Role of Media in Nation Building

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NUST GTTN Lecture Series

Role of Media in Nation Building

NUST Global Think Tank Network, a Policy corrupt officials in government institutions.
Research Institute arranged an interactive session The Panama case is an example of a high profile
on 26th April 2017, on “Role of Media in Nation corruption case that is still in progress but has
Building” by a renowned TV anchor Saadia Afzaal received tremendous coverage on all mediums of
as part of GTTN lecture series. Ms Saadia Afzaal media and is an adequate manifestation of how
started her career at PTV in 2003 and she currently media is addressing the menace of corruption in
hosts the show 92 at 8 on 92 News channel. She has Pakistan.
interviewed a number of distinguished scholars
and politicians on her shows and was the first Apart from the positive role that media plays, there
Pakistani female journalist to have covered the are certain negative aspects of the media which have
SWAT operation in 2007 under ISPR. amplified after the explosive commercialization
and emergence of large media houses, resulting in
The lecture was moderated by Brig (R) Amir intense competition between different players. This
Yaqub, Director Operations and Collaboration, has led to exaggeration of facts, undue speculation, 1
GTTN. biased opinions and have also increased instances

Global Think Tank Network

of yellow journalism in Pakistan.
Ms Saadia gave a detailed account of the “Role
of Media in Nation building,” primarily the During contingencies or natural disasters media
electronic media. She also highlighted the serves a critical role in spreading awareness about
different types of media that are currently active calamity stricken regions. This results in better
in Pakistan. According to her the primary role response by state institutions and a more fast paced
media plays is dissemination of information, recovery of the affected region. Media also keeps
creating awareness amongst the general public on a check on the distribution of aid as was the case
issues of public concern, ensuring accountability in the 2005 Earthquake and the massive floods of
of state institutions while also contributing to the 2010 that occurred in Pakistan.
entertainment industry.
Media is increasingly being used by terrorists to
Information disseminated by media outlets shapes advance their agenda by making their presence felt
the thinking of the general public, influences their and by amplifying terror in the hearts and minds
decisions and adds to their knowledge base. Media, of the public. On the contrary state agencies use
according to Ms Saadia, helps people establish media to issue security alerts and counter the
and understand their national identity. Certain terrorist and extremist narrative that is prevalent
elements in the media have stirred up confusion in Pakistan.
in the minds of the public about Quaid-e-Azam’s
vision, the creation of Pakistan and the ideology In her concluding remarks, Ms Saadia stressed
behind it; such elements need to be curtailed if on the need to enhance public trust in the media
media is to play an effective role in Nation Building. by enabling it to become free, independent and
Media ensures the accountability of State unbiased. She also pointed out the importance of
institutions by acting as a watchdog to protect developing a reformed regulatory framework by
public interests and advances democratic PEMRA that addresses the concern of the state,
ambitions through the freedom of speech and public and media. Attendees in the lecture voiced
expression in a society. It also exposes and protest concern about PEMRA’s role in regulating media
societal shortcomings. Hence, media has the power houses that tend to negate national interests and
to influence public behavior patterns and affect also highlighted the importance of communicating
cultural norms in a society. She pointed out that in regional languages to further strengthen the
Pakistani media has been adamant in exposing positive role of media in a society and advance its
role in the process of nation building.

The lecture was attended by NUST GTTN senior

fellows, academics, scholars, military officials,
researchers, and students.

Global Think Tank Network

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