factors for failed tracheal intubation in neonatal and pediatric to facilitate intubation. The presence of a comorbid condition is
transport. Methods. A retrospec-tive chart review was performed associated with a higher risk of tracheal intubation failure. Key
over a 2.5-year period. Data were collected from a hospital-based words: tracheal intubation; neonate; pediatric; specialty transport
neonatal/pediatric crit-ical care transport team that transports
2,500 patients annu-ally, serving 12,000 square miles. Patients
were eligible if they were transported and tracheally intubated by PREHOSPITAL EMERGENCY CARE 2015;19:17–22
the critical care transport team. Patients were categorized into two
groups for data analysis: (1) no failed intubation attempts and (2)
at least one failed intubation attempt. Data were tabulated us-ing
Epi Info Version 3.5.1 and analyzed using SPSSv17.0. Re-sults. Approximately 200,000 newborns, infants, and chil-dren in
A total of 167 patients were eligible for enrollment and were the United States are transported to a higher level of care
cohorted by age (48% pediatric versus 52% neonatal). Neonates each year. Airway management is an es-sential component
were more likely to require multiple attempts at in-tubation when of resuscitation efforts and nearly half of pediatric or
For personal use only.
compared to the pediatric population (69.6% versus 30.4%, p = neonatal critical care transports re-quire some form of
0.001). Use of benzodiazepines and neu-romuscular blockade was 2–7
associated with increased success-ful first attempt intubation rates respiratory intervention prior to or during the transport.
(p = 0.001 and 0.008, re-spectively). Use of opiate premedication Tracheal intubation can be fraught with complica-tions
was not associated with first-attempt intubation success. The even in the most controlled environment, such as the
presence of comor-bid condition(s) was associated with at least operating room. In the fields of prehospi-tal and
one failed intu-bation attempt (p = 0.006). Factors identified with interfacility transport medicine, the setting is often less
increas- controlled and multiple variables may de-crease the
opportunities to perform a successful tra-cheal
intubation. Lack of pediatric intubation exper-tise,
limited resources, and a less-than-ideal intubation
environment further reduce the success rate.
Clinical outcome data within emergency medical
Received June 7, 2013 from the Johns Hopkins Children’s Center,
Department of Anesthesia and Critical Care, Baltimore, Maryland (KAS),
services (EMS) literature have demonstrated that pre-
BIOSTATS, Inc., East Canton, Ohio (MDG), Cincinnati Chil-dren’s hospital tracheal intubation by paramedic teams offers little
Hospital Medical Center, Department of Pediatrics, Division of benefit compared to bag-valve mask ventilation.
Emergency Medicine, Cincinnati, Ohio (HPS), Yale University, Yale Children, however, are known to have increased oxy-gen
Children’s Hospital, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Crit-ical Care consumption, decreased oxygen reserve, and in-creased
Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut (JSG), and Akron Chil-dren’s
gastric distention with bag-valve mask ven-tilation
Hospital, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Critical Care Medicine, 7,12
Akron, Ohio (MF, MTB). Revision received April 9, 2014; accepted for regardless of nasogastric tube placement. Desaturation
publication September 9, 2014. and bradycardia during bag-valve mask ventilation in an
The authors report no conflicts of interest. The authors alone are re- already unstable patient can result in significant morbidity
sponsible for the content and writing of the paper. and mortality. In pediatric and neonatal critical care
Author contributions: KS, MG, MB were involved in study design, data transport, it is often neces-sary to ensure a more stable
collection, data analysis, data review, and manuscript prepara-tion; HS, airway to optimize oxy-genation and ventilation during
JG, and MF were involved in study design, data review, and manuscript transport.
preparation. Studies have cited first-pass success rates for pediatric
Address correspondence to Michael T. Bigham, MD, FAAP, Medical tracheal intubation ranging from 33 to 95% for transport
Director, Transport Services, Akron Children’s Hospital, One Perkins and emergency department personnel (paramedics,
Square, Akron, OH 44308-1066, USA. E-mail: [email protected]
trainees, and attending
doi: 10.3109/10903127.2014.964888
composition of the team in-cludes a pediatric or neonatal tracheal tube. There was no real-time record of desaturation
transport nurse, a trans-port paramedic, and a transport during each intubation attempt, though intubation practice
respiratory thera-pist. The critical care team transports includes preoxygenation and abandonment of intuba-tion
approximately 2,500 patients annually. The local critical attempt with desaturation below 90%. Successful
care transport paradigm includes the use of local EMS for placement was confirmed with end-tidal colorimetric
the regional transfer of non-critically ill patients to our capnometry, symmetric breath sounds by auscultation, and
tertiary re-gional children’s hospital and reserves the use of chest radiography, when available. Data collected were
the critical care transport team for patients with active or analyzed using appropriate statistical tests, including two-
high risk for development of critical care issues includ-ing sample t-test, nonparametric analog (Kruskal-Wallis) test
cardiac, respiratory, or neurologic failure. The pa-tients are for non-normally distributed data, and Pearson chi-square
transported via one of four ground units or one dedicated test via SPSSv17.0 (SPSS, Chicago). Odds ratios with 95%
helicopter servicing 12,000 square miles in confidence intervals were also computed for factors
For personal use only.
