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Electrical Power and Energy Systems 86 (2017) 163–176

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Electrical Power and Energy Systems

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Dual-setting directional over-current relays: An optimal coordination in

multiple source meshed distribution networks
A. Yazdaninejadi, D. Nazarpour, S. Golshannavaz ⇑
Electrical Engineering Department, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: To guarantee a safe operating scheme against the probable faults, an accurate and fast relaying scheme is
Received 21 July 2016 of high priority. This challenge seems to be more sophisticated in multiple source meshed distribution
Received in revised form 22 September networks hosting distributed generations (DGs). In this case, the current experiences bidirectional flows.
More recently, dual-setting over-current relays are evolved as competent countermeasures for such
Accepted 24 October 2016
Available online 1 November 2016
cases. In this way, establishing an optimal coordination strategy is recognized as the first prerequisite
in assuring a safe protection scheme. To this end, the present study aims at minimizing the overall oper-
ating time of primary and backup relays. Typically, the coordination problem is carried out by adjusting
Multiple source meshed distribution
two parameters namely, pick up current (Ip) and time dial setting (TDS). In contradiction, the proposed
networks approach follows a user-defined settings supported by some operating rules. Thus, besides the aforemen-
Dual-setting relays tioned settings, the coefficients of the inverse-time characteristics are also optimized. In other words,
Optimal directional coordination scheme more flexibility is attained in adjusting relay’s characteristic in regard of the network’s loading and topo-
User defined settings logical changes. Furthermore, inclusion of operating rules in main objectives, not only reduces the sum of
Supporting operation rules operating time of all relays, but also increases the efficiency of backup relays regarding the break points
in meshed networks. In other words, the covering zone by each backup relay is increased. The proposed
approach demonstrates a non-linear programming fashion which is tackled based on genetic algorithm
(GA). Several numerical studies are carried out to interrogate the validity of the proposed approach
encountering different fault scenarios. The obtained results are encouraging.
Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction It is evident that DGs are affecting the coordination of DOCRs

via their contributions in fault currents. However, the fault current
Bidirectional power flows in meshed distribution networks con- contribution of each DG depends on its specific technology [1].
tribute to complicated protection schemes compared to unidirec- Inverter-based DGs are limiting the fault currents in the range of
tional currents in radial topologies. This complexity is augmented 1–2 per unit (p.u.) rated currents and thus, manifesting the least
by an increase in the network’s size and scale. In addition, if the adverse effects on coordination process. Contrarily, directly-
network hosts either multiple sources or remarkable capacity of connected synchronous generators (DCSGs) are significantly affect-
distributed generations (DGs), the underlined situation even gets ing the short-circuit levels and increasing the fault currents. Thus,
worst. As the radial distribution systems are portrayed with unidi- these types of DGs remarkably influence the DOCRs’ coordination
rectional power flows, only one backup relay is enough for each process. Several researchers have endeavored to tackle the techni-
primary one. However, this is not the case for multiple source cal hurdles in coordination of DOCRs. As the initial steps, trial and
meshed networks with bidirectional power flow. In these error methods along with deterministic models have been explic-
networks, two or more backup relays are required to assure a safe itly proposed [2,3]. However, they were given up due to high com-
protection scheme. To meet these requirements, directional putational and time-consuming nature. Authors in [4] have
over-current relays (DOCRs) are proposed as suitable and effective contributed on coordination of DOCRs by deploying an efficient
alternatives. In this context, optimal coordination of DOCRs, still, objective function based on network’s topology. The proposed
remains a challenging task. approach has been modeled based on genetic algorithm (GA).
Although demonstrating an acceptable performance, the founded
approach could be improved in terms of reduced miscoordinations
⇑ Corresponding author. and overall operating times. For a specific primary and backup pair,
E-mail address: [email protected] (S. Golshannavaz). miscoordination refers to the case within which the coordination

0142-0615/Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
164 A. Yazdaninejadi et al. / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 86 (2017) 163–176

task is not satisfied and the backup relay acts simultaneously or  A user defined strategy is devised to optimize relaying inverse-
earlier than the primary one. A similar strategy is evolved by Bede- time characteristics;
kar and Bhide to undertake the non-liner nature of the coordina-  An efficient optimization model is established caring the exist-
tion process [5]. Innovatively, the authors have modified the ing constraints;
fundamentals of optimization engine. Specifically speaking,  The proposed approach cuts down the operating time of relays,
instead of using one population in each iteration, several subpopu- sensibly;
lations are scrutinized. Thus, an adaptive approach is developed  The efficiency of backup relays is increased regarding the break
with reduced number of miscoordinations and also decreased time point feature.
of relaying operations. Comparing the intelligent algorithms versus
the commercial solvers, authors in [6] have reported the applica- To accomplish the anticipated goals, some supporting rules are
tion of particle swarm optimization (PSO) against the general alge- also accommodated in the evaluation process. These rules are suit-
braic modeling system. Although, the commercial solvers are ably included in the main objective which steer the optimization
proven as the best options for linear programming, they encounter process toward the optimal coordination solutions. The established
with optimality concerns in non-liner problems. The application of strategy reveals a non-liner optimization approach which is tack-
intelligent algorithms, namely GA-hybrid and PSO-hybrid, is fur- led based on GA. Extensive numerical studies are carried out to
ther explored to solve the directional coordination problem [7,8]. assess the performance of the proposed approach. In this way, 9-
Moreover, the group search optimization algorithm is improved bus and IEEE 14-bus test systems are carefully evaluated consider-
to end in a more optimized coordination task [9]. Authors in [10] ing different fault scenarios. The obtained results are interrogated
have deployed intelligent algorithms to cope with the nonlinear in terms of overall operating time of relays, number of miscoordi-
nature of coordination problem and determine any standard nations, covering zone by backup relays, and aggregated discrimi-
inverse-time characteristics for each relay. The considered charac- nation time.
teristics have been determined as standard-inverse (SI), very- The ongoing study continues as follows: The proposed protec-
inverse (VI), and extremely-inverse (EI). Similarly, the same team tion approach based on dual-setting DOCRs is formulated in Sec-
has contributed to a higher coordination precision based on a tion 2. This section also sheds enough lights on the optimization
non-sorting GA. Although the improvements are remarkable, still, phase of the problem. Section 3 addresses the test systems’ speci-
some miscoordinations are reported [11]. Similarly, authors in fications and articulates about the simulation setups. The investi-
[12] not only are examining different sorts of inverse-time charac- gated test cases and the obtained results are pointed out in
teristics but also are splitting the distribution system to find out Section 4. Eventually, Section 5 concludes the manuscript.
the optimal solutions. As a technical hurdle, the proposed approach
is a topology-dependent one. In addition, the presence of DGs is 2. Proposed protection scheme based on dual-setting DOCRs
explicitly overlooked. Numerical or microprocessor-based relays
are shown to provide user-defined settings adopted for flexible 2.1. An overview on dual-setting DOCRs
and efficient protection capabilities. By this way, it is possible to
implement any desired non-standard inverse-time characteristics. The main objective behind a successful protective scheme is to
ARGUS2 [13] and also GRD110-RGD150 provided by Toshiba [14] realize the least isolation area in a faster manner. As mentioned
are some of the recently developed digital relays which provide earlier, the recently evolved dual-setting relays offer the bidirec-
proper flexibility in tuning desired characteristics coefficients. On tional protection capabilities namely the reverse and forward
this basis, non-standard inverse characteristic have also been directions through a single relay. These opportunities are obtained
explored to augment the coordination precision of DOCRs [15]. numerically without any increase in the total number of relays.
Although the typical values are not assigned, the optimized values Therefore, the reverse side of each relay is deployed as the backup
are maintained within the standard and permissible ranges. More- relay for the next front line [3,19]. The basic concept of these relays
over, an extra feature is comprehended which extends the func- is outlined in Fig. 1. In contradiction to the conventional DOCRs,
tionalities of the recent DOCRs. These sorts of DOCRs, such as this scheme contributes to different pairs in primary and backup
ARGUS2, are featured with dual-setting characteristics which relays. For the sake of clarity, consider a fault occurs in line A.
includes a separate inverse-time characteristics for each of the for- For this case, if the conventional coordination approach is consid-
ward and reverse directions. As the first attempt, authors in [3] ered, R1 is determined as the primary relay being backed up by R3.
have applied dual-setting DOCRs for the protection purposes in This is while, for the case of dual-setting relays and for the same
meshed and interconnected networks. By deploying the typical conditions, R1fw is assigned as the primary one supported by R2rv
characteristics, the authors have interestingly applied an optimiza-
tion process to adjust the time dial settings (TDSs) and pick up cur-
rents (IP) in both forward and reverse directions. Although there is
a great improvement in reducing the tripping times of relays, the
founded approach could be further extended. As these numeric
relays are benefitting from a mature design and implementation, R3
they are easily programmed by the users. Thus, effective function- Line A
alities could be included in software applications, if needed. As
mentioned earlier, this feature enables the implementation of user
defined inverse-time characteristics through the optimized param-
eters [16–18]. Such issues are not dealt in the preceding approach.
The present study is also dealing with application of R1 R2
dual-setting DOCRs for protecting the multiple source meshed
distribution networks. Thus, an optimal strategy is devised for
DOCRs coordination problem aiming at minimization of the overall :Communication link
operating time of relays. In this process, the main contributions
could be listed as follows: Fig. 1. A typical distribution network.
A. Yazdaninejadi et al. / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 86 (2017) 163–176 165

