1.drinking Water Distribution Systems
1.drinking Water Distribution Systems
1.drinking Water Distribution Systems
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Decisions on protecting public health against drinking water systems contamination threats should be
Received 2 September 2012 made with careful consideration of credibility of threat observations and adverse impacts of response on
Received in revised form system serviceability. Decision support models are developed in this study to prepare water utility op-
23 September 2013
erators for making these critical decisions during the intense course of an emergency. A pressure-
Accepted 24 September 2013
dependent demand model is developed to simulate the system hydraulics and contaminant propaga-
Available online 17 October 2013
tion under pressure-deficit conditions that emerge after the response actions are executed. Contrary to
conventional demand-driven models, this hydraulic analysis approach prevents potential occurrence of
Water distribution system
negative pressures during the simulation and may identify better response protocols through exploring a
Contamination larger search space. Response mechanisms of contaminant containment and discharge are optimized
Emergency management using evolutionary algorithms to achieve public health protection with minimum service interruption.
Evolutionary computation Sensitivity analyses are conducted to assess optimal response performance for varying response delay,
Multiobjective number of hydrants, and intrusion characteristics. Different methods for quantifying impacts on public
Pressure-dependant demand analysis health and system serviceability are explored and the sensitivity of the optimal response plan to these
different formulations is investigated. The simulation-optimization schemes are demonstrated and
discussed using a virtual water distribution system.
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1364-8152/$ e see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Rasekh, K. Brumbelow / Environmental Modelling & Software 51 (2014) 12e25 13
contaminant containment and flushing operation rules for the contamination scenario which is treated as a model input here are
achievement of conflicting response objectives. explained and a series of existing contaminant source identification
methods are introduced. This is followed by a detailed description
2. Problem statement and solution approach of the pressure-dependant demand and exposure models for the
simulation of contamination events under pressure-deficit condi-
Emergency response is a progressive, interactive, and adaptive tions. Optimization objective functions and decision variables are
process that includes parallel activities of assessing unusual then explained along with an overview of the evolutionary-
contamination observations and making appropriate emergency computation-based optimization algorithms used in this study.
response decisions. As more information is obtained about
contamination, emergency management progresses through three 3.1. Contamination scenario
threat stages of “possible,” “credible,” and “confirmatory” (as
described in RPT) accompanied by an increase in seriousness of the Optimization of emergency response protocols needs to be
threat impacts and magnitude of response decisions. While public performed for a given WDS contamination scenario, which is
health protection is the primary response focus, emergency man- defined by a set of attributes including: (1) site(s) of contaminant
agement should carefully consider other potential consequences on intrusion, (2) contaminant type, (3) contaminant mass, (4) time of
infrastructure serviceability due to response implementation, spe- year, (5) the time of day the contamination event is started, and (6)
cifically in the early stages of the process where the attack credibility the intrusion duration (Rasekh and Brumbelow, 2013). The
level is relatively low. At this stage, a multiobjective response plan is simulation-optimization models developed here treat the
useful to identify the balance between actions taken to protect contamination scenario as input information. This scenario could
public health against a potential threat and limiting overaction that be a potential critical and base scenario for which the response
adversely impacts the ability of the system to meet multiple aspects protocols need to be optimized before an emergency occurs
of its overall mission. Nevertheless, if streaming threat information (Perelman and Ostfeld, 2010; Rasekh and Brumbelow, 2013).
and observations corroborate occurrence of a contamination event, Alternatively, it can be a scenario that is occurring and being
minimizing potential health impacts becomes the sole primary characterized by applying a contaminant source identification
objective that should be sought for. Under these circumstances, the model (Preis and Ostfeld, 2006; Zechman and Ranjithan, 2009;
large size of multiobjective optimization results may not be deci- Hart et al., 2009; Liu et al., 2011a; Rasekh and Brumbelow, 2012;
pherable for making timely emergency decisions and use of a single- Gugat, 2012; Shen and McBean, 2013) linked with the sensor
objective model may become preferable. network (Ostfeld et al., 2008; Janke et al., 2009). Therefore, the
To date, limited research has addressed this multicriteria nature simulation-optimization models developed here can be employed
of the contamination emergency response problem (Preis and after the potential critical or design basis scenarios have been
Ostfeld, 2008; Alfonso et al., 2010). Multiobjective frameworks characterized during the emergency preparedness phase or a real
proposed so far have only considered hydrant and valve locations as contamination scenario has been identified during a contamination
decision variables and have not optimized the operation timing. emergency.
