Optim 2014 6850887
Optim 2014 6850887
Optim 2014 6850887
------------------------------------------------------------------------- The light intensity of the mth firefly Im is related to the fit-
Define Objective function f(x) ; ness function. The relationship maybe proportional or inverse
⎧ ⎫
I m = f ⎨ Fitness ( Χ m )⎬ (12)
⎩ ⎭ Sr.
Relay RB- ap con-
Loca- Relay RA - ap constants
In this paper FA searches for an optimal solution by maximiz- No.
ing the function ‘Light Intensity’ which is obtained from the
relay operating time minimization function by: 0.14
Just = 2.63
Maximize: 1 beyond (13.33) ( 0.02 ) −1 -------
Bus A
1 (13)
I m=
1+ z Just 0.14 0.14
2 beyond = 2.97 =2
The attractiveness between the mth and nth firefly, βmn, is giv- Bus B (10)(0.02) −1 (30) (0.02) −1
en by,
'---' indicates that the fault is not seen by that relay
z = 2.97x1 + 5.749x2 + 5.749x3 + 2.97x4 (20)
Total Operat- Subject to coordination constraints,
Firefly Genetic Linear
Algorithm Algorithm Programming
5 . 749 x 4 − 5 . 749 x 2 ≥ 0 . 57 (21)
'z' 0.365 0.37 0.399
5.749 x1 − 5.749 x3 ≥ 0.57 (22)
2 . 97 x 4 ≥ 0 . 2 (26)
This problem has four dimensions ('nd ' =4). The equations
were solved using the Firefly algorithm with α taken as 0.2.
The population size was taken as 40 and the number of itera-
tions was taken to be 500.
The TMS obtained are shown in Table 5 and the results ob-
tained are compared with those obtained by Genetic algorithm
and linear programming technique. Again fifty iterations of
each were taken.
The total operating time for all the relays given by (1) for
the three methods is shown in table No. 6.
As seen FA gives total operating time 'z' =0.326 s which is
Apart from the radial system of Fig.1, the case of the paral- least compared to that obtained by genetic algorithm and Lin-
lel feeders, fed from a single end is also tested by the Firefly ear programming method.
algorithm. Fig.2 shows this system. Relays 1 and 4 are non-
directional relays, whereas 2 and 3 are directional relays. The PROGRAMMING METHOD.
relays are assumed to have plug setting of 1 and the corre-
sponding current transformer ratios are 300:1. Relay 4 will Firefly Genetic Linear
Relay TMS
back up relay 2 for fault at A and relay 1 will back up relay 3 Algorithm Algorithm programming
for fault at B. Total fault current in each case is assumed to 1 x1 0.131 0.134 0.159
be 4000A.
2 x2 0.032 0.035 0.039
The currents and ap constants of the relays are shown in
Table 4. 3 x3 0.032 0.035 0.039
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