as its backup. To avoid the operation of R3, a communication link is Table 1

considered to send a block signal on behalf of R2rv. Thus, compared Conventional inverse-time characteristics: constant parameters.

to the former case, this approach significantly reduces the overall Curve type Parameter
operating time of relays. Eliminating the communication link and A B C
resetting the forward R3 with the backward R2 deploying higher
SI 0.14 0.02 0
CTI, such as 3  CTI, seems to be a techno-economic alternative VI 13.5 1 0
against the proposed approach. It should be noted that in this case, EI 80 2 0
the operating time of the forward R3 for the faults inside its pro-
tected zone increases, sensibly. Evidently, the fault clearance is
delayed which instigates the components’ damages and reduces
their operating lifetime. Such a case is more intensified in meshed flexibility and extensibility. Accordingly, by observing some basic
networks where in a specific loop the existing relays would show rules, the operator could easily encode these relays to reshape
the backup role, too. Consequently, the operating time of relays the relay’s inverse characteristics and hence, improve the protec-
increases too. Accordingly, elimination of communication link tion quality. Furthermore, some technical amendments could be
and deploying higher CTI does not seem as a technical solution applied to tune the corresponding characteristics to increase the
and hence, is given up. relaying precision and efficiency. Both of the basic and supplemen-
It should be mentioned that the communication link is only tary rules are regarded as some operating constraints which should
applied for backup relays. Accordingly, in the case of failures or be satisfied. Thus, the coordination task of dual-setting DOCRs with
unexpected delays in communication links, the primary relays the established constraints, could be modeled as an optimization
are not affected and the protection scheme isolates the faulty sec- problem. This section is devoted to disclose how the proposed
tion in a timely manner. As an example, consider the fault point in model extracts and deploys proper rules and technical constraints,
Fig. 1. If such a fault happens, the primary relay R1 isolates the in three steps.
faulty section irrespective of the communication link status. If R1 Step 1: Each relay affords a minimum operating time for pro-
fails to operate due to a malfunction or any failure in communica- tecting the maximum fault currents at the sending terminal of pro-
tion link, R2 fails to respond. However, the forward direction of R3 tected line. This time in denoted by t min and should be granted for
isolates the fault, successfully. secure operations. For the near-end point, if the inverse-time char-
In the context of dual-setting relays and going through the acteristic satisfies such conditions, the adjustments of this charac-
pioneered research, authors have proposed the optimal control of teristic are not important for the area beforehand. To clarify this
TDS and Ip parameters for both the forward and reverse directions. issue, Fig. 3(a) and (b) are considered. Recalling Eq. (1), it can be
These parameters are denoted by (TDSfw, Ipfw) and (TDSrv, Iprv), easily deduced that manipulating the parameter C influences the
illustrated in Fig. 2. In this figure, three different inverse-time relay operating time. Fig. 3(a) depicts the inverse-time characteris-
characteristics are depicted, recognized as SI, VI, and EI. tics for C ¼ 0 and C ¼ 0:15. It can be observed that as this param-
Mathematically speaking, the inverse-time characteristics of eter takes negative values, the inverse-time characteristics is
each relay is governed by Eq. (1). As the standard definitions are dropped down toward the horizontal axis and even crosses it. Con-
adopted in the aforementioned study, some of the parameters, sequently, it is possible to reduce the operating time of all relays.
namely A, B, and C, are explicitly assumed as known values. The Although the characteristics is crossing the horizontal axis, how-
typical values for these parameters are reported in Table 1. This ever, the C value is determined such that for the near end faults,
adoption has simplified the optimization problem in terms of tmin is guaranteed. Such a notice can be made through Fig. 3(b).
computational complexity. This figure demonstrates that if the fault occurs along the pro-
0 1 tected line, namely between Buses 1 and 2, proper operating times
B A C are adjusted for the relaying task. Furthermore, the worst fault,
t ¼ TDS@ B þ CA ð1Þ located exactly in front of the relay, is protected by assuring t min .
1 However, for the left side of Bus1, the shape of inverse-time char-
acteristics is not concerned, at all. Thus, its crossing with the hor-
izontal axis falls beyond the relay’s protected area, and hence, is
2.2. Extracting protection constraints based on technical aspects overpassed. As justified, the proposed approach assumes negative
values for parameter C and includes it as a part of optimization
As stated before one of the main merits of numerical relaying process. However, the minimum operation time tmin is accommo-
alludes to its user defined feature which extends the relaying dated as a running constraint.
Step 2: To confirm the coordination of backup and primary
relays, it is necessary to meet the coordination time interval,
3 denoted by CTI. Contrarily, the discrimination time Dt should be
made minimized to yield in a fast protection scheme. To do so,
2.5 EI the proposed approach innovatively deploys an exponential pen-
alty term to steer the solutions toward the desired operating
2 Reverse direction Forward direction

