Apostila 2010 E3 Series
Apostila 2010 E3 Series
Apostila 2010 E3 Series
E³.schematic / E³.cable
Technical Inquiries
Please ask the responsible contact person in our support department.
E-mail: [email protected]
Zuken is not responsible for any errors, which may appear in this documentation. Liability,
due to direct and indirect losses resulting from the delivery or use of this documentation, is
excluded to the extent permitted by law. This documentation contains copyrighted
All rights, especially those pertaining to the duplication and distribution as well as the
translation, are reserved. This documentation, whether wholly or in part, may not be
reproduced in any form
(photocopy, microfilm, etc.), or processed, duplicated or distributed using an
electronic system without Zuken‟s prior written consent.
Zuken E3 GmbH
Lämmerweg 55
D-89079 Ulm/Einsingen
General Information.................................................................................................. 1
What is a symbol? .............................................................................................................. 1
What is a component?........................................................................................................ 1
Starting the Database Editor ................................................................................... 2
Creating a New Symbol ............................................................................................ 3
Defining the Symbol Type and Additional Attributes ........................................................... 3
Creating the Symbol Graphics ............................................................................................ 5
Create or Edit Expandable/Changeable Symbols in DBE ................................................... 6
Defining the Pins ................................................................................................................ 8
Determining the Text Types ..............................................................................................10
Defining the Space Requirements .....................................................................................14
Special Symbols ................................................................................................................15
Creating a New Component ................................................................................... 24
General Information...........................................................................................................24
Creating a Standard Device ..............................................................................................24
Creating Components with Master - Slave Relationships (e.g. Contactor) .........................28
Creating a New Cable .......................................................................................................31
Creating an Overbraid Cable .............................................................................................33
Creating a Wire Group ......................................................................................................34
Defining Connectors ..........................................................................................................35
Component Views .............................................................................................................44
Terminals ..........................................................................................................................47
Dynamic Component .........................................................................................................48
Block Components (E³.cable) ............................................................................................49
Assemblies ........................................................................................................................52
Defining the Schematic Types ............................................................................... 53
Component Classification ..................................................................................... 54
Defining the Text Types ......................................................................................... 55
Overview of System-defined Text Types ...........................................................................55
Defining Attributes ................................................................................................. 58
Defining the Attribute Lists.................................................................................... 61
Assigning a List of Values to an Attribute ..........................................................................61
Assigning a List of Values to a Component .......................................................................62
Editing the Translation Table ................................................................................ 63
Assigning Colors to the Elements ........................................................................ 64
Database Settings .................................................................................................. 65
Integrating Other Databases .................................................................................. 66
Disabling the DBE Mode ........................................................................................ 69
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Creating Symbols and Components
General Information
What is a symbol?
A symbol is a circuit element that can be assigned to a component. Because many components use the
same circuit elements (e.g. Normally Open Symbol), the symbols only have to be described once in the
database. They can be grouped in any combination and used in the different components.
A symbol is a graphical symbol, which displays the device‟s function in the circuit diagram.
Symbols are stored in the database and consist of four basic elements:
- graphics
- pins (nodes)
- text nodes (can be filled automatically or by the user)
- attributes
Text Nodes
Symbol Graphics
Text nodes are predefined
Graphics can be on positions for displaying system-
different levels; they defined as well as user-defined
cannot be changed. information (e.g. pin name).
Symbol Types:
- standard symbols (NO, NC, etc.) Pins
- sheet symbols (sheet formats)
The connect lines are
- signal cross-references (sources, destinations) connected to these pins.
What is a component?
Components exist as physical devices. A device is a component that has been placed in a project and is
identified by an item designation. Components are stored in the database and contain one or more
symbols. E³.series automatically manages all of a device‟s individual elements.
A device consists of three basic elements:
- one or more symbols
- an item designation
- attributes
Item Designation
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Starting the Database Editor
The database editor can be started in several, different ways:
2. through the context menu (right mouse button): New Symbol / New Component
(Database Editor starts automatically)
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Creating a New Symbol
A symbol can be created in four basic steps:
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a) specify the display in the Database Window
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Creating the Symbol Graphics
To create a symbol, switch to Database Editor Mode. The quickest way to
do this is to right-click on an object in the database window and select the
command New Symbol.
