Volumen 4 Tomo VII
Volumen 4 Tomo VII
Volumen 4 Tomo VII
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EERI members Svetlana Brzev of British Columbia Institute of Technology, Vancouver, Canada, Maria
Ofelia Moroni Yadlin and Maximiliano Astoza of Universidad de Chile, Santiago visited the
earthquake-affected area, including Santiago, Rancagua, Cauquenes, Talca, Constitución, Iloca,
Lolol, and Santa Cruz. The visit took place from July 3 to 10, 2010. This report summarizes the key
observations related to performance of confined masonry buildings in the earthquake-affected area. A
companion slide show is posted on the web site www.confinedmasonry.org.
1. Background
Confined masonry has been widely used for housing construction in Chile. Housing construction
includes low-rise single family dwellings (up to two-storey high), and medium-rise apartment buildings
(three- to four-storey high). Examples of confined masonry buildings are shown in Figure 1. Chile has
a long history of confined masonry construction practice, starting in the 1930s, after the 1928 Talca
earthquake (M 8.0). Initially, confined masonry was used for the construction of low-rise building
(single family dwellings), while the construction of medium-rise apartment buildings started in the
1980s in the capital Santiago, and in 1990s in other urban areas.
Good performance of low-rise confined masonry buildings in the 1939 Chillan earthquake (M 7.8)
paved the path for the use of this construction technology in Chile ever since. Low-rise confined
masonry construction maintained a good performance track record in other Chilean earthquakes,
including the 1985 Lloleo earthquake (M 7.8). However, three- and four-storey confined masonry
buildings had not been exposed to severe ground shaking in Chile prior to the February 2010
a) b)
Figure 1. Typical confined masonry buildings in Chile: a) a single-storey rural dwelling, and b) a four-
storey apartment building.
Design and construction of confined masonry buildings in Chile has been regulated by NCh
2123.Of1997 (revised in 2003). Seismic design of buildings is addressed by NCh433.Of96. Before
1997, the 1940 document “Ordenanza General de Urbanismo y Construcción” had been used for
confined masonry construction.
Single-family dwellings are in the form of either one-storey detached houses or two-storey houses in
the row (townhouses). Plan dimensions for a typical unit are approximately 5 by 6 m, while the clear
floor height is on the range of 2.2 to 2.3 m. Kitchen and living room in two-storey houses are located at
the ground floor level, while the bedrooms are located at the second floor. The front facade of the
house is usually perforated with openings, while the transverse walls are solid. One- and two-storey
dwellings have timber floors and pitched timber roofs with timber gables.
Typical plan dimensions for three- and four-storey apartment buildings are: length from 25 to 30 m and
width from 5 to 8 m. There are typically four to six apartments per floor (depending on the building
size). An additional wall in the longitudinal direction (in addition to the exterior walls) is provided in
buildings with larger width. The distance between transverse walls ranges from 5 to 8 m. These
buildings usually have concrete floors and pitched timber roofs with timber trusses supported by tie-
beams running at the perimeter. Concrete floors are either cast-in-place or precast, with large hollow
masonry blocks (called bovedillas in Spanish) laid horizontally between precast reinforced concrete
beams (this is known as "Tralix" system).
Confined masonry buildings are characterized by masonry walls and reinforced concrete (RC)
confining elements (tie-columns and tie-beams). The walls are constructed first, followed by casting of
concrete in RC tie-columns, as shown in Figure 2. The walls are usually 140 mm thick and are built
using hollow clay blocks (hollow clay tiles) in cement mortar. A typical hollow clay block is shown in
Figure 3 a. Hand-made clay bricks are used for interior wall construction in some three- and four-
storey high confined masonry buildings. Hollow concrete blocks are scarcely used in the earthquake
affected area, however these blocks appear to be used in the northern part of Chile. There is no
information on the mechanical properties of masonry units found in the field, however NCh 2123
specifies the minimum compressive strength for clay brick units in the range from 4 MPa (hand-made
bricks) to 11 MPa (machine-made bricks). The specified strength of concrete blocks is 12 MPa (based
on the net area). The minimum compressive strength for masonry cement mortar is specified as 10
a) b)
Figure 2. Key features of confined masonry construction: a) foundation construction (note tie-column
reinforcement cages extending from the foundations), and b) wall construction.