While these studies have considered the number of operational
actions as an emergency response criterion, the important criterion 3.2. Hydraulic simulation under pressure-deficit conditions
of system service interruption has not been explicitly addressed.
Moreover, previous single and multiobjective studies have used Behavior of a WDS under normal operating conditions is most
demand-driven analysis (DDA) to simulate WDS behavior, and this commonly simulated using standard DDA models like EPANET
assumption inevitably limits the optimization search space to (Rossman, 2000) for design, operation, and rehabilitation purposes.
response protocols that do not cause excessively low pressure in DDA models are formulated on the premise that nodal water de-
the WDS. This may unfavorably filter out many possible response mands are known and completely met during the simulation
protocols with a high potential for reducing the health impacts. period so that nodal pressure and pipe flows can be calculated by
In the light of these needs, this study develops and integrates a solving a system of quasi-linear equations (Wu et al., 2006). Pro-
hydraulic pressure-dependant demand model (PDDM) and evolu- jections of network behavior that are based on DDA are reasonably
tionary optimization schemes to find the optimal emergency accurate under normal conditions when pressures are sufficiently
response protocols with explicit consideration of two important high. Under abnormal pressure-deficit conditions caused by
response criteria: (1) public health impacts, and (2) system service emergency response actions, however, DDA may illustrate a dis-
interruption. Emergency response is treated as both single and torted image of the true system behavior.
multiobjective optimization problems to address utility managers’ A standard DDA solves a system of energy and continuity
needs under different conditions. Operational rules for contami- equations to calculate unknown nodal heads and pipe flow rates
nant containment and discharge locations and timing are explicitly (Todini and Pilati, 1988; Rossman, 2000). This system of equations
treated as optimization decision variables. Sensitivity analyses are may be extended to include pressure-dependant demand functions
performed to provide insight into effective response protocols and (PDDF) as well to relate pressurized water availability to existing
assess sensitivity of optimal protocols to different parameters such nodal head under pressure-deficit conditions (Laucelli et al., 2012).
as response delay. Different formulations for quantifying impacts Full pressure-driven analysis approaches solve this extended sys-
on public health and service availability are examined with the help tem of equations simultaneously to determine unknown nodal
of the PDDM and an exposure model. Performance of the proposed demands, nodal heads, and pipe flow rates (Laucelli et al., 2012).
schemes is investigated using the WDS of Mesopolis virtual city, Alternatively, the standard DDA model may be iteratively run and
which resembles the interdependency and interconnectedness of nodal demands are updated sequentially after each iteration using
realeworld complex water distribution networks. the PDDFs until a satisfactory convergence is achieved (Liu et al.,
2011b; Jun and Guoping, 2013; Kanta and Brumbelow, in press).
3. Model development This modeling approach is used in this paper. A major advantage of
this approach is that it allows benefiting from the computational
Contamination scenario and the simulation and optimization efficiency and robustness of hydraulic and quality simulators of the
models will be described in this section. Different attributes of a well-established EPANET software. The fact that many existing
14 A. Rasekh, K. Brumbelow / Environmental Modelling & Software 51 (2014) 12e25
effects, decay, and reaction with pipe wall materials and other X
existing species are not considered. EPANET-MSX (Multi-Species fH2 ¼ mi (3)
eXtension) (Shang et al., 2008) may be used to enable EPANET to i¼1
model complex reaction schemes between multiple chemical and
biological species. The obtained WDS quality analysis results, where Np ¼ the population size served by the WDS; ai ¼ a binary
represented as spatial and temporal concentration of contaminant index; md ¼ known toxic dose; mi ¼ total contaminant mass
in the system, are exported to a human exposure model for eval- ingested by individual i during the whole course of event that is
uation of public health impacts. calculated by the PDDM and exposure model:
3.3. Human exposure model mi ¼ Vi;j Ci;j (4)
Adverse health impact, defined here as either the number of
sicknesses or the total ingested contaminant mass resulting from a where NI ¼ number of water ingestion events for consumer i,
contamination event, is estimated using the PDDM and water Vi,j ¼ volume of water ingested by individual i at ingestion event j,
quality simulation model coupled with an exposure model. The and Ci,j ¼ concentration of contaminant in water volume ingested
quantity of contaminant ingested by individuals during a by consumer i at ingestion event j. Vi,j ¼ 0.186 liter (calculated
contamination event depends on water ingestion pattern, time- through dividing daily water ingestion rate of 0.93 by 5 daily in-
varying concentration of contaminant, and availability of drink- gestions times) if water is available for individual i at ingestion
ing water under pressure-deficit conditions. An individual is event j, and zero, otherwise. Water availability is affected by the
assumed to become sick if the cumulative amount of contaminant flushing and isolation actions taken by the managers during the
ingested during a contamination event exceeds a known toxic emergency.