TDS(rv), Ip(rv)
region. Consequently, the discrimination time along with miscoor-
TDS(fw), Ip(fw)
1.5 dination notice is reduced. The proposed penalty curve is depicted
in Fig. 4. As can be seen, for negative discrimination times, namely
1 Dt < 0, a large constant value is added to the exponential curve,
too. This term makes the optimization engine to get far from such
regions. Therefore, the solution is directed toward the region with
0 Dt > 0. This consideration alleviates the possibility of miscoordina-
-10 -5 0 5 10
tion task, significantly. For positive Dt, if it gets larger than a,
Multiple of pickup current
an exponential penalty factor is augmented to the objective func-
Fig. 2. Three different inverse-time characteristics including SI, VI, and EI for a dual- tion. Thus, the optimization engine is trained to move toward the
setting DOCR. region with Dt 6 a, which is named the safe area. This inclusion
166 A. Yazdaninejadi et al. / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 86 (2017) 163–176

t (sec.)
← R @ (C=0)
Time (s)

0.5 Zero point “Z ”

out of the
← R @ (C= - 0.15) protected line

-0.5 I(A) Relay Bus

0 2 4 6 8 10 Bus1
4 2
If(A) x 10

(a) (b)
Fig. 3. (a) Inverse-time characteristics for C = 0 and C = 0.15, (b) detailed sketch of inverse-time characteristics along the protected line with C = 0.15.

Safe area
Proposed penalty curve

10 M

Time (s)
Shifted to right by increasing Ip
0 a 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Δ t (s) Multiple of pick up current
Fig. 4. Proposed penalty curve for the optimization process. Fig. 5. Inverse-time characteristics against different pickup currents.

guarantees the minimum attainable operating time in relaying task Ip equals to 344.3. In this case, the backup relay covers 12% of the
and affects in determination of characteristics coefficients, namely line, successfully. If Ip equals to 469.5 A, backup relay covers only
A and B. 8% of the line. It can be easily inferred that how much the pickup
Step 3: Moreover than A, B, and C, pickup current of each relay is current gets smaller, a zone with higher percentage of line is cov-
the other impressive factor. Relays should differentiate the short- ered. Based on this view, the proposed approach sets the pickup
term over-load currents with that of fault currents. For the former, current at the minimum attainable value.
no tripping is required. To do so, a minimum value is assigned as
the pickup current for relay activations. This value is selected 3. Formulating the proposed coordination approach
greater than the maximum load current and thus satisfies the nor-
mal operating conditions. Furthermore, the successful operation of As clarified earlier, the proposed approach aims at optimizing
relays should be granted even for small fault currents. Thus, the the parameters TDS, Ip, A, B, and C to yield in an optimal directional
minimum fault current is supposed to be greater than the pick coordination scheme through the enhanced inverse-time character-
up settings. This current level is assigned as the maximum limit istics. This notion is applied on all dual-setting DOCRs. The final
for the pickup current which is included in the optimization pro- goal, declared in Eq. (2), is to minimize the overall operating times
cess. In this way, the proposed approach determines the optimal of all relays incorporating both the primary and backup processes.
amount of Ip , too. To more analyze the effect of this parameter,
suppose that Ip is set between 1:1  Imax max
load and 1:5  I load . Fig. 5 illus-
trates the changing trend of inverse characteristics against the
variations in Ip . As can be seen, by increasing the pickup current 2500
The current through backup
relay in line13-6 for faults

or decreasing the multiple of pickup current denoted by M, the Current in forward direction
time inverse characteristics in forward and reverse directions are 2000
Line13-6 Line 6-12
shifted to the right and left sides, respectively. Thus, any increase
in line6-12

in Ip decreases the covering zone of protected line from its far 1500
end. Another case may also result to a more serious problem. In Current in reveres direction
interconnected and meshed networks, if the fault point is passed 1000
over a specific percentage of line, the flow direction reverses. Thus,
the backup relay does not see the fault currents, at all. To exemplify 500
this situation, a typical fault is triggered in one of the lines of IEEE
14-bus test system. The obtained result is demonstrated in Fig. 6. 0
0 20 40 60 80 100
As can be seen, in 17.5% of line length, the current direction x% of line 6-12
reverses. The maximum load current in this line is 313 A. There-
fore, Ip could be optimized between 344.3 and 469.5 A. Let assume Fig. 6. Changing the fault current direction in meshed networks.
A. Yazdaninejadi et al. / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 86 (2017) 163–176 167

