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Junichiro Yokota*1
Crush syndrome is a condition observed in patients who have been buried under collapsed buildings or rubble.
It is characterized by rhabdomyolysis developing shortly after rescue and subsequent hyperkalemia, shock, acute
renal failure, and other systemic symptoms. The development of acute renal failure can be avoided if fluid therapy
is initiated early and diuresis can be induced. In severe cases, intensive care including hemodialysis, prevention
of compartment syndrome, and infection control is effective in reducing the mortality. However, actual treatment
involves considerable difficulties because we must deal with a large number of patients at the time of a disaster.
Even in such demanding situations, we should be able to save the lives of as many patients as possible by
predicting the development of crush syndrome, initiating fluid therapy as part of confined space medicine,
practicing appropriate triage, and transporting patients to high-level medical institutions.
Key words Traumatic rhabdomyolysis, Ischemia reperfusion syndrome, Acute renal failure, Fluid therapy,
Hemodialysis, Compartment syndrome
the action of vasodilator factors.52 However, one study reported the lack of
c) Changes in serum calcium and phosphorus significant differences in TNF-alpha and IL-1
The phosphorus flowing out of the cells tends to beta compared with healthy persons, and there is
combine with calcium and be deposited in the no evidence supporting this possibility.55 Studies
body as a result of lowered renal function, in the former USSR include a paper stating
and this sometimes appears as calcification in that early hypercatecholaminemia is involved in
X-ray observation.53 This deposition is reported shock, organ failure, and depression of immunity.56
to appear more clearly on CT images of Extreme tension of the sympathetic nerves due to
affected limbs.54 Combined with the influx of pain and mental stress has already developed when
Ca into the damaged cells, Ca deposition causes the body is being compressed. Catecholamine
remarkable hypocalcemia during the oliguric suppresses tissue perfusion, promoting tissue
phase. In contrast, hypercalcemia develops when damage and depressing the monocytic phagocyte
the patient enters the diuretic phase. system and immune system. The author of the
d) SIRS or sepsis above paper discusses decompression after rescue
This syndrome causes gradual strengthening leading to hypercatecholaminemia, fluid shift,
of systemic inflammatory response in addition and intoxication with myolysis and pathogenic
to body fluid movement and renal failure. microflora products, resulting in shock, organ
Leukocytosis, CRP increase, and fever are impairment, infection, DIC, etc. On the other
observed when no infection foci are expected to hand, it has been pointed out that fasciotomy
occur, and the patient often presents the remote for compartment syndrome tends to be a cause
organ failure such as DIC, respiratory failure, or of infection and sepsis.57
liver impairment. While the most significant cause
of death during the initial 2 weeks is acute renal Disaster Medicine to Cope with Crush
failure, later deaths are caused chiefly by multiple Syndrome
organ failure.48 Considering the recent concept of
systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS), Rescue and on-the-spot treatment
it is possible that the condition involves various It is important to expect that a patient buried
mediators derived from leukocyte activation. under debris or a collapsed house to develop CS
1. Hemodilution
2. Weight gain and sequestration of external cellular fluid
3. Congestive lung, ARDS
4. DIC
6. Sepsis
from the rescue stage. Table 2 summarizes the been used to describe the extrication of victims
physical findings to be examined as the basis for confined in closed or small spaces, and medical
diagnosis. Unless complicated by other injury, practice conducted in such situations is called
the patient is fully conscious and vital signs are “confined space medicine”.3 Confined space
stable at the time of rescue. Therefore, severity medicine is not a pure medical discipline, but a
evaluation and triage based on vital signs alone form of practical medicine striving to incorporate
tend to result in underestimation of the patient’s medical treatment into the process of difficult
condition, and much attention must be paid to rescue. Confined space rescue is characterized
the injury mechanism and physical findings in the by risk involved in rescue activities arising from
limbs.43 Even if the affected limb has no swelling the presence of hazardous substances (carbon
or skin damage, motor paralysis and paresthesia monoxide, toxic gas, etc.), oxygen-depleted air, the
are always observed. Paresthesia often presents possibility of explosion, the collapse of housing
an irregular map-like appearance. While the structures, etc. As a result, rescue activities may
skin is sometimes intact, cases of protracted take long time to complete, and only limited,
compression show pale skin at the center with basic medical care can be provided in the process.