dose. The timing-of-ingestion model selected for this study as- Function fH1 explicitly represents the health impacts in terms of
sumes that tap water is ingested at the common starting times for morbidity while fH2 projects the health consequences in the more
the three major meals (7:00, 12:00, and 18:00) and times halfway implicit form of ingested mass. However, fH2 does not require that
between these meals (9:30 and 15:00), given that there is water toxic dose be known in advance, which greatly simplifies the
available for drinking at a consumer’s demand node. The tap water analysis since this value is often difficult to determine and subject
intake rate used in the exposure model is central to accuracy of to high variance among individuals. When information is available
estimated impacts and is set to 0.93 L/day here based on USEPA to construct a probabilistic doseeresponse model (Chick et al.,
(2004). 2001), the population fH1 affected by a particular scenario may be
estimated probabilistically with consideration of the dosee
response uncertainties (Ostfeld et al., 2008).
3.4. Optimization objective functions
3.4.2. WDS service interruption
Quantification of emergency response criteria is the first step for
Interruption to system serviceability is also mathematically
the preparation of the optimization model. Different measures may
expressed using two different measures. The first measure is the
be formulated to quantify two important objectives of reducing
total number of hours the volume of water supplied to consumers is
public health impacts and system service interruptions. This study
below a certain percentage of their demand. Alternatively, the
investigates two distinct formulations for each of these criteria and
second measure sums up the difference between water demand
analyses the sensitivity of optimal response plan to each quantifi-
and supply for all consumers during the whole course of the
cation method.
emergency. Mathematically,
Np Fig. 2 shows a schematic arbitrary timeline of contamination
fH1 ¼ ai ; ai ¼ 1 if mi > md ; ai ¼ 0 otherwise (2) emergency period and contaminant containment and discharge
i¼1 operations. The optimal order of response actions and their timing
16 A. Rasekh, K. Brumbelow / Environmental Modelling & Software 51 (2014) 12e25
Table 1
Contamination scenarios.
Scenario Location Loading (kilograms) Demand multiplier Start time Duration (hour) fH1 (people) fH2 (grams)
eastern area through closing only two mains. Closure of CVS 5 and 6
shuts down the East and West WTPs, respectively. CVS 7 isolates
the highly populated residential area in the western part of the city
from both WTPs by closing only two mains. CVS 8 allows the
western area to be supplied by only West WTP and is thus helpful if
the East WTP is contaminated. Finally, CVS 9 includes three mains
and completely disconnects the eastern network from central and
western areas.
Model emitter discharge coefficients for hydrants are set to
166.5 gpm/psi0.5 (associated with a 3-inch diameter connection fire
hydrant) to calculate pressure-dependant outflow in the PDDM.
