Pxaa 116
Pxaa 116
Pxaa 116
doi: 10.1093/pch/pxaa116
Position Statement
Position Statement
Surfactant replacement therapy (SRT) plays a pivotal role in the management of neonates with res-
piratory distress syndrome (RDS) because it improves survival and reduces respiratory morbidities.
With the increasing use of noninvasive ventilation as the primary mode of respiratory support for pre-
term infants at delivery, prophylactic surfactant is no longer beneficial. For infants with worsening
RDS, early rescue surfactant should be provided. While the strategy to intubate, give surfactant, and
extubate (INSURE) has been widely accepted in clinical practice, newer methods of noninvasive sur-
factant administration, using thin catheter, laryngeal mask airway, or nebulization, are being adopted
or investigated. Use of SRT as an adjunct for conditions other than RDS, such as meconium aspiration
syndrome, may be effective based on limited evidence.
Decades of clinical trials and systematic reviews have es- METHODS OF STATEMENT
tablished the unequivocal benefits of surfactant replace- DEVELOPMENT
ment therapy (SRT) for neonates with respiratory distress
A search of MEDLINE, including Epubs ahead of print, in-process,
syndrome (RDS) (1–9). Irrespective of the strategy or
and other nonindexed citations (1946 to May 1, 2019), Embase
product used, surfactant has been shown to decrease
(1974 to May 1, 2019), and the Cochrane Central Register of
the need for ventilation support, risk of pulmonary air
Controlled Trials (May 1, 2019) was performed, using the OVID
leak, mortality, and the combined outcome of death or
interface. Search terms included the following: “surfactant,” “lung
bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) at 28 days (10),
surfactant extract,” “artificial lung surfactant,” “respiratory tract agent,”
without increasing adverse neurodevelopmental out-
“neonatal respiratory distress syndrome,” “respiratory distress syn-
comes (11,12). However, there remain a number of ques-
drome, newborn” “hyaline membrane disease,” “newborn infant,”
tions related to how surfactant should be used in light of
“pneumonia/or aspiration pneumonia,” “meconium aspiration,”
advances in other aspects of neonatal care, such as the
“lung hemorrhage,” “respiratory tract intubation/or assisted venti-
use of noninvasive respiratory support from birth and the
lation,” “medical nebulizer,” “Less invasive*,” “Minimally invasive*,”
availability of new techniques for administering surfac-
and “laryngeal mask.” Reference lists of publications and guidelines
tant. This update is necessary to guide clinical practice in
were reviewed. All relevant Cochrane reviews were included.
the current era.
The hierarchy of evidence from the Centre for Evidence- prophylactic surfactant via INSURE with CPAP use in the deli-
Based Medicine (CEBM) (Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based very room and provided surfactant via INSURE only to infants
Medicine 2014: http://www.cebm.net) was applied to the with clinical signs of RDS. Trial results have demonstrated that
publications identified. Recommendations are based on the the latter strategy is safe and that it may reduce the number of
format by Shekelle et al. (13). infants intubated and given surfactant (18,19,24). A recent sys-
tematic review by Isayama et al. (25) compared INSURE with
CPAP alone, and showed no statistically significant difference
between the two strategies in altering the incidence of BPD or
SURFACTANT TREATMENT death at 36 weeks, BPD, death, air leak, severe intraventricular
Prophylactic use of surfactant refers to a strategy of providing hemorrhage, neurodevelopmental impairment, and death or
exogenous surfactant at birth to infants at risk for RDS (9), with neurodevelopmental impairment. However, the relative risk
the aim of preventing severe RDS from developing. Selective estimates appear to trend in favour of INSURE over CPAP
use of surfactant refers to a strategy of providing exogenous alone, particularly in the outcomes of BPD or death, BPD, and
in infants born to mothers who received two doses of antena- with placebo (6). Another systematic review included 16 trials
tal corticosteroids. In one systematic review published in 2007, comparing different animal-derived surfactants (7). While the
analysis based on oxygen requirement criteria showed that a two types of bovine surfactant preparations were comparable
lower threshold (FiO2≤0.45) for intubation and surfactant in reducing death or BPD, meta-analysis showed that porcine
administration was associated with less air leak and BPD com- surfactant was more effective than bovine surfactant in redu-
pared with an FiO2 threshold >0.45 (23). Further, two large cing mortality before discharge, death or BPD at 36 weeks,
randomized trials that did not allow infants initially managed and need for re-dosing. In the subgroup analyses, the bene-
with CPAP to receive surfactant until an FiO2 threshold of 0.6 fit of porcine surfactant was only observed when given in the
was reached demonstrated higher rates of pneumothorax com- higher dose (>100 mg/kg) range. One recent trial (35) com-
pared with those who were intubated and given surfactant early paring bovine lipid extract surfactant to porcine minced lung
(24,32) (Level 1a evidence). extract (poractant) in 87 preterm infants <32 weeks GA who
Use of surfactant before inter-facility transport of preterm required surfactant within 48 hours of age, found that porac-
infants was found to be associated with lower oxygen require- tant was more effective in reducing duration of supplemental
nebulization), demonstrated that there is growing clinical inte- Laryngeal mask airway
rest in techniques that avoided mechanically ventilating infants A number of studies have reported the use of LMA for surfac-
with RDS (39). tant administration in higher GA (29 to 35 weeks) preterm
infants, demonstrating that this method is feasible and, com-
Less-invasive surfactant administration and minimally pared with surfactant given via ETT, may achieve better oxyge-
invasive surfactant treatment nation and lower need for invasive ventilation (53–57). The
Administering surfactant through a thin catheter instead of latter observation, however, may be confounded by the fact that
an endotracheal tube (ETT) may combine the avoidance of LMA insertion does not require premedication, while INSURE
mechanical ventilation with the benefits of early surfactant does. A new approach using the LMA to guide a catheter for
(40). LISA was first described by Verder et al. (41) as placing a LISA or MIST has been described and shown to be feasible wit-
small catheter in the trachea with a Magill forceps under direct hout overt adverse effect (58) (Level 2b evidence).
laryngoscopy, while the infant continues on CPAP support.
LISA is part of a complete strategy that also includes avoidance Pharyngeal surfactant
particles from an infant’s airways. One systematic review (65) factant available must be considered to optimize delivery
included three small trials of surfactant diluted with saline to method (Grade B).
varying concentrations and used for lavage in term and late-pre- 7. Surfactant replacement for infants with MAS or pulmon-
term infants with MAS. No difference in mortality, need for ary hemorrhage may be considered at clinicians’ discretion
extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), development (Grade B).
of pneumothorax, duration of ventilation, or length of stay, was
demonstrated. However, surfactant lavage was associated with Acknowledgements
reducing the combined outcomes of death or need for ECMO
This position statement was reviewed by the Community Paediatrics
(Level 2b evidence). Another systematic review (66) examined
Committee of the Canadian Paediatric Society.
the role of SRT in MAS, and while it again showed no diffe- Funding: There are no funders to report for this submission.
rence in mortality, air leak, duration of ventilation, and duration Potential Conflicts of Interest: All authors: No reported conflicts of in-
of supplemental oxygen, a significant decrease in the need for terest. All authors have submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of
ECMO was evident (Level 2b evidence). For neonatal pneu- Potential Conflicts of Interest. Conflicts that the editors consider rele-
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