Furthermore, effective penalty factors are integrated to the main pointed out, the minimum pickup current is in line with the maxi-
objective to steer the optimization engine toward the desired mum percentage of covering lines. The minimum and maximum of
regions. pickup currents depend on system load current and system short-
circuit capacity. Here, l is equal to 1.05 and Ipmin is assigned such
N X X 
Minimize T ¼ t fwij þ t rv ij that the minimum fault currents are covered, properly.
i¼1 j¼1
8 9 Ipfwj ; Iprv j ¼ Ipmin 8Ipmin ¼ maxfmaxðgILoad Þ; minðIFault Þg
< if Dt > a log jDt  aj >
= ð10Þ
þ if Dt < 0 log jDt  1j þ v ð2Þ
: >
if 0 6 Dt 6 a 0 Note that the voltage level variation does not threaten the general-
ity of the established approach. Any change in voltage level affects
In this equation, t fw and trw denote the operation times for the for- the short circuit levels of the power system for which the proposed
ward/primary and reverse/backup relays, respectively. Index i approach tunes relevant characteristics coefficients.
counts the possible N fault points, j represents the number of each Eventually, to assure the security of the proposed protection
relay, and M is the total number of relays. Dt models the discrimi- strategy, the operating time of each relay should also be regarded.
nation time between pair relays. Constant a defines the boundary To this end, the following constraint considers the minimum and
of safe area. Considering the explanations provided in steps 1–3, maximum permissible times, appointed by 0.1 and 2.5 s,
proper penalty factors are introduced in the form of exponential respectively.
and constant terms. In this view, v is a large constant making the
tmin 6 tfwj ; t rv j 6 tmax ð11Þ
solutions to retreat the miscoordination notice. Moreover, the expo-
nential term strictly directs the solution toward minimum discrim- It is evidently recognized that the proposed coordination approach
ination times. for dual-setting DOCRs represents a non-linear programming fash-
As the dual-setting relays are operated in both directions, sepa- ion which is tackled based on GA. The established chromosome,
rate adjustments should be performed for each of the forward and depicted in Fig. 7, incorporates the unknown variables in the opti-
reverse directions. Thus, considering a typical relay Rj , each of the mization process. As can be seen, the encoded chromosome consists
parameters A; B; and C are separately tuned in forward and reverse eight strings devoted to allocate the optimal solution for TDS, A, B,
operating times, denoted by Eqs. (3) and (4). and C in both forward and reverse directions.
0 1 To enhance the capability of GA in optimizing the coordination
B Afwj C problem, a successive optimization approach is deployed. In this
t fwj ¼ TDSfwj @ Bfwj þ C fwj A ð3Þ
Isci process, when the current evaluation of the problem terminates,
1 the obtained solution is stored as the starting point of the next
0 1 evaluation. This approach goes on until less than 2% variations
are recorded. By this way, a near-optimal solution is certified for
B Ar v j C the investigated study.
t rv j ¼ TDSrv j @ Brv j þ C rv j A ð4Þ
Ipr v j
4. Test system evaluations and general discussions
Developing optimal strategies for directional coordination problem
depends on preserving effective technical constrains. One of the 4.1. System specifications
most important constraints refers to the discrimination time equa-
tion, represented in (5). The 9-bus and IEEE 14-bus test systems are numerically ana-
Dt fw;rv ik ¼ t rv ik  t fw ik  CTI P 0 8i; k ð5Þ lyzed to evaluate the performance of the proposed coordination
approach and discuss its promising features over the existing
In this equation, CTI abbreviates the coordination time interval and approaches. These systems are typical multiple source meshed net-
is defined as the minimum time between the primary/forward relay works suitable for the similar studies. The 9-bus test system,
with the corresponding backup/reverse relay. This parameter usu- shown in Fig. 8(a), is renowned to P.M Anderson system. This sys-
ally falls in 0.2–0.5 s. The ongoing study sets it at 0.3 s. Moreover, tem contains 3 generators, 3 transformers, 6 lines, and hence 12
Dtfw;rv k is the operating time of k-th relay pair which should be sat- dual-setting relays. The nominal frequency of this system is
isfied based on the established equation. 60 Hz. Detailed information regarding the generators parameters,
The parameters of inverse-time characteristics should be prop- lines characteristics, and loads could be accessed in [20]. Similarly,
erly capped within their corresponding intervals. Hence, suitable the IEEE 14-bus test system, depicted in Fig. 8(b), is known as
constraints are considered for TDS; A; B; and C in Eqs. (6)–(9). Washington network consisting of a meshed sub-transmission sys-
tem. It mainly contains 5 generators, 3 transformers, 15 lines, and
TDSmin 6 TDSfwj ; TDSrv j 6 TDSmax ð6Þ
hence 30 dual-setting relays. The nominal frequency of this system
is 60 Hz. Detailed data regarding the generators, transformers, and
Amin 6 Afwj ; Arv j 6 Amax ð7Þ
lines parameters could be accessed in [21].
Bmin 6 Bfwj ; Brv j 6 Bmax ð8Þ
4.2. Numerical results
C min 6 C fwj ; C rv j 6 C max ð9Þ
Both of the test systems are implemented in DIgSILENT
Considering constraint (6), for each relay, TDS is capped within the PowerFactory 14.3.1 platform which is a well-developed software
lower and upper permissible range, determined as 0.1 and 3, for bulk power system studies. At the outset, the bolted three-
respectively [13]. Considering the constraints 7, 8, and 9, the max- phase faults, only at midpoint of lines are considered and the coor-
imum limit for A; B; and C are determined as 13.5, 1, and 1, respec- dination task is executed. However, it is well-recognized that the
tively. Likewise, 0.14, 0.02, and 1 are allocated as the minimum coordination strategies which are based on one specific fault point,
caps of these parameters, respectively. The pickup current is set may not satisfy all of the protection constraints, particularly for the
at the minimum attainable value, represented by Eq. (10). As far-end faults. To improve the quality of coordination approach,
168 A. Yazdaninejadi et al. / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 86 (2017) 163–176

Fig. 7. The proposed chromosome.

Line 3 Line 4
R5 F3 R6 R7 F4 R8
R4 R9
2 7 8 Line 5 F5 9 3
F2 Line 2
R3 R10
5 6
R2 Line 1 Line 6 R11
F1 F6
R1 R12

G 1


11 12 13 14


6 8 9 10
C Synchronous condenser

G Generator

4 5 Dual setting DOCR


1 2 3

Fig. 8. Single line diagram for (a) 9-bus test system and (b) IEEE 14-bus test system.

the second case considers multi-point faults analyses. Thus, three 4.2.1. Numerical studies on 9-bus test system
different points, namely near-end, far-end, and midpoint faults Single-point coordination based on midpoint faults. At first,
are considered across the protected line to be cared in coordination the protection scheme of 9-bus test system is coordinated based
process. The obtained results are compared against the recent on the conventional. The optimal settings are reported in Table 2.
approach proposed in [3], hereinafter, called as conventional TDSfw and Ipfw correspond to forward/primary relays whereas
approach. Initially, the 9-bus test system is examined without TDSrv and Iprv correspond to reverse/backup relays. The obtained
any DG penetration. Afterwards, the IEEE 14-bus test system is operating times of relays in both primary and backup processes
investigated in depth and the proposed approach is thoroughly are reflected in Table 3. Six cases are considered to test the
explored. Subsequently, this network is integrated with DG units. single-point faults at the midpoint of lines 1–6, respectively
The effects of DG’s capacity and its installation bus are carefully denoted by F1–F6. It can be seen that the coordination time inter-
studied. Eventually, the performance of the founded approach is vals between pair relays (primary and backup) is successfully
tested in regard of faults impedance. At each of these case studies, granted at 0.3 s. In brief, the total operating time based on the con-
detailed discussions and illustrations are provided. ventional approach is determined as 12.71 s.
A. Yazdaninejadi et al. / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 86 (2017) 163–176 169

Table 2
Optimal results for dual-setting relays in 9-bus test system based on conventional approach: single-point method.

Relay No. Parameter

TDSfw Ipfw TDSrv Iprv

1 0.1000 0.1265 0.1000 0.1265

2 0.1000 0.1551 0.1949 0.1551
3 0.1000 0.2178 0.1339 0.2178
4 0.1000 0.2343 0.1000 0.2343
5 0.1000 0.2057 0.1008 0.2073
6 0.1000 0.2079 0.1378 0.2079
7 0.1000 0.0935 0.2547 0.0935
8 0.1000 0.0649 0.1816 0.0649
9 0.1000 0.1694 0.1000 0.1694
10 0.1000 0.1661 0.1346 0.1661
11 0.1000 0.0946 0.2319 0.0946
12 0.1000 0.0825 0.1241 0.0825

