Seminars Roles

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2.1 Purpose
Seminar is a teaching technique for higher learning. A specific subject or topic is delivered
as an article or report in the seminar. The article and its concepts submitted in the seminar are
analyzed and discussed through group discussion to arrive a final decision or concept. (C.N.
Raja & T.P. Rao)

A seminar is an advanced group technique which is usually used in higher education. It is an

instructional technique it involves generating a situation for a group to have a guided
interaction among themselves on a theme. It refers to a structured group discussion what usually
follows a formal lecture or lectures often in the form of an essay or a paper presentation on a

In its most pared down sense, a seminar is a meeting in which people can learn about a
topic. Many small businesses owners often wonder whether they can justify attending or sending
staff to one. If employers or employees are busy, they sometimes feel they can't take time off
work to sit idly listening at a seminar. People who are in a struggling business also can have a
difficult time grasping why they should spend money they don’t really have on such an
endeavor. Learning about seminar purposes could help small businesspeople decide whether
attending one would be worthwhile.

2.2 Motivational
When you attend a seminar, expect to be motivated, energized and ready to go back to
work applying a new technique you just learned. Seminar speakers generally realize that
attendees expect to be entertained and inspired, and they usually try to oblige. To make the
most of this new stimulation you achieved, you should apply what you learned soon after
returning to the office; otherwise, you would have wasted that function of the seminar. The
motivational aspect of seminars is supposed to bring new life to your business by teaching you
to apply new tactics you might not have known about before. Take notes. If you write down an
idea that motivates you, you might be more likely to apply it.

2.3 Educational
Businesspeople can gain valuable knowledge at seminars. You might need to learn to
create an effective marketing plan, a better time management system or how to be a better
salesperson. Some of the more popular educational topics are customer service and problem
solving, according to Entrepreneur. Whatever the topic, you could learn what you need to help
your business by attending the right seminar. Some seminars teach subjects geared to personal
growth, such as learning to be more assertive, to better manage stress or to choose the right
sort of investments. These types of personal seminars also can prove useful in business. If you run
a small business, you might also receive benefits by using a seminar as part of your training
program for your company.

3.1 Seminar Committee

Seminar is conducted or organized by the committee proposed for this purpose only. This
committee constitutes a chairperson, Organizing Secretary and subject experts who are
expertise in the theme proposed for seminar. The organizing committee guides and helps with
the functions of Chairperson and organizing secretary. Usually a seminar has been conducted
with the following team of organizing body.

The higher learning process requires the interactive and integrated methodologies based on
the psychological principles. The seminar method applies such technique of human interaction
/ intervention with the learning and teaching experiences.

3.1.1. Chairperson or President / Convener of Seminar

Naturally, S/he may be the apex person of the Institution / Department / Government /
Firm / Policy maker of the concerned body or agency.

3.1.2. Organizing Secretary of Seminar

Usually he is nominated by the Chair person or President of the Seminar committee. S/he
must be a good administrator and subject expert in the field proposed theme of the
seminar. He must be the person of tolerance and capable of doing things in right time
with right persons.

3.1.3. Chairperson of the Technical Session of seminar

S/he must be the person with expertise in the theme proposed for the seminar. S/he would
have a good experience to perform all the activities of technical session which is vital to
the seminar.

3.1.4. Speaker of Seminar

S/he is the active participant of seminar presenting his / her paper among the other
participants in the presence of Chair Person of Technical session of seminar.

3.1.5. Participants / Paper presenters of seminar

The people who are presenting papers and observing the paper presentation by
participating in the seminar are termed as Paper presenters and Participants of the

3.2.1 Role of President or Convener:

The convener has to plan and prepare the total functionaries. He is the core person and
decides the theme of the seminar and fixes the objectives of seminar. He is the key person
to hold all administrative functions and advisory for the seminar.

3.2.2 Role of Organizing Secretary:

He is the key person of the Seminar and responsible for the planning and executing the
functions of seminar. He is the prime advisory for the convener in selecting the appropriate
functionaries for technical session and selection of paper presenters. The time and venue
of seminar and other administrative works are decided by him with the advice of convener.
He has to circulate the circulars regarding the seminar (Call of Papers, Seminar information
etc.,) among the participants and the firms or institutions.

3.2.3 Role of Chairperson of the Technical Session of seminar:

He is the only person to hold the complete responsibility of the whole technical session.
He should have the adequate knowledge about the subject or theme dealt in the seminar.
Also he is cooperative and clarifies the speaker’s presentation. He has to control the whole
session with lively instructions and information. If necessary, he may involve in the
discussion but it must encourage the group and speaker into direct directions. At the end
of each session he has to brief the discussions held by the speakers also he has to provide
the vote of thanks to the participants and the members of seminar committee for their
cooperation and participation.

3.2.4 Role of the Speaker / paper presenter of seminar:

The speaker or paper presenter is the person who prepares an article or paper about
the theme or sub-theme of the seminar to read and discuss in the seminar concerned. He
should prepare his paper with right and updated information with sufficient knowledge
about the paper or subject he dealt. Also he may issue the copies of his paper to the
participants. This makes the observers and participants for warm participation with good
discussion forum. He has to reply to the group or questioner without ambiguity. He should
be tolerant when the chairperson interrogates his paper with remarks.
3.2.5 Role of the participants of seminar:
There may be 25-40 participants in each sitting only allowed. The participants should
have knowledge about the theme of seminar. S/he must have the questioning skills. S/he
must appreciate or criticize speakers’ ideas and concepts positively. Participant may
express his own experience and knowledge to interrogate speakers’ view.

3.2.6 Role of the observer of seminar:

The eminent persons and Honorable guests are invited to attend / participate in the
seminar are known as observers. They have to observe the discussion and other events
occurred in the seminar and deliberate their own views regarding them with the permission
of Chairperson of the technical session. Their views and impressions play a remarkable role
with the discussion and finalization of the concepts derived in the seminar theme. However,
they should avoid the negative and inappropriate views against the seminar theme or

3.3 In organizing a seminar, the following roles are performed:


Responsibility of an organizer is to
 Plan and prepare the whole program of the seminar.
 To decide the theme
 Assign the parts of theme to different person
 He decides that who will be the speaker
 Direct the whole program and keeps the discussion on the theme of seminar
 They prepare the topic thoroughly and Xerox copies of papers are prepared and
distributed among the participants before the commencement of the topic.
 The speaker should be ready to define the questions
 Participants should be well acquainted with theme.
 They should appreciate the performance of the speaker.
 They should be able to put questions and seek clarification
 There are 25 -30 participants in seminar.
(Teaching of Science, First Year Source Book (D.T.Ed.) Tamil Nadu Textbook Society, Chennai-
600006. p74-78.).

T. Madhavan. (n.d.). Lecturer (Science), DIET, “Seminar Methods”.

Agadoni, Laura. (n.d.). Purpose of a Seminar. Small Business - Retrieved from

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