circulation impairment, and blisters are observed. Victims of disasters with a high probability of
Cases with accompanying head and trunk developing CS are in fact confined in such
injury or bone fracture in the limbs present dangerous situations.
complicated clinical symptoms. In addition, it is Efforts to rescue victims should not be
important to understand that clinical symptoms abandoned for at least the first 5 days.58 In the
change depending on the time after rescue. case of the Marmara Earthquake, the longest
Recently, the term “confined space rescue” has time before the rescue of live victims was 135
On the spot
In the hospital
hours, and victims with less severe injury are to the risk of infection, it should be replaced
expected to withstand longer before rescue and soon after rescue. Due to the risk of inadvertent
survive. aspiration, oral feeding is now considered an
option to be selected only when infusion is
Initiation of fluid therapy impossible.
Fluid therapy is the first choice in the The purposes of fluid therapy in CS are: (1)
management of CS, because the development of to replenish the shortage of extracellular fluid:
shock and acute renal failure can be avoided by (2) to promote the renal excretion of potassium;
the early provision of fluid resuscitation, such as and (3) to avoid acute renal failure. On the
the initiation of fluid infusion on the spot before spot of disaster, the rapid administration of
rescue. As early as 1943, the UK Department of physiological saline is conducted at a rate of
Health directed that air-raid victims be given 1.5 L/h (10–20 mL/kg/h for children), and an
large quantities of water containing sodium infusion cocktail containing sodium bicarbonate
bicarbonate before rescue.5 The importance of 1 A and mannitol 10 g per 1 L of infused fluid
pre-rescue and on-the-spot fluid therapy was is recommended (3). No consensus has been
later emphasized by the US armed forces during reached concerning the use of lactate Ringer
the Vietnam War,9 urologists in former East solution or acetate Ringer solution.
Germany,59 a review in Australia,60 those by a Mannitol is effective in improving blood
group in Israel,61,62 and study reports on the pressure through the increase in extracellular
Kobe Earthquake63 and the Bingol Earthquake fluid and strengthening of the contracting power
in Turkey.22 The initiation of infusion before of the myocardium. It also protects the kidneys
rescue is particularly recommended, but the through various mechanisms such as dilation
decision should be made considering the safety of glomerular blood vessels, enhancement of
of activity in a confined space. Since the infusion filtration pressure, increase in tubular flow,
route established on the spot of disaster is liable and inhibition of damage from reactive oxygen
species.64 In addition, it retards the progression of will be eventually needed, we need appropriate
compartment syndrome via an action resembling triage criteria to avoid the preventable death of
the mechanism for the suppression of brain CS patients. For this purpose, we need to improve
edema.65 In addition to the osmotic effect, this Step 2 anatomical criteria and Step 3 mechanistic
efficacy is considered to involve the action of criteria in secondary triage. Specifically, “paralysis
mannitol as a scavenger for reactive oxygen of limbs” should be added to the anatomical
species involved in cell membrane impairment.66 criteria and “confinement in a closed space or
Sodium bicarbonate improves hyperkalemia burial under debris” should be added to the
and metabolic acidosis, and prevents myoglobin mechanistic criteria, and patients meeting these
and uric acid deposition in the renal tubules.62 criteria should be considered as having CS.
However, alkalosis tends to cause ectopic According to an experimental study, the
calcification (deposition of calcium phosphate), severity of CS is proportional to the time of
and this must be corrected by the use of compression and the amount of injured muscles.67
acetazolamide. However, in actual disasters, no correlation is
If fluid therapy is performed in a medical found between the time to rescue and severity.68
institution equipped for drug preparation, a This may reflect the fact that less severe cases
protocol modified from the formula of Ron et withstand longer before rescue. There is certainly
al.13 may be considered (Table 3). The principle a correlation between the volume of injured
of this protocol is the use of a starting fluid muscles and severity. The extent of injury can
to avoid potassium load and the use of an be evaluated by CK level,1 blood myoglobin
alkaline isotonic electrolyte fluid with sodium level,69 the number of parts with compartment
bicarbonate adjustment. The goals of fluid syndrome,33 and the number of limbs affected
therapy are stabilization of circulation, hourly by compression.48 Oda et al. found that patients
urine volume of 200 to 300 mL, blood pH⬍7.5, with a larger number of injured parts had higher
and urine pH between 6 and 7. CK levels, and the CK level was higher than
If fluid therapy is not initiated early, the 250,000 U/L when injury involved both lower
patient may suddenly die from shock and limbs and the trunk. The CK level is elevated
hyperkalemia. Avoidance of acute renal failure is by approximately 50,000 U/L for each affected
usually difficult unless fluid therapy is initiated limb. Therefore, it is reasonable to evaluate
within 6 hours. Even if the patient does not severity based on the number of affected limbs
develop severe conditions, the patient presents on the spot of disaster.
