely at the level RNA polymerase II to the transcription start site.
of transcription, and both rely on trans-acting proteins that Third, eukaryotic genes are packaged in chromatin.
bind to cis-acting regulatory target sequences on the DNA Gene activation and repression require specific modifica-
molecule. These regulatory proteins determine the level of tions to chromatin. The vast majority of the tens of thou-
transcription from a gene by controlling the binding of RNA sands of genes in a typical eukaryotic genome are turned off
polymerase to the gene’s promoter. at any one time. Genes are maintained in a transcription-
There are three major distinguishing features of the con- ally inactive state through the participation of nucleosomes,
trol of transcription in eukaryotes. First, eukaryotic genes pos- which serve to compact the chromatin and prevent the bind-
sess enhancers, which are cis-acting regulatory elements lo- ing of RNA polymerase II. The position of nucleosomes and
cated at sometimes great linear distances from the promoter. the extent of chromatin condensation are instructed by the
Many genes possess multiple enhancers. Second, these en- histone code, the pattern of posttranslational modifications
hancers are often bound by more transcription factors than of the histone tails. The histone code is an epigenetic mark
are bacterial operons. Multicellular eukaryotes must generate that, along with the methylation of cytosine bases, can be
thousands of patterns of gene expression with a limited num- altered by transcription factors. These factors bind to regula-
ber of regulatory proteins (transcription factors). They do so tory regions and recruit protein complexes that enzymati-
through combinatorial interactions among transcription fac- cally modify adjacent nucleosomes. These large multisubunit
tors. Enhanceosomes are complexes of regulatory proteins protein complexes use the energy of ATP hydrolysis to move
that interact in a cooperative and synergistic fashion to pro- nucleosomes and remodel chromatin.
412 Chapter 11 • Regulation of Gene Expression in Eukaryotes
The existence of epigenetic phenomena such as genetic genome by preventing the conversion of euchromatin into
imprinting and X-chromosome inactivation demonstrates heterochromatin.
that eukaryotic gene expression can be silenced without DNA replication faithfully copies both the DNA se-
changing the DNA sequence of the gene. Another epige- quence and the chromatin structure from parent to daugh-
netic phenomenon, position-effect variegation, revealed the ter cells. Newly formed cells inherit both genetic informa-
existence of repressive heterochromatic domains that are tion, inherent in the nucleotide sequence of DNA, and
associated with highly condensed nucleosomes and contain epigenetic information, which is in the histone code and
few genes. Barrier insulators maintain the integrity of the the pattern of DNA methylation.
Key Terms
activation domain (p. 392) epigenetic mark (p. 402) hypoacetylation (p. 397)
Barr body (p. 410) epigenetic silencing (p. 406) maternal imprinting (p. 402)
barrier insulator (p. 409) euchromatin (p. 405) Mediator complex (p. 394)
chromatin remodeling (p. 395) gene silencing (p. 405) monoallelic inheritance (p. 402)
coactivator (p. 394) genomic imprinting (p. 402) paternal imprinting (p. 402)
constitutive heterochromatin (p. 406) hemimethylation (p. 411) pheromone (p. 399)
corepressor (p. 397) heterochromatin (p. 405) position-effect variegation (PEV)
DNA methylation (p. 402) heterochromatin protein-1 (HP-1) (p. 406)
dosage compensation (p. 409) (p. 407) promoter-proximal element (p. 388)
enhanceosome (p. 398) histone code (p. 397) reporter gene (p. 392)
enhancer (p. 388) histone deacetylase (HDAT) (p. 397) synergistic effect (p. 398)
enhancer-blocking insulator (p. 401) histone tail (p. 396) upstream activating sequence (UAS)
epigenetic inheritance (p. 402) hyperacetylation (p. 397) (p. 388)
1. What analogies can you draw between transcriptional f. Deletion of the GAL1 promoter.
trans-acting factors that activate gene expression in g. Deletion of the GAL3 gene.
eukaryotes and the corresponding factors in bacteria?
Give an example. 4. How is the activation of the GAL1 gene prevented in
2. Contrast the states of genes in bacteria and eukaryotes the presence of galactose and glucose?
with respect to gene activation. 5. What are the roles of histone deacetylation and histone
3. Predict and explain the effect on GAL1 transcription, acetylation in gene regulation, respectively?
in the presence of galactose alone, of the following 6. An ` strain of yeast that cannot switch mating type is
mutations: isolated. What mutations might it carry that would
a. Deletion of one Gal4-binding site in the GAL1 UAS explain this phenotype?
element. 7. What genes are regulated by the α1 and α2 proteins in
b. Deletion of all four Gal4-binding sites in the GAL1 an ` cell?