This switches the user to Database Editor Mode and opens a working
area for the new symbol. The working area‟s size and appearance are
defined in Edit Settings, but can also be changed in the context menu
Sheet Properties.
The cross in the middle of the drawing area represents the origin.
The origin can be repositioned by selecting the Symbol Origin pushbutton
on the Symbol toolbar. The symbol graphics are created using
commands from the Graphic toolbar.
It can also be used to place existing symbols or individual elements of these symbols in the working area
to create a new symbol.
The selected graphic element can be displayed and edited in the Graphic Information tab.
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Create or Edit Expandable/Changeable Symbols in DBE
The respective setting is valid for the complete symbol
If symbol CIM03-04-06FB is defined in the database as changeable, i.e. the option yes was
activated, the symbol appears as follows in Project mode and can be changed by dragging one of
the handles of the symbol graphic:
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If the option replicate is
selected, the symbol can be
enlarged or reduced using
both editing points (handles)
in Project Mode.
The symbol is always replicated in the direction of the longer side of the space requirement.
If the space requirement is square, then the symbol is only replicated vertically.
Changeable symbols have 8 editing points (handles) in contrast to replicated symbols, which
have only 2.
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Defining the Pins
After the graphics have been defined, add the connection point nodes to the graphics.
This is done by first selecting a connection point node (with the desired connection direction) from the
drop-down list in the Database Symbol Node toolbar.
The pin name gets the symbol of the component, in which it is used.
Therefore the pin order within the symbols is important for the
Reorder mode:
The pins are numbered incrementally. In the field Next click is number a starting value can be inserted,
which is then automatically increased by one after each click on a pin.
Use the <ESC> button to end the command.
Swap mode:
The pin with the given number at Next click is number, on which is clicked, will be swapped.
Insert mode:
The pin with the given number at Next click is number is moved to the pin on which is clicked. Following
pins are send to background.
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For positioning pins on specific coordinates, use the table in the Node Coordinates dialog
or press
If a core is laid across two pins in E³.cable and is located
between net segment path pins with the property "can cores
pass through", then the core will be laid across the graphic
connection (through the pins).
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Determining the Text Types
The symbol receives the pin names of the component, in which it is used. The pin sequence inside a
symbol is very important.
Click on the Node Order pushbutton, which displays the pin sequence (command: Edit -> Order
Definition). The pin sequence can be easily changed by clicking on the pins in the correct “new“ order.
Press <ESC> to terminate the command.
Additional text types can be placed using Insert -> Text or using the corresponding menu item.
Finally, add the text nodes for the symbol‟s Higher Level
Assignment, Location and Device Designation. Text
templates can be used to define these text nodes. These
are located in the Template folder under the Misc Tab in
the Database Window. These templates can be placed like
symbols using either Drag&Drop or Place in the context
By using the Database Symbol Text toolbar ,
one can change the display type on these text nodes.
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List of Standard Text Types in E³.series
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1015 Location of cable (connection) 255 Attribute text template
1016 DDS-C Texttyp 39 255 Blatt
1017 DDS-C Texttyp 34 255 Blatt
1018 DDS-C Texttyp 35 255 Blatt
1020 Following sheet 64 Sheet
1021 Project name 128 Sheet
1022 Project path name 255 Sheet
1023 Project file name 12 Sheet
1024 Wire group 255 Attribute text template
1025 Wire 255 Attribute text template
1026 Cross-section 255 Attribute text template
1027 Color 255 Attribute text template
1028 Testpoint 255 Logic
1029 Conductor color (int.) 255 Terminal plan
1030 Conductor cross-section (int.) 255 Terminal plan
1031 Conductor length (int.) 255 Terminal plan
1032 Conductor type (int.) 255 Terminal plan
1033 Conductor color (ext.) 255 Terminal plan
1034 Conductor cross-section (ext.) 255 Terminal plan
1035 Conductor lenght (ext.) 255 Terminal plan