TABLE 1. Demographics
At least one failed intubation attempt No failed intubation attempts P-value Overall
Category/subcategory n = 56 n = 111 n = 167
Gender, n (%)
Male 35 (62.5) 66 (59.5) 101 (60.5)
Race, n (%)
White/Caucasian 43 (76.8) 87 (78.4) 130 (77.8)
Black/African American 10 (17.9) 12 (10.8) 22 (13.2)
Nonwhite/Other 2 (3.6) 11 (9.9) 13 (7.8)
Nonwhite/Hispanic 1 (1.8) 1 (0.9) 2 (1.2)
Neonatal population, n 39 48 87
Gestational age (weeks), mean (SD) 32.1 (4.75) 32.5 (6.23) 0.30 32.3 (5.59)
Weight (kg), mean (SD) 2.0 (0.96) 2.2 (0.99) 0.27 2.1 (0.97)
Pediatric population, n 17 63 80
Age (months), mean (SD) 27.1 (66.17) 17.8 (43.98) 0.47 19.8 (49.18)
Weight (kg), mean (SD) 12.1 (21.13) 8.8 (10.17) 0.36 9.5 (13.17)
PrehospEmerg Care Downloaded from by Dalhousie University on 02/10/15
(Table 2). Tracheal tube size ≤2.5 mm and the use of this study included abdominal wall defects, asthma,
uncuffed tracheal tubes were associated with multiple cerebral palsy, congenital heart disease, epilepsy,
failed attempts at intubation (p = 0.033 and <0.001, re- developmental delay, genetic syndromes, history of
spectively) (Table 2). prematurity, laryngomalacia, and/or tracheomalacia. The
Furthermore, the use of benzodiazepines and neu- use of benzodiazepine premedication (OR 0.34, 95%
romuscular blockade was associated with first-pass confidence interval 0.17–0.66) or neuromuscular blockade
intubation success (p = 0.001 and 0.008, respectively), (OR 0.31, 95% confidence interval 0.15–0.61) were
whereas the use of opiate premedication was not (Table 3). protective against at least one failed intubation attempt. Of
The presence of a preexisting comorbid condition was the six significant univariate factors, three were significant
associated with intubation attempt failure (p = 0.006) in predicting intubation failure in the final, reduced logistic
(Table 3). The referring hospital’s failed intubation regression model: neonatal patient, uncuffed tube, and
For personal use only.
attempt(s) prior to transport team arrival did not correlate failure to use neuromuscu-lar blocking (NMB)
with failure of intubation by the transport team (Table 3). premedication. Each of the three remaining factors was
significant (p < 0.05) in the final, reduced logistic
After univariate analysis, we identified several factors regression model, indicating their significant additive
that increased the odds of at least one failed intubation influence on the accuracy of the final predictive model.
attempt. These included neonatal patients (OR 3.01, 95%
confidence interval 1.52–5.96), tracheal tube size less than
or equal to 2.5 mm (OR 3.78, 95% confidence interval
1.52–9.40), use of an uncuffed tracheal tube (OR 6.85, DISCUSSION
3.06–15.35), and preexisting comorbid conditions (OR This study provided a detailed review of all pediatric and
2.64, 95% confidence in-terval 1.30–5.38). Comorbid neonatal critical care transport team intubations occurring
conditions identified in over 2.5 years. We identified multiple risk
a P-value from Pearson’s chi-square test for categorical variables. P-value from two-sample Student’s t-test for numeric variables. Benzo, benzodiazepine; NMB, neuromuscular
blocking agent.
factors associated with increased risk of at least one failed minister premedication to the neonatal population. In the
intubation attempt. United States prior to 2000, sedation and anal-gesia were
Additional risk inherent to the transport setting is the rarely used during the process of intuba-tion. Only 3% of
emergency nature of transport intubations. Anes-thesia data neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) in 1994 reported
have long-established that 1 in 10 emer-gency intubations using neurosedatives routinely in the practice of
For personal use only.
the clinical and physiologic impact of multiple failed (higher risk intubations), which could have influenced the
intubation attempts prior to transport. Anecdotally, we referring hospital to delay the intubation decision at the
believed that each intubation attempt made it “harder” for referring hospital, resulting in a higher risk cohort
subsequent intubators to intubate. Our data did not support requiring intubation by the transport team.
We suggest utilizing these findings in two ways. First,
patients with one or more of these risk factors should be CONCLUSION
identified in advance of the intubation at-tempt, permitting In our study population, there were higher rates of in-
a higher attention to preparation and mitigation (if tubation failure in transported neonates compared to
possible) of the modifiable risk fac-tors. Second, the transported pediatric patients. The risk seemed to be
intubation risk factors might serve to inform training and increased by the lack of benzodiazepine premedica-tion
simulation strategies for initial and maintenance of and the lack of a neuromuscular blocking agent. The
intubation competencies for criti-cal care transport teams. presence of comorbid conditions, regardless of age, was
associated with a larger risk of failure, al-though we could
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