Pouch or Pouch of Douglas-The Most Inferior Point in

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1. Histology of ovary: (28.

13) • The outer layer—the perimetrium or serosa—it is

• The germinal epithelium (germen sprout or bud) is a composed of simple squamous epithelium and areolar
layer of simple epithelium (low cuboidal or squamous) connective tissue. Laterally, it becomes the broad
that covers the surface of the ovary. ligament. Anteriorly, it covers the urinary bladder and
• The tunica albuginea is a whitish capsule of dense forms a shallow pouch, the vesicouterine pouch.
irregular connective tissue located deep to the germinal Posteriorly, it covers the rectum and forms a deep pouch
 between the uterus and urinary bladder, the rectouterine
• The ovarian cortex is a region just deep to the tunica pouch or pouch of Douglas—the most inferior point in
the pelvic cavity.
albuginea. It consists of ovarian follicles surrounded by
dense irregular connective tissue that contains collagen
fibers and fibroblast-like cells called stromal cells. 
 • The middle layer of the uterus, the myometrium,
• The ovarian medulla is deep to the ovarian cortex. The consists of three layers of smooth muscle fibers that are
border between the cortex and medulla is indistinct, but thickest in the fundus and thinnest in the cervix. The
the medulla consists of more loosely arranged thicker middle layer is circular; the inner and outer
connective tissue and contains blood vessels, lymphatic layers are longitudinal or oblique.
vessels, and nerves. 
 • The inner layer of the uterus, the endometrium is highly
• Ovarian follicles are in the cortex and consist of oocytes vascularized and has three components: (1) An
in various stages of development plus the cells innermost layer composed of simple columnar
surrounding them. When the surrounding cells form a epithelium (ciliated and secretory cells) lines the lumen.
single layer, they are called follicular cells; later in (2) An underlying endometrial stroma is a very thick
development, when they form several layers, they are region of lamina propria (areolar connective tissue). (3)
referred to as granulosa cells. The surrounding cells Endometrial (uterine) glands develop as invaginations of
nourish the developing oocyte and begin to secrete the luminal epithelium and extend almost to the
estrogens as the follicle grows larger. myometrium. The endometrium is divided into two
• A mature (graafian) follicle is a large, fluid- filled layers. The stratum func-tionalis (functional layer) lines
follicle that is ready to rupture and expel its secondary the uterine cavity and sloughs off during menstruation.
oocyte, a process known as ovulation. 
 The deeper layer, the stratum basalis (basal layer), is
• A corpus luteum ( yellow body) contains the remnants permanent and gives rise to a new stratum functionalis
of a mature follicle after ovulation. The corpus luteum after each menstruation.
produces progesterone, estrogens, relaxin, and inhibin
until it degener- ates into fibrous scar tissue called the
corpus albicans.

histology of vagina:

histology of uterus:
• Ligamentum Ovarii Proprium Sinistrum dan Dekstrum
2. anatomy
Dari sudut kiri dan kanan belakang fundus uteri ke ovarium.
Ligamen ini berasal dari gubernaculum, sama dengan
ligamentum rotundum.

Blood supply to reproductive tract

• A. uterine kiri dan kanan (asenden dan desenden):
memperdarahi uterus
• Berasal dari arteri iliaka interna (a hipogastrika)
• A. ovarika kiri dan kanan: memperdarahi uterus
• Innervais uterus: system saraf simpatetik (inervasi thd
myometrium dan endometrium), parasimpatetik (kiri dan
kanan os sacrum – berasal dr saraf sacral 2,3,4), dan
• Saraf torakal 11 dan 12: saraf sensorik (dr uterus) yg
meneruskan rasa sakit ke otak
• Saraf sacral 2,3,4: saraf sensorik (dr serviks bagian atas
vagina) ke otak (pain)
• N. pudendus dan n. ileoinguinalis: saraf sensorik (dri
bagian bawah vagina) ke otak (pain)

Jaringan penunjang alat genital:

• Ligamentum Kardinale Sinsitrum and Dekstrum
Dari serviks dan puncak vagina ke arah lateral ke dinding
pelvis, didalamnya ditemukan banyak pembuluh darah antara
lain vena dan arteria uterine.
• Ligamentum Sakrouterinum Sinistrum dan Dekstrum
Melengkung dari bagian belakang serviks kiri dan kanan
melalui dinding rectum kearah os sacrum kiri dan kanan.
• Ligamentum Rotundum Sinistrum dan Dekstrum
Menahan uterus dalam anterfleksi, dari sudut fundus uteri kiri
dan kanan ke daerah inguinal kiri dan kanan.
• Ligamentum Pubovesikale Sinistrum dan Dekstrum
Dari os pubis melalui kandung kemih dan seterusnya sebagai
ligamentum vesikouterinum sinistrum dan dekstrum ke
serviks. 3. Menstrual disorder:
• Ligamentum Latum Sinistrum dan Dekstrum
(Mesosalpinx, Mesovarium, danMesometrium) • Premenstrual syndrome(PMS): uncomfortable symptoms
Dari uterus kea rah lateral dan tidak banyak mengandung during your cycle. Last few hours to many days.
jaringan ikat, merupakan bagian dari peritoneum visceral Symptoms: psychological symp, bloating, swelling,
berbentuk sebagai lipatan, tidak memiliki banyak arti untuk acne, headache, vertigo, faint, muscle soasm
fiksasi uterus. • Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD): lebih parah
• Ligamentum Infundibulopelvikum dari PMS
Menahan tuba Fallopii dari arah infundibulum ke dinding • Amenorrhea: absent menstrual period for more than 3
pelvis. Dalamnya ditemukan urat saraf, saluran-saluran limfe, mth. Primary: mens doesn’t begin at puberty. Secondary:
arteria, dan vena ovarika.
normal and regular which becomes increasingly abnormal and irregular or absent.

• Dysmenorrhea: karakteristik by severe and frequent menstrual cramps and pain ass with
mens, Primary: abnormal uterine contractions resulting from a chemical imbalance.
Secondary: caused by other medical condition (endometriosis). Symp: cramp or pain in
lower abdomen, nausea, vomit, diarrhea, fatigue
• Menorrhagia: abnormal uterine bleeding and is characterized by heavy and prolonged
menstrual bleeding. Polymenorrhea (too frequent), oligomenorrhea ( infrequent or
irregular), metrorrhagia (irregular), postmenopausal bleeding( bleeding occurs in 1 yr
after last normal menstrual period)

Diagnostic: blood test, pap test, ultrasound, MRI, laparscopy, hysteroscopy, biopsy
(endometrial), dilation and curettage

Treatment: diuretic, prostaglanding inhibitor, hormone sup, oral contraceptive, tranquiliz

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