1036 Conductor type (ext.) 255 Terminal plan
1037 Sheet reference 255 Signal cross-reference
1041 Plot date 255 Sheet
1042 Plot time 255 Sheet
1043 Plot user name 255 Sheet
1044 Project store date 255 Sheet
1045 Shield name (int.) 255 Terminal/Cable Plan
1046 Shield name (ext.) 255 Terminal/Cable Plan
1047 Device designation (ext.) 60 Terminal/Cable Plan
1048 Higher level assignment (ext.) 80 Terminal/Cable Plan
1049 Location (ext.) 80 Terminal/Cable Plan
1050 Device designation (int.) 60 Terminal/Cable Plan
1051 Higher level assignment (int.) 80 Terminal/Cable Plan
1052 Location (int.) 80 Terminal/Cable Plan
1053 Device designation of cable (ext.) 60 Terminal/Cable Plan
1054 Higher level assignment of cable (ext.) 80 Terminal/Cable Plan
1055 Location of cable (ext.) 80 Terminal/Cable Plan
1056 Device designation of cable (int.) 60 Terminal/Cable Plan
1057 Higher level assignment of cable (int.) 80 Terminal/Cable Plan
1058 Location of cable (int.) 80 Terminal/Cable Plan
1059 Component code 80 Terminal/Cable Plan
1060 Wire group name (int.) 80 Terminal/Cable Plan
1061 Wire group name (ext.) 80 Terminal/Cable Plan
1062 Item designation 255 Terminal/Cable Plan
1063 Conductor / Wire marker position (ext.) 255 Terminal/Cable Plan
1064 Conductor / Wire marker position (int.) 255 Terminal/Cable Plan
1065 Generation time 255 Sheet
1066 User name of draftsman 255 Sheet
1067 Date of modification (update by system) 255 Sheet
1068 Time of modification (update by system) 255 Sheet
1069 User name of modifier (update by system) 255 Sheet
1070 Reference to pin number 255 Cross-reference Symbol
1071 Termplan row item designation 255 Terminal/Cable Plan
1072 Termplan row device designation 255 Terminal/Cable Plan
1073 Termplan row higher level assignment 255 Terminal/Cable Plan
1074 Termplan row location 255 Terminal/Cable Plan
1075 Connection target Device Designation 255
1076 Connection target Location 255
1077 Connection target Assignment 255
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1078 Assembly device name 255
1079 Assembly device designation 255
1080 Assembly location 255
1081 Assembly higher level assignment 255
1082 Assembly item designation 255
1083 Assembly component code 255
1085 Connection Target Format 1 255 Terminal/Cable Plan
1086 Connection Target Format 2 255 Terminal/Cable Plan
1087 Valid Connector pin terminal 255
1088 Active Connector pin terminal 255
1089 Sheet Column 255 Sheet
1090 Sheet Row 255 Sheet
1091 Sheet Reference Name 255 Sheet
1092 Reference from original to view 255
1093 Reference from view to original 255
1094 Port name 255
1095 Port name from panel 255
1096 Pin and port name 255
1097 Reference to assembly master 255
1098 Reference to assembly slave 255
1099 Reference between device views 255
1100 Reference between pin views 255
1101 Port name of terminal pin at internal side 64 Terminal/Cable Plan
1102 Port name of terminal pin at external side 64 Terminal/Cable Plan
1103 Port name (ext.) 64 Terminal/Cable Plan
1104 Pin and port name (ext.) 64 Terminal/Cable Plan
1105 Port name (int.) 64 Terminal/Cable Plan
1106 Pin and port name (int.) 64 Terminal/Cable Plan
1107 Connection Target Format 1 (multiline) 255 Terminal/Cable Plan
1108 Connection Target Format 2 (multiline) 255 Terminal/Cable Plan
1109 Time of modification (sheet content only) 255 Sheet
1110 DDS-C Texttype 23 255 Sheet
1111 DDS-C Texttype 48 255 Sheet
1112 DDS-C Texttype 49 255 Sheet
1113 Functional Unit 255
1114 Functional Port 255
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Defining the Space Requirements
After creating the graphic symbol, the space requirements can be defined:
Edit the space requirements (User can change the space requirements)
Fit the space requirements (E³.series adapts the space requirements)
Finally, save the symbol to the database using the command Save to Database in the drawing area‟s
context menu or in the File menu.
Please observe:
- pin spacing
- text position
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Special Symbols
Sheet Format
Sometimes, it‟s also helpful to have a special text sequence, in which the most frequently changed text
types appear in the Sheet Properties dialog:
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Terminal and Cable Plan Elements
Terminal Sheet
This special symbol has the Symbol Type: Terminal Plan Sheet as well as specific text types:
These will then be placed along the “Terminal Placement Line“ using the
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Text types for terminal strips:
HLA #34
Location #35
Device designation #32
Component code #370
All texts, which are assigned terminal strip attributes, can now be output/displayed. These texts must be
sheet texts.
