Hazan Spreadsheet
Hazan Spreadsheet
Hazan Spreadsheet
P = 0.174
R = 0.826
µ = 0.191
MTBF = 5.236
Failure of
Temperature Indicator Failure of Flow Meter
P = 0.687 P = 0.896
R = 0.313 R = 0.104
µ = 1.164 µ = 2.26
MTBF = 2.994 MTBF = 0.44
Indicator Control Valve Temperature Flow Switch
Lamp Failure Failure Measurement Failure
1 2 3 4 5
R = 0.957 R = 0.549 R = 0.595 R = 0.32 R = 0.326
µ = 0.044 µ = 0.6 µ = 0.52 µ = 1.14 µ = 1.12
MTBF = 22.727 MTBF = 1.667 MTBF = 1.923 MTBF = 0.877 MTBF = 0.893
1 2 3 4 5
F = 5.236
Failure of Flow
Indicator Controller
P = 0.254
R = 0.746
µ = 0.293
MTBF = 3.413
Failure of Flow
ure of Flow Meter
P = 0.896 P = 0.284
R = 0.104 R = 0.716
µ = 2.26 µ = 0.334
MTBF = 0.442 MTBF = 2.994
5 6 7
R = 0.326 R = 0.748 R = 0.957
µ = 1.12 µ = 0.29 µ = 0.044
77 MTBF = 0.893 MTBF = 3.448 MTBF = 22.727
5 6 7
Failure of
Failure of Flow
Temperature Indicator
Indicator Controller
P = 0.254
R = 0.746
µ = 0.293
MTBF = 3.413
P = 0.574
Failure of Flow
Failure of Flow Meter
R = 0.426 Indicator
µ = 0.854
MTBF = 1.171
P = 0.896 P
R = 0.104 R
µ = 2.26 µ
MTBF = 0.442 M
Indicator Controller Temperature Flow Switch Controller Indica
Lamp Failure Failure Measurement Failure Failure Lamp Fa
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Indicator Controller Temperature Flow Switch Controller Indica
Lamp Failure Failure Measurement Failure Failure Lamp Fa
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Failure of Crystallizer
P = 0.031
R = 0.969
µ = 0.031
MTBF = 31.755
P = 0.254
R = 0.746
µ = 0.293
MTBF = 3.413
P = 0.284 P = 0.284
R = 0.716 R = 0.716
µ = 0.334 µ = 0.334
442 MTBF = 2.994 MTBF = 2.
Controller Indicator Controller Indicator Indicator Controller
Failure Lamp Failure Failure Lamp Failure Lamp Failure Failure
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Controller Indicator Controller Indicator Indicator Controller
Failure Lamp Failure Failure Lamp Failure Lamp Failure Failure
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Failure of Level
Indicator Controller
P = 0.256
R = 0.744
µ = 0.296
MTBF = 3.378
Failure of Level
Failure of Level Meter
P = 0.284
P = 0.900
R = 0.716
R = 0.100
µ = 0.334
µ = 2.3
MTBF = 2.994
MTBF = 0.435
ndicator Controller Control Valve Measurement
mp Failure Failure Failure (Liquids)
11 12 13 14
ndicator Controller Control Valve Measurement
mp Failure Failure Failure (Liquids)
11 12 13 14
Failure of Filter
P = 0.221
R = 0.779
µ = 0.250
MTBF = 4.004
Failure of Level
Failure of Flow Meter
Indicator Controller
P = 0.869 P = 0.896
R = 0.131 R = 0.104
µ = 2.033 µ = 2.26
MTBF = 0.492 MTBF = 0.44
Level Flow
Indicator Controller Flow Switch
Measurement Measurement
Lamp Failure Failure Failure
Failure Failure
Failure of Flow
Indicator Controller
P = 0.254
R = 0.746
µ = 0.293
MTBF = 3.413
Failure of Flow
ure of Flow Meter
P = 0.896 P = 0.284
R = 0.104 R = 0.716
µ = 2.26 µ = 0.334
MTBF = 0.442 MTBF = 2.994
P = 0.221
R = 0.221
µ = 1.509
MTBF = 0.663
Failure of Level
Failure of Flow Meter
Indicator Controller
P = 0.869 P = 0.896
R = 0.131 R = 0.104
µ = 0.504 µ = 2.26
MTBF = 1.984 MTBF = 0.44
Level Flow
Indicator Controller Flow Switch
Measurement Measurement
Lamp Failure SV4 Failure Failure
Failure Failure