RC tie-columns are usually built at 3 to 3.5 m spacing, although NCh 2123 permits the maximum
spacing of 6 m. Typical cross-sectional dimensions range from 140 to 200 mm (length), while the
depth is equal to the wall thickness (usually 140 mm). A toothed interface between the walls and the
tie-columns was observed in new and existing buildings, as shown in Figure 3 b. Toothing enhances
an interaction between masonry walls and RC confining elements. The longitudinal reinforcement in
tie-columns consists of four bars (8 to 10 mm diameter) - note that NCh 2123 prescribes the minimum
bar size of 10 mm. The ties are typically provided at 150 to 200 mm spacing. In most cases where the
ties have been exposed, the spacing was found to be uniform up the tie-column height, although NCh
2123 prescribes a closer spacing in the end zones. The tie size ranges from 4.2 mm diameter (for
prefabricated reinforcement cages) to 6 mm (for reinforcement cages assembled at the site). RC tie-
beams have similar reinforcement and dimensions like tie-columns. In buildings with timber roofs, the
width of tie-beams at the roof level exceeds the wall thickness (e.g. 200 or 250 mm wide tie-beams
and 140 mm thick walls).
a) b)
Figure 3. Confined masonry construction: a) a typical hollow clay unit, and b) a toothed wall-to-tie-
column interface.
Typical steel grade used for the RC confining elements is A44-28H (280 MPa yield strength), however
in recent years A63-42H steel grade has also been used (420 MPa yield strength). In some cases,
prefabricated reinforcement cages are used; these are fabricated using high-strength steel of AT56-
50H grade (500 MPa yield strength). The minimum specified concrete strength for confining elements
is 16 MPa (based on the cylinder strength).
Note that the above description are related to confined masonry buildings of recent vintage (1990s
and newer). The characteristics of older buildings of the 1950s and 1960s vintages are somewhat
different. A few damaged buildings of older vintage were observed in Santiago, but most of the
damaged buildings outside the metro Santiago area were of more recent vintage.
2. Damage Observations
By and large, confined masonry buildings performed very well in the February 2010 earthquake. Most
one- and two-storey single-family confined masonry dwellings did not experience any damage, with
the exception of a few buildings which suffered moderate damage. A similar statement can be made
for three- and four-storey confined masonry buildings: large majority of buildings remained
undamaged, however a few buildings suffered severe damage, and two three-storey buildings
collapsed. The key damage patterns are discussed below.
b) c)
Figure 4. In-plane shear failure of masonry walls: a) a three-storey building in Cauquenes experienced
severe damage at the ground floor level; b) a closer look into damaged walls in the same building, and c)
shear cracking in a brick masonry wall of a two-storey single family house.
A few instances of out-of-plane wall damage were observed. Most notable example was a three-storey
building in Cauquenes in which the damage was concentrated at upper floors, as shown in Figure 5.
The building had RC floors and a timber truss roof. Cracks in the third-floor wall panel extended into
the RC tie-beam, as shown in Figure 5 b (note that the tie-beam is wider than the wall). The out-of-
plane damage was observed in the transverse direction of the building. The same building suffered
extensive damage in the longitudinal direction at the ground floor level (see Figure 4).
a) b)
Figure 5. Out-of-plane damage of masonry walls in a three-storey building: a) second floor level, and b)
third (top) floor level.
Failure of RC tie-columns was observed in three- and four-storey apartment buildings in which
masonry walls suffered severe damage at the ground floor level. Absence of ties at the tie-beam-to-
tie-column joint, and inadequate anchorage of longitudinal reinforcement caused shear failure at the
tie-column ends (see Figure 6 a). Buckling of longitudinal reinforcement was observed where size
and/or spacing of ties at the tie-column ends was inadequate and the masonry crushing was severe,
as shown in Figure 6 b. The buckling took place due to excessive axial compression stresses in tie-
columns which developed after the masonry was crushed at the wall toe.
a) b)
Figure 6. Failure of RC tie-columns: a) shear failure at the ends of a RC tie-column (note an absence of
ties in the joint area), and b) buckling of longitudinal reinforcement at the base of a RC tie-column.
Figure 7 shows details of tie-column damage in a collapsed three-storey building in Santa Cruz. The
building lost its first floor and the photo shows damage at the second floor level. The masonry wall
panel experienced shear failure, and caused the failure at the ends of adjacent tie-columns.