Table 3 backup relays are drastically reduced. Most of the primary relays
Optimal operating times of primary and backup relays in 9-bus test system based on are experiencing the minimum operating times, namely 0.1 s. The
conventional approach: single-point method.
overall operating time of the primary and backup relays is obtained
Fault point Operating times of relays in s (p = primary, as 6.0282 s, demonstrating a significant 52.57% decrease against the
b = backup) conventional approach. To provide a fruitful illustration, let assume
p b a particular fault to be analyzed based on the conventional and pro-
F1 R1: 0.2613 R12: 0.5613 posed approach. F3 is selected. In conventional approach, R5 and R6
R2: 0.4264 R3: 1.0306 are determined as two primary relays being backed up by R4 and
F2 R3: 0.5926 R2: 0.8926 R7, respectively. Referring to Table 2, the primary relays are trip-
R4: 0.3115 R5: 0.6115
ping at 0.3209 and 0.4707 s, respectively. In the case of failure,
F3 R5: 0.3209 R4: 1.0306
R6: 0.4707 R7: 0.7707
the backup relays are tripping at 1.0306 and 0.7707 s, respectively.
F4 R7: 0.2802 R6: 0.5802 This is while, based on the results in Table 5, the proposed approach
R8: 0.2221 R9: 0.7640 assigns the primary relays R5 and R6 to trip at 0.1080 and 0.1060 s,
F5 R9: 0.3447 R8: 0.6447 respectively. In addition, if the primary relays are failed to respond,
R10: 0.4129 R11: 0.7129
the backup relays R4 and R7 are trip at 0.4080 and 0.4060 s, respec-
F6 R11: 0.3403 R10: 0.6403
R12: 0.2240 R1: 0.576 tively. These remarks are approving the outperformance of the pro-
posed approach in reducing the operating times of both primary
and backup relays, assuring a fast-response protection scheme. In
graphical illustrations, Fig. 9(a) and (b) demonstrates the overall
Regarding the proposed approach, the minimum value is desired discrimination times and operating times based on the proposed
for Ip. However, not only TDS is adjusted for each relay, but also the and conventional approaches. Fig. 9(a) depicts that the proposed
characteristics coefficients including A, B, and C are also optimized approach settles the discrimination time of pair relays at zero
in both forward and reverse directions. The obtained results are whereas the conventional approach does not reflect such records.
reported in Table 4. As justified in the proposed methodology, Moreover, Fig. 9(b) displays that the proposed approach performs
assigning negative values for parameter C greatly reduces the oper- such that the backup relaying operating time even gets smaller than
ating time of relays. Regarding the results in Table 4, it can be the primary relays by the conventional approach. This stands as a
observed that most of the dual-setting relays are directed toward superior technical achievement. Although the established approach
negative values for this parameter. Besides, the coordination con- demonstrates a non-linear manner, its performance is improved
straints are sensibly satisfied. The operating time of relays, obtained sensibly.
based on the proposed approach, is given in Table 5. With respect to
this table, it can be easily inferred that the main constraint Multi-point coordination based on midpoint, near-, and far-
represented by Eq. (5), is granted for all relays. Moreover, it is end faults. The coordination process, carried out based on fault at
evidently observed that the operating times of primary and midpoint of protected line, depreciates the coordination quality

Table 4
Optimal results for dual-setting relays in 9-bus test system based on proposed approach: single-point method.

Relay No. Parameter

TDSfw TDSrv Ipfw Iprv Afw Ar v Bfw Brv C fw C rv

1 2.5341 1.0952 0.1360 0.1277 4.7348 1.9440 0.9887 1.0000 0.3800 0.4846
2 0.3255 0.5679 0.1788 0.1579 4.3033 2.4912 0.9998 0.9998 0.9724 0.0232
3 1.4272 0.7009 0.2181 0.2391 1.5750 2.6191 0.9977 0.8375 0.6454 0.9786
4 0.6070 0.5547 0.2678 0.2682 1.2918 0.9345 0.5168 0.8602 0.5129 0.8491
5 0.1000 0.9199 0.2057 0.2067 7.6491 2.6691 0.7225 1.0000 1.0000 0.8112
6 0.3446 0.6645 0.2566 0.2342 3.1916 5.5757 0.9849 0.9876 1.0000 1.0000
7 1.4093 1.4241 0.1075 0.1114 3.7101 1.8352 0.9703 0.6497 0.3764 0.3517
8 0.5763 1.2499 0.0765 0.0765 3.0586 5.0256 0.9912 1.0000 0.0108 0.7098
9 0.3456 0.4544 0.1759 0.1717 1.8545 1.1443 0.8148 0.9805 0.1849 0.0626
10 0.1003 0.6423 0.1902 0.1776 2.9794 2.4441 0.9989 1.0000 0.2332 0.1939
11 0.1040 0.9377 0.1176 0.1063 4.3478 2.9972 0.7782 0.9796 0.4629 0.0010
12 0.5304 0.4479 0.0945 0.0825 11.8035 1.9081 0.9964 0.9879 0.5096 0.3489
170 A. Yazdaninejadi et al. / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 86 (2017) 163–176

Table 5 of the proposed approach. Regarding the overall operating time of

Optimal operating times of primary and backup relays in 9-bus test system based on relays, the conventional approach lasts 43.3267 s whereas the
proposed approach: single-point method.
proposed strategy decreases it to 31.1960 s. Thus, a fast-response
Fault point Operating times of relays in s (p = primary, fault clearance is guaranteed. More interestingly, the contribution
b = backup) of the proposed approach to far-end faults prevails the perfor-
p b mance of the conventional method in near-end faults. The total
F1 R1: 0.1000 R12: 0.4000 discrimination times for both the conventional and the proposed
R2: 0.1001 R3: 0.4000 approach are reported as 7.1735 and 6.7029 s, respectively. These
F2 R3: 0.1000 R2: 0.4000 remarks are noticeably approving the technical performance of
R4: 0.1000 R5: 0.4000
the proposed approach.
F3 R5: 0.1080 R4: 0.4080
R6: 0.1060 R7: 0.4060
F4 R7: 0.1000 R6: 0.4000 4.2.2. Numerical studies on 14-bus test system without DG allocation
R8: 0.1000 R9: 0.4000
F5 R9: 0.1000 R8: 0.4000 Single-point coordination based on midpoint faults. In this
R10: 0.1059 R11: 0.4059 system, several cases are considered to study the faults at mid-
F6 R11: 0.1000 R10: 0.4000 points of protected lines. In coordination process of dual-setting
R12: 0.1000 R1: 0.4000 DOCRs based on the conventional approach, the obtained results
are reported in Table 8. Moreover, the proposed approach is
deployed to optimally assign the required settings for these relays.
Results are reflected in Table 9. As clarified, Ip is steered toward the
and hence, some of the technical constraints may be violated for minimum value to increase the percentage of zone covering in cor-
the far-end faults. To enhance the quality of the coordination task responding lines. Not only the parameter TDS is adjusted for each
and extend it as a reliable solution, the multi-point coordination relay, but also the coefficients of inverse-time characteristics
strategy is developed and implemented on 9-bus test system. including A, B, and C are also optimized in both forward and
Typically, the two-point [10] or three-point [13] approaches are reverse directions. It is revealed that assigning negative values
regarded as accurate enough. Accordingly, this study employs for parameter C reduces the operating time of relays, sensibly.
three-point method which considers the faults in near-end, mid- Thus, by observing the required constraints, this parameter is per-
point, and far-end of protected lines. By this way, the coordination mitted to experience the negative values. With respect to this
solution provides optimal and reliable results for dual-setting table, it can be seen that most of dual-setting relays are directed
relays to clear versatile faults in different points along the line. toward negative values.
To establish a comparison basis, the three-point approach is eval- The operating times for both primary and backup relays which
uated based on both conventional and the proposed approach. are acquired based on the proposed and conventional methods,
Results are respectively attained in Tables 6 and 7. are reflected in Table 10. Tripping times of primary and backup
Following the coordination process, Fig. 10(a)–(f) demonstrates relays are identified by t p and tb ; respectively. Also, this table
the performance of the established approach in regards of different includes the discrimination times for both approaches. It is recog-
faults in the mentioned points. In these figures, both of the primary nized that the coordination time intervals between pair relays (pri-
and backup relays are represented in horizontal axes, sequentially. mary and backup) is successfully granted in the proposed approach.
For instance, relay number 1 identifies two relays, namely R1 as In other words, the main constraint represented by Eq. (5), is
the primary in forward direction, and also the same label for the assured for all relays. Moreover, it is evidently observed that the
backup relay in the reverse direction. The operating times of pri- operating times of primary and backup relays are drastically
mary and backup relays in near-end, midpoint, and far-end faults reduced. Most of the primary relays experience the minimum oper-
are respectively demonstrated in Fig. 10(a)–(c). Fig. 10(a) shows ating times, namely 0.1 s. However, the conventional strategy does
the tripping time of relays against the fault at near-points. As can not satisfy the coordination of all pair relays. Two miscoordination
be seen, the proposed approach contributes to a lower tripping is observed for this strategy, highlighted in light gray. Regarding
times for both the primary and backup relays. Furthermore, the discrimination times, near-zero values are obtained based on
Fig. 10(d)–(f) represents the discrimination times of relays in both the proposed approach. Meanwhile, the conventional approach
the conventional and the proposed approach. yields in greater values.
With respect to these figures, it can be easily recognized For the conducted analysis, the operating time of all relays
that in coordination process, the proposed approach reduces the demonstrates 38.69% reduction compared to that of the conven-
discrimination times compared to the conventional approach. tional approach. Moreover, a separate column is devoted to report
Thus, a proper coordination is obtained manifesting the superiority the zone coverage by the corresponding relay. The improvements

Discrimination time (s)

Proposed scheme Proposed primary

Conventional scheme Proposed backup
0.4 Conventional primary
1 Conventional backup
Time (s)



-0.2 0
2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Pair relay No. Relay No.
(a) (b)
Fig. 9. Performance of the proposed and conventional approach in single point method (a) discrimination time, (b) overall operating time of relays.
A. Yazdaninejadi et al. / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 86 (2017) 163–176 171

Table 6
Optimal results for dual-setting relays in 9-bus test system based on the conventional approach: three-point method.

Relay No. Parameter

TDSfw Ipfw TDSrv Iprv

1 0.1000 0.1265 0.1233 0.1265

2 0.1000 0.1551 0.2146 0.1551
3 0.1000 0.2178 0.1309 0.2475
4 0.1000 0.2343 0.1000 0.2343
5 0.1000 0.2057 0.1138 0.2057
6 0.1000 0.2079 0.1554 0.2079
7 0.1000 0.0935 0.2574 0.0935
8 0.1000 0.0649 0.2169 0.0649
9 0.1000 0.1694 0.1000 0.1694
10 0.1000 0.1661 0.1431 0.1693
11 0.1000 0.0946 0.2523 0.0946
12 0.1000 0.0825 0.1583 0.0825

Table 7
Optimal results for dual-setting relays in 9-bus test system based on the proposed approach: three-point method.

Relay No. Parameter

TDSfw TDSrv Ipfw Iprv Afw Ar v Bfw Br v C fw C rv

1 0.6833 0.2483 0.1343 0.1349 3.2120 2.1380 0.7832 0.6388 0.2287 0.3715
2 0.6936 0.4985 0.1734 0.1718 2.2650 8.6377 1.0000 0.9994 0.3751 0.4826
3 0.3213 0.2333 0.2687 0.2180 2.7097 8.4646 0.7424 0.9960 0.8779 0.9000
4 0.1708 0.3751 0.2637 0.2343 7.8205 0.9580 0.9931 0.8191 0.3832 0.3786
5 0.1000 0.1692 0.2114 0.2057 8.7103 2.5957 0.9995 0.6080 0.2996 0.2498
6 0.3637 0.3007 0.2223 0.2292 1.9558 3.2140 0.7436 0.7318 0.6071 0.1541
7 0.2419 0.4984 0.0945 0.1058 0.1465 1.6414 0.6540 0.7348 0.3832 0.5991
8 0.2504 0.2830 0.0649 0.0694 2.2857 5.1609 0.4837 0.6126 0.1518 0.0074
9 0.1000 0.7354 0.2007 0.1838 1.9845 0.7670 0.6238 0.9949 0.4123 0.2237
10 0.5197 0.3278 0.1661 0.1751 2.7256 2.4784 0.8583 0.9583 0.3690 0.5181
11 0.2216 0.4412 0.0977 0.1008 1.0143 6.3909 0.5636 0.7235 0.0260 0.2870
12 0.1405 0.1000 0.1085 0.0874 8.2373 6.3354 0.8382 0.4872 0.0648 0.1362

Conventional primary Conventional backup Proposed primary Proposed backup

0.8 2
Time (s)

Time (s)

Time (s)


0.4 0.5 1

0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Relay No. Relay No. Relay No.
(a) (b) (c)

Conventional Proposed

Δ t (s)

Δt (s)

Δ t (s)

0.1 0

-0.05 0 -0.5
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Pair relay No. Pair relay No. Pair relay No.
(d) (e) (f)
Fig. 10. Comparison of the proposed approach versus the conventional method in single-point approach. Operating times of relays for (a) near-end, (b) midpoint, and (c) far-
end faults. Discrimination times for (d) near-end, (e) midpoint, and (f) far-end faults.

are highlighted in dark gray. As can be seen, the proposed approach Multi-point coordination based on midpoint, near, and far-end
extends the covering zone of line and withstands against the faults. Similar to the previous test system, the multipoint coordi-
change of current direction. nation approach is implemented to increase the quality of the
172 A. Yazdaninejadi et al. / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 86 (2017) 163–176

Table 8
Optimal results for dual-setting relays in 14-bus test system based on the conventional approach: single-point method.

Relay No. Parameter Relay No. Parameter

TDSfw TDSrv Ipfw Iprv TDSfw TDSrv Ipfw Iprv

1 0.1000 0.1000 0.3704 0.1472 16 0.1000 0.2291 0.3260 0.1540

2 0.1000 0.1000 0.3968 0.1578 17 0.1000 0.1000 0.3240 0.1340
3 0.1000 0.1000 0.3222 0.1493 18 0.1000 0.1931 0.3120 0.1512
4 0.1000 0.1033 0.3904 0.3130 19 0.1000 0.1000 0.3682 0.3701
5 0.1000 0.1000 0.3705 0.3130 20 0.1000 0.1606 0.4547 0.3433
6 0.1000 0.1000 0.3138 0.1120 21 0.1000 0.1461 0.3071 0.1370
7 0.1000 0.1000 0.2350 0.1292 22 0.1000 0.2480 0.2350 0.1274
8 0.1000 0.1260 0.2635 0.1983 23 0.1000 1.6056 0.2551 0.1684
9 0.1000 0.1000 0.2092 0.1958 24 0.1000 0.1965 0.1740 0.1959
10 0.1000 0.1509 0.2149 0.0689 25 0.1000 0.2858 0.1907 0.0680
11 0.1000 0.1817 0.1020 0.0892 26 0.1000 0.2937 0.1021 0.0680
12 0.1000 0.2002 0.1196 0.0315 27 0.1000 0.3549 0.1040 0.0290
13 0.1000 0.1101 0.2885 0.0383 28 0.1000 0.3236 0.2980 0.0290
14 0.1000 0.1430 0.2746 0.0980 29 0.1000 0.2542 0.2730 0.1019
15 0.1000 0.1437 0.1330 0.1079 30 0.1000 0.2674 0.1575 0.0980

Table 9
Optimal results for dual-setting relays in 14-bus test system based on the proposed approach: single-point method.