1 2 3 4 5
R = 0.957 R = 0.748 R = 0.183 R = 0.32 R = 0.326
µ = 0.044 µ = 0.29 µ = 0.17 µ = 1.14 µ = 1.12
MTBF = 22.727 MTBF = 3.448 MTBF = 0.588 MTBF = 0.877 MTBF = 0.893
1 2 3 4 5
F = 0.663
Failure of Flow
Indicator Controller
P = 0.254
R = 0.746
µ = 0.293
MTBF = 3.413
Failure of Flow
ure of Flow Meter
P = 0.896 P = 0.284
R = 0.104 R = 0.716
µ = 2.26 µ = 0.334
MTBF = 0.442 MTBF = 2.994
5 6 7
R = 0.326 R = 0.748 R = 0.957
µ = 1.12 µ = 0.29 µ = 0.044
77 MTBF = 0.893 MTBF = 3.448 MTBF = 22.727
5 6 7
Failure of Pressure
Failure of Flow Meter
Indicator Controller
P = 0.841 P = 0.896
R = 0.159 R = 0.104
µ = 1.84 µ = 2.26
MTBF = 0.543 MTBF = 0.4
Pressurel Flow
Pressure Controller Flow Switch
Measurement Measurement
Switch Failure Failure Failure
Failure Failure
1 2 3 4 5
R = 0.869 R = 0.748 R = 0.244 R = 0.32 R = 0.326
µ = 0.14 µ = 0.29 µ = 1.41 µ = 1.14 µ = 1.12
MTBF = 7.143 MTBF = 3.448 MTBF = 0.709 MTBF = 0.877 MTBF = 0.893
1 2 3 4 5
Failure of Reactor
P = 0.147
R = 0.853
µ = 0.159
MTBF = 6.289
Failure of Flow
Indicator Controller
P = 0.254
R = 0.746
µ = 0.293
MTBF = 3.413
Failure of
Failure of Flow Temperature Indicator
ure of Flow Meter
Indicator Controller
P = 0.896 P = 0.284 P = 0.
R = 0.104 R = 0.716 R=0
µ = 2.26 µ = 0.334 µ = 1.1
MTBF = 0.442 MTBF = 2.994 MTBF
5 6 7 8 9
P = 0.043 P = 0.451
R = 0.326 R = 0.748 R = 0.957 R = 0.957 R = 0.549
µ = 1.12 µ = 0.29 µ = 0.044 µ = 0.044 µ = 0.6
77 MTBF = 0.893 MTBF = 3.448 MTBF = 22.727 MTBF = 22.727 MTBF = 1.667
5 6 7 8 9
Failure of
Temperature Indicator
P = 0.687
R = 0.313
µ = 1.164
MTBF = 2.994
Control valve Temperature
GV14 Failure measurement
P = 0.451 P = 0.405
R = 0.549 R = 0.595
µ = 0.6 µ = 0.52
7 MTBF = 1.667 MTBF = 1.923
9 10
P = 0.451 P = 0.405
R = 0.549 R = 0.595
µ = 0.6 µ = 0.52
7 MTBF = 1.667 MTBF = 1.923
9 10
Table 1: Failure Rate Data for Various Selected Process Components (Crowl & Louvar, 2001)
No. Reference
1 Crowl, D.A., Louvar, J.F. 2001. Chemical Process Safety Fundamentals with Applications 2nd ed. Prentice Hall, Inc.
2 Flynn, A.M. 2002. Health, Safety and Accident Management in the Chemical Process Industries. Louis Theodore Ma
3 Mannan, S., Lees, F.P. 2005. Lee's Loss Prevention in the Process Industries: Hazard Identification, Assessment, and C
4 Palluzi, R.P. 1994. Pilot Plant and Laboratory Safety. McGraw-Hill,Inc.
5 Peter, M.S., Timmerhaus, K.D. 1991. Plant Design And Economics For Chemical Engineers 4th Edition. McGraw-Hill I
6 Sinnott, R.K. 2005. Chemical Engineering Design 4th Edition. Volume 6. Elsevier.
7 Steinbach, J. 1999. Safety Assessment for Chemical Processes. WILEY-VCH.
8 Taylor, J.R. 1994. Risk Analysis for Process Plant, Pipelines and Transport. E&FN SPON.
9 Thomas, C.E. 2007. Process Technology Safety, Health and Environment. 2nd ed. Thomson Delmar Learning.
10 U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety & Health Administration. http://www.osha.gov/
11 Wells, G. 2004. Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment. Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE).
ns 2nd ed. Prentice Hall, Inc.
ndustries. Louis Theodore Marcel Dekker, Inc.
entification, Assessment, and Control. Butterworth-Heinemann.
gineers (IChemE).