Elizabeth K Satter, MD, Mph. 2017. Available At: 1. Buku Kulit Merah Edisi 7

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Dapus folikulitis

1. Buku kulit merah edisi 7

2. Djuanda A. 2007. Ilmu Penyakit Kulit dan Kelamin. 5th ed. Jakarta: Fakultas
Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia
3. Siregar R. S. 2004. Atlas Berwarna Saripati Penyakit Kulit Ed 2. Jakarta:EGC
4. D. S. S Emmy et al. 2004. Penyakit Kulit yang Umum di Indonesia. Jakarta: Medical
Multimedia Indonesia
5. Fahriah, Herry, Grace. Profil Pioderma Pada Orang Dewasa Di Poliklinik Kulit
Dan Kelamin Rsup Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado Tahun 2012
6. Elizabeth K Satter, MD, MPH. 2017. Folliculitis. Available at
7. Kowalak, P. Jennifer. 2011. Buku Ajar Patofisiologi. Jakarta: EGC
8. Bolognia,Jean L , Joseph L Jorizzo, Ronald P Rapini. 2008. Dermatology 2nd ed.
USA: Mosby Elsevier
9. Burns T, Breathnach S, Cox N, Griffiths C. 2005. Rook’s Textbook of Dermatology.
7th ed. Australia: Blackshell Publishing Company.
10. Straus,SE. Oxman,MN. Schmader,KE. In : Wolff KG,LA. Katz, SI. Gilchrest, BA.
Paller, AS. Leffeld, DJ. 2008. Fitzpatrick’s Deramatology In General Medicine. 7th ed:
McGraw Hill.
11. Fitzpatrick. 2012. Dermatology in General Medicine 8th ed. USA: Mc Graw Hill Medical
12. Sacchidanand, S , Savitha AS, Shilpa K. 2013. Snapshots in Dermatology. Nepal:
13. William D James, Timothy G Berger, Dirk M Elston. 2011. Diseases of The Skin
Clinical Dermatology 11th ed. USA: Saunders Elsevier
14. Habif T. 2003. Clinical Dermatology: A Color Guide to Diagnosis and Therapy. 4th ed.
USA: mosby
15. Robert A Schwartz, MD, MPH. 2017. Tinea Barbae. Available at
Baruu di ambil dipenatalaksanaan
3. Craft N, Lindy P. 2010. VisualDx: Essential adult dermatology. Philadelpia:
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. p. 152-4.
5. Hay RJ. Adriaans BM. 2010. Bacterial Infections in Rook’s Textbook of
Dermatology 8th Edition. London: Wiley-Blackwell. P: 30.7-8, 30.22-3.
10. Fred FF. 2009. Bacterial Skin Infection In Ferri’s Color Atlas and Text of Clinical
Medicine. London: Saundes Elsevier. P. 139
7. Richard M. editor 2014. Malassezia (pityrosporom) folliculitis in Dermatology
Clinical Aesthetic 7(3): 37-41.

1. Djuanda A. 2007. Ilmu Penyakit Kulit dan Kelamin. 5th ed. Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran
Universitas Indonesia
2. Siregar R. S. 2004. Atlas Berwarna Saripati Penyakit Kulit Ed 2. Jakarta:EGC
3. D. S. S Emmy et al. 2004. Penyakit Kulit yang Umum di Indonesia. Jakarta: Medical
Multimedia Indonesia
4. Fahriah, Herry, Grace. Profil Pioderma Pada Orang Dewasa Di Poliklinik Kulit Dan
Kelamin Rsup Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado Tahun 2012
5. Elizabeth K Satter, MD, MPH. 2017. Folliculitis. Available at
6. Kowalak, P. Jennifer. 2011. Buku Ajar Patofisiologi. Jakarta: EGC
7. Bolognia,Jean L , Joseph L Jorizzo, Ronald P Rapini. 2008. Dermatology 2nd ed. USA:
Mosby Elsevier
8. Burns T, Breathnach S, Cox N, Griffiths C. 2005. Rook’s Textbook of Dermatology. 7th ed.
Australia: Blackshell Publishing Company
9. Straus,SE. Oxman,MN. Schmader,KE. In : Wolff KG,LA. Katz, SI. Gilchrest, BA. Paller, AS.
Leffeld, DJ. 2008. Fitzpatrick’s Deramatology In General Medicine. 7th ed: McGraw Hill
10. Fitzpatrick. 2012. Dermatology in General Medicine 8th ed. USA: Mc Graw Hill Medical
11. Sacchidanand, S , Savitha AS, Shilpa K. 2013. Snapshots in Dermatology. Nepal: Jaypee
12. William D James, Timothy G Berger, Dirk M Elston. 2011. Diseases of The Skin Clinical
Dermatology 11th ed. USA: Saunders Elsevier
13. Habif T. 2003. Clinical Dermatology: A Color Guide to Diagnosis and Therapy. 4th ed. USA:
14. Robert A Schwartz, MD, MPH. 2017. Tinea Barbae. Available at

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