Relay No. Parameter

TDSfw TDSrv Afw Ar v Bfw Brv C fw C rv

1 0.1000 0.5017 6.9670 2.1232 0.5611 0.7581 0.3441 0.9991

2 0.1000 0.2166 4.4737 4.7393 0.5469 0.5941 0.7009 0.5059
3 0.1000 0.6723 5.5776 1.1322 0.5208 1.0000 0.5224 0.1762
4 0.1000 0.3950 2.7460 3.4318 0.5279 0.7901 0.0026 0.3736
5 0.1000 0.2405 3.2858 2.8441 0.4617 0.2670 0.3532 0.4987
6 0.1000 0.3893 4.2181 2.3661 0.7036 0.5924 0.5722 0.5124
7 0.1000 0.8646 5.8453 1.4305 0.5409 1.0000 0.0139 0.9680
8 0.1000 1.3408 2.3445 1.0989 0.4083 0.8275 0.1892 0.0120
9 0.1000 0.1541 6.6962 7.3682 0.5453 0.9726 0.0887 0.2755
10 0.1000 0.5766 6.3472 1.6796 0.7127 0.4745 0.1072 0.0199
11 0.1000 0.7736 6.8669 2.3910 0.5765 0.6998 0.3182 1.0000
12 0.1000 0.7475 8.7508 5.3699 0.6447 0.9961 0.9979 0.2321
13 0.1000 0.2689 3.7453 4.2049 0.5113 0.6514 0.2144 0.1458
14 0.1000 0.2863 5.9890 5.5075 0.7350 0.9647 0.0745 0.1016
15 0.1000 0.5511 2.0652 5.2106 0.1459 0.8826 0.1509 0.0985
16 0.1000 1.5540 6.8936 2.1037 0.5790 0.5302 1.0000 1.0000
17 0.1000 0.2628 5.3449 3.9623 0.3555 0.9993 0.0581 0.9970
18 0.1000 1.1638 4.9442 5.6076 0.6081 0.9271 0.1215 0.4137
19 0.1000 0.8813 9.1950 1.1080 0.5425 0.9772 0.9119 0.4165
20 0.1000 1.0347 6.8783 3.7964 0.8951 0.9138 0.3938 0.7909
21 0.1000 0.9114 11.0653 4.1929 0.4901 1.0000 0.2762 0.1013
22 0.1000 1.2650 4.6704 7.2685 0.4918 0.7844 0.1141 0.0564
23 0.1000 1.3624 8.3351 5.7950 0.5594 0.6042 0.0662 0.4983
24 0.1000 2.1087 9.5924 1.8929 0.8401 0.7969 1.0000 0.7939
25 0.1000 0.9263 8.2529 6.5250 0.3416 0.7319 0.5110 0.3121
26 0.1000 2.0071 3.8546 2.7889 0.3592 0.6999 0.4348 0.3437
27 0.1000 1.1657 6.7331 6.6301 0.4087 0.7118 0.2619 0.5016
28 0.1000 1.4084 2.2861 6.2152 0.1456 0.8881 0.1876 0.1244
29 0.1000 0.9509 3.0398 4.9241 0.2950 0.8685 0.0043 0.5521
30 0.1000 1.3716 5.7699 5.3380 0.5188 0.9330 0.1788 0.2968

coordination process and extend it as a reliable solution. Again, the the proposed approach drastically reduces the operating time of
three-point method focusing on the faults in near-end, midpoint, relays. Moreover, a sensible decrease in discrimination time of all
and far-end of the protected line is deployed. This thought is relays is experienced by the proposed approach. All of the relays
implemented on both the conventional and the proposed approach are reflecting near-zero discrimination times. However, the con-
for which, the optimal set-points for dual-setting DOCRs are ventional approach not only instigates higher discrimination times,
demonstrated in Tables 11 and 12. As regard of this method, the but also number of miscoordinations are noticed. For instance, a
overall operating time of relays are obtained as 66.47 and fine attention on these figures reveals that pair relay 41, including
105.51 s for the proposed and the conventional approaches, R15 in forward direction and R19 in reverse side, is not coordi-
respectively. These times are obtained for both the primary and nated, properly.
backup processes. Obviously, a remarkable decrease equal to 37%
is obtained by the proposed approach. To provide a better 4.2.3. Numerical studies on 14-bus test system: evaluating the size and
representation, the operating times of relays and discrimination site of DGs
times are illustrated in Fig. 11(a)–(f), respectively for the near- To further investigate the efficiency of the proposed coordina-
end, midpoint, and far-end faults. It can be evidently seen that tion approach, the IEEE 14-bus test system is deemed to host DG
A. Yazdaninejadi et al. / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 86 (2017) 163–176 173

Table 10
Optimal results for operating times of relays in 14-bus test system: single-point method.
174 A. Yazdaninejadi et al. / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 86 (2017) 163–176

Table 11
Optimal results for dual-setting relays in 14-bus test system based on the conventional approach: three-point method.

Relay No. Parameter Relay No. Parameter

TDSfw TDSrv Ipfw Iprv TDSfw TDSrv Ipfw Iprv

1 0.1000 0.1000 0.3260 0.4601 16 0.1000 0.2372 0.1330 0.1550

2 0.1000 0.1398 0.3242 0.3240 17 0.1000 0.1000 0.1345 0.1340
3 0.1000 0.1000 0.3122 0.4033 18 0.1000 0.2130 0.1340 0.1531
4 0.1000 0.1290 0.3120 0.3120 19 0.1000 0.1000 0.3130 0.4589
5 0.1000 0.1000 0.3070 0.4533 20 0.1000 0.2066 0.3130 0.3133
6 0.1000 0.1000 0.3070 0.4605 21 0.1000 0.2069 0.1146 0.1120
7 0.1000 0.1000 0.2350 0.3046 22 0.1000 0.2737 0.1120 0.1124
8 0.1000 0.1273 0.2340 0.3196 23 0.1000 1.5148 0.1680 0.2261
9 0.1000 0.1000 0.1742 0.2610 24 0.1000 0.2286 0.1682 0.1680
10 0.1000 0.1509 0.1741 0.2534 25 0.1000 0.2816 0.0683 0.0713
11 0.1000 0.2318 0.1020 0.1020 26 0.1000 0.2978 0.0680 0.0700
12 0.1000 0.2081 0.1044 0.1040 27 0.1000 0.4009 0.0290 0.0336
13 0.1000 0.1785 0.2710 0.2710 28 0.1000 0.3493 0.0290 0.0290
14 0.1000 0.1508 0.2730 0.4095 29 0.1000 0.3321 0.0981 0.0980
15 0.1000 0.1834 0.1332 0.1419 30 0.1000 0.2828 0.0980 0.0980

Table 12
Optimal results for dual-setting relays in 14-bus test system based on the proposed approach: three-point method.

