Allan (129 148)
Allan (129 148)
Allan (129 148)
The Workshop
9 units prepared by writers
and presented to future The workshop has a theoretical foundation based
workshop leaders on Newman (1977), who maintained that when a
person attempted to answer a standard, written,
mathematics question then that person had to
Saturday meeting at MOE as preparation
for school workshops - writers and
be able to pass over a number of successive
Leadership Cycle
leaders hurdles: Reading (or Decoding), Comprehension,
Transformation, Process Skills, and Encoding.
Along the way, it is always possible to make
a Careless error. While there are many other
School workshops in 5 Teachers prepare a report for theoretical approaches available to teachers,
schools - Wednesdays next workshop
Newman’s offers one of the easiest to use and
adapt and has proven popular among teachers.
Teacher Cycle
In the past, teaching in the period BC (before
constructivism) teachers often had negative
Teachers and leaders
implement lessons and conduct
Teachers and leaders complete feelings about the mistakes that children would
pre- and post-tests
between unit tasks and readings
make, regarding them as “unfortunate” events that
need to be eliminated and possibly avoided at
all times. However, the strategy of more drill and
Figure 1. AMIC cycle for writers, leaders and classroom
practice has been replaced by regarding errors as
teachers (White & Clements, p. 152 ,2005a).
valuable sources of student thinking. As teachers
it is difficult to escape from children’s mistakes so
it is worthwhile finding out why children make the
Workshop Objectives
15 Mathematics Questions: Write the answer to each
• To learn the Newman “analysis of errors” strategy for
question in the space provided. The teachers were asked
identifying why children make mistakes on written
to give the following questions to their sample of year
mathematical tasks.
5 students. How would your study perform on this list?
• To use the Newman error analysis interview to find
Why not use one of your own recently completed tests
out why real Primary 5 pupils made mistakes on a
and conduct the Newman analysis?
mathematics test.
• To study the types of errors made by different pupils
1. Balkis has $4.80 and Said has $6.34. How much
in a Primary 5 class on some written mathematics
more money does Said have than Balkis? Answer:
tasks, and develop error profiles for the pupils.
2. Here are three fractions: 1/3, 1/4, 1/10. Write these
fractions in order of size, from smallest to largest.
Workshop Activities
Smallest Fraction:_____ Middle Fraction: _____
The teachers were expected to:
Largest Fraction: _____
• Discuss mistakes which children would be likely 3. If Raman gives the shopkeeper $5 for a box of flour
to make on some simple paper-and-pencil that costs $3.65, how much change should he get?
mathematics questions. Answer:
• Administer a pencil-and-paper mathematics test 4. Ice cream cost 85 cents each, and apples cost
to a Primary 5 class, marks the pupils’ scripts, and 45 cents each. How much altogether would 7 ice-
prepare Newman “interview data” sheets. creams and 5 apples cost? Answer:
• Conduct Newman Interviews with Primary 5 children 5. I had a piece of rope, but someone cut 15 metres
who attended the workshop for this purpose. off it. When I measured the rope that remained, I
found it was only 57 metres long. How long was my
Activity 1: Examination of some common mathematical original piece of rope? Answer:
errors. The teachers discussed the following examples in 6. It takes Kim 15 minutes to walk to school. If school
small groups before joining a large group discussion. starts at 8:05 a.m., at what time must she leave
home so that she can get to school just as school
3+ =7 A common answer error is 10 starts? Answer:
“A plus sign means to add” 7. Radiah is 12 days older than Mary. If Radiah’s
. 35 A common answer error is 912 birthday is January 29, on what day is Mary’ s
+67 “Add the numbers in each column and birthday? Answer:
write the sums under the line 8. A shop is open from 1 o’clock in the afternoon to 5
42 a common answer error is 35. o’clock in the evening. For how many hours is the
-17 “When you subtract, you take the shop open? Answer:
smaller number from the larger”. 9. If the time is now 9 o’clock, what was the time 4
300 A common answer error is 163 or 174 hours ago? Answer:
-136 “You can’t subtract a number from zero, 10. Find the value of 940 - 586. Answer:
so you change zero into nines and the 3 11. What time will it be 35 minutes after the time shown
becomes two”
on the clock? (10 minutes past 6). Answer:
“You can’t subtract from zero, so
you borrow from the 3 and the zeros 12. Two exercise books and a pencil cost $2 altogether.
become tens”. If pencil costs 30 cents, how much does an exercise
1 + 2 A common answer error is 3/5 book cost (each book costs the same amount of
2 3 “When you add fractions, you add money as the other)? Answer:
across the top and across the bottom”. 13. There are 12 apples on the table. If you picked up
2.06 + 1.3 + 0.38 A common answer error is 2.57. one-third of the apples, how many apples would
“Line up the numbers and add”. there still be left on the table? Answer:
This is a form of decimal blindness - 14. Pensri works in a shop each day from March 22
they don’t see the point. to March 26. If she earns $10 a day, how much
$5.40 x 0.15 A common answer error is $81.00. altogether did she earn? Answer:
“After you do the calculation, bring 15. Bella takes exactly 3 hours to walk 15 km. How long
down the decimal point”. would it take her (if she walks at the same speed) to
walk 20 km? Answer: