Electrical Power and Energy Systems: S.S. Gokhale, V.S. Kale
Electrical Power and Energy Systems: S.S. Gokhale, V.S. Kale
Electrical Power and Energy Systems: S.S. Gokhale, V.S. Kale
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Over-current relays provide primary as well as backup protection to electrical distribution systems. These
Received 2 December 2014 relays should be coordinated and set at the optimum values, to minimize the total operating time and
Received in revised form 19 November 2015 hence ensure that least damage is caused when a fault occurs. While they provide backup protection,
Accepted 25 November 2015
it is also imperative to ensure that their settings should not cause their inadvertent operation and sub-
Available online 21 December 2015
sequent sympathy trips.
This paper describes a Chaotic Firefly algorithm (CFA) for optimal time coordination of these relays. The
algorithm has been implemented in MATLAB and tested on several systems, out of which two have been
Power system protection
Over-current relay coordination
illustrated in this paper. The results obtained by the Chaotic Firefly algorithm are compared with those
Optimization obtained by the conventional Firefly algorithm (FA). The novel feature of this paper is the application
Firefly algorithm of the Chaotic Firefly algorithm to the problem of over-current relay coordination.
Chaos theory Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Tent maps
0142-0615/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S.S. Gokhale, V.S. Kale / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 78 (2016) 336–342 337
to prevent the search process from being trapped in local minima. where tp,k,min is the minimum operating time and tp,k,max is
Chaos theory is introduced by modifying the concept of random the maximum operating time of relay at bus P for near end
movement factor variable a. fault. Similarly, it is also for other relays.
Two relay coordination cases have been investigated by apply- C. Relay characteristics
ing the conventional Firefly algorithm as well as the Chaotic Firefly The relays are assumed identical, having normal Inverse Def-
algorithm on them. Detailed calculations have been shown. inite Minimum Time (IDMT) characteristics, which can be
described by the equation,
Principle of over-current relay coordination 0:14 ðTMSÞ
t op ¼ ; ð4Þ
PSMð0:02Þ 1
As an example, in the two section radial system shown in Fig. 1,
for a fault beyond bus P (zone k), the relay RP at bus P, operates where top is the relay operating time. The constants 0.14 and
first. The relay RQ at bus Q, serves the purpose of back-up protec- 0.02 are standard for Inverse Definite Minimum Time (IDMT)
tion. As an example if the operating time of relay RP, is set at relay characteristics. TMS is the time multiplier setting and
0.1 s, the relay RQ is set such that it should operate at 0.1 s. Plus PSM is the plug setting multiplier.
the operating time of circuit breaker at bus P, plus the overshoot Irelay
time of relay RQ. Overshoot occurs only for analog relays and not PSM ¼ : ð5Þ
for digital relays.
In general the coordination of directional over-current relays in In the above form of Eq. (4), the problem is non-linear in nat-
power systems can be stated as an optimization problem, where ure. The relay coordination problem can be formulated as a
the sum of operating times of the relays ‘z’ of the system, for a fault Linear programming problem by considering the Plug Setting
is to be minimized. Generally near end faults are considered. (PS) of the relays fixed, and the operating time of the relays,
Mathematically it can be stated as: a linear function of the Time Multiplier Setting. (This simplifi-
cation need not be done always and the problem can be for-
Minimize : mulated and solved as a non-linear problem [11].)
In the linear problem as PSM is fixed, (4) reduces to
z¼ W p tp;k : ð1Þ
p¼1 top ¼ ap ðTMSÞ; ð6Þ
Here m denotes the total number of relays; z is the objective func- where
tion to be minimized; tp,k is the operating time of the primary relay,
for fault in zone k, for near end fault, and Wp is the weight assigned ap ¼ : ð7Þ
for operating time of the relay Rp. PSMð0:02Þ 1
As in distribution systems the lines are short and are nearly Hence, the objective function can be written as,
equal in length, the probability of occurrence of the fault is equal
Minimize :
for all the lines and hence equal weights are assumed and W = 1
is assigned to all the relays [5,20]. This is the general approach. Xm
z¼ ap ðTMSÞp ; ð8Þ
We have also to take into consideration the constraints in the p¼1
subject to the constraints imposed by (2) and (3).
A. Coordination constraints
The relays in the system have to be coordinated by the criterion, Coordination of relays in ring fed systems
t q;k tp;k P STI; ð2Þ A typical single end fed ring main feeder used in distribution
where tp,k is the operating time of the primary relay at k, for systems is shown in Fig. 2. It has the advantage that continuity
near end fault and tq,k is the operating time of the back-up of supply is maintained to all loads even if a fault occurs on any
relay, for the same fault. STI is the Selective Time Interval bus. In such arrangements, some of the relays also require a direc-
and is taken between 0.1 and 0.5 s. This depends on the speed tional feature to implement the protective zones. Relays 2, 4, 6, 8
with which the circuit breakers operate. form one group of relays to be coordinated while 1, 3, 5, 7 form
B. Bounds on the relay operating time another group. These loops had to be separately coordinated previ-
Relays take a certain minimum time to operate. However, they ously but with the use of optimization algorithms, there is no such
should not take too long a time to operate. This puts the need [4,21].
Chaos theory and the Firefly algorithm
t p;k;min 6 t p;k 6 tp;k;max ; ð3Þ
Firefly algorithm (FA)
where rm,n is the Cartesian distance between the mth and nth fly.
If the light intensity of nth firefly is larger than the intensity of
the mth firefly, then the mth firefly moves towards the nth firefly
and its position at the kth iteration is denoted by the following
Maximize :
Im ¼ E: ð12Þ
The attractiveness between the mth and nth firefly, bm,n is given
by, Fig. 3. A tent map.
S.S. Gokhale, V.S. Kale / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 78 (2016) 336–342 339
Fig. 6. Convergence characteristics and variations in alpha with CFA for Case 1.
Table 2
Comparison for TMS and total operating time for the relay system considered in Case
1 obtained using FA and CFA.
Case 2
Table 3
Line data for Case 2.
Table 4
Primary–backup relationships of relays in Case 2.
Table 5
CT ratios and plug settings of relays for Case 2.
Table 6
Relay currents and aP constants for Case 2.