Relay No. Parameter

TDSfw TDSrv Afw Ar v Bfw Brv C fw C rv

1 0.1000 1.5108 8.8969 0.7971 0.6184 0.7861 0.5825 0.9370

2 0.1000 0.5556 6.5050 1.6148 0.6405 0.4793 0.0453 0.7946
3 0.1000 0.1900 5.9418 5.3529 0.5158 0.8811 0.2355 0.9998
4 0.1000 0.5251 2.5144 1.5139 0.4314 0.4832 0.2021 0.8372
5 0.1000 1.4342 3.4034 0.4081 0.4428 0.0200 0.0474 0.9995
6 0.1000 0.5847 6.6988 1.5266 0.8278 0.4814 0.1444 0.9991
7 0.1000 0.4850 10.2882 2.1287 0.6694 0.6837 0.1115 0.9983
8 0.1000 0.7274 7.6634 2.4270 0.6918 0.8098 0.2648 0.9907
9 0.1000 0.4306 7.2319 2.7319 0.5155 0.6326 0.7627 1.0000
10 0.1000 0.8140 6.7401 2.1054 0.5663 0.6988 1.0000 0.8060
11 0.1000 1.5900 6.6627 1.1930 0.5797 0.5902 0.4931 0.7871
12 0.1000 2.1526 7.6024 1.7380 0.5473 0.9010 0.0580 0.6373
13 0.1000 1.4598 7.0907 1.0676 0.7756 0.6046 0.0780 1.0000
14 0.1000 0.7649 5.6116 1.5484 0.6614 0.5177 0.7277 0.7730
15 0.1000 1.2670 7.4171 2.3702 0.4408 0.7790 0.4363 0.2818
16 0.1000 0.3213 9.7205 3.9891 0.6823 0.4162 1.0000 0.4132
17 0.1000 0.2797 6.2841 2.0106 0.3817 0.5672 1.0000 0.9396
18 0.1000 0.7624 2.4194 4.5346 0.3602 0.6305 0.3428 0.8798
19 0.1000 0.6937 9.3139 0.8620 0.5900 0.3439 0.2211 0.9901
20 0.1000 1.1929 6.0447 2.2975 0.8017 0.6544 0.1034 0.6825
21 0.1000 0.9485 8.7002 1.9689 0.5029 0.5193 0.2363 0.7766
22 0.1000 0.9206 8.3368 6.0756 0.6710 0.6555 0.1962 0.0612
23 0.1000 1.2293 7.5021 13.2979 0.4729 0.4298 1.0000 0.3814
24 0.1000 1.1867 5.2999 3.4763 0.6537 0.7548 0.0499 0.4021
25 0.1000 1.2798 5.8832 3.0855 0.4105 0.6031 0.1783 1.0000
26 0.1000 0.6806 5.2418 7.4028 0.3864 0.6431 0.8741 0.4682
27 0.1000 1.7337 7.6867 6.0575 0.4340 0.7053 0.0300 0.7124
28 0.1000 1.2119 6.9204 2.5007 0.3425 0.5231 1.0000 0.3658
29 0.1000 0.7708 4.6545 1.8873 0.4002 0.4688 0.1528 0.1158
30 0.1000 1.1334 8.6096 4.4045 0.6287 0.7498 0.6601 1.0000

units. This feature intensifies the bidirectional power flows in the the technical validity of the proposed approach in granting a reli-
network and hence, threatens the generality and validity of the able protection strategy for DG hosted multiple source networks.
directional coordination techniques. If these units are based on As can be seen, the proposed directional coordination approach
synchronous generators, such as the ongoing study, their contribu- is not affected by the variations in network’s topology. Encounter-
tion to fault currents are so remarkable. To assess the performance ing different topologies, the proposed approach is executed again
of the proposed vision versus the conventional approach, different to yield in relevant set-points for that specific topology. Such a
case studies are considered to accommodate DGs at the network, point is noticed by simulating two different test systems and dif-
interrogating the effects of installation buses and sizing issues. ferent integrations of DG units. In all of these cases, the proposed
These cases are introduced in Table 13, for which the operating approach revealed a proper protection scheme.
times and miscoordinations are also provided. With respect to
the results, it can be deduced that the proposed approach accom- 4.2.4. Numerical studies on 14-bus test system: evaluating the effects
modates the integration of DG units and assigns proper set- of fault resistance
points for dual-setting DOCRs. Thus, the overall operating time is Moreover than the bolted three-phase faults, the proposed
decreased and no any miscoordination is seen. This notice confirms approach explores the faults with different impedances. Table 14
A. Yazdaninejadi et al. / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 86 (2017) 163–176 175

Conventional primary Conventional backup Proposed primary Proposed backup

1 4
0.8 2

Time (s)
Time (s)

Time (s)
0.6 1
0.4 0 0
0.2 -1 -2
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
Relay No. Relay No. Relay No.
(a) (b) (c)

Conventional Proposed

0.8 4
Δ(t) (s)

Δ(t) (s)
Δ(t) (s)

0 -2
0.2 -2 -6
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
Pair relay No. Pair relay No. Pair relay No.
(d) (e) (f)
Fig. 11. Comparison of the proposed approach versus the conventional method in three-point manner. Operating times of relays for (a) near-end, (b) midpoint, and (c) far-
end faults. Relaying discrimination times for (d) near-end, (e) midpoint, and (f) far-end faults.

Table 13
Optimal results for dual-setting relays in 14-bus test system based on the proposed approach: DG integration plans.

DG integration plan Conventional approach Proposed approach Time reduction (%)

Operation time (s) Operation time (s)
Bus No. Size (MVA) ðtp þ t b Þ ðtp þ tb Þ

– – 24.9075 15.2710 38.69

10 5 25.2315 15.6428 38.00
10 10 25.1182 15.2115 39.44
14 5 25.2201 15.3477 39.14
14 10 24.8744 15.5391 37.53
10, 14 5, 5 25.1396 15.2627 39.29
10, 14 5, 10 25.2219 15.4226 38.85
10, 14 10, 10 25.1976 15.8642 37.04

discloses several cases to analyze this issue. As can be seen, different 4.3. Results validation
fault resistances are probed in coordination task of dual-setting
DOCRs. Results demonstrate the superior performance of the pro- As mentioned earlier, a successive optimization approach based
posed approach versus the conventional one. In other words, the on GA is deployed in optimization process. Three different optimiza-
higher flexibility in defining optimal coefficients of inverse-time tion platforms are tested to validate the performance of the
curves corroborates a fast-response and reliable coordination proposed approach in attaining near-optimal solutions. As Fig. 12
strategy. demonstrates, the proposed GA-based and PSO algorithms con-
tribute to similar solutions with less than 2% variations. Accordingly,
near-optimal solutions are attained for coordination problem based
on which the outperformance of the proposed approach is certified.
Table 14
Contrarily, the conventional GA approach fails in responding a
Overall operating time of relays in 14-bus test system: exploring the effect of fault
resistance. proper solution bounded within the specified bound.

Rfault ðXÞ Overall operation time (s)

Conventional Proposed Time reduction (%) 5. Concluding remarks and future research line
approach approach
0 24.9075 15.2710 38.68 This study concerned the directional coordination problem in
0.01 24.9944 15.2769 38.87 multiple source meshed distribution networks with DG integra-
0.05 24.9978 15.2958 38.81 tions. To overcome the bidirectional power flows in such networks,
0.1 25.0020 15.3228 38.71 the application of dual-setting DOCRs in both the forward and
0.2 25.0082 15.3699 38.54
0.5 25.0139 15.5333 37.90
reverse directions was proposed. In an attempt to end in the opti-
mal set-points for these relays, a mathematical framework was
176 A. Yazdaninejadi et al. / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 86 (2017) 163–176

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