Figure 7. Failure of RC tie-columns caused by the shear failure of the masonry wall panel.
Figure 8. Soft-story collapse mechanism for multi-story confined masonry buildings (Alcocer et al.,
For the first time in Chile, two three-story confined masonry buildings collapsed in an earthquake after
developing a soft story mechanism. One of the collapsed buildings was located in Santa Cruz, where
the maximum observed seismic intensity on the MSK scale was 7.5, out of maximum 9.0 reported in
the earthquake-affected area (Astroza et al., 2010). The building was a part of the building complex
consisting of 32 identical buildings (two rows of 16), as shown in Figure 9 a. Several factors influenced
seismic performance of this building and likely led to its collapse, such as inadequate wall density
(less than 1 % calculated on a floor basis) combined with low-strength masonry walls, absence of RC
tie-columns at the openings, and inadequate size of RC tie-columns. In this building, exterior walls
were built using hollow concrete blocks, and the interior ones using hand-made solid clay bricks. Wall
thickness was 150 mm and the size of RC tie-columns was 150 by 150 mm. The collapsed building
lost its ground floor, as shown in Figure 9 b.
a) b)
Figure 9. Collapse of a three-story confined masonry building in Santa Cruz: a) building complex, and
b) a building that collapsed at the ground floor level.
The other building was located in Constitución, a city affected both by the earthquake and the
subsequent tsunami. The maximum observed seismic intensity on the MSK scale was 9.0
(significantly higher than Santa Cruz) (Astroza et al., 2010). The collapsed building was a part of a
complex which included three buildings (A, B, and C) built on the hill, close to a steep slope, as shown
in Figure 10. Building C located closest to the slope (5 m distance on the west side) collapsed, while
buildings A and B suffered damages of various extent. It appears that several owner-driven
renovations took place before the earthquake - for example, a door opening appears to had been
made in a load-bearing masonry wall at the ground floor level of the collapsed building.
a) b)
Figure 10. Collapse of a three-story confined masonry building in Constitución: a) an aerial view of
buildings A, B and C, and b) a steep slope on the west side of the building complex.
The collapsed building shifted by approximately 1.5 m in the north direction (towards the slope), as
shown in Figure 11 a. Note that building B experienced more extensive damage than building A. The
damage in all buildings was more pronounced in the north-south direction (transverse direction of the
building plan). The collapse was initiated by the shear failure of the transverse walls, which was
followed by the out-of-plane failure in the longitudinal walls (horizontal cracks due to out-of-plane
seismic effects were observed in the longitudinal wall of building B). The walls were constructed using
140 mm thick hollow clay block units. RC tie-columns had different cross-sectional dimensions
depending on the location: length ranged from 140 to 200 mm, and depth was equal to the wall
thickness. In addition, a few wide RC columns (700 to 900 mm long and 140 mm wide) lightly
reinforced with nominal vertical and horizontal reinforcement were also found in these buildings.
These wide columns replaced tie-columns at some locations (this practice is followed in medium-rise
confined masonry construction in Chile). A typical floor plan is shown in Figure 11 b. It is believed that
the building location and geotechnical effects, in addition to a low wall density in the north-south
direction (less than 1 % calculated on a floor basis), were the key factors contributing to the collapse.
RC Tie-Columns::
P1= 15x14 cm
P2 = 20x14 cm
P4 = 15x15 cm
P5 = 70x15 cm
P6 = 90x14 cm
Figure 11. A collapsed three-story confined masonry building in Constitución: a) building C (located
closest to the slope) lost the ground floor and shifted by approximately 1.5 m away from the plinth
towards north, and b) a typical floor plan for Building C showing the locations of RC tie-columns.
3. Causes of Damage
Damage in confined masonry buildings affected by the February 2010 earthquake can be attributed to
one of the following major causes:
• Inadequate wall density,
• Inadequate quality of masonry materials and construction,
• Deficiencies in detailing of reinforcement in RC confining elements,
• Absence of RC confining elements at openings, and
• Geotechnical issues.