Values of Hiser and Himin for the PDDM are based on engineering
design standard of the cities of Bryan and College Station, Texas
(Cities of Bryan and College Station, 2005). Under normal condi-
tions, a design head of 35 psi should be maintained throughout the
Fig. 6. Single-objective optimization convergence history for five GA runs. It is asso- system. Water outflow at a connection is assumed to be unavailable
ciated with the East Scenario, a 6-h response delay, and 5 hydrants.
if its pressure drops below 20 psi, the minimum allowed during fire
flow conditions. Because the PDDM developed here involves an
iterative process, a convergence criterion should be devised. It is
industrial, and commercial/institutional nodes, representing a mid- considered to be when the percentage of demand nodes whose
size city of nearly 147,000 residents. The diurnal demand patterns current category has been switched falls below a preset value. It is
for three representative consumer types are illustrated in Fig. 4. set to 1% in this study. Under the very rare occasions when the
This study accounts for the spatial and temporal variability of de- iteration does not converge after a preset maximum time period,
mands but consideration of demand uncertainties requires appli- which is two minutes here, the solution is discarded. The optimi-
cation of optimization algorithms beyond those used here (Jin and zation results show that it occurs to only nearly 0.2% of all solutions.
Branke, 2005; Kasprzyk et al., 2012).
Response plans are optimized here for two particular contami- 4.2. Single-objective optimization
nation scenarios that are listed in Table 1. The demand multiplier
associated with each scenario is representative of aggregate water The single-objective model is applied first to identify optimal
demand for a WDS that typically varies throughout the year. The subset of hydrants and their operation timing that minimize the
contaminant agent is arsenic with a toxic dose of md ¼ 3.5 mg for a health impacts formulated as fH1 and fH2. Appropriate genetic al-
body weight of 70 kg as reported by White (1999). The contami- gorithm settings are determined based on sensitivity analyses.
nation zone associated with West and East Scenarios is their major Crossover and mutation rates are 0.80 and 0.05, respectively. SBX
distinction. Contamination of West WTP leads to contamination of crossover distribution and polynomial mutation indices are set to
a limited western region, while the entire Mesopolis network is 15 and 5, respectively. Population size is set to 40, and the model is
contaminated if the contamination occurs at the East WTP. Both run for 200 generations. Fig. 6 shows optimization convergence
contamination scenarios occur in the third day of simulation, which during the evolution process of five random GA runs for the East
is when the system has reached dynamic equilibrium. Temporal Scenario, nh ¼ 5, a response delay of 6 h. The observation that all the
accumulation of total ingested contaminant mass as the emergency randomly seeded runs lead to a similar reduction in health impacts
proceeds is illustrated in Fig. 5 for both contamination scenarios. It may be experimentally interpreted as the model’s acceptable
is observed that the health impacts practically reach a maximum robustness and efficiency in finding optimal response protocols.
intensity after 6 days and this duration is thus set as the model Complete demonstration of the model’s performance, however, is
simulation period. subject to availability of the global optimal response protocols.
Nine CVSs are considered here as shown in Fig. 3 based upon Optimal reduction in health impacts with increasing number of
WDS connectivity, hydraulic simulations, WDS developers’ under- hydrants is illustrated in Fig. 7 for both contamination scenarios
standing of the system behavior, and computation intensity limi- and health impact formulations. Increasing number of flushing
tations. CVS 1, 2, and 3 are located on long mains that transmit locations leads into greater reduction in health consequences,
water to far sections of WDS. CVS 4 allows isolation of a large which is not surprising. The consistently decreasing slope of the
Fig. 7. Percentage reduction in health impacts for varying number of hydrants for a 6-h response delay using two formulations of (a) total number of sicknesses fH1, and (b) total
ingested mass of contaminant fH2.
A. Rasekh, K. Brumbelow / Environmental Modelling & Software 51 (2014) 12e25 19
Fig. 8. Percentage reduction in health impacts for varying response delay for 5 hydrants using two formulations of (a) total number of sicknesses fH1, and (b) total ingested mass of
contaminant fH2.
curves, however, suggests that opening an additional hydrant is not the population sectors that are at high exposure risk (i.e.,
as effective when a larger number of hydrants are opened. ingested contaminant mass above the toxic dose). Fig. 9(b) shows
Degradation of optimal response protocols performance with that the protocols that are based on fH1 may even magnify the
increasing response delay is observed in Fig. 8. Prolonged public exposure severity for the population who are at a very high risk
exposure and extended contamination area are majorly responsible (ingested contaminant mass above nearly 10 mg). These obser-
for this decreasing efficiency of emergency response practices. The vations may be explained by the fact that every person in the
response mechanism of contaminant flushing is reasonably effec- population that ingest a mass of contaminant greater than the
tive for short response delays but its performance rapidly di- toxic dose contribute equally to fH1 measure, no matter how
minishes with increasing delay. Figs. 7 and 8 indicate that much greater. This is, however, not true for the fH2 measure.
contamination would be noticeably better controlled when it Considering the population at low risk (ingested mass below the
happens at the West WTP than the East WTP. This observation may toxic dose), it is similarly observed that the response protocols
be attributed to the smaller impact area associated with the West based on fH2 are superior when the East Scenario occurs. When
Scenario. the West WTP is contaminated, however, this observation does
Public exposure to contaminated water varies for different not hold.
population segments across the city once a contamination event The optimal response protocols associated with the two
occurs. The understanding of this variance and how it is affected by contamination scenarios, fH2 health impacts formulation, and
implementing response actions can be improved through analyzing response delays of 6 and 12 h are graphically illustrated in Fig. 10. It
the cumulative distribution curves of ingested contaminant mass is observed that the optimal hydrant locations are concentrated in a
presented in Fig. 9. The vertical axis indicates the percentage of limited western area when the West WTP is contaminated whereas
total population that has ingested a mass of contaminant below the the optimal flushing locations are scattered over a larger eastern
corresponding value on the horizontal axis. fH1 is the population on region if the East WTP is the contamination site. This is linked to the
the vertical axis above the cross point of toxic dose line with each impact areas associated with the West and East contamination
cumulative curve, while fH2 is the area between the curve and scenarios. Provision of these optimal response maps for finer dis-
vertical axis after it is transformed to absolute population values cretization of response delay and other vulnerable nodes would
(i.e., multiplying the percentage values by the total population of serve as a supportive visual aid for utility managers to respond to
Mesopolis). the contamination in a more timely and efficient manner.
Fig. 9 shows the response distribution curves that are based Fig. 10 also shows the optimal timing associated with the
on the health impact formulation of fH2 are above those based on flushing locations for different scenarios and response delays. It
fH1 when ingested contaminant mass is larger than the toxic dose is clearly observed that the optimal flushing locations move
of 3.5 mg. This observation indicates that the optimal response farther from the contamination site as the response delay in-
protocols that are obtained through minimizing fH1 better protect creases and the contaminant plume moves further throughout
Fig. 9. Distribution of health impacts for minimum-health-impact protocols for (a) West Scenario and (b) East Scenario. Number of hydrants and response delay are 5 and 6 h,
respectively, for both scenarios.
20 A. Rasekh, K. Brumbelow / Environmental Modelling & Software 51 (2014) 12e25
Fig. 10. The optimal discharge locations and timing associated with minimum-health-impact protocols using fH2 formulation.
the system. Moreover, the hydrants would be better opened 4.3. Multiobjective optimization
immediately after the response delay to minimize the health
impacts, which is not surprising. The optimal values of flushing Response mechanisms of contaminant containment and
durations, however, might not be as predictable; the optimal discharge are next optimized simultaneously to minimize the im-
durations vary significantly over different discharge locations. An pacts on public health and system service. The multiobjective
analysis inspired by this observation shows that setting the du- optimization algorithm coupled with the PDDM identifies the most
rations to maximum possible values leads to degradation of efficient subset of hydrants and CVSs and their optimal operation
obtained optimal response protocols performance and this is timing for minimizing the health impacts and service interruptions.
consistent for all protocols. This rather unexpected observation The response protocols are optimized for the East Scenario, a
might be linked to the fact that while hydrant operation can response delay of 6 h, and nh ¼ 5. The total number of decision
discharge contaminated water, it also changes contaminant variables is thus 33 (15 for contaminant discharge and 18 for CVSs
plume and spread across the system. A prolonged flushing may operation). NSGA-II algorithm population size is 100, and the
not thus necessarily lead to an increased performance as it might optimization evolution process is continued for 200 generations.
divert the contaminant plume to originally safe regions across Crossover and mutation rates are set to 0.80 and 0.08 and SBX
the systems. crossover distribution and polynomial mutation indices are 15 and
A. Rasekh, K. Brumbelow / Environmental Modelling & Software 51 (2014) 12e25 21
Fig. 11. Multiobjective optimization convergence history: (a) hypervolume evolution for three NSGA-II runs, (b) non-dominated front evolution corresponding to the hypervolume
curve plotted as red solid dash type. It is associated with the East Scenario, a 6-h response delay, and 5 hydrants.