UAS element. 8. What are Sir proteins? How do mutations in SIR genes
c. Deletion of the Mig1-binding site upstream of GAL1. affect the expression of mating-type cassettes?
d. Deletion of the Gal4 activation domain. 9. What is meant by the term epigenetic inheritance? What
e. Deletion of the GAL80 gene. are two examples of such inheritance?
Problems 413
10. What is an enhanceosome? Why could a mutation in 22. You receive four strains of yeast in the mail and the
any one of the enhanceosome proteins severely reduce accompanying instructions state that each strain con-
the transcription rate? tains a single copy of transgene A. You grow the four
11. Why are mutations in imprinted genes usually dominant? strains and determine that only three strains express the
protein product of transgene A. Further analysis reveals
12. What features distinguish an epigenetically silenced that transgene A is located at a different position in the
gene from a gene that is not expressed, owing to an yeast genome in each of the four strains. Provide an
alteration in its DNA sequence? hypothesis to explain this result.
13. What mechanisms are thought to be responsible for 23. In Neurospora, all mutants affecting the enzymes car-
the inheritance of epigenetic information? bamyl phosphate synthetase and aspartate transcar-
14. What is the fundamental difference in how bacterial bamylase map at the pyr-3 locus. If you induce pyr-3
and eukaryotic genes are regulated? mutations by ICR-170 (a chemical mutagen), you find
that either both enzyme functions are lacking or only
15. Why is it said that transcriptional regulation in eukary- the transcarbamylase function is lacking; in no case is
otes is characterized by combinatorial interactions? the synthetase activity lacking when the transcarbamy-
16. The following diagram represents the structure of a gene lase activity is present. (ICR-170 is assumed to induce
in Drosophila melanogaster; blue segments are exons, and frameshifts.) Interpret these results in regard to a pos-
yellow segments are introns. sible operon.
24. You wish to find the cis-acting regulatory DNA ele-
ments responsible for the transcriptional responses of
two genes, c-fos and globin. Transcription of the c-fos
Enhancer Promoter Enhancer gene is activated in response to fibroblast growth factor
(FGF), but it is inhibited by cortisol (Cort). On the
a. Which segments of the gene will be represented in other hand, transcription of the globin gene is not
the initial RNA transcript? affected by either FGF or cortisol, but it is stimulated
by the hormone erythropoietin (EP). To find the cis-
b. Which segments of the gene will be removed by
acting regulatory DNA elements responsible for these
RNA splicing?
transcriptional responses, you use the following clones
c. Which segments would most likely bind proteins of the c-fos and globin genes, as well as two “hybrid”
that interact with RNA polymerase? combinations (fusion genes), as shown in diagram 1.
The letter A represents the intact c-fos gene, D repre-
CHALLENGING PROBLEMS sents the intact globin gene, and B and C represent the
17. The transcription of a gene called YFG (your favorite c-fos–globin gene fusions. The c-fos and globin exons (E)
gene) is activated when three transcription factors (TFA, and introns (I) are numbered. For example, E3(f) is the
TFB, TFC) interact to recruit the coactivator CRX. TFA, third exon of the c-fos gene and I2(g) is the second
TFB, TFC, and CRX and their respective binding sites intron of the globin gene. (These labels are provided to
constitute an enhanceosome located 10 kb from the help you make your answer clear.) The transcription
transcription start site. Draw a diagram showing how start sites (black arrows) and polyadenylation sites (red
you think the enhanceosome functions to recruit RNA arrows) are indicated.
polymerase to the promoter of YFG.
18. A single mutation in one of the transcription factors in p E1(f) E2(f) E3(f) p
Problem 17 results in a drastic reduction in YFG tran- A
I1(f) I2(f)
scription. Diagram what this mutant interaction might
p p
look like.
19. Diagram the effect of a mutation in the binding site for
one of the transcription factors in Problem 17. p p
20. How does an epigenetically silenced gene differ from a
mutant gene (a null allele of the same gene)? p I1(g) I2(g) p
21. What are epigenetic marks? Which are associated with E1(g) E2(g) E3(g)
heterochromatin? How are epigenetic marks thought
to be interpreted into chromatin structure? Diagram 1.
414 Chapter 11 • Regulation of Gene Expression in Eukaryotes
You introduce all four of these clones simultaneously from the introduced genes in response to various treat-
into tissue-culture cells and then stimulate individual ments are shown; the intensity of these bands is pro-
aliquots of these cells with one of the three factors. Gel portional to the amount of transcript made from a par-
analysis of the RNA isolated from the cells gives the ticular clone. (The failure of a band to appear indicates
following results. The levels of transcripts produced that the level of transcript is undetectable.)
treatment FGF Cort EP
a. Where is the DNA element that permits activation
Clone by FGF?
b. Where is the DNA element that permits repression
by Cort?
D c. Where is the DNA element that permits induction
by EP? Explain your answer.
Diagram 2.