dark brown urine (mainly myoglobinuria) due
to oliguria several hours after rescue, and gradu- Establishment of hemodialysis
ally develops hyperkalemia, hyperphosphatemia, In the Kobe Earthquake, only 25% of the
hypocalcemia, azotemia, metabolic acidosis, and patients who received infusion within 40 hours
high CK blood levels. after disaster developed renal failure, while all
patients in which infusion was initiated more than
Triage and severity evaluation 40 hours after disaster developed renal failure.63
Unless complicated by other injury, the patient Early fluid therapy increases the frequency of
shows relatively stable vital signs at the time cases not requiring hemodialysis, but even with
of rescue. In fact, a review of CS cases such efforts, about 40% of patients with CS
following the Kobe Earthquake showed that following a disaster need hemodialysis. Of the
initial measurements of blood pressure and 639 patients with CS following the Marmara
heart rate indicated no abnormalities predicting Earthquake, 477 (74.6%) needed hemodialysis.21
circulatory failure.1 Therefore, patients are rarely During treatment, patients with CS often develop
classified as having an immediate life threat (red) multiple organ impairment and sepsis in addition
at initial triage using START (Simple Triage to acute renal failure. Surgical treatment of
and Rapid Treatment) or the UK Triage Sieve, compartment syndrome and necrotic tissues
and they are likely to be undertriaged. Because may also become necessary. Therefore, many
patients with CS are likely to take a sudden turn hospitals with hemodialysis, intensive care, and
for the worse at any time from immediately after orthopedic surgery capability must be made
rescue and management of acute renal failure available, and casualties must be transported to
such hospitals. If diuresis is not achieved by fluid In this condition, wound closure is impossible,
therapy, precautions should be taken during and the wound eventually becomes the focus of
transportation to prevent congestive heart failure, septic infection, necessitating radical debridement
pulmonary edema, and hyperkalemia due to and amputation.74 Fedorov et al. warned that
excessive infusion. Portable analyzers are useful inadequate surgical treatment in the early periods
for monitoring electrolytes and other parameters (complete closure of open wounds, failure to
at first-aid stations and during transportation.70 perform the debridement of fat and soft tissues,
However, the strategy based on the transpor- etc.) leads to severe wound infection.75 Zimina et
tation of casualties has limitations both in the al. identified decompressing wounds as a cause
capacity of transportation and in the availability of death from sepsis or infection, in addition to
of medical facilities providing hemodialysis. shunts and catheters.76 Decompressing incision
Following the Spitak Earthquake in Armenia was performed in 49 (13%) of 372 cases following
in 1988, many patients requiring hemodialysis the Kobe Earthquake. Wound infection occurred
were transported to hospitals, but some patients in 12 cases (24%) and 2 patients died from sepsis.