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Table Symbol (Terminal Plan Destination)
The table symbol has the Symbol Type: Terminal Plan Table Symbol as well as special text types,
which describe the connection information (destination, cable and core information). The symbol‟s origin
is placed on the “Terminal Placement Line“.
A special table symbol can be assigned to
every terminal component.
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Jumper Symbols
The determination, which jumper symbol is used, can be carried out in the project or in the database:
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Block Symbols (E³.cable)
Type: Block
This means its size can be changed in the
project. The graphics can also be declared as
”Changeable Symbol Graphics“. Therefore,
these graphics can be changed in the project.
These elements:
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Panel Symbols
These symbols (of Symbol Type: Attribute Text Template) display attributes of a project (any attribute),
of components (any attribute) and of connect lines (signals, conductor/wire information…).
Pictured here is an example of an attribute text template, which makes the cable and conductor
information on a connection line visible.
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Preview Symbols
It's possible to define a special preview symbol for the following component types when editing in
DBE mode:
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The name of the desired preview symbol is specified for the component in the Component
Properties dialog
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Creating a New Component
General Information
Start the Component Wizard by selecting New Component in the context menu.
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In the Identification window, enter the type of component, its name and any additional global
Enter the component-specific and firm-specific attributes on the Properties page. These must be
predefined in the table Edit -> Attribute Names.
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If an existing structure is used, the component can be
saved directly to the database without any additional
steps. If the structure still needs to be modified, these
changes will only affect components containing these
structures. Exercise caution when doing this.
In the Component Wizard‟s Complete window, the user can decide whether the component should be
saved directly to the database or whether it still needs to be modified.
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this means editing the component attributes
(names, unique identifiers, descriptions…),
as well as dragging Attribute Text Template Symbols displaying the component attributes into the
working area
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Creating Components with Master - Slave Relationships (e.g. Contactor)
The procedures are identical to those used in “Creating a Component”.
Before saving the component in the database, the last step is to define the Master/Slave relationships.
Relationship here means which is the master, which are the slaves and what is the sequence of the
dependent symbols.
Example: Component 3RH11221AB00
Symbol Order
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PLC Component
Special Features:
1. Master-Slave relationship between card and input and output
2. Automatically updates PLC addresses and comments on the card and inputs and outputs
3. Automatically numbers the PLC addresses
Referring to point 1:
Will be handled like a component with master-slave relationship (compare with contactor)
Referring to point 2:
or automatically (useful if the text sequence for the master and slave agree):
The desired Text Types, which will be integrated in the Update, MUST be connected to the pin
(groupped with the pin) when creating the slave‟s symbol. The same text type must also be used for the
master. The attribute .PLCPHYSADDR (PLC Physical Address) must then be added to the
corresponding pins.
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Referring to point 3:
The attribute used for the PLC starting address is (.PLCADDR). Define the desired PLC starting address
on the first pin, in which one can add the corresponding attribute and define the type of address:
Format: |#<z><a><sss>-<eee>/<o>|
| Starting and ending character
# The number part will be identified by the # sign in the first position.
<z> Defines the number of places for the number.
The number will be entered as right-justified with leading zeros.
<a> The next character defines the type of number.
D = decimal
B = binary
O = octal
X = hexadecimal
<sss> Specifies the starting number.
- Separator to the next number.
<eee> Specifies the end number.
/<o> The steps, that will be used for counting, are identified by a slash character ( / ) at the end of the
format (number part).
Important setting:
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Creating a New Cable
After starting the Component Wizard, select the
component type Cable. Define the component‟s
name and unique identifier.
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E³.series opens a sheet displaying a cable‟s four cores. These
can be assigned shields, defined as twisted pairs or as bundles.
Select the desired cores in the project tree and then the
appropriate command from the context menu.
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Creating an Overbraid Cable
(Cables without Conductors/Cores
After selecting the Edit component graphically option, any number of shields, twisted pairs,
bundles and cables can be added using the context menu and saved to the database.
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Creating a Wire Group
After starting the
Component Wizard, select
the component type: Wire
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Defining Connectors
While defining the connector, the mating connectors and connector pin terminals are also specified.