Excessively low wall density was one of the main causes of damage and/or collapse in three- and
four-storey apartment buildings. Wall density is the key parameter that influences seismic performance
of confined masonry buildings. It can be determined as a ratio of the cross-sectional areas of walls in
one principal direction and the total floor area of the building. The required wall density depends on
the seismic hazard, masonry shear strength, type of soil, and the number of stories. Preliminary
estimates of wall density ratios for the collapsed and severely damaged confined masonry buildings
indicate that wall density was on the order of 0.7 to 0.8% per floor. The amount of walls thus appears
to be excessively low for buildings located in high seismic hazard area (peak ground acceleration of
0.4g or higher) having walls built using hollow clay blocks. EERI (2010) recommends wall density ratio
in the range of 2 to 3% for one-storey buildings with these characteristics (and would need to be
substantially higher for a three-story building).
A substandard quality of masonry construction was observed in a few severely damaged buildings.
The quality of hollow clay blocks (hollow clay tiles) was generally found to be good. Poor quality of
hollow concrete blocks was observed in a few damaged apartment buildings, as shown in Figure 12 a.
In some instances, excessively thick mortar bed joints (on the order of 30 mm) were observed in brick
masonry walls, as shown in Figure 12 b. Hand-made clay bricks used for wall construction in these
cases were characterized by a substantially lower strength compared to machine-made bricks. As a
result, it is expected that the compressive and shear strength of such masonry is very low.
a) b)
Figure 12. Poor quality of masonry construction: a) low-strength concrete blocks, and b) excessively
thick mortar bed joints in brick masonry construction.
3.3. Deficiencies in Detailing of Reinforcement in RC Confining Elements
In general, the concrete quality was found to be satisfactory, with a few exceptions. Exposed RC
confining elements (tie-beams and tie-columns) in damaged buildings provided an opportunity to
examine detailing of reinforcement in these elements. A few important deficiencies were observed,
including i) inadequate confinement at the ends of tie-columns, ii) absence of ties in the joint region,
and iii) discontinuous longitudinal reinforcement at the RC tie-beam intersections.
Inadequate confinement at the ends of RC tie-columns was observed in most cases when these
regions were exposed due to earthquake damage, as shown in Figure 13 a. According to the NCh
2123, a closer tie spacing of 100 mm is required in tie-column end regions compared to that in the
middle portion of the column (200 mm). A typical detail showing tie spacing requirements for end
regions is shown in Figure 13 b. This practice was not observed in any of the damaged buildings. A
possible reason is the use of prefabricated reinforcement cages with uniform tie spacing up the tie-
column height. An enhanced confinement in the end zones of RC tie-columns is expected to prevent a
premature buckling when increased axial compression stresses develop in localized areas where
masonry is completely disintegrated, as discussed in Section 2.2.
Absence of ties in the joint region was observed in all cases where joints were exposed (see Figure 14
a). This deficiency could cause a shear failure in the joint region, as shown in Figure 14 b. Chilean
codes do not contain specific requirements for providing additional ties in the joint region, which could
be similar to a detail shown in Figure 14 c.
a) b)
Figure 13. Inadequate confinement in the end zones of RC tie-columns: a) buckling of longitudinal
reinforcement (note an excessively large tie spacing), and b) a closer tie spacing prescribed at the ends
of RC tie-columns (Blondet, 2005).
a) b)
Figure 14. Absence of confinement in the tie-beam-to-tie-column joint region: a) interior tie-column; b)
exterior tie-column, and c) drawing detail showing additional ties in the joint region (Credit: A. San
a) b)
Figure 15. Inadequate anchorage of tie-beam reinforcement: a) typical “corner” building; b) tie-beam
intersection showing a discontinuity in tie-beam reinforcement, and c) a drawing detail showing
“continuity reinforcement” at the intersection (plan view) – for a different building.
a) b)
Figure 16. RC confining elements at openings: a) absence of confining elements, and b) confined
openings (EERI 2010).
The effect of confinement at the ends of openings can be observed on an example of two apartment
buildings located in Santiago. The building shown in Figure 17 a had RC tie-columns at the ends of
the openings (note the concrete in the tie-column at the right was formed to mimic brick masonry
appearance). The building shown in Figure 17 b had RC tie-column in the middle of the pier. The first
building experienced moderate cracking, while the other building experienced severe cracking in
almost all piers at the first storey level. Both buildings survived the earthquake and were inhabited at
the time of the visit, in spite of apparent damage.
a) b)
Figure 17. In-plane shear cracking of piers in brick masonry walls: a) a confined masonry panel with RC
tie-columns at both ends (note RC tie-column highlighted with a black ellipse), and b) unconfined
opening (note RC tie-column at the middle of the pier highlighted with a red ellipse).