10, respectively. The tournament size for the NSGA-II selection Eqs. (2)e(6), are illustrated in Fig. 12. Illustrated Pareto fronts
operator is set to 3. Additionally, the reference point for calculating demonstrate that there are significant trade-offs between the two
the hypervolume convergence measure is fH1 ¼ 54,638 people and response criteria of public health protection and system service-
fS1 ¼ 10,000 block-hours. ability. In light of the fact that impacts on public health are
Convergence of the hypervolume measure during the evolution considered more crucial, one may pose the question whether we
process for three randomly-seeded NSGA-II runs is shown in should be concerned about the trade-offs at all. In the trade-off
Fig. 11(a). This is associated with the East Scenario, response curves found here, each individual response protocol is associated
objective formulations of fH1 and fS1, five hydrants, and a 6-h with a level of reduction in health impacts and accompanied sys-
response delay. Increasing value of hypervolume as the number of tem interruption. A central point to remember is that, while
generations increase is an indicative of convergence to better non- implementation of such a protocol would lead to system inter-
dominated sets of response protocols as illustrated in Fig. 11(b). ruption for certain, reduction in health impacts is conditioned on
Obtained frontier migrates away from the worst point towards the the credibility of threat observations (i.e., the RPT sequencing of
coordinates reference point and spreads uniformly across both possible, credible, and confirmatory threat stages). For the trade-off
axes. The search practically converges and stabilizes after approx- analysis to be rational, the horizontal axis should be multiplied by
imately 100 generations. the probability that the contamination has actually occurred in
The obtained Pareto-optimal fronts for four possible combina- order for it to be consistent with the vertical axis representing
tions of objective functions formulations, which are represented by unconditioned system interruption. In reality, however, such
Fig. 12. Pareto-optimal fronts for minimizing public health impacts (fH1 and fH2) and system service interruption (fS1 and fS2) for the East Scenario, a 6-h response delay, and 5
22 A. Rasekh, K. Brumbelow / Environmental Modelling & Software 51 (2014) 12e25
Fig. 13. The minimum-health-impact protocols using fH1 and fH2 formulations for East Scenario and a 6-h response delay.
probability values are not known exactly and must be inferred from behavior in the decision space and the effect of health impacts
an ensemble of uncertain sensor triggers and unusual observations. formulation used. Both protocols are highlighted in Fig. 12 and are
Thus, the trade-off curves must be understood through this filter of associated with the fS2 service interruption formulation and. Fig. 13
threat uncertainty. illustrates the optimal decision variables values. Spatial spread and
The maximum reduction in health impacts when the hydrants cumulative distribution curves of the health impacts associated
are operated solely is marked in Fig. 12. This helps to understand with each of the two response protocols are also shown in Figs. 14
how much the response performance is improved when the CVSs and 15, respectively.
are operated as well. It is observed that this leads to a significant Optimal hydrants and CVSs operation instructions are depicted
improvement in public health protection. For the fH1efS1 combi- in Fig. 13. The hydrants should be opened immediately after the
nation, for instance, the percentage reduction in health impacts is response delay and flushing duration varies for different hydrants,
almost doubled (from 40% to 79%) when the CVSs are operated which is in agreement with the single-objective optimization
together with the hydrants. findings. Immediate closure of CVS4 for both protocols blocks
Fig. 12 illustrates the non-dominated response protocols in the further spread of contaminant to the eastern regions of the city.
objective space. Further analysis has been performed on two Closure of CVS6 is the other common action for the two response
selected minimum-health-impact protocols to understand their protocols. This creates a pressure gradient, which may guide the
A. Rasekh, K. Brumbelow / Environmental Modelling & Software 51 (2014) 12e25 23
5. Conclusions
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