Likewise, these are defined as connectors in the database.
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Defining a Connector Symbol
2. Node (Pin)
This will be used to place the counterpart automatically if the connector is used as the
counterpart. If the connector is placed as a "standard device, then the counterpart will be placed
on the pin. This means that the pins of both devices will be placed on one another. The pin will be
defined on the LEFT side and connected from the left.
!! Beware:
The text node for the pin name must be connected to a pin. Therefore, when moving a pin its text moves
with it while maintaining its relative position (usually valid for all pin-related text types: signal name,
connection target, …).
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Defining a Block Symbol
1. Origin
The reference point (origin) will be placed on the block‟s border and to the LEFT of the pin.
2. Node (Pin)
The pin is used to automatically place the counterpart. This means that the pins of both devices
are placed on one another. The pin will be placed on the RIGHT side and connected from the
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Connector View Symbol
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Defining a Connector
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Define the:
If a symbol is not specified, the connector cannot
be placed on a block or “in the open“.
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Define the documentation symbol:
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Finally, the connector will be displayed in the working area with its defined symbols. They can also be
changed here, e.g. exchanging views, and so on.
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Pin modifications (adding pins, deleting pins, etc.) can be additionally carried out in the Pin Assignment
(Pin Order) dialog.
A special connector symbol can be defined for every connector pin.
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Component Views
For normal components additional symbols can be defined for views in the database.
These are "real views", so that every pin can be displayed as a view. For a single-line view, it‟s necessary
to define a special symbol in the database containing a node, which represents several pins (buspin).
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Next, the view‟s symbol pins have to be assigned to the desired component pins. To do so, double-click
on the view underneath the original component in the Database Editor tree, then right-click on the view
symbol itself in the workspace and use the View Assignment… command in the context menu.
There are two ways to load the view into the project:
To automatically generate the view in a project, the Automatic generate option must be
activated in the DBE‟s View Assignment dialog. The defined view is generated automatically as
unplaced once the component is placed in the project.
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For displaying references on the sheet, the reference type must be selected in the Device Properties and
the symbols must have the text type #1099 (Reference between device views).
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The terminal symbol has as a special feature four pins and one text type (#3) for the pin name.
In the component definition, the pin Equivalent can be determined for the signals and pin names. This
means that all four pins have the same name and the same signal.
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Dynamic Component
A component without logic
structure can be created in the
database. Without logic Structure
means that the component will be
described with its "master data",
but no symbols, pin names, ... for
the circuit diagram. With Structure:
The component type can be
exchanged with another. It will only
offer those components, which
have the same symbols as those
placed in the existing component.
If it‟s created like a “normal” component, only the working area remains empty (without symbols).
When saving to the database, the following query appears:
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Block Components (E³.cable)
A block can be created in the database with all its connectors (with mating connector, signal definition
and device designation).
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Import Definition from *.e3b or *.csv Files
For creating a block in the database, it's possible to import *.e3b or *.csv files.
Block attributes are imported.
Attributes on the connector pin are imported for connectors without component code.
Attributes on the connector and connector pin are not imported for connectors with
component code.
Attributes on the connector are not imported for connectors without component code
because these connectors are defined as symbols on blocks and a connector
attribute cannot be defined for a symbol.
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Or when editing a block in DBE mode, with the Update block... command
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Any component type (except “Subcircuit” and “Wire Group”) in the database can be added to an
Specify the device designation generated for every element in the assembly
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Defining the Schematic Types
Main Menu: Format Schematic Types
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Component Classification
Use in Tree
The database window can be individually structured. Therefore, it is necessary to classify components
according to attributes in the database. These classifications can be used for structuring the database
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Defining the Text Types
Main Menu: Format Text Types
Customer-specific text nodes can be defined under Edit Text Types in the Database Editor mode. Text
types that are highlighted in gray in the "Max. Length" column cannot be deleted. New text types
(numbers) can be added up to the number 999.
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303 Module-port-name 32 Logic
305 Module type 508 Logic
312 Module-designation 60 Logic
350 Pin number 16 Terminal Plan
351 Signal 200 Terminal Plan
352 Reference to schema 255 Terminal Plan
353 Device designation (ext.) 255 Terminal Plan
354 Pin name (ext.) 16 Terminal Plan
355 Conductor name (ext.) 16 Terminal Plan
356 Device designation (int.) 255 Terminal Plan
357 Pin name (int.) 16 Terminal Plan
358 Conductor name (int.) 16 Terminal Plan
370 Component code 80 Terminal Plan
371 Cable type (ext.) 64 Terminal Plan
372 Cable type (int.) 64 Terminal Plan
373 Cable name (ext.) 60 Terminal Plan
374 Cable name (int.) 60 Terminal Plan
1000 Attribute 252
1001 Variant 164
1002 Connection Target 255 Pin
1003 Conductor in connection 255 Attribute text template
1004 Variant value 64
1005 Cable type in connection 255 Attribute text template
1007 Signal on connection 255 Attribute text template
1008 Length of segment 255 Attribute text template
1009 Bus name 255 Logic
1011 Number of cables in connection 255 Attribute text template
1012 Cable in connection 255 Attribute text template
1013 Number of conductors in connection 255 Attribute text template
1014 Higher level assignment of cable (connection) 255 Attribute text template
1015 Location of cable (connection) 255 Attribute text template
1020 Following sheet 64 Sheet
1021 Project name 128 Sheet
1022 Project path name 255 Sheet
1023 Project file name 12 Sheet
1024 Wire group 255 Attribute text template
1025 Wire 255 Attribute text template
1026 Cross-section 255 Attribute text template
1027 Color 255 Attribute text template
1028 Testpoint 255 Logic
1029 Conductor color(int.) 255 Terminal Plan
1030 Conductor cross-section (int.) 255 Terminal Plan
1031 Conductor lenght (int.) 255 Terminal Plan
1032 Conductor type (int.) 255 Terminal Plan
1033 Conductor color (ext.) 255 Terminal Plan
1034 Conductor cross-section t (ext.) 255 Terminal Plan
1035 Conductor lenght (ext.) 255 Terminal Plan
1036 Conductor type (ext.) 255 Terminal Plan
1037 Sheet reference 255 Signal cross-reference
1041 Plot date 255 Sheet
1042 Plot time 255 Sheet
1043 Plot username 255 Sheet
1044 Project store date 255 Sheet
1045 Shield name (int.) 255 Terminal/Cable Plan
1046 Shield name (ext.) 255 Terminal/Cable Plan
1047 Device designation (ext.) 60 Terminal/Cable Plan
1048 Higher level assignment (ext.) 80 Terminal/Cable Plan
1049 Location (ext.) 80 Terminal/Cable Plan
1050 Device designation (int.) 60 Terminal/Cable Plan
1051 Higher level assignment (int.) 80 Terminal/Cable Plan
1052 Location (int.) 80 Terminal/Cable Plan
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1053 Device designation of cable (ext.) 60 Terminal/Cable Plan
1054 Higher level assignment of cable (ext.) 80 Terminal/Cable Plan
1055 Location of cable (ext.) 80 Terminal/Cable Plan
1056 Device designation of cable (int.) 60 Terminal/Cable Plan
1057 Higher level assignment of cable (int.) 80 Terminal/Cable Plan
1058 Location of cable (int.) 80 Terminal/Cable Plan
1059 Component code 80 Terminal/Cable Plan
1060 Wire group name (int.) 80 Terminal/Cable Plan
1061 Wire group name (ext.) 80 Terminal/Cable Plan
1062 Item designation 255 Terminal/Cable Plan
1063 Conductor / Wire marker position (ext.) 255 Terminal/Cable Plan
1064 Conductor / Wire marker position (int.) 255 Terminal/Cable Plan
1065 Generation time 255 Sheet
1066 User name of draftsman 255 Sheet
1067 Date of modification (updated by system) 255 Sheet
1068 Time of modification (updated by system) 255 Sheet
1069 User name of modifier (updated by system) 255 Sheet
1070 Reference to pin number 255 Cross-reference symbol
1071 Termplan row item designation 255 Terminal/Cable Plan
1072 Termplan row device designation 255 Terminal/Cable Plan
1073 Termplan row higher level assignment 255 Terminal/Cable Plan
1074 Termplan row location 255 Terminal/Cable Plan
1075 Connection target Device Designation 255
1076 Connection target Location 255
1077 Connection target Assignment 255
1078 Assembly device name 255
1079 Assembly device designation 255
1080 Assembly location 255
1081 Assembly higher level assignment 255
1082 Assembly item designation 255
1083 Assembly component code 255
1085 Connection Target Format 1 255
1086 Connection Target Format 2 255
1087 Valid Connector pin terminal 255
1088 Active Connector pin terminal 255
1089 Sheet Column 255 Sheet
1090 Sheet Row 255 Sheet
1091 Sheet reference name 255 Sheet
1092 Reference from original to view 255
1093 Reference from view to original 255
1094 Port name 255
1095 Port name from panel 255
1096 Pin and port name 255
1097 Reference to assembly master 255
1098 Reference to assembly slave 255
1099 Reference between device views 255
1100 Reference between pin views 255
1101 Port name of terminal pin (int.) 64 Terminal/Cable Plan
1102 Port name of terminal pin (ext.) 64 Terminal/Cable Plan
1103 Port name (ext.) 64 Terminal/Cable Plan
1104 Pin and port name (ext.) 64 Terminal/Cable Plan
1105 Port name (int.) 64 Terminal/Cable Plan
1106 Pin and port name (int.) 64 Terminal/Cable Plan
1107 Connection Target Format 1 (multiline) 255 Terminal/Cable Plan
1108 Connection Target Format 2 (multiline) 255 Terminal/Cable Plan
1109 Time of modification (sheet content only) 255 Sheet
1110 DDS-C Texttype 23 255 Sheet
1111 DDS-C Texttype 48 255 Sheet
1112 DDS-C Texttype 49 255 Sheet
1113 Functional Unit 255
1114 Functional Port 255
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Defining Attributes
Main Menu: Format Attribute Names
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Attribute Owner - Cable and Core Elements
Cable Attribute of a cable, which is assigned in the project
Cable type Attribute of a cable in the database
Cable end Attribute on a cable end in the project
Cable type end Attribute on a cable end in the database
Cable core Attribute of a core in the project
Core type Attribute on a core in the database (not visible in the
Cable core end Attribute on a core end in the project
Core type end Attribute on a core end in the database
Explanation of Columns
Single Instance
The attribute may appear only once on the assigned owner.
Unique Value
If the attribute can be used repeatedly: may a value appear more than once?
If yes, can such an attribute within
an object,
a project
a higher level assignment
a location
a higher level assignment and a location
be checked.
Attribute‟s output format: “Attribute Name=Value“ or “Value“
Pos X
Pos Y
Ratio Text parameters for displaying the attributes in the project if
Direction no text text type assigned to the attribute
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Must Exist
This attribute only applies to nets, net segments and conductors. If one of these objects is added
to the project, the attribute for the respective object will also be added automatically. If this
attribute is assigned, the attribute can also be identified as a “Single instance“.
Default Value
The default value is used when an attribute has no defined value. The value must correspond
with the defined attribute type. A counter can be added to the default value in the form of '<nnn>' ,
where the number of n's represent the minimum number of places filled with leading zeros (0). If
the characters “ < “ and “ > “ are used, they must be masked with “ \ “ as so “ \< ”. The counter,
starting with the value “ 1 ”, is increased automatically by the system in increments of 1
depending on the attributes “Unique value“ and “Unique in project“.
List of Values
A list of predefined values for an attribute can be found here (Format -> Attribute Lists).
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Defining the Attribute Lists
Main Menu: Format Attribute Lists
A list containing predefined „valid attribute values‟ can be defined for any attribute.
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Assigning a List of Values to a Component
This List of Values can be defined in the Component Properties. This list of values is only valid for this
special component.
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Editing the Translation Table
Main Menu: Format Translation Table
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Assigning Colors to the Elements
Main Menu: Format Colour Definitions
Window background:
The background color can be defined here for
sheets as well as the Preview Window.
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Database Settings
Main Menu: Tools Settings
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Integrating Other Databases
Access to the E³- databases takes place through ADO (ActiveX Data Object). After installing the
databases (component, symbol and configuration), they are available as access files. After starting E³,
the desired databases are integrated using the context menu in the database window.
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4. Select the path and file name of the desired access file and enter the description.
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Assign configuration
Assign symbols (and the already defined configuration)
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Disabling the DBE Mode
If E³.series is started with the parameter /nodbe, the command for editing the component/symbol
will no longer appear.
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