Chilean regulations did not prevent building construction in proximity of major slopes, however this has
changed after the earthquake when a new emergency regulation was issued.
There was another building site in Constitución where geotechnical issues likely caused severe
damage in confined masonry buildings. A complex of several three-storey buildings called Centinela
was built in 1992 (750 apartments in total). The buildings were built on a moderate slope, in the
proximity of a creek. All buildings, except for the one located closest to the creek (building B),
remained undamaged and were inhabited at the time of the visit. Building B experienced severe
damage, in the form of cracking in the walls and also floors at the ground floor level. Note that an
identical building complex in other part of the city remained undamaged. These buildings were
government-built (social housing), and construction quality issues were reported before the
Undamaged Severely damaged
(occupied) (vacated)
a) b)
Figure 18. A building in Constitución experienced severe damage: a) building B located closest to the
creek located on the right side of the building, and b) extensive exterior and interior damage in the
4. Conclusions
By and large, confined masonry buildings performed very well in the February 2010 earthquake. With
the magnitude of 8.8, February 27, 2010 earthquake is the most severe earthquake on the global
scale which exposed confined masonry buildings to severe ground shaking. As of this writing, the final
statistics on the total number of buildings affected by the earthquake and their typology is not
available, but it is estimated that only about 1% of the total building stock was affected by the
earthquake. This is considered to be a very good performance record for all building types,
considering the earthquake magnitude and the spread of ground shaking over a large populated area
of the country.
Most one- and two-storey single-family confined masonry dwellings did not experience any damage,
except for a few buildings which suffered only a moderate damage. A similar statement can be made
for three- and four-storey confined masonry buildings: large majority of buildings remained
undamaged, however a few buildings suffered severe damage, and two three-storey buildings
For the first time in Chile, three- and four-storey confined masonry buildings were exposed to severe
ground shaking in the February 2010 earthquake. Lessons learned from the detailed studies on
collapsed buildings and other deficiencies related to confined masonry construction observed in the
earthquake-affected area will benefit design provisions and lead to improvements in construction
practices of confined masonry buildings in Chile and other countries.
Financial support provided by the EERI’s Special Projects Initiative Fund and the Department of Civil
Engineering, Universidad de Chile is gratefully acknowledged. The authors would like to acknowledge
the following individuals who generously gave their time and shared valuable information during the
visit: Félix Cáceres, Jorge Jiménez and Rodrigo González of Serviu Regional Maule, Talca; Patricio
Lara of Universidad de Talca; and Universidad de Chile students Felipe Cordero, Manuel Nuñez, and
Felipe Castro.
Alcocer, S., Arias, J.G., and Flores, L.E. (2004). Some Developments on Performance-Based Seismic
Design of Masonry Structures. International Workshop on Performance-Based Seismic Design, Bled,
Astroza, M., Cabezas, F., Moroni, M., Massone, L., Ruiz, S., Parra,E., Cordero,F., and Mottadelli, A.,
(2010). Intensidades Sismicas en el Area de Daños del Terremoto del 27 de Febrero de 2010,
Universidad de Chile, Santiago (in Spanish) (http://www.eqclearinghouse.org/20100227-chile/wp-
Blondet, M. (2005). Construction and Maintenance of Masonry Houses – For Masons and Craftsmen.
Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru, Lima, Peru (free download available at www.world-
housing.net, Tutorials page)
EERI (2010). Seismic Design Guide for Confined Masonry Buildings, Earthquake Engineering
Research Institute, Oakland, California (April 2010 draft), www.confinedmasonry.org.
EERI (2010a). The Mw 8.8 Chile Earthquake of February 27, 2010. EERI Special Earthquake Report.
Newsletter. Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, California, June 2010.
Fannin, J. (2010). Personal Communication. Jonathan Fannin, Department of Civil Engineering, UBC,
Vancouver, Canada.
NCh 2123. Confined masonry – Requirements for structural design (NCh 2123.Of1997 Modified
2003). Albañilería Confinada – Requisitos de diseño y calculo (in Spanish).