were unable to receive treatment because of Following the Chi-Chi Earthquake in Taiwan in
the limited number of hemodialyzers. Learning 1999, fasciotomy was performed in 35 patients,
from this incident, the International Society of resulting in wound infection in 8 cases, deep
Nephrology (ISN) in Europe established the infection in 16 cases, and amputation of affected
Renal Disaster Relief Task Force (RDRTF) in limbs in 6 cases.23 Of the 639 cases treated
1995.71 RDRTF launched a program to send a following the Marmara Earthquake, infection
team of medical staff specializing in hemodialysis occurred in 223 cases (34.9%) and sepsis devel-
and hemodialysis equipment. In fact, the team oped in 121 cases (18.9%). An analysis of the
began operation within 6 hours after the Marmara correlation between sepsis and fasciotomy showed
Earthquake and treated 462 cases of acute renal a significant difference (P⬍0.01) between the
failure. The mortality rate among these patients 24.8% (80/323) and 13.0% (41/316) occurrence
was 19%. Thus, we need activities following rate among fasciotomized and non-fasciotomized
the example of RDRTF in parallel with the cases, respectively. Erek et al. also concluded that
transportation of patients to non-disaster areas. fasciotomy was a factor inducing sepsis.21
Selecting blood purification methods other The fact that most neurologic symptoms
than hemodialysis is still controversial. Because improve after follow-up observation without
the clearance of myoglobin is not affected even incision provides the basis for rejecting aggressive
by the use of methods other than HD, such treatment. In particular, as paresthesia resolves
as PE and CHDF, blood purification in CS almost completely, conservative treatment is
should be regarded as the means for treating expected to achieve higher quality in ADL than
acute renal failure rather than the elimination fasciotomy or amputation, although some ROM
of myoglobin.72 restriction due to contracture may remain.13,14
With some victims of the Kobe Earthquake, there
Treatment of compartment syndrome were some cases in which it was difficult to
No consensus has been reached concerning conclude whether peripheral paralysis of the
whether or not fasciotomy should be performed lower limps was caused by ischemic injury due to
to treat compartment syndrome in CS. Early compression of the nerves or by complications
treatment certainly improves chances of preser- with compartment syndrome. These patients
vation of the functions of affected limbs and showed remarkable recovery of muscle power
avoidance of amputation, but the inevitable within 8 to 9 months without decompressing
development of infection worsens life prog- incision, although recovery in the area around
nosis.36,43,73 Many reports have pointed out the the peroneal nerve was retarded.77 Matsuoka et
risk of uncontrollable hemorrhage and infection al. studied the 2-year functional outcome of the
associated with fasciotomy in CS. Incision 58 limbs affected by compartment syndrome
causes hemorrhage from muscles even in parts of the victims of the Kobe Earthquake with
considered necrotic, and physicians often hesitate CS. They obtained no evidence that fasciotomy
to conduct debridement, resulting in further improves outcome. Delayed rescue, delayed
progression of necrosis due to increased swelling. decompression, and radical debridement after
fasciotomy were identified as negative factors. complications with sepsis, thrombocytopenia, DIC,
They concluded that fasciotomy is indicated acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS),
for patients that have been rescued early, and and thoracoabdominal trauma, emphasizing the
surgical treatment in the acute phase should importance of the clinical capacity to treat
be as minimal as possible.78 Fasciotomy requires these injuries and organ impairment. A study of
measurement of intracompartmental pressure, the 6,107 patients hospitalized in 95 hospitals
but hygienic manipulation is difficult to perform over 15 days following the Kobe Earthquake
on the spot of disaster or at first-aid stations. For compared treatment outcome among patients
the reasons discussed above, many physicians treated in hospitals in disaster areas and those
are cautious about the use of fasciotomy for in non-disaster areas.32 The patients treated in
compartment syndrome in CS patients following hospitals in disaster areas showed a higher
a disaster. mortality rate from CS and trauma than the
other group of patients. This suggests the need
Treatment after transportation to hospital for treatment at high-level medical institutions.
Fluid therapy and hemodialysis for acute renal
failure are the central part of treatment in Conclusion
the early periods after injury. However, severe
cases require intensive care to cope with various CS is not a serious disease, provided that it occurs
complications such as ARDS, DIC, infection, sporadically at ordinary times. However, the
and sepsis. Patients with open wounds, those with large number of patients and the limited medical
ischemic necrosis in the soft tissues, and those treatment available in major disasters make
receiving fasciotomy inevitably develop infection, the treatment of this syndrome a considerable
requiring repeated debridement and often challenge. Even in such demanding situations,
amputation of the affected limb. As discussed we should be able to save the lives of as many
above, we need to remember that late deaths are patients as possible by predicting the development
caused by sepsis and multiple organ impairment. of CS, initiating fluid therapy as part of confined
A review of the 97 fatalities following the Marmara space medicine, practicing appropriate triage,
Earthquake (mortality rate 15.2%⳱97/639) also and transporting patients to high-level medical
demonstrated that the main